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NAME: YBOXPLOT PURPOSE: Produce a box and whisker plot of a data vector categories displayed on the Y axis as opposed to boxplot CATEGORY: Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: YBOXPLOT, DATA [,keywords] INPUTS: DATA -> the data vector KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP -> array of the same dimension as DATA which contains grouping information. One box is plotted for each group. If MINGROUP or MAXGROUP are given, boxes and whiskers are only plotted for group values within this range. GROUP may not contain more than 28 different values. Group can also be a string array. In this case MINGROUP and MAXGROUP make no sense of course. MINGROUP -> the minimum group value for which a box shall be plotted MAXGROUP -> the maximum group value for which a box shall be plotted LABEL -> string array containing labels for *different* groups. NOTE: The user must take care that one label is passed for each group to be plotted. If label is not specified, the group values will be used as axis labels COLOR -> plotting color for axis (default : 1, i.e. black in MYCT color scheme). Will also be used as default for BOXCOLOR. BOXCOLOR -> color of the boxes (frames). Default is the COLOR value, i.e. 1 if not specified. This color will also be used as default for MEDIANCOLOR and MEANCOLOR. If you want boxes that are only filled but have no frame, you must specify BOXCOLOR=-1. In this case the default for MEDIANCOLOR and MEANCOLOR will be the COLOR value. BOXWIDTH -> relative width of boxes (default: 0.8). BOXPOSITION -> relative position of box on x axis (default: 0.). This parameter can be used together with the OVERPLOT keyword to plot multiple groups of boxes in one graph. MEDIANCOLOR -> a color value for the median bar (default: value of BOXCOLOR) MEANSYMBOL -> symbol to be used for mean values. If no symbol is given, no mean values will be drawn. MEANCOLOR -> color for mean symbols (default: value of BOXCOLOR) FILLCOLOR -> a value or an array containing the colorindex for all boxes or each box, respectively. If a single value is given, *all* boxes will be filled with this color. If an array is passed that has less elements than there are groups to plot, the remaining colors will be filled with 15 (grey in MYCT standard-scheme). If no FILLCOLOR is specified, the boxes will be empty. MISSING -> a value that represents missing data. If given, any data with a value of missing will be filtered out before plotting. PRINTN -> print number of elements on top of each box/whisker CHARSIZE -> character size of the PRINTN labels (default: 0.8) /OVERPLOT -> do not draw a new coordinate system but overlay new data. For 2 sets of data you should use BOXWIDTH=0.4 and BOXPOSITION=-0.25 and 0.25, respectively. ORIENTATION -> orientation for axis labels (see XYOUTS procedure) /IS_PERCENTILE -> data are already processed percentiles. In this case data must be an array with dimensions 5,N. The GROUP keyword is ignored, and each set of the N percentiles will be treated as one group. PERCVAL -> float array with 5 elements denoting the percentile values (default: 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95) Further keywords are passed to the PLOT routine and can be used to determine the appearance of the plot (e.g. XTITLE,YTITLE, YSTYLE,YRANGE,/YLOG,COLOR,THICK) OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================ PERCENTILES (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLES: (1) O3 = DATA( where( header eq 'O3' ), * ) ALT = DATA( WHERE( HEADER EQ 'ALT' ), * ) IALT = 2.0 * FIX( ALT / 2.0 ) YBOXPLOT, O3, GROUP=IALT ; produces a boxplot with ozone percentiles in ; altitude bins of 2 (km). Axis, box frames and ; labels will be black, boxes are not color filled. (2) YBOXPLOT, O3, GROUP=IALT, FILLC=15, MEANSYM=SYM(1), $ MEANCOL=!MYCT.RED, BOXWIDTH=0.6, YTITLE='O3', $ XTITLE='ALT. BIN', MISSING=-999.99, /PRINTN ; produces boxes that are filled with light grey and ; have a black frame and median line. A red filled ; circle denotes the mean value, titles are assigned ; to the x and y axis. The number of valid observations ; is printed on top of each box. The boxes are reduced ; in size. (3) CO = DATA( WHERE( HEADER EQ 'CO' ), * ) YBOXPLOT, O3, GROUP=IALT, MISSING=-999.99, $ BOXCOL=!MYCT.BLUE, BOXWIDTH=0.4, BOXPOS=-0.25 YBOXPLOT, CO, GROUP=IALT, MISSING=-999.99, $ BOXCOL=!MYCT.RED, BOXWIDTH=0.4, BOXPOS=+0.25, /OVERPLOT ; produces a plot with blue box frames for ozone ; and red frames for CO data. MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 30 Jul 1997: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 03 Aug 1997: added template mgs, 27 Nov 1997: some revisions and suggested changes by T.Brauers: - better color handling (NOTE: meaning of BOXCOLOR has changed) - optional overlay of mean value - box frames - variable boxwidth - error fixing lower upper boundaries in log plots - bug fix with label keyword - added OVERPLOT and BOXPOSITION keywords mgs, 22 Jan 1998: added IS_PERCENTILE keyword to allow plotting of data that has been processed already mgs, 17 Apr 1998: - x-axis handling improved (now uses axis command and xyouts) - orientation and medianthick keywords added - CREATED as yboxplot mgs, 06 May 1998: - added percval keyword mgs, 21 May 1998: - percval defaults changed from min,max to 5%, 95% bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/plotting/
NAME: YESNO PURPOSE: Query user for decisions with only two possible answers. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: ANSWER = YESNO( QUESTION [,DEFAULT=DEFAULT ,/STRING ] ) INPUTS: QUESTION -> A string containing the query. The following will automatically be added to QUESTION: ' (Y/N) [x] : ' where x is replaced by the default selection. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DEFAULT -> either 0 (for 'NO') or 1 (for 'YES'). Default is 0. /QUIT_OPTION -> if set, the user can quit with 'Q'. This option is appended to the (Y/N) string. YesNo returns -1 if quit was selected. /STRING -> set this keyword to return a 'Y' or 'N' instead of the numerical values 0 or 1. OUTPUTS: ANSWER -> An integer 0 or 1 that can be used in boolean expressions, or a 1 character string if /STRING is set. -1 is returned if /QUIT was allowed and used. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: '0' or '1' are also accepted as input. Everything but 'y', 'Y', '1' is treated as 'N'. 'Q' or 'C' can both be used to quit. EXAMPLES: (1) IF ( YESNO( 'Shall we meet today?', DEFAULT=1) ) $ THEN GOTO, MEETING (2) ANS = YESNO( 'Do you really want to quit?' ) if ( ans ) then return (3) ANS = YESNO( 'Save data ?', /QUIT, default=1 ) IF ( ANS LT 0 ) THEN RETURN MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 22 Jan 1999: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 23 Mar 1999: - added /QUIT option - bug fix: '0' was recognized as 'Y' bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: YMD2DATE PURPOSE: Given year, month, day (or hour, minute, second) values, returns a variable in YYYYMMDD (or HHMMSS) format. CATEGORY: Date & Time CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = YMD2DATE( YEAR, MONTH, DAY ) INPUTS: YEAR -> Year (or hour ) value MONTH -> Month (or minute) value DAY -> Day (or second) value KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: PRINT, YMD2DATE( 2006, 1, 1 ) 20060101 ; Takes separate Y, M, D values and creates a date variable. PRINT, YMD2DATE( 12, 30, 0 ) 123000 ; Takes separate H, Mi, S values and creates a time variable. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 06 Jun 2006: TOOLS VERSION 2.05 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/date_time/