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NAME: ARREX (function) PURPOSE: This function extracts a multi-dimensional subset of an array. For each dimension the start index, end index, and stride can be specified - default values are 0 (i.e. first start index), "all" (i.e. last end index), and 1 (i.e. every element). A negative stride causes reversion of the respective array dimension. CATEGORY: Math & Units CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = ARREX(Array [, Starti [,Endi [, Stride ]]] [,/Reform]) INPUTS: ARRAY -> The parent array from which the extraction shall be made. Currently up to 4 dimensions are supported. STARTI -> An array with starting indices. Each element of STARTI corresponds to one dimension of ARRAY. If STARTI has less elements than ARRAY dimensions, the remainder is assumed 0. ENDI -> An array with ending indices. Each element of ENDI corresponds to one dimension of ARRAY. If ENDI has less elements than ARRAY dimensions, the remainder is set to the maximum possible value for that dimension. STRIDE -> An array with stride values. A stride of 1 (default) signifies extraction of every element, 2 returns every second element for that dimension, etc. Negative values cause the respective dimension to be reversed. Each value of STRIDE corresponds to one dimension of ARRAY. If STRIDE has less elements than ARRAY dimensions, the remainder is assumed 1. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /REFORM -> Set this keyword to eliminate unnecessary dimensions in the result. OUTPUTS: A subset of the original array. This will have the same dimensionality as ARRAY unless the REFORM keyword is set. SUBROUTINES: Function arrex_ComputeInd REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: Created after discussion in newsgroup idl-pvwave. This version contains some debug output. EXAMPLE: A = indgen(10,10) print,arrex(A,[2,1],-1,[2,4]) ; yields 12 14 16 18 ; 52 54 56 58 ; 92 94 96 98 print,arrex(A,[10,1],[1,10],[5,5]) ; yields 19 15 ; 69 65 ; note that stride for dimension 1 is adjusted automatically. MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 20 May 1999: VERSION 1.00 - with a lot of input from L. Gumley, S. Vidar, and others bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/math_units/
NAME: BINARY (function) PURPOSE: This function returns the binary representation of a number. Numbers are converted to LONG integers if necessary. CATEGORY: Math & Units CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = BINARY( NUMBER ) INPUTS: NUMBER -> Number for which its binary representation will be returned. Number may be any of the numeric types (BYTE, INT, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, COMPLEX, etc). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLES: (1) PRINT, BINARY( 11B ) 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 ; Binary representation of 11B (2) PRINT, FORMAT='(Z9.8,5X,4(1X,8A1))', LONG(!PI,0), BINARY(!PI) 40490fdb 01000000 01001001 00001111 11011011 ; If data extraction is used instead of conversion ; Binary representation of pi (little endian IEEE ; representation) AUTHOR: Kevin Ivory Tel: +49 5556 979 434 Max-Planck-Institut fuer Aeronomie Fax: +49 5556 979 240 Max-Planck-Str. 2 D-37191 Katlenburg-Lindau, GERMANY MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Updated comments, cosmetic changes
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/math_units/
NAME: CMSET_OP AUTHOR: Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770 PURPOSE: Performs an AND, OR, or XOR operation between two sets CATEGORY: Math & Units CALLING SEQUENCE: SET = CMSET_OP(A, OP, B) DESCRIPTION: SET_OP performs three common operations between two sets. The three supported functions of OP are: OP Meaning 'AND' - to find the intersection of A and B; 'OR' - to find the union of A and B; 'XOR' - to find the those elements who are members of A or B but not both; Sets as defined here are one dimensional arrays composed of numeric or string types. Comparisons of equality between elements are done using the IDL EQ operator. The complements of either set can be taken as well, by using the NOT1 and NOT2 keywords. For example, it may be desireable to find the elements in A but not B, or B but not A (they are different!). The following IDL expressions achieve each of those effects: SET = CMSET_OP(A, 'AND', /NOT2, B) ; A but not B SET = CMSET_OP(/NOT1, A, 'AND', B) ; B but not A Note the distinction between NOT1 and NOT2. NOT1 refers to the first set (A) and NOT2 refers to the second (B). Their ordered placement in the calling sequence is entirely optional, but the above ordering makes the logical meaning explicit. NOT1 and NOT2 can only be set for the 'AND' operator, and never simultaneously. This is because the results of an operation with 'OR' or 'XOR' and any combination of NOTs -- or with 'AND' and both NOTs -- formally cannot produce a defined result. The implementation depends on the type of operands. For integer types, a fast technique using HISTOGRAM is used. However, this algorithm becomes inefficient when the dynamic range in the data is large. For those cases, and for other data types, a technique based on SORT() is used. Thus the compute time should scale roughly as (A+B)*ALOG(A+B) or better, rather than (A*B) for the brute force approach. For large arrays this is a significant benefit. INPUTS: A, B - the two sets to be operated on. A one dimensional array of either numeric or string type. A and B must be of the same type. Empty sets are permitted, and are either represented as an undefined variable, or by setting EMPTY1 or EMPTY2. OP - a string, the operation to be performed. Must be one of 'AND', 'OR' or 'XOR' (lower or mixed case is permitted). Other operations will cause an error message to be produced. KEYWORDS NOT1, NOT2 - if set and OP is 'AND', then the complement of A (for NOT1) or B (for NOT2) will be used in the operation. NOT1 and NOT2 cannot be set simultaneously. EMPTY1, EMPTY2 - if set, then A (for EMPTY1) or B (for EMPTY2) are assumed to be the empty set. The actual values passed as A or B are then ignored. INDEX - if set, then return a list of indices instead of the array values themselves. The "slower" set operations are always performed in this case. The indices refer to the *combined* array [A,B]. To clarify, in the following call: I = CMSET_OP(..., /INDEX); returned values from 0 to NA-1 refer to A[I], and values from NA to NA+NB-1 refer to B[I-NA]. COUNT - upon return, the number of elements in the result set. This is only important when the result set is the empty set, in which case COUNT is set to zero. RETURNS The resulting set as a one-dimensional array. The set may be represented by either an array of data values (default), or an array of indices (if INDEX is set). Duplicate elements, if any, are removed, and element order may not be preserved. The empty set is represented as a return value of -1L, and COUNT is set to zero. Note that the only way to recognize the empty set is to examine COUNT. SEE ALSO: SET_UTILS.PRO by RSI MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written, CM, 23 Feb 2000 Added empty set capability, CM, 25 Feb 2000 Documentation clarification, CM 02 Mar 2000 Incompatible but more consistent reworking of EMPTY keywords, CM, 04 Mar 2000 Minor documentation clarifications, CM, 26 Mar 2000 Corrected bug in empty_arg special case, CM 06 Apr 2000 Add INDEX keyword, CM 31 Jul 2000 Clarify INDEX keyword documentation, CM 06 Sep 2000 Made INDEX keyword always force SLOW_SET_OP, CM 06 Sep 2000 Added CMSET_OP_UNIQ, and ability to select FIRST_UNIQUE or LAST_UNIQUE values, CM, 18 Sep 2000 Removed FIRST_UNIQUE and LAST_UNIQUE, and streamlined CMSET_OP_UNIQ until problems with SORT can be understood, CM, 20 Sep 2000 (thanks to Ben Tupper) Still trying to get documentation of INDEX and NOT right, CM, 28 Sep 2000 (no code changes) Correct bug for AND case, when input sets A and B each only have one unique value, and the values are equal. CM, 04 Mar 2004 (thanks to James B. jbattat at cfa dot harvard dot edu) Add support for the cases where the input data types are mixed, but still compatible; also, attempt to return the same data type that was passed in; CM, 05 Feb 2005 Fix bug in type checking (thanks to "marit"), CM, 10 Dec 2005 Work around a stupidity in the built-in IDL HISTOGRAM routine, which tries to "help" you by restricting the MIN/MAX to the range of the input variable (thanks to Will Maddox), CM, 16 Jan 2006 $Id:,v 1.4 2007/11/20 21:55:32 bmy Exp $
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/math_units/
NAME: CONVERT_KG_MOLCM2 PURPOSE: Converts the units of a 2-D array from kg to molecules/cm2 (or kg/s to molecules/cm2/s). CATEGORY: Math & Units CALLING SEQUENCE: CONVERT_KG_MOLCM2, DATA, AREACM2, KGPERMOLE INPUTS: DATA -> 2-D array of data values in units of kg or kg s^-1. AREACM2 -> 2-D array containing the surface area of each gridbox in cm^2 KGPERMOLE -> The molecular weight of the tracer or molecule, in units of kg mole^-1. OUTPUTS: DATA -> The converted array in molecules cm^-2 s^-1 is returned in DATA. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: CTM_SURFACE_AREA must be called to compute the AREACM2 array. TRACER_KG_PER_MOLE (or a similar subroutine) must be called to compute the KGPERMOLE array. NOTES: None EXAMPLE: AreaCm2 = CTM_SURFACE_AREA( GridInfo, /cm2, /GEOS ) KgPerMole = TRACER_KG_PER_MOLE( /FULLCHEM ) TracerNumber = 1 ; for NOx CONVERT_KG_MOLCM2, Data, AreaCm2, KgPerMole(TracerNumber) ; Will convert the Data array for the GEOS-1 model (using ; the molecular weight for NOx) from kg/s to molecules/cm2/s. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 07 Apr 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/math_units/
NAME: CONVERT_MOLCM2_KG PURPOSE: Converts the units of a 2-D or 3-D array from molecules/cm2 to kg (or, equivalently, from molecules/cm2/s to kg/s). CATEGORY: Math & Units CALLING SEQUENCE: CONVERT_MOLCM2_KG, DATA, AREACM2, KGPERMOLE INPUTS: DATA -> 2-D or 3-D array of data values in units of molecules cm^-2 or molecules cm^-2 s^-1. AREACM2 -> 2-D array containing the surface area of each gridbox in cm^2 KGPERMOLE -> The molecular weight of the tracer or molecule, in units of kg/mole. OUTPUTS: DATA -> The converted array in kg/s is returned in DATA. DATA is returned with the same dimensions as it had when it was passed to CONVERT_MOLCM2_KG. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: CTM_SURFACE_AREA must be called to compute the AREACM2 array. TRACER_KG_PER_MOLE (or a similar subroutine) must be called to compute the KGPERMOLE array. NOTES: EXAMPLE: AreaCm2 = CTM_SURFACE_AREA( GridInfo, /cm2, /GEOS ) KgPerMole = TRACER_KG_PER_MOLE( /FULLCHEM ) TracerNumber = 1 ; for NOx CONVERT_MOLCM2_KG, Data, AreaCm2, KgPerMole Will convert the Data array for the GEOS-1 model (using the molecular weight for NOx) from molecules/cm2/s to kg/s. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 07 Apr 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 09 Apr 1998: VERSION 1.01 - DATA can now be a 2-D or 3-D array. - KgPerMole can now be an array of the same dimension as the 3rd dimension of Data. bmy, 07 Oct 1998: VERSION 1.02 - now uses MESSAGE statement - also uses [] instead of () for array indices bmy 23 Nov 1998: VERSION 2.00 - now uses double precision array NEWDATA to avoid overflow/underflow errors bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/math_units/
NAME: CONVERT_UNIT PURPOSE: Convert data to a different unit. You can either replace a unit by the corresponding standard SI unit or replace a specific unit with another one. CATEGORY: Math & Units CALLING SEQUENCE: CONVERT_UNIT,DATA,UNIT,TOPARAM [,keywords] INPUTS: DATA -> A data vector, array, or a single value that shall be converted to a new unit. UNIT -> A string variable containing the (current) unit of DATA. This will be replaced by the new unit afterwards. If omitted, you must give the FROM_UNIT keyword to indicate the current unit of DATA. TOPARAM -> The unit to convert DATA to. This is equivalent to the keyword TO_UNIT and overwrites it. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FROM_UNIT -> An individual unit to search and replace. If not given, any unit will be converted to TO_UNIT, as long as the current unit belongs to the same category. TO_UNIT -> An individual unit to convert to. If not given, all unit that are converted (see FROM_UNIT) will be replaced by the standard SI unit of their category. For the individual unit and categories see FIND_UNIT RESULT -> returns 1 if conversion was successful, 0 otherwise This keyword is mostly for consistency witholder routines. It is more convenient to test !ERROR_STATE.CODE for being 0. MINVAL -> minimum valid data value. Only data above this value will be converted (default: -1.E30) QUIET -> In case of an error, an error message is displayed, and the !ERROR_STATUS system variable is set to reflect the error condition (program execution continues). Set the QUIET keyword to suppress the error message. OUTPUTS: DATA will be converted and unit will contain new names. SUBROUTINES: Uses FIND_UNIT REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: CONVERT_UNIT wil return the value and unit unchanged if the unit was not found in the standard list (see FIND_UNIT) or the category of the target unit does not match the category of the source unit. In these cases, !ERROR_STATE.CODE will be set to signal an error condition. EXAMPLE: ; create some data data = findgen(100) unit = 'cm' ; convert all data to SI unit of same category (m) convert_unit,data,unit ; test success if (!ERROR_STATE.CODE ne 0) then stop ; convert temperature in Fahrenheit to 'deg C' ; (multiple calls to capture all different spellings) ; Data will only be changed if unit is indeed Fahrenheit convert_unit,data,unit,from='F',to='deg C' convert_unit,data,unit,from='degF',to='deg C' convert_unit,data,unit,from='deg F',to='deg C' ; (easier way) convert any temperature to 'C' ; This will also convert 'K' ! ; Don't display error message convert_unit,data,unit,to='C',/QUIET ; convert 'mph' data to SI ('m/s') convert_unit,data,unit,from='mph' ; explicitely convert 'cm' to 'm' convert_unit,data,'cm','m' ; equivalent to convert_unit,data,from='cm',to='m' MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 26 Aug 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 27 Aug 1998: - added RESULT and QUIET keywords - improved error handling bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/math_units/
NAME: CUM_TOTAL (function) PURPOSE: Compute cumulative total of a data vector. CATEGORY: Math & Units CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = CUM_TOTAL(Y) INPUTS: Y -> The data vector KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: A data vector with the same number of elements and the cumulative totals. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: See also function RUN_AV. EXAMPLE: Y = FINDGEN(10) PRINT, CUM_TOTAL(Y) ; IDL prints: 0 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 21 Oct 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 23 May 2007: TOOLS VERSION 2.06 - Now use longword for loop counter - Updated comments, cosmetic changes bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/math_units/
NAME: FCONVERT_UNIT (function) PURPOSE: Wrapper for CONVERT_UNIT. Passes all of the input data to CONVERT_UNIT and returns the result to the calling program. CATEGORY: Math & Units CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = FCONVERT_UNIT( DATA, UNIT, TOPARAM [, Keywords ] ) INPUTS: DATA -> A data vector, array, or a single value that shall be converted to a new unit. UNIT -> A string variable containing the (current) unit of DATA. This will be replaced by the new unit afterwards. If omitted, you must give the FROM_UNIT keyword to indicate the current unit of DATA. TOPARAM -> The unit to convert DATA to. This is equivalent to the keyword TO_UNIT and overwrites it.; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: RESULT -> returns 1 if conversion was successful, 0 otherwise This keyword is mostly for consistency witholder routines. It is more convenient to test !ERROR_STATE.CODE for being 0. _EXTRA=e -> Passes extra keywords to CONVERT_UNIT. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =============================== CONVERT_UNIT REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 26 Aug 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Added std documentation header
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/math_units/
NAME: FIND_UNIT PURPOSE: Return classification and conversion information for physical units. You pass a unit name, and you will get a standard form of that name as well as a factor and an offset that convert the unit to SI standard. To convert one unit to another, use FIND_UNIT twice (see example below). CATEGORY: Math & Units CALLING SEQUENCE: FIND_UNIT,NAME,STDNAME,FACTOR,OFFSET,CATEGORY [,keywords] INPUTS: NAME -> A string containing the name to search for KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /GET_SI -> Return the name of the SI unit of the category of the given unit. Factor and offset will always be 1.0 and 0.0, CATEGORY will contain the category number. /NO_STANDARD -> Do not return the standard name of a unit. The standard spelling is identified as the first occurrence of a given unit with the same conversion factor and offset in the same category and normally replaces the input name. /TEST -> Check standard unit strings for consistency This keyword is only useful when you add extra units. OUTPUTS: STDNAME -> The unit name as saved in the stdunits array (e.g. 'KG' is returned as 'kg') FACTOR -> A conversion factor to SI OFFSET -> A conversion offset CATEGORY -> The class to which the unit belongs: -1 : unit not found 0 : distance 1 : area 2 : volume 3 : time 4 : frequency 5 : speed 6 : accelaration 7 : temperature 8 : weight 9 : pressure 10 : force 11 : energy 12 : power 13 : mixing ratio 14 : currency 15 : voltage SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: FIND_UNIT,'kM/H',stdname,factor,offset,category print,stdname,factor,offset,category ; prints km/h 0.277780 0.00000 5 ; conversion from Fahrenheit to Celsius temp = [ 0., 32., 80., 100. ] FIND_UNIT,'F',fromname,fromfac,fromoff,fromcat FIND_UNIT,'C',toname,tofac,tooff,tocat if (fromcat ne tocat) then print,'bullsh...' ctemp = ((fromfac*temp+fromoff) - tooff) / tofac print,ctemp ; prints -17.7778 0.000152588 26.6670 37.7782 ; find name of corresponding SI unit FIND_UNIT,'mph',stdname,/get_si print,stdname ; prints m/s ; find standard form of any unit FIND_UNIT,'miles/hour',stdname print,stdname ; prints mph MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 26 Aug 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/math_units/
NAME: MEAN PURPOSE: Computes the mean value of an array, along a given dimension. CATEGORY: Math & Units CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = MEAN( X, DIM, _EXTRA=e ) INPUTS: X -> The input vector or array. DIM -> The dimension along which to compute the mean of X. DIM may be omitted if the X is 1-dimensional. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: _EXTRA=e -> Passes extra keywords to the TOTAL command. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: Multidimensional version from Kevin Ivory (04/03/1997) EXAMPLES: (1) PRINT, MEAN( FINDGEN(10) ) IDL prints: 4.50000 ; Prints the mean of a 1-D array (2) ARRAY = MEAN( DIST(10,10), 2 ) HELP, ARRAY PRINT, ARRAY IDL prints: ARRAY FLOAT = Array[10] 2.50000 2.79703 3.36695 4.08519 4.89073 5.75076 4.89073 4.08519 3.36695 2.79703 ; Prints the mean of a 2-D array along ; the second dimension. MODIFICATION HISTORY: ivory, 04 Mar 1997: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Cosmetic changes, added comments
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/math_units/
NAME: MULTISORT PURPOSE: hierarchical sorting of a data set, each column can be sorted reversely. Works well together with W_SORT, a widget interface that handles up to three sort levels/columns. COLUMNS are defined as first array index (e.g. DATA=FLTARR(5,20) has 5 columns). CATEGORY: Math & Units CALLING SEQUENCE: multisort,data,index=index,revert=revert INPUTS: DATA --> a 2D array to be sorted KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INDEX --> an integer or integer array containing the indices for which the array shall be sorted (e.g. [ 3,1,0 ] will sort DATA first by column 3, then within groups of same values for column 3 values will be sorted by column 1, and finally by column 0. Default is to sort by the first column. REVERT --> an integer or integer array indicating which columns shall be sorted in reverse order. REVERT=1 reverts all sorting, REVERT=[0,1,0] reverts the sort order only for the 2nd column. Default is 0, i.e. do not revert. OUTPUTS: The DATA array will be sorted according to the specifications. SUBROUTINES: testsort : little test program (historic debugging purposes) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: MULTISORT, DATA, INDEX=[3,1,0], REVERT=[0,1,0] ; Sort data first in column 3, then in reverse order ; for column 1, and finally ascending order for column 0. MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 30 Jun 1997: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 08 Apr 1998: - now stand-alone routine and documentation mgs, 22 Dec 1998: - bug fix (startindex must be -1) mgs, 17 Mar 1999: - bug fix: now has default 0 for revert (thanks to G. Fireman) bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/math_units/
NAME: ORG_CORR PURPOSE: Calculate reduced major axis. Given two vectors X and Y, this subroutine computes the Gradient and Y intercept of the line given by the reduced major axis. The main advantage of this is that the best fit line of X and Y will be the same as the best fit line of Y and X. CATEGORY: Math & Units CALLING SEQUENCE: ORG_CORR, X, Y, R, NP, GRADIENT, INTERCEPT, $ GRADIENT_ERR, INTERCEPT_ERR [, VERBOSE=VERBOSE ] INPUTS: X -> Vector containing X-axis values. Y -> Vector containing Y-axis values. R -> Correlation coefficient NP -> Number of elements of X and Y arrays to process. NP should be smaller than or equal to the number of elements of X and Y. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /VERBOSE -> Set this switch to print the gradient, intercept, and standard errors to the screen. The default is not to print these values. OUTPUTS: GRADIENT -> Gradient of reduced major axis INTERCEPT -> Y-Intercept of reduced major axis GRADIENT_ERR -> Standard error in gradient. INTERCEPT_ERR -> Standard error in Y-intercept. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================== SIGN (function) REQUIREMENTS: References routines from the TOOLS package. NOTES: (1) More details are in Hirsch and Gilroy, Water Res. Bull., 20(5), Oct 1984. (2) Standard errors also calculated according to Miller and Kahn, Statistical Analysis in the Geological Sciences, 1962, pp. 204-210. (3) Computations are now performed in double precision. EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: pip, clh, bmy, 10 Oct 2002: TOOLS VERSION 1.52 bmy, 26 Jan 2007: TOOLS VERSION 2.06 - Now compute gradient of YNEW with max & min values & subscripts of. This avoids the assumption that the first & last elements of YNEW are different. (Fix submitted by Mike Barkley, 1/26/07) bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/math_units/
NAME: PERCENTILES PURPOSE: Compute percentiles of a data array (both ways: data that correspond to %, and % that correspond to data) CATEGORY: Math & Units CALLING SEQUENCE: Y = PERCENTILES( DATA [,VALUE=value-array] ) INPUTS: DATA -> the vector containing the data KEYWORD PARAMETERS: VALUE --> array or scalar that specify percentile(s) to compute. If /REVERSE is set, a percentage that correspond to Value is return. Default percentile to compute is standard set of min (0%), 25%, median (=50%), 75%, and max(100%) which can be used for box- and whisker plots. The values in the VALUE array must lie between 0. and 1. If /REVERSE, default value is mean(data) INTERPOLATE --> Behaves like EVEN keyword for MEDIAN. If no element of the data falls exactly on the requested percentile value, then the 2 adjacent data elements are linearly interpolated to the requested percentile value. When using the INTERPOLATE keyword, returned values may not be elements of the input array. /NAN --> if set, ignores NaN values. You must use that keyword if your dataset may have NaN. /REVERSE --> to get % corresponding to data value, instead of data corresponding to % OUTPUTS: Y -> The function returns an array with the percentile values or -1 if no data was passed or value contains invalid numbers. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: x = (findgen(31)-15.)*0.2 ; create sample data y = exp(-x^2)/3.14159 ; compute some Gauss distribution p = percentiles(y,value=[0.05,0.1,0.9,0.95]) print,p IDL prints : 3.92826e-05 0.000125309 0.305829 0.318310 MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 03 Aug 1997: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 20 Feb 1998: - improved speed and memory usage (after tip from Stein Vidar on newsgroup) bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 cdh & jaf, 21 Oct 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - fixed incorrect values for small sample sizes - removed unnecessary loop - added NaN keyword phs, 22 Oct 2009: - added REVERSE keyword - updated handling of NaN cdh, 19 Jun 2012: - added INTERPOLATE keyword
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/math_units/
NAME: QQNORM PURPOSE: Procedure: sort the data, assign actual "probability" and calculate the expected deviation from the mean. CATEGORY: Math & Units CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = QQNORM( DATA ) INPUTS: DATA -> Vector containing the data values. NOTE: DATA will be sorted in ascending order and then returned. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: RESULT -> Array where each element contains the expected deviation from the mean of DATA. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: RESULT = QQNORM( DATA ) ; Computes expected deviation from the mean. MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 14 Dec 1998: VERSION 1.0 - extracted from pip, clh, bmy, 10 Oct 2002: TOOLS VERSION 1.52 amf, swu, bmy, 10 Oct 2006: TOOLS VERSION 2.05 - Now use simpler algorithm from Arlene Fiore's code bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/math_units/
NAME: RUN_AV (function) PURPOSE: Compute running average or running total of a data vector. Compared to the IDL function TS_SMOOTH, this function takes into account missing values or gaps in an optional x vector, and it allows for even bandwidths. It can also be used to compute cumulative totals. CATEGORY: Math & Units CALLING SEQUENCE: result = RUN_AV(Y [,X] [,keywords] ) INPUTS: Y -> the data vector (a 2-D array will be treated as a vector) X -> an optional X vector defining e.g. the sample times. This only has an effect when the DELTAX keyword is specified. X must be monotonically increasing and have the same number of elements as Y. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: WIDTH -> The number of points to use for the average or total Default is 1, i.e. Y is returned unchanged. MINWIDTH -> The minimum number of points that must be valid in order to return a average or total for the given point. Default is MINWIDTH=WIDTH, i.e. all points must be valid (and if X and DELTAX are specified, all points must lie within WIDTH*DELTAX). MIN_VALID -> The minimum value for valid data. Data with less than MIN_VALID will be considered missing. MIN_VALID is also used to indicate invalid totals or averages (1% is subtracted). DELTAX -> The maximum gap between two consecutive x values. Only effective when X is given. COUNT -> A named variable will return the number of points used in each average or total. /TOTAL -> Set this keyword to compute running totals instead of running averages. OUTPUTS: The function returns a vector with running averages or totals. The number of elements in the result vector always equals the number of elements in Y (unless an error occurs). SUBROUTINES: REQUIREMENTS: NOTES: This function can also be used to compute accumulative totals. Simply set WIDTH to n_elements(Y) and MINWIDTH to 1 and use the /TOTAL keyword. However, this is very uneffective for large data vectors! EXAMPLE: y = findgen(20) print,run_av(y,width=4) ; IDL prints: -1E31 -1E31 -1E31 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 ... print,run_av(y,width=4,/TOTAL) ; IDL prints: -1E31 -1E31 -1E31 6 10 14 18 ... ; (cumulative total) print,run_av(y,width=n_elements(y),minwidth=1,/TOTAL) ; IDL prints: 0 1 3 ... 190 x = [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 16, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33 ] y = fltarr(n_elements(x)) + 1. print,run_av(y,x,width=4,count=c) ; IDL prints: -1E31 -1E31 -1E31 1 1 1 1 ... print,c ; IDL prints: 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 print,run_av(y,x,deltax=2,width=4,count=c) ; IDL prints: -1E31 -1E31 -1E31 1 -1E31 -1E31 -1E31 ; -1E31 -1E31 -1E31 1 1 1 1 1 print,c ; IDL prints: 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 21 Oct 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 07 Jun 1999: - changed loop variable to LONG type. bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/math_units/
NAME: SEARCH (function) PURPOSE: Perform a binary search for the data point closest to a given value. Data must be sorted. CATEGORY: Math & Units CALLING SEQUENCE: INDEX = SEARCH( DATA, VALUE ) INPUTS: DATA -> a sorted data vector VALUE -> the value to look for KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: INDEX -> The function returns the index of the nearest data point. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: This routine is much faster than WHERE or MIN for large arrays. It was written in response to a newsgroup request by K.P. Bowman. EXAMPLE: TEST = FINDGEN(10000) PRINT, SEARCH( TEST, 532.3 ) ; prints 532 MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 21 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 24 May 2007: TOOLS VERSION 2.06 - updated comments, cosmetic changes bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/math_units/
NAME: SIGN PURPOSE: Return the mathematical sign of the argument. CATEGORY: Math & Units CALLING SEQUENCE: s = sign(x) INPUTS: x = value of array of values. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: s = sign of value(s). COMMON BLOCKS: None NOTES: Note: s = -1 for x < 0 s = 0 for x = 0 s = 1 for x > 0 MODIFICATION HISTORY: R. Sterner, 7 May, 1986. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. RES 15 Sep, 1989 --- converted to SUN. RES 23 Sep, 1991 --- rewrote, reducing 11 lines of code to 1.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/math_units/