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NAME: OPEN_DEVICE PURPOSE: If hard copy is to be generated, OPEN_DEVICE opens the PostScript device. Otherwise OPEN_DEVICE opens an Xwindow. CATEGORY: Graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: OPEN_DEVICE [,OLD_DEVICE] [,keywords] INPUTS: OLD_DEVICE -> This is now obsolete, and is only maintained for backwards compatibility. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /PS -> will send PostScript file to printer FILENAME -> The name to be given the PostScript file. Default: /LANDSCAPE -> will enable PostScript landscape mode /PORTRAIT -> will enable PostScript portrait mode XOFFSET, YOFFSET -> Keywords for the DEVICE command. XSIZE specifies the horizontal offset (in inches) of the page, and YSIZE specifies the vertical offset (in inches) of the page. Defaults are as follows: Plot type XOFFSET YOFFSET ------------------------------------------------- Portrait 0.25 0.25 Landscape 0.75 0.75 XSIZE, YSIZE -> Keywords for the DEVICE command. XSIZE specifies the horizontal size (in inches) of the page, and YSIZE specifies the vertical size (in inches) of the page. Defaults are as follows: Plot type XSIZE YSIZE ------------------------------------------------- Portrait 8.0 10.0 Landscape 11 - 2*XOFFSET 8.5 - 2*YOFFSET /COLOR -> will enable PostScript color mode WINPARAM -> An integer vector with up to 5 elements: WINPARAM(0) = window number (if negative, a window will be opened with the /FREE option. WINPARAM(1) = X dimension of window in pixels (width) WINPARAM(2) = Y dimension of window in pixels (height) WINPARAM(3) = X offset of window (XPOS) WINPARAM(4) = Y offset of window (YPOS) TITLE -> window title /Z -> If set, will initialize the Z-buffer device. If WINPARAM is specified, then the size of the Z-buffer region will be WINPARAM[1] x WINPARAM[2] pixels. If WINPARAM is not specified, then the size of the Z-buffer region will be set to a default size of 640 x 512 pixels. NCOLORS -> If /Z is set, NCOLORS specifies the number of colors that will be made available to the Z-buffer device. _EXTRA=e -> additional keywords that are passed to the call to the DEVICE routine (e.g. /ENCAPSULATED) OUTPUTS: OLD_DEVICE -> stores the previous value of !D.NAME for use in CLOSE_DEVICE. Note that CLOSE_DEVICE will automatically set the default screen device if OLD_DEVICE is not provided, hence it will only rarely be used. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: If PS=0 then Open Xwindow WINPARAM(0), which is WINPARAM(1) pixels wide in the X-direction, and WINPARAM(2) pixels wide in the Y-direction. If PS=1 then depending on /PORTRAIT or /LANDSCAPE and /COLOR postscript is enabled in either portrait or landscape mode as color or b/w plot The key parameter which determines whether to open a postscript file or a screen window is PS. Therefore, e.g. in a widget application, you can pass a standard set of parameters for both, postscript and screen, to this routine, and determine the device to be chosen by a button state or checkbox which is passed into PS. Also is currently hardwired for 8.5 x 11 inch paper (US format). Need to extend this to European A4 paper soon. EXAMPLES: (1) OPEN_DEVICE, WINPARAM=[0,800,800] ; opens a screen window of size 800x800 ; pixels at the default position (2) OPEN_DEVICE, /LANDSCAPE, FILENAME='' ; opens a postscript file named in ; b/w and landscape orientation (3) OPEN_DEVICE, PS=PS, /PORTRAIT, /COLOR, WIN=2 ; depending on the value of PS either a color ; postscript file named is opened or screen ; window number 2 in default size. (4) OPEN_DEVICE, /Z ; Opens the IDL Z-buffer device. The current ; color table will be preserved in the Z-buffer device. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy 15 Aug 1997: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 19 Aug 1997: VERSION 1.01 mgs, 20 Aug 1997: VERSION 1.02 mgs, 09 Apr 1998: VERSION 1.10 - added 2 more parameters for WINPARAM and TITLE keyword bmy, 28 Jul 2000: VERSION 1.46 - now make XSIZE, XOFFSET, YSIZE, YOFFSET keywords - cosmetic changes, updated comments bmy, 30 Jan 2001: VERSION 1.47 - added /Z and NCOLORS keywords for the Z-buffer - updated comments bmy, 26 Jul 2001: VERSION 1.48 - use default window size of 640 x 512 for the Z-buffer, if WINPARAM isn't specified. bmy, 27 Aug 2001: - now call DEVICE with XSIZE, YSIZE, XOFFSET, YOFFSET for /LANDSCAPE plots - Updatedd comments bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/graphics/
NAME: OPEN_FILE PURPOSE: Open a file for input. This routine can automatically decide whether to use DIALOG_PICKFILE, and it contains basic error handling. After successful operation the file with logical unit LUN will be open for input. CATEGORY: File & I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: OPEN_FILE,filemask,lun [,keywords] INPUTS: FILEMASK -> a filename with path information that may contain wildcards ('*', '?') LUN -> a named variable that will contain the logical unit number upon return. If a unit number > 0 is passed, an attempt is made to open the file with this number, otherwise, a free unit is selected with /GET_LUN. In case of an error, LUN contains -1. This can be used instead of the RESULT keyword to detect errors (see below). (both parameters are mandatory !) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILENAME -> a named variable that will contain the complete filename upon return (i.e. the file selected with PICKFILE) WRITE -> Set this keyword to open a file for read and write operations. Normally, a file is opened for reading only. RESULT -> a named variable that will return the error status of the operation. A value of 0 indicates the file was opened sucessfully, otherwise the value of !Error_State.Code is returned. PICKFILE -> logical flag to force use of the DIALOG_PICKFILE routine, even if a complete filemask without wildcards was passed. TITLE -> the title of the pickfile dialog. Default is 'Choose a file'. DEFAULTMASK -> A default filemask to be used when no filename is given or the filename does not contain wildcards and /PICKFILE is set. This mask will also be used if the file cannot be opened because of 'FILE NOT FOUND' error. NO_PICKFILE -> prevents the pickfile dialog for batch operation. The filemask must not contain wildcards. Normally a 'FILE NOT FOUND' condition leads to a second attempt with the /PICKFILE flag set (recursive call). Use this flag if you want to abort instead. _EXTRA keywords are passed to the openr routine (e.g. /F77_UNFORMATTED) OUTPUTS: SUBROUTINES: REQUIREMENTS: Uses EXTRACT_FILENAME function NOTES: EXAMPLE: (1) ; Quick and dirty with pickfile dialog OPEN_FILE,'*.dat',ilun if (ilun le 0) then stop ; check error condition (2) ; A few more options invoked OPEN_FILE,'~/data/thisfile.dat',lun,default='*.dat', $ title='Choose a data file',filename=name IF (LUN LE 0) THEN STOP ; check error condition PRINT, FILENAME,' was opened successfully ; NOTE that filename does not have to be identical with ; '~/data/thisfile.dat' ! ; readf,lun,... CLOSE, LUN FREE_LUN, LUN MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 13 Aug 1998: VERSION 1.00 - extracted from and modified mgs, 14 Aug 1998: - small bug fix: handle empty filename string correctly mgs, 22 Aug 1998: - added WRITE keyword to open writable files mgs, 22 Oct 1998: - now always returns LUN=-1 in case of an error mgs, 21 Jan 1999: - Added explicit F77_Unformatted keyword and set Swap_If_Little_Endian or Swap_If_Big_Endian automatically mgs, 10 Feb 1999: - bug fix: swap_if was wrong way round mgs, 12 May 1999: - ok. finally got the hang of byte swapping! It's the machine architecture not the operating system! Now changed it so that !VERSION.ARCH is tested for 'x86' mgs, 20 May 1999: - abandoned SWAP_IF completely and use explicit SWAP_ENDIAN keyword in users grace now. bmy, 14 Oct 2003: TOOLS VERSION 1.53 - For IDL 6.0+, if PATH is a null string, then manually reset it to './'. This will avoid the contents of the !PATH variable from being listed in the dialog box. bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 cdh & phs, 30 Jun 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - declare dummy GET_LUN keyword. It prevents passing GET_LUN w/ _extra to openr/w, since LUN is already assigned in all cases.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/file_io/
NAME: ORG_CORR PURPOSE: Calculate reduced major axis. Given two vectors X and Y, this subroutine computes the Gradient and Y intercept of the line given by the reduced major axis. The main advantage of this is that the best fit line of X and Y will be the same as the best fit line of Y and X. CATEGORY: Math & Units CALLING SEQUENCE: ORG_CORR, X, Y, R, NP, GRADIENT, INTERCEPT, $ GRADIENT_ERR, INTERCEPT_ERR [, VERBOSE=VERBOSE ] INPUTS: X -> Vector containing X-axis values. Y -> Vector containing Y-axis values. R -> Correlation coefficient NP -> Number of elements of X and Y arrays to process. NP should be smaller than or equal to the number of elements of X and Y. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /VERBOSE -> Set this switch to print the gradient, intercept, and standard errors to the screen. The default is not to print these values. OUTPUTS: GRADIENT -> Gradient of reduced major axis INTERCEPT -> Y-Intercept of reduced major axis GRADIENT_ERR -> Standard error in gradient. INTERCEPT_ERR -> Standard error in Y-intercept. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================== SIGN (function) REQUIREMENTS: References routines from the TOOLS package. NOTES: (1) More details are in Hirsch and Gilroy, Water Res. Bull., 20(5), Oct 1984. (2) Standard errors also calculated according to Miller and Kahn, Statistical Analysis in the Geological Sciences, 1962, pp. 204-210. (3) Computations are now performed in double precision. EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: pip, clh, bmy, 10 Oct 2002: TOOLS VERSION 1.52 bmy, 26 Jan 2007: TOOLS VERSION 2.06 - Now compute gradient of YNEW with max & min values & subscripts of. This avoids the assumption that the first & last elements of YNEW are different. (Fix submitted by Mike Barkley, 1/26/07) bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/math_units/