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NAME: CAT_STRUCT PURPOSE: Concatenate all tags within 2 or more structures. Return one structure with the same tags as each individual structure. CATEGORY: Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = CAT_STRUCT( STR1, STR2, STR3, STR4, STR5 ) INPUTS: STR1, STR2, STR3, STR4, STR5 -> Structures to concatenate KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: RESULT -> The concatenated structure SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: The user can concatenate as many structures as desired by adding extra input arguments: st6, st7, st8, etc. EXAMPLE: a = {Name: 'Larry', Age: 46} b = {Name: 'Chuck', Age: 10} c = {Name: 'Alice', Age: 35} d = cat_struct( a, b, c ) print, d.Name MODIFICATION HISTORY: cdh, 08 Jul 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.15 - Initial version
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/structures/
NAME: CHKSTRU (function) PURPOSE: Check validity of a structure and test if necessary fields are contained CATEGORY: Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = CHKSTRU( STRUCTURE, [ FIELDS, Keywords ] ) INPUTS: STRUCTURE -> the structure to be tested. If STRUCTURE is not of type structure, the function will return 0 FIELDS (optional) -> a string or string array with field names to be contained in STRUCTURE. CHKSTRU returns 1 (true) only if all field names are contained in STRUCTURE. The entries of FIELDS may be upper or lowercase. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INDEX -> a named variable that will contain the indices of the required field names in the structure. They can then be assessed through structure.(index(i)) . Index will contain -1 for all fields entries that are not in the structure. /VERBOSE -> set this keyword to return an error message in case of an error. OUTPUTS: RESULT -> Returns 1 if successful, otherwise 0. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLES: (1) TEST = { a:1, b:2, c:3 } IF CHKSTRU( TEST ) THEN PRINT, 'TEST is a structure!' TEST is a structure! ; Verify that TEST is a structure rather than ; a scalar or an array variable. (2) TEST = { a:1, b:2, c:3 } REQUIRED = [ 'a', 'c' ] IF CHKSTRU( TEST, REQUIRED ) THEN PRINT, 'Found a and c.' Found a and c. ; MAKES sure that structure TEST contains ; the tag names A and C. MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 02 Mar 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 07 Apr 1998: - second parameter (FIELDS) now optional bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Updated documentation
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/structures/
NAME: CREATE3DFSTRU PURPOSE: Creates an empty GAMAP fileinfo structure or an array of such structures. These are used to hold information about CTM data files. CATEGORY: GAMAP Internals, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: FILEINFO = CREATE3DHSTRU( [Elements] ) INPUTS: ELEMENTS -> Number of individual structures to be contained in the array of structures. Default is 1, i.e. return a single structure. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: A fileinfo structure or an array of fileinfo structures. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: See comments in code below for structure field descriptions. EXAMPLES: FILEINFO = CREATE3DFSTRU() ; returns a single structure which will hold ; info about CTM punch file data. FILEINFO = CREATE3DFSTRU( 20 ) ; returns an 20 element array of structures ; which will hold info about 20 records from a ; CTM data file MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 14 Aug 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 18 May 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.06 - added standard doc header - updated comments, cosmetic changes MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 19 Feb 1999: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/internals/
NAME: CREATE3DHSTRU PURPOSE: Creates an empty GAMAP datainfo structure or an array of such structures. These are used to hold information about individual data blocks from CTM data files. CATEGORY: GAMAP Internals, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: DATAINFO = CREATE3DHSTRU( [Elements] ) INPUTS: ELEMENTS -> Number of individual structures to be contained in the array of structures. Default is 1, (i.e. return a single structure). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: A datainfo structure or an array of datainfo structures. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: See comments in code below for structure field descriptions. EXAMPLES: DATAINFO = CREATE3DHSTRU() ; returns a single structure which will hold ; info about CTM punch file data. DATAINFO = CREATE3DHSTRU( 20 ) ; returns an 20 element array of structures ; which will hold info about 20 records from a ; CTM data file MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 14 Aug 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 10 Nov 1998: - changed default filepos to -1L and scale to 1 bmy, 08 Feb 1999: VERSION 1.10 - changed TAU0, TAU1 from longword to double - added OFFSET field for I0, J0, L0 bmy, 17 Feb 1999: VERSION 1.20 - changed OFFSET field to FIRST since we are storing the I, J, L indices of the first mgs, 16 Mar 1999: - cosmetic changes bmy, 03 Jan 2000: VERSION 1.44 - updated comments bmy, 26 Apr 2000: VERSION 1.45 - TRACER now carries a longword variable bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 phs, 02 Dec 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - DIM tag is 32-bit integer (LONG) now bmy, 23 Feb 2012: GAMAP VERSION 2.16 - Now make FILEPOS a LONG64 variable, in order to read files larger than 2.4 GB - Now make FIRST an array of LONG variables
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/internals/
NAME: CTM_DATAINFO (function) PURPOSE: Return information about available categories, tracers or time steps in either a given or the global datainfo structure array. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = CTM_DATAINFO( [DIAGN] [,DATAINFO] [,keywords] ) INPUTS: DIAGN -> A diagnostic number or category name for which information shall be returned on available tracers or time steps. If not given, CTM_DATAINFO returns information about all available diagnostics instead. DATAINFO -> An optional subset of the global DataInfo structure array. If given, the search will be restricted to the data records contained in DATAINFO. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /TRACER -> If set, CTM_DATAINFO returns all tracer numbers that are available with the given diagnostics. This keyword has no effect if no DIAGN is given. /TAU0 -> Returns information about all available time steps for a given diagnostics. This keyword has no effect if either DIAGN is not given or /TRACER is set. /TAU1 -> Same as TAU0, but for the end of the time step. If none of these keywords is set, CTM_DATAINFO returns the index values for the DATAINFO structure array that match the requested diagnostics. STATUS -> restrict search to: 0=unread data, 1=read data. Default is 2=no restriction /EXPAND -> For multilevel diagnostics, CTM_DATAINFO normally returns only the template (with the '$' character). Use this keyword to get all individual levels as well. OUTPUTS: Depending on the keywords and the DIAGN parameter, an array with diagmostics numbers, index values, tracer numbers, or time steps is returned. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ==================================== CTM_SELECT_DATA, CTM_DIAGINFO REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: ; Must read in some data first CTM_GET_DATA, 'IJ-AVG-$', TRACER=1, FILE='' ; print all tracers that are available for diag IJ-AVG-$ PRINT, CTM_DATAINFO( 'IJ-AVG-$', /TRACER ) ; print all time step endings for diagnostics IJ-AVG-$ PRINT, CTM_DATAINFO( 'IJ-AVG-$', /TAU0 ) ; print all diagnostics that are available in the file ; (or in all files previously read) PRINT, CTM_DATAINFO() ; print all record indices for diagnostics IJ-AVG_$ PRINT, CTM_DATAINFO( 'IJ-AVG-$' ) MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 07 Oct 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_DIAGINFO PURPOSE: Return information about one or all of the diagnostic used by GEOS-CHEM, GISS, or other CTM's. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_DIAGINFO, DIAGN, DIAGSTRU [ , Keywords ] INPUTS: DIAGN -> Diagnostic category name for which to extract the information. To retrieve information about all CTM diagnostic categories use the /ALL_DIAGS keyword. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /ALL_DIAGS -> Retrieves information about all diagnostics. CATEGORY -> Returns to the calling program the punch file category name of the requested diagnostic(s) FILENAME -> Name of the diaginfo file (default diaginfo.dat) The file will be searched in the current directory first, then in the directory where CTM_DIAGINFO.PRO is located. If not found in either location, a standard data block is retrieved from this file. /FORCE_READING -> Read from the diaginfo file (specified in FILENAME) and overwrite the contents of the common block. MAXTRACER -> Returns to the calling program the maximum number of tracers stored in the requested diagnostic(s). NOTE: This is now only necessary for backwards compatibility with the GISS-II ASCII punch files. OFFSET -> Returns to the calling program the offset constant that is used to locate tracers in the "tracerinfo.dat" file. OFFSET is needed to locate the proper index from the "tracerinfo.dat" file. SPACING -> Returns to the calling program the interval between diagnostic offsets. OUTPUTS: DIAGSTRU -> returns a structure or structure array with the following tags: Category : Category name for this diagnostic Offset : Offset factor used in "tracerinfo.dat" file Spacing : Spacing between diagnostic offsets MaxTracer : Max # of tracers stored in this diagnostic SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: ============================================= CD_Is_MaxTracer (function) External Subroutines Required: ============================================= FILE_EXIST (function) OPEN_FILE ROUTINE_NAME (funciton) STRBREAK (function) REQUIREMENTS: Requires routines from the TOOLS package. NOTES: (1) At first call, the tracer information structure array is read from a file. Thereafter, the information is stored in a common block where it is accessible in subsequent calls. EXAMPLES: (1) CTM_DIAGINFO, 'BIOGSRCE', R PRINT, R.CATEGORY, ':', R.MAXTRACER, ':',R.OFFSET IDL prints "BIOGSRCE: 0: 4700" ; Returns a structure containing tags CATEGORY, ; MAXTRACER, OFFSET for the "BIOGSRCE" diagnostic. ; as listed in the file "diaginfo.dat". (2) CTM_DIAGINFO, /ALL, CATEGORY=CATEGORY PRINT, CATEGORY IDL prints "IJ-AVG-$ IJ-24H-$ IJ-INS-$ INST-MAP ..." ; Return information about all category names ; listed in the file "diaginfo.dat". MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 19 May 1998: VERSION 1.00 - developed from CTM_TRACERINFO.PRO v. 2.0 by Martin Schultz (08 May 1998) see comments to CTM_TRACERINFO.PRO for modification history of that subroutine bmy, 20 May 1998: - removed SCALE and UNIT structure tags & keywords - added OFFSET structure tag & keyword bmy, 27 May 1998: - changed "tracers" to "diagnostics" in print statement. mgs, 13 Aug 1998: - now returns only first diagnostics for a given number. This permits to keep old and new diagnostics in one file and use the old diagnostics by name. - introduced extra search one level above current dir. mgs, 17 Aug 1998: - changed defaults vor void return - diaginfo.dat: MAXTRACER meaning changed! bmy, 17 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - Removed INDEX and TYPE, they're obsolete - Now use new file format for "diaginfo.dat" which allows for 8-digit offset numbers - Added internal function CD_IS_MAXTRACER - No longer read defaults from internal datablock - Added SPACING keyword - Updated comments bmy, 09 Mar 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Use "./diaginfo.dat" as default in order to facilitate reading in IDL 5.5- bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Now use the FILE_WHICH routine to locate the "diaginfo.dat" file phs, 17 Jul 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Bug fix: only use FILE_WHICH if the FILENAME keyword isn't passed.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_GETDEFAULTSTRUCTURES PURPOSE: Return default values for FileInfo and DataInfo for subsequent analysis. The defaults are taken from the global common block defined in CATEGORY: GAMAP Internals, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_GETDEFAULTSTRUCTURES, FileInfo, DataInfo, result=result INPUTS: FILEINFO -> A named variable that will contain the global FileInfo structure array, i.e. information about all files that have been opened. DATAINFO -> A named variable that will contain the global DataInfo structure array, i.e. information about all data records that have been read from the headers of all opened CTM files. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: RESULT -> returns 1 if assignment was successful, 0 otherwise. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required ============================== GAMAP_CMN REQUIREMENTS: Requires routines from the GAMAP package. NOTES: None EXAMPLE: CTM_GETDEFAULTSTRUCTURES, $ FileInfo, DataInfo, result=result if (not result) then return ; the current state of the global FileInfo and DataInfo ; structures will be copied into FileInfo and DataInfo MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 20 Aug 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 21 Sep 1998: - changed gamap.cmn to bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/internals/
NAME: CTM_GRID (function) PURPOSE: Set-up of the model grid for various models. While the horizontal grid information can be computed from a few basic parameters, the vertical structure is hardwired for each model seperately. Currently, the following models are supported: GEOS1, GEOS_STRAT, GEOS-3, GEOS-4, GEOS-5, GEOS-57, MERRA, GISS_II, GISS_II_PRIME, FSU, FVCCM, and MATCH. CATEGORY GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Models & Grids, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = CTM_GRID( MTYPE [, Keywords ] ) INPUTS: MTYPE --> a MODELINFO structure as returned from function CTM_TYPE. This structure must contain the following tags: resolution (a 2 element vector with DI, DJ), halfpolar, center180, name, nlayers, ptop, psurf, hybrid.) OUTPUT: RESULT -> A structure, scalor, or vector variable depending on the output keywords below. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: PSURF -> specify surface pressure in mb. Overrides value passed in through modelinfo structure. The following keywords define output options. If none of these is set, a structure is returned that contains all parameters. IMX (int ) -> Maximum I (longitude) dimension [alt: NLON] JMX (int ) -> Maximum J (latitude ) dimension [alt: NLAT] DI (flt ) -> Delta-I interval between grid box edges DJ (flt ) -> Delta-J interval between grid box edges YEDGE (fltarr) -> Array of latitude edges YMID (fltarr) -> Array of latitude centers XEDGE (fltarr) -> Array of longitude edges XMID (fltarr) -> Array of longitude centers LMX (int) -> Maximum altitude level (layers) [alt: NLAYERS] SIGMID (fltarr) -> Array of sigma center values SIGEDGE (fltarr) -> Array of sigma edges ETAMID (fltarr) -> Array of ETA center values ETAEDGE (fltarr) -> Array of ETA edge values PMID (fltarr) -> Array of approx. pressure values for sigma ctrs PEDGE (fltarr) -> ditto for sigma edges ZMID (fltarr) -> Array of approx. mean altitudes for sigma ctrs ZEDGE (fltarr) -> ditto. for sigma edges AP (fltarr) -> Hybrid-grid "A" parameters BP (fltarr) -> Hybrid-grid "B" parameters /NO_VERTICAL --> do not return vertical grid info in structure In this case the MTYPE structure only needs to contain resolution, halfpolar and center180. This keyword is ignored if a specific (vertical) output option is requested. DELTAZ_m --> For multi-level 'GENERIC' grids, DELTAZ_m specifies the height of each grid level in meters. DELTAZ_m does not apply to any of the GEOS, GISS, etc. grid families. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =============================== GETSIGMA (function) GETETA (function) USSA_ALT (function) USSA_PRESS (function) ZMID (function) REQUIREMENTS: Best if used with function CTM_TYPE. Also requires functions GETSIGMA and GETETA for definition of vertical layers. NOTES: This routine is not very efficient in that it always computes all the available information. But since it will not be called too often and does not handle large amounts of data, we won't worry about computational efficiency here. EXAMPLE: MTYPE = CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS1' ) MGRID = CTM_GRID( MTYPE ) ; This will define the following structure (help,mgrid,/stru) ** Structure <10323808>, 17 tags, length=1624, refs=1: IMX INT 72 JMX INT 46 DI FLOAT 5.00000 DJ FLOAT 4.00000 XEDGE FLOAT Array[73] (-177.500, -172.500, ...) YEDGE FLOAT Array[47] (-90, -88, -84, ...) XMID FLOAT Array[72] (-180.0, -175.0, ...) YMID FLOAT Array[46] (-89, -86, -82, ...) LMX INT 20 SIGMID FLOAT Array[20] (0.993936, 0.971301, ...) SIGEDGE FLOAT Array[21] (1.00000, 0.987871, ...) ETAMID FLOAT Array[20] (all zeroes) ETAEDGE FLOAT Array[21] (all zeroes) PMID FLOAT Array[20] (980.082, 957.990, ...) PEDGE FLOAT Array[21] (986.000, 974.162, ...) ZEDGE FLOAT Array[21] ZMID FLOAT Array[20] AP ; Or, with the use of output keywords: PRINT, CTM_GRID( CTM_TYPE( 'GISS_II' ), /PMID ) ; IDL will print 986.000 935.897 855.733 721.458 551.109 390.781 255.503 150.287 70.1236 10.0000 ; A more awkward example (see yourself): HELP, CTM_GRID( { RESOLUTION : [3.6,3.0], $ HALFPOLAR : 0, $ CENTER180 : 0 }, /NO_VERT), /STRU MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 19 Aug 1997: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 24 Sep 1997: VERSION 1.01 mgs, 26 Feb 1998: Version 2.00 - rewritten as a function mgs, 27 Feb 1998: - added vertical information mgs, 02 Mar 1998: - better defined interface with CTM_MODEL_TYPE bmy, 07 Apr 1998: - Renamed mgs, 24 Apr 1998: - changed structure to named structure mgs, 04 May 1998: - changed back because of conflicting sizes mgs, 07 May 1998: - Renamed to CTM_GRID - x coordinates now start with -182.5 for center180 grids bmy, 19 Jun 1998: - now uses USSA_ALT to compute altitudes from pressure coordinates - fixed some comments - added FORWARD_FUNCTION statement mgs, 30 Jun 1999: - added PSURF keyword bmy, 27 Jul 1999: GAMAP VERSION 1.42 - now can compute pressure levels and edges for hybrid sigma-pressure grids - a few cosmetic changes bmy, 03 Jan 2000: - more cosmetic changes bmy, 20 Apr 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.45 - now returns correct YMID values for FSU grid bmy, 15 Sep 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.46 - fixed bug for computing YMID for grids w/o halfpolar boxes. This also fixes the previous problem w/ the FSU grid. bmy, 03 Jul 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - If MTYPE.NLAYERS = 0, then create a return structure w/o vertical level info bmy, 06 Nov 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.49 - added ETAMID, ETAEDGE keywords - added ETAMID, ETAEDGE tags to return structure - now calls GETETA to return ETA coordinates for hybrid models (such as GEOS-4/fvDAS) - updated comments bmy, 18 Oct 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.52 - deleted obsolete commented-out code bmy, 04 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - Use STRPOS to test for GEOS4 or GEOS4_30L model names - Now treat GISS_II_PRIME 23-layer model as a hybrid grid instead of using the obsolete "fake" formulation. bmy, 28 Jun 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - bug fix for multi-level GENERIC grids bmy & phs, 16 Aug 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - now compute mXEDGE, mXMID, mYEDGE, mYMID as double precision, and cast back to float, so that we get correct values for high-res grids like 0.5 x 0.666, - cosmetic changes - Special handling for GEOS-5 - Now use USAGE, ROUTINE_NAME() instead of function USE_CTM_GRID to display options - Now return IMX, JMX as type LONG bmy, 03 Aug 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - Added DELTAZ_m to specify grid size in meters for multi-level GENERIC grids bmy, 06 Aug 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.14 - Added MERRA (identical to GEOS-5 grid, but retains MERRA name for clarity.) bmy, 28 Nov 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.15 - Now use modified GETETA routine to compute the pressure and ETA coords consistently. - Now save hybrid-grid parameters Ap and Bp to the GRIDINFO structure. bmy, 02 Feb 2012: GAMAP VERSION 2.16 - Add GEOS57 and GEOS57_47L grids, for GEOS-5.7.x met data. (These are identical to the GEOS-5 and MERRA grids, but we will denote them separately). bmy, 13 Aug 2015: GAMAP VERSION 2.19 - Add MERRA2 and MERRA2_47L grids
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) PURPOSE: Create a datainfo and fileinfo structure from an "external" data set so that it can be used seamlessly within the GAMAP package. The dataset can have up to four dimensions (however, only the first 3 are currently supported). The new datainfo and fileinfo structures will be added to the global structure arrays. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO( DATA, DATAINFO, FILEINFO [,Keywords] ) INPUTS: DATA -> A 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D data array. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DIAGN -> A diagnostics name (category) or number that describes the data type. If not given, the user will be prompted. If DIAGN is a number that is not recognized as valid diagnostics by CTM_DIAGINFO, the number will be stored as string value. If DIAGN is a string, it does not have to be a valid diagnostics category. DIM -> A 4 element vector with the DATA dimensions as LON, LAT, LEVEL, TIME. If not given, the dimensions of DATA will be entered sequentially. Use this keyword to properly identify e.g. a zonal mean data set as DIM = [ 0, 46, 20, 0 ] (for the GEOS-1). The order and magnitude of the dimensions in DIM must agree with the dimensions of the DATA array (e.g. if DATA(72,46) then DIM=[46,72,0,0] is not allowed). FILENAME-> Name of the file which is specified by the FILEINFO structure. If FILENAME is not specified, then the default FILENAME = "derived data". FILETYPE -> A numeric code to identify the file type. If not specified then the default FILETYPE = -1. FIRSTBOX -> A 3 element vector containing IFIRST, JFIRST, and LFIRST, which are the starting indices for the LON, LAT, and LEVEL dimensions. FORMAT -> A format string (for ASCII data) or descriptive string (for binary or self-describing data) that is saved to the DATAINFO structure. Default is ''. GRIDINFO -> A gridinfo structure describing the grid set-up of the data set (see CTM_GRID). If not given, CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO attempts to use the MODELINFO structure to construct GRIDINFO. ILUN -> The file unit number that will be used to identify FILEINFO and DATAINFO. If not passed, then ILUN will be negative to denote derived data, and will increment negatively for each data block, starting at -1. MODELINFO -> A modelinfo structure containing information about the model that generated the data (see CTM_TYPE). If not given, the user is prompted for a selection. /NO_GLOBAL -> If passed, will prevent the DATAINFO and FILEINFO structures from being appended to the global GAMAP common blocks. Useful for saving memory. /NO_VERTICAL (passed via _EXTRA) -> set this keyword if you only want to create a 2D gridfinfo structure. TAU0, TAU1 -> Beginning and end of time interval that is spanned by DATA (as TAU value). Default is -1 for both. TOPTITLE -> A user defined string that may describe the data set in more detail. TRACER -> A tracer number or name that identifies the chemical species or physical quantity contained in DATA. If TRACER is an invalid name, it will be set to -1, and the string value of TRACER will be used as TRCNAME (see below). If not given, the user will be prompted. TRCNAME -> A tracer name. Default is to use the name associated with that tracer number in CTM_TRACERINFO. SCALE -> A value that is entered in the SCALE field in DATAINFO. Default is 1.0. UNIT -> A unit string. Default is empty. OUTPUTS: DATAINFO, FILEINFO -> The datainfo and fileinfo structures generated from the "external" data array. These are automatically appended to the global DATAINFO and FILEINFO structures, unless the /NO_GLOBAL keyword is set. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ========================================= CREATE3DHSTRU, CREATE3DFSTRU, TAU2YYMMDD REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: In the current version, no error checking is made whether the DATA dimensions agree with the grid information. This is the users responsibility. EXAMPLES: (1) DATA = DIST(72,46) RESULT = CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO( DATA, DATAINFO, FILEINFO ) ; Create a 2D array and make a DATAINFO structure. ; The user will be prompted for model type, ; diagnostics and tracer. (2) RESULT = CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO( DATA, DATAINFO, FILEINFO, $ MODEL=CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS1' ), DIAGN='IJ-AVG-$', $ TRACER=2, TAU0=NYMD2TAU(940901L), TAU1=NYMD2TAU(940930), $ UNIT='PPBV', DIM=[0,46,20,0], $ TOPTITLE='Zonal mean difference in Ox CLDS/no CLDS') ; Add a zonal mean difference data set (already in DATA) (3) HELP, DATAINFO, /STRU ** Structure H3DSTRU, 13 tags, length=72: ILUN LONG -15 FILEPOS LONG 0 CATEGORY STRING 'ZONE-AVG' TRACER INT 2 TRACERNAME STRING 'Ox' TAU0 DOUBLE 84720.000 TAU1 DOUBLE 85416.000 SCALE FLOAT 1.00000 UNIT STRING 'ppbv' FORMAT STRING '' STATUS INT 1 DIM INT Array[4] OFFSET INT Array[3] DATA POINTER; Display DATAINFO structure MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 09 Oct 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 19 Nov 1998: - bug fix. ILUN now always negative! - unit now "required" parameter, i.e. interactively asked for bmy, 11 Feb 1999: VERSION 1.01 - added OFFSET keyword so that I0, J0, and L0 offsets can be stored in DATAINFO - DATAINFO.TAU0 and DATAINFO.TAU1 are now stored as double precision - updated comments mgs, 16 Mar 1999: - cosmetic changes - OFFSET changed into FIRSTBOX mgs, 30 Mar 1999: - added _EXTRA keyword for ctm_grid (use for /NO_VERTICAL) bmy, 29 Jun 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - bug fix: now pass CTM_TRACERINFO the tracer number plus diagnostic offset bmy, 06 Mar 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 - now take TRACER mod 100L before adding the diagnostic offset to it in call to CTM_TRACERINFO bmy, 26 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - added /NO_GLOBAL keyword - rewrote for clarity; updated comments - Now get diagnostic spacing from CTM_DIAGINFO - added ILUN, FILENAME, FILETYPE keywords bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 phs, 30 May 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Minor fix to restrict FIRSTBOX to 3 elements
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_TRACERINFO PURPOSE: Return information about one or all tracers for a given GEOS-Chem, GISS, or other CTM diagnostic. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_TRACERINFO, TRACERN, TRACERSTRU [, Keywords ] INPUTS: TRACERN -> Tracer number or name for which to extract the information. If TRACERN is numeric, it is interpreted as an index to the FULLCHEM or SMALLCHEM tracernumber in the global model. If it is a string, it will be compared to NAME then FULLNAME. TRACERN may contain more than one element. To retrieve information about all tracers, use the /ALL_TRACERS keyword. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /ALL_TRACERS -> Retrieve information about all tracers FILENAME --> Name of the tracerinfo file (default tracerinfo.dat) The file will be searched in the current directory first, then in the directory where is located. If not found in either location, a standard data block is retrieved from this file. /FORCE_READING -> Overwrite the contents of the common block FULLNAME -> Returns the (long) name of the requested tracer(s) INDEX -> Returns the CTM index of the requested tracer(s) MOLC -> Returns the carbon number of the requested tracer(s) (For hydrocarbons, this is the # moles C/mole tracer) MOLWT -> Returns the molecular weight (kg/mole) of the requested tracer(s) NAME -> Returns the (short) name of the requested tracer(s) SCALE -> Standard scale factor for tracer UNIT -> Returns the standard unit of the requested tracer(s) (i.e. unit as supplied by CTM with standard scale factor applied (e.g. ppbv instead of V/V)) IS_EDGED -> Returns whether the given tracer is defined on level edges (IS_EDGED=1) or level centers (IS_EDGED=0). OUTPUTS: TRACERSTRU -> returns a structure or structure array with the following tags: NAME : short name for tracer as used in the model FULLNAME : long name for tracer (may be used in titles) MWT : molec. weight as kg N or kg C INDEX : tracer number MOLC : carbon number for NMHC SCALE : standard scale factor UNIT : standard unit for tracer with scale factor applied IS_EDGED : Is tracer defined on level edges? SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================ FILE_EXIST (function) ROUTINE_NAME (function) OPEN_FILE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: At first call, the tracer information structure array is either read from file or retrieved from the DATA block at the end of this program. Thereafter, the information is stored in a common block where it is accessible in subsequent calls. The newer tags MOLC, SCALE and UNIT are optional and defaulted to 1.0, 1.0, and 'UNDEFINED', resp. EXAMPLE: CTM_TRACERINFO, 2, RES PRINT, RES.NAME, RES.MWT, RES.INDEX ; prints Ox 0.0480000 2 CTM_TRACERINFO,'OX',RES PRINT, RES.NAME, RES.MWT, RES.INDEX ; prints identical results CTM_TRACERINFO,[1,3,5],NAME=NAME,MOLWT=MWT,MOLC=MOLC,/FORCE_READING PRINT, NAME, MWT, MOLC ; reads tracerinfo.dat file and prints ; NOx PAN ALK4 ; 0.0140000 0.121000 0.0120000 ; 1.00000 1.00000 4.00000 MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 22 Apr 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 24 Apr 1998: - added NAME keyword bmy, 07 May 1998: - added MOLC structure field to store carbon number for NMHC mgs, 07 May 1998: VERSION 2.00 - substantially revised mgs, 08 May 1998: - added SCALE and UNIT tags, made them optional mgs, 28 May 1998: - bug fix with on_ioerror mgs, 09 Oct 1998: - bug fix for tracern=0, changed CALLING SEQ. entry mgs, 12 Nov 1998: - unit string now defaulted to 'UNDEFINED' bmy, 03 Jan 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.47 - skip tracer lines beginning with '#' character bmy, 17 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - Removed FULLI, SMALLI, they're obsolete - now use INDEX for tracer number - Now use new file format for "tracerinfo.dat" which allows for 8-digit offset numbers - No longer read defaults from internal datablock - Updated comments bmy, 06 Apr 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.02 - added /VERBOSE keyword bmy, 09 Mar 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Use "./tracerinfo.dat" as default in order to facilitate reading in IDL 5.5- bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Add IS_EDGED tag to TRACERINFO structure to denote whether the tracer is defined on level centers or level edges - Implement temporary fix: call GET_IS_EDGED to determine if a tracer is defined on level edges. There is probably a better way to do this, work on that later. - Now use FILE_WHICH to locate the "tracerinfo.dat" file. phs, 30 Jun 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - bug fix to account for FILENAME phs, 22 Sep 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - added test on found/not found tracers
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_TYPE (function) PURPOSE: return basic parameters for various 3D models used in the Harvard tropospheric modeling group. This information should be sufficient for CTM_GRID to compute grid box edge and center vectors. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Models & Grids, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: MTYPE = CTM_TYPE( NAME [,FAMILY] [,KEYWORDS] ) INPUTS: NAME -> a string containing the name of the model (GISS_II, GISS_II_PRIME (or II_PRIME), GEOS1, GEOS_STRAT, FSU, MOPITT, or GENERIC (=DUMMY) ) FAMILY -> model family (optional, will otherwise be extracted from NAME). Possible values: GISS or GEOS or FSU or '' KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NLAYERS -> number of vertical model layers. This number must correspond to the number of layers in the model output files and is used in conjunction with PTOP to convert sigma levels into pressure altitudes. [defaults: GEOS1=20, GEOS_STRAT=26, GISS=FSU=9 ] NTROP -> number of layers in the troposphere [defaults: GEOS1=14, GISS=7, FSU=12] PTOP -> pressure at model top [default 10 mbar except for GEOS_STRAT=0.1 mbar] PSURF -> average surface pressure (needed for conversion of sigma levels to altitudes) [default 984 mbar] RESOLUTION -> either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5) [default for all models is 4x5] HALFPOLAR = (1 | 0) -> indicates that polar boxes span (half | same) latitude as all other boxes (DJ=const.) [default: 1] HYBRID = (1 | 0) -> indicates that the model is a (sigma-pressure hybrid | pure sigma level ) model. [default: 0] /PRINT -> prints model parameters on the screen OUTPUTS: MTYPE -> A structure with the following tag names will be returned: NAME, FAMILY, NLAYERS, PTOP, PSURF, RESOLUTION, HALFPOLAR, CENTER180, FULLCHEM. If input parameters are not correct, the function returns -1. SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: ===================== YES_NO_VAL (function) CHECK_RESOLUTION REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: If you update this routine by adding additional models, make sure to update "" and "" as well. EXAMPLES: (1) MTYPE = CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS1', RESOLUTION=2 ) ; defines model parameters for the GEOS1 model ; at 2 x 2.5 degree resolution. (2) MTYPE = CTM_TYPE( 'GISS_II' ) MGRID = CTM_GRID( MTYPE ) ; Use CTM_TYPE in conjunction with CTM_GRID to return ; the grid structure for the standard GISS_II model. MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 02 Mar 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 07 Apr 1998: - Renamed to CTM_TYPE to keep consistent with other CTM subroutines. mgs, 24 Apr 1998: - made structure named mgs, 19 May 1998: - added NTROP tag and keyword bmy, 19 Jun 1998: - now computes FSU model parameters - GEOS_STRAT and GEOS-1 troposphere tops are now computed separately - added small bug fix for fullchem from mgs mgs, 14 Aug 1998: - added DUMMY name mgs, 15 Aug 1998: - added GEOS-1 as variant of GEOS1 bmy, 21 Dec 1998: - changed NLAYERS for GEOS STRAT mgs, 22 Dec 1998: - small bug fix for GEOS family NTROP mgs, 22 Feb 1999: - added GENERIC (same as DUMMY) and allow keyword settings for this name bmy, 23 Feb 1999: - Implemented FSU grid information mgs, 16 Mar 1999: VERSION 1.21 - cosmetic changes - changed function name yesno into yesno_val to avoid conflicts. - removed online tag because it's never used bmy, 26 Jul 1999: VERSION 1.42 - added HYBRID keyword and tag name - cosmetic changes bmy, 15 Sep 1999: VERSION 1.43 - fixed bug for NTROP in GISS-II-PRIME, 9L bmy, 15 Oct 1999: VERSION 1.44 - now reset model names "GEOS-STRAT" and "GEOS-2" to "GEOS_STRAT" and "GEOS2" bmy, 03 Jan 2000: - added GEOS-2 model parameters - changed NTROP to 16 for GEOS1 - changed NTROP to 22 for GEOS_STRAT bmy, 16 May 2000: VERSION 1.45 - reset NTROP to 19 for GEOS-STRAT - now use GEOS-2 47 layer grid bmy, 01 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.46 - added GEOS-3 48-layer grid - added internal function CHECKRESOLUTION - cosmetic changes, updated comments bmy, 26 Jun 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - fixed NTROP for GEOS-3 met fields - for generic grids, return "GENERIC" in uppercase as model name and family name bmy, 09 Oct 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.49 - now accepts modelname "GEOS3_30L", and returns a structure for 30-layer GEOS-3 grid bmy, 06 Nov 2001: - now recognizes "GEOS-4" as a modelname - changed default PSURF from 986 mb to 984 mb clh & bmy, 18 Oct 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.52: - Now supports 7-layer MOPITT grid bmy, 12 Dec 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - Now supports "GEOS4_30L" grid - Set NTROP=18 for GEOS-4 grid - Now set CENTER180=1 for GISS_II_PRIME - Now supports 52-layer NCAR-MATCH model - Cleaned up code and straightened out logic - Removed SMALLCHEM, HELP keywords bmy, 18 Feb 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.01a - The actual NTROP from the GEOS-4 annual mean tropopause is 17, not 18 bmy, 17 Jun 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.02a - added GCAP model type for the 23L hybrid GCAP grid (which is the same grid as the winds for the GISS-II-PRIME) bmy, 01 Jun 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Bug fix: GISS-II model needs CENTER180=0 bmy & phs, 16 Aug 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Modified for 47 layer GEOS-5 grid - Now return NLAYERS, NTROP, HALFPOLAR, CENTER180, FULLCHEM, HYBRID as type long bmy, 06 Aug 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.14 - Added MERRA (identical to GEOS-5 grid, but retains MERRA name for clarity.) bmy, 28 Nov 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.15 - Make the default PSURF value 1013.25 hPa, (i.e. 1 atm) instead of 984hPa. bmy, 02 Feb 2012: GAMAP VERSION 2.16 - Add GEOS57 and GEOS57_47L grids, for GEOS-5.7.x met data. (These are identical to the GEOS-5 and MERRA grids, but we will denote them separately). - Added shorthand for 0.25 x 0.3125 resolution
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_VALIDATESTRUCTURES PURPOSE: Test validity of a FILEINFO and DATAINFO structure or array of structures. CATEGORY: GAMAP Internals, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_VALIDATESTRUCTURES,FILEINFO,DATAINFO,result=result, $ print_warn=print_warn INPUTS: FILEINFO -> A FileInfo structure (array) to be tested DATAINFO -> A DataInfo (array) to be tested Both arguments must be present! KEYWORD PARAMETERS: RESULT -> A named variable that will be set to 1 if both structures are valid. This keyword is mandatory. PRINT_WARN -> print a warning message on the screen if a structure is non-existent or corrupt. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: Uses ROUTINE_NAME and CHKSTRU functions REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: CTM_VALIDATESTRUCTURES,FileInfo,DataInfo,result=result if (not result) then return MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 20 Aug 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/internals/
NAME: GETMODELANDGRIDINFO PURPOSE: Given a DATAINFO structure, returns the corresponding MODELINFO and GRIDINFO structures. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Models & Grids, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_GETMODELANDGRIDINFO, THISDATAINFO, MODELINFO, GRIDINFO INPUTS: THISDATAINFO -> A single of DATAINFO structure which contains the following fields: ** Structure H3DSTRU, 13 tags, length=72: ILUN LONG FILEPOS LONG CATEGORY STRING TRACER INT TRACERNAME STRING TAU0 DOUBLE TAU1 DOUBLE SCALE FLOAT UNIT STRING FORMAT STRING STATUS INT DIM INT OFFSET INT DATA POINTER KEYWORD PARAMETERS: LON -> set to a variable that will hold the longitude centers of the data set. Grid Offsets of data that do not cover the globe are accounted for. LAT -> same as LON, but for Latitude centers. LEVEL -> same as LON, but holds levels indices, starting at 1. OUTPUTS: MODELINFO -> Returns to the calling program the model information structure (see "") which corresponds to THISDATAINFO. GRIDINFO -> Returns to the calling program the grid information structure (see "") which corresponds to THISDATAINFO. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================== GAMAP_CMN (include file) CTM_GRID (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: ; Read data from "myfile.bpch" ; DATAINFO is an array of structures CTM_GET_DATA, DATAINFO, FILE='myfile.bpch' ; Loop over all data blocks in the file FOR D = 0L, N_ELEMENTS( DATAINFO )-1L DO BEGIN ; Pick the DATAINFO structure for the Dth data block THISDATAINFO = DATAINFO[D].DATA ; Get MODELINFO and GRIDINFO structures for the Dth data block GETMODELANDGRIDINFO, THISDATAINFO, MODELINFO, GRIDINFO ... ENDFOR MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 24 Apr 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 bmy, 28 Jun 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Bug fix for multi-level GENERIC grids bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 phs, 13 May 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Added LON and LAT keyword to return data (not global grid) longitude and latitude centers. phs, 8 Oct 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - Added LEVEL keyword to return levels.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: SORT_STRU PURPOSE: Returns an sort index array a structure data field. CATEGORY: Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: INDEX = SORT_STRU( STRU, SORT_TAG ) INPUTS: STRU -> The structure containing the data to be sorted. SORT_TAG -> A string containing the name of the structure tag for which to compute the sort index array. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /REVERSE_SORT -> Set this switch to return an sort index array in reverse order. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLES: (1) STRU = { DATA : [5,3,2,1,4] } IND = SORT_STRU( STRU, 'DATA' ) PRINT, STRU.DATA[IND] 1 2 3 4 5 ; Returns an sort index array for the DATA ; tag of the structure STRU. STRU.DATA[IND] ; will be in ascending order. (2) STRU = { DATA : [5,3,2,1,4] } IND = SORT_STRU( STRU, 'DATA', /REVERSE_SORT ); PRINT, STRU.DATA[IND] 5 4 3 2 1 ; Returns an sort index array for the DATA ; tag of the structure STRU. STRU.DATA[IND] ; will be in descending order. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/structures/
NAME: STRUADDVAR (function) PURPOSE: Add additional variables (tags) to an exisiting structure. The new variables will be inserted after the old ones, '__' tags will be appended at the end. The function renames new tags if they would cause duplicate names by adding a '_A'. CATEGORY: Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: NEWSTRU = STRUADDVAR( OLDSTRU, NEWVAR [, NEWNAME, Keywords ] ) INPUTS: OLDSTRU -> the exisiting structure. This must be a structure, otherwise the program will complain and exit. NEWVAR -> A new variable (any type) or a new structure that shall be incorporated into OLDSTRU. If NEWVAR is *not* a structure, then NEWNAME must be present. If you want to add an array with several named columns, use Arr2Stru first. NEWNAME -> The name of the new variable. Only used if NEWVAR is no structure. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /WARNNELEMENTS -> If this flag is set, the program will print out a warning if the number of elements in the new variable does not match the number of elements in the last variable of the old structure. OUTPUTS: NEWSTRU -> A structure that combines the information from OLDSTRU and NEWVAR. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================== CHKSTRU (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) NEWNAME (or the tag names from NEWVAR) will be added to the __NAMES__ tag if present. __EXTRA__ entries will be combined only if tags within __EXTRA__ structures are different. If __EXTRA__ contains a non-structure variable it will be converted to a structure with tag name 'EXTRA_N' where N is a number from 1-9, A-Z (the first tag is just 'EXTRA'). EXAMPLES: (1) NSTRU = STRUADDVAR( STRU, FINDGEN(100), 'DUMMY' ) ; Adds a 100 element floating-point array ; to structure STRU under the tag name "DUMMY" ; and returns the result as NSTRU. (2) X = { A :0L, B:STRARR(10), $ C : FINDGEN(100), __EXTRA__:'TEST' } OSTRU = STRUADDVAR( NSTRU, X ) ; Adds the structure X (with tag names A, B, C, and ; __EXTRA__) to the structure NSTRU and returns ; the result as OSTRU. MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 03 May 1999: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/structures/
NAME: STRUINFO (function) PURPOSE: Return information about structures. This routine is designed to help handling variable structures of mixed type. CATEGORY: Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: INFO = STRUINFO( STRU, [, Keywords ] ) INPUTS: STRU -> a structure KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NAMES -> return variable names as spelled in structure tags ORIGINAL_NAMES -> return variable names as stored in __NAMES__ tag EXTRA -> return information stored in __EXTRA__ tag. This information is always returned as a structure NVARS -> return number of variables, i.e. tags that do not begin with '__' HOMOGENEOUS -> return tag indices of tags with identical ' number of elements (only those can be combined to an array with Stru2Arr). This keyword honors the RefIndex keyword. NUMERIC -> return tag indices of numeric structure tags TYPE -> return variable type of structure tags. For non-variable tags (whose name begin with '__') a -1 is returned REFINDEX -> indicates the tag index to compare the number of elements to (default is the first variable index). OUTPUTS: The desired information (hopefully) SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================ CHKSTRU (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: PRINT, STRUINFO( !p, /names ) BACKGROUND CHARSIZE CHARTHICK CLIP COLOR FONT LINESTYLE MULTI NOCLIP NOERASE NSUM POSITION PSYM REGION SUBTITLE SYMSIZE T T3D THICK TITLE TICKLEN CHANNEL ; Print the names from the !P system variable structure MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 03 May 1999: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Updated comments
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/structures/