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NAME: CREATE_NESTED PURPOSE: Reads data from a file and trims it down horizontally to a "nested" CTM grid size. Vertical resolution is not affected. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: CREATE_NESTED [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the input file containing data to be trimmed down to "nested" model grid resolution. If omitted, a dialog box will prompt the user to supply a filename. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file that will contain trimmed data on the "nested" model grid. OUTFILENAME will be in binary punch resolution. If omitted, a dialog box will prompt the user to supply a filename. XRANGE -> A 2-element vector containing the minimum and maximum box center longitudes which define the nested model grid. Default is [-180,180]. YRANGE -> A 2-element vector containing the minimum and maximum box center latitudes which define the nested model grid. Default is [-180,180]. /CHINA -> Set this switch to create nested-grid met data fil}es for the CHINA region. Setting this switch will override the XRANGE and YRANGE keywords. /NAMER -> Set this switch to create nested-grid met data files for the NORTH AMERICA region. Setting this switch will override the XRANGE and YRANGE keywords. /EUROPE -> Set this switch to create nested-grid met data files for the EUROPE region. Setting this switch will override the XRANGE and YRANGE keywords. ### NOTE: Need to define the region as of 10/4/07 ### OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: ================================================ CN_GETRANGES External Subroutines Required: ================================================ CTM_CLEANUP CTM_GET_DATA CTM_WRITEBPCH CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) GETMODELANDGRIDINFO REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) Works for the following types of data blocks: (a) 2-D "zonal-mean" (latitude-altitude) (b) 2-D "horizontal" (longitude-latitude) (c) 3-D "global" (longitude-latitude-altitude) EXAMPLE: (1) CREATE_NESTED, INFILENAME='global_grid.bpch', $ OUTFILENAME='nested_grid.bpch, $ XRANGE=[ -150, -30 ], $ YRANGE=[ 10, 70 ] ; Trims data from "global_grid.bpch" to a nested grid ; from 150W to 30W and 10N to 70N (in this example, ; this covers the US and parts of Canada and Mexico). (2) CREATE_NESTED, INFILENAME='global_grid.bpch', $ OUTFILENAME='nested_grid.bpch, /CHINA ; Trims data from "global_grid.bpch" to a nested grid ; for the default China nested grid (70-150E and 11S ; to 55 N). The /CHINA keyword is a convenience to the ; user. It will set XRANGE and YRANGE automatically for ; the China nested grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 10 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 25 Sep 2003: VERSION 1.01 - now call PTR_FREE to free pointer heap memory bmy, 16 Dec 2003: - now add THISFILEINFO in call to CTM_WRITEBPCH bmy & phs, 04 Oct 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Added /CHINA, /NAMER, /EUROPE keywords which may be specified instead of XRANGE and YRANGE. This is a user convenience. phs, 28 Jan 2008: - Bug fix if model name is 'GEOS3_30L' - Free pointers not referenced at exist. lhu, 12 Jan 2012: GAMAP VERSION 2.16 - Better test for small number equality - Add SEA4CRS nested grid range mps, 06 Nov 2013: - Remove SEAC4RS nested grid - Add NAMER grid for GEOS-FP mps, 28 Oct 2015: - Add NAMER and CHINA grids for MERRA2
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: CREATE_NESTED_ASCII PURPOSE: Reads data from an ASCII file and trims it to nested-grid resolution. Also renumbers I and J from "global" to "window" coordinates. Vertical and temporal resolution are not affected. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: CREATE_NESTED_ASCII [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid on which the input data resides. Default is 'GEOS3'. INRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid on which the input data resides. INRESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default is 1. INFILENAME -> Name of the input file containing data to be trimmed down to "nested" model grid resolution. If omitted, a dialog box will prompt the user to supply a filename. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file that will contain trimmed data on the "nested" model grid. OUTFILENAME will be in binary punch resolution. If omitted, a dialog box will prompt the user to supply a filename. XRANGE -> A 2-element vector containing the minimum and maximum box center longitudes which define the nested model grid. Default is [-180,180]. YRANGE -> A 2-element vector containing the minimum and maximum box center latitudes which define the nested model grid. Default is [-180,180]. HEADER -> Number of header lines to skip over. FORMAT -> String describing the input file format. Default is '(2i3,a)', i.e., two 3-digit integers and then an unspecified length character line. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================ CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) OPEN_FILE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) Assumes I and J (the lon & lat grid box indices) are the first two items on each line. (2) Assumes that the nested-grid does not wrap around the date line. EXAMPLE: CREATE_NESTED_ASCII, INFILENAME='fert_scale.dat.1x1', $ OUTFILENAME='fert_scale.dat, $ XRANGE=[ -140, -40 ], $ YRANGE=[ 10, 60 ], $ FORMAT='(2i6,a) ; Trims data from "fert_scale.dat.1x1" to a GEOS-3 ; 1x1 (default values) nested grid from 14OW to 4OW ; and 10N to 60N (in this example, this covers the US ; and parts of Canada and Mexico). MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 10 Apr 2003: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: CREATE_NESTED_MET PURPOSE: Reads GEOS-Chem binary met data files at global resolution and creates new files that have been "cut down" to a particular nested-grid region (e.g. China, North America, Europe). Vertical resolution is not affected. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: CREATE_NESTED_MET [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the input file containing data to be trimmed down to "nested" model grid resolution. If omitted, a dialog box will prompt the user to supply a filename. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file that will contain trimmed data on the "nested" model grid. OUTFILENAME will be in binary punch resolution. If omitted, a dialog box will prompt the user to supply a filename. /CHINA -> Set this switch to create nested-grid met data files for the CHINA region. /NAMER -> Set this switch to create nested-grid met data files for the NORTH AMERICA region. /EUROPE -> Set this switch to create nested-grid met data files for the EUROPE region. ### NOTE: Need to define the region as of 10/4/07 ### /VERBOSE -> Set this switch to print extra informational messages to the screen. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: ================================================ CNM_GETGRID CNM_GETCORNERS External Subroutines Required: ================================================ CTM_INDEX CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) Works for the following types of data blocks: (a) 2-D "horizontal" (longitude-latitude) (b) 3-D "global" (longitude-latitude-altitude) EXAMPLE: CREATE_NESTED_MET, INFILENAME='20021031.i6.1x1', $ OUTFILENAME='20021031.i6.1x1.USA', $ /NAMER ; Trims DAO met data from "20021031.i6.1x1" to a nested ; grid from 150W to 30W and 10N to 70N (in this example, ; this covers the US and parts of Canada and Mexico). MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 18 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.00 - adapted from "" bmy, 25 Sep 2003: VERSION 1.01 - also added GEOS-4 met fields bmy & phs, 24 Sep 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Rewritten for compatibility with GAMAP internal routine CTM_READ_GMAO bmy, 02 Apr 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Make sure we create big-endian binary files
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: CREATE_USA_MASK PURPOSE: This program defines a mask over the USA. All grid boxes that are totally contained w/ in the continental US are set equal to 1, with zeroes everywhere else. Boxes that the USA shares w/ another country are set to zero. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: CREATE_USA_MASK [, Keywords ] INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the CTM model grid on which the mask is to be created. Default is "GEOS_4". NOTE: since the mask is only a 2-D quantity, all vertical layer information will be ignored. OUTRESOLUTION -> Resolution of the CTM model grid on which the mask is to be created. Default is 2. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the output file (BPCH format) which will contain the USA mask data. Default is "usa_mask.geos.{RESOLUTION}" OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ===================================================== CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: May not yet work for 4x5. EXAMPLE: CREATE_USA_MASK, OUTMODELNAME="GEOS4", $ OUTRESOLUTION=4, $ OUTFILENAME='usa_mask.geos.4x5' ; Creates a USA mask for the GEOS-4 4x5 grid and ; saves it to a bpch file named "us_mask.geos.4x5" MODIFICATION HISTORY: rch & bmy, 22 Jun 2004: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: CTM_GETWEIGHT PURPOSE: Computes the "mapping weights" for regridding data from a "fine" CTM grid to a CTM grid of equal or coarser horizontal resolution. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_GETWEIGHT, OLDGRID, NEWGRID, WEIGHT, XX_IND, YY_IND [, Keywords ] INPUTS: OLDGRID -> GRIDINFO structure (use ctm_grid to create one) which defines the old ("fine") grid. NEWGRID -> GRIDINFO structure (use ctm_grid to create one) which defines the new ("coarse") grid. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: WEIGHTFILE (optional) -> Name of the file to which WEIGHT, XX_IND, and YY_IND will be written. If WEIGHTFILE is not given, then WEIGHTFORMAT (optional) -> Specify the format string used to save the mapping weights to WEIGHTFILE. For high-res grids, you may need to specify more than the default 2 decimal precision. Default value is '(3x,12f6.2)'. OUTPUTS: WEIGHT -> Array of mapping weights which defines the fraction of each "fine" grid box that fits into each "coarse" grid box. XX_IND -> Array of "longitude" grid box indices of the "fine" grid boxes that fit into each "coarse" grid box. YY_IND -> Array of "latitude" grid box indices of the "fine" grid boxes that fit into each "coarse" grid box. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================ REQUIREMENTS: References routines from both GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: (1) This routine was adapted from CTM_REGRID. It is sometimes computationally expedient to compute the mapping weights once for the entire horizontal grid and save them to a file for future use. (2) Right now this only works in regridding from a "fine" grid to a grid of equal horiziontal resolution (i.e. with shifted grid boxes) or coarser horizontal resolution. EXAMPLE: OLDTYPE = CTM_TYPE( 'GENERIC', RES=1, HALFPOLAR=0, CENTER180=0 ) OLDGRID = CTM_GRID( OLDTYPE, /NO_VERTICAL ) NEWTYPE = CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS4', RES=4 ) NEWGRID = CTM_GRID( NEWTYPE, /NO_VERTICAL ) CTM_GETWEIGHT, OLDGRID, NEWGRID, WEIGHT, XX_IND, YY_IND, $ WEIGHTFILE = ''] ; Precomputes the mapping weights for regridding a ; 1 x 1 grid to the GEOS-1 4 x 5 grid, and saves them ; to an ASCII file named "" MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 11 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.01 - adapted from CTM_REGRID bmy, 21 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.02 - Added fix for GEOS 1 x 1.25 grid bmy, 04 May 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Added fix for GENERIC 2.5 x 2.5 grid bmy, 29 Jun 2006: - Added fix for GEOS 1x1 -> GENERIC 1x1 bmy & phs, 04 Oct 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - added fix for GENERIC 0.5 x 0.5 grid - general fix for over-the-dateline cases bmy, 26 Sep 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - Add WEIGHTFORMAT keyword to specify more decimal places of precision if need be
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: CTM_REGRIDH PURPOSE: Regrids data horizontally from one CTM grid to another, for both cases: (1) fine grid --> coarse grid OR (2) coarse grid --> fine grid CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: NEWDATA = CTM_REGRIDH( DATA, OLDGRID, NEWGRID [ , Keywords ] ) INPUTS: DATA -> a 2-D or 3-D data field to be regridded. DATA can be either in single-precision or double-precision. OLDGRID, NEWGRID -> GRIDINFO structures (use "" to create one) defining the old and new grids. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /DOUBLE -> If set, will return NEWDATA as a double-precision array. Default is to return NEWDATA as a floating-point single-precision array. /PER_UNIT_AREA -> Set this switch if the quantity you want to regrid is per unit area or per unit volume (i.e. molec/cm2, molec/cm3, kg/m2, etc.). CTM_REGRIDH will multiply by the input grid's surface areas, so as to convert it to an area-independent quantity for regridding. After the regridding, CTM_REGRIDH will then divide the quantity by the surface areas on the new grid. /USE_SAVED_WEIGHTS -> If set, will use the mapping weights saved by a prior call to CTM_REGRIDH. This is useful if you are regridding 3-D data, thus CTM_REGRIDH can be told only to compute the mapping weights for the first level, thus saving processing time. /VERBOSE -> If set, will echo informational messages to the screen during the regridding process. Totals on both old and new grids will also be printed. WFILE -> Name of the file with pre-saved mapping weights from the old grid to the new grid (created by CTM_GETWEIGHT). If WFILE is not specified, then CTM_REGRIDH will compute the mapping weights on the fly. These weights will be returned to the calling program via the WEIGHT keyword for use on subsequent calls to CTM_REGRIDH. OUTPUTS: NEWDATA -> a 2-D or 3-D array containing the regridded data. SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines Included: ================================================= CRH_GETWEIGHT External Subroutines Required: ================================================= CHKSTRU (function) CTM_BOXSIZE (function) CTM_GETWEIGHT UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: References routines from the GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: (1) CTM_REGRIDH now supersedes CTM_REGRID. The old CTM_REGRID program worked fine, but could only go from fine grids to coarse grids. (2) Assumes that you are passing globally-sized arrays. If you have less than global-sized data, then you must add that data to a globally sized array, and then call CTM_REGRIDH. EXAMPLE: (1) ; Define old grid OLDTYPE = CTM_TYPE( 'GENERIC', RES=[1,1], $ HALFPOLAR=0, CENTER180=0 ) OLDGRID = CTM_GRID( OLDTYPE ) ; Define new grid NEWTYPE = CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS_STRAT', RES=4 ) NEWGRID = CTM_GRID( NEWTYPE ) ; Regrid data NEWDATA = CTM_REGRIDH( DATA, OLDGRID, NEWGRID, $ /PER_UNIT_AREA, /VERBOSE ) ; Regrids a quantity such as fossil fuel emissions ; in [molec/cm2/s] from the generic 1 x 1 emissions ; grid to GEOS-STRAT 4 x 5 resolution. Message info ; will be echoed to the screen during the regridding. ; The mapping weights from OLDGRID to NEWGRID will ; be computed by CTM_REGRIDH and stored internally ; for possible future use. (2) ; Define old grid OLDTYPE = CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS_STRAT', RES=2 ) OLDGRID = CTM_GRID( OLDTYPE ) ; Define new grid NEWTYPE = CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS_STRAT', RES=4 ) NEWGRID = CTM_GRID( NEWTYPE ) ; Regrid first data array, read mapping weights from disk NEWDATA1 = CTM_REGRIDH( DATA1, OLDGRID, NEWGRID, $ WFILE='weights_generic1x1_geos4x5.dat' ) ; Regrid second data array, use weights from prior call NEWDATA2 = CTM_REGRIDH( DATA2, OLDGRID, NEWGRID, $ /USE_SAVED_WEIGHTS ) ; Regrids quantities such as air mass in [kg] from ; 2 x 2.5 resolution to 4 x 5 resolution for the ; GEOS-STRAT grid. Since WFILE is specified, ; will read the mapping weights between OLDGRID and ; from a file on disk instead of having to compute ; them online. These mapping weights will then be ; saved internally for possible future use. ; ; Note that you can specify that you want to use the ; pre-saved with the /USE_SAVED_WEIGHTS flag. This ; prevents CTM_REGRIDH from having to re-read the ; mapping weights all over again -- a real timesaver. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 13 Feb 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 - adapted from CTM_REGRID plus other various existing codes bmy, 16 Jan 2003: GAMAP VERSION 1.52 - fixed a small bug which prevented flagging coarse --> fine regridding when going from 1 x 1.25 to 1 x 1 phs, 24 Oct 2005: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Fix the Coarse-to-Fine case. Works as expected for both PER_UNIT_AREA=1 and =0. bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 jintai, 14 Apr 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.14 - Added fix for NaN's
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: HIST_ND PURPOSE: Perform an N-dimensional histogram, also known as the joint density function of N variables, ala HIST_2D. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: hist=HIST_ND(V,BINSIZE,MIN=,MAX=,NBINS=,REVERSE_INDICES=) INPUTS: V: A NxP array representing P data points in N dimensions. BINSIZE: The size of the bin to use. Either an N point vector specifying a separate size for each dimension, or a scalar, which will be used for all dimensions. If BINSIZE is not passed, NBINS must be. OPTIONAL INPUTS: MIN: The minimum value for the histogram. Either a P point vector specifying a separate minimum for each dimension, or a scalar, which will be used for all dimensions. If omitted, the natural minimum within the dataset will be used. MAX: The maximum value for the histogram. Either a P point vector specifying a separate maximmum for each dimension, or a scalar, which will be used for all dimensions. If omitted, the natural maximum within the dataset will be used. NBINS: Rather than specifying the binsize, you can pass NBINS, the number of bins in each dimension, which can be a P point vector, or a scalar. If BINSIZE it also passed, NBINS will be ignored, otherwise BINSIZE will then be calculated as binsize=(max-min)/nbins. Note that *unlike* RSI's version of histogram as of IDL 5.4, this keyword actually works as advertised, giving you NBINS bins over the range min to max. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MIN,MAX,NBINS: See above REVERSE_INDICES: Set to a named variable to receive the reverse indices, for mapping which points occurred in a given bin. Note that this is a 1-dimensional reverse index vector (see HISTOGRAM). E.g., to find the indices of points which fell in a histogram bin [i,j,k], look up: ind=[i+nx*(j+ny*k)] ri[ri[ind]:ri[ind+1]-1] See also ARRAY_INDICES for converting in the other direction. OUTPUTS: hist: The N-Dimensional histogram, of size N1xN2xN3x...xND where the Ni's are the number of bins implied by the data, and/or optional inputs min, max and binsize. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: The reverse indices. EXAMPLE: v=randomu(sd,3,100) h=hist_nd(v,.25,MIN=0,MAX=1,REVERSE_INDICES=ri) SEE ALSO: HISTOGRAM, HIST_2D MODIFICATION HISTORY: Mon Mar 5 09:45:53 2007, J.D. SmithCorrectly trim out of range elements from the histogram, when MIN/MAX are specified. Requires IDL v6.1 or later. Tue Aug 19 09:13:43 2003, J.D. Smith Slight update to BINSIZE logic to provide consistency with HIST_2D. Fri Oct 11 10:10:01 2002, J.D. Smith Updated to use new DIMENSION keyword to MAX/MIN. Fri Apr 20 12:57:34 2001, JD Smith Slight update to NBINS logic. More aggressive keyword checking. Wed Mar 28 19:41:10 2001, JD Smith Written, based on HIST_2D, and suggestions of CM. phs, bmy, 30 May 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Added to GAMAP under "Regridding" category
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: INTERPOLATE_2D PURPOSE: Interpolates a 2-D array from one grid to another. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: NEWDATA = INTERPOLATE_2D( DATA, OLDXMID, OLDYMID, $ NEWXMID, NEWYMID [, Keywords ] ) INPUTS: DATA -> A 2-D array containing the data to be interpolated. OLDXMID -> A 1-D vector containing the X-coordinates (e.g. longitude) corresponding to the DATA array. OLDYMID -> A 1-D vector containing the Y-coordinates (e.g. latitude) corresponding to the DATA array. NEWXMID -> A 1-D vector containing the X-coordinates (e.g. longitude) of the new grid onto which DATA will be interpolated. NEWYMID -> A 1-D vector containing the Y-coordinates (e.g. latitude) of the new grid onto which DATA will be interpolated. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /DOUBLE -> Set this switch to force computation in double precision. Default is to use single precision. OUTPUTS: NEWDATA -> A 2-D array containing the data on the new grid. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: INTERPOLATE_2D can be used to interpolate from coarse grids to fine grids or fine grids to coarse grids. This routine uses the IDL INTERPOL command. EXAMPLE: ; Define old grid (GEOS-Chem 2x25) OLDTYPE = CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS4', RES=2 ) OLDGRID = CTM_GRID( OLDTYPE ) ; Define new grid (GEOS-Chem 4x5) NEWTYPE = CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS4', RES=4 ) NEWGRID = CTM_GRID( NEWTYPE ) ; Interpolate DATA array from 2x25 to 4x5 NEWDATA = INTERPOLATE_2D( DATA, $ OLDGRID.XMID, OLDGRID.YMID, $ NEWGRID.XMID, NEWGRID.YMID ) ; Interpolate a data array from the GEOS-Chem ; 2 x 2.5 grid to the GEOS-Chem 4 x 5 grid MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: MAKE_CH_DATA PURPOSE: Driver program for CREATE_NESTED_DATA. Hardwired to the North-America nested-grid of Qinbin Li. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: MAKE_CH_DATA INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================== MFINDFILE (function) EXTRACT_FILENAME (function) CREATE_NESTED_MET REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: For simplicity, input & output dirs, and X and Y ranges have been hardwired. Change as necessary. EXAMPLE: MAKE_CH_MET MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 10 Apr 2003: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: MAKE_CH_MET PURPOSE: Driver program for CREATE_NESTED_MET. Hardwired to the China/SE Asia nested-grid of Yuxuan Wang. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: MAKE_CH_MET [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MONYR -> Specifies the month & year (e.g. '2001/06/' ) FMASK -> File mask (default is '*') OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================== MFINDFILE (function) EXTRACT_FILENAME (function) CREATE_NESTED_MET REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: For simplicity, input & output dirs, and X and Y ranges have been hardwired. Change as necessary. EXAMPLE: MAKE_NA_MET MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 10 Apr 2003: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: MAKE_EUR_DATA PURPOSE: Driver program for CREATE_NESTED_DATA. Hardwired to the North-America nested-grid of Qinbin Li. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: MAKE_EUR_DATA INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================== MFINDFILE (function) EXTRACT_FILENAME (function) CREATE_NESTED_MET REQUIREMENTS: NOTES: For simplicity, input & output dirs, and X and Y ranges have been hardwired. Change as necessary. EXAMPLE: MAKE_EUR_DATA MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 15 May 2003: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: MAKE_EUR_MET PURPOSE: Driver program for CREATE_NESTED_MET. Hardwired to the European nested-grid of Isabelle Bey. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: MAKE_EUR_MET INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================== MFINDFILE (function) EXTRACT_FILENAME (function) CREATE_NESTED_MET REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: For simplicity, input & output dirs, and X and Y ranges have been hardwired. Change as necessary. EXAMPLE: MAKE_EUR_MET MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 10 Apr 2003: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: MAKE_NA_DATA PURPOSE: Driver program for CREATE_NESTED_DATA. Hardwired to the North-America nested-grid of Qinbin Li. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: MAKE_NA_DATA INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================== MFINDFILE (function) EXTRACT_FILENAME (function) CREATE_NESTED_MET REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: For simplicity, input & output dirs, and X and Y ranges have been hardwired. Change as necessary. EXAMPLE: MAKE_NA_MET MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 10 Apr 2003: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: MAKE_NA_MET PURPOSE: Driver program for CREATE_NESTED_MET. Hardwired to the North-America nested-grid of Qinbin Li. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: MAKE_NA_MET INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MONYR -> Specifies the month & year (e.g. '2001/06/' ) FMASK -> File mask (default is '*') OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================== MFINDFILE (function) EXTRACT_FILENAME (function) CREATE_NESTED_MET REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: For simplicity, input & output dirs, and X and Y ranges have been hardwired. Change as necessary. EXAMPLE: MAKE_NA_MET MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 10 Apr 2003: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: MERGE_FERT_SOILPREC PURPOSE: Merges nonzero soil fertilizer and soil precipitation data onto the same indexing scheme. Also computes NLAND, the number of land boxes used in "commsoil.h". CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: MERGE_FERT_SOILPREC [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FERTFILE -> Name of the binary punch file containing soil fertilizer data to be merged. The default file name is hardwired (change as necessary). SOILPRECFILE -> Name of the binary punch file containing soil precipitation data to be merged. The default file name is hardwired (change as necessary). OUTDIR -> Name of the directory where the output file will be written. Default is './'. OUTPUTS: Writes to ASCII output files: fert_scale.dat.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION} climatprep{RESOLUTION}.dat.{MODELNAME} SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================================== CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) Input files must be binary punch files, created with routines REGRID_FERT and REGRID_SOILPREC. (2) Output files are in ASCII format and are compatible with the existing Harvard CTM routines. EXAMPLE: MERGE_FERT_PRECIP, FERTFILE='nox_fert.geos1.2x25', $ PRECIPFILE='soil_precip.geos1.2x25', $ OUTDIR='/scratch/bmy' ; Will merge the soil fertilizer data contained in ; "nox_fert.geos1.2x25" and the soil precip data ; contained in soil_precip.geos1.2x25". Output files ; will be sent to the /scratch/bmy directory. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 04 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.00 - adapted from older IDL code bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: MERGE_OH PURPOSE: Creates a "Merged OH" file, with OH from the GEOS-CHEM model in the troposphere and zonal mean OH from a 2-D model in the stratosphere. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: MERGE_OH, MODELNAME INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MODELNAME -> Name of the model (e.g. GEOS1, GEOS-STRAT) for which we are going to merge tropospheric OH with stratospheric OH. RESOLUTION -> Horizontal latitude resolution of the grid. RESOLUTION=2 specifies 2 x 2.5 grid and RESOLUTION=4 specifies 4 x 5 grid. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ==================================================== CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) The output file name has the form: OH_3Dglobal.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION} (2) Filenames are currently hardwired for 4x5, EXAMPLE: MERGE_OH, MODELNAME='GEOS3', RESOLUTION=4 ; Will merge stratospheric and tropospheric OH ; at the GEOS-1 4 x 5 resolution into a single ; binary punch file. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bey, 21 Jul 2000: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 11 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.01 - added standard header, updated comments - renamed to "" bmy, 04 Feb 2002: VERSION 1.02 - rewrote for expediency bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: PULL_PL PURPOSE: Copies datablocks from NRT bpch files for category PORL-L=$ to a separate file for archival purposes. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: PULL_PL, DATE INPUTS: DATE -> YYYYMMDD of the date for which to extract data. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================================= CTM_GET_DATA CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH GETMODELANDGRIDINFO REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: PULL_PL, 20051201 - Extracts PORL-L=$ data for 2005/12/01. MODIFICATION HISTORY: rch & bmy, 06 Dec 2005: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDAVHRR_LAI PURPOSE: Regrids LAI from a 0.5 x 0.5 grid onto a CTM grid of equal or coarser horizontal resolution. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDAVHRR_LAI [, Keywords ] INPUTS: NONE KEYWORD PARAMETERS: YEAR (string) -> 4 character string for the year in process OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTDIR -> Name of the directory where the output file will be written. Default is './'. OUTPUTS: Writes files: lai{MONTHNUM}.global{YEAR}.bpch SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =============================================== CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_GETWEIGHT CTM_Make_DataInfo (function) CTM_WriteBpch (fucntion) nymd2tau (function) Internal Subroutines: ============================== RL_GETWEIGHT REQUIREMENTS: References routines from both GAMAP and TOOLS directories NOTES: (1) Filenames are hardwired -- change as necessary (2) Regridding can take a while, especially at 1x1 resolution. EXAMPLE: REGRIDAVHRR_LAI, '2000', MODELNAME='GEOS1', RES=2, OUTDIR='~/scratch/bmy/' ; Regrids 1 x 1 NOx fertilizer data onto the GEOS-1 ; 2 x 2.5 resolution grid. The output file will be ; written to the '~/scratch/bmy/' directory. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 04 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.00 - adapted from old FORTRAN code bmy, 15 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.01 - renamed to "" - renamed MODELNAME to OUTMODELNAME - renamed RESOLUTION to OUTRESOLUTION tmf, 18 Jun 2003: VERSION 2.00 - adapted from bmy's "" - renamed to "" - modified to read in Boston University's 0.5x0.5 AVHRR LAI - modified to output bpch files on CTM grid at the same time
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_3D_OH PURPOSE: Horiziontally regrids 3-D OH data from one CTM grid to another. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_3D_OH [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing OH data to be regridded. If not specified, then a dialog box will ask the user to supply a file name. OUTFILENAME -> Name of file to contain the regridded OH. If not specified, then REGRID_3D_OH will use default output file name "OH_3Dglobal.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION}". OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If OUTMODELNAME is not specified, then REGRID_3D_OH will use the same model name as the input grid. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================================== CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) REQUIREMENTS: References routines from both GAMAP and TOOLS packages NOTES: (1) The merged OH file is generated by "". EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_3D_OH, INFILENAME='OH_3Dglobal.geos3.2x25', $ OUTFILENAME='OH_3Dglobal.geos3.4x5', $ OUTRESOLUTION=4 ; Horizontally regrids 3-D OH file from the GEOS-3 ; 2 x 2.5 grid to the GEOS-3 4 x 5 grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 12 Sep 2002: VERSION 1.01 bmy, 22 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.02 - totally rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 - now call PTR_FREE to free the memory - added DIAGN keyword
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_AEROSOL PURPOSE: Horiziontally regrids aerosol concentrations from one CTM grid to another. Total mass is conserved. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_AEROSOL [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MONTH -> Month of year for which to process data. Default is 1 (January). INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. If omitted, then REGRIDH_AEROSOL will prompt the user to select a filename with a dialog box. OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If OUTMODELNAME is not specified, REGRIDH_AEROSOL will use the same model name as the input grid. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file which will contain the regridded data. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of the data blocks that you wish to regrid. Default is "ARSL-L=$". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================= CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) CTM_GET_DATA CTM_WRITEBPCH GETMODELANDGRIDINFO UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: References routines from the GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: (1) It is best to regrid the aeorsol dust files 1 month at a time, since it can take quite a while to regrid all of the tracers and levels. One can then use GAMAP to concatenate the monthly files. (2) Aerosol concentrations are used in the photolysis code since they also cause the incoming solar radiation to be scattered out of a column. (3) Assumes that the input file is already in binary punch format. To regrid data directly from Paul Ginoux's GOCART model simulations, use "". EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_AEROSOL, INFILENAME='aerosol.geos3.2x25', $ OUTFILENAME='aerosol.geos3.4x5', $ OUTRESOLUTION=4, MONTH=1 ; Regrids January aerosol data from 2 x 2.5 GEOS-3 ; resolution to 4 x 5 resolution. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 15 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.01 bmy, 22 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.02 - rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 - call PTR_FREE to free the pointer heap memory
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_AIRCRAFT_DATA PURPOSE: Driver program for routines REGRIDH_AIRCRAFT_NOX and REGRIDH_AIRCRAFT_FUEL. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_AIRCRAFT_DATA [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /NOX -> Set this switch to regrid aircraft NOx data. /SOx -> Set this switch to regrid aircraft SOx data. OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the NOx emissions will be regridded. Default is 'GEOS3'. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the NOX emissions will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default is 1. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================ REGRIDH_AIRCRAFT_NOX (function) REGRIDH_AIRCRAFT_FUEL (function) REQUIREMENTS: References routines from the GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: Input & output directories are hardwired for now, you can change them as is necessary. EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_AIRCRAFT_DATA, /NOX, $ OUTMODELNAME='GEOS3', $ OUTRESOLUTION=1 ; Regrids aircraft NOx data from native ; resolution to GEOS-3 1x1 grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 23 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.01 - Initial version bmy, 28 Apr 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Corrected typo at line 142
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_AIRCRAFT_FUEL PURPOSE: Regrids aircraft emissions to GEOS-CHEM grid resolution. Can also trim to nested-grid resolution if necessary. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_AIRCRAFT_FUEL [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the input file containing data to be trimmed down to "nested" model grid resolution. If omitted, a dialog box will prompt the user to supply a filename. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file that will contain trimmed data on the "nested" model grid. OUTFILENAME will be in binary punch resolution. If omitted, a dialog box will prompt the user to supply a filename. OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the NOx emissions will be regridded. Default is 'GEOS3'. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the NOX emissions will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default is 1. XRANGE -> A 2-element vector containing the minimum and maximum box center longitudes which define the nested model grid. Default is [-180,180]. YRANGE -> A 2-element vector containing the minimum and maximum box center latitudes which define the nested model grid. Default is [-180,180]. /USE_SAVED_WEIGHTS -> Set this flag to tell CTM_REGRIDH to use previously-saved mapping weights. Useful if you are regridding many files at once. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================ CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) OPEN_FILE REQUIREMENTS: References routines from both GAMAP and TOOLS packages NOTES: EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_AIRCRAFT_FUEL, INFILENAME='total_1992_apr.kg_day.3d', $ OUTFILENAME='airapr.1x1', $ OUTMODELNAME='GEOS3', $ OUTRESOLUTION=1, $ XRange=[-140,40], $ YRange=[10,60] ; Regrids aircraft fuel emissions to a GEOS-3 1x1 ; nested grid resolution given by MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 10 Apr 2003: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 29 Nov 2006: VERSION 1.01 - Updated for SO2 output
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_AIRCRAFT_NOX PURPOSE: Regrids aircraft NOx emissions to GEOS-CHEM grid resolution. Can also trim to nested-grid resolution if necessary. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_AIRCRAFT_NOX [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the input file containing data to be trimmed down to "nested" model grid resolution. If omitted, a dialog box will prompt the user to supply a filename. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file that will contain trimmed data on the "nested" model grid. If omitted, a dialog box will prompt the user to supply a filename. OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the NOx emissions will be regridded. Default is 'GEOS3'. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the NOX emissions will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default is 1. /USE_SAVED_WEIGHTS -> Set this flag to tell CTM_REGRIDH to use previously-saved mapping weights. Useful if you are regridding many files at once. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================ CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) OPEN_FILE REQUIREMENTS: References routines from both GAMAP and TOOLS packages NOTES: EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_AIRCRAFT_NOX, InFileName='total_1992_apr.kg_day.3d', $ OutFileName='airapr.1x1', $ OUTMODELNAME='GEOS3', $ OUTRESOLUTION=1, $ XRange=[-140,40], $ YRange=[10,60] ; Regrids aircraft NOx emissions to a GEOS-3 1x1 ; nested grid resolution given by MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 10 Apr 2003: VERSION 1.00
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_ANTHRO PURPOSE: Regrids 1 x 1 GEIA anthropogenic emissions "merge file" onto a CTM grid of equal or coarser resolution. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_ANTHRO [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the directory where the output file will be written. Default is 'merge_nobiofuels.geos.{resolution}'. /COPY -> If set, will just copy the 1 x 1 data from the ASCII file to a binary punch file format, w/o regridding. OUTPUTS: Writes to binary "merge" file: merge.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION}.bpch SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================= CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_BOXSIZE (function) CTM_REGRID (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) REQUIREMENTS: References routines from the GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: (1) The path names for the files containing 1 x 1 data are hardwired -- change this number as is necessary. (2) Also assumes 10 fossil fuel emission species -- change this number as is necessary. (3) Now use CTM_REGRIDH, which is much quicker since it saves the mapping weights EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_ANTHRO, OUTMODELNAME='GEOS_STRAT', $ OUTRESOLUTION=4 ; Regrids 1 x 1 GEIA fossil fuel emissions onto the ; 4 x 5 GEOS-STRAT grid. The default output filename ; will be "merge_nobiofuels.geos.4x5". MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 01 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 14 Mar 2001: VERSION 1.01 - now write output to binary punch file format bmy, 30 Oct 2001: VERSION 1.02 - added /COPY keyword - now can also copy data from 1 x 1 ASCII file to binary punch file w/o regridding bmy, 09 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.03 - renamed to "" - now uses CTM_REGRIDH, which is faster when regridding multiple arrays
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_AVHRRCO PURPOSE: Regrids AVHRR biomass burning emissions at 1 x 1 resolution to CTM resolution. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_AVHRRCO [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. /COPY -> Use this switch to write the original 1 x 1 biomass burning data to a binary punch file without regridding. OUTPUTS: Writes binary punch files: bioburn.avhrr.mon.{RESOLUTION} SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================= CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_BOXSIZE (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) NYMD2TAU (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH REQUIREMENTS: References routines from the GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: (1) The path names for the files containing 1 x 1 data are hardwired -- change as necessary! (2) Sometimes you might have to close all files and call "" in between calls to this routine. (3) Can be extended to other tracers than CO... EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_AVHRRCO, OUTMODELNAME='GEOS_STRAT', $ OUTRESOLUTION=4 ; Regrids 1 x 1 AVHRR CO biomass burning data ; onto the 4 x 5 GEOS-STRAT grid MODIFICATION HISTORY: clh & bmy, 09 Jun 2000: VERSION 1.00 - adapted from "" bmy, 14 Nov 2002: VERSION 1.01 - now use CTM_REGRIDH for horiz regridding - renamed to "" bmy, 23 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.02 - updated for GAMAP v2-01
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_BIOBURN PURPOSE: Regrids 1 x 1 biomass burning emissions for various tracers onto a CTM grid of equal or coarser resolution. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_BIOBURN [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTDIR -> Name of the directory where the output file will be written. Default is './'. /COPY -> Use this switch to write the original 1 x 1 biomass burning data to a binary punch file without regridding. /SEASONAL -> Use this switch to process seasonal biomass burning files (instead of interannual variability files). YEAR -> 4-digit year number for which to regrid data for interannual variability biomass burning. YEAR is ignored if SEASONAL=0. Default is 1996. OUTPUTS: Writes binary punch files: bioburn.seasonal.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION} OR bioburn.interannual.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION}.YEAR SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: ================================================= RBB_GetWeight RBB_GetTracerInfo (function) RBB_ReadData External Subroutines Required: ================================================= CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_BOXSIZE (function) CTM_REGRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH REQUIREMENTS: References routines from the GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: (1) The path names for the files containing 1 x 1 data are hardwired -- change as necessary! (2) Now assumes 13 biomass burning tracers -- change this number as necessary. (3) REGRID_BIOBURN now will produce output for a whole year in one file. This is most convenient. (4) Sometimes you might have to close all files and call "" in between calls to this routine. EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_BIOBURN, OUTMODELNAME='GEOS_STRAT', OUTRESOLUTION=4, $ /SEASONAL, WEIGHTFILE="weights_gen1x1_geos4x5.dat" ; Regrids seasonal 1 x 1 biomass burning data from February ; for CO (tracer #2) onto the 4 x 5 GEOS-STRAT grid, using ; mapping weights stored in "weights_gen1x1_geos4x5.dat". MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 09 Jun 2000: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 14 Jul 2000: VERSION 1.01 - adapted for 9 biomass burning tracers bmy, 24 Jul 2000: - added OUTDIR keyword bmy, 13 Feb 2001: VERSION 1.02 - added ALK4, CH4, CH3I as biomass burning tracers bmy, 15 Feb 2001: VERSION 1.03 - now use pre-saved mapping weights, for computational expediency - now no longer use - added /SEASONAL keyword to regrid seasonal climatological biomass burning instead of interannual variability BB. bmy, 28 Jun 2001: VERSION 1.04 - added COPY keyword, to just write a 1x1 binary punch file w/o regridding bmy, 02 Jul 2001: VERSION 1.05 - YEAR is now 4 digits - now uses 1985 TAU values for seasonal BB emissions and TAU values corresponding to YEAR for interannual BB emissions bmy, 21 Sep 2001: VERSION 1.06 - modified to handle Randall's year 2000 files for interannual variability - renamed MODELNAME to OUTMODELNAME and RESOLUTION to OUTRESOLUTION bmy, 24 Sep 2001: VERSION 1.07 - now created TINFO array of structures w/ information about each biomass tracer - also save TOTB (CTM tracer #33) as g/cm2 bmy, 11 Feb 2002: VERSION 1.08 - now regrid all months of 2000 bmy, 14 Nov 2002: VERSION 1.09 - renamed to REGRIDH_BIOBURN - removed WEIGHTFILE keyword bmy, 23 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.10 - updated for GAMAP v2-01
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_BIOBURN2 PURPOSE: Regrids 1 x 1 biomass burning emissions for various tracers onto a CTM grid of equal or coarser resolution. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_BIOBURN [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTFILENAME -> DIAGN -> OUTPUTS: Writes binary punch files: bioburn.seasonal.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION} OR bioburn.interannual.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION}.YEAR SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================= CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_REGRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: References routines from the GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: none EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_BIOBURN, INFILENAME='biomass.seasonal.generic.1x1', $ OUTMODELNAME='GEOS4' OUTRESOLUTION=2 $ OUTFILENAME='biomass.seasonal.geos.2x25'GEOS_STRAT', ; Regrids seasonal 1 x 1 biomass burning data ; onto the GEOS_4 2 x 2.5 grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 08 Apr 2004: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 20 Oct 2005: VERSION 1.01 - If units are per m3, m2, cm3, or cm2 then set PER_UNIT_AREA flag in routine CTM_REGRIDH;
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_BIOFUEL PURPOSE: Regrids 1 x 1 biofuel burning emissions for NOx or CO onto a CTM grid of equal or coarser resolution. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_BIOFUEL [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTDIR -> Name of the directory where the output file will be written. Default is './'. /COPY -> If set, then will just copy 1 x 1 "raw" biofuel data from native ASCII format to binary punch format. OUTPUTS: Writes binary punch files: biofuel.generic.1x1 (if /COPY is set) OR biofuel.geos.{RESOLUTION} (if OUTRESOLUTION=2 or =4) SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =============================================== CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH Internal Subroutines =============================================== RBF_READDATA (function) REQUIREMENTS: References routines from the GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: The path names for the files containing 1 x 1 data are hardwired -- change as necessary! EXAMPLE: (1) REGRIDH_BIOFUEL, MODELNAME='GEOS_STRAT', RESOLUTION=[5,4] ; Regrids 1 x 1 biofuel data to the 4 x 5 GEOS-STRAT grid MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 09 Jun 2000: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 12 Jul 2000: VERSION 1.01 - added NOx keyword - now read original data with internal function RBF_READDATA bmy, 24 Jul 2000: - added OUTDIR keyword bmy, 26 Jan 2001: VERSION 1.02 - added extra species names bmy, 29 Oct 2001: VERSION 1.03 - added /COPY keyword to just copy data from ASCII format to binary punch format - now loop over multiple tracer names - removed TRCNAME keyword bmy, 28 Jan 2002: VERSION 1.04 - bug fix: now convert C2H6, C3H8 and ACET from kg/yr to kg C/yr bmy, 14 Nov 2002: VERSION 1.05 - renamed to REGRIDH_BIOFUEL bmy, 23 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.06 - updated for GAMAP v2-01
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_C3H8_C2H6 PURPOSE: Horizontally regrids emissions of C3H8 and C2H6 from one CTM grid to another. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_C3H8_C2H6 [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing C3H8 and C2H6 to be regridded. If omitted, then REGRIDH_C3H8_C2H6 will prompt the user to select a filename via a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of output file containing the regridded data. If OUTFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_C3H8_C2H6 will ask the user to specify a file via a dialog box. OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If OUTMODELNAME is not specified, REGRIDH_C3H8_C2H6 will use the same model name as the input grid. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of the data blocks that you wish to regrid. Default is "IJ-AVG-$". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ======================================================= CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: References routines from the GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_C3H8_C2H6, INFILENAME='C3H8_C2H6_ngas.geos.4x5', $ OUTFILENAME='C3H8_C2H6_ngas.geos.2x25', $ OUTRESOLUTION=2, $ ; Regrids C3H8 and C2H6 data onto from the 4 x 5 ; GEOS-3 grid to the the 2 x 2.5 GEOS-3 grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 08 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 22 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.01 - rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 - now call PTR_FREE to free pointer memory
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_CM2_S PURPOSE: Horizontally Regrids a CTM quantity (such as emissions) in units of [molec/cm2/s] or [atoms C/cm2/s] to a new CTM grid. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_CM2_S [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. If INFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_RESTART will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file which will contain the regridded data. If OUTFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_RESTART will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If not passed, then the model name corresponding to the data contained in INPUTFILE will be used as the default. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of the data blocks that you wish to regrid. Default is "IJ-AVG-$". OUTPUTS: Writes binary punch files: bioburn.seasonal.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION} OR bioburn.interannual.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION}.YEAR SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================= CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_REGRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: References routines from the GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: none EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_BIOBURN, INFILENAME='biomass.seasonal.generic.1x1', $ OUTMODELNAME='GEOS4' OUTRESOLUTION=2 $ OUTFILENAME='biomass.seasonal.geos.2x25'GEOS_STRAT', ; Regrids seasonal 1 x 1 biomass burning data ; onto the GEOS_4 2 x 2.5 grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 08 Apr 2004: VERSION 1.00
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_CROPLANDS PURPOSE: Regrids crop land fraction data from 0.5 x 0.5 degree resolution to a coarser CTM grid. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_CROPLANDS [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of a netCDF file containing input data to be be regridded. Default is '~rmy/Croplands/'. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the binary punch file to contain output data. Default is "croplands.bpch" OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid on which the input data resides. Default is GENERIC. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid on which the input data resides. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default is 1. OUTPUTS: None -- writes output to file SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines =================================================== RC_ReadData (function) External Subroutines Required: =================================================== NCDF_READ CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: References routines from both GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: Some hardwiring for now...this is OK. EXAMPLE: REGRID_CROPLANDS, INFILENAME='', $ OUTMODELNAME='generic', $ OUTRESOLUTION=1, $ OUTFILENAME='newcroplands.bpch' ; Regrids 0.5 x 0.5 croplands data from "" ; file to 1 x 1 resolution. Output is to the binary ; punch file "newcroplands.bpch". MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 19 Jul 2001: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 09 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.02 - Now use CTM_REGRIDH to regrid data bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_DUST PURPOSE: Horizontally regrids mineral dust concentrations [kg/m3] from one CTM grid to another. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_DUST [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MONTH -> Month of year for which to process data. Default is 1 (January). Since the dust files are very large, it may take several iterations to regrid an entire year of data. You can break the job down 1 month at a time. INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing the dust data which is to be regridded. If INFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_DUST will prompt the user to specify a file name via a dialog box. OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If not specified, then OUTMODELNAME will be set to the same value as the grid stored in INFILENAME. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the directory where the output file will be written. If not specified, then a dialog box will ask the user to supply a file name. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of data block that you want to regrid. Default is "MDUST-$". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ====================================================== CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_REGRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH GETMODELANDGRIDINFO UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_DUST, INFILENAME='dust.geos3.2x25', $ OUTRESOLUTION=4, $ OUTFILENAME='dust.geos3.4x5' ; Regrids dust data from 2 x 2.5 native resolution ; to 4 x 5 resolution for the GEOS-3 grid MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 09 Jun 2000: VERSION 1.00 rvm, 18 Jun 2000: VERSION 1.01 bmy, 07 Jul 2000: VERSION 1.10 - added OUTDIR keyword - save regridded data one month at a time since regridding takes so long bmy, 19 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.11 - Rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_FERT PURPOSE: Regrids fertilizer NOx from a 1 x 1 grid onto a CTM grid of equal or coarser horizontal resolution. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_FERT [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the binary punch file that will hold regridded data. If not specified, the default OUTFILENAME will be nox_fert.geos.{OUTRESOLUTION} OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================================== CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) Filenames are hardwired -- change as necessary (2) Regridding can take a while, especially at 1x1 resolution. EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_FERT, OUTMODELNAME='GEOS1', $ OUTRESOLUTION=2, $ OUTFILENAME='nox_fert.geos.2x25' ; Regrids 1 x 1 NOx fertilizer data onto the GEOS-1 ; 2 x 2.5 resolution grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 01 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 13 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.01 - renamed to "" - now uses CTM_REGRIDH - removed OUTDIR, added OUTFILENAME - updated comments bmy, 23 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.02 - updated for GAMAP v2-01 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_JO1D PURPOSE: Regrids JO1D data (used for acetone emissions) from one CTM grid to another. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_JO1D, [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the input file containing JO1D data to be regridded. If INFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_JO1D will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the binary punch file which will contain regridded data. Default is "JO1D.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION}" OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If OUTMODELNAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_RESTART will use the same model name as the input grid. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the output model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ======================================================== CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) INTERPOLATE_2D (function) CTM_GET_DATA GETMODELANDGRIDINFO UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: References routines from both GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_JOID, INFILENAME='JO1D.geos.4x5', $ OUTFILENAME='JO1D.geos.2x25', $ OUTRESOLUTION=2 ; Regrids JO1D data from 4 x 5 to 2 x 2.5 resolution. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 11 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.01 bmy, 23 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.02 - updated for GAMAP v2-01 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_JV PURPOSE: Horizontally interpolates J-values from one CTM grid to another. Can also be used to interpolate other data quantities. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_JV, [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. If INFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_JV will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file which will contain the regridded data. If OUTFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_JV will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If OUTMODELNAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_JV will use the same model name as the input grid. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of the data blocks that you wish to regrid. Default is "IJ-AVG-$". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ========================================================== CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) INTERPOLATE_2D (function) GETMODELANDGRIDINFO UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRIDV_JV, INFILENAME='JH2O2.geos4.4x5', $ OUTRESOLUTION='2' OUTFILENAME='JH2O2.geos4.2x25' ; Regrids GEOS-4 stratospheric J-value data ; at 4 x 5 resolution to 2 x 2.5 resolution. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 11 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.01 bmy, 22 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.02 - updated for GAMAP v2-01 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_KG PURPOSE: Regrids 1 x 1 data (e.g. emissions) in units of [kg], [kg/yr] or similar mass units from one CTM grid to another. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_KG [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> A string containing the name of the binary punch (bpch) file with the data to be regridded. OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the directory where the output file will be written. Default is 'merge_nobiofuels.geos.{resolution}'. DIAGN -> GAMAP diagnostic category name of the data blocks to be regridded. USE_SAVED_WEIGHTS -> Set this switch to manually force REGRIDH_KG to re-use the mapping weights for regridding. The default is to reset the mapping weights for each new file that is read in. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================= CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_BOXSIZE (function) CTM_REGRID (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: Can also be used to regrid other quantities that are are not per unit area (e.g. kg/s, kg/yr, Tg, etc.) EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_KG, INFILENAME="biofuel.generic.1x1",$ OUTFILENAME="biofuel.geos.1x1", $ OUTMODELNAME='GEOS3', $ OUTRESOLUTION=1 ; Regrids 1 x 1 biofuel fuel emissions on the ; GENERIC 1x1 GRID to the GEOS 1x1 GRID. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 28 Jun 2006: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_LAI PURPOSE: Regrids Leaf Area Indices and Olson Land Types from a 0.5 x 0.5 grid onto a CTM grid of equal or coarser horizontal resolution. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_LAI [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTDIR -> Name of the directory where the output file will be written. Default is './'. OUTPUTS: Writes files: lai{MONTHNUM}.global SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =============================================== CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_GETWEIGHT Internal Subroutines: ============================== RL_GETWEIGHT REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) Filenames are hardwired -- change as necessary (2) Regridding can take a while, especially at 1x1 resolution. EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_LAI, MODELNAME='GEOS1', RES=2, OUTDIR='~/scratch/bmy/' ; Regrids 1 x 1 NOx fertilizer data onto the GEOS-1 ; 2 x 2.5 resolution grid. The output file will be ; written to the '~/scratch/bmy/' directory. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 04 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.00 - adapted from old FORTRAN code bmy, 15 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.01 - renamed to "" - renamed MODELNAME to OUTMODELNAME - renamed RESOLUTION to OUTRESOLUTION bmy, 18 Jun 2004: VERSION 1.02 - Bug fix: TMPAREA array needs to be defined with N_TYPE, not N_MON bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_LAI PURPOSE: Regrids Leaf Area Indices and Olson Land Types from a 0.5 x 0.5 grid onto a CTM grid of equal or coarser horizontal resolution. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_LAI [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTDIR -> Name of the directory where the output file will be written. Default is './'. OUTPUTS: Writes files: lai{MONTHNUM}.global SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =============================================== CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_GETWEIGHT Internal Subroutines: ============================== RL_GETWEIGHT REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) Filenames are hardwired -- change as necessary (2) Regridding can take a while, especially at 1x1 resolution. EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_LAI, MODELNAME='GEOS1', RES=2, OUTDIR='~/scratch/bmy/' ; Regrids 1 x 1 NOx fertilizer data onto the GEOS-1 ; 2 x 2.5 resolution grid. The output file will be ; written to the '~/scratch/bmy/' directory. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 04 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.00 - adapted from old FORTRAN code bmy, 15 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.01 - renamed to "" - renamed MODELNAME to OUTMODELNAME - renamed RESOLUTION to OUTRESOLUTION bmy, 18 Jun 2004: VERSION 1.02 - Bug fix: TMPAREA array needs to be defined with N_TYPE, not N_MON bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_MOLEC_CM2 PURPOSE: Regrids 1 x 1 data (e.g. emissions) in units of [molec/cm2/s] onto a CTM grid of equal or coarser resolution. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_MOLEC_CM2 [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> A string containing the name of the binary punch (bpch) file with the data to be regridded. OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the directory where the output file will be written. Default is 'merge_nobiofuels.geos.{resolution}'. DIAGN -> GAMAP diagnostic category name of the data blocks to be regridded. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================= CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_BOXSIZE (function) CTM_REGRID (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: Can also be used to regrid other quantities that are per unit area (e.g. kg/m2/s, molec/cm3/s, etc). EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_MOLEC_CM2, INFILENAME="merge_nobiofuels.generic.1x1",$ OUTFILENAME="merge_nobiofuels.geos.1x1", $ OUTMODELNAME='GEOS3', $ OUTRESOLUTION=1 ; Regrids 1 x 1 fossil fuel emissions on the ; GENERIC 1x1 grid to the GEOS 1x1 grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 28 Jun 2006: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_NEP PURPOSE: Horizontally regrids NEP data from its resolution to a CTM grid. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_NEP [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. Default is: '~bmy/S/CO2/'. OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. Default is 'GEOS3'. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of the data blocks that you wish to regrid. Default is "IJ-AVG-$". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ======================================================= CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: Output filenames are hardwired. EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_NEP, INFILENAME='', $ OUTMODELNAME='GEOS3', $ OUTRESOLUTION=4 ; Regrids NEP data to the GEOS-3 4x5 grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 15 Apr 2003: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 23 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.01 - updated for GAMAP v2-01 - added DIAGN keyword bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_NH3 PURPOSE: Horizontally regrids NH3 emissions (anthro, biofuel, or natural source) from one CTM grid to another. Can also be used to regrid other data which have units of kg. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_NH3 [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. If INFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_RESTART will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file which will contain the regridded data. If OUTFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_RESTART will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If OUTMODELNAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_NH3 will use the same model name as the input grid. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =============================================== CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) GETMODELANDGRIDINFO CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_GET_DATA CTM_WRITEBPCH UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: Assumes that input data is either [kg NH3/box] or [kg N/box]. EXAMPLE: (1) REGRIDH_NH3, INFILENAME='NH3_anthsrce.geos.2x25', $ OUTFILENAME='NH3_anthsrce.geos.1x1', $ OUTRESOLUTION=1 ; Regrids 2 x 2.5 NH3 anthropogenic emissions ; to the 1 x 1 GEOS grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 28 Mar 2003: VERSION 1.01 bmy, 22 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.02 - rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 - now call PTR_FREE to free pointer memory bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_NPP PURPOSE: Horizontally regrids NPP data from native resolution to a CTM grid. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_NPP [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. Default is: '~bmy/S/CO2/'. OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. Default is 'GEOS3'. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of the data blocks that you wish to regrid. Default is "IJ-AVG-$". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ======================================================= CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: Output filenames are hardwired. EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_NEP, INFILENAME='', $ OUTMODELNAME='GEOS3', $ OUTRESOLUTION=4 ; Regrids NEP data to the GEOS-3 4x5 grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 15 Apr 2003: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 23 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.01 - updated for GAMAP v2-01 - added DIAGN keyword bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_O3PL PURPOSE: Horizontally regrids files containing GEOS-CHEM P(O3) and L(O3). CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_O3PL [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. If INFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDV_O3PL will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file which will contain the regridded data. If OUTFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDV_PORL will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If omitted then OUTMODELNAME will be determined automatically from INFILENAME. OUTRESOLUTION -> Resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. Default is 4. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of the data blocks that you wish to regrid. Default is "PORL-L=$". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =========================================================== CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) TAU2YYMMDD (function) ZSTAR (function) REPLACE_TOKEN (function) GETMODELANDGRIDINFO UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_O3PL, INFILENAME='~/2x25/rate.20010101', $ OUTFILENAME='~/4x5/rate.20010101', $ OUTRESOLUTION=4 ; Regrids P(O3) and L(O3) data from 2x2.5 to 4x5 MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 27 Mar 2001: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 23 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.01 - renamed to "" - rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 - now looks for sfc pressure in ~/IDL/regrid/PSURF bmy, 24 Feb 2004: VERSION 1.02 - now convert P(Ox) to kg/s and L(Ox) 1/s for regridding -- then convert back after regridding - now use REGRID_COLUMN to regrid P(Ox) in kg/s - now use INTERPOL to regrid L(Ox) in 1/s bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_OCEAN_ACET PURPOSE: Regrids ocean production & loss for tagged CO. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_OCEAN_ACET [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. If INFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_OCEAN_ACET will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file which will contain the regridded data. Default is "acetone.geos.{RESOLUTION}". OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If OUTMODELNAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_OCEAN_ACET will use the same model name as the input grid. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of the data blocks that you wish to regrid. Default is "EMISACET". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ===================================================== CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_OCEAN_ACET, INFILENAME='acetone.geos.2x25', $ OUTFILENAME='acetone.geos.1x1' OUTRESOLUTION=1, $ ; Regrids 2 x 2.5 ocean acetone data to the 1x1 grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 15 Jun 2003: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 23 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.01 - rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_POPS PURPOSE: Regrids 1 x 1 POPS (persistent organic pollutants) emissions onto a CTM grid of equal or coarser resolution. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_POPS [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name (or array of names) of the ASCII file(s) which contain(s) emissions for a POP species. If omitted, then the user will be prompted to select a file via a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the bpch file which will contain regridded data. If omitted, then the user will be prompted to select a file via a dialog box. OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ======================================================= CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH READDATA REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: Assumes GAMAP diagnostic category name of "POP-ANTH". EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_POPS, INFILENAME='EmisPCB28Mean',$ OUTMODELNAME='GEOS3', $ OUTRESOLUTION=2, $ OUTFILENAME='PCB28.bpch' ; Regrids 1x1 POPS emissions [kg/yr] to 4x5 GEOS grid MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 23 May 2005: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_PORL PURPOSE: Horizontally regrids production/loss or other data in [molec/cm3/s] from one CTM grid to another. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_PORL [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. If omitted, then REGRIDH_PORL will prompt the user to select a filename with a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file which will contain the regridded data. If OUTFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_PORL will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If not specified, then OUTMODELNAME will be set to the same value as the grid stored in INFILENAME. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of data block that you want to regrid. Default is "PORL-L=$". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================= CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) CTM_GET_DATA CTM_WRITEBPCH GETMODELANDGRIDINFO UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_PORL, INFILENAME='data.geos3.4x5', $ OUTFILENAME="data.geoss.4x5' OUTRESOLUTION=2, $ ; Regrids data in molec/cm3 from GEOS-3 vertical ; resolution from 4x5 to 2 x 2.5 GEOs-3 resolution. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 01 Nov 2002: VERSION 1.01 bmy, 19 Sep 2003: VERSION 1.02 - now call PTR_FREE to free pointer memory bmy, 19 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.03 - rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 - added DIAGN keyword bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_RESP PURPOSE: Horizontally regrids heterogeneous respiration data (used for acetone emissions) from one CTM grid to another. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_RESP, [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. If INFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_RESP will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file which will contain the regridded data. Default is "resp.geos.{RESOLUTION}". OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If OUTMODELNAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_RESP will use the same model name as the input grid. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of the data blocks that you wish to regrid. Default is "HET-RESP". OUTPUTS: SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ====================================================== CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) CTM_GET_DATA CTM_WRITEBPCH UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: Assumes het-resp data has units [g C/m2/month]. EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_RESP, INFILENAME='resp.geos.2x25', $ OUTFILENAME='resp.geos.4x5', $ OUTRESOLUTION=2 ; Regrids heterogeneous respiration data from the ; 2 x 2.5 GEOS grid (surface only) to the 4 x 5 grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 11 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.01 bmy, 22 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.02 - rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_RESTART PURPOSE: Horizontally regrids data in [v/v] mixing ratio from one model grid to another. Data is converted to [kg] for regridding, and then converted back to [v/v]. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_RESTART [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. If INFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_RESTART will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file which will contain the regridded data. If OUTFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_RESTART will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If OUTMODELNAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_RESTART will use the same model name as the input grid. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of the data blocks that you wish to regrid. Default is "IJ-AVG-$". /GCAP -> Set this switch to regrid a 4x5 GEOS-3 or GEOS-4 restart file to a "fake" GEOS grid containing 45 latitudes but the same # of levels. You can then regrid the file vertically using OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================= CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_BOXSIZE (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH GETMODELANDGRIDINFO INTERPOLATE_2D (function) UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_RESTART, INFILENAME='geos3.2x25.bpch', $ OUTFILENAME='geos3.4x5.bpch', $ OUTRESOLUTION=4 ; Regrids GEOS-3 data from 2 x 2.5 to 4 x 5 resolution. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 22 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.01 bmy, 15 Apr 2003: VERSION 1.02 - now reads bpch file w/o using CTM_GET_DATA; this keeps us from running out of memory bmy, 22 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.03 - rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 - rewritten so that we can now regrid files containing less than GRIDINFO.LMX levels - reorganized a few things for clarity bmy, 13 Apr 2004: VERSION 1.04 - now use surface pressure files on both the input and output grids - now use separate arrays for airmass on the two grids - now adjusts polar latitudes so as to avoid artificial buildup of concentration when regridding from coarse --> fine grids bmy, 31 Jan 2005: VERSION 1.05 - Minor bug fix: INAREA and OUTAREA should have units of [m2] for the airmass computation - Now use /QUIET and /NOPRINT keywords in call to CTM_GET_DATABLOCK bmy, 26 May 2005: VERSION 1.06 - added /GCAP keyword for special handling when creating restart files on 4x5 GCAP grid - now references INTERPOLATE_2D function bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - fixed typo for fine -> coarse regridding - Now use FILE_WHICH to locate surf prs files bmy, 22 Nov 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.15 - Remove pointer stuff to avoid errors. Now just use the assignment InData = *( DataInfo[D].Data )
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_RESTART_NC PURPOSE: Horizontally regrids data in [v/v] mixing ratio from one model grid to another. Data is converted to [kg] for regridding, and then converted back to [v/v]. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_RESTART [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. If INFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_RESTART will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file which will contain the regridded data. If OUTFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_RESTART will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If OUTMODELNAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_RESTART will use the same model name as the input grid. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of the data blocks that you wish to regrid. Default is "IJ-AVG-$". /GCAP -> Set this switch to regrid a 4x5 GEOS-3 or GEOS-4 restart file to a "fake" GEOS grid containing 45 latitudes but the same # of levels. You can then regrid the file vertically using OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================= CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_BOXSIZE (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH GETMODELANDGRIDINFO INTERPOLATE_2D (function) UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_RESTART_NC, INFILENAME='', $ OUTFILENAME='', $ OUTRESOLUTION=4 ; Regrids GEOS-3 data from 2 x 2.5 to 4 x 5 resolution. MODIFICATION HISTORY: jaf, 01 May 2016: Initial version based on and
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_SCALEFOSS PURPOSE: Regrids 0.5 x 0.5 fossil fuel scale factors onto a CTM grid of equal or coarser resolution. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRID_SCALEFOSS [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5.; YEAR -> 4-digit year number (e.g. 1994) correspoinding to the data to be regridded. Default is 1994. OUTDIR -> Name of the directory where the output file will be written. Default is './'. OUTPUTS: Writes output to binary files (*NOT* binary punch files): scalefoss.liq.{RESOLUTION}.{YEAR} scalefoss.tot.{RESOLUTION}.{YEAR} SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================ CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_REGRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) Internal Subroutines: ================================================ RS_READ_DATA (function) RS_WRITE_DATA REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRID_SCALEFOSS, YEAR=1994, $ MODELNAME='GEOS_STRAT', $ RESOLUTION=[5,4] ; Regrids fossil fuel scale factor files for 1994 from ; 0.5 x 0.5 resolution onto the 4 x 5 GEOS-STRAT grid MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 09 Jun 2000: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 phs, 08 Feb 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - added swap_endian keyword to OPEN_FILE in RS_Read_Data and RS_WRITE_DATA - fixed keywords checking - replace ctm_regrid w/ ctm_regridh
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_SCALEFOSS_SOX PURPOSE: Regrids 0.5 x 0.5 fossil fuel scale factors onto a CTM grid of equal or coarser resolution. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRID_SCALEFOSS [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5.; YEAR -> 4-digit year number (e.g. 1994) correspoinding to the data to be regridded. Default is 1994. OUTDIR -> Name of the directory where the output file will be written. Default is './'. OUTPUTS: Writes output to binary files (*NOT* binary punch files): scalefoss.liq.{RESOLUTION}.{YEAR} scalefoss.tot.{RESOLUTION}.{YEAR} SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================ CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_REGRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) Internal Subroutines: ================================================ RS_READ_DATA (function) RS_WRITE_DATA REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRID_SCALEFOSS, YEAR=1994, $ MODELNAME='GEOS_STRAT', $ RESOLUTION=[5,4] ; Regrids fossil fuel scale factor files for 1994 from ; 0.5 x 0.5 resolution onto the 4 x 5 GEOS-STRAT grid MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 09 Jun 2000: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_SHIPSO2 PURPOSE: Horizontally regrids emissions SOx from ship emissions in [molec/cm2/s] from one CTM grid to another. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_SHIPSO2 [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing C3H8 and C2H6 to be regridded. If omitted, then REGRIDH_SHIPSO2 will prompt the user to select a filename via a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of output file containing the regridded data. If OUTFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_SHIPSO2 will ask the user to specify a file via a dialog box. OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If OUTMODELNAME is not specified, REGRIDH_SHIPSO2 will use the same model name as the input grid. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of the data blocks that you wish to regrid. Default is "IJ-AVG-$". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ======================================================= CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_SHIPSO2, INFILENAME='shipSOx.geos.2x25', $ OUTFILENAME='shipSOx.geos.4x5', $ OUTRESOLUTION=4 ; Regrids C3H8 and C2H6 data onto from the 4 x 5 ; GEOS-3 grid to the the 2 x 2.5 GEOS-3 grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 08 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 22 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.01 - rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 - now call PTR_FREE to free pointer memory bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_SOILPREC PURPOSE: Regrids soil precipitation from 0.5 x 0.5 resolution onto a CTM grid of equal or coarser resolution. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_SOILPREC [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. Default: "~bmy/archive/data/soil_NOx_200203/05x05_gen/lcprc.asc" OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file which will contain the regridded data. Default is "soil_precip.geos.{RESOLUTION}". OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. Default is "GEOS3". OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of the data blocks that you wish to regrid. Default is "SOILPREC". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================================== CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) CTM_BOXSIZE CTM_WRITEBPCH UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_SOILPREC, OUTMODELNAME='GEOS3', $ OUTRESOLUTION=2, $ OUTFILENAME='soil_precip.geos.2x25' ; Regrids 0.5 x 0.5 soil precipitation data onto ; the GEOS-1 2 x 2.5 grid. Output will be sent ; to the "~bmy/regrid" directory. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 01 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 08 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.01 - renamed to "" - removed OUTDIR, added OUTFILENAME - updated comments bmy, 23 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.02 - updated for GAMAP v2-01 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 bmy, 24 Apr 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - bug fix: N_ELEMENTS was misspelled
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_SST PURPOSE: Horizontally regrids SST data from one CTM grid to another. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_SST, [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. If omitted, then REGRIDH_SST will prompt the user to select a filename with a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file which will contain the regridded data. If omitted, then REGRIDH_SST will prompt the user to select a filename with a dialog box. OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. Default is "SST.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION}". OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of the data blocks that you wish to regrid. Default is "GMAO-2D". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ==================================================== CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH GETMODELANDGRIDINFO UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRID_SST, INFILENAME='SST.geos.2x25', $ OUTFILENAME='SST.geos.1x1', $ OUTRESOLUTION=1 ; Regrids SST data from 2 x 2.5 to 1x1 horizontal grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 28 Mar 2003: VERSION 1.01 bmy, 22 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.02 - rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 - now call PTR_FREE to free pointer memory - added DIAGN keyword bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_STRATJV PURPOSE: Horizontally regrids 2-D stratospheric J-Value files from one CTM grid to another CTM grid. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_STRATJV [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. Default: ~bmy/archive/data/stratjv_200203/2x25_geos/stratjv.geos3.2x25 OUTFILENAME -> Name of output file containing the regridded data. Default is "stratjv.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION}. OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If OUTMODELNAME is not specified, REGRIDV_DUST will use the same model name as the input grid. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of data block that you want to regrid. Default is "JV-MAP-$". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =========================================================== CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) GETMODELANDGRIDINFO CTM_WRITEBPCH UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) 2-D Stratospheric J-Values are needed for the simple chemistry mechanism in the stratosphere. They are originally obtained by running the GEOS model with SLOW-J and then archiving the J-Values with the ND22 diagnostic. These can then be regridded to other vertical resolutions via REGRIDV_STRATJV. EXAMPLE: REGRIDV_STRATJV, INFILENAME='stratjv.geos3.4x5' OUTFILENAME='stratjv.geos3.2x25' OUTRESOLUTION=2 ; Regrids GEOS-3 4x5 J-value data to 2x2.5 resolution. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 13 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 22 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.01 - rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_TAGCO_MASK PURPOSE: Regrids country mask (used to separate Tagged CO emissions) from the GEOS-4 1 x 1.25 grid to another CTM grid. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_TAGCO_MASK [, Keywords ] INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the input file to be regridded. This file is stored as binary F77 unformatted, with short integers. The default filename is: '~/bmy/archive/data/tagged_CO_200106/1x125_geos/tagco_mask.f77_unf' OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file which will contain the regridded data. Default is "tagco_mask.geos.{RESOLUTION}". OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the CTM grid onto which the data will be regridded. Default is "GEOS_4". NOTE: Since the country mask is 2-D data, the vertical dimension of the CTM grid will be ignored. OUTRESOLUTION -> Resolution of the CTM grid onto which the data will be regridded. Default is 4. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ======================================================== CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) INTERPOLATE_2D (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH OPEN_FILE REQUIREMENTS: Requires routines from both the GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_TAGCO_MASK, INFILENAME='tagco_mask.f77_unf',$ OUTMODELNAME='GEOS_4", $ OUTRESOLUTION=2, $ OUTFILENAME='tagco_mask.geos.2x25' ; Regrids country mask for Tagged CO MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 22 Jun 2004: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 02 Apr 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Read input data as big-endian
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_UNIT_AREA PURPOSE: Horizontally regrids quantities (such as emissions) in units of [molec/cm2/s], [atoms C/cm2/s], [molec/m2/s], [atoms C/m2/s], etc., from one CTM grid to another. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_UNIT_AREA [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. If INFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_RESTART will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file which will contain the regridded data. If OUTFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_RESTART will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If not passed, then the model name corresponding to the data contained in INPUTFILE will be used as the default. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of the data blocks that you wish to regrid. Default is "IJ-AVG-$". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ======================================================== CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_UNIT_AREA, $ INFILENAME='biomass.seasonal.generic.1x1', $ OUTMODELNAME='GEOS4' OUTRESOLUTION=2 $ OUTFILENAME='biomass.seasonal.geos.2x25'GEOS_STRAT', ; Regrids seasonal 1 x 1 biomass burning data ; onto the GEOS_4 2 x 2.5 grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 18 Aug 2005: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDH_UVALBEDO PURPOSE: Horiziontally regrids UV albedo data from its native resolution (1 x 1 or 1 x 1.25) to a CTM grid. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDH_UVALBEDO [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the binary punch file containing regridded UV Albedo data. The default value for OUTFILENAME is uvalbedo.geos.{RESOLUTION} FILL -> Value to fill "missing data" with. Default is 0.85 (typcial albedo over ice). OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines Required: ===================================================== READ_UVALBEDO (function) External Subroutines Required: ===================================================== MFINDFILE (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_REGRIDH (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH OPEN_FILE UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) Input file names are hardwired -- change as necessary EXAMPLE: REGRIDH_UVALBEDO, OUTFILENAME='uvalbedo.geos3.2x25', $ OUTMODELNAME='GEOS3', $ OUTRESOLUTION=2 ; Regrids UV Albedos from the native grid to the ; 2 x 2.5 GEOS-3 horizontal grid. (This is ; actually the same horizontal grid as for 2 x 2.5 ; GEOS-1, GEOS-STRAT, and GEOS-4.) MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 06 Jul 2000: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 24 Jul 2000: VERSION 1.01 - added OUTDIR keyword bmy, 16 Nov 2001: VERSION 1.02 - adapted for Koelemeijer et al 2001 data bmy, 15 Jan 2003: VERISON 1.03 - renamed to "" - "" is now an internal function - now uses CTM_REGRIDH to do the regridding bmy, 23 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.04 - updated for GAMAP v2-01 bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDVH_NOY PURPOSE: Regrids zonal mean P(NOY), [NO3], [O3], [NO], and [NO2] data obtained from a 2-D stratospheric model (Hans Schneider, Dylan Jones) onto GEOS-Chem levels. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDVH_NOY [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. Default is '~bmy/archive/data/pnoy_200106/raw/'. OUTFILENAME -> Name of output file containing the regridded data. Default is pnoy_nox_hno3.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION}. OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. Default is "GEOS3". OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of data block that you want to regrid. Default is "PNOY-L=$". OUTPUTS: None. SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: ============================================================ RN_ERROR_CHECK (function) RN_PLOT_COLUMN (function) External Subroutines Required: ============================================================ CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) ZSTAR (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: References routines from both the GAMAP & TOOLS packages. NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRIDVH_NOY, INFILENAME='', $ OUTMODELNAME='GEOS1', $ OUTRESOLUTION=2 ; Regrids P(NOy), HNO3, O3, NO, NO2 data from ; its native grid to the 2 x 2.5 GEOS-1 grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 29 Jun 2000: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 11 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.01 - added OUTDIR keyword - FILENAME is now a keyword bmy, 04 Dec 2000: VERSION 1.02 - bug fix: use 801 pts for GEOS-STRAT interpolation bmy, 28 Mar 2001: VERSION 1.02 - now use cubic spline interpolation - now use CTM_WRITEBPCH, CTM_NAMEXT, CTM_RESEXT - renamed keyword MODELNAME to OUTMODELNAME - renamed keyword RESOLUTION to OUTRESOLUTION - renamed keyword FILENAME to INFILENAME - updated comments bmy, 19 Jun 2001: VERSION 1.03 - bug fix: make sure output is [v/v/s] or [v/v] - now make sure concentrations aren't negative after interpolating to CTM grid bmy, 08 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.04 - renamed to "" - now use linear interpolation in vertical bmy, 23 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.05 - rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 - looks for sfc pressure file in ./PSURF subdir - now supports output hybrid grid bmy, 06 Aug 2004: VERSION 1.06 - now calls GET_GCAP_PRESSURE to get the array of pressures (since it is a hybrid grid w/ a wacky PTOP of 150 hPa.) bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Now suppresses verbose output - Use FILE_WHICH to locate surf prs files
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDVH_PCO_LCO PURPOSE: Vertically and horizontally regrids zonal mean P(CO) and L(CO) data obtained from a 2-D stratospheric model (Hans Schneider, Dylan Jones) onto CTM sigma levels CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDVH_PCO_LCO [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing input data to be regridded to the output grid specified by MODELNAME and RESOLUTION. Default is "". OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ===================================================== CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) ZSTAR (function) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) Requires a file containing surface pressures on the output CTM grid -- see /users/ctm/bmy/sup/data/regrid directory for examples. EXAMPLE: REGRID_PCO_LCO, INFILENAME='', $ OUTMODELNAME='GEOS1', $ OUTRESOLUTION=2 ; Regrids P(CO) and L(CO) data from its native grid ; to the 2 x 2.5 GEOS-1 grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 29 Jun 2000: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 11 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.01 - added OUTDIR keyword - FILENAME is now a keyword bmy, 28 Mar 2001: VERSION 1.02 - now use cubic spline interpolation - now use CTM_WRITEBPCH, CTM_NAMEXT, CTM_RESEXT - renamed keyword MODELNAME to OUTMODELNAME - renamed keyword RESOLUTION to OUTRESOLUTION - renamed keyword FILENAME to INFILENAME bmy, 08 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.03 - renamed to ""l - now do linear interpolation in the vertical bmy, 18 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.04 - rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 - Now looks for - Now supports hybrid output grid bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Use FILE_WHICH to locate surf prs files bmy, 28 Jan 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Bug fix: PSFILE instead of PSFILENAME
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDVH_STRATJV PURPOSE: Vertically regrids 2-D stratospheric J-Value data from one CTM grid to another. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDVH_STRATJV [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. Default is "stratjv.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION}". OUTFILENAME -> Name of output file containing the regridded data. Default is "stratjv.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION}" OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. Default is "GEOS3". OUTRESOLUTION -> Horizontal resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. Default=4 (which indicates a 4x5 grid). DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of data block that you want to regrid. Default is "JV-MAP-$". OUTPUTS: Writes output to the "stratjv.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION}" file. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ========================================================== CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) ZSTAR (function) GET_GCAP_PRESSURE (function) UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: 2-D Stratospheric J-Values are needed for the simple chemistry mechanism in the stratosphere. They are originally obtained by running the GEOS model with SLOW-J and then archiving the J-Values with the ND22 diagnostic. These can then be regridded to other vertical resolutions via REGRID_STRATJV. EXAMPLE: REGRIDVH_STRATJV, INFILENAME='stratjv.geoss.4x5' OUTMODELNAME='GEOS3', $ OUTRESOLUTION=4 OUTFILENAME='stratjv.geos3.4x5' ; Regrids the 4 x 4 GEOS-STRAT 2-D stratospheric ; J-value field to the GEOS-3 grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 06 Aug 2004: VERSION 1.01 bmy, 15 Feb 2007: VERSION 1.02 - Suppress verbose output bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Use FILE_WHICH to locate surf prs files
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDVH_STRATOH PURPOSE: Vertically and horizontally regrids 2-D stratospheric OH fields (for the simplified stratospheric chemistry loss) from native resolution onto a CTM grid. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDV_STRATOH [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing input data to be regridded. Default is '~bmy/archive/data/stratOH_200203/raw/' OUTFILENAME -> Name of file containing regridded output data. Default is "stratoh.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION}" OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================ CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) ZSTAR (function) ZMID (function) ZEDGE (function) ADD_SEPARATOR (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: Stratospheric OH data was obtained from Hans Schneider and Dylan Jones. EXAMPLE: REGRIDVH_STRATOH, INFILENAME='', $ OUTMODELNAME='GEOS4', $ OUTRESOLUTION=2 ; Regrids original stratospheric OH data to the ; 2 x 2.5 GEOS-4 grid (with 55 layers) MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 30 Jun 2000: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 02 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.01 - FILENAME is now a keyword bmy, 18 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.02 - renamed to REGRIDVH_STRATOH - rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 - Now supports hybrid output grids bmy, 15 Feb 2007: VERSION 1.03 - Bug fix for PS file name - Suppress verbose printing bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Use FILE_WHICH to locate surf prs files bmy, 28 Jan 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Bug fix: don't hardwire path for PS file
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDV_3D_OH PURPOSE: Vertically regrids 3-D OH data from one CTM grid to another. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDV_3D_OH [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing OH data to be regridded. If not specified, then a dialog box will ask the user to supply a file name. OUTFILENAME -> Name of file to contain the regridded OH. Default is "OH_3Dglobal.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION}". OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If OUTMODELNAME is not specified, REGRIDV_3D_OH will use the same model name as the input grid. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of data block that you want to regrid. Default is "IJ-AVG-$". /TROP_ONLY -> If set, will only regrid data within the tropopause (i.e. up to the level specified by MODELINFO.NTROP). OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================================================ CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) REGRID_COLUMN (function) GETMODELANDGRIDINFO UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) The merged OH file is generated by "". EXAMPLE: REGRIDV_3D_OH, INFILENAME='OH_3Dglobal.geos3.4x5', $ OUTFILENAME='OH_3Dglobal.geos4.4x5',$ OUTMODELNAME='GEOS4' ; Regrids GEOS-3 merged OH (48 layers) to the GEOS-4 ; grid (55 layers) at 4x5 horizontal resolution MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 02 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.00 - adapted from "" bmy, 05 Feb 2002: VERSION 1.01 - now conserves column mass bmy, 14 Mar 2002: VERSION 1.02 - RENAMED TO "" bmy, 22 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.03 - totally rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 - now supports hybrid grids bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Use FILE_WHICH to locate surf prs files
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDV_AEROSOL PURPOSE: Vertically regrids aerosol concentrations from one CTM grid to another. Total mass is conserved. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDV_AEROSOL [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MONTH -> Month of year for which to process data. Default is the entire year. Since the aerosol files are very large, it take several iterations to regrid an entire year of data. You can break the job down 1 month at a time. INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. If omitted, then REGRIDV_AEROSOL will prompt the user to select a filename with a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of output file containing the regridded data. If OUTFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDV_AEROSOL will ask the user to specify a file via a dialog box. OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If OUTMODELNAME is not specified, REGRIDV_AEROSOL will use the same model name as the input grid. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of the data blocks that you wish to regrid. Default is "ARSL-L=$". /TROP_ONLY -> If set, will only regrid data within the tropopause (i.e. up to the level specified by MODELINFO.NTROP). OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ======================================================= CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_BOXSIZE (function) CTM_REGRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) REGRID_COLUMN (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH CTM_GET_DATA GETMODELANDGRIDINFO UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRIDV_AEROSOL, INFILENAME='aerosol.geos3.4x5', $ OUTFILENAME='aerosol.geos4.4x5', $ OUTRESOLUTION=4, $ ; Regrids dust data from the GEOS-3 4 x 5 ; grid to the GEOS-4 4 x 5 grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 26 Jan 2001: VERSION 1.00 - based on "" bmy, 13 Feb 2001: VERSION 1.01 - de-hardwired calls to CTM_BOXSIZE bmy, 22 Feb 2001: VERSION 1.02 - now use improved version of SUMV.PRO which can handle GEOS-1 --> GEOS-STRAT vertical regridding bmy, 28 Feb 2002: VERSION 1.03 - Now use REGRID_COLUMN as a robust way to do the vertical regridding bmy, 22 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.04 - rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 - now looks for sfc pressure in ~/IDL/regrid/PSURF - now supports hybrid grids - now call PTR_FREE to clear the heap memory bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Use FILE_WHICH to locate surf prs files
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDV_DUST PURPOSE: Vertically regrids mineral dust concentrations [kg/m3] from one CTM grid to another. Total mass is conserved. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDV_DUST [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MONTH -> Month of year for which to process data. Default is the entire year. Since the dust files are very large, it take several iterations to regrid an entire year of data. You can break the job down 1 month at a time. INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. If omitted, then REGRIDV_DUST will prompt the user to select a filename with a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of output file containing the regridded data. If OUTFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDV_DUST will ask the user to specify a file via a dialog box. OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If OUTMODELNAME is not specified, REGRIDV_DUST will use the same model name as the input grid. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of data block that you want to regrid. Default is "MDUST-$". /TROP_ONLY -> If set, will only regrid data within the tropopause (i.e. up to the level specified by MODELINFO.NTROP). OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ======================================================= CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_BOXSIZE (function) CTM_REGRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) REGRID_COLUMN (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH CTM_GET_DATA GETMODELANDGRIDINFO UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRIDV_DUST, MONTH=1, $ INFILENAME='dust.geos3.2x25', $ OUTFILENAME='dust.geos4.4x5.01', $ OUTRESOLUTION=4 ; Vertically regrids dust data from the GEOS-3 ; 2 x 2.5 grid to the GEOS-3 4 x 5 grid for January. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 26 Jan 2001: VERSION 1.00 - based on "" bmy, 13 Feb 2001: VERSION 1.01 - de-hardwired calls to CTM_BOXSIZE bmy, 22 Feb 2001: VERSION 1.02 - now use improved version of SUMV.PRO which can handle GEOS-1 --> GEOS-STRAT vertical regridding bmy, 28 Feb 2002: VERSION 1.03 - Now use REGRID_COLUMN as a robust way to do the vertical regridding bmy, 23 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.04 - rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 - now looks for sfc pressure ~/IDL/regrid/PSURF - now supports hybrid grids bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Use FILE_WHICH to locate surf prs files
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDV_JV PURPOSE: Vertically regrids J-values from one CTM grid to another. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDV_JV, [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing input data to be regridded to the output grid specified by MODELNAME and RESOLUTION. OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTFILENAME -> Name of file containing regridded output data. Written in binary punch format. /TROP_ONLY -> Set this switch to only save data below the tropopause. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ======================================================= CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) ZSTAR (function) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) CTM_GET_DATA CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH GETMODELANDGRIDINFO REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRIDV_JV, INFILENAME='JH2O2.geos3.4x5', $ OUTFILENAME='JH2O2.geos4.4x5', $ OUTMODELNAME='GEOS4' ; Regrids GEOS-3 stratospheric J-value data at 4 x 5 ; resolution from GEOS-3 to GEOS-4 vertical resolution. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 11 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.01 bmy, 22 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.02 - renamed to "regridv_jv" - now looks for sfc pressure in ~/IDL/regrid/PSURF - now updated for GAMAP v2-01 - added /TROP_ONLY keyword - updated comments bmy, 07 Jul 2005: VERSION 1.03 - Now pass /QUIET keyword to CTM_GET_DATA - Now pass /NOPRINT keyword to CTM_GET_DATABLOCK bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Use FILE_WHICH to locate surf prs files ccc, 09 Oct 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - fix size of outdata 3rd dimension
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDV_O3PL PURPOSE: Vertically regrids files containing GEOS-CHEM P(O3) and L(O3). CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRID_O3PL [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. If INFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDV_O3PL will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file which will contain the regridded data. If OUTFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDV_PORL will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. Default is "GEOS3". DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of the data blocks that you wish to regrid. Default is "PORL-L=$". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =========================================================== CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) TAU2YYMMDD (function) ZSTAR (function) REPLACE_TOKEN (function) GETMODELANDGRIDINFO UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRIDV_O3PL, INFILENAME='~/geoss/rate.971130', $ OUTFILENAME='~/geos3/rate.971130', $ OUTMODELNAME='GEOS3' ; Regrids P(O3) and L(O3) data from GEOS-STRAT ; 4 x 5 grid to GEOS-3 4 x 5 grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 27 Mar 2001: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 23 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.01 - renamed to "" - rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 - now looks for sfc pressure in ~/IDL/regrid/PSURF bmy, 24 Feb 2004: VERSION 1.02 - now convert P(Ox) to kg/s and L(Ox) 1/s for regridding -- then convert back after regridding - now use REGRID_COLUMN to regrid P(Ox) in kg/s - now use INTERPOL to regrid L(Ox) in 1/s bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Use FILE_WHICH to locate surf prs files
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDV_PORL PURPOSE: Regrids production/loss or other data in [molec/cm3/s] from one vertical CTM grid to another. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDV_PORL [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. If INFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDV_PORL will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file which will contain the regridded data. If OUTFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDV_PORL will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. Default is "GEOS3". DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of the data blocks that you wish to regrid. Default is "PORL-L=$". /TROP_ONLY -> Set this switch to only save regridded data from the surface to the highest tropopause level (e.g. MODELINFO.NTROP as returned from CTM_TYPE). OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ======================================================= CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_BOXSIZE (function) CTM_REGRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) REGRID_COLUMN (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH CTM_GET_DATA GETMODELANDGRIDINFO UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: REGRIDV_PORL, INFILENAME='data.geos3.4x5', $ OUTFILENAME="data.geos4.4x5', $ OUTMODELNAME='GEOS4' ; Regrids data in molec/cm3 from GEOS-3 vertical ; resolution to GEOS_4 vertical resolution. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 01 Nov 2002: VERSION 1.01 bmy, 19 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.02 - rewritten for GAMAP v2-01 - now looks for sfc pressure in ~/IDL/regrid/PSURF/ - now supports hybrid grids bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Use FILE_WHICH to locate surf prs files ccc, 09 Oct 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - fix a keyword check
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRIDV_RESTART PURPOSE: Vertically regrids data in [v/v] mixing ratio from one model grid to another. Data is converted to [kg] for regridding, and then converted back to [v/v]. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRIDV_RESTART [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the input file containing data to be regridded. If not specified, then REGRIDV_RESTART will prompt the user to select a file name with a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the directory where the output file will be written. If OUTFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDV_RESTART will prmopt the user to specify a file name via a dialog box. OUTMODELNAME -> Name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. If OUTMODELNAME is not specified, REGRIDV_AEROSOL will use the same model name as the input grid. DIAGN -> Diagnostic category of data block that you want to regrid. Default is "IJ-AVG-$". /TROP_ONLY -> If set, will only regrid data within the tropopause (i.e. up to the level specified by MODELINFO.NTROP). /GCAP -> Set this flag to denote that we are regridding from a 4x5 restart file on a GEOS-3 or GEOS-4 grid which has previously been regridded to 45 latitudes. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: ======================================================= RVR_GetAirMass (function) RVR_GetPEdge (function) External Subroutines Required: =========================================================== CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_BOXSIZE (function) CTM_REGRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) REGRID_COLUMN (function) GETMODELANDGRIDINFO CTM_WRITEBPCH UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None. EXAMPLE: REGRIDV_RESTART, INFILENAME='data.geos3.4x5', $ OUTMODELNAME='geos_strat', $ OUTFILENAME='data.geoss.4x5' ; Regrids 4 x 5 GEOS-3 data to the GEOS-STRAT grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 21 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.00 - adapted from " bmy, 25 Jun 2003: VERSION 1.01 - added routine RVR_GetPEdge - now uses ETA coords for GEOS-4 hybrid grid bmy, 31 Oct 2003: VERSION 1.02 - now call PTR_FREE to free pointer memory - now recognizes GEOS3_30L model name - now recognizes GEOS4_30L model name bmy, 19 Dec 2003: VERSION 1.03 - now supports hybrid grids - added /TROP_ONLY switch to regrid only as high as the tropopause - now looks for sfc pressure in ~/IDL/regrid/PSURF - removed routine RVR_GetPEdge - modified routine RVR_GetAirMass bmy, 17 Feb 2004: VERSION 1.04 - bug fix: replaced D with N as loop index bmy, 01 Feb 2005 - Now suppress excessive printing to screen with keywords /QUIET and /NOPRINT in call to CTM_GET_DATABLOCK bmy, 26 May 2005: VERSION 1.05 - added /GCAP keyword for special handling when creating restart files on 4x5 GCAP grid bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Use FILE_WHICH to locate surf prs files bmy, 04 Nov 2013: GAMAP VERSION 2.17 - Now make sure that the GCAP output grid uses the proper vertical edge pressurs. - Also remove all pointer references, use *( DataInfo[D].Data ) directly
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRID_BIOFUEL PURPOSE: Regrids 1 x 1 biomass burning emissions for NOx or CO onto a CTM grid of equal or coarser resolution. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRID_BIOFUEL [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. /NOX -> If set, will regrid NOx biofuel data. Default is to regrid CO biofuel data. OUTDIR -> Name of the directory where the output file will be written. Default is './'. OUTPUTS: Writes binary punch files: biofuel.NOx.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION} (when NOX=1) biofuel.CO.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION} (when NOX=0) SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================ CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_BOXSIZE (function) CTM_REGRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH Internal Subroutines ================================================ RBF_READDATA (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: The path names for the files containing 1 x 1 data are hardwired -- change as necessary! EXAMPLE: (1) REGRID_BIOFUEL, MODELNAME='GEOS_STRAT', RESOLUTION=[5,4] ; Regrids 1 x 1 CO biofuel data to the 4 x 5 GEOS-STRAT grid (2) REGRID_BIOFUEL, MODELNAME='GEOS_1', RESOLUTION=2, /NOX ; Regrids 1 x 1 NOx biofuel data to the 2 x 2.5 GEOS-1 grid MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 09 Jun 2000: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 12 Jul 2000: VERSION 1.01 - added NOx keyword - now read original data with internal function RBF_READDATA bmy, 24 Jul 2000: - added OUTDIR keyword bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRID_COLUMN PURPOSE: Vertically regrids a column quantity in such a way as to preserve the total mass. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: DATA2 = REGRID_COLUMN( DATA1, PEDGE1, PEDGE2 [, keywords ] ) INPUTS: DATA1 -> Column vector containing data on the original grid. DATA1 must be a mass-like quantity that does not have any vertical dependence (e.g. molecules, g, kg, kg/m2, molec/cm2, etc.) PEDGE1 -> Pressures [hPa] at the edges of each layer on the old vertical grid. PEDGE1 will thus have one more element element than DATA1 (since DATA1 is specified on the midpoints of each layer). PEDGE2 -> Pressures [hPa] at the edges of each layer on the new vertical grid. PEDGE2 will thus have one more element element than DATA2 (since DATA2 is specified on the midpoints of each layer). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /DEBUG -> If set, will print debug information to the screen, including totals before and after regridding. /NO_CHECK -> If this keyword is set, then REGRID_COLUMN will not check to see if the column sum was preserved in going from the old grid to the new grid. This is useful if you are regridding data from a grid with a high model top to a grid with a lower model top (such as from GEOS-3 to GEOS-1). OUTPUTS: DATA2 -> Column vector containing data on the new vertical grid. The column sum of DATA2 will equal that of DATA1. DATA2 will also be a mass-like quantity. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) Adapted from FORTRAN code by Amanda Staudt, Bob Yantosca, and Dale Allen originally used to interpolate GEOS-3 data from Pressure to Sigma coordinates. (2) The algorithm is brute force, but it works for all kinds of grids. It will even work for grids where the new vertical resolution is smaller than the original vertical resolution. (3) Processes one column at a time. For an entire lat/lon region, you have to loop over each surface grid location and call REGRID_COLUMN to process each column separately. (4) Added /NO_CHECK keyword to facilitate regridding from GEOS-3 to GEOS-1. Otherwise, you should never use this keyword. EXAMPLE: ; Surface pressure (assume same for both grids) PSurf = 1000.0 ; Define Input grid -- use GAMAP routines InType = CTM_Type( 'GEOS_STRAT', res=2 ) InGrid = CTM_Grid( InType ) InPEdge = ( InGrid.SigEdge * ( PSurf - InType.PTOP ) ) + $ Intype.PTOP ; Define Output grid -- use GAMAP routines OutType = CTM_Type( 'GEOS3', res=2, PSurf=1000.0 ) OutGrid = CTM_Grid( OutType ) OutPEdge = ( OutGrid.SigEdge * ( PSurf - OutType.PTOP ) ) + OutType.PTOP ; Assume INDATA is in [kg], OUTDATA will be too OutData = Regrid_Column( InData, InPEdge, OutPEdge ) ; Regrid a column of mass from the 2 x 2.5 ; GEOS-STRAT grid to the 2 x 2.5 GEOS-3 grid MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 22 Jan 2002: TOOLS VERSION 1.50 bmy, 14 Mar 2002: - added /NO_CHECK keyword bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRID_DUST PURPOSE: Regrids 2.5 x 2.5 mineral dust concentrations onto a CTM grid of equal or coarser resolution. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRID_DUST [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MONTH -> Month of year for which to process data. Default is 1 (January). MODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTDIR -> Name of the directory where the output file will be written. Default is './'. OUTPUTS: Writes binary punch file: dust.{MODELNAME}.{RESOLUTION} SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================= CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_BOXSIZE (function) CTM_REGRID (function) CTM_NAMEXT (function) CTM_RESEXT (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH REQUIREMENTS: References routines from the GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: (1) The path names for the files containing dust data are hardwired -- change as necessary! (2) Even though photolysis rates are only needed in the troposphere, we need to save the mineral dust for all levels of the model. Scattering by mineral dust is used to compute the actinic flux, and therefore we need to account for this all the way to the atmosphere top. (3) The regridding process can take a very long time to complete. If you are regridding, it is recommended to process one month at a time, and then to concatenate the binary punch files using GAMAP. EXAMPLE: REGRID_DUST, MODELNAME='GEOS_STRAT', RESOLUTION=4 ; Regrids dust data from 2 x 2.5 native resolution ; to 4 x 5 resolution for the GEOS-STRAT grid MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 09 Jun 2000: VERSION 1.00 rvm, 18 Jun 2000: VERSION 1.01 bmy, 07 Jul 2000: VERSION 1.10 - added OUTDIR keyword - save regridded data one month at a time since regridding takes so long bmy, 02 Apr 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Now read input files as big-endian
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: REGRID_TOMS_SBUV PURPOSE: Regrids 5 x 10 O3 column data from both TOMS and SBUV instruments onto a CTM grid. CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: REGRID_TOMS_SBUV [ , Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTMODELNAME -> A string containing the name of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. OUTRESOLUTION -> Specifies the resolution of the model grid onto which the data will be regridded. RESOLUTION can be either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5). Default for all models is 4x5. OUTDIR -> Name of the directory where the output file will be written. Default is './'. ; OUTPUTS: Writes regridded O3 columns to file. SUBROUTINES: REQUIREMENTS: References routines from both GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: (1) Input filename is hardwired -- change as necessary EXAMPLE: REGRID_TOMS_SBUV, OUTMODELNAME='GEOS1', $ OUTRESOLUTION=4, $ OUTDIR='/scratch/' ; Regrids O3 column data to GEOS-1 4 x 5 grid, ; writes output file to /scratch directory MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 16 Mar 2001: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 29 Mar 2001: VERSION 1.01 - renamed to REGRID_TOMS_SBUV - renamed keyword MODELNAME to OUTMODELNAME - renamed keyword RESOLUTION to OUTRESOLUTION - now use routine INTERPOLATE_2D
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/
NAME: TROP_CUT PURPOSE: Reads a CTM data block and then only saves data from the surface up to the maximum tropopause level. (e.g. the field MODELINFO.NTROP, returned from function CTM_TYPE). CATEGORY: Regridding CALLING SEQUENCE: TROP_CUT [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the file containing data to be regridded. If INFILENAME is not specified, then REGRIDH_RESTART will prompt the user to select a file via a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file which will contain the regridded data. Default is INFILENAME + '.trop'. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================== CTM_GET_DATA CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) GETMODELANDGRIDINFO UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: References routines from both GAMAP and TOOLS packages NOTES: None EXAMPLE: TROP_CUT, INFILENAME='data.geos3.4x5', $ OUTFILENAME='trop_data.geos3.4x5' ; Reads data from "data.geos3.4x5". Saves data ; from the surface up to level MODELINFO.NTROP ; and writes to file trop_data.geos3.4x5". MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 31 Oct 2002: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 25 Sep 2003: VERSION 1.01 - Call PTR_FREE to free the pointer heap memory bmy & phs, 20 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Use FILE_WHICH to locate surf prs files
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/regridding/