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NAME: UNDEFINE PURPOSE: The purpose of this program is to delete or undefine an IDL program variable from within an IDL program or at the IDL command line. It is a more powerful DELVAR. AUTHOR: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING David Fanning, Ph.D. 1642 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: CATEGORY: General CALLING SEQUENCE: UNDEFINE, variable REQUIRED INPUTS: variable: The variable to be deleted. Up to 10 variables may be specified as arguments. SIDE EFFECTS: The variable no longer exists. EXAMPLE: To delete the variable "info", type: IDL> Undefine, info MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by David Fanning, 8 June 97, from an original program given to me by Andrew Cool, DSTO, Adelaide, Australia. Simplified program so you can pass it an undefined variable. :-) 17 May 2000. DWF Simplified it even more by removing the unnecessary SIZE function. 28 June 2002. DWF. Added capability to delete up to 10 variables at suggestion of Craig Markwardt. 10 Jan 2008. DWF.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/general/
NAME: UPDATE_LIBRARY PURPOSE: automatic update of IDL WWW library CATEGORY: Documentation CALLING SEQUENCE: UPDATE_LIBRARY,TARGETDIR,TARNAME [,keywords] INPUTS: TARGETDIR --> directory where WWW library resides Usually a local directory, the contents of which is then ftp'd to the www site (default: '~/IDL/lib-tools/'). TARNAME --> after copying all the required files, the library is tar'd and compressed. TARNAME is the name of the uncompressed file (default 'idl_lib.tar'). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DIRS --> directories to search for files with SEARCHPATTERN. This will only come to effect if no LISTFILE is given (default ['~/IDL/tools/','~/IDL/tools3d']). SEARCHPATTERN --> string array of filemasks which may contain wildcards and determine the files to be included in the library (default ['*.pro', '*.doc']). This parameter is also used to obtain a list of files that are already in the library and to determine the files to delete if the PACKAGE option is set. LISTFILE --> Name of a file that contains the names of all the files to be included in the library (E.g. output from the DISTRIBUTE routine, although this cannot be used directly). In this case, no search for matching files is performed. PACKAGE --> Normally, the individual files of the library will remain in TARGETDIR together with the compressed tar file. If the PACKAGE option is set, all individual files will be deleted after creation of a new tar file. In order to retain information about files once included in the library, the file 'dirlist.old' is created before deleting the files. Normally this file is created at the beginning of program execution. NO_ACTION --> DO not copy any files, create a tar file or compress this. This will only produce a list of all the files that would be included in the library together with their status label ('NEW' or 'UPDATE', 'OLD' is represented byu blanks) OUTPUTS: Unless the NO_ACTION keyword is set, the TARGETDIR will contain a compressed tar file and unless the PACKAGE option is set, it will also contain a copy of all individual files that make up the library. SUBROUTINES: REQUIREMENTS: Requires function STRRIGHT. NOTES: This routine uses SPAWN extensively. The spawned commands are UNIX specific. The file status 'UPDATED' is obtained by comparing the filedate of all files that are not 'NEW' with the date of the compressed tar file using the Unix find command. EXAMPLE: UPDATE_LIBRARY will collect all '*.pro', and '*.doc' files in the directories '~/IDL/tools', and '~/IDL/tools3d' , copy them into the default target directory '~/IDL/lib-tools', tar them and compress the tar file 'idl-lib.tar'. In order to create a library with all '*.pro' and '*.sav' files of all subdirectories of '~/IDL/' in the target directory 'lib-all' type: DIRS = STR_SEP(EXPAND_PATH('+~/IDL'),':') SEARCH = ['*.pro','*.sav'] UPDATE_LIBRARY,'~/lib-all/','all_idl.tar',dirs=DIRS, $ searchpattern=SEARCH In order to pack together all the files needed to run program TEST.PRO, proceed as follows: (if you are in IDL, exit and come back in) JOURNAL,'test.files' DISTRIBUTE,'test' JOURNAL (now edit your journal file 'test.files', keeping only the names of the files that belong to the package, and maybe add documentation and/or example files that you would like to include in the library and create directory ~/lib-test) UPDATE_LIBRARY,'~/lib-test','test.tar',listfile='test.files', $ SEARCHPATTERN=['*.pro','*.doc','*.data'],/PACKAGE Note, that the filemasks in SEARCHPATTERN will be used to obtain the file status, and to find the files to be deleted after updating the library. They are not necessary to include these files in the library. This is completely controlled by the entries of listfile. If you want to collect all '*.data' files from a list of directories in a library without keeping a copy of the individual files try: dirlist=['~/data/','~/data/aircraft/','~/data/surface/'] UPDATE_LIBRARY,dirlist,'all_data.tar',/package, $ searchpattern='*.data' MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 19 Nov 1997: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 22 Feb 1999: replaced findfile with mfindfile for SGI bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/doc/
NAME: USAGE PURPOSE: Display help information on any routine in the IDL path that has a (more or less) standard header. CATEGORY: Documentation CALLING SEQUENCE: USAGE, ROUTINENAME INPUTS: ROUTINENAME -> (string) name of the routine for which help information shall be provided. Tip: to get help for the current routine use function ROUTINE_NAME(). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /PRINTALL -> prints complete header information. Normally, only "user relevant" information is displayed. OUTPUTS: Prints usage information on the screen. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Referenced: ================================ DATATYPE (function) FILE_EXIST (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: This routine is meant to replace /HELP constructs etc. EXAMPLES: (1) IF ( N_PARAMS() NE 2 ) THEN BEGIN PRINT,'Invalid number of arguments!' USAGE, routine_name() ENDIF ; Put this error check IF block at the top of ; an IDL routine to display the doc header ; info if the wrong # of arguments are passed (2) USAGE, 'MY_ROUTINE', /PRINTALL ; Print complete doc header information from ; the IDL routine "". MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 27 Mar 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 16 Jun 1998: - replaced close by free_lun bmy, 09 May 2002: TOOLS VERSION 1.50 - test RNAME to see if it's a string - updated comments bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/doc/
NAME: USSA_ALT (function) PURPOSE: Return the altitude for a given pressure corresponding to the US Standard Atmosphere. CATEGORY: Atmospheric Sciences CALLING SEQUENCE: ALT = USSA_ALT( PRESSURE ) INPUTS: PRESSURE -> a floating point value, variable or vector for which temperatures shall be returned. Pressure must correspond to an altitude of less than 100 km. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: ALT -> An altitude value or vector [in km] SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =============================== USSA_PRESS (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: Computes approx. altitudes (logp fit to US Standard Atmosphere) tested vs. interpolated values, 5th degree polynomial gives good results (ca. 1% for 0-100 km, ca. 0.5% below 30 km) EXAMPLE: PRINT, USSA_ALT( [ 1000, 800, 600, 400, 200] ) 0.106510 1.95628 4.20607 7.16799 11.8405 ; Prints altitudes corresponding to 1000, 800, ; 600, 400, 200 hPa based on the US Std Atmosphere. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 17 Jun 1998: VERSION 1.00 - removed section of code from CTM_GRID.PRO by mgs bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/atm_sci/
NAME: USSA_PRESS (function) PURPOSE: Return the pressure for a given altitude corresponding to the US Standard Atmosphere CATEGORY: Atmospheric Sciences CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = USSA_PRESS( ALTITUDE ) INPUTS: ALTITUDE -> a floating point value, variable or vector for which temperatures shall be returned. Altitude must lie in the range of 0-50 km. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: RESULT -> A pressure value or vector [in mbar] SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: The function evaluates a 5th order polynomial which had been fitted to USSA data from 0-100 km. Accuracy is on the order of 0.5% below 30 km, and 1% above. EXAMPLE: PRINT, USSA_PRESS( [ 0, 10, 20, 30 ] ) 998.965 264.659 55.2812 11.9484 ; Returns pressures corresponding to 0, 10, 20, ; and 30 km, as based on the US Std Atmosphere MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 23 May 1998: VERSION 1.00 (designed from USSA_TEMP.PRO) bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/atm_sci/
NAME: USSA_TEMP (function) PURPOSE: Return the temperature for a given altitude corresponding to the US Standard Atmosphere CATEGORY: Atmospheric Sciences CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = USSA_TEMP( ALTITUDE ) INPUTS: ALTITUDE -> a floating point value, variable or vector for which temperatures shall be returned. Altitude must lie in the range of 0-50 km. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: RESULT -> A temperature value or vector [in K] SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: The function evaluates a 6th order polynomial which had been fitted to USSA data from 0-50 km. Accuracy is on the order of 2 K below 8 km, and 5 K from 8-50 km. Note that this is less than the actual variation in atmospheric temperatures. USSA_TEMP was designed to assign a temperature value to CTM grid boxes in order to allow conversion from mixing ratios to concentrations and vice versa. EXAMPLE: PRINT, USSA_TEMP( [ 0, 10, 20, 30 ] ) 288.283 226.094 216.860 229.344 ; Returns the temperature [K] at 0, 10, 20, 30 km ; corresponding to the US Standard Atmosphere MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 16 May 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/atm_sci/