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NAME: CINDEX PURPOSE: This is a program for viewing the current colors in the colortable with their index numbers overlayed on each color. CINDEX Draws a NROW x NCOL set of small rectangles, each of which displays one of the colors in the color table. It also writes the color index number on top of each rectangle. CATEGORY: Color CALLING SEQUENCE: CINDEX INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NCOL -> Specify the number of columns in the plot. Default is 16. NROW -> Specify the number of columns in the plot. If not specified, then CINDEX will compute the minimum number of rows that are needed to display all of the colors, given the setting of NCOL. TITLE -> Specify the title for the plot window. /ALL -> Set this switch to plot all 256 colors on a 16x16 grid. Colors that are not defined will be rendered as white. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLES: (1) MYCT, /WhGrYlRd CINDEX ; Displays the colors of the MYCT color table ; WHITE-GREEN-YELLOW-RED (spectral). The drawing ; colors and all 20 colors of this table are shown. (2) MYCT, /WhGrYlRd CINDEX, /ALL ; Same as above, but plots the colors on a ; 16 x 16 grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: INITIAL REVISION: David Fanning, RSI, May 1995 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Added NCOL, ROW, TITLE, ALL keywords to allow the user to specify these settings instead of having these be hardwired. bmy, 21 Apr 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Now use NAME and INDEX tags from !MYCT to define the default title string.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/color/
NAME: COLORBAR PURPOSE: Draw a colorbar (legend) with labels CATEGORY: Color CALLING SEQUENCE: COLORBAR [ , Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ANNOTATION -> Array with string label values. If specified, ANNOTATION will override the default label values, and will also override the LABEL keyword. BOTOUTOFRANGE, TOPOUTOFRANGE -> a color index value for data that falls below (or above) the normal plot range. If given, an extra box will be drawn to the left (or right) of the colorbar, and the colorbar will shrink in size. A default label '<' (or '>') will be placed below. NOTE: these options are only available for horizontal colorbars. BOR_LABEL, TOR_LABEL -> label values for BOTOUTOFRANGE and TOPOUTOFRANGE that replace the defaults. BOTTOM -> First color index to use. Default is !MYCT.BOTTOM. NOTE: In practice you shouldn't have to specify BOTTOM, as the value from !MYCT.BOTTOM will reflect the settings of the current colortable. C_COLORS -> Array of color indices for "discrete" color bars e.g. in filled contour plots. You must also use the C_LEVELS keyword, otherwise there will most likely be a mismatch between your plot colors and your colorbar colors. COLORBAR normally limits the number of labels it prints to 10. Use the SKIP keyword to force a different behaviour. If C_COLORS is not undefined it overrides the settings from NCOLORS, and BOTTOM. C_LEVELS -> Array with label values for "discrete" colorbars. Use the LABEL or ANNOTATION keyword for continuous colorbars. C_LEVELS must have the same number of elements as C_COLORS and assigns one label to each color change (LABEL distributes the labels evenly). Use the SKIP keyword to skip labels. As default, COLORBAR limits the number of labels printed to 10. AUTOSCALELEVELS -> Set this switch to automatically scale labels (specified by C_LEVELS, LABEL, MAX, or MIN) by powers of 10. This reduces the length of each tick label and helps prevent overlapping numbers in the colorbar. CHARSIZE -> Specifies the character size for colorbar labels. Default is !P.CHARSIZE. COLOR -> The drawing color for boxes and labels. Default is !MYCT.BLACK. DIVISIONS -> Number of labels to put on the colorbar. Note that this keyword is overwritten by LABEL. The labels will be equally spaced and the /LOG option will be honored. FLAGVAL -> If set, will place a tick mark with label at a user-defined value. You can use this to denote where 0 or 1 falls w/in a color range, for example. FORMAT -> Output format of the labels. Default is determined according to the range given in min and max. Label strings will be trimmed, so you can safely specify '(f14.2)' for example. LABEL -> Array containing label values (must be numeric). Normally, it is easier to generate labels with the DIVISIONS options, but this allows tighter control (e.g. 1,2,5,10,20 labels on logarithmic scales). Default (if no DIVISIONS are given): MIN and MAX. NOTE: ANNOTATION will /LOG -> Set this switch to invoke logarithmic spacing of labels. The colors are *always* linearily distributed. MAX -> Maximum value to plot. Default is NCOLORS. MIN -> Minimum value to plot. Default is BOTTOM. /NOGAP -> if 0 then there is a gap b/w the triangle or rectangle OutOfRange boxes and the bar, else no gap. Defalut is to have a gap. If /TRIANGLE and no OutOfRange boxes are set then default is No Gap. NCOLORS -> Number of colors to use in the colorbar. Default is !MYCT.NCOLORS. NOTE: In practice you shouldn't have to specify NCOLORS, as the value from !MYCT.NCOLORS will reflect the settings of the current colortable. ORIENTATION -> Specifies the orientation of the colorbar labels. This keyword has the same behavior as the ORIENTATION option in XYOUTS (i.e. ORIENTATION=0 means normal "left-right" text, ORIENTATION=-90 means "top- bottom" text, etc.) POSITION -> A position value or 4-element vector. If POSITION contains only one element, it will be centered at the bottom or right side of the page and extend over 60% of the total plotting area. SCIENTIFIC -> If set, will call STRSCI to put the colorbar labels in scientific notation format (e.g. in the form A x 10^B). STRSCI will use the format string specified in the FORMAT keyword. SKIP -> Print only every Nth discrete label. The default is computed such that COLORBAR will print no more than 10 labels. TITLE -> A title string for the colorbar. (This works similarly to the XTITLE or YTITLE options to the PLOT command.) TICKLEN -> A number between 0 and 1 which defines the length of the tick marks as a fraction of the size of the plot box. Default is 0.25. /TRIANGLE -> to plot triangles at the end of the color bar. If OutOfRange boxes are requested, then the triangles replace the rectangle. UNIT -> A unit string that will be added to the right of the labels. If /VERTICAL is set, then the unit string will be placed at the top of the labels. UPOS -> Specifies the position (relative to the size of the colorbar) where the unit string will be placed. The default is 1.15. To print the unit string closer to the end of the colorbar, reduce this value until the desired appearance is obtained. /VERTICAL -> Set this keyword to produce a vertical colorbar (default is horizontal). Note that out-of-range boxes are only implemented for horizontal color bars. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ==================================== STRSCI (function) TRIANGLE REQUIREMENTS: Assumes that we are using a MYCT-defined colortable. NOTES: (1) This routine was designed after David Fanning's colorbar routine and adapted to our needs. Some of the postscript handling of DF was removed, positioning is a little easier but maybe a little less flexible; out-of-range boxes have been added. (2) The !MYCT system variable contains the properties of the current MYCT-defined colortable. You normally should not have to explicity pass BOTTOM or NCOLORS, as these keywords will be initialized from the values from !MYCT. EXAMPLES: COLORBAR, MIN=MIN( DATA, MAX=M ), MAX=M ; Draw a horizontal colorbar with all available colors ; Default placement is at the bottom of the page. ; will be placed at the bottom of the page COLORBAR, MIN=0.1, MAX=10, /LOG, UNIT='[ppt]', $ LABELS=[0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10 ], POSITION=[0.3. 0.3, 0.3, 0.3] ; Draw another colorbar above the first one, ; use logarithmic scale COLORBAR, MIN=0.1, MAX=10, /LOG, UNIT='[ppt]', $ LABELS=[0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10 ], POSITION=[0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1], /VERTICAL ; Draw vertical colorbar closer to the left edge of ; the plot. Otherwise options are the same as in the ; previous example. COLORBAR, MIN=0, MAX=100, $ DIVISIONS=5, TOPOUTOFRANGE=!MYCT.WHITE ; Draw horizontal colorbar with out-of-range box ; (colored white) to the right of the max value. COLORBAR, MIN=0, MAX=100, $ DIVISIONS=5, TOPOUTOFRANGE=!MYCT.WHITE, $ ANNOTATION=[ '0', '2,500', '5,000', '7,500', '10,000' ] ; Same example as above, but this time we use the ; ANNOTATION keyword to override the default labels ; with string labels. MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 02 Jun 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 14 Nov 1998: - changed default format to f14.2 from f6.2 mgs, 19 Nov 1998: - added cbdefaultformat function to better handle default labeling format. mgs, 28 Nov 1998: - default labelling format now exponential for values gt 1.e6 mgs, 19 May 1999: - unit string placed a little further right in horizontal colorbars. mgs, 27 May 1999: - added functionality for discrete colorbars (C_COLORS, C_LEVELS, and SKIP keywords) bmy, 02 Jun 1999: - added /SCIENTIFIC keyword - updated comments mgs, 03 Jun 1999: - fixed discrete labeling x positions bmy, 27 Jul 2000: TOOLS VERSION 1.46 - added ORIENTATION keyword so that the user can control the vertical colorbar labels bmy, 27 Sep 2002: TOOLS VERSION 1.51 - Now use 2 decimal places for exponential default format instead of 3 bmy, 18 Oct 2002: TOOLS VERSION 1.52 - now use _EXTRA=e to pass commands to XYOUTS (i.e. to set label thickness) bmy, 26 Nov 2002: - Added ANNOTATION keyword to print string labels instead of numeric labels bmy, 26 Nov 2003: TOOLS VERSION 2.01 - make sure MINV, MAXV, and DIVISIONS are scalars so as not to generate the color bar labels incorrectly. bmy, 21 May 2004: TOOLS VERSION 2.02 - If SKIP is passed, make sure that it is never less than 1. - added TICKLEN and FLAGVAL keywords - now add ticks where labels are printed - Cosmetic changes, updated comments bmy, 07 Mar 2007: TOOLS VERSION 2.06 - Updated documentation and examples dbm & bmy, 13 Jun 2007: - Now define default colors for contour plots if C_LEVELS is passed but C_COLORS isn't bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 cdh & phs, 19 Nov 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.11 - Added out of range boxes options for vertical bar - Added TRIANGLE and NoGAP keyword - Set default for case of /TRIANGLE, but no OutOfRange boxes. phs, 21 Apr 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Bug fix default MAXV should be NCOLORS+BOTTOM cdh, 16 Apr 2013: Fill MinV and MaxV values from C_Levels
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/color/
NAME: COLORBAR_NDIV PURPOSE: Returns the maximum number of colorbar divisions possible (up to a user-defined limit) such that tickmarks are placed in between colors. CATEGORY: Color CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = COLORBAR_NDIV( NCOLORS [, Keywords ] ) INPUTS: NCOLORS -> (OPTIONAL) Specifies the number of colors in the color table. Default is !MYCT.NCOLORS. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MAXDIV -> Specifies the maximum number of divisions for the colorbar. Default is 6. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLES: DIV = COLORBAR_NDIV( 20, MAXDIV=8 ) TVMAP, ..., DIVISONS=DIV, ... ; Computes the number of color bar divisions for ; a colortable with 20 colors. DIV will not exceed ; the value of MAXDIV (in this case =8). The value ; of DIV is then passed to the TVMAP routine (which ; in turn passes it to the COLORBAR routine). MODIFICATION HISTORY: phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/color/
NAME: COMPRESS_DIV_CT PURPOSE: Compresses a diverging color table with even number of colors into NCOLORS. If the /MIDCOLORPRESENT keyword is specified, COMPRESS_DIV_CT will also place white or yellow spaces in the middle of the color table. CATEGORY: Color CALLING SEQUENCE: COMPRESS_DIV_CT, R, G, B [, Keywords ] INPUTS: R, G, B -> The vectors containing the red, blue, and green color values that define the color table. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NCOLORS -> Requested number of colors to be returned. If NCOLORS is omitted, then COMPRESS_DIV_CT will return without doing anything. /MIDCOLORPRESENT -> Set this switch to add 1 or 2 extra white or yellow color spaces in the color table. /WHITE -> If /MIDCOLORPRESENT is set, this switch will cause 1 (if NCOLORS is odd) or 2 (if NCOLORS is even) extra white color spaces to be placed at the center of the color table. /YELLOW -> If /MIDCOLORPRESENT is set, this switch will cause 1 (if NCOLORS is odd) or 2 (if NCOLORS is even) extra white color spaces to be placed at the center of the color table. ; OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: Designed for use with MYCT. You shouldn't normally have to call COMPRESS_DIV_CT directly. NOTES: None EXAMPLE: LOADCT, 63, FILE=FILE_WHICH( 'gamap_colors.tbl' ) TVLCT, R, G, B, /Get ; Load the ColorBrewer "RdBu" table ; and return the color vectors COMPRESS_DIV_CT, R, G, B, $ NCOLORS=20, /MIDCOLORPRESENT, /WHITE ; Compress the color table down to 20 colors and ; insert 2 white spaces at the middle of the table. MODIFICATION HISTORY: phs, 21 Apr 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/color/
NAME: CUSTOM_COLORTABLE PURPOSE: Defines various customized color tables for use with MYCT. Color tables may be stretched to more than the original # of colors, or compressed to less than the original # of colors. You may add more color tables as necessary. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% AS OF GAMAP v2-12, CUSTOM_COLORTABLE IS DEPRECATED. %% %% MYCT NOW LOADS IDL AND ColorBrewer COLORTABLES FROM %% %% THE "gamap_colors.tbl" FILE. (phs, bmy, 4/21/08) %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CATEGORY: Color CALLING SEQUENCE: CUSTOM_COLORTABLE, R, G, B [ , Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS /BuWhRd -> Set this switch to load the BLUE-WHITE-RED (diverging) color table from Harvard University. This color table is a concatenation of the WHITE-BLUE and WHITE-RED ColorBrewer colortables. The center color is white. (Original # of colors = 19) /BuWhWhRd -> Set this switch to load the BLUE-WHITE-WHITE-RED (diverging) color table. This is a concatenation of the WhBu and WhRd colortables from ColorBrewer. The two center colors in this colortable are white, which makes it easier to align colorbar tickmarks at the divisions between colors. (Original # of colors = 20) /BuYlRd -> Set this switch to load the BLUE-YELLOW-RED (diverging) color table from ColorBrewer. (Original # of colors = 12) /BuYlYlRd -> Set this switch to load the BLUE-YELLOW-YELLOW-RED (diverging) color table from ColorBrewer. The two center colors in this colortable are light yellow, which makes it easier to align colorbar tickmarks at the divisions between colors. Use this colortable instead of /BuWhWhRd if you need to denote "missing data" values by white. (Original # of colors = 12) /DIAL -> Set this switch to load the DIAL/LIDAR (diverging) color table from Ed Browell. (Original # of colors = 27) /DIFF -> Synonym for /BuWhRd. Kept for backwards compatibility. /ModSpec -> Set this switch to load the MODIFIED SPECTRUM (diverging) color table from ColorBrewer. (Original # of colors = 11) NAME -> Returns to the calling program the name of the color table that we have selected. NCOLORS -> The number of colors that you would like to be included in the colortable. If NCOLORS is greater than the native number of colors for the given colortable, the colortable will be stretched to produce a finer gradation of colors. Conversely, if NCOLORS is less than the native number of colors, then the colortable will be compressed to produce a coarser gradation of colors. /NOLOAD -> If set, then CUSTOM_COLORTABLE will just return R, G, B to the calling program without loading the colortable. /TRUNCATE -> When NCOLORS is less than the number of colors in the given color table, setting /TRUNCATE will cause CUSTOM_COLORTABLE to truncate the color table to NCOLORS rather than trying to compress it via interpolation. /UserDef -> Set this switch to load a user-defined colortable. In order to use this option, you must first add the R, G, B color vectors into internal routine DEFINE_UserDef. /WhBu -> Set this switch to load the WHITE-BLUE (spectral) color table from ColorBrewer. (original # of colors = 10) /WhGrYlRd -> Set this switch to load the WHITE-GREEN-YELLOW-RED (spectral) color table from A. van Donkelaar. (Original # of colors = 20) /WhGyBk -> Set this switch to load the WHITE-GRAY-BLACK (spectral) color table from ColorBrewer. (Original # of colors = 10) /WhRd -> Set this switch to load the WHITE-RED (spectral) color table from ColorBrewer. (original # of colors = 10) OUTPUTS: R -> Returns to the calling program the red color vector that defines the customized colortable. G -> Returns to the calling program the green color vector that defines the customized colortable. B -> Returns to the calling program the blue color vector that defines the customized colortable. SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines Included: ================================================ DEFINE_BuWhRd DEFINE_BuWhWhRd DEFINE_BuYlRd DEFINE_BuYlYlRd DEFINE_DIAL DEFINE_MODSPEC DEFINE_WhBu DEFINE_WhGrYlRd DEFINE_WhRd DEFINE_WhGyBk REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) For contour plots, the native resolution of the custom colortables should be sufficient. (2) For smoothed pixel plots, NCOLORS=100 or higher will eliminate the streaking caused by TVIMAGE's smoothing algorithm. (3) Some color tables were adapted from the ColorBrewer package (see license info below). (4) We will use the ColorBrewer color abbreviations: Bk = Black Br = Brown Bu = Blue Gr = Green Gy = Gray Or = Orange Pi = Pink Pu = Purple Rd = Red Wh = White Yl = Yellow (5) An MS Excel spreadsheet with all ColorBrewer color tables is available for download from: EXAMPLES: CUSTOM_COLORTABLE, R, G, B, /NOLOAD, /DIAL ; Returns the red, green, blue color vectors for the ; DIAL colortable at native resolution (26 colors) CUSTOM_COLORTABLE, NCOLORS=120, /DIAL ; Loads the DIAL colortable and stretches it ; from 26 to 120 colors. CUSTOM_COLORTABLE, /WhGrYlRd ; Loads the WHITE-GREEN-YELLOW-RED (spectral) ; color table with 20 colors. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Adapted from "" - Now can compress the colortable if NCOLORS is less than N_ORIG - Added /BuWhWhRd keyword for selecting the BLUE-WHITE-WHITE-RED colortable - Added /BuYlYlRd keyword for selecting the BLUE-YELLOW-YELLOW-RED colortable - /DIFF is now a synonym for /BuWhWhRd - Added /UserDef keyword and internal routine DEFINE_UserDef for selecting a user-defined color table. phs, 12 Feb 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Now create /BuWhRd as a concatenation of the /WhBu and /WhRd colortables. - Updated the interpolation for case of NCOLORS lt NORIG. It works fine with all the 4 diverging colortables, and keeps the doubling of the middle range color if NCOLORS is even and BuWhWhRd or BuYlYlRd is used. bmy, 18 Apr 2008: - Bug fix: don't overwrite colortable name for BuWhRd colortable
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/color/
NAME: DOCUMENT_COLOR_TABLE PURPOSE: Displays all of the color tables within a standard IDL *.tbl file. Can display output to the Xwindow device, or create PostScript and PDF output. CATEGORY: Color CALLING SEQUENCE: DOCUMENT_COLOR_TABLE [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILE -> Name of the the color table (*.tbl) file to read. Default is "gamap_colors.tbl". /PS -> Set this switch to print output to a PostScript document instead of plotting to the screen. /PDF -> Set this switch to create a PostScript document and then also create a PDF document. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: The Unix utility "ps2pdf" must be installed on your system for the /PDF keyword to work. The ps2pdf utility should come standard with most Unix or Linux builds. NOTES: None EXAMPLES DOCUMENT_COLOR_TABLE ; Prints out the color tables to the screen. ; Will set a 900x900 pixel window by default. DOCUMENT_COLOR_TABLE, /PS ; Prints color tables to a PostScript file ; called "". DOCUMENT_COLOR_TABLE, /PDF ; Prints out the color tables to a PostScript file ; "", then also creates a PDF file ; "table_info.pdf" using "ps2pdf". MODIFICATION HISTORY: phs, 21 Apr 2008: VERSION 1.00 phs, 25 Mar 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - Added FUN keyword
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/color/
NAME: GAMAP_COLORS PURPOSE: Concatenates several different color tables (including IDL standard color tables and the ColorBrewer color tables) into single file for for use with GAMAP. CATEGORY: Color CALLING SEQUENCE: GAMAP_COLORS INPUTS: OUTFILENAME -> Name of the color table file to modify. Default is "gamap_colors.tbl". GAMAP_COLORS will locate this file with FILE_WHICH. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================== MYCT REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: IDL's MODIFYCT function may require that the file to be modified already be on disk. EXAMPLE: GAMAP_COLORS, 'new_gamap_colors.tbl' ; Will modify the colortable file ; 'new_gamap_colors.tbl'. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 18 Apr 2008: VERSION 1.00
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/color/
NAME: HCOLORBAR PURPOSE: Plot a horizontal colorbar. %%% NOTE: This is obsolete, you should use COLORBAR instead! %%% CATEGORY: Color CALLING SEQUENCE: HCOLORBAR, CX, CY, [,keywords] INPUTS: CX -> [Min X, Max X] vector in NORMAL coords CY -> [Min Y, Max Y] vector in NORMAL coords KEYWORD PARAMETERS: COLORS -> array of color levels LABELS -> string array of labels for the color levels OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: HCOLORBAR assumes n_elements(COLORS) >= n_elements(LABELS)+1 NOTES: (1) HCOLORBAR is more or less obsolete. You should use the COLORBAR routine instead. However, there may be some applications where HCOLORBAR is required, so we keep this routine for backwards compatibility with older IDL code. (2) The colorbar will be plotted as follows: LABELS(0) LABELS(1) LABELS(NL-1) +-----------+-----------+----------- // --------------+------------+ | COLORS(0) | COLORS(1) | COLORS(2) // COLORS(NL-1) | COLORS(NL) | +-----------+-----------+----------- // --------------+------------+ COLORS(0) = color index for data < first contour level COLORS(1) = color index for data between 1st and 2nd levels ... COLORS(NL) = color index for data >= the last contour level LABELS(0) = label for the first contour level LABELS(1) = label for the 2nd contour level, etc... ... LABELS(NL) = label for data >= the last contour level EXAMPLE: HCOLORBAR, [0.025, 0.275], [0.680, 0.690], $ COLORS=[0,1,2,3,4,5], LABELS=['1','2','3','4','5'] MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 10 Nov 1994: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 24 Jun 1997: VERSION 1.01 bmy, 30 Sep 1997: TOOLS VERSION 1.10 bmy, 20 Nov 1997: TOOLS VERSION 1.11 bmy, 02 Aug 1999: TOOLS VERSION 1.43 - minor bug fix bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Updated comments, cosmetic changes
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/color/
NAME: MYCT PURPOSE: Define a set of standard drawing colors and load a colortable on top of these. The color table can be manipulated in various ways (see KEYWORD PARAMETERS). The standard MYCT drawing colors are as follows. These were implemented by Chris Holmes, based on the ColorBrewer definitions. These colors are less saturated than the traditional MYCT drawing colors, and are easier to read on the screen: 0 : white 9 : lightblue 1 : black 10 : lightorange 2 : red 11 : lightpurple 3 : green 12 : 85% grey 4 : blue 13 : 67% grey 5 : orange 14 : 50% grey 6 : purple 15 : 33% grey 7 : lightred 16 : 15% grey 8 : lightgreen 17 : white However, if you use the /BRIGHT_COLORS keyword to MYCT, you may still use the traditional MYCT drawing colors (which were created by Martin Schultz). These are defined as follows: 0 : white 9 : lightgreen 1 : black 10 : lightblue 2 : red 11 : black 3 : green 12 : 85% grey 4 : blue 13 : 67% grey 5 : yellow 14 : 50% grey 6 : magenta 15 : 33% grey 7 : cyan 16 : 15% grey 8 : lightred 17 : white With MYCT, you may load any of the standard IDL color tables or any of the ColorBrewer color tables. For backwards compatibility, MYCT also supports several customized color tables that used to be defined with the CUSTOM_COLORTABLE routine. MYCT reads color table definitions from an IDL *.tbl file. The default file name is "gamap_colors.tbl". You may specify a different file with the CTFILE keyword (see below). Also, if you wish to add a custom color table, the best way to proceed is to create your own *.tbl file with your custom color table definitions. See the routine GAMAP_COLORS for more information. CATEGORY: Color CALLING SEQUENCE: MYCT, [ TABLE ] [ , keywords ] INPUTS: TABLE (optional) -> Number or name of the IDL color table to be used. If no number or name is provided, the routine will default to color table 0 (which for the "gamap_colors.tbl" file is B-W LINEAR). The MYCT drawing colors will be loaded first, and the color table will be loaded on top of that. You can choose the bottom color index for the color table with the BOTTOM keyword. MYCT will ensures that the system variable !D.N_COLORS is set correctly. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /BRIGHT_COLORS -> Selects the older set of MYCT drawing colors to be loaded at the bottom of the colortable. Default is to select the newer set of MYCT drawing colors, which are less saturated and easier to read on the screen. BOTTOM -> specify where to start color table (see BOTTOM keyword in LOADCT). Default is number of standard drawing colors+1 or 0 (if NO_STD is set). If BOTTOM is less than the number of standard drawing colors (17), no standard colors will be defined (equivalent to setting NO_STD). RANGE has no effect on the DIAL/LIDAR colortable. Default is 18. NOTE: You should not normally have to change this value. CTFILE -> Specify a file containing the color table definitions. Default is "gamap_colors.tbl", which is a combination of the standard IDL color tables plus the ColorBrewer color tables. (See routine GAMAP_COLORS.) NCOLORS -> number of color indices to be used by the color table. Default is !D.N_COLORS-BOTTOM. /NO_STD -> prevents definition of standard drawing colors. RANGE -> a two element vector which specifies the range of colors from the color table to be used (fraction 0-1). The colortable is first loaded into the complete available space, then the selected portion is interpolated in order to achieve the desired number of colors. RANGE is only effective when a TABLE parameter is given. RANGE has no effect on the customized colortables. /REVERSE -> Set this switch to reverse the color table. /REVERSE works for both IDL and custom color tables. SATURATION -> factor to scale saturation values of the extra color table. Saturation ranges from 0..1 (but the factor is free choice as long as positive). SATURATION has no effect on the customized colortables. Default is 1. USERDEF -> set to load the user defined colortable. The table is defined in the Define_UserDef routine. It can be loaded in three different ways: MyCt, -1 MyCt, /user MyCt, 'user' In the later version, the string is not case sensitive, and can be any string that contains the word "user". VALUE -> factor to scale the "value" of the added colortable. (i.e. this is like the contrast knobon a TV set). Value ranges from 0..1; 0 = black, 1 = white. Default is 1. /USE_CURRENT -> By default, MYCT will reset the color table to all white before loading a new colortable. Set /USE_CURRENT to prevent this from happening. /VERBOSE -> Set this switch to print out information about the color table that has just been selected. /XINTERACTIVE -> to call XLOADCT instead of LOADCT for interactivity. Has no effect if a custom colortable is loaded. The following keywords are kept for backwards compatibility. These will replicate the color tables that used to be defined with the now obsolete CUSTOM_COLORTABLE routine. /BuWhRd -> Loads 19-color BLUE-WHITE-RED color table /BuWhWhRd -> Loads 20-color BLUE-WHITE-WHITE-RED color table /BuYlRd -> Loads 11-color BLUE-YELLOW-RED color table /BuYlYlRd -> Loads 12-color BLUE-YELLOW-YELLOW-RED color table /DIAL -> Loads the 26-color DIAL/LIDAR color table (cf. E. Browell) /DIFF -> Synonym for /BuWhRd. /ModSpec -> Loads the 11 color MODIFIED SPECTRUM color table /WhBu -> Loads the 10-color WHITE-BLUE color table /WhGrYlRd -> Loads the 20-color WHITE_GREEN-YELLOW-RED color table (cf. Aaron van Donkelaar) /WhGyBk -> Loads the 10-color the WHITE-GRAY-BLACK color /WhRd -> Loads the 10-color the WHITE-RED color table OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines Provided: =============================== MYCT_Drawing_Colors External Subroutines Required: =============================== COMPRESS_DIV_CT DATATYPE (function) XCOLORS REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) It is recommended to use the COLOR keyword in all PLOT commands. This will ensure correct colors on (hopefully) all devices. In order to get 256 colors on a postscript printer use DEVICE,/COLOR,BITS_PER_PIXEL=8 (2) MYCT will also save several parameters in the MYCT system variable, so that graphics programs can access them. (3) MYCT uses the "gamap_colors.tbl" file. This file contains all of the IDL standard color table definitions all of the olorBrewer color table definitions, and some extra colortables. If you wish to add a color table you should probably use routine GAMAP_COLORS to create a new *.tbl file. Then call MYCT and specify the name of the new *.tbl file with the CTFILE keyword. (4) We will use the ColorBrewer color abbreviations: Bk = Black Br = Brown Bu = Blue Gr = Green Gy = Gray Or = Orange Pi = Pink Pu = Purple Rd = Red Wh = White Yl = Yellow (5) An MS Excel spreadsheet with all ColorBrewer color tables is available for download from: (6) NOTE: Use a temporary hack to center the ColorBrewer diverging color tables. (phs, 4/23/08) EXAMPLES: MYCT, 8, /NO_STD ; load IDL colortable green-white (#8) ; identical result as loadct,3 MYCT, 'EOS B', NCOLORS=20 ; change first 17 colors to standard drawing colors ; and add EOS-B (#27) color table in indices 18-36 MYCT, 0, NCOLORS=20, /REVERSE, /NO_STD, /Use_Current ; add reversed grey scale table on top MYCT, 'EOS B', NCOLORS=40, /NO_STD, /Use_Current, $ RANGE=[0.1,0.7], SATURATION=0.7 ; add a less saturated version of a fraction ; of the EOS-B color table in the next 40 indices ; NOTE that color indices above 97 will still contain ; the upper portion of the green-white color table. MYCT, 0 /REVERSE ; On b/w terminals MYCT can be used to reverse ; the IDL black & white (#0) colortable MYCT, /DIAL, NCOLORS=120 ; Loads the DIAL LIDAR color table with 120 colors MYCT, /BuYlYlRd MYCT, 'RdBu', /MIDCOLORPRESENT, /YELLOW, NCOLORS=20 ; Both of these commands do the same thing: loads ; the ColorBrewer "RdBu" colortable and inserts yellow ; into the 2 middle colors. This is a good choice ; if you are creating an absolute or % difference plot. MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 06 Feb 1997: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 03 Aug 1997: - added input parameter and template mgs, 26 Mar 1998: - added NCOLORS keyword mgs, 06 Apr 1998: - added BOTTOM, RANGE, and RGB keywords mgs, 04 May 1998: - added test for null device mgs, 03 Jun 1998: - return if !D.N_COLORS is less than 3 (b/w) mgs, 16 Jun 1998: - bug fix: range check now after tvlct mgs, 18 Jul 1998: - bug re-visited, added HLS keyword and changed default to HSV. Also added SATURATION and VALUE keywords. mgs, 12 Aug 1998: - re-written with bug fixes and more concise. removed RGB and HLS keywords, added REVERSE and NO_STD keywords. mgs, 14 Jan 1999: - limit oldcolors and ncolors to MaxColors (256) on PC with TrueColor Graphics to ensure compatibility with Unix. bmy, 26 Sep 2002: TOOLS VERSION 1.51 - added /DIAL keyword to specify the DIAL/LIDAR colortable from Ed Browell et al. - now save MYCT parameters into a system variable so that plotting routines can access them. bmy, 22 Oct 2002: TOOLS VERSION 1.52 - fixed minor bugs in defining the !MYCT variable bmy, 28 May 2004: TOOLS VERSION 2.02 - removed TESTMYCT routine, it's obsolete - Bug fix: make sure RANGE is defined before saving it to the !MYCT variable bmy, 09 Jun 2005: TOOLS VERSION 2.04 - Added default value for RANGE keyword bmy, 05 Oct 2006: TOOLS VERSION 2.05 - Now also define the DIFFERENCE color table bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Now calls CUSTOM_COLORTABLE to define several custom colortables - Now allow /REVERSE to reverse custom color table indices - Added /VERBOSE keyword for printing info about the selected color table - Added /BuWhWhRd keyword for the BLUE-WHITE-WHITE-RED colortable - Added /BuYlYlRd keyword for the BLUE-YELLOW-YELLOW-RED colortable - Added /UserDef keyword to select a user-defined color table. cdh & bmy, 19 Nov 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.11 - Now implement newer, less-saturated MYCT drawing colors as defaults - Added /BRIGHT_COLORS keyword to use the older drawing colors for backwards compatibility. phs, 17 Apr 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Now passes _extra to LOADCT, so a different table file (*.tbl) can be used for example. - bug fix: ncolors is correctly passed to LOADCT if RANGE is not set. - Added the XINTERACTIVE keyword to use XCOLORS instead of LOADCT when no custom table is loaded. - Now use extra !MYCT tags: NAME, INDEX, FILE - Added MIDCOLORPRESENT, USE_CURRENT keywords phs, 22 Sep 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - Re-Added UserDef keyword. Users can define (and then load) their own color table in the Define_UserDef subroutine.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/color/
NAME: MYCT_DEFAULTS (function) PURPOSE: Returns a structure associating the names of MYCT drawing colors with their numeric values, plus the default bottom and number of colors. CATEGORY: Color CALLING SEQUENCE: C = MYCT_DEFAULTS() INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /GRAYSCALE -> If set, will define a grayscale colortable such that the lowest color is white, and the highest color is dark grey. Otherwise the standard "TRACE-P" colortable (based on Mac Style #25) will be defined. NCOLORS -> Specifies the number of colors for MYCT. The default is 120, but if your terminal can support more, you may specify a higher value. OUTPUTS: C -> Structure with the following tag names: WHITE : Color index for "drawing color" WHITE BLACK : Color index for "drawing color" BLACK RED : Color index for "drawing color" RED GREEN : Color index for "drawing color" GREEN BLUE : Color index for "drawing color" BLUE ORANGE : Color index for "drawing color" ORANGE PURPLE : Color index for "drawing color" PURPLE LIGHTRED : Color index for "drawing color" LIGHTRED LIGHTGREEN : Color index for "drawing color" LIGHTGREEN LIGHTBLUE : Color index for "drawing color" LIGHTBLUE LIGHTORANGE : Color index for "drawing color" LIGHTORANGE LIGHTPURPLE : Color index for "drawing color" LIGHTPURPLE YELLOW : Color index for "drawing color" YELLOW MAGENTA : Color index for "drawing color" MAGENTA CYAN : Color index for "drawing color" CYAN GRAY85 : Color index for "drawing color" 85% GRAY GRAY67 : Color index for "drawing color" 67% GRAY DARKGRAY : Color index for "drawing color" 67% GRAY GRAY50 : Color index for "drawing color" 50% GRAY MEDIUMGRAY : Color index for "drawing color" 50% GRAY GRAY33 : Color index for "drawing color" 33% GRAY GRAY : Color index for "drawing color" 33% GRAY LIGHTGRAY : Color index for "drawing color" 33% GRAY GRAY15 : Color index for "drawing color" 15% GRAY FILE : Name of the color table (*.tbl) file NAME : Color table name INDEX : Color table index BOTTOM : Color table starts at this index NCOLORS : Number of colors RANGE : Range of IDL color table to be used SAT : Saturation value for MYCT VALUE : Hue value for MYCT REVERSE : REVERSE=1 means light --> dark REVERSE=0 means dark --> light SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: Designed to be used by the GAMAP routine "". NOTES: (1) This routine is designed to be called by MYCT_DEFINE. You should not normally have to call MYCT_DEFAULTS. (2) MYCT defines a colortable such that the first 17 colors are "drawing" colors, or pure colors intended for use with the PLOT, CONTOUR, MAP_SET, etc. commands. MYCT then loads a standard IDL colortable (with NCOLORS specifying the number of individual colors) into color indices 18 and higher. (3) New drawing colors (that are less saturated and easier to read on the screen) are now the defaults. See the documentation to the MYCT routine for more info. EXAMPLE: C = MYCT_DEFAULTS() ; Defines a grayscale colortable for use w/ MYCT. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 23 Jul 2001: TOOLS VERSION 1.48 - adapted from "" bmy, 04 Feb 2004: TOOLS VERSION 2.01 - Increased grayscale color range slightly bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - renamed DIAL to CUSTOM, to reflect that we have other custom colortables in use cdh & bmy, 19 Nov 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.11 - Added names for the new MYCT drawing colors bmy, 21 Apr 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Removed obsolete settings and keywords - Removed IS_CUSTOM tag name from !MYCT - Added INDEX, FILE tag names to !MYCT
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/color/
NAME: MYCT_DEFINE PURPOSE: Defines the !MYCT system variable with default values. !MYCT is used to make colortable parameters available to plotting programs. CATEGORY: Color CALLING SEQUENCE: MYCT_DEFINE INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================== MYCT_DEFAULTS (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: This routine should be called from your "" batch file, so that !MYCT will be defined and ready for use by all other routines that need it. EXAMPLE: MYCT_DEFINE ; Defines the !MYCT system variable MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 30 Sep 2002: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/color/
NAME: XCOLORS PURPOSE: The purpose of this routine is to interactively change color tables in a manner similar to XLOADCT. No common blocks are used so multiple copies of XCOLORS can be on the display at the same time (if each has a different TITLE). XCOLORS has the ability to notify a widget event handler, an object method, or an IDL procedure if and when a new color table has been loaded. The event handler, object method, or IDL procedure is then responsibe for updating the program's display on 16- or 24-bit display systems. AUTHOR: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING David Fanning, Ph.D. 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: CATEGORY: Color CALLING SEQUENCE: XCOLORS INPUTS: None. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: BLOCK: If this keyword is set, the program will try to block the IDL command line. Note that this is only possible if no other widget program is currently blocking the IDL command line. It is much more reliable to make XCOLORS a modal widget (see the MODAL keyword), although this can generally only be done when XCOLORS is called from another widget program. BOTTOM: The lowest color index of the colors to be changed. COLORINFO: This output keyword will return either a pointer to a color information structure (if the program is called in a non-modal fashion) or a color information structure (if the program is called in modal or blocking fashion). The color information structure is an anonymous structure defined like this: struct = { R: BytArr(!D.Table_Size), $ ; The current R color vector. G: BytArr(!D.Table_Size), $ ; The current G color vector. B: BytArr(!D.Table_Size), $ ; The current B color vector. NAME: "", $ ; The name of the current color table. INDEX: 0 } ; The index number of the current color table. If a pointer to the structure is obtained, you will be responsible for freeing it to prevent memory leakage: XColors, ColorInfo=colorInfoPtr Print, "Color Table Name: ", (*colorInfoPtr).Name Ptr_Free, colorInfoPtr Note that that Name field will be "Unknown" and the Index field will be -1 until a color table is actually selected by the user. You are responsible for checking this value before you use it. When called in modal or blocking fashion, you don't have to worry about freeing the pointer, since no pointer is involved: XColors, /Block, ColorInfo=colorInfoData Help, colorInfoData, /Structure Print, "Color Table Name: ", colorInfoData.Name DATA: This keyword can be set to any valid IDL variable. If the variable is defined, the specified object method or notify procedure will be passed this variable via a DATA keyword. This keyword is defined primarily so that Notify Procedures are compatible with the XLOADCT way of passing data. It is not strictly required, since the _EXTRA keyword inheritance mechanism will allow passing of *any* keyword parameter defined for the object or procedure that is to be notified. DRAG: Set this keyword if you want colors loaded as you drag the sliders. Default is to update colors only when you release the sliders. _EXTRA: This keyword inheritance mechanism will pick up and pass along to any method or procedure to be notified and keywords that are defined for that procedure. Note that you should be sure that keywords are spelled correctly. Any mis-spelled keyword will be ignored. FILE: A string variable pointing to a file that holds the color tables to load. The normal colors1.tbl file is used by default. GROUP_LEADER: The group leader for this program. When the group leader is destroyed, this program will be destroyed. INDEX: The index of the color table to start up. If provided, a color table of this index number is loaded prior to display. Otherwise, the current color table is used. Set this keyword if you wish to have the index number of the event structure correct when the user CANCELs out of the progam. MODAL: Set this keyword (along with the GROUP_LEADER keyword) to make the XCOLORS dialog a modal widget dialog. Note that NO other events can occur until the XCOLORS program is destroyed when in modal mode. NCOLORS: This is the number of colors to load when a color table is selected. NOSLIDERS: If this keyword is set, the color stretch and color gamma sliders are not displayed. This would be appropriate, for example, for programs that just load pre-defined color tables. NOTIFYID: A 2-column by n-row array that contains the IDs of widgets that should be notified when XCOLORS loads a color table. The first column of the array is the widgets that should be notified. The second column contains IDs of widgets that are at the top of the hierarchy in which the corresponding widgets in the first column are located. (The purpose of the top widget IDs is to make it possible for the widget in the first column to get the "info" structure of the widget program.) An XCOLORS_LOAD event will be sent to the widget identified in the first column. The event structure is defined like this: event = {XCOLORS_LOAD, ID:0L, TOP:0L, HANDLER:0L, $ R:BytArr(!D.TABLE_SIZE < 256), G:BytArr(!D.TABLE_SIZE < 256), $ B:BytArr(!D.TABLE_SIZE < 256), INDEX:0, NAME:""} The ID field will be filled out with NOTIFYID[0, n] and the TOP field will be filled out with NOTIFYID[1, n]. The R, G, and B fields will have the current color table vectors, obtained by exectuing the command TVLCT, r, g, b, /Get. The INDEX field will have the index number of the just-loaded color table. The name field will have the name of the currently loaded color table. Note that XCOLORS can't initially tell *which* color table is loaded, since it just uses whatever colors are available when it is called. Thus, it stores a -1 in the INDEX field to indicate this "default" value. Programs that rely on the INDEX field of the event structure should normally do nothing if the value is set to -1. This value is also set to -1 if the user hits the CANCEL button. (Note the NAME field will initially be "Unknown"). Typically the XCOLORS button will be defined like this: xcolorsID = Widget_Button(parentID, Value='Load New Color Table...', $ Event_Pro='Program_Change_Colors_Event') The event handler will be written something like this: PRO Program_Change_Colors_Event, event ; Handles color table loading events. Allows colors be to changed. Widget_Control,, Get_UValue=info, /No_Copy thisEvent = Tag_Names(event, /Structure_Name) CASE thisEvent OF 'WIDGET_BUTTON': BEGIN ; Color table tool. XColors, NColors=info.ncolors, Bottom=info.bottom, $, NotifyID=[,] ENDCASE 'XCOLORS_LOAD': BEGIN ; Update the display for 24-bit displays. Device, Get_Visual_Depth=thisDepth IF thisDepth GT 8 THEN BEGIN WSet, info.wid ...Whatever display commands are required go here. For example... TV, info.image ENDIF ENDCASE ENDCASE Widget_Control,, Set_UValue=info, /No_Copy END NOTIFYOBJ: A vector of structures (or a single structure), with each element of the vector defined as follows: struct = {XCOLORS_NOTIFYOBJ, object:Obj_New(), method:''} where the Object field is an object reference, and the Method field is the name of the object method that should be called when XCOLORS loads its color tables. ainfo = {XCOLORS_NOTIFYOBJ, a, 'Draw'} binfo = {XCOLORS_NOTIFYOBJ, b, 'Display'} XColors, NotifyObj=[ainfo, binfo] Note that the XColors program must be compiled before these structures are used. Alternatively, you can put this program, named "" (*three* underscore characters in this name!) in your PATH: PRO XCOLORS_NOTIFYOBJ__DEFINE struct = {XCOLORS_NOTIFYOBJ, OBJECT:Obj_New(), METHOD:''} END Or, you can simply define this structure as it is shown here in your code. "Extra" keywords added to the XCOLORS call are passed along to the object method, which makes this an alternative way to get information to your methods. If you expect such keywords, your methods should be defined with an _Extra keyword. NOTIFYPRO: The name of a procedure to notify or call when the color tables are loaded. If the DATA keyword is also defined, it will be passed to this program via an DATA keyword. But note that *any* keyword appropriate for the procedure can be used in the call to XCOLORS. For example, here is a procedure that re-displays and image in the current graphics window: PRO REFRESH_IMAGE, Image=image, _Extra=extra, WID=wid IF N_Elements(wid) NE 0 THEN WSet, wid TVIMAGE, image, _Extra=extra END This program can be invoked with this series of commands: IDL> Window, /Free IDL> TVImage, image, Position=[0.2, 0.2, 0.8, 0.8] IDL> XColors, NotifyPro='Refresh_Image', Image=image, WID=!D.Window Note that "extra" keywords added to the XCOLORS call are passed along to your procedure, which makes this an alternative way to get information to your procedure. If you expect such keywords, your procedure should be defined with an _Extra keyword as illustrated above. TITLE: This is the window title. It is "Load Color Tables" by default. The program is registered with the name 'XCOLORS:' plus the TITLE string. The "register name" is checked before the widgets are defined. If a program with that name has already been registered you cannot register another with that name. This means that you can have several versions of XCOLORS open simultaneously as long as each has a unique title or name. For example, like this: IDL> XColors, NColors=100, Bottom=0, Title='First 100 Colors' IDL> XColors, NColors=100, Bottom=100, Title='Second 100 Colors' XOFFSET: This is the X offset of the program on the display. The program will be placed approximately in the middle of the display by default. YOFFSET: This is the Y offset of the program on the display. The program will be placed approximately in the middle of the display by default. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: Colors are changed. Events are sent to widgets if the NOTIFYID keyword is used. Object methods are called if the NOTIFYOBJ keyword is used. This program is a non-blocking widget. RESTRICTIONS: None. EXAMPLE: To load a color table into 100 colors, starting at color index 50 and send an event to the widget identified at info.drawID in the widget heirarchy of the top-level base, type: XCOLORS, NCOLORS=100, BOTTOM=50, NOTIFYID=[info.drawID,] MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: David W. Fanning, 15 April 97. Extensive modification of an older XCOLORS program with excellent suggestions for improvement by Liam Gumley. Now works on 8-bit and 24-bit systems. Subroutines renamed to avoid ambiguity. Cancel button restores original color table. 23 April 1997, added color protection for the program. DWF 24 April 1997, fixed a window initialization bug. DWF 18 June 1997, fixed a bug with the color protection handler. DWF 18 June 1997, Turned tracking on for draw widget to fix a bug in TLB Tracking Events for WindowsNT machines in IDL 5.0. DWF 20 Oct 1997, Changed GROUP keyword to GROUP_LEADER. DWF 19 Dec 1997, Fixed bug with TOP/BOTTOM reversals and CANCEL. DWF. 9 Jun 1998, Fixed bug when using BOTTOM keyword on 24-bit devices. DWF 9 Jun 1998, Added Device, Decomposed=0 for TrueColor visual classes. DWF 9 Jun 1998, Removed all IDL 4 compatibility. 21 Oct 1998, Fixed problem with gamma not being reset on CANCEL. DWF 5 Nov 1998. Added the NotifyObj keyword, so that XCOLORS would work interactively with objects. DWF. 9 Nov 1998. Made slider reporting only at the end of the drag. If you want continuous updating, set the DRAG keyword. DWF. 9 Nov 1998. Fixed problem with TOP and BOTTOM sliders not being reset on CANCEL. DWF. 10 Nov 1998. Fixed fixes. Sigh... DWF. 5 Dec 1998. Added INDEX field to the XCOLORS_LOAD event structure. This field holds the current color table index number. DWF. 5 Dec 1998. Modified the way the colorbar image was created. Results in greatly improved display for low number of colors. DWF. 6 Dec 1998. Added the ability to notify an unlimited number of objects. DWF. 12 Dec 1998. Removed obsolete Just_Reg keyword and improved documetation. DWF. 30 Dec 1998. Fixed the way the color table index was working. DWF. 4 Jan 1999. Added slightly modified CONGRID program to fix floating divide by zero problem. DWF 2 May 1999. Added code to work around a Macintosh bug in IDL through version 5.2 that tries to redraw the graphics window after a TVLCT command. DWF. 5 May 1999. Restore the current window index number after drawing graphics. Not supported on Macs. DWF. 9 Jul 1999. Fixed a couple of bugs I introduced with the 5 May changes. Sigh... DWF. 13 Jul 1999. Scheesh! That May 5th change was a BAD idea! Fixed more bugs. DWF. 31 Jul 1999. Substituted !D.Table_Size for !D.N_Colors. DWF. 1 Sep 1999. Got rid of the May 5th fixes and replaced with something MUCH simpler. DWF. 14 Feb 2000. Removed the window index field from the object notify structure. DWF. 14 Feb 2000. Added NOTIFYPRO, DATA, and _EXTRA keywords. DWF. 20 Mar 2000. Added MODAL, BLOCK, and COLORINFO keywords. DWF 20 Mar 2000. Fixed a slight problem with color protection events triggering notification events. DWF. 31 Mar 2000. Fixed a problem with pointer leakage on Cancel events, and improved program documentation. DWF. 17 Aug 2000. Fixed a problem with CANCEL that occurred only if you first changed the gamma settings before loading a color table. DWF. 10 Sep 2000. Removed the requirement that procedures and object methods must be written with an _Extra keyword. DWF. 5 Oct 2000. Added the File keyword to LOADCT command, as I was suppose to. DWF. 5 Oct 2000. Now properly freeing program pointers upon early exit from program. DWF. 7 Mar 2001. Fixed a problem with the BLOCK keyword. DWF. 12 Nov 2001. Renamed Congrid to XColors_Congrid. DWF. 14 Aug 2002. Moved the calculation of NCOLORS to after the draw widget creation to fix a problem with !D.TABLE_SIZE having a correct value when no windows had been opened in the current IDL session. DWF. 14 Aug 2002. Fixed a documentation problem in the NOTIFYID keyword documentation that still referred to !D.N_COLORS instead of the current !D.TABLE_SIZE. DWF. 27 Oct 2003. Added INDEX keyword. DWF. 29 July 2004. Fixed a problem with freeing colorInfoPtr if it didn't exist. DWF. 5 December 2005. Added NOSLIDERS keyword and performed some small cosmetic changes. DWF. 27 Sep 2006. Fixed a problem in which XCOLORS set device to indexed color mode. DWF. bmy, 21 Apr 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Added XCOLORS into GAMAP v2-12 unmodified, except for minor comment header changes, e.g.: * added ID tag for CVS repository * also changed category to "Color" for compatibility w/ GAMAP documentation
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/color/