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NAME: NCDF_GET PURPOSE: Convenience routine to read data into netCDF format. CATEGORY: File & I/O, Scientific Data Formats CALLING SEQUENCE: DATA = NCDF_GET( FID, NAME [, Keywords ] ) INPUTS: FID -> netCDF File ID, as returned by routine NCDF_OPEN. NAME -> Name under which the data array will be saved to the netCDF file. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: VARINFO -> Returns a structure containing information about the variable read in from disk. The structure has the following form: { NAME : "", $ DATATYPE : "", $ NDIMS : 0L, $ NATTS : 0L, $ DIM : LONARR(NDIMS) } LONGNAME -> Returns the value saved under the "long_name" attribute in the netCDF file. UNIT -> Returns the value of the "unit" attribute saved in the netCDF file. RANGE -> Returns the value of the "valid_range" saved in the netCDF file _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords got NCDF_VarGet. OUTPUTS: DATA -> Array containing extracted data from the netCDF file. SUBROUTINES: Uses the following IDL netCDF routines: ======================================== NCDF_VarId (function) NCDF_VarGet NCDF_VarInfo (function) NCDF_AttGet NCDF_AttName (function) REQUIREMENTS: Need to use a version of IDL w/ netCDF routines installed. NOTES: (1) Only looks for the "long_name", "unit", and "valid_range" attributes. The user can extend this as he/she desires. For a more general program, see ~/IDL/tools/ by Martin Schultz. EXAMPLE: ; Define array to write to file ARRAY = DIST( 100, 50 ) ; Find out if netCDF is supported on this platform IF ( NCDF_EXISTS() eq 0 ) then MESSAGE, 'netCDF not supported!' ; Open netCDF file and get the file ID # (FID) FID = NCDF_OPEN( '' ) IF ( FID lt 0 ) then Message, 'Error opening file!' ; Read data from the netCDF file ; Return data attributes in the VARINFO array ; Also returns the text from the UNIT string DATA = NCDF_GET( FID, 'BIOBSRCE::NOx', $ VARINFO=VARINFO, UNIT=UNIT ) ; Close the netCDF file NCDF_CLOSE, FID MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 22 May 2002: TOOLS VERSION 1.50 bmy, 21 Oct 2003: TOOLS VERSION 1.53 - If we can't find a netCDF variable name, then try again using a "sanitized" name w/ all bad characters stripped out bmy, 28 Jun 2007: TOOLS VERSION 2.06 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Added /VERBOSE keyword to reduce warning messages
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/file_io/
NAME: NCDF_READ PURPOSE: Open a netCDF file and read data from it. The data is returned as a structure whose tag names are the names of the variables with blanks etc. replaced. If no variables are specified with the VARIABLES keyword, only dimensional information is returned. You can load all variables using the ALL keyword. Other keyword options include OFFSET, COUNT, STRIDE, NO_DIMENSIONS, NO_STRUCT, DIMNAMES, VARNAMES, VARDIMS, ATTRIBUTES. Thus, this program includes ncdump functionality. If no filename is given, a file selection dialog is opened with the default mask '*.nc'. The name of the selected file is returned in the TRUENAME keyword. A file selection dialog also appears when the file cannot be found (see OPEN_FILE.PRO). This can be turned off with the NO_DIALOG keyword. The VERBOSE keyword provides information while analyzing and reading the file. AUTHOR: Dr. Martin Schultz Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie Bundesstr. 55, D-20146 Hamburg email: CATEGORY: File & I/O, Scientific Data Formats CALLING SEQUENCE: NCDF_READ, result, filename=, truename= , variables= , all= , varnames= , vardimid= , vardims= , attributes= , count= , offset= , stride= , dimnames= , dims= , no_dimensions= , no_struct= , no_dialog= , verbose= , title= ARGUMENTS: RESULT(out) -> a structure containing all the variable data from the netCDF file. If only one variable is specified and the NO_STRUCT keyword set, then RESULT will be an array instead of a structure. Use the ALL keyword to load all variables at once. Note, that the COUNT, OFFSET, and STRIDE keywords can affect the size of RESULT. RESULT is set to -1L if an error occurs before the structure has been built. You can use CHKSTRU.PRO to test for this. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILENAME(in) -> the name of the netCDF file to be opened. NCDF_READ uses OPEN_FILE to check the validity of the file first. You can specify a search mask instead of a filename in which case a file selection dialog is displayed (unless you set the NO_DIALOG keyword). The TRUENAME keyword contains the name of the selected file or an empty string if the file selection was canceled. TRUENAME(out) -> the (fully qualified) name of the file selected with the file selection dialog or an unaltered copy of FILENAME if FILENAME is a valid filename. VARIABLES(in) -> a string array containing the names of variables for which data shall be read. Default is to read only the dimensional information from the file. (Currently) no warning is issued if a variable is not in the file. ALL(in) -> set this keyword to load all variables stored in the netCDF file. Generally, you cannot usethis keyword together with COUNT, OFFSET, and STRIDE. VARNAMES(out) -> a string array containing the names of all variables as stored in the file. Note, that the tag names of e.g. the result structure are filtered with the Valid_TagName function. VARDIMID(out) -> a structure with integer arrays containing the dimension ID's for all variables. See also VARDIMS which returns the dimensions themselves. VARDIMS(out) -> a structure with integer arrays containing the dimensions for all variables in the netCDF file. These are not kept in sync with potential COUNT, OFFSET, and STRIDE values, but reflect the data sizes as stored in the file. ATTRIBUTES(out) -> a structure holding the variable and global attributes stored in the netCDF file (global attributes are stored in tag name GLOBAL). COUNT(in) -> an integer array containing the number of values to be read for each dimension of the variables. Mapping of the COUNT dimensions to the variable dimensions is achieved via the first entry in the VARIABLES list and the COUNT parameter will be applied to all variables that have that dimension. Example: The first variable has dimensions LON, LAT, LEV, the second variable has dimensions LON, LAT, and the third variable has LAT, LEV. A COUNT of [40,20,10] would lead to result dimensions of [40,20,10], [40,20], and [20,10]. OFFSET(in) -> an integer array containing the offsets for each dimension of the variables to be read. Dimension mapping is the same as for COUNT. STRIDE(in) -> an integer array containing the stride for each dimension of the variables to be read. Dimension mapping is the same as for COUNT. DIMNAMES(out) -> a string array containing the names of the dimensions stored in the netCDF file. DIMS(out) -> a long array containing the dimension values. Purely for convenience. Use VARDIMS to retrieve the dimensions of the variables. TITLE(in) -> A title for the file selection dialog if an incomplete or incorrect filename is specified. This keyword is ignored if the no_dialog keyword is set. NO_DIMENSIONS(in) -> set this keyword if you do not want to store the dimensional variables from the file in the result structure. DIMNAMES and DIMS will still be retrieved. NO_STRUCT(in) -> if only one variable is selected with the VARIABLE keyword, you can set this keyword to return only the data for this variable as an array. This keyword implies the functionality of NO_DIMENSIONS. NO_DIALOG(in) -> set this keyword if you do not want interactive behaviour when a file mask is given instead of a filename or when the specified file does not exist. VERBOSE(in) -> set this keyword to get detailed information while reading the netCDF file. SUBROUTINES: Valid_TagName : replaces invalid characters in variable names so that a structure can be built. ncdf_attributes : retrieves global and variable attributes from netcdf file and stores them as structure. ncdf_dimensions : retrieves size and name for all dimensions in netcdf file. ncdf_varnames : retrieves names and dimension information for all variables in the netCDF file. ncdf_mapdims : map dimension indices for COUNT, OFFSET, and STRIDE with dimensions of first selected variable. ncdf_TestDimensions : compute the COUNT, OFFSET, and STRIDE vectors that must be applied for retrieving the data of one variable. REQUIREMENTS: uses OPEN_FILE and STRREPL. NOTES: Correct handling of dimensional information requires that the variables storing the dimension values have the same name as the dimensions themselves - a common feature in most netCDF standards. I am still working on a netcdf file object which will be even more powerful. At some point ncdf_read will only be a procedure interface to this objec! EXAMPLE: ncdf_read,result,/All ; plot ozone vs. temperature plot,result.temperature,result.ozone MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 18 Sep 1999: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 29 Feb 2000: - added variables keyword - added CATCH error handler mgs, 21 Mar 2000: - bug fix for tag names mgs, 09 May 2000: VERSION 2.00 - now only reads dimensions as default - added ALL keyword to compensate - returns dimnames and attributes (makes ncdf_detail obsolete) - added COUNT, OFFSET and STRIDE keywords - added NO_DIMENSIONS and NO_DIALOG keywords and more mgs, 22 Aug 2000: - added title keyword bmy, 22 May 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 - Now replace ":", "=", "#" with "_" in structure tag names, so IDL won't choke bmy, 21 Oct 2003: GAMAP VERSION 1.53 - also replace "(" and ")" in tag names - replace "$" with "S" (close to dollar sign) - replace "*" with "A" (for Asterisk) bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/file_io/
NAME: NCDF_SET PURPOSE: Convenience routine to write data into netCDF format. CATEGORY: File & I/O, Scientific Data Formats CALLING SEQUENCE: NCDF_SET, FID, DATA, NAME, DIMS [, Keywords ] INPUTS: FID -> netCDF File ID, as returned by routine NCDF_CREATE. DATA -> Data (array or scalar) to be written to netCDF file. NAME -> Name under which the data array will be saved to the netCDF file. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: LONGNAME -> Longer descriptive name for the data. This will be saved as the "long_name" attribute. RANGE -> A 2-element vector containing the [min,max] of the data array. If not passed, RANGE will be computed (but only if DATA is a numeric type). RANGE is saved to the netCDF file as the "valid_range" attribute. UNIT -> String containing the units of the data. This will be saved as the "unit" attribute. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: Uses the following routines: ===================================================== NCDF_Control NCDF_VarDef (function) NCDF_AttPut DATATYPE (function from TOOLS) NCDF_VarPut NCDF_VALID_NAME (function from TOOLS) REQUIREMENTS: Need to use a version of IDL w/ netCDF routines installed. NOTES: (1) For now, treat BYTE data like CHAR data. This is most likely since netCDF does not support STRING types, strings have to be stored as arrays of bytes. EXAMPLE: ; Define array to write to file ARRAY = DIST( 100, 50 ) ; Find out if netCDF is supported on this platform IF ( NCDF_EXISTS() eq 0 ) then MESSAGE, 'netCDF not supported!' ; Open netCDF file and get the file ID # (FID) FID = NCDF_CREATE( '', /CLOBBER ) IF ( FID lt 0 ) then Message, 'Error opening file!' ; Set dimensions for netCDF file S = SIZE( ARRAY, /DIM ) DIM1 = NCDF_DIMDEF( FID, 'Length', S[0] ) DIM2 = NCDF_DIMDEF( FID, 'Width', S[1] ) ; Go into netCDF DATA mode NCDF_CONTROL, FID, /ENDEF ; Call NCDF_SET to write the array to the file NCDF_SET, FID, ARRAY, 'My Data', [ DIM1, DIM2 ], $ LONGNAME='Data array created by me!', $ UNIT='unitless' ; Close the netCDF file NCDF_CLOSE, FID MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 19 Apr 2002: TOOLS VERSION 1.50 bmy, 10 Sep 2002: TOOLS VERSION 1.51 - Now call routine DATATYPE to determine the type of the data so that we can write to the netCDF file appropriately - Don't add the RANGE attribute to the netCDF file for a string type value. - Updated comments bmy, 21 Oct 2003: TOOLS VERSION 1.53 - now "sanitize" the netCDF variable name w/ routine NCDF_VALID_NAME. The new netCDF library in IDL 6.0+ chokes on bad characters. bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/file_io/
NAME: NCDF_VALID_NAME PURPOSE: Strips invalid characters from a string which is to be used as a netCDF variable name. Based on original code by Martin Schultz. CATEGORY: File & I/O, Scientific Data Formats CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = NCDF_VALID_NAME( ARG ) INPUTS: ARG -> netCDF variable name string to be examined. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: RESULT -> New netCDF name string with "bad" characters replaced by "good" characters. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Used: ========================== STRREPL (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: In IDL 6.0+, the netCDF library has been updated. Some characters which used to be allowed in netCDF variable names are no longer allowed. Therefore, use this function to replace "bad" characters with "good" characters when reading or writing to/from netCDF files. EXAMPLE: RESULT = NCDF_VALID_NAME( 'IJ-AVG-$::CO' ) PRINT, RESULT ; Prints "IJ-AVG-S__CO" MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 21 Oct 2003: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/file_io/
NAME: NUMDEN PURPOSE: Calculates the number density of air for a given temperature and pressure. CATEGORY: Atmospheric Sciences CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = NUMDEN( T, P, /DOUBLE ) INPUTS: T -> Temperature (or vector of temperatures) in K. P -> Pressure (or vector of pressures) in hPa. Default is 1000 hPa. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /DOUBLE -> Set this switch to return the number density in double precision. Default is to return the number density in single precision. OUTPUTS: RESULT -> Number density of air in molec/cm3. If T and P are vectors, then RESULT will be a vector of number densities SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLES: (1) PRINT, NUMDEN( 298.0, 1013.0 ) 2.46206e+19 ; Prints the number density of air ; at 298K and 1013 hPa. (2) PRINT, NUMDEN( 298.0, 1013.0, /DOUBLE ) 2.4620635e+19 ; Prints the number density of air ; at 298K and ; 1013 hPa. Computation is done in double precision. MODIFICATION HISTORY: dbm, 30 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 phs, 1 Sep 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - let you pass array
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/atm_sci/
NAME: NYMD2TAU (function) PURPOSE: Computes the value of TAU, which is the elapsed hours between the current date/time and the beginning of an epoch. This is the starting date for 3D model data assimilation. CATEGORY: Date & Time CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = NYMD2TAU( NYMD, [NHMS [,NYMD0, NHMS0]] ) INPUTS: NYMD (long) -> YY/MM/DD for this date (e.g. 940101) You can either specify year as 4 digits or 2 digits. With 2 digits, year < 50 will be assumed to be 2000+YY.A NHMS (long) -> HH/MM/SS for this date (e.g. 060000) will be defaulted to 000000 NYMD0 (long) -> YY/MM/DD for the start of the epoch default is {19}850101 which is the GEOS-1 start NHMS0 (long) -> HH/MM/SS for the start of the epoch will be defaulted to 000000 KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /GEOS1 -> use 1985/01/01 as epoch start /GISS_II -> use 1980/01/01 as epoch start OUTPUTS: RESULT -> The function returns the TAU value as a double-precision number SUBROUTINES: NYMD2STRU : extracts year, month, day, hour, minute and seconds from NYMD and NHMS values. JULDAY (IDL user library procedure) REQUIREMENTS: NOTES: Function NYMD2STRU is also contained in function TAU2YYMMDD. Take care when changes are necessary ! EXAMPLE: ; (1) Compute TAU value for 0h on Jan 1, 1994, with the ; epoch starting on 0h on Jan 1, 1980 (GISS II value). ; TAU = nymd2tau( 940101L, 0L, 800101L, 0L ) ; (2) Compute TAU value for 0h on Jan 1, 1994, for the ; default GEOS-1 epoch (850101L, 0L). ; TAU = nymd2tau( 940101L, 0L ) ; (3) Compute GISS model II tau values for the first of ; each month in 1990 date = [ 900101L, 900201L, 900301L, 900401L, 900501L, 900601L, $ 900701L, 900801L, 900901L, 901001L, 901101L, 901201L ] tau = nymd2tau(date,/GISS) MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 26 Mar 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 26 Mar 1998: - now year 2000 compliable mgs, 23 Mar 1999: - now handles vectors as input bmy, 23 Mar 2005: GAMAP VERSION 2.03 - Added /NO_Y2K keyword to suppress special Y2K treatment of dates (i.e. treat dates w/ 2 digits as from 1900's) - renamed internal function NYMD2STRU to N2T_NYMD2STRU to avoid conflict with similar function in "" bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/date_time/
NAME: N_UNIQ (function) PURPOSE: Returns the number of unique elements in an array. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = N_UNIQ( Arr ) INPUTS: ARR -> The array to be searched for unique values. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: Returns the number of unique values in ARR as the value of the function SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLES: (1) PRINT, N_UNIQ( [10, 20, 30] ) 3 (2) PRINT, N_UNIQ( [10,10] ) 1 MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 17 Nov 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 17 Nov 1998: - little streamlining mgs, 16 Mar 1999: - don't print out warning for empty argument and return 0 instead of -1 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/