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NAME: ADD_SEPARATOR PURPOSE: Adds a pathname separator to the last character of a file name or path name. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: NEWPATH = ADD_SEPARATOR( PATH ) INPUTS: PATH -> Path name to append the separator character to. If Unix, will append a "/" character. If Windows, will append a "/" character. If Macintosh, will append a ":" character. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: NEWPATH -> Path name with separator appended to the last character. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: Supports Unix, Windows, and Macintosh platforms. NOTES: None EXAMPLE: (1) PATH = '/scratch/bmy' NEWPATH = ADD_SEPARATOR( PATH ) /scratch/bmy/ ; Adds a separator to the path "/scratch/bmy". (2) SEP = ADD_SEPARATOR() PRINT, SEP / ; Returns the default separator string ; (here we have assumed a Unix environment). MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 03 May 2002: TOOLS VERSION 1.50 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: CHOICE PURPOSE: Allows user to choose interactively from several options. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = CHOICE( VALUES [,options] ) INPUTS: VALUES -> a string array containing the selectable options KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TITLE -> title to be displayed on top of the selection menu DEFAULT -> a default selection (to allow user to simply press enter) BY_INDEX -> return selection index rather than value /NOABORT -> prevents addition of 'ABORT' to selection OUTPUTS: CHOICE returns a string containing the selected value or the index of the selection if keyword /BY_INDEX is set. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: CHOICE automatically adds 'ABORT' to the list of selections. If keyword BY_INDEX is set then ABORT will return -1 (unless /NOABORT keyword is set) EXAMPLE: DIRNAMES = [ '~my/dir/','~your/dir/','~any/dir'] DIR = CHOICE( DIRNAMES, TITLE='Select Directory' ) IF (DIR ne 'ABORT') THEN BEGIN OPENR, U1, DIR+FILE, /GET_LUN READF, U1, DATA CLOSE, U1 FREE_LUN,U1 ENDIF ELSE PRINT,'ABORTED !' ; Allow user to pick a directory and then ; read a file from that directory. MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 26 Sep 1997: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 17 Nov 1998: - added DEFAULT and NOABORT keywords bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: CODE_TREE PURPOSE: This routine produces a tree structure for Fortran programs. It will scan a directory for FORTRAN files and gather all SUBROUTINE names and CALL statements. FUNCTIONS are not parsed. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: CODE_TREE [, DEFAULT_PATH, DEFAULT_MAIN ] [ , /FILENAMES ] INPUTS: DEFAULT_PATH -> the default search path to look for FORTRAN files DEFAULT_MAIN -> the default name of the main program file. Note that code_tree will not work properly if the main file contains subroutine definitions. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /FILENAMES -> display the filename where each routine can be found together with the routine name. OUTPUTS: A calling tree is generated on the screen or dumped into a file. SUBROUTINES: Several REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: CODE_TREE MODIFICATION HISTORY: 99/5/18 Philip Cameron-Smith, Harvard Initial code. 99/5/21 Philip Cameron-Smith, Harvard Have included some of my utilities to allow easy distribution. Added '1' to names to ensure no future conflicts. 99/5/24 Philip Cameron-Smith, Harvard Now removes tabs and strings. Various other improvements. 99/5/25 Philip Cameron-Smith, Harvard Reversed order of path and filename arguments Converted a "print" to a "printf,lun" to stop lines running on when printing to a file. Improved check for ENTRY before SUBROUTINE. bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: CONVERT_INDEX PURPOSE: Converts a 1-D array index (such as is returned from WHERE, UNIQ, etc) to the appropriate 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D array indices CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = CONVERT_INDEX( Index, Dim ) INPUTS: INDEX -> The 1-D array index to be converted to multi-dimensional indices. INDEX is returned to the calling program unchanged. DIM -> A vector containing the dimensions of the array for which multi-dimensional indices are required. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FORTRAN -> Interpret array indices as FORTRAN indices, i.e. starting from 1 instead of 0. This applies to INPUT and OUTPUT indices! OUTPUTS: RESULT -> Returns either a vector index or a vector of multi-dimensional array indices as the value of the function. If INDEX is a 1-dimensional parameter, the result will have n_elements(dim) dimensions. If INDEX is a multidimensional parameter, the result will be a scalar. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: Right now only works for 3-D arrays and smaller. Will eventually do the general case... EXAMPLES: (1) PRINT, CONVERT_INDEX( [1,1], [2,2] ) 3 (2) PRINT, CONVERT_INDEX( [2,2], [2,2] ) % CONVERT_INDEX: Index[0] greater than Dim[0] % CONVERT_INDEX: Index[1] greater than Dim[1] 6 (3) PRINT, CONVERT_INDEX( [2,2], [2,2], /FORTRAN ) 4 ; <<<-- shifted by 1 ! (4) PRINT, CONVERT_INDEX( 72, [72,46,20] ) 0 1 0 (5) PRINT, CONVERT_INDEX( 72, [72,46,20], /FORTRAN ) 72 1 1 MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 07 Oct 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 07 Oct 1998: VERSION 1.20 - made result etc LONG arrays - allow sany dimensions now - added reverse operation if index is multidimensional - added FORTRAN keyword bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: CONVERT_LON PURPOSE: Convert longitudes from -180..180 to 0..360 or vice versa. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: CONVERT_LON, DATA, NAMES, [, KEywords ] INPUTS: DATA -> A data array (lines,vars) or vector containing longitude data. If DATA is a 2D array, the NAMES parameter must be given to identify the LONgitude variable. NAMES -> A string list of variable names. The longitude data must be labeled 'LON', unless specified with the LONNAME keyword. The NAMES parameter is not needed, if a data vector is passed. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: PACIFIC -> Convert longitudes from -180..180 to 0..360 ATLANTIC -> Convert from 0..360 to -180..180 LONNAME -> Name of the longitude variable if a name other than 'LON' is used. OUTPUTS: The longitude column in the data array will be changed. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLES: (1) LONDAT = [ -180.,-179.,-0.1,0.1,179.,180.,270.,359.] CONVERT_LON, LONDAT, /PACIFIC PRINT, LONDAT 180.000 181.000 359.900 0.100000 179.000 180.000 270.000 359.000 ; Convert longitudes to 0..360 (2) CONVERT_LON,londat,/Atlantic PRINT, LONDAT 180.000 -179.000 -0.100006 0.100000 179.000 180.000 -90.0000 -1.00000 ; Convert back to -180..180 MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 25 Aug 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 19 May 1999: - now makes sure that longitude range does not exceed -180..180 or 0..360 mgs, 24 Jun 1999: - bug fix: choked at missing values bmy, 24 May 2007: TOOLS VERSION 2.06 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Updated comments phs, 19 Nov 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.11 - now accept scalar
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: DATATYPE PURPOSE: Returns the number (or name) of the data type of an IDL scalar, array, structure, or object. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = DATATYPE( Data [, Keywords ] ) INPUTS: DATA -> A variable (scalar, array, structure, or object) whose data type is desired. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /NAME -> If set, will return the name of the data type instead of the type number. OUTPUTS: The IDL data type number or data type name will be contained in RESULT. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: The IDL data type numbers are: ----------------------------------------- 0 : undefined 6 : complex 1 : byte 7 : string 2 : int 8 : structure 3 : long 9 : double complex 4 : float 10 : pointer 5 : double 11 : object reference EXAMPLES: PRINT, DATATYPE( 0d0 ) 5 ; Double precision data is type 5 PRINT, DATATYPE( 0d0, /Name ) DOUBLE ; Returns the name of the data type MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 26 Jul 1999: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: DEFAULT_DIRS PURPOSE: Define a couple of system variables to facilitate file searching across or in multiple platforms. The settings are made depending on the host name which is queried with getenv(). This file is meant to be modified for your own computing environment and directory structure. It's probably a good idea to include a call to Default_Dirs in your startup file. A string (or string array) argument allows individual users to add their own default settings for individual projects (see INPUTS). CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: DEFAULT_DIRS [,projectlist [,searchpath=searchpath] ] INPUTS: PROJECTLIST -> A string or string array containing the names of projects of individual users for which additional settings shall be made. For each entry for which a procedure named exists, this procedure will be called with the host name (lower case) as argument. If the procedure is not found, a warning message is issued. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: SEARCHPATH -> A string that will be inserted at the beginning of the !PATH variable to look for the default_ procedures. This keyword is only evaluated when a PROJECTLIST is present. For simplicity, the user must make sure that SEARCHPATH adheres to the syntax of the curent OS. Since DEFAULT_DIRS is usually caled from the startup file, this shouldn't be too much of a problem. /PRINT -> print all system variables ending in 'DIR' after the definition. OUTPUTS: Various system variables are created. As a minimum, these are !RootDir = the root of the file system !HomeDir = the user's home directory !DataDir = a general data depository !TmpDir = a temporary directory !FNSep = filename seperator ('/' for unix and '\' for windows) Further project-specific directories should also end in 'Dir', this allows an easy query of all default directories: help,/system_variables,output=o print,o[ where(strpos(o,'DIR') gt 0) ] (see PRINT keyword). ******* NEED TO WORK THAT OUT !! ****** it's not that easy !!! ********* SUBROUTINES: none. REQUIREMENTS: none. NOTES: This routine uses a common block (yes!) to remember whether the user had already been warned about non-exisiting project procedures. Therefore, when you add projects on the fly, you can probably call default_dirs safely every time you wish to compose a search mask. EXAMPLE: default_dirs ; set platform dependent default directories default_dirs,['GTE','CTM'],searchpath='~/myprogs',/PRINT ; as above, but add definitions from and ; which may be in ~/myprogs or the regular ; IDL search !PATH. Print all !...DIR system variables upon ; exit. See attached default_gte procedure for an example. MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 12 May 1999: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: DEFAULT_GTE PURPOSE: Define default system variables for GTE data directories and GTE programs. Specific entries are made for the PEM-Tropics A and B projects. This procedure is caled from DEFAULT_DIRS when 'GTE' is added as an argument. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: DEFAULT_GTE,host INPUTS: HOST -> the name of the host computer which is running IDL. In our environment these are sol or cyclope or now. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: Additional system variables are created: !GTE_Dir = home of GTE data on current platform !PEMTA_Dir = PEM-Tropics A data !PEMTB_Dir = PEM-Tropics B data !GTE_Filetypes = list of fiel extensions used with GTE data SUBROUTINES: REQUIREMENTS: It is assumed that this routine is called from DEFAULT_DIRS although it should be working stand-alone as well. NOTES: EXAMPLE: see default_dirs MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 12 May 1999: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: DEFAULT_RANGE (function) PURPOSE: Make sure a RANGE argument or keyword is a valid vector with at least two elements. Can also be used to limit RANGE to two elements. The argument may be a string containing one or more numeric values delimited by almost any character combination (including '..' and '-'). A '-' will be treated as a separator if it is preceeded by a digit or not followed by a digit. The resulting range will be sorted and spans the minimum and maximum of the "data" given in the argument. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: RANGE = DEFAULT_RANGE( ARG, DEFAULT [,/LIMIT2] ) INPUTS: ARG -> The range argument or keyword as passed into a procedure or function. This can be an undefined variable or a variable with 1 or more elements. If ARG contains 1 element, it will be repeated to range from and to the same number. DEFAULT -> A 2-element vector containing the default range if ARG is undefined. This argument is mandatory although it is not used if ARG contains at least 1 element. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /LIMIT2 -> Limit the resulting RANGE vector to 2 elements. Default is to return *at least* 2 elements. RANGE -> Limit the RANGE vector to minimum and maximum value given by this keyword. /NOSORT -> Do not sort the output. This can be useful for longitude vectors spanning the Pacific ;-) OUTPUTS: RANGE -> A two (or more) element vector that can be used in statements like WHERE(x ge RANGE[0] AND x lt RANGE[1]). SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================================ ISALGEBRAIC (function) ISDIGIT (function) STRBREAK (function) STRREPL (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: This function is meant for argument checking in procedures or functions, hence it will generally not be called from the command line. EXAMPLE: LATRANGE = DEFAULT_RANGE( LATRANGE, [-90.,90.] ) ; Suppose a procedure has a keyword parameter named ; LATRANGE. Before we use LATRANGE in any form, we ; should test it (as above). This ensures that we have ; at least 2 elements in LATRANGE and it defaults ; LATRANGE to the whole globe if nothing was passed ; in the LATRANGE keyword. MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 29 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 17 Nov 1998: - added string handling - added RANGE and NOSORT keywords bmy, 13 Jul 2001: TOOLS VERSION 1.48 - now uses new STRREPL function from mgs bmy, 16 Jul 2001: - bug fix: only call STRREPL if there are non-algebraic characters to be replaced - eliminate call to obsolete STR_SEP function bmy, 17 Jan 2002: TOOLS VERSION 1.50 - now call STRBREAK wrapper routine from the TOOLS subdirectory for backwards compatiblity for string-splitting bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: DISTRIBUTE PURPOSE: Collect all the routine names and file names that are used in a given program. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: DISTRIBUTE [, ROUTINENAME ] INPUTS: ROUTINENAME -> (OPTIONAL) The name of the routine to be searched. If omitted, then the user will be prompted to supply a file name via a dialog box. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTFILE -> Name of file where output will be sent. If OUTFILE is omitted then DISTRIBUTE will print the information to the screen. /NO_IDL -> Set this switch to exclude IDL library routines from the search process. OUTPUTS: A list of filenames with full pathnames and a list of routinenames together with the filenames where they can be found. Sorry, for local files, no pathname is provided. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =============================== OPEN_FILE REQUIREMENTS: Requires routines from the TOOLS package. NOTES: Unfortunately there is no way to figure out which routines really belong to a given ROUTINENNAME, so DISTRIBUTE will always return too many routinenames and filenames, including itself and FILE_EXIST, as well as a couple of IDL standard library routines (The latter can be left out with the keyword NO_IDL). In order to get the closest results, run DISTRIBUTE only at the start of an IDL session. EXAMPLE: DISTRIBUTE, 'iterate' ; Get all routines that belong to "". ; A subsequent call with routinename 'create_master' ; will return both, the routines for "" ; and the routines for "". MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 16 Nov 1997: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 20 Nov 1997: - added OUTFILE and NO_IDL keywords bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Now use IDL routine RESOLVE_ALL - Now use OPEN_FILE instead of OPENW - Updated comments, cosmetic changes
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: EXTRACT_COMMENTS PURPOSE: Split a string returned from READDATA.PRO into items of a string array. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = EXTRACT_COMMENTS( COMMENTS, INDEX, DELIM=' ' ) INPUTS: COMMENTS -> String array of comment lines returned from INDEX -> line number of comments to be analyzed KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DELIM -> delimiter character between items. Default: 1 blank. OUTPUTS: RESULT -> A string array containing the single "words" of 1 comment line. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =============================== STRBREAK (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: UNITS = EXTRACT_COMMENTS( comments, 2, delim=' ' ) MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 10 Nov 1997: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Now use version-independent STRBREAK routine instead of older STR_SEP routine
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: GETDATABLOCK PURPOSE: Retrieve information stored in a DATA block somewhere within an IDL routine. The DATA block must be "hidden" as comment lines for the IDL compiler. The data will be returned as string array. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: GETDATABLOCK, DATA [, FILENAME=FILENAME, ,LABEL=LABEL ] INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILENAME -> optional filename. Normally, the data block is read from the file that contains the current procedure LABEL -> a unique identifier for the start of the data block. Default is '/DATA/'. The end of the data block is reached at the end of file or if the block of comment lines ends. OUTPUTS: DATA -> a string array with the information contained in the data block SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ====================================== FILE_EXIST (function) ROUTINE_NAME REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: The file with the datablock is always searched in !PATH EXAMPLE: GETDATABLOCK, SDATA ; This will retrieve a data block labeled '/DATA/' ; from the file of the current IDL routine MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 22 Apr 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Updated comments, cosmetic changes
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: IND_COMB PURPOSE: Combine two index arrays that result from different WHERE calls to the same data set. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = IND_COMB( INDEX1, INDEX2, TYPE [, keywords ] ) INPUTS: INDEX1, INDEX2 --> the two index arrays (may be single integers or -1, but must be given) TYPE --> a string containing the type of index combination: The result will contain an index value if the index is contained in ... type eq "OR": ... at least one of INDEX1 or INDEX2 type eq "AND": ... INDEX1 and INDEX2 type eq "NOR": ... neither INDEX1 nor INDEX2 type eq "XOR": ... only one of INDEX1 or INDEX2 type eq "NAND": ... not in both The default combination is "OR". KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TOTALN --> optional: number of elements in the data set. If not given, this value is calculated as max([index1,index2]). If this argument is passed, the user has full responsibility that array indices are not exceeded. ATTENTION: types NAND and NOR may give wrong results if TOTALN is not specified (see example). OUTPUTS: RESULT -> An array of type lon that contains the combined indices and can be used as an array subscript. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: DATA = FINDGEN(100)+1 IND1 = WHERE(DATA le 50) IND2 = WHERE(DATA ge 50 AND DATA lt 80) RES = IND_COMB(IND1,IND2,"OR") print,'1:',min(data(res)),max(data(res)) RES = IND_COMB(IND1,IND2,"AND") print,'2:',min(data(res)),max(data(res)) RES = IND_COMB(IND1,IND2,"NOR") ; <------ WRONG !! print,'3:',res RES = IND_COMB(IND1,IND2,"NOR",TOTALN=100) print,'4:',min(data(res)),max(data(res)) RES = IND_COMB(IND1,IND2,"XOR") print,'5:',min(data(res)),max(data(res)) RES = IND_COMB(IND1,IND2,"NAND") ; <------ WRONG !! print,'6:',min(data(res)),max(data(res)) RES = IND_COMB(IND1,IND2,"NAND",TOTALN=100) print,'7:',min(data(res)),max(data(res)) IDL will print: 1: 1 79 2: 50 50 3: -1 <------ WRONG !! 4: 80 100 5: 1 79 6: 1 79 <------ WRONG !! 7: 1 100 MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 04 Dec 1997: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - updated comments, cosmetic changes
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: INV_INDEX PURPOSE: Find the indices that do NOT match a WHERE condition CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = INV_INDEX( INDEX, TOTALN ) INPUTS: INDEX -> An index array, e.g. previously generated by a WHERE command (may be -1) TOTALN -> the number of elements in the reference data set, i.e. totaln = n_elements(index)+n_elements(result) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: RESULT -> an integer array with all indices that were NOT in index or -1 if index was complete SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: The function returns -1 if one of the following errors occurs: - invalid number of arguments - index variable is undefined - totaln is less than n_elements(index) - totaln less or equal 1, i.e. no associated data The last error does not produce an error message, since this feature was found to be very useful (in EXPLORE, the widget based interactive data explorer) EXAMPLE: DATA = FINDGEN( 50 ) INDEX = WHERE( DATA ge 25 ) INVERS = INV_INDEX( INDEX, N_ELEMENTS( DATA ) ) PRINT, INVERS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ; Find the elements of DATA that are greater than 25 ; and then print the inverse condition MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 10 May 1997: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 18 Aug 1997: - added template and check if n_elements(index) eq 0 mgs, 05 Apr 1999: - bug fix: needed to make sure result is type long bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: IN_RANGE PURPOSE: IN_RANGE checks to see if an input value lies between a minimum value and a maximum value. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = IN_RANGE(VALUE, MINVAL, MAXVAL) INPUTS: VALUE -> The value to be checked MINVAL -> The minimum value MAXVAL -> The maximum value KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: If MINVAL <= VALUE <= MAXVAL, IN_RANGE returns 0 If VALUE < MINVAL, IN_RANGE returns 1 If VALUE > MAXVAL, IN_RANGE returns 1 SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None EXAMPLE: IF ( NOT IN_RANGE( VALUE, 0, 100 ) ) $ THEN PRINT, 'VALUE is not in between 0-100' ; Print a message if VALUE lies outside ; of the range 0-100 MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 24 Sep 1997: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Updated comments
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: IS_DEFINED PURPOSE: Tests if a program argument is defined (i.e. if it was passed any value(s) from the calling program). CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = IS_DEFINED( ARG ) INPUTS: ARG -> The argument to be tested. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLES: (1) PRINT, IS_DEFINED( ARG ) 0 ; Because ARG has not been yet assigned a value, ; IS_DEFINED( ARG ) returns 0. (2) ARG = 1 PRINT, IS_DEFINED( ARG ) 1 ; Because ARG now has not been yet assigned a value, ; IS_DEFINED( ARG ) now returns 1. MODIFICATION HISTORY: D.Fanning, 02 Jul 1998: INITIAL VERSION bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Updated comments, cosmetic changes
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: IS_SELECTED (function) PURPOSE: Return a boolean vector with 1 for each element of VAR that is contained in SELECTION. This is a generalization of WHERE(VAR eq value) in that value can be an array instead of a single value. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: INDEX = IS_SELECTED(VAR,SELECTION) INPUTS: VAR -> The data vector SELECTION -> A vector with chosen values. If no selection is given, the function returns a vector with all entries set to zero. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: INDEX -> An integer vector of length n_elements(VAR) that contains 1 for each element of VAR that has one of the SELECTION values. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLES: (1) A = [ 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3 ] B = [ 2, 3 ] PRINT, IS_SELECTED( A, B ) 0 0 0 1 1 1 (2) PRINT, WHERE( IS_SELECTED( A, B ) ) 3 4 5 ; (i.e. indices of A that correspond to a value of 2 or 3) ; equivalent to: print,where(A eq 2 or A eq 3) MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 19 Aug 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: LITTLE_ENDIAN (function) PURPOSE: Determines if the computer system on which we are running IDL has little-endian byte ordering. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = LITTLE_ENDIAN INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: RESULT -> Returns 1 if the machine on which you are running IDL is a little endian machine, or 0 otherwise. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: PRINT, LITTLE_ENDIAN 1 ; Returns 1 if we are running IDL on a ; little-endian machine, or zero otherwise MODIFICATION HISTORY: R.Mallozi, 02 Jul 1998: INITIAL VERSION bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: LOOP PURPOSE: This routine provides a wrapper for function calls that accept only scalars so that they can operate on arrays. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = LOOP( name, arg, p1, p2, p3, p4) INPUTS: NAME -> the name of the function (string) ARG -> the argument (array) P1 .. P4 -> optional function parameters KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Unfortunately None. Would be nice if _EXTRA would work. OUTPUTS: RESULT -> Vector with the same number of elements as ARG. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: A = [ 0.05, 0.01, 0.001 ] PRINT, LOOP( "CHISQR_CVF", A, 17 ) 27.5871 33.4087 40.7903 ; Define a vector of arguments and then then loop ; thru the vector, calling CHISQR_CVF each time. ; Then display the vector of results. MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 05 Dec 1997: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: MAKE_SELECTION (function) PURPOSE: Convert an array of selected values to an index array that identifies the selected values in a list or data array. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: INDEX = MAKE_SELECTION( NAMES, SELNAMES [,keywords] ) INPUTS: NAMES -> A list or array of values to choose from SELNAMES -> A list of selected values KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ONLY_VALID -> Return only indices of found values. Values not found are skipped. Default is to return 1 index value for each SELNAME, which is -1 if SELNAME is not contained in NAMES. If ONLY_VALID is set, the -1 values will be deleted, and a value of -1 indicates that no SELNAME has been found at all. REQUIRED -> Normally, MAKE_SELECTION will return indices for all values that are found, simply ignoring the selected values that are not in the NAMES array (although an error message is displayed). Set this keyword to return with -1 as soon as a selected value is not found. QUIET -> Suppress printing of the error message if a selected value is not found (the error condition will still be set). OUTPUTS: INDEX -> A (long) array with indices to reference the selected values in the NAMES array. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: If the NAMES array contains multiple entries of the same value, only the index to the first entry will be returned. A selection can contain multiple instances of the same value. The index array will contain one entry per selected item (See example below) EXAMPLES: (1) NAMES = [ 'Alfred','Anton','Peter','John','Mary'] INDEX = MAKE_SELECTION( NAMES, ['Peter','Mary'] ) PRINT, INDEX 2 4 (2) VALS = INDGEN(20) INDEX = MAKE_SELECTION( VALS, [9,-5,8,7,7,8,9] ) PRINT, INDEX 9 -1 8 7 7 8 9 (3) INDEX = MAKE_SELECTION( VALS,[9,-5,8,7,7,8,9], /ONLY_VALID ) PRINT, INDEX 9 8 7 7 8 9 (4) INDEX = MAKE_SELECTION( vals, [9,-5,8,7,7,8,9], /REQUIRED ) PRINT, INDEX -1 MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 28 Aug 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 29 Aug 1998: - changed behaviour and added ONLY_VALID keyword bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: N_UNIQ (function) PURPOSE: Returns the number of unique elements in an array. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = N_UNIQ( Arr ) INPUTS: ARR -> The array to be searched for unique values. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: Returns the number of unique values in ARR as the value of the function SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLES: (1) PRINT, N_UNIQ( [10, 20, 30] ) 3 (2) PRINT, N_UNIQ( [10,10] ) 1 MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 17 Nov 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 17 Nov 1998: - little streamlining mgs, 16 Mar 1999: - don't print out warning for empty argument and return 0 instead of -1 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: PAUSE PURPOSE: Halts program execution until the user presses RETURN. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: PAUSE INPUTS: MSG -> Specify a message to be displayed before pausing program execution. MSG may be omitted. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLES: PRINT, DATA PAUSE ; Prints a data array and then pauses to allow ; the user time to examine the results. PRINT, DATA PAUSE, 'look at data' ; Same as above exmaple, but this time, print an ; informational message before pausing. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: PWD PURPOSE: Print current working directory CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: PWD [,result] INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: RESULT -> (optional) string containing the current directory SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: Set !QUIET to 1 if you only want to return the working directory but no screen output. EXAMPLE: PWD ; Prints current directory. MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 23 Dec 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: RESOLVE_EVERY PURPOSE: Resolve (by compiling) all procedures and functions. This is useful when preparing .sav files containing all the IDL routines required for an application. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: RESOLVE_EVERY INPUTS: None. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: QUIET = if set, produce no messages. SKIP_ROUTINES = an optional string array containing the names of routines to NOT resolve. This is useful when a library file containing the designated routines will be later included. OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None RESTRICTIONS: Will not resolve procedures or functions that are called via CALL_PROCEDURE, CALL_FUNCTION, or EXECUTE. Only explicit calls are resolved. If an unresolved procedure or function is not in the IDL search path, an error occurs, and no additional routines are resolved. PROCEDURE: This routine iteratively determines the names of unresolved calls to user-written or library procedures and functions, and then compiles them. The process stops when there are no unresolved routines. EXAMPLE: RESOLVE_EVERY. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: DMS, RSI, January, 1995. DMS, RSI, April, 1997, Added SKIP_ROUTINES keyword. mgs, Harvard, 21 Apr 1998: use findfile before trying to resolve a routine bmy, 28 May 2004: TOOLS VERSION 2.02 - Now use MFINDFILE which will call FILE_SEARCH for IDL 5.5+ or FINDFILE for IDL 5.4- bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: UNDEFINE PURPOSE: The purpose of this program is to delete or undefine an IDL program variable from within an IDL program or at the IDL command line. It is a more powerful DELVAR. AUTHOR: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING David Fanning, Ph.D. 1642 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: UNDEFINE, variable REQUIRED INPUTS: variable: The variable to be deleted. Up to 10 variables may be specified as arguments. SIDE EFFECTS: The variable no longer exists. EXAMPLE: To delete the variable "info", type: IDL> Undefine, info MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by David Fanning, 8 June 97, from an original program given to me by Andrew Cool, DSTO, Adelaide, Australia. Simplified program so you can pass it an undefined variable. :-) 17 May 2000. DWF Simplified it even more by removing the unnecessary SIZE function. 28 June 2002. DWF. Added capability to delete up to 10 variables at suggestion of Craig Markwardt. 10 Jan 2008. DWF.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: YESNO PURPOSE: Query user for decisions with only two possible answers. CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: ANSWER = YESNO( QUESTION [,DEFAULT=DEFAULT ,/STRING ] ) INPUTS: QUESTION -> A string containing the query. The following will automatically be added to QUESTION: ' (Y/N) [x] : ' where x is replaced by the default selection. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DEFAULT -> either 0 (for 'NO') or 1 (for 'YES'). Default is 0. /QUIT_OPTION -> if set, the user can quit with 'Q'. This option is appended to the (Y/N) string. YesNo returns -1 if quit was selected. /STRING -> set this keyword to return a 'Y' or 'N' instead of the numerical values 0 or 1. OUTPUTS: ANSWER -> An integer 0 or 1 that can be used in boolean expressions, or a 1 character string if /STRING is set. -1 is returned if /QUIT was allowed and used. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: '0' or '1' are also accepted as input. Everything but 'y', 'Y', '1' is treated as 'N'. 'Q' or 'C' can both be used to quit. EXAMPLES: (1) IF ( YESNO( 'Shall we meet today?', DEFAULT=1) ) $ THEN GOTO, MEETING (2) ANS = YESNO( 'Do you really want to quit?' ) if ( ans ) then return (3) ANS = YESNO( 'Save data ?', /QUIT, default=1 ) IF ( ANS LT 0 ) THEN RETURN MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 22 Jan 1999: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 23 Mar 1999: - added /QUIT option - bug fix: '0' was recognized as 'Y' bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/