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NAME: ZMID (function) PURPOSE: Given a vector of altitudes at vertical edges of a model grid computes the altitudes at the grid centers. CATEGORY: Atmospheric Sciences CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = ZMID( EDGE ) INPUTS: EDGE -> Vector of altitude edges that defines the grid. EDGE will be sorted in ascending order. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: RESULT -> Altitudes at grid centers [m, km, etc] SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: The relationship between altitude centers and edges is: ZMID[N] = ( ZEDGE[N] + ZEDGE[N+1] ) / 2.0 EXAMPLE: PRINT, ZMID( [ 0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0 ] ) 1.00000 3.00000 5.00000 7.00000 ; Given the altitude at grid edges at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 km ; returns the altitude at grid centers. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 21 Jun 1999: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 22 Oct 1999: VERSION 1.44 - Now use SHIFT to compute the average between successive edges bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/atm_sci/
NAME: ZONAL PURPOSE: Creates zonal-mean curtain plots of GEOS-Chem tracers CATEGORY: Benchmarking CALLING SEQUENCE: ZONAL, FILE, LONS, TAUS, TRACERS, VERSION, [, Keywords ] INPUTS: FILE -> The name of the file containing data to be plotted. LONS -> Longitudes to plot TAU -> The TAU value (hours GMT from /1/1985) corresponding to the data to be plotted. TRACERS -> The list of transported tracers (i.e. diagnostic category "IJ-AVG-$"). VERSION -> The model version number corresponding to the data to be plotted. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /DO_FULLCHEM -> Set this switch to plot the chemically produced OH in addition to the advected tracers. /PRESSURE -> Set this switch to plot pressure on the Y-axis. The default is to plot altitude on the Y-axis. /PS -> Set this switch to generate PostScript output. OUTFILENAME -> If /PS is set, will write PostScript output to a file whose name is specified by this keyword. Default is "". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines Provided: ================================================== PlotZonal External Subroutines Required: ================================================== CLOSE_DEVICE COLORBAR_NDIV (function) CTM_GET_DATA EXTRACT_FILENAME (function) GETMODELANDGRIDINFO MULTIPANEL MYCT OPEN_DEVICE TVMAP CHKSTRU (function) UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: References routines from the GAMAP package. NOTES: (1) Meant to be called from BENCHMARK_1MON. EXAMPLES: FILE = 'ctm.bpch.v7-04-11' LEVELS = [ 1, 1, 13, 13 ] TAUS = NYMD2TAU( 20010701 ) TRACERS = INDGEN( 43 ) + 1 VERSIONS = 'v7-04-11' ZONAL, FILE, LONS, TAU, TRACERS, VERSION, $ /DO_FULLCHEM, /PS, OUTFILENAME='' MODIFICATION HISTORY: cdh, 01 May 2012: Created based on bmy, 29 May 2013: GAMAP VERSION 2.17 - Remove reference to MEAN2 function mps, 07 Aug 2013: - Now plot chemically produced HO2 mps, 10 Sep 2015: - Added /PRESSURE keyword to plot pressure on the Y-axis (instead of altitude)
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/benchmark/
NAME: ZONAL_DIFF PURPOSE: Creates zonal mean absolute and percent difference plots of tracers from the GEOS-Chem 1-month benchmark simulations. CATEGORY: Benchmarking CALLING SEQUENCE: ZONAL_DIFF, FILES, TAUS, TRACERS, VERSIONS, [, Keywords ] INPUTS: FILES -> A 2-element vector containing the names of files from the "old" and "new" GEOS-Chem model versions that are to be compared. TAUS -> A 2-element vector contaning TAU values (hours GMT from /1/1985) corresponding to the "old" and "new" GEOS-Chem model versions. TRACERS -> The list of transported tracers (i.e. diagnostic category "IJ-AVG-$"). VERSIONS -> A 2-element vector containing the version numbers for the "old" and "new" GEOS-Chem model versions. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /DO_FULLCHEM -> Set this switch to plot the chemically produced OH in addition to the advected tracers. /DYNRANGE -> Set this switch to create plots using the whole dynamic range of the data. Default is to restrict the plot range to predetermined values as returned by routine GET_DIFF_RANGE. /PRESSURE -> Set this switch to plot pressure on the Y-axis. The default is to plot altitude on the Y-axis. /PS -> Set this switch to generate PostScript output. OUTFILENAME -> If /PS is set, will write PostScript output to a file whose name is specified by this keyword. Default is "". ZDFORMAT -> This keyword passes a colorbar format string (Fortran-style) to the COLORBAR routine (via TVPLOT). This keyword is purposely not named CBFORMAT, in order to avoid passing this quantity to other routines. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines Included: ================================================== PlotZonalAbsDiff PlotZonalPctDiff External Subroutines Required: ================================================== CLOSE_DEVICE COLORBAR_NDIV (function) CTM_GET_DATA GET_DIFF_RANGE (function) GETMODELANDGRIDINFO EXTRACT_FILENAME (function) MULTIPANEL CHKSTRU (function) MYCT OPEN_DEVICE TVPLOT UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: References routines from the GAMAP package. NOTES: (1) Meant to be called from BENCHMARK_1MON. EXAMPLE: FILES = [ 'ctm.bpch.v9-01-01', 'ctm.bpch.v9-01-02a' ] TAUS = [ NYMD2TAU( 20050701 ), NYMD2TAU( 20050701 ) ] TRACERS = INDGEN( 43 ) + 1 VERSIONS = [ 'v9-01-01', 'v9-01-02a' ] ZONAL_DIFFS, FILES, ALTRANGE, TAUS, TRACERS, VERSIONS, $ /DO_FULLCHEM, /PS, OUTFILENAME='' ; Creates zonal mean difference plots of two GEOS-Chem ; versions; (in this case v9-01-01 / v9-01-01a) for ; July 2001. Output is sent to the PostScript file ; "". The min and max of the data on each plot ; panel is restricted to pre-defined values returned by ; function GET_DIFF_RANGE. ZONAL_DIFFS, FILES, ALTRANGE, TAUS, TRACERS, VERSIONS, $ /DYNRANGE, /PS, OUTFILENAME='' ; Same as the above example, but the min & max of ; each plot panel corresponds to the dynamic range ; of the data (centered around zero). MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 21 Jun 2011: VERSION 1.01 - Initial version, based on bmy, 18 Jul 2011: - Added /PRESSURE keyword to plot pressure on the Y-axis (instead of altitude) bmy, 11 May 2012: GAMAP VERSION 2.16 - Now allow comparision of equivalent model grids, even if the model names differ (e.g. GEOS5_47L, MERRA_47L, GEOSFP_47L) mps, 29 Mar 2013: - Now plot HO2 difference profiles mps, 07 Aug 2013: - Now plot OH differences everywhere to fix bug - Pre-defined range for ratio plots is now set to +/- 30, so that we only plot ratios > 10% - Cap dynamic range ratio plots at 1000% to avoid going beyong max number of digits for colorbar mps, 01 Oct 2015: - Include MERRA2 in the check for equivalent vertical grids
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/benchmark/
NAME: ZSTAR (function) PURPOSE: Computes pressure-altitudes from pressures. CATEGORY: Atmospheric Sciences CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = ZSTAR( PRESS ) INPUTS: PRESS -> The input pressure value, in [hPa]. PRESS can be either a scalar or a vector. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: RESULT -> Computed pressure altitude(s) [km] SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: Pressure-altitude is defined as: Z* = 16 * log10[ 1000 / P(mb) ] which, by the Laws of Logarithms, is equivalent to Z* = 48 - ( 16 * log10[ P(mb) ] ). EXAMPLE: PRINT, ZSTAR( [ 900, 700, 500 ] ) 0.732121 2.47843 4.81648 ; Returns pressure-altitudes at 900, 700, 500 hPa MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 21 Jun 1999: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/atm_sci/