GAMAP PLOTTING routines in *

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Last modified: Tue Apr 4 10:50:22 2017.

List of Routines

Routine Descriptions


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        Compare observations from aircraft campaigns to 
        high time-resolution CTM output (bpch files).
        This routine reads aircraft data in binary (bdt) format
        and produces an unlabeld plot and returns all the data
        you might ask for. If an aircraft mission extends beyond
        midnight GMT, the program will ask for a second model file
        which should be from the following day.

        GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting

        COMPARE_FLIGHT, keywords


      DATAFILE -> Name of the aircraft data file or file mask

      MODELFILE -> Name of the (first) model output file or file mask

      TRACER -> tracer number in model output (default=71)

      PSURF -> surface pressure for model grid (default=1013, because most
          aircraft data was sampled over oceans)

      FLIGHTDATA -> returns the observational data array as read
          with gte_readbin. Can also be used to pass flight data if you
          set the USE_DATA flag.

      FLIGHTVARS -> returns the variable names of the observational data.
          Must accompany FLIGHTDATA if you use USE_DATA.

      SPECIES -> the name of the observed species to plot (default CH3I).

      MODELDATA -> returns a time series of model data along the flight 
          track and a couple of min/max values:
             MODELDATA[*,0] = model value in corresponding grid box
                      [*,1] = min of neighbouring grid boxes at same level
                      [*,2] = max ...
                      [*,3] = min of neighbouring grid boxes at level below
                      [*,4] = max ...
                      [*,5] = min of neighbouring grid boxes at level above
                      [*,6] = max ...
          Note that the min/max arrays may contain values from the same
          grid boxes at the edges (i.e. there is no level below the first
          one, hence 3,4 will be identical to 1,2).

      TIME -> returns the time vector of the observations and modeldata

      /USE_DATA -> set this flag if you provide the aircraft data in the
          FLIGHTDATA array and the variable names in FLIGHTVARS. The data
          must contain variables named 'LON', 'LAT', 'ALTP' and SPECIES
          (for SPECIES see above). You must also provide a TIME vector
          which specifies UTC seconds.

      The extracted data is returned in MODELDATA, several other keywords
      return things read or computed in the process.

      EXTRACT__FLIGHT : actual workhorse that does the extraction

      chkstru, ctm_get_data (GAMAP), gte_readbin (GTE)

      Some hardwiring of default directories.

      simply  COMPARE_FLIGHT,tracer=1  if all you want is a plot

      mgs, 21 Apr 1999: VERSION 1.00
  bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10

(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/


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        CTM_LABEL (function)

        Returns strings for several CTM quantities.

        GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting


        DATAINFO -> Structure returned from CTM_GET_DATA, which
             contains information about one data block
        MODELINFO -> Structure returned from CTM_TYPE, which
             contains information about the particular model 

        AVERAGE -> Bit flag indicating the dimensions over which
                   to average the data:
                      1 :  longitudinal
                      2 :  latitudinal
                      4 :  vertical
             These values can be combined. E.g., to average over
             longitude and latitude use 3. A bit set in AVERAGE 
             supersedes the corresponding bit in  TOTAL (see below). 

        LAT -> Scalar value or array of latitudes used in the plot.
        LON -> Scalar value or array of longitudes used in the plot.
        LEV -> Scalar value or array of latitudes used in the plot.

        ALT -> Scalar value or array of altitudes used in the plot.

        PRS -> Scalar value or array of pressures used in the plot.

        TOTAL -> Bit flag indicating the dimensions over which
                 to sum the data:
                      1 :  longitudinal
                      2 :  latitudinal
                      4 :  vertical
             These values can be combined. E.g., to integrate over 
             longitude and latitude use 3. A bit set in AVERAGE 
             supersedes the corresponding bit in TOTAL (see above).

        FORMAT -> Specifies format for converting numeric values into
             string values, for selected fields (such as LAT and LON).
             Default is I14 (strings are trimmed).

        /NO_SPECIAL -> If set, will not place any special superscript
             or subscript characters into the strings returned in

        LABELSTRU -> Structure containing the following label fields:
             LAT:        String for latitude(s)     
             LON:        String for longitude(s)
             LEV:        String for vertical level(s)
             ALT:        String for altitude level(s)
             PRS:        String for pressure level(s)
             LATLON:     String that has format "(Lat,Lon)"
             TRACERNAME: String for the tracer name
             SCALE:      String for the tracer's scale factor
             UNIT:       String for the tracer's unit
             TAU0:       String representation of TAU0
             TAU1:       String representation of TAU1
             YMD0:       String representation of (YY)YYMMDD
                           corresponding to TAU0
             YMD1:       String representation of (YY)YYMMDD
                           corresponding to TAU1
             HMS0:       String representation of HHMMSS
                           corresponding to TAU0
             HMS1:       String representation of HHMMSS
                           corresponding to TAU1
             YEAR0:      String for the starting year (e.g. 1994)
             YEAR1:      String for the ending year 
             MONTH0:     String for the starting month name 
                          (e.g. "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", etc..)
             MONTH1:     String for the ending month name
             DAY0:       String for the starting day number (1-31)
             DAY1:       String for the ending day number (1-31)
             DATE:       String for the date (see below)
             MODEL:      String for the model name
             FAMILY      String for the model's family
             RES:        String for the resolution of the model 

        External Subroutines Required:
        CHKSTRU (function)     STRCHEM (function)
        STRSCI  (function)     TAU2YYMMDD (function)
        DATAINFO and MODELINFO must be passed to CTM_LABEL.  These
        structures are computed by the GAMAP package subroutines.

        DATAINFO is created e.g. by CTM_GET_DATA (or CTM_GET_DATABLOCK)
        MODELINFO is created by CTM_TYPE

        CTM_LABEL, DataInfo, ModelInfo, LabelStru, Lat=10, Lon=48
        print, LabelStru.LAT

         bmy, 23 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.00
         bmy, 24 Sep 1998: - now ensure that RES is a scalar string
                           - place TAU2YYMMDD in FORWARD_FUNCTION call
         bmy, 28 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.01
                           - formats for LatStr, LonStr, LevStr
                             changed to be more consistent.
         mgs, 29 Sep 1998: - changed a few comments and fixed bug in 
         bmy, 03 Nov 1998: - changed NAME to TRACERNAME for
                             the sake of consistency
         bmy, 12 Nov 1998: - added LABELSTRU structure tags: YEAR0,
                             YEAR1, MONTH0, MONTH1, DAY0, DAY1, and DATE
                           - now reports lats as S/N instead of -/+ 
                             and reports lons as W/E instead of -/+
         bmy, 17 Nov 1998: - now use function N_UNIQ to test for
                             the number of unique elements in
                             LAT, LON, LEV, ALT, PRS
                           - Added FORMAT keyword to specify 
                             format for LAT and LON strings
                           - updated comments
         bmy, 15 Jan 1999: - added NO_SPECIAL keyword
         bmy, 17 Feb 1999: - Now add GMT to date string for timeseries
                             animation plots (interval < 1 day)
                           - make sure that HMS0STR and HMS1STR have
                             string lengths of 6 characters
         bmy, 18 Feb 1999: - fix default DATE string for February
         mgs, 16 Mar 1999: - cosmetic changes
                           - removed SUBTRACT_ONE keyword and improved
                             choice of date format
         bmy, 13 Jul 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48
                           - Use updated version of STRREPL.PRO from mgs 
         bmy, 07 Nov 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.49
                           - now use 8-digit YYYYMMDD format for
                             date variables YMD0, YMD1
         bmy, 02 Oct 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.53
                           - now write GEOS3 instead of GEOS3_30L
         bmy, 05 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01
                           - now write GEOS4 instead of GEOS3_30L
                           - now use the proper time epoch for each
                             model family in call to TAU2YYMMDD
                           - updated comments
  bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10

(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

        Calls TVMAP to plot a pixel or contour map and then overplots 
        either an aircraft flight track or individual station data 
        atop it.

        GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting

        CTM_OVERLAY, DATA,   XMID,   YMID, $
                     TRACKD, TRACKX, TRACKY [, Keywords ]

        DATA -> Data array (e.g. from CTM_GET_DATA or CTM_GET_DATABLOCK)
             from which a pixel plot or contour plot will be generated.

        XMID -> Vector of longitudes corresponding to DATA.

        YMID -> Vector of latitudes corresponding to DATA

        TRACKD -> Vector of data values corresponding to the aircraft
             flight track or station data points.

        TRACKX -> Vector of longitudes corresponding to the aircraft 
             flight track or station data points.  Should be in the 
             range [-180,180].

        TRACKY -> Vector of longitudes corresponding to the aircraft
             flight track or station data points.  Should be in the 
             range [-90,90].

        C_COLORS -> Vector to specify the color levels for filled
             contour plots.  If not passed, then C_COLORS will return
             to the calling program the default color level values
             generated internally by TVMAP.
        C_LEVELS -> Vector containing contour levels for filled
             contour plots.  Used in conjunction with /FCONTOUR. 

        COLOR -> Color of the map outline.  Passed to TVMAP.

        /FCONTOUR -> Set this switch to generate a filled-contour
             plot instead of a pixel plot.

        /LOG -> Set this switch to use a logarithmic color table.

        MINDATA -> Minimum value of DATA.  If omitted, then MINDATA
             will be automatically set to the minimum value of DATA.

        MAXDATA -> Minimum value of DATA.  If omitted, then MINDATA
             will be automatically set to the minimum value of DATA.

        /OVERPLOT -> Set this keyword to overplot a flight track
             atop a map previously drawn by TVMAP.

        T_COLOR -> (1) If plotting aircraft flight track data, then
             T_COLOR will be used to define the color of the line.
             (2) If plotting symbol data, then T_COLOR will be used to
             describe the color of the border around the symbol.  
             To suppress printing a border around the symbol, use
             any negative value for T_COLOR (e.g. T_COLOR = -1).

        T_LINESTYLE -> IDL linestyle for the aircraft flight track.
             Takes same values as the LINESTYLE graphic keyword
             (see help pages).

        T_SYMBOL -> Argument to the SYM keyword, which will be used
             to define the individual data points if you are plotting
             station data.  Recommended value: 1 (filled circle).

        T_THICK -> Thickness of the aircraft flight track, in pixels.
        _EXTRA=e -> Passes extra keywords to TVMAP and OPLOT.


        Internal Subroutines:
        SCALETRACK (function)

        External Subroutines Required:
        MULTIPANEL      MYCT_DEFAULTS (function) 
        TVMAP           RECTANGLE
        SYM (function)


        You can pass all of the same keywords to CTM_OVERLAY_FLIGHT
        as you do to TVMAP.    

        (1) Plot flight tracks atop a pixel or contour map

        ; Read the data -- in this case, CO concentrations
        SUCCESS = CTM_Get_DataBlock( Data, 'IJ-AVG-$',     $
                                     File='ctm.bpch.1995', $
                                     Tra=4,                $
                                     /First,               $
                                     Lon=[-180, 180],      $
                                     Lat=[-88,   88],      $
                                     Lev=1,                $
                                     XMid=XXmid, Ymid=YYMid )
        ; Make a "fake" aircraft track
        ; Here we'll use MAP_2POINTS to create a "fake" flight 
        ; track of constant longitude (30 deg E meridian)
        nPts   = 101
        a      = MAP_2POINTS( 30, -90, 30, 90, NPATH=NPTS )
        TrackX = A[0,*]
        TrackY = A[1,*]
        TrackD = FltArr( nPts )                  
        ; Plot a pixel map w/ countries, continents, grid lines,
        ; and overlay a red, dashed-line flight track atop it.
        CTM_OverLay, Data, XXMid, YYMid, TrackD, TrackX, TrackY, $
           /Sample,    /Countries,    /Coasts,    /CBar,         $      
           Div=4,      Min_Val=1e-20, /Isotropic, /Grid,         $ 
           Title='Pixel map overlaid /w contour map',            $    
           T_Color=!MYCT.RED, T_Thick=2, T_LineStyle=2
        ; Make a second "fake" aircraft track
        ; (of course, if you have a real flight track, use it...)
        TrackX = Replicate( 72, 100 )
        TrackY = Findgen( 100 ) - 50
        TrackD = Fltarr( 100 )
        ; Call CTM_OVERLAY again with /OVERPLOT to 
        ; overplot the second flight track
        CTM_OverLay, Data, XXMid, YYMid, TrackD, TrackX, TrackY, $
           T_Color=!MYCT.BLUE, T_Thick=2, T_LineStyle=2, /OVERPLOT

       (2) Draw Boxes for Tagged Tracer regions

       ; Define (X,Y) coordinates of first tagged tracer region
       TrackX = [ 0, 60, 60,  0, 0 ]
       TrackY = [ 0,  0, 30, 30, 0 ]
       TrackD = [ 0,  0,  0,  0, 0 ]
       ; Call CTM_OVERLAY with all TVMAP keywords to
       ; plot the map and to initialize the map dataspace
       CTM_OverLay, Data, XXMid, YYMid, TrackD, TrackX, TrackY, $
          /Sample,    /Countries,    /Coasts,    /CBar,         $      
          Div=4,      Min_Val=1e-20, /Isotropic, /Grid,         $       
          Title='Test pixel map w/ overlay boxes',              $
          T_Thick=3,  T_Color=!MYCT.BLACK,  T_LineStyle=0
       ; Define second tagged tracer region
       TrackX = [ 0, 120, 120,   0, 0 ]
       TrackY = [ 0,   0, -30, -30, 0 ]
       ; Call CTM_OVERLAY with /OVERPLOT to overplot
       ; atop the previously defined map
       CTM_OverLay, Data, XXMid, YYMid, TrackX, TrackY, $
          /OVERPLOT, T_Thick=3, T_Color=!MYCT.RED, T_LineStyle=0

       (3) Plot individual station data points

       ; Define "fake" station data for demo
       ; (along the equator between 60W and 60E)
       Ind    = Where( XMid ge -60 AND XMid le 60, N )
       TrackD = Findgen(N) + 20
       TrackY = Fltarr(N)  + 0
       TrackX = Xmid[Ind]

       ; Call CTM_OVERLAY with all TVMAP keywords to
       ; plot the map and to initialize the map dataspace
       CTM_OverLay, Data, XXMid, YYMid, TrackD, TrackX, TrackY, $
          /Sample,    /Countries,    /Coasts,    /CBar,         $      
          Div=4,      Min_Val=1e-20, /Isotropic, /Grid,         $      
          T_Symbol=1, SymSize=2,                                $
          Title='Test pixel map w/ station data',           

        bmy, 05 Oct 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05
                          - Modified from CTM_OVERLAY_FLIGHT and
                            renamed to CTM_OVERLAY
  bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
  dbm & bmy, 06 Nov 2007: - Modified to allow filled contour plots
  cdh & bmy, 18 Feb 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13
                          - Now pass LOG=LOG to TVMAP call to ensure
                            that TVMAP gets the /LOG keyword OK
  bmy & cph, 14 Jan 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.14
                          - Remove the call to the PLOT command after
                            TVMAP. This does set up the approropriate
                            coordinates for map projections other
                            than /CYLINDRICAL.
                          - Now use PLOTS to plot symbols or lines
                            rather than OPLOT.
                          - Updated comments
        cdh, 24 Feb 2010: - Added /NOADVANCE keyword
        bmy, 06 Aug 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.14
                          - Now set default values for C_COLORS
                            for filled contour plots if not specified
   bf & bmy, 18 Oct 2010: - Bug fix submitted by Bonne Ford to allow
                            more than one overlay on the same plot
        bmy, 10 Feb 2016: GAMAP VERSION 2.19
                          - If plotting symbols, suppress symbol borders
                            if T_COLOR is negative (e.g. T_COLOR=-1).
                          - Now require adding /NOADVANCE before each 
                            successive call to CTM_OVERLAY with /OVERPLOT

(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

        Calls TVMAP to plot a pixel or contour map and then overplots 
        wind data atop it.
        %%%% NOTE: Still in BETA testing! %%%%

        GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting

        CTM_OVERLAY, DATA, XMID, YMID, U, V, [, Keywords ]

        DATA -> Data array (e.g. from CTM_GET_DATA or CTM_GET_DATABLOCK)
             from which a pixel plot or contour plot will be generated.

        XMID -> Vector of longitudes corresponding to DATA.

        YMID -> Vector of latitudes corresponding to DATA

        U -> Array of U-wind values

        V -> Array of V-wind values

        COLOR -> Color of the map outline.  Passed to TVMAP.

        /LOG -> Set this switch to use a logarithmic color table.

        MINDATA -> Minimum value of DATA.  If omitted, then MINDATA
             will be automatically set to the minimum value of DATA.

        MAXDATA -> Minimum value of DATA.  If omitted, then MINDATA
             will be automatically set to the minimum value of DATA.

        /OVERPLOT -> Set this keyword to overplot the wind
             atop a map previously drawn by TVMAP.
        _EXTRA=e -> Passes extra keywords to TVMAP and VELOCITY_FIELD.


        Internal Subroutines:
        SCALETRACK (function)

        External Subroutines Required
        MULTIPANEL      MYCT_DEFAULTS (function) 
        TVMAP           RECTANGLE
        SYM (function)

        Uses routines from both GAMAP and TOOLS packages.

        You can pass all of the same keywords to CTM_OVERLAY_FLIGHT
        as you do to TVMAP.    

        (1) Plot flight tracks atop a pixel or contour map

        ; Read the data -- in this case, CO concentrations
        SUCCESS = CTM_Get_DataBlock( Data, 'IJ-AVG-$',     $
                                     File='ctm.bpch.1995', $
                                     Tra=4,                $
                                     /First,               $
                                     Lon=[-180, 180],      $
                                     Lat=[-88,   88],      $
                                     Lev=1,                $
                                     XMid=XXmid, Ymid=YYMid )

        ; Make a "fake" wind [TO DOCUMENT]

  bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
        phs, 20 Mar 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12
                          - cleanup, updated for new TVMAP
                          - now pass Map Position to velocity_field

(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/


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        General plotting tool for CTM data that is stored in the 
        GAMAP datainfo and fileinfo structures. CTM_PLOT can 
        handle everything from 0-D to 3-D and has many different
        plot options, especially for 2-D plots for which it was
        originally designed. E.g. full map support.

        GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting

        CTM_PLOT, [ Diagn [ [ ,Keywords ] ] 

        DIAGN -> The diagnostic number (e.g. ND22, ND45, etc or 
             category name (e.g. "JV-MAP", "IJ-AVG") for which to 
             read data from the punch file. 

    Keyword parameters passed to CTM_GET_DATABLOCK:
        FILENAME -> Name of the punch file to read data from.  
             FILENAME is passed to CTM_GET_DATABLOCK.  You can also
             use a file mask, in which case FILENAME will return the 
             full filename if it is a named variable. If an empty 
             filename is provided, the default search mask from 
             gamap.defaults (see gamap.cmn) will be used. If no 
             filename is given, ctm_plot will try 
             to find the records from data already loaded.

        TRACER -> Number of tracer to read from the punch file.

        TAU0, /FIRST, /LAST -> time step to be plotted

        LON -> If /INDEX is set, LON denotes the CTM longitude index
             of the box to plot.  Otherwise, LON denotes the actual
             longitude value of that box. (that is at box CENTER, phs

        LAT -> If /INDEX is set, LAT denotes the CTM latitude index
             of the box to plot.  Otherwise, LAT denotes the actual
             latitude value of that box. (that is at box CENTER, phs

        LEV -> An index array of sigma levels *OR* a two-element
             vector specifying the min and max sigma levels to be 
             included in the plot.  Default is [ 1, GRIDINFO.LMX ].
        ALTRANGE -> A vector specifying the min and max altitude
             values to be included in the extracted data block.

        PRANGE -> A vector specifying the min and max pressure 
             levels to be included in the extracted data block.

        /INDEX -> If set, will interpret LAT, LEV, and LON as CTM 
             indices.  If not set, will interpret LAT, LEV, and LON
             as the actual values of latitude, level, and longitude.
             NOTE: If /INDEX is set, then GAMAP cannot create plots
             for longitude ranges that span the date line!!!

        AVERAGE -> If = 0, will not average the data 
                      = 1, will average data longitudinally
                      = 2, will average data latitudinally
                      = 4, will average data vertically
             These are cumulative (e.g. AVERAGE=3 will average over 
             both lat and lon, and AVERAGE=7 will average over lat,
             lon, and vertical levels to produce 1 data point).
        TOTAL -> If = 0, will not total data
                    = 1, will total data longitudinally
                    = 2, will total data latitudinally
                    = 4, will total data vertically
             These are cumulative (e.g. TOTAL=3 will total over both 
             lat and lon, and TOTAL=7 will total over lat, lon, and 
             vertical levels to produce 1 data point).

        USE_FILEINFO -> (optional) If provided, CTM_GET_DATABLOCK will 
             restrict its search to only the files that are
             contained in USE_FILEINFO which must be a FILEINFO 
             structure array. Default is to use the global information 
             If an undefined named variable is provided in USE_FILEINFO,
             it will either contain the global FILEINFO structure array 
             or the FILEINFO record of the specified file.
             USE_FILEINFO and USE_DATAINFO must be consistent, and should
             either both be used or omitted. However, it is
             possible to provide the global FILEINFO structure 
             (or nothing) with a local subset of DATAINFO.

        USE_DATAINFO -> (optional) Restrict search to records contained
             in USE_DATAINFO which must be a DATAINFO structure array. 
             If an undefined named variable is provided in USE_DATAINFO,
             it will either contain the global DATAINFO structure array 
             or all DATAINFO records of the specified file.
             See also USE_FILEINFO.

    Keywords passed to CTM_CONVERT_UNIT:
        UNIT -> Name of the unit that the DATA array will be converted
             to. If not specified, then no unit conversion will be done.

    Keywords passed to TVMAP or TVPLOT:
        NOERASE -> Do not erase previous plot.
        POSITION -> A four-element array of normalized coordinates
             that specifies the location of map on the plot. POSITION
             has the same form as the POSITION keyword on a plot. 
             Default is [0.1, 0.05, 0.9, 0.08]. (Passed to TVMAP).

        NCOLORS -> This is the maximum color index that will be used.

        BOTTOM -> The lowest color index of the colors to be loaded
             used in the color map and color bar.

        /NOCBAR -> If set, will not plot the colorbar below the map
             in the position specified by CBPOSITION.  Default is to
             plot a colorbar.

        CBCOLOR -> Color index of the colorbar outline and
             characters.  Defaults to BLACK (from

        CBPOSITION -> A four-element array of normalized coordinates
             that specifies the location of the colorbar. BARPOSITION 
             has the same form as the POSITION keyword on a plot. 
             Default is [0.1, 0.05, 0.9, 0.08]. 

        CBUNIT -> Passes the Unit string to COLORBAR, which will be
             plotted to the right of the color bar.  NOTE: For black
             & white contour plots, the string specified by CBUNIT
             will be plotted below the X-axis.  

        CBFORMAT -> format to use in call to colorbar. Default is I12
             if abs(max(data)) < 1e4, else e12.2 (strings get trimmed)

        COLOR  -> Color index of the map outline and title characters.  
             Defaults to BLACK (from Also used as
             plot color for 1-D (line) plots.

        MPARAM -> A 3 element vector containing values for
             [ P0Lat, P0Lon, Rot ].  Default is [ 0, 0, 0 ].

        POSITION -> A four-element array of normalized coordinates
             that specifies the location of the map.  POSITION has
             the same form as the POSITION keyword on a plot. 
             Default is [0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9]. 

        TITLE -> The title string that is to be placed atop the
             map window.  

        /NOCONTINENTS -> If set, will suppress adding continent lines
             to the map.  Default is to call MAP_CONTINENTS to plot
             continent outlines or filled boundaries.

        CCOLOR -> The color index of the continent outline or fill 
             region.  Default is BLACK (from
        CFILL -> Value passed to FILL_CONTINENTS keyword of
             MAP_CONTINENTS.  If CFILL=1 then will fill continents
             with a solid color (as specified in CCOLOR above).  
             If CFILL=2 then will fill continents with hatching.

        /NOGRID -> If set, will suppress printing of grid lines.
             Default is to call MAP_GRID to overlay grid lines.
        GCOLOR -> The color index of the grid lines.
             Default is BLACK (from

        /NOGLABELS -> Will suppres printing of labels for each grid
             line in TVMAP.PRO.  Default is to print grid labels
             for each grid line.

        /NOISOTROPIC -> Will suppress plotting of an isotropic map
             (i.e. one with the same X and Y scale).  Default is to 
             print an isotropic map.
        /CONTOUR -> Will produce a line-contour map instead of the 
             default color-pixel image map.

        /FCONTOUR -> Will produce a filled contour map instead
             of the default color-pixel image map. If you find
             that one or more color bands are not filled properly, 
             try the /CELL_FILL keyword. This is a known IDL precularity.

        C_LEVELS -> Vector containing the contour levels.  If not
             specified, TVMAP will use quasi-logarithmic levels.

        C_COLORS -> Index array of color levels for each line (or
             each fill section) of the contour map.  If not
             specified, TVMAP will select default colors from the 

        C_ANNOTATION -> Vector containing the contour labels.
             Default is to use string representations of C_LEVELS.

        C_FORMAT -> Format string used in converting C_LEVELS to
             the default C_ANNOTATION values.  Default is '(f8.1)'.

        C_LABELS -> Specifies which contour levels should be labeled.
             By default, every other contour level is labeled.  C_LABELS 
             allows you to override this default and explicitly
             specify the levels to label. This parameter is a vector, 
             converted to integer type if necessary.  If the LEVELS 
             keyword is specified, the elements of C_LABELS
             correspond directly to the levels specified, otherwise, 
             they correspond to the default levels chosen by the 
             CONTOUR procedure. Setting an element of the vector to 
             zero causes that contour label to not be labeled.  A
             nonzero value forces labeling. 

             NOTE: If C_LABELS is given as a scalar, then it will be
             expanded to a vector with all elements having the same value.

        /C_LINES -> Will overplot a filled-contour map with contour lines
             and labels instead of plotting a colorbar. This was the old
             default behaviour but has been changed with the advent of
             "discrete" colorbars. The old NOLINES keyword is kept
             for compatibility reasons but doesn't do anything.

        /NOLABELS -> Will suppress printing contour labels on both
             line-contour and filled-contour maps.

        OVERLAYCOLOR -> Color of the solid lines that will be
             overlaid atop a filled contour map.  Default is BLACK.

        /OVERPLOT -> Add an additional line plot to an existing one.
             You should specify LINE=n and/or COLOR=n to distinguish 
             between curves in this case. You can manually add a legend
             with after the plot(s) are produced.
             Note that the title string will contain information on 
             your first selection only. Use an explicit TITLE for 
             best results.

        /SAMPLE -> Will cause REBIN (in TVMAP) to use nearest-
             neighbor sampling rather than bilinear interpolation.

        /LOG -> Will create a color-pixel plot with logarithmic
             scaling.  /LOG has no effect on line-contour or
             filled-contour plots, since the default contour levels
             are quasi-logarithmic.

        /POLAR -> Create a polar plot. Note that the longitude range must 
             be -180..180 and the latitude range must extend to one pole
             but not straddle the equator.

    Keywords passed to ISOPLETH_MAP:
        ISOPLETH -> Value for which a 3-D isosurface will be computed.
             ISOPLETH_MAP assigns a default value of 35.0.  

    Other Keywords:
        USTR -> Unit string to be plotted to the right of the colorbar.  
             If not specified, then CTM_PLOT  will construct a unit 
             string based on the value of TRACERINFO.UNIT.
             NOTE: USTR is a synonym for the keyword CBUNIT, which
             specifies the color bar unit string.

        THISDATAINFO -> Returns to the calling program the THISDATAINFO
             structure obtained by CTM_GET_DATABLOCK.

        LABELSTRU -> Returns to the calling program the structure
             of label information obtained by CTM_LABEL.
        YRANGE -> range of y values for color scaling (default:
             scale each plot seperately with data min and max)

        X_FORMAT, Y_FORMAT (optional) -> Specifies the format string
             (e.g. '(f10.3)', '(e14.2)' ) for the X and Y axes, when
             making line plots.  If omitted, CTM_PLOT will call
             GET_DEFAULTFORMAT to compute default format strings. 

        RESULT -> A named variable will contain the data subset that was
             plotted together with the X and/or Y coordinates in a structure.
             For 1D plots, either X or Y are -1. 3D visualization returns
             a structure including the Z coordinate.

        _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords for CTM_GET_DATABLOCK,
             CTM_LABEL, TVMAP, and TVPLOT.


        External Subroutines Required:
        CTM_DRAW_CUBE                  CONVERT_LON
        CTM_TRACERINFO                 CTM_CONVERT_UNIT
        TVMAP                          TVPLOT
        CHKSTRU           (function)   MYCT_DEFAULTS     (function)
        CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function)   CTM_LABEL         (function) 
        REPLACE_TOKEN     (function)   CTM_BOXSIZE       (function)   
        GET_DEFAULTFORMAT (function)   GAMAP_CMN     (include file)   

        Also assumes colortable has been loaded with "". 

        (1) Some keywords are saved in local variables with 
        slightly different names (e.g. MCONTOUR for /CONTOUR) 
        to prevent confusion with routine names and/or keywords
        that are picked up by the _EXTRA=e facility.

        (2) Not every possible combination of keywords has been thoroghly 
        tested. *PLEASE* report reproducible errors to!!

        (3) As of 11/17/98, CTM_PLOT can only produce X-Y plots with
        either PRESSURE or ALTITUDE along the left Y-Axis.  The right
        Y-Axis is left disabled (but will fix that later on...) 

        (4) Now define X-axis labels for longitude.  The labels are
        defined correctly for data blocks that span the date line.

             ; To plot an ozone surface map (default) of a 
             ; user-selected file

        FileName = '~/terra/CTM4/run_code/ctm.pch.sep1'
        CTM_PLOT, 22, 1, FileName=FileName, Lev=[1,14], $
           Total=4, /NoErase 

             ; Plots vertically-summed map for tracer 1 of ND22
             ; (J-Values map).  Will erase screen before plotting map.

        CTM_PLOT, 'JV-MAP-$', 1, FileName=FileName, Lev=[1,14], $
           Total=4, /NoErase 

             ; Same as above, but uses category name instead of 
             ; diagnostic number.

        bmy, 21 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.00
        bmy, 22 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.01
                          - added AVERAGE and TOTAL keywords
        bmy, 22 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.10
                          - Modified for use with new versions of
                            CTM_GET_DATABLOCK, CTM_EXTRACT,
                            CTM_LABEL, REPLACE_TOKEN, and TVMAP
        bmy, 25 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.11
                          - modified for TVMAP v. 2.0
        bmy, 28 Sep 1998: VERSION 2.00
                          - modified for TVMAP v. 2.01
                          - renamed LONSHIFT to LSHIFT
        bmy, 29 Sep 1998: - added ALTRANGE and PRANGE keywords
                            (which had been previously omitted)
        bmy, 30 Sep 1998: VERSION 2.01
                          - added call to CTM_CONVERT_UNIT
                          - added LABELSTRU keyword 
        bmy, 07 Oct 1998  VERSION 2.02
                          - now works with TVMAP 3.0
                          - added /CONTOUR, /FCONTOUR, and 
                            /COLORBAR keywords
                          - removed I/O error handling (that 
                            is already done in CTM_GET_DATABLOCK)
        bmy, 08 Oct 1998: VERSION 2.03
                          - now works with CTM_GET_DATABLOCK v. 1.03
                            and CTM_EXTRACT v. 1.04
                          - added DATA and THISDATAINFO keywords so
                            that an external data block can be
                          - another bug fix for UNITSTR
        bmy, 03 Nov 1998: VERSION 2.04
                          - works with new CTM_GET_DATA, 
                            CTM_GET_DATABLOCK and CTM_LABEL routines
                          - Now pass the FILEINFO and DATAINFO
                            structures via USE_FILEINFO and
                            USE_DATAINFO keywords
                          - removed DATA keyword   
                          - changed %NAME% token to %TRACERNAME%
                          - Now can pass an explicit unit string
                            via the USTR keyword
        mgs, 10 Nov 1998: - adapted for use with new CTM_GET_DATABLOCK
                          - changed keyword Erase to NoErase
                          - defaults set to produce an OX surface map
                            from IJ-AVG-$ diagnostics 
                          - allow for vertical cross section plots
                            (interface to TVPLOT) : ** still needs work! **
                          - changed CBAR to NOCBAR
        bmy, 12 Nov 1998: - TRACER is now a keyword instead of
                            an argument
                          - Changed keyword CONTINENTS to
                            NOCONTINENTS and GRID to NOGRID
                          - added NOISOTROPIC, SAMPLE and
        bmy, 13 Nov 1998: - VERSION 3.00
                          - ***** RENAMED to CTM_PLOT *****
                          - updated documentation header
                          - renamed C_LABELS to C_ANNOTATION to
                            prevent keyword name confusion
                          - added NOLINES, NOLABELS, C_LABELS,
                            and OVERLAYCOLOR keywords for tvmap
                          - now gets default colors from 
                          - Error checking for LIMIT keyword
                            (OK for now...fix this later on...)
        bmy, 16 Nov 1998: - Now use %DATE% instead of %YMD1% for
                            all default plot titles
                          - now enhanced for TVPLOT v. 2.0
                          - now only convert units for a tracer 
                            if the default unit is different from
                            the desired unit!!
        bmy, 17 Nov 1998: - added /PRESSURE keyword to plot pressure
                            instead of altitude on the left Y-axis
        mgs, 17 Nov 1998: - messed around quite a bit, because of 
                            (unfortunate) changes in default_range !@#$!@
                          - added CBFormat keyword
        bmy, 23 Nov 1998: - eliminated %SCALE% token from UNITSTR,
                            to be consistent with the latest
                            upgrade to COLORBAR.PRO. 
                          - now pass SECONDS to CTM_CONVERT_UNIT
        bmy, 13 Jan 1999: - add support for line plots.  Also, if
                            the DATA array is averaged down to a
                            single point, will print the value of
                            that point and exit.
                          - use NEWXTITLE and NEWYTITLE as token-replaced
                            strings for XTITLE and YTITLE
        bmy, 15 Jan 1999: - add support for 3-D visualization plots
                          - added unit string for contour plots
                          - now place CTM_LABEL call after the case
                            statement for PLOTTYPE, so that we can
                            suppress printing of special characters
                            in plot titles.
        bmy, 19 Jan 1999: - improve 0-D output
                          - fixed [XY]Titles for line plots
                          - "unitless" is now a unit string option
                          - now use new default color names from
        bmy, 20 Jan 1999: - Updated comments
        mgs, 22 Jan 1999: - couple bug fixes, some code cleaning
                          - added OverPlot keyword to allow multiple
                            line plots
        bmy, 19 Feb 1999: - now pass DEBUG (from GAMAP_CMN) to 
                            CTM_GET_DATABLOCK via DEBUG keyword
                          - Rename XIND, YIND, ZIND keywords to
                            XMID, YMID, ZMID, in call to CTM_GET_DATABLOCK
        bmy, 23 Feb 1999: - Add XTICKNAME, XTICKS, XTICKV in call to
                            TVPLOT...fix for map regions smaller than 
                            the globe
                          - bug fix.../NOGRID was listed as GRID!!!
                          - added keyword /NOGLABELS, which
                            suppresses grid line labels in MAP_SET 
                          - updated comments
        bmy, 26 Feb 1999: - now calls MAP_LABELS to get latitude labels
                            for X, XZ, Y, YZ plot types.
                          - updated comments
        bmy, 04 Mar 1999: - now pass DEBUG keyword to TVMAP
                          - now use GRIDINFO.XEDGE, GRIDINFO.YEDGE
                            to compute the LIMIT keyword for MAP_SET
        mgs, 18 Mar 1999: - minor cleaning
        mgs, 23 Mar 1999: - added ILun to keyword list to prevent retrieval
                            of two otherwise identical records from two
                            different files
        bmy, 25 Mar 1999: - now line plots use MULTIPANEL
                          - if NPANELS >=2 then place the plot title
                            higher above the window, to allow for 
                            carriage-returned lines
                            for X, Y, Z, XY, XZ, YZ plots
        mgs, 25 Mar 1999: - no unit conversion if not necessary
                          - small fix to allow for 2D fields (e.g. EPTOMS)
        bmy, 14 Apr 1999: - now prints unit string at lower right of
                            XZ or YZ plots, if the colorbar is not
        bmy, 26 Apr 1999: - rename YRANGE to YYRANGE internally, so as
                            to avoid confusion with YRANGE plot keywords   
        mgs, 19 May 1999: - removed a few too explicit keyword settings
                            for 1D plots and fixed OverPlot option.
                            Now stores !X, !Y, and !P from last 1D plot
                            in a local common block.
        mgs, 21 May 1999: - restore !X, !Y, and !P at the end of each
                            1-D plot to allow overplotting of data.
        mgs, 25 May 1999: - needed to mess around with lonrange to get
                            it right.
        mgs & bmy, 26 May 1999: - added POLAR keyword
        bmy, 27 May 1999: - bug fix: CBUnit keyword wasn't honored
                          - neither was NoIsotropic
        mgs, 27 May 1999: - changed default behaviour for filled contours:
                            now plots no lines and colorbar. Keyword
                            NoLines changed to C_Lines.
        mgs, 28 May 1999: - added RESULT keyword to return data as plotted
                          - bug fix with wrapping round data: shouldn't be
                            done for vertical cross sections.
        mgs, 02 Jun 1999: - small bug fix for 0D results.
        mgs, bmy 03 Jun 1999: - removed "Unit:" from output
        bmy, 07 Jul 1999: - added PLOTCSFAC scale factor for multipanel
                          - small fixes for line plots
        bmy, 02 Nov 1999: GAMAP VERSION 1.44
                          - return if THISDATAINFO contains
                            information for more than one data block
        bmy, 24 Nov 1999: - now pass _EXTRA=e to CTM_TRACERINFO
                            so that /SMALLCHEM will be passed
        bmy, 13 Dec 1999: - if GRIDINFO is undefined after returning from
                            CTM_GET_DATABLOCK, rebuild it w/ CTM_TYPE
        bmy, 03 Feb 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.45
                          - NOTE: /INDEX does not work with lon range
                            shifting anymore.  Will fix later.
                          - also make sure LON, LAT have two elements 
                          - added X_FORMAT, Y_FORMAT keywords for line plots
                          - updated comments 
        bmy, 06 Apr 2000: - bug fix: restrict X or Y axis range for line
                            plots using the value passed from YYRANGE.
                          - cosmetic changes, updated comments
        bmy, 23 Jan 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.47
                          - now call "" to plot a 3-D
                            isosurface.  3-D visualization via
                            routine "" is obsolete.
                          - added ISOPLETH keyword as pass-thru to 
        bmy, 23 Jul 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48
                          - replaced call to DEFAULT_COLORS with 
                            call to MYCT_DEFAULTS() to specify
                            MYCT color table information
                          - deleted obsolete code from 1998 and 1999
        bmy, 09 Aug 2001: - bug fix: remove reference to BLACK from
                            the old ""
        bmy, 24 May 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50
                          - Now use SI unit hPa instead of mb in axis titles
                          - delete obsolete, commented-out code
        bmy, 28 Sep 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.51
                          - now get default NCOLORS, BOTTOM, BLACK values
                            from !MYCT system variable instead of from
                            the MYCT_DEFAULTS function
        bmy, 16 Apr 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.02
                          - Also need to convert the units of YYRANGE
                            accordingly so that /AUTORANGE will work
        bmy, 16 Jun 2004: - Bug fix: if we do unit conversion, do not
                            let the converted value of YRANGE get
                            passed back to the main program
  bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
                          - Modified for GEOS-5 fields that are
                            defined on level edges
        phs, 19 Mar 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12
                          - Bug fix for working with new map_labels
        phs, 02 Apr 2008: - Bug fix for XZ and YZ pixel plots

(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

        Prints a lat-lon map of 2 CTM fields, their absolute difference, 
        and their percent difference.  This is a quick way of ensuring 
        that two model versions are producing identical results.

        The page will contain the following plot panels:

             Panel #1               Panel #2
             Data Block D1          Data Block D2

             Panel #3               Panel #4
             Abs Diff (D2 - D1)     % Diff (D2 - D1)

        GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting

        CTM_PLOTDIFF, DIAGN, FILE1, FILE2 [, Keywords ]

        DIAGN -> A diagnostic number or category to restrict
             the record selection (default is: "IJ-AVG-$"). 

        FILE1 -> Name of the first CTM output file.  If FILE1
             is not given, or if it contains wildcard characters
             (e.g. "*"), then the user will be prompted to supply
             a file name via a pickfile dialog box.

        FILE2 ->  Name of the second CTM output file.  If FILE2
             is not given, or if it contains wildcard characters
             (e.g. "*"), then the user will be prompted to supply
             a file name via a pickfile dialog box.


        LON -> A 2-element vector specifying the longitude range that
             will be used to make the plot.  Default is [-180,180].

        LAT -> A 2-element vector specifying the latitude range that
             will be used to make the plot.  Default is [-88,88].

        LEV -> A scalar or 2-element vector which specifies the
             level(s) that will be used to make the plot.  Default
             is [ 1, 1 ].

        /PS -> Set this switch to print to a PostScript file.
        OUTFILENAME -> Name of the PostScript file if the /PS option 
             is set.  Default is "".

        TRACER -> Tracer number(s) for which differences will be plotted.  

        TAU0 -> TAU value(s) (hours since 0 GMT 1 Jan 1985) at the start
             of the diagnostic data block to plot.

        DIVISIONS -> Specifies the number of colorbar divisions for 
             the quantity plot (Panels #1 and #2).  Default is 5.
             NOTE: The optimal # of divisions is !MYCT.NCOLORS/2 +1.

        DATARANGE -> Allows you to manually specify the min and max
             values of the data that will appear on the plot (Panels
             # 1 and #2).  The default is to automatically compute
             the overall min and max of both data blocks.

        MIN_VALID -> Specifies the minimum valid data for the plot. 
             Data lower than MIN_VALID will be rendered with color
             !MYCT.WHITE.  For example, MIN_VALID is useful for
             plotting emissions which only occur on land.

        DIFFDIV -> Specifies the number of colorbar divisions for 
             the difference plots (Panels #3 and #4).  Default is 8.
             NOTE: The optimal # of divisions is !MYCT.NCOLORS/2 +1.

        DIFFNCOLORS -> Sets the # of colors used to create the
             difference plots (Panels #3 and #4).  Default is 13.

        DIFFRANGE -> Allows you to manually specify the min and max
             values that will appear on the absolute difference
             plot (Panel #3).  Default is to use the dynamic range of
             the absolute difference data (symmetric around zero).

        /NODEVICE -> set to not call open_device, so you can do it
             from outside

        /NOMULTIPANEL -> set to not call multipanel, so you can do it
             from outside

        PCRANGE -> Allows you to manually specify the min and max
             values that will appear on the percentage difference
             plot (Panel #4).  Default is to use the dynamic range of
             the percentage difference data (symmetric around zero).

        PCDIV -> number of ticks in the %-Diff colorbar

        PCNCOLORS -> number of colors for the %-Diff plot

        T1, T2, DIFFTITLE -> allows you to overwrite the default
             title for the 1st, 2nd and DIff plots.

        _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords for CTM_DIFF,
             OPEN_DEVICE, and MYCT

   Keywords for the MASK feature:
        /MASK -> set to mask with a green color boxes where %-diff
             and/or diff are below some threshold. The absolute value
             of the % is plot.

	 PC_THR, DIFF_THR : the %-Diff and Diff THResholds to mask data in the
             4th plot if /MASK is set. Boxes with %-Diff or/and Diff
             below the THResholds are masked. Default values are 1%
             and 1e4.

        /ZAP -> set to skip all plots if /MASK is set and all boxes
             are masked.


        External Subroutines Required:
        CHKSTRU     (function)    CLOSE_DEVICE 
        CTM_CLEANUP               COLORBAR_NDIV     (function)
        CTM_DIFF                  CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) 
        IS_DEFINED   (function)   EXTRACT_FILENAME  (function) 
        MULTIPANEL                OPEN_DEVICE


        (1) CTM_PLOTDIFF calls CTM_CLEANUP each time to remove
            previously read datablock info from the GAMAP common

        (2) The default TAU0 value is 0, and is not suitable if your 
            run has no output for 0 GMT 1 Jan 1985! You may have to 
            gather tau0 before running and crashing CTM_PLOTDIFF.

        FILE1 = 'ctm.bpch.v4-30'
        FILE2 = 'ctm.bpch.v4-31'

             ; Creates 4-panel plot w/ old data, new data,
             ; new - old (abs diff), and new - old (% diff).

        bmy, 17 Apr 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50
        bmy, 17 Jul 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.51
                          - added TAU0 keyword
        bmy, 16 Dec 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.52
                          - now can handle 2 different tracer numbers
                          - now can handle 2 different TAU0 values
        bmy, 29 Jan 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.01
                          - Now pass LEV keyword to CTM_DIFF
                          - Now plot both DATA1 and DATA2 on
                            the same scale for easier comparison
        bmy, 16 Feb 2005: GAMAP VERSION 2.03
                          - Now use /QUIET and /NOPRINT keywords in
                            CTM_GET_DATA and CTM_GET_DATABLOCK to
                            suppress screen output
        phs, 24 Oct 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05
                          - Now use YRANGE if it is passed.  
                          - Also use DIFFRANGE (for range of the 
                            abs difference plot) if it is passed.
                          - Now use PCRANGE (for range of the
                            %age difference plot) if it is passed.
        bmy, 15 Nov 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.06
                          - Now use blue-white-red color table
                            for abs diff and % diff plots
  bmy & phs, 04 Oct 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
                          - Added DIVISIONS keyword (default=5) 
                          - Now make the default DIFFRANGE and
                            PCRANGE symmetric around zero
                          - Added DIFFDIV, DIFFNCOLORS keywords
                          - Also restore original !MYCT structure
                          - restore initial Color Table and !MyCt,
                            and return, when crashes.
                          - Now skip plotting % difference if
                            DATA1 is zero everywhere
                          - Add error trapping with CATCH
        bmy, 16 Jan 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12
                          - add _EXTRA=e to calls to CTM_PLOT, in order
                            to pass extra variables to that routine
        phs, 31 Jan 2008: - Add NODEVICE keyword, so device (like PS
                            file) can be open outside this routine,
                            allowing for multiple pages in a PS file
                            for example.
                          - Clipping of percentage difference range
                            is indicated with triangle.
        phs, 25 Feb 2008: - Improved error catcher
        bmy, 05 Nov 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.13
                          - Renamed YRANGE keyword to DATARANGE in
                            order to avoid confusion with nested grids
        phs, 22 Sep 2009: - more flexible call to MYCT for diff
                            plots, so it can be overwriten from
                          - Can select number of colors and divisions
                            for %-diff plot
                          - Can overwrite titles
                          - Can set Multipanel from outside in caller
                          - Can MASK data according to both Diff and
                            %-Diff values, in the 4th plot
        bmy, 29 Jan 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.14
                          - Minor fix in IF statement to prevent code
                            from dying after call to CTM_DIFF.

(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

        Prints a lat-lon map of 2 CTM fields, their absolute difference, 
        and their percent difference.  This is a quick way of ensuring 
        that two model versions are producing identical results.

        The page will contain the following plot panels:

             Panel #1               Panel #2
             Data Block D1          Data Block D2

             Panel #3               Panel #4
             Abs Diff (D2 - D1)     % Diff (D2 - D1) / D1

        CTM_PLOTDIFF4 is a lighter version of CTM_PLOTDIFF, and does
        not use CTM_DIFF as an intermediary routine. 

        GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting

        CTM_PLOTDIFF4, DIAGN, FILE2, FILE2 [, Keywords ]

        DIAGN -> A diagnostic number or category to restrict
             the record selection (default is: "IJ-AVG-$"). 

        FILE1 -> Name of the first CTM output file.  If FILE1
             is not given, or if it contains wildcard characters
             (e.g. "*"), then the user will be prompted to supply
             a file name via a pickfile dialog box.

        FILE2 ->  Name of the second CTM output file.  If FILE2
             is not given, or if it contains wildcard characters
             (e.g. "*"), then the user will be prompted to supply
             a file name via a pickfile dialog box.


        LON -> A 2-element vector specifying the longitude range that
             will be used to make the plot.  Default is [-180,180].

        LAT -> A 2-element vector specifying the latitude range that
             will be used to make the plot.  Default is [-88,88].

        LEV -> A scalar or 2-element vector which specifies the
             level(s) that will be used to make the plot.  Default
             is [ 1, 1 ].

        /PS -> Set this switch to print to a PostScript file.
        OUTFILENAME -> Name of the PostScript file if the /PS option 
             is set.  Default is "".

        TRACER -> A scalar or 2-element vector which specifies the
             tracer number(s) for each data block.  

        TAU0 -> A scalar or 2-element vector which specifies the
             TAU value(s) (hours since 0 GMT 1 Jan 1985) by which
             each data block is timestamped.

        DIVISIONS -> Specifies the number of colorbar divisions for 
             the quantity plot (Panels #1 and #2).  Default is 5.
             NOTE: The optimal # of divisions is !MYCT.NCOLORS/2 +1.

        DATARANGE -> Allows you to manually specify the min and max
             values of the data that will appear on the plot (Panels
             # 1 and #2).  The default is to automatically compute
             the overall min and max of both data blocks.

        MIN_VALID -> Specifies the minimum valid data for the plot. 
             Data lower than MIN_VALID will be rendered with color
             !MYCT.WHITE.  For example, MIN_VALID is useful for
             plotting emissions which only occur on land.

        DIFFDIV -> Specifies the number of colorbar divisions for 
             the difference plots (Panels #3 and #4).  Default is 8.
             NOTE: The optimal # of divisions is !MYCT.NCOLORS/2 +1.

        DIFFNCOLORS -> Sets the # of colors used to create the
             difference plots (Panels #3 and #4).  Default is 13.

        DIFFRANGE -> Allows you to manually specify the min and max
             values that will appear on the absolute difference
             plot (Panel #3).  Default is to use the dynamic range of
             the absolute difference data (symmetric around zero).

        /NODEVICE -> set to not call open_device, so you can do it
             from outside

        /NOMULTIPANEL -> set to not call multipanel, so you can do it
             from outside

        PCRANGE -> Allows you to manually specify the min and max
             values that will appear on the percentage difference
             plot (Panel #4).  Default is to use the dynamic range of
             the percentage difference data (symmetric around zero).

        PCDIV -> number of ticks in the %-Diff colorbar

        PCNCOLORS -> number of colors for the %-Diff plot

        TITLE_1 -> Allows you to override the default plot title for
             the first data block (1st plot panel).

        TITLE_1 -> Allows you to override the default plot title for
             the 2nd data block (2nd plot panel).

        DIFFTITLE -> Allows you to override the default plot title for
             the absolute difference plot (3rd plot panel).

        PCTITLE -> Allows you to override the default plot title for
             the percent difference plot (4th plot panel).

        _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords for CTM_DIFF,
             OPEN_DEVICE, and MYCT

   Keywords for the MASK feature:
        /MASK -> set to mask with a green color boxes where %-diff
             and/or diff are below some threshold. The absolute value
             of the % is plot.

	 PC_THR, DIFF_THR : the %-Diff and Diff THResholds to mask
	      data in the 4th plot (percent difference) if /MASK is
	      set.  Boxes with %-Diff or/and Diff below the THResholds
	      are masked. Default values are 1% and 1e4.

        /ZAP -> set to skip all plots if /MASK is set and all boxes
             are masked.;


        External Subroutines Required:
        CHKSTRU          (function)  CLOSE_DEVICE
        COLORBAR_NDIV    (function)  CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function)
        EXTRACT_FILENAME (function)  MULTIPANEL                
        MYCT                         OPEN_DEVICE               
        TVMAP                        UNDEFINE

        Requires routines from the GAMAP package.

        (1) When plotting a subset of the globe, CTM_PLOTDIFF4
            properly sets the colorbar ranges for the abs diff
            and percent diff plots.  This was an issue in the
            older CTM_PLOTDIFF.

        (2) Longitude and latitude ranges specified by LON and LAT
            will be applied to both data blocks.  

         CTM_PLOTDIFF4, 'IJ-AVG-$',                      $
                        'v8-03-02.bpch', 'v9-01-01.bpch, $
                        TRACER=6,      LEVEL=1,          $
                        LON=[-90,-30], LAT=[30,15]
             ; Creates a 4-panel difference plot for ISOPRENE
             ; (IJ-AVG-$, tracer #6) at the surface for the Amazon
             ; basin region from data in 2 different model versions.

        bmy, 16 May 2011: VERSION 1.00
        bmy, 13 Jan 2014: GAMAP VERSION 2.17
                          - Bug fix: For 2-D data blocks that lack the  
                            GRIDINFO.ZMID tag name, display the altitude
                            of the data as 0.0 km.

(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

        Plots the ratio of two CTM data fields.  This is one way
        to see if two model versions produce identical results.

        GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting

        CTM_PLOTRATIO, DIAGN [, Keywords ]

        DIAGN -> A diagnostic number or category to restrict
             the record selection.  Default is "IJ-AVG-$". 

        FILE1 -> Name of the first CTM output file (containing the
             "old" data).  If FILE1 is not given, or if it contains 
             wildcard characters (e.g. "*"), then the user will be 
             prompted to supply a file name via a pickfile dialog box.

        FILE2 ->  Name of the second CTM output file.  If FILE2
             is not given, or if it contains wildcard characters
             (e.g. "*"), then the user will be prompted to supply
             a file name via a pickfile dialog box.

        LON -> A 2-element vector specifying the longitude range that
             will be used to make the plot.  Default is [-180,180].

        LAT -> A 2-element vector specifying the latitude range that
             will be used to make the plot.  Default is [-88,88].

        LEV -> Vertical level for which to plot data.  Default is 1.

        TITLE -> Title string for the plot.  If not specified, a
             generic title string will be generated.

        TRACER -> Number of the tracer for which differences
             will be plotted.  Default is 1.

        _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords for CTM_DIFF.


        External Subroutines Required:
        CTM_CLEANUP   CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function)
        CTM_DIFF      EXTRACT_FILENAME  (function)


        (1) The ratio plotted will be DATA2 / DATA1, where DATA2
            is contained in FILE2, and DATA1 is contained in FILE1.

        (2) For places where DATA1 = 0, DATA2 will also be set to 0.
            This avoids division by zero errors.

        (3) CTM_PLOTRATIO calls CTM_CLEANUP each time to remove
            previously read datablock info from the GAMAP common

        FILE1 = 'ctm.bpch.v4-30'
        FILE2 = 'ctm.bpch.v4-31'
        CTM_PLOTRATIO, 'IJ-AVG-$', $
             FILE1=FILE1, FILE2=FILE2, TRACER=1, LEV=1

             ; Plots the ratio of NOx data at the surface:
             ;   ctm.bpch.v4-31 / ctm.bpch.v4-30

        bmy, 24 Apr 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50
  bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10

(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

        Plots station timeseries data (e.g. from the GEOS-CHEM
        ND48 diagnostic) contained in binary punch file format.
        %%%% MAY NEED UPDATING %%%%%

        GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting

        CTM_PLOT_TIMESERIES, CATEGORY [ , Keywords ] 

        CATEGORY -> The diagnostic number (e.g. ND22, ND45, etc or 
             category name (e.g. "JV-MAP-$", "IJ-AVG-$") for which to 
             read data from the punch file. 

        BOTTOM -> The lowest color index of the colors to be loaded
             used in the color map and color bar.  The default is
             to use the value in system variable !MYCT.BOTTOM.

        COLOR -> Color of the plot window and/or data.  The default
             is to use the system variable !MYCT.BLACK.

        LABELSTRU -> Returns to the calling program the structure
             of label information obtained by CTM_LABEL.

        LEV -> An index array of sigma levels *OR* a two-element
             vector specifying the min and max sigma levels to be 
             included in the plot.  Default is [ 1, GRIDINFO.LMX ].
        OVERPLOT -> Plot data atop the previous plot window, instead
             of erasing the screen and plotting in a new window.

        RESULT -> A named variable will contain the data subset that
             was plotted together with the X and/or Y coordinates in
             a  structure.  

        TITLE -> Top title string for the plot.  If not passed, 
             then a default title string will be printed.

        UNIT -> Name of the unit that the DATA array will be converted
             to. If not specified, then no unit conversion will be done.

        XTITLE -> X-Axis title string for the plot.  If not passed, 
             then a default title string will be printed.

        YTITLE -> Y-Axis title string for the plot.  If not passed, 
             then a default title string will be printed.

        YRANGE -> range of y values for color scaling (default:
             scale each plot seperately with data min and max)

        _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords for routines called
             by CTM_PLOT_TIMESERIES.


        External Subroutines Required:
        CTM_GET_DATA              CTM_INDEX           (function)
        CTM_LABEL    (function)   GETMODELANDGRIDINFO (function)
        UNDEFINE                  REPLACE_TOKEN       (function)         




        bmy, 16 Apr 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.03
                          - Initial version
  bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10

(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

        Menu-driven user interface for creating plots with
        the GAMAP package subroutines. The actual data retrieval
        and plotting is done with This routine
        mainly collects all user requests and passes them on to

        GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting

        GAMAP, [ DiagN [, Keywords ] ]

        DIAGN -> A diagnostic number or category to restrict
             the record selection (default is: use all).

        General keywords:
        FILENAME -> CTM output file name. Default is to display a
             pickfile dialog and let the user select. You can have
             wildcards ('*', '?') in your filename which restricts
             the file selection.

        /NOFILE -> Don't query for filename but display all records that
             have already been loaded. This can save you a couple of
             mouse clicks when you want to create several plots with
             data from one file, and it also useful when you want
             to plot data from 'external' files that were converted
             with ctm_make_datainfo. If a filename is given or no
             data were loaded, the file selection dialog will appear

        /RESETDEFAULTS -> If set, will reset all GAMAP values to their

        /HELP -> Displays a help page.

        RESULT -> Returns a structure with the data subset as plotted and
             the respective X and Y coordinates. Returns only one data
             record though.

        TOPTITLE -> Add a specific title centered on top of each page
             of output.

        Keywords to restrict the number of records displayed for selection:
        TRACER -> A tracer number to restrict record selection

        TAU0 -> Time value (at beginning of record)

        DATE -> 6 digit date (e.g. 940101) at the beginning of the
             output record (this gets translated into a TAU0
             value via the function nymd2tau). You can specify more
             than one date at a time using a vector (e.g. [940101, 940301]).
             For the GISS model(s), you also have to specify /GISS_Date in
             order to get correct tau values. The time is assumed to
             be 00 GMT. For other times use the TAU0 keyword as

        /GISS_Date -> set this flag if you are using the DATE keyword
             with GISS model output.

        Keywords defining output options (these override defaults in
        /PS -> If set, will directly send output to the '' file.
             If not set, GAMAP will prompt the user whether to create
             the '' file.

        OUTFILENAME -> Name of file to send PostScript output to.

        /NOTIMESTAMP -> Do not include a user ID and time stamp
             on the postscript plot. Unnecessary if the TIMESTAMP value
             in gamap.defaults is set to 0.

        XSIZE, YSIZE, XOFFSET, YOFFSET -> GAMAP will pass these
             keywords to routine OPEN_DEVICE, for setting the size
             and margins of PostScript output.  

        /DO_BMP -> If set, GAMAP will save animation frames as BMP
             files.  If not set, GAMAP will prompt the user whether
             to save animation frames to BMP files.  DO_BMP overrides
             the default setting in "gamap.defaults".

        BMPFILENAME -> Name of BMP file to save animation frames to.
             If the token %N% is used in BMPFILENAME, then GAMAP
             will replace %N% with the actual frame number.  If
             BMPFILENAME is not set, or if DO_BMP is set to *QUERY in
             "gamap.defaults", GAMAP will prompt user to supply

        /DO_GIF -> If set, GAMAP will save animation frames as GIF
             files.  If not set, GAMAP will prompt the user whether
             to save animation frames to GIF files.  DO_GIF overrides
             the default setting in "gamap.defaults".

        GIFFILENAME -> Name of GIF file to save animation frames to.
             If the token %N% is used in GIFFILENAME, then GAMAP
             will replace %N% with the actual frame number.  If
             GIFFILENAME is not set, or if DO_GIF is set to *QUERY in
             "gamap.defaults", GAMAP will prompt user to supply

        /DO_JPEG -> If set, GAMAP will save animation frames as BMP
             files.  If not set, GAMAP will prompt the user whether
             to save animation frames to JPEG files.  DO_JPEG overrides
             the default setting in "gamap.defaults".

        JPEGFILENAME -> Name of JPEG file to save animation frames to.
             If the token %N% is used in JPEGFILENAME, then GAMAP
             will replace %N% with the actual frame number.  If
             JPEGFILENAME is not set, or if DO_JPEG is set to *QUERY in
             "gamap.defaults", GAMAP will prompt user to supply

        /DO_PNG -> If set, GAMAP will save animation frames as PNG
             files.  If not set, GAMAP will prompt the user whether
             to save animation frames to PNG files.  DO_PNG overrides
             the default setting in "gamap.defaults".

        PNGFILENAME -> Name of PNG file to save animation frames to.
             If the token %N% is used in PNGFILENAME, then GAMAP
             will replace %N% with the actual frame number.  If
             PNGFILENAME is not set, or if DO_PNG is set to *QUERY in
             "gamap.defaults", GAMAP will prompt user to supply

        /DO_TIFF -> If set, GAMAP will save animation frames as TIFF
             files.  If not set, GAMAP will prompt the user whether
             to save animation frames to TIFF files.  DO_TIFF overrides
             the default setting in "gamap.defaults".

        TIFFFILENAME -> Name of TIFF file to save animation frames to.
             If the token %N% is used in TIFFFILENAME, then GAMAP
             will replace %N% with the actual frame number.  If
             TIFFFILENAME is not set, or if DO_PNG is set to *QUERY in
             "gamap.defaults", GAMAP will prompt user to supply

        /POLAR -> Set this keyword for polar pots. This forces latitude
             ranges to extend to one pole and longitude ranges to span
             the globe. Polar plots only work for global (at least 
             longitudinally) data sets.  Currently, polar plots are 
             supported only for contour plots.

        _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords for CTM_PLOT, etc...


        Internal subroutines:
        GAMAP_CheckDataBlockConsistency (function)
        GAMAP_FindNearestCenters        (function)
        GAMAP_GetDataBlockRanges        (function)
        GAMAP_AutoYRange                (function)
        GAMAP_SelectDataBlocks          (function)
        GAMAP_UserRangeEntry            (function)
        GAMAP_GetFrameFileName          (function)

        Also uses external subroutines:
        CHOICE        (function)    CLOSE_DEVICE
        CTM_PLOT                    OPEN_DEVICE
        STRREPL       (function)    STRWHERE    (function)
        DEFAULT_RANGE (function)    CHKSTRU     (function)
        REPLACE_TOKEN (function)    CTM_GRID    (function)
        MAKE_SELECTION(function)    TVREAD      (function)


        (1) GAMAP can read ASCII punch files with GEOS or GISS, model II
            diagnostics, binary punch files (as defined in Jan 1999),
            and GEOS-CTM binary restart files. Binary punch files
            are processed much faster and allow "windowing" of output.

        (2) For pixel plots, GAMAP can only plot cylindrical maps
            with rectangular projections.  Arbitrary map projections
            should be possible with any type of contour plot. For 
            polar plots, use the /POLAR keyword. Other projections 
            have not been tested and may lead to unexpected results.

        (3) GAMAP forces map ranges to coincide with the grid box
            edges, so that the map and pixel plot will be aligned.
            Each "pixel" size corresponds to one full grid box.
            For grids with half-polar boxes, it is therefore recommended
            not to plot the polar latitudes, since those boxes will
            show up as full-size boxes and shift the rest of the plot

        (4) When the user selects multiple data blocks, GAMAP will produce
            a multi-panel plot if !p.multi indicates more than one panel
            on the screen (use the MULTIPANEL procedure to turn it on).
            If you plot only one panel per screen, GAMAP will automatically
            start XInterAnimate to present your own movie to you. Be
            aware that XInterAnimate is limited by your system resources.
            With default window sizes, we can usually display at least
            30 frames.  ADDENDUM: 3-D isopleth maps will not be
            animated. (bmy, 1/22/01)

        (5) Animation frames can also be written to GIF or MPEG
            files.  Defaults can be set in "gamap.defaults", or
            specified via the command line. You can also save individual
            GAMAP plots as GIF files. If you want to animate them later
            (e.g. using ULead's GIF-Animator), make sure to specify the
            RANGE keyword to get identical color schemes (or use contours).

        (6) The GAMAP authors wish to point out that it is still relatively
            expensive to produce color plots on the printer. We encourage
            you to try out contour plots and make a test print on a black
            and white printer before you make a color print.

        (7) The 3-D isopleth maps do not quite work with MULTIPANEL, since
            they are produced with screen capture in the Z-Buffer.  Hence  
            Hence, the X window device has to be re-initialized each time, 
            which negates the MULTIPANEL utility.  PostScript plots of 3-D
            isopleth maps will print one plot per page.  We can live with
            this for the time being.  Isopleth maps can also be written
            to GIF files.

        (8) Now uses D. Fanning's TVREAD function to perform better
            device-independent screen capture. (cf.

            ; operates fully interactively

        MULTIPANEL,nplots=6       ; turn on multi-panel environment
            ; same as above, but produce multi-panel plots with
            ; 6 plots per page

        GAMAP, 'IJ-AVG-$', tra=4
            ; Will create a CO (tracer=4) plot for the ND45 diagnostic.
            ; GAMAP will display dialog pickfile box and will scan the
            ; file for all records with ND45 and tracer 4. Those will be
            ; displayed and the user can then select a record to be plotted.

        GAMAP, [ 'IJ-AVG-$', 'BIOBSRCE' ], tra=[2,4], $
               date=[19940601, 19940801], $
            ; In this example the file is fully specified, hence no file
            ; selection dialog will be displayed. GAMAP scans the file
            ; for all records of 'IJ-AVG-$' and 'BIOBSRCE' and tracers
            ; 2 (OX) and 4 (NOX) and it seelcts only those records that
            ; begin on the first of JUNE or AUGUST 1994. Because the ps
            ; flag is set, the output will be directed to the postscript
            ; file '' without first being displayed on the screen.

        mgs, 12 Nov 1998: VERSION 1.00
        bmy, 16 Nov 1998: - added defaults for LAT, LEV, LON, PTYPE
                          - now prompts for PS
                          - now prompts user for /PS output
        bmy, 17 Nov 1998: - now call DEFAULT_RANGE to ensure that
                            that LAT, LON, LEVEL have two elements,
                            even if there is only one unique value.
                          - now uses N_UNIQ.PRO to test for the number
                            of unique elements in LON, LAT, and LEVEL.
        mgs, 17 Nov 1998: - finishing touches for first release.
                          - added NOFILE keyword
                          - added plot type b/w contours
        mgs, 18 Nov 1998: - added timestamp as default when closing
                            postscript files
        bmy, 08 Jan 1999: - Will also prompt for totaling (if
                            averaging is not selected)
        bmy, 13 Jan 1999: - now prompt user for OUTFILENAME
        bmy, 15 Jan 1999: VERSION 1.02
                          - add support for 3-D data slices
                          - clean up user interface so that the user
                            menu of plotting options is only invoked
                            when plotting a 2-D map.
        bmy, 19 Jan 1999: - added binary flag masking
                          - added defaults for averaging and selection
                          - improved echoback of information to user
        bmy, 20 Jan 1999: - prompts user again if data block selection
                            or averaging selection is out of range
                          - fixed bug: now default data block
                            selection is saved.
                          - Reset PS to 0 and OUTFILENAME to '' if we
                            are plotting a 0-D or 3-D data block
                          - updated comments
        mgs, 21 Jan 1999: - dimensional information now in subroutine
                          - improved binary masking
                          - added several Quit options
                          - Postscript options now controlled from
                          - removed NoTimeStamp keyword (now set in
        bmy, 12 Feb 1999: VERSION 1.03
                          - now works with data blocks that are
                            sub-regions of the globe
                          - added functions GAMAP_GetDataBlockRanges
                            GAMAP_SelectDataBlock, and
                          - updated comments
        bmy, 17 Feb 1999: VERSION 1.20
                          - Replace DATAINFO.OFFSET by DATAINFO.FIRST,
                            which contains the I, J, L indices of
                            the first grid box
                          - Animation facility added
                          - added functions GAMAP_GetModelInfo,
                            GAMAP_SelectPlotType, and
                          - Also renamed function GAMAP_SelectDataBlock to
                            GAMAP_SelectDataBlocks, since one can now
                            select multiple data blocks
        bmy, 18 Feb 1999: - added /RESETDEFAULTS keyword
                          - removed /ANIMATE keyword
        bmy, 19 Feb 1999: - added NOAUTOYRANGE keyword
                          - added function GAMAP_AutoYRange
                          - added GIFFILENAME keyword
                          - added GIF_SAV to common block SAVEVALUES
                          - call REPLACE_TOKEN to replace token text
                            in DEFAULTGIFFILENAME
        bmy, 22 Feb 1999: - added more animation options
                          - added DO_GIF, DO_MPEG, DO_ANIMATE, and
                            MPEGFILENAME keywords
                          - added GAMAP_QueryAnimationOptions routine
        bmy, 23 Feb 1999: - small bug fixes
        bmy, 04 Mar 1999: - added internal routines GAMAP_FindNearestEdges
                            and GAMAP_GetDefaultRanges
                          - now force lat/lon ranges to coincide with
                            grid box edges
                          - warn user if lat range contains half-polar
                            boxes, since TVIMAGE will treat them as
                            whole boxes and the map overlay will be
        bmy, 05 Mar 1999: - Clean up FILEINFO/DATAINFO matching process
                          - renamed/reorganized internal functions\
        bmy, 20 Mar 1999: - bug fix for default ranges (may need more
                            fixing later on)
        mgs, 22 Mar 1999: - added ALREADY_PS flag for multi-panel use
                          - animation now only if !p.multi does not
                            have more than 1 panel to display
        mgs, 23 Mar 1999: - improved comments and examples
                          - removed unnecessary function MatchFileInfo...
                            (easier with make_selection)
                          - changed all "string booleans" to booleans
                          - Do_Animation now an entirely local variable
        mgs, 25 Mar 1999: - few minor bug fixes
                          - improved handling of default ranges
                          - detect out of range in record selection
                          - now allows for 2D field plots
        bmy, 17 May 1999: - now resolve DEFAULT_RANGE explicitly and
                            call DEFRANGE_STR2NUM separately
                          - few minor fixes in GAMAP_UserRangeEntry for
                            data blocks that straddle the date line.
        mgs, 19 May 1999: - some more cleaning
                          - implemented SAVE option after data record
                          - user selection for longitudes greatly improved
                          - some adjustments in FindNearestEdges, notably
                            for range 0..360. Unfortunately, the 0 meridian
                            gridline will be omitted in such plots. If we
                            wanted to include it we would need to carry
                            an extra GLOBAL flag because lower and upper
                            edges (grid box indices) are identical.
        mgs, 20 May 1999: - added option to save record seelction to file.
        mgs, 24 May 1999: - yet more work had to be done to make lon/lat
                            selection as user would expect it to work.
                          - renamed FindNearestEdges to ..Centers
        mgs, 25 May 1999: - still more fiddling. Yuck!

                          RELEASE OF GAMAP VERSION 1.40

        bmy, 26 May 1999: - Added polar plot capabilities
                          - fixed reset of plot ranges when latitude is +-90
        mgs, 27 May 1999: - already_ps flag now also prevents user query.
                          - default lat range for global fields now back
                            to -88..88 only for "reset" conditions. Otherwise
                            -90..90 is recognized and remembered.
        mgs, 28 May 1999: - added RESULT keyword.
                          - added TOPTITLE keyword.
        bmy, 28 May 1999: - restrict plot type menu for polar plots
  bmy & mgs, 02 Jun 1999: - add /NOERASE to MULTIPANEL call when
                            testing for last plot on page
                          - updated some comments
        mgs, 30 Jun 1999: - make sure to return only one lat/lon box
                            if user enters single value (even on edges).
        bmy, 07 Jul 1999: - small bug fixes
        bmy, 15 Sep 1999: GAMAP VERSION 1.43
                          - changes for 23L GISS-II-PRIME model
                          - minor bug fixes
        bmy, 25 Oct 1999: GAMAP VERSION 1.44
                          - added /MULTIPLE keyword -- option to
                            write to a GIF file w/ multiple frames
        bmy, 23 Nov 1999: - /SMALLCHEM now works correctly!
        bmy, 26 Apr 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.45
                          - now make sure tracer numbers are mod 100L
                            when saving data blocks to disk
        bmy, 19 Jun 2000: - now create NS string array by concatenating 
                            smaller arrays of < 1024 elements
        bmy, 20 Jun 2000: - bug fix -- set NS[0] blank for string output
        bmy, 03 Oct 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.46
        bmy, 22 Jan 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.47
                          - removed obsolete code
                          - now produce a 3-D isopleth map instead of
                            calling the volume slicer routine
                          - added ISOPLETH keyword
                          - added internal subroutine GAMAP_QueryIsopleth
                          - allow PostScript output for 3-D maps, and
                            suppress animation for 3-D maps.
        bmy, 13 Mar 2001: - remove a couple more instances of the 
                            obsolete STR_SEP routine.  Replaced with
                            STRSPLIT( /EXTRACT ).  
        bmy, 28 Jun 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48
                          - bug fix in GAMAP_StoreDataInfo: for
                            GENERIC grids with NLAYERS=0, be sure to
                            call CTM_GRID with the /NO_VERTICAL flag.
        bmy, 29 Aug 2001: - added XSIZE, YSIZE, XOFFSET, YOFFSET 
                            keywords to pass to OPEN_DEVICE 
  mje & bmy, 17 Dec 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.49
                          - add _EXTRA=e in call to CTM_WRITEBPCH, 
                            so that we can pass the /APPEND keyword 
        bmy, 17 Jan 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50
                          - now call STRBREAK wrapper routine from
                            the TOOLS subdirectory for backwards
                            compatiblity for string-splitting
                          - use FORWARD_FUNCTION to declare STRBREAK
        bmy, 24 Jan 2002: - deleted obsolete code
        bmy, 06 Dec 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.52
                          - removed /DO_MPEG and MPEGFILENAME keywords
                          - now use D. Fanning's TVREAD for better
                            device-independent screen capture
                          - removed /MULTIPLE keyword for GIF output
                          - added /DO_PNG, /DO_BMP, /DO_JPEG,
                            /DO_TIFF keywords
                          - added internal function GAMAP_GetFrameFileName
        bmy, 13 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01
                          - comment out XINTERANIMATE options
        bmy, 27 Aug 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.03
                          - now call CTM_PLOT_TIMESERIES to plot data
                            from bpch files containing GEOS-CHEM station
                            timeseries output (e.g. ND48 diagnostic)
        bmy, 27 Oct 2004: - now pass /QUIET keyword to GAMAP_AUTOYRANGE,
                            CTM_PLOT_TIMESERIES, and CTM_PLOT
                          - hardwire QUIET=1 in to suppress extra printing
        bmy, 28 Jun 2005: GAMAP VERSION 2.04
                          - Strip white spaces in FILENAME, if present
  bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
  bmy & phs, 20 Nov 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.11
                          - If any 4D data blocks are encountered,
                            then only use the first 3 dimensions
        phs, 22 Sep 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13
                          - Added /NoDialog to all call to TVRead
        bmy, 26 Feb 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.14
                          - Now allow polar maps to use pixel plots
        bmy, 11 Feb 2011: GAMAP VERSION 2.15
                          - Updated welcome screen

(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

        Plots data from the GEOS-CHEM plane following diagnostic
        atop a world map.  Multiple flights can be plotted.

        GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting

        PLANE_PLOT, VAR, FLTID [, Keywords ]

        VAR -> Variable name for which to plot data.  VAR should
             match the variable names in the GEOS-CHEM input file
             "Planeflight.dat" (e.g. TRA_001, GMAO_TEMP, REA_O1D, etc.)
        FLTID -> Flight ID(s) for which to plot data.  These should
             match the flight ID's in the GEOS-CHEM input file
             "Planeflight.dat" (e.g. P3B01, DC801, etc.)

        FILENAME -> Name of the file containing GEOS-CHEM plane 
             following diagnostic output.  If FILENAME is omitted,
             then a dialog box will prompt the user to supply a file

        LIMIT -> A 4-element vector with [MINLAT,MINLON,MAXLAT,MAXLON],
             which will specify the bottom left and top right corners
             of the map plot in degrees.  Default is to plot the 
             entire Northern Hemisphere [0,-180,90,180].

        MPARAM -> A 3 element vector which specifies the LAT0, LON0,
             and ROT values to be passed to MAP_SET.  Default is
        SYMBOL -> Number of the symbol used to plot each data point.
             SYMBOL corresponds to the types of symbols defined with
             the routine "" in the TOOLS package.  Default is
             1 (filled circle).

        SYMSIZE -> Size of the plot symbol.  Default is 1.5

        _EXTRA=e -> Passes extra keywords to MAP_SET, MAP_GRID,
             and MAP_CONTINENTS.


        External Subroutines Required:
        CTM_READ_PLANEFLIGHT (function)



        PLANE_PLOT, 'O3', 'P3B04',           $
                     LIMIT=[20,-120,50,-60], $
             ; Plots GEOS-CHEM O3 data (stored in "plane.log) from
             ; the model grid boxes corresponding to flight P3BO4 
             ; over the USA.
        PLANE_PLOT, 'O3', ['P3B04','DC801'], $
                     LIMIT=[20,-120,50,-60], $

             ; Plots GEOS-CHEM O3 data (stored in "plane.log) from
             ; the model grid boxes corresponding to flights P3BO4 
             ; and DC801 over the USA.

        bmy, 23 Apr 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.03
        bmy, 13 Mar 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05
                          - Slight modifications for new version
  bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10

(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

        Reads and plots CTM time series (station) data. The
        data are returned in a structure together with longitude,
        latitude, altitude, and time information. TSDIAG tries to
        construct a time vector from the TAU information stored
        in the file. This may not always work (e.. it is assumed 
        that time steps are 1 hour).
           While reading, TSDIAG displays a '.' for each new station
        encountered, and a '+' if a station is continued. If you want 
        more detailed output, set the /VERBOSE flag.

        %%% NOTE: May need updating %%%

        GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation, GAMAP Plotting

        TSDIAG [,RESULT] [,keywords]


        FILENAME    -> Path of the input file containing CTM 
                       Data data.

        SCALE -> A global scale factor that will be applied to all
                 data. Default is 1. Note that concentration data is
                 stored as v/v, hence for ppt you should set 

        /VERBOSE -> display detailed information on what is being read.
        /PLOT -> set this flag to produce quick-and-dirty plots of the 
                 time-series data.

        RESULT -> A structure containing LON, LAT, ALT and Data data
               together with TRACER and a "global" TIME array.

        OPEN_DEVICE               CLOSE_DEVICE
        CTM_TRACERINFO            FILE_EXIST (function)
        STRSCINOT (function)


        Lines with the Data data (Header = 'TB' or 'DV') will be
        read from disk.  Statistics are ignored for now.

        ; read time series data from file and return result structure
        ; in variable TSDATA
        tsdiag, TSDATA, FILENAME='ctm.ts' 

        bmy, 06 May 1998: VERSION 1.00
        bmy, 07 May 1998: VERSION 1.01
                          - added PPBC and INTERVAL keywords
                          - now calls FILE_EXIST to make sure
                            the input file exists 
        bmy, 27 May 1998  - now uses CTM_DIAGINFO to return
                            the proper tracer offset
        bmy, 28 May 1998  - now uses SCALE, UNIT, and MOLC information
                            as returned by CTM_TRACERINFO.
                          - now uses EXP_STR to compute a 
                            power-of-ten string for the plot title
        bmy, 29 May 1998  - now calls CLEANPLOT to initialize
                            all system variables
        bmy, 02 Jun 1998  - now uses STRSCI and STRCHEM string
                            formatting functions
        mgs, 11 Jun 1998: - couple of bug fixes
        mgs, 15 Jun 1998: - default tick interval now 48 h
        mgs, 22 Jun 1998: - added Data and CSTEPS keywords
        mgs, 20 Nov 1998: - now uses convert_unit 
        hsu, 22 Mar 1999: - increased MAXSTEPS and changed input format
        mgs, 04 May 1999: - added MS as a tracer offset (100*MS)
        mgs, 05 May 1999: - ... and a little bug fix
        mgs, 19 May 1999: - updated comments
                          - default SCALE factor now 1 instead of 1.E-12
                          - CLEANPLOT no longer called
        mgs, 24 May 1999: - added VERBOSE keyword
                          - fixed at least two bugs
                          - improved output. Now need to say /VERBOSE in
                            order to get details.
        mgs, 25 May 1999: - new format had MS and N swapped.
        bmy, 27 Jul 1999: GAMAP VERSION 1.42
                          - updated comments
        bmy, 30 Jan 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50
                          - Now use STRBREAK to split each line into 
                            elements of data
                          - Also no longer restrict data to be > 0
  bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10

(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

        Create a plot of station data time series using the
        data structure as returned from TSDIAG.PRO. This routine
        is a simple outline for how to use this structure and 
        not meant to produce publisheable plots. Tip: use
        MULTIPANEL.PRO to save paper.
        %%% THIS MAY NOW BE OBSOLETE %%%

        GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting


        TSSTRU -> The data structure as returned from TSDIAG.PRO

        INDEX -> A vector with station indices that are to be plotted.
            If no index is given, the program will loop through all 

        SCALE -> A scaling factor to be applied to the dat abefore plotting.





        ; read station data

        ; set page for 16 panels
        MULTIPANEL, 16

        ; plot data from all stations as pptv
        TSPLOT, TSSTRU, SCALE=1.e12

        ; turn multipanel off

        mgs, 30 Jun 1999: VERSION 1.00
  bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10

(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]

        TVMAP produces one of the following plots:
          (1) A color-pixel image,   overlaid with a world map
          (2) A line-contour plot,   overlaid with a world map
          (3) A filled-contour plot, overlaid with a world map

        GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting

        TVMAP, Data, [ Xarr, YArr [ [, keywords ] ]

        DATA -> 2-D array of values to be plotted as a color map.
             The first dimension is longitude, the second is latitude.

        XARR, YARR -> If plotting a line-contour map or filled-contour map,
             then XARR is the array of X-axis values, and YARR is the
             array of Y-Axis values that are needed to construct the
             the contours.  XARR and YARR are not needed to produce a
             color-pixel image map; however, if XARR and YARR are
             passed, TVMAP will be able to label the longitude and
             latitude lines accordingly and set the proper default limits.

        BLACK -> The color index corresponding to black.
             Default is !MYCT.BLACK.

        /CONUS -> a Lambert's azimuthal equal area projection for
             CONtiguous U.S., w/ specific LIMIT and P0lat, P0lon, Rot.

        MAX_VALID -> maximum valid data value for color-pixel plots
             Data above MAX_VALID will be shown in white, unless
             TOPOUTOFRANGE is set to another color index.

        MIN_VALID -> minimum valid data value for color-pixel plots.  
             (or minimum contour level for contour plots).  Data 
             below MIN_VALID will be shown in white, unless
             BOTOUTOFRANGE is set to another color index.

        TOPOUTOFRANGE ( BOTOUTOFRANGE ) -> color index to indicate
             data above MAX_VALID (below MIN_VALID). Default is
             white. The color is also shown with a box (or TRiangle)
             near the colorbar (if any). If negative, the box is not
             shown with the colorbar.

        /NOERASE -> This keyword prevents erasing the screen (or page)
            when setting a multi-panel environment or after a page was
            filled.  /NOERASE is automatically turned ON when the /OFF
            keyword is given.  NOTE: On the PostScript device, when
            the page is filled, it automatically places the next plot
            on the next page.  You can use the /NOERASE keyword to
            suppress this behavior, especially if you are manually
            placing plots on the page.

        CSFAC -> Character size for the map labels and X, Y titles.
             Default settings for CSFAC vary according to the number
             of plots per page and type of plot device.

        TCSFAC -> Character size for the top title.  Default
             settings for TCSFAC vary according to the number
             of plots per page and type of plot device.

        /NOADVANCE -> Set this switch to prevent TVMAP from advancing
             to the next plot panel on the page.  This is useful if
             you desire to overplot something atop the pixel map or
             contour map.

        /POLYFILL -> to use IDL POLYFILL routine instead of MAP_IMAGE
             to do the pixel plot (see /SAMPLE). Use this keyword
             with default cylindrical projection only. Use it also if
             you think that MAP_IMAGE does not neatly reproduces the

        /RECTANGLE -> to plot a rectangle around the map. Default is
             to have one for non-polar projection, and none for polar 
             projection. Set to 0 or 1 to override default.  NOTE:
             setting the /HORIZON keyword will disable this option.

        /SAMPLE -> to do "pixel plot" (ie grid boxes are colored)
             instead of contour. 

        /HORIZON -> Set this switch to call IDL routine MAP_HORIZON
             to draw a horizon line around the boundaries of the map.
             Use this feature if the map projection you are using is
             elliptical or interrupted.  NOTE: /HORIZON will override
             override the /RECTANGLE keyword setting.

        WINDOWPOSITION -> Returns the position of the plot window
             in normal coordinates to the calling program.  This can
             be used by a subsequent call to PLOT if you want to
             overplot symbols atop the contour or pixel plot created
             by TVMAP.

        _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords (not listed below, unless
             noted) for BYTSCL, COLORBAR, TVIMAGE, MAP_SET, MAP_GRID,

    Keywords passed to both BYTSCL and COLORBAR:
        MAXDATA -> Maximum value of the DATA array to use in the
             byte scaling.  Default is max( DATA ).

        MINDATA -> Minimum value of the DATA array to use in the
             byte scaling.  Default is min( DATA ).

        BOTTOM -> The lowest color index of the colors to be used
             for byte-scaling the color map and colorbar.  Default
             is 20 (or !D.N_COLORS-1 if 20 is too large).

        NCOLORS -> This is the maximum color index that will be used.
             Default is 120 (or !D.N_COLORS-BOTTOM, if 120 is too large).

        /LOG -> Will create a color-pixel plot with logarithmic
             scaling.  /LOG has no effect on line-contour or
             filled-contour plots, since the default contour levels
             are quasi-logarithmic.

    Additional keywords passed to COLORBAR:
        /CBAR -> If set, will plot a horizontal colorbar below the
             map in the position specified by CBPOSITION.  Default is
             to NOT plot a colorbar.

        CBCOLOR -> Color index of the colorbar outline and
             characters.  Defaults to BLACK (see above).

        CBPOSITION -> A four-element array of normalized coordinates
             that specifies the location of the colorbar.  CBPOSITION
             has the same form as the POSITION keyword on a plot.
             Default is [0.1, 0.05, 0.9, 0.08].

        CBUNIT -> Passes the Unit string to COLORBAR, which will be
             plotted to the right of the color bar.

        CBFORMAT -> format to use in call to colorbar. Default is I12
             if abs(max(data)) < 1e4, else e12.2 (strings get trimmed)

        CBMIN, CBMAX -> Explicitly sets the min and max values of
             the colorbar range.  If not set, TVMAP will set
             CBMIN = min( DATA ) and CBMAX = max( DATA ).

        CBTICKLEN -> Specifies the color bar tick length as a
             fraction of the colorbar height (for horizontal
             colorbars) or width (for vertical colorbars).

        CBVERTICAL -> If set, will plot a vertical bar on the right
             side of the map.

        CBSCALE -> If set, then the printed tick labels are scaled by
             powers of 10 to minimize overlap.
        DIVISIONS -> Number of labels for the colorbar.  Default is 4.

        /TRIANGLE -> to replace box that indicate Out Of Range data 
             with a triangle.

        TOPLEVELVALUE -> to define the last annotation of the
             colorbar when using the C_LEVELS keyword

    Keywords passed to MAP_SET:
        COLOR -> Color index of the map outline and title characters.
             Defaults to BLACK (see above).

        MPARAM -> A 3 element vector containing values for
             [ P0Lat, P0Lon, Rot ].  Default is [ 0, 0, 0 ].
             Elements not specified are automatically set to zero.

        /ISOTROPIC  -> If set, will produce a map with the same scale
             in the X and Y directions.  Default is not to plot an
             isotropic-scale map. Note, however, that if TVMAP is
             called from CTM_PLOT, the default is to plot a map that
             keeps the aspect ratio (which is about the same as

        LIMIT -> A four-element vector which specifies the latitude
             and longitude extent of the map.  The elements of LIMIT
             are arranged thus: [ LatMin, LonMin, LatMax, LonMax ].
             Default is to set LIMIT = [ -90, -180, 90, 180 ] (i.e.
             to include the entire globe). P0Lon will be computed
             to fit into the LIMIT range unless it is explicitely
             requested in MParam.

        POLAR -> Plot a polar stereographic projection. If set and
             equal 1 then the plot goes from the pole to a latitude
             defined by either the extend of the data or by the user
             through the LIMIT keyword. If set and equal to 2, then
             the full hemisphere is plot, regardless of the data or
             LIMIT settings.
              Note that setting the /STEREOGRAPHIC keyword wouldn't

        POSITION -> A four-element array of normalized coordinates
             that specifies the location of the map.  POSITION has
             the same form as the POSITION keyword on a plot.
             Default is [0.0, 0.15, 1.0, 1.0] with Horizontal Color
             Bar, and [0., 0., 0.82, 1.0] with Vertical CBar.

        MARGIN -> specify a margin around the plot in normalized
            coordinates. This keyword does not change any IDL
            system variables and will thus only become "visible"
            if you use the POSITION returned by MULTIPANEL in
            subsequent plot commands.  MARGIN can either be one value
            which will be applied to all four margins, or a 2-element
            vector which results in equal values for the left and
            right and equal values for the bottom and top margins,
            or a 4-element vector with [left,bottom,right,top].  The
            default MARGIN setting is [ 0.05, 0.04, 0.03, 0.07 ].

        OMARGIN -> specify a page margin around all panels in normalized
            coordinates. Works like MARGIN.

        SCALEMAPSET -> To pass the SCALE keyword to MAP_SET.

        TITLE -> The title string that is to be placed atop the
             plot window.  TITLE is passed explicitly to avoid keyword
             name duplication in the _EXTRA=e facility.

    Keywords passed to MAP_LABELS:
        LATS, LONS -> Array of latitudes (longitudes) used to
            construct the map labels.  If LATS has one element, the
            LATS vector is build with LATS+n*DLAT, with as n as
            needed to cover the map range. If it has more than one
            element, it is not modified and it is the final grid.

        DLAT, DLON -> Latitude (longitude) interval between grid
            lines. Passed with _extra.

    Keywords passed to MAP_CONTINENTS:
        /CONTINENTS -> If set, will call MAP_CONTINENTS to plot
             continent outlines or filled boundaries.  Default is 0.

        /COUNTRIES -> If set, will call MAP_CONTINENTS to draw the
             political boundaries of countries as of 1993.

        /COASTS -> If set, will call MAP_CONTINENTS to draw the coast
             lines of continental regions.

        CCOLOR -> The color index of the continent outline or fill
             region.  Default is BLACK (see above).

        CFILL -> Value passed to FILL_CONTINENTS keyword of MAP_CONTINENTS.
             If CFILL=1 then will fill continents with a solid color
             (as specified in CCOLOR above).  If CFILL=2 then will fill
             continents with hatching.

        /USA -> Set this switch to turn on US State boundaries.

    Keywords passed to MAP_GRID:
        /BOX_AXES -> If set, then MAP_GRID will print alternating
             light & dark regions with the lon & lat labels around
             the border of the plot.  This is passed directly to
             MAP_GRID.  NOTE: BOX_AXES is the default for the CONUS

        /GRID -> If set, will call MAP_GRID to plot grid lines and
             labels. Labels can be turned off with /NOGLABELS.
             Default is _not_ to plot grid lines.

        GCOLOR -> The color index of the grid lines. Default is
             BLACK (see above).

        /NOGXLABELS -> If set, TVMAP will suppress printing longitude
             labels for each grid line.

        /NOGYLABELS -> If set, TVMAP will suppress printing latitude
             labels for each grid line.

    Keywords passed to CONTOUR:
        /CONTOUR -> Will produce a line-contour map instead of the
             default color-pixel image map.

        /FCONTOUR -> Will produce a filled-contour map instead
             of the default color-pixel image map.

        C_LEVELS -> Vector containing the contour levels.  If not
             specified, will use preset default levels.

        C_ANNOTATION -> Vector containing the contour labels.
             Default is to use string representations of C_LEVELS.

        C_FORMAT -> Format string used in converting C_LEVELS to
             the default C_ANNOTATION values.  Default is '(f8.1)'.

        C_COLORS -> Index array of color levels for contour lines or
             fill regions.  If not specified then will use uniformly
             spaced default color levels.  If C_COLORS is set to a
             scalar value, then all contour lines will have the same
             color value.

        C_LABELS -> Specifies which contour levels should be labeled.
             By default, every other contour level is labeled.  C_LABELS
             allows you to override this default and explicitly
             specify the levels to label. This parameter is a vector,
             converted to integer type if necessary.  If the LEVELS
             keyword is specified, the elements of C_LABELS
             correspond directly to the levels specified, otherwise,
             they correspond to the default levels chosen by the
             CONTOUR procedure. Setting an element of the vector to
             zero causes that contour label to not be labeled.  A
             nonzero value forces labeling.

        /C_LINES -> Will overplot a filled-contour map with contour lines
             and labels instead of plotting a colorbar. This was the old
             default behaviour but has been changed with the advent of
             "discrete" colorbars. The old NOLINES keyword is kept
             for compatibility reasons but doesn't do anything.

        /NOLABELS -> Will suppress printing contour labels on both
             line-contour and filled-contour maps.

        OVERLAYCOLOR -> Color of the solid lines that will be
             overlaid atop a filled contour map.  Default is BLACK.

    Keywords passed to MAP_IMAGE (prior: to REBIN):
        /SAMPLE -> Used to rebin the byte-scaled image array to a
             larger size.  If /SAMPLE is set, then MAP_IMAGE will use
             nearest-neighbor sampling rather than bilinear

    Keyword passed to TVIMAGE:
        SCALEMAPIMAGE -> Sets the number of pixels per graphic coordinate
             in PostScript and other devices with scalable
             pixels. Larger values produce better resolution output,
             but much larger file sizes. The default value is
             0.04. Use a larger number for higher resolution if your 
             image does not exactly fit on the map projection. 


        External subroutines required:
        COLORBAR          ( by Martin Schultz & David Fanning )
        TVIMAGE           ( by David Fanning                  )
        RECTANGLE         ( by Martin Schultz                 )
        CONVERT_LON       ( by Martin Schultz                 )
        INV_INDEX         ( function, by Martin Schultz       )
        MAP_LABELS        ( by Martin Schultz & Bob Yantosca  )
        LOGLEVELS         ( by Martin Schultz                 )
        GET_DEFAULTFORMAT ( by Martin Schultz                 )
        MYCT_DEFAULTS     ( by Bob Yantosca                   )

        Assumes that a MYCT colortable has been loaded.

        (1) The _EXTRA facility now picks up keywords for multiple
        routines (this is a new feature in IDL v. 5.0+!!)

        (2) Some keywords are saved in local variables with
        slightly different names (e.g. MCONTOUR for /CONTOUR)
        to prevent confusion with routine names and/or keywords
        that are picked up by the _EXTRA=e facility.

        (4) For contour plots, contour labels will be specified
        using the C_ANNOTATION keyword.  The downside is that
        by using C_ANNOTATION, this disables the C_LABELS keyword
        and so one cannot specify which contour lines will get
        labels.  The solution would be to expand the C_LABELS
        vector so that it has the same number of elements as
        C_ANNOTATION, and then to individually zero the
        corresponding elements of C_ANNOTATION before making
        the contour plot.  Don't have enough time for this now,
        but maybe can deal with this at a later time...

        (5) Now references the !MYCT system variable.  This should
        be defined at the start of your IDL session when ""
        is called from "".


       (1) The case of plot over the dateline is working fine only if
       LIMIT[3] is negative and LIMIT[1] is positive. Other cases are
       not specifically handled and results may not be reliable.

       (2) Since we are using MAP_IMAGE, pixel plots do start and end
        at longitude and latitude centers of the grid by default,
        like contour plots. More map coverage is done in three cases:

          (2a) Data sets that cover the globe will fill the map with
          coarse pixel plots.
          (2b) Data sets that cover the globe will fill the map only
          in the longitude direction with smooth pixel and contour
          plot. Plots start and stop at the first and last latitudes
          (2c) Data sets that do not cover the globe will start and
          end at grid edges with coarse pixels, only if the limit of
          the map is less than half grid size away from the the
          first/last latitude and longitude centers. This limitation
          is due to the method used to pad the data outside the
          domain delimited by X/Y arrays.

       (3) MAP_IMAGE assumes that an evenly spaced data set is
       passed. If X or Y array is not evenly spaced, pixels plots are
       flawed and not reliable. Contour plots are ok.


        TVMAP, DATA, XMID, YMID,                                  $
               /CBAR,           DIVISIONS=4,     FORMAT='(F6.2)', $
               /CONTINENTS,     /GRID,           /ISOTROPIC
               /SAMPLE,         TITLE='O3 at 10 km'

        TVMAP, DATA, XMID, YMID,                                  $
               /CBAR,           DIVISIONS=4,     FORMAT='(F6.2)', $
               /CONTINENTS,     /GRID,           /ISOTROPIC
               TITLE='O3 at 10 km'

             ; Plots a 2-D "smooth" pixel map.

        TVMAP, DATA, XMID, YMID,                                  $
               /CBAR,           DIVISIONS=4,     FORMAT='(F6.2)', $
               /CONTINENTS,     /GRID,           /ISOTROPIC       $
               /FCONTOUR,       TITLE='O3 at 10 km',              $

             ; Plots a 2-D filled contour map.

        TVMAP, DATA, XMID, YMID,                                  $
               /CBAR,           DIVISIONS=4,     FORMAT='(F6.2)', $
               /CONTINENTS,     /GRID,           /ISOTROPIC       $
               /FCONTOUR,       TITLE='O3 at 10 km',              $
               C_LEVELS=[10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100],         $
               /NOGXLABELS,     /NOGYLABELS,     /BOX_AXES

             ; Same as Example (3), but prints prints box-style
             ; axes via the /BOX_AXES feature of MAP_GRID.

        bmy, 13 Apr 1998: VERSION 1.00
        bmy, 11 Jun 1998: - now returns if there is
                            nothing to plot
        mgs, 15 Jun 1998: - bug fix: n_elements instead of
        bmy, 22 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.10
                          - Now use _EXTRA=e to pass keywords to
                            BYTSCL, TVIMAGE, MAP_SET, and COLORBAR
                          - added MAPTITLE and UNIT keywords to
                            avoid keyword name duplication in
        bmy, 25 Sep 1998: VERSION 2.00
                          - now calls MAP_CONTINENTS and MAP_GRID
                          - keywords renamed for consistency
                          - reduced default size for CBPOSITION
        bmy, 28 Sep 1998: VERSION 2.01
                          - MPOSITION renamed to POSITION, MCOLOR to
                            COLOR, MTITLE to TITLE for consistency
                          - LONSHIFT renamed to LSHIFT to avoid
                            problems with ambiguous keyword names
        bmy, 07 Sep 1998: VERSION 3.00
                          - now can plot contour map or color-pixel
                            map (added CONTOUR and FCONTOUR keywords,
                            and XARR and YARR parameters)
                          - The colorbar is now optional, and is
                            turned on via the /COLORBAR switch.
        bmy, 12 Nov 1998: VERSION 3.01
                          - added ISOTROPIC, SAMPLE, KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO,
                            C_LABELS, and C_FORMAT keywords
                          - now isotropic-scale color-image plots
                            and isotropic-scale contour plots are
                            handled correctly
                          - Use mgs-style default levels & colors for
                            contour and filled-contour maps.
        bmy, 13 Nov 1998: - updated comments
                          - renamed C_LEVELS to C_ANNOTATION to
                            prevent keyword name confusion
                          - added NOLINES, NOLABELS, C_LABELS,
                            and OVERLAYCOLOR keywords
                          - contour lines and labels can be
                            suppressed correctly
                          - added mgs fix so that PostScript
                            pixel-maps appear smoother
                          - a border is now plotted around the
                            map window, without inserting any of that
                            annoying "cushion" space.
                          - added LOG keyword for logarithmic
                            contours and/or pixel colors
                          - use KEYWORD_SET more often
        mgs, 17 Nov 1998: - re-arranged calls to map_set and tvimage
                            in order to maximize size
                          - output of title now seperate from map_set
                          - added CBFormat keyword
        mgs, 19 Nov 1998: - CBFormat now handled in
        mgs, 20 Nov 1998: - bug fix for map_set for contour plots
        mgs, 03 Dec 1998: - filled continents now added before contours
                          - CFILL keyword checked for consistency
        bmy, 08 Feb 1999: - If /LOG is set, make sure that we don't
                            take the log of zero and incur a math error
                          - add call to function INV_INDEX
        bmy, 23 Feb 1999: - added /GLABELS keyword to turn on/off printing
                            of labels for each grid line on the map
                          - added call to CONVERT_LON for longitudes
                            that straddle the date line
        bmy, 26 Feb 1999: - added LIMIT as an explicit keyword
                          - now uses MAP_LABELS to construct grid labels
                          - updated comments
        bmy, 04 Mar 1999: - added DEBUG keyword for debug output
        mgs, 17 Mar 1999: - some cleaning:
                          - LSHIFT, DLON, and GLABELS made obsolete
                          - new keyword NOGLABELS
                          - P0Lon now computed from LIMIT information.
                          - Updated call to map_labels
                          - For contour plots: XArr, YArr no longer
                            mandatory (although they should be provided)
                          - much smarter default contour levels
        mgs, 22 Mar 1999: - added multi-panel ability through use of
                            the new MULTIPANEL routine. This alters the
                            meaning of MPosition and CB_Position: they now
                            refer to positions in the current plot panel!
        mgs, 23 Mar 1999: - fixed a few minor things
                          - charsize is now adjusted according to number
                            of panels on page
        bmy, 25 Mar 1999: - If CBAR=0, then print unit string below
                            plot (formerly was done in CTM_PLOT)
                          - now use updated GET_DEFAULTFORMAT
                          - updated comments
                          - if NPANELS >=2 then place the plot title
                            higher above the window, to allow for
                            carriage-returned lines
        mgs, 23 Apr 1999: - added CBMin and CBMax keywords for
                            tighter colorbar control
        mgs, 19 May 1999: - title shifted a little higher if it has
                            more than 1 line.
  bmy & mgs, 26 May 1999: - added POLAR keyword and respective support.
        bmy, 27 May 1999: - bug fix for isotropic contour plots
        mgs, 27 May 1999: - added support for discrete colorbars and
                            changed default behaviour for filled
                            contour plots: now plots a colorbar and
                            no lines.
        bmy, 03 Jun 1999: - For polar plots, if the latitude range
                            spans more than 60 degrees, only plot
                            labels for [ 30, 60, 90 ] degrees.
        mgs, 03 Jun 1999: - CFill now also allowed for filled contours
                            or pixel plots (data will be overplotted)
        bmy, 09 Jun 1999: - Set CBUnit to '' if nothing passed
        bmy, 21 Jun 1999: - Added MIN_VALID keyword.
        bmy, 06 Jul 1999: - bug fix for min_valid: ge replaces gt.
        bmy, 07 Jul 1999: - Save C_COLORS in a temp variable.  Also
                            define C_COLORS so that grayscales won't
                            appear in Postscript plots
                          - multi-panel plots are now well-separated
                            from each other (for PostScript output)
        bmy, 08 Jul 1999: - more minor fixes
        bmy, 18 Nov 1999: - increase default left margin by a little
        bmy, 31 Mar 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.45
                          - make CSFAC and TITLECSFAC into keywords
        bmy, 10 May 2000: - make sure XARR and YARR (if passed) are 1D vectors
                          - now use XARR, YARR to set default limits
                          - rearranged keyword settings code for clarity
                          - added more debug output (when /DEBUG is set)
        bmy, 26 May 2000: - updated comments
        bmy, 13 Jun 2000: - added /COUNTRIES and /COASTS keywords.
                            Setting /COUNTRIES, /COASTS, or /CONTINENTS
                            will now invoke routine MAP_CONTINENTS
        bmy, 30 Jan 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.47
                          - if NOGLABELS=0 and GRID=0, will print out
                            grid labels w/o printing out grid lines
                          - added MARGIN keyword for MULTIPANEL
                          - also allow coarse plots with /SAMPLE
                            when using the Z-buffer device
        bmy, 07 Jun 2001: - removed some obsolete code & comments
        bmy, 02 Jul 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48
                          - added /NOGXLABELS and /NOGYLABELS keywords
                            to suppress printing either lon or lat
                            grid labels, if so desired.
        bmy, 13 Jul 2001: - bug fix: remove _EXTRA=e from MAP_SET call
                            when making pixel plots.  This prevents extra
                            grid lines from being drawn on the map.
        bmy, 23 Jul 2001: - now call MYCT_DEFAULTS to specify default
                            values for BLACK, BOTTOM, NCOLORS, etc
                            if these keywords are not passed explicitly.
        bmy, 31 Oct 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.49
                          - add /NOADVANCE keyword to prevent advancing
                            to the next page (in case you want to overplot)
        bmy, 08 May 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50
                          - If the data array has more than 100,000 elements,
                            then assign it a dithering factor of 1, so that
                            we don't run out of memory when trying to plot it
        bmy, 20 Jun 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.51
                          - added WINDOWPOSITION keyword to return
                            the position vector of the plot window
                            region to the calling program
        bmy, 28 Sep 2002: - now gets MYCT default parameters from the
                            !MYCT system variable
        bmy, 10 Oct 2002: - bug fix: MCOLOR=!MYCT.BLACK setting has
                            now been restored (was left commented out)
        bmy, 14 Nov 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.52
                          - If GLABELS=0, then this also sets GXLABELS=0
                            and GYLABELS=0.
                          - Removed obsolete keywords
                          - Removed reference to MYCT_DEFAULTS.
        bmy, 02 Mar 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.02
                          - added OMARGIN keyword so that we can put
                            an outer margin around all plot panels
        bmy, 28 May 2004: - Now returns the modified value of
                            C_COLORS to the calling program
                          - added CBTICKLEN keyword to specify the
                            color bar tick length
        bmy, 23 Aug 2005: GAMAP VERSION 2.04
                          - added MAX_VALID keyword
                          - now adjust MINDATA to MIN_VALID and
                            MAXDATA to MAX_VALID internally
                          - Now pass _EXTRA=e to XYOUTS
  tmf & bmy, 04 Oct 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05
                          - Replace /ERASE keyword with /NOERASE
                            to facilitate manual positioning of
                            plots.  Pass /NOERASE to MULTIPANEL.
  bmy & phs, 18 Sep 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
                          - Don't reset data below MIN_VALID to 
                            MIN_VALID for contour plots
                          - fix MAX_VALID for contour plots.
                          - fix CBar behavior when C_LEVELS is passed
 cdh/phs/bmy 26 Nov 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.11
                          - do not modify input DATA & X/YARR
                          - add support for VERTICAL COLORBAR
                          - add support for CONUS projection
                          - now all map projections are supported for
                            all 4 types of plots.
                          - now data Latitudes and Longitudes (X/Yarr)
                            are taken into account in Pixel
                            plot: no more need to clip the data
                            before plotting, TVMAP will do it, like
                            it already does for Contour plots.
                          - added Full Hemisphere Polar plot option,
                            regardless of DATA range and LIMIT keyword
                          - added RECTANGLE keyword to overwrite
                            default behavior
                          - map plotting coordinate system active at
                            exit, allowing for easy oplot
                          - default LIMIT for small data set corrected
                          - various fixes for across-the-dateline plots
                          - remove obsolete KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO keyword
                          - add /HORIZON keyword to call MAP_HORIZON
                          - updated comments
        phs, 19 Dec 2007: - new default map limit in case of
                            non-global smooth pixel and contour
                          - plots start and end at box edges in few 
                            new cases.
                          - replace /CENTER with /MINUS_ONE in call
                            to CONGRID
        phs, 12 Feb 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12
                          - Fixes for MIN_VALID and MAX_VALID 
                          - The test for the LIMIT keyword is now to check
                            "if ( n_elements(limit) ne 4 )".  This allows you
                            to disable the LIMIT keyword by also setting
        phs, 28 Feb 2008: - Couple of small padding improvements
                          - added SCALEMAPSET and SCALEMAPIMAGE to pass
                            their respective SCALE keyword to MAP_SET and
                          - LONS and LATS keyword added, so the grid can
                            be specified. Work with DLAT and DLON, the
                            grid spacings that can be passed to MAP_LABELS
                            thru the _extra keyword.
  cdh & phs, 21 Mar 2008: - added minimum support for LIMIT input as
                            8-elements vector
        phs, 17 Apr 2008: - Added the TopOutOfRange and BotOutOfRange
                            keywords, so default color (white) for Out-Of
                            -Range data can be overwritten.
        phs,  6 May 2008: - Added the GXLABELS and GYLABELS keywords
                            to specify which grid line to label.
        phs, 19 Jun 2008: - Set default SCALE value for MapImage
                            (ScaleMapImage keyword) to 0.04 if PS device.
        phs, 25 Mar 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13
                          - Added NAN_COLOR to specify color to use
                            for NaN and Infinite data 
 cdh, eml, phs, 19 Sep 2009: - Now C_LEVELS works with pixel plots and
                            any projection.
                          - Added LATS, LONS (to specify the grid), and
                            TOPLEVELVALUE (to specify the last level
                            in the colorbar when using C_LEVELS)
                          - fixed limit of CONUS projection
        phs, 29 Oct 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.14
                          - added the polyfill keyword

(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/


[Previous Routine] [List of Routines]

        TVPLOT produces one of the following plots:
          (1) A color-pixel image,   overlaid atop X-Y plot axes
          (2) A line-contour plot,   overlaid atop X-Y plot axes
          (3) A filled-contour plot, overlaid atop X-Y plot axes

        GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting

        TVPLOT, Data, Xarr, Yarr, [, keywords ]

        DATA -> 2-D array of values to be plotted.
        XARR -> array of X-axis (horizontal axis) values needed to
             construct the plot.  The number of elements in XARR must
             equal the number of elements of the first dimension of DATA.

        ZARR -> ZARR is the array of Z-axis (vertical axis) values
             needed to construct the plot.  The number of elements
             in ZARR must equal the number of elements of the second
             dimension of DATA.  If ZARR[0] > ZARR[N_Elements(ZARR)-1]
             then TVPLOT will assume pressure is to be plotted on the

        BLACK -> The color index corresponding to black.
             Default is !MYCT.BLACK (from !MYCT system variable.)

        /NOERASE -> This keyword prevents erasing the screen (or page)
            when setting a multi-panel environment or after a page was
            filled.  /NOERASE is automatically turned ON when the /OFF
            keyword is given.  NOTE: On the PostScript device, when
            the page is filled, it automatically places the next plot
            on the next page.  You can use the /NOERASE keyword to
            suppress this behavior, especially if you are manually
            placing plots on the page.
        CSFAC -> Character size for the map labels and plot titles. 
             Default settings for CSFAC vary according to the number 
             of plots per page and type of plot device.

        /NOADVANCE -> Set this switch to prevent TVMAP from advancing
             to the next plot panel on the page.  This is useful if
             you desire to overplot something atop the pixel plot or
             contour plot.

        MARGIN -> specify a margin around the plot in normalized
            coordinates. This keyword does not change any IDL
            system variables and will thus only become "visible"
            if you use the POSITION returned by MULTIPANEL in
            subsequent plot commands.  MARGIN can either be one value
            which will be applied to all four margins, or a 2-element
            vector which results in equal values for the left and
            right and equal values for the bottom and top margins,
            or a 4-element vector with [left,bottom,right,top].  The
            default MARGIN setting is [ 0.05, 0.04, 0.00, 0.02 ].
            -> adds 0.02 to the left margin for Y-axis title
            -> adds 0.03 to the bottom margin for X-axis title
            -> adds 0.03 to the right margin for vertical color bar
            -> adds 0.02 to the top margin for more than 2 plots/page

        OMARGIN -> specify a page margin around all panels in normalized
            coordinates. Works like MARGIN.

        WINDOWPOSITION -> Returns the position of the plot window
             in normal coordinates to the calling program.  This can
             be used by a subsequent call to PLOT if you want to
             overplot symbols atop the contour or pixel plot created
             by TVPLOT.

        _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords (not listed below) for
             MAP_CONTINENTS, and CONTOUR.

    Keywords for both BYTSCL and COLORBAR:
        MAXDATA -> Maximum value of the DATA array to use in the
             byte scaling.  Default is max( DATA ).

        MINDATA -> Minimum value of the DATA array to use in the
             byte scaling.  Default is min( DATA ).

        BOTTOM -> The lowest color index of the colors to be used
             for byte-scaling the color map and colorbar.  Default 
             is !MYCT.BOTTOM (from the !MYCT system variable).

        NCOLORS -> This is the maximum color index that will be used.
             Default is !MYCT.NCOLOR (from the !MYCT system variable).

        /LOG -> Will create a color-pixel plot with logarithmic
             scaling.  /LOG has no effect on line-contour or
             filled-contour plots, since the default contour levels
             are logarithmic.

    Additional keywords for COLORBAR:
        /CBAR -> If set, will plot the colorbar below the map in the 
             position specified by CBPOSITION.  Default is to NOT
             plot a colorbar.
        CBCOLOR -> Color index of the colorbar outline and
             characters.  Defaults to BLACK (see above).

        CBPOSITION -> A four-element array of normalized coordinates
             that specifies the location of the colorbar.  CBPOSITION 
             has the same form as the POSITION keyword on a plot. 
             Default is [0.1, 0.05, 0.9, 0.08]. 

        CBUNIT -> Passes the Unit string to COLORBAR, which will be
             plotted to the right of the color bar.

        CBFORMAT -> format to use in call to colorbar. Default is I12
             if abs(max(data)) < 1e4, else e12.2 (strings get trimmed)

        CBMIN, CBMAX -> Explicitly sets the min and max values of
             the colorbar range.  If not set, TVPLOT will set 
             CBMIN = min( DATA ) and CBMAX = max( DATA ).

        CBTICKLEN -> Specifies the color bar tick length as a
             fraction of the colorbar height (for horizontal
             colorbars) or width (for vertical colorbars).

        CBSCALE -> If set, then the printed tick labels are scaled by
             powers of 10 to minimize overlap.
        DIVISIONS -> Number of labels for the colorbar.  Default is 4.

        /CBVERTICAL -> Will draw a vertical colorbar instead of
             a horizontal one.  Default is to draw a horizontal

    Keywords for INTERPOLATION:
        /SAMPLE -> Used to get COARSE pixel plot. REBIN is called,
             and uses the nearest-neighbor sampling.
             Note that REBIN is used even if SAMPLE is not set, when
             device is PostScript. It uses the bilinear interpolation

        /NOZINTERP -> set to switch off the vertical
             interpolation. This can be used only if the ZARR is
             evenly spaced.

    Keywords for PLOT:

        BOTOUTOFRANGE -> Color index for data below
             MIN_VALID. Default is white, or last color in color
             table if !MYCT is not defined. If set to negative, the
             color is used in the plot only, and not in the colorbar. 

        POSITION -> A four-element array of normalized coordinates
             that specifies the location of the map.  POSITION has
             the same form as the POSITION keyword on a plot. 
             Default is [0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9]. 

        TITLE -> The title string that is to be placed atop the
             plot window.  TITLE is passed explicitly to avoid keyword
             name duplication in the _EXTRA=e facility.
        COLOR -> Color index for the plot window outline and titles.  
             Default is BLACK.

        XSTYLE, YSTYLE -> Style settings for the X and Y axes.  See 
             the "Graphics Keywords" settings man page for more info.
             XSTYLE and YSTYLE are passed as explicit keywords to
             avoid keyword name confusion in the _EXTRA=e facility. 

        XRANGE, YRANGE -> Two-element vectors for the X-axis and Y-axis 
             plot ranges, of the form [Xmin,Xmax] and [YMin,Ymax].
             XRANGE and YRANGE are passed as explicit keywords to
             avoid keyword name confusion in the _EXTRA=e facility. 

        XTITLE, YTITLE -> Titles for the X and Y axes.  XTITLE and 
             YTITLE are passed as explicit keywords to avoid keyword 
             name confusion in the _EXTRA=e facility. 

        NOXLABEL, NOYLABEL -> Suppress printing tick labels for X and Y axes.

    Keywords for CONTOUR:
        /CONTOUR -> Will produce a line-contour map instead of the 
             default color-pixel image map.

        /FCONTOUR -> Will produce a filled-contour map instead
             of the default color-pixel image map.

        C_LEVELS -> Vector containing the contour levels.  If not
             specified, will use preset default levels (see below).

        C_ANNOTATION -> Vector containing the contour labels.
             Default is to use string representations of C_LEVELS.

        C_FORMAT -> Format string used in converting C_LEVELS to
             the default C_ANNOTATION values.  Default is '(f8.1)'.

        C_COLORS -> Index array of color levels for contour lines or
             fill regions.  If not specified then will use uniformly
             spaced default color levels.  If C_COLORS is set to a 
             scalar value, then all contour lines will have the same
             color value.

        C_LABELS -> Specifies which contour levels should be labeled.
             By default, every other contour level is labeled.  C_LABELS 
             allows you to override this default and explicitly
             specify the levels to label. This parameter is a vector, 
             converted to integer type if necessary.  If the LEVELS 
             keyword is specified, the elements of C_LABELS
             correspond directly to the levels specified, otherwise, 
             they correspond to the default levels chosen by the 
             CONTOUR procedure. Setting an element of the vector to 
             zero causes that contour label to not be labeled.  A
             nonzero value forces labeling.
        /C_LINES -> Will overplot a filled-contour map with contour lines
             and labels instead of plotting a colorbar. This was the old
             default behaviour but has been changed with the advent of
             "discrete" colorbars. The old NOLINES keyword is kept
             for compatibility reasons but doesn't do anything.

        /NOLABELS -> Will suppress printing contour labels on both
             line-contour and filled-contour maps.

        OVERLAYCOLOR -> Color of the solid lines that will be
             overlaid atop a filled contour map.  Default is BLACK.


        External Subroutines Required:
        COLORBAR              GET_DEFAULTFORMAT (function)        
        INV_INDEX (function)  LOGLEVELS (function)  
        Assumes that a MYCT colortable has been loaded.

        (1) The _EXTRA facility picks extra keywords for BYTSCL,
            TVIMAGE, PLOT and COLORBAR, etc...  This is a new 
            feature in IDL v. 5.0+!! 

        (2) For contour plots, contour labels will be specified
            using the C_ANNOTATION keyword.  The downside is that
            by using C_ANNOTATION, this disables the C_LABELS keyword
            and so one cannot specify which contour lines will get
            labels.  The solution would be to expand the C_LABELS
            vector so that it has the same number of elements as
            C_ANNOTATION, and then to individually zero the
            corresponding elements of C_ANNOTATION before making
            the contour plot.  Don't have enough time for this now,
            but maybe can deal with this at a later time...

        POSITION   = [0.1, 0.1,  0.9, 0.9 ] ; position for map
        CBPOSITION = [0.1, 0.05, 0.9, 0.08] ; position for colorbar

        TVPLOT, DATA, XARR, YARR,                           $
               MAXDATA=MAXDATA,    MINDATA=MINDATA,         $
               /ERASE,             TITLE='Avg O3',          $
               XTITLE='Longitude', YTITLE='Altitude',       $
               DIVISIONS=4,        FORMAT='(F6.2)'

        bmy, 27 Apr 1998:  VERSION 1.00
        bmy, 04 Jun 1998:  - now can plot separate X or Y axes
                             if [XY]STYLE = 4 or 8
        mgs, 15 Jun 1998:  - bug fix n_elements instead of keyword_set
                           - now does spline interpolation in the
                             vertical in order to get correct
        bmy, 21 Sep 1998:  - Rename EXTRA1, EXTRA2, etc, to names
                             that have more meaning (e.g. E_BYT for
                             BytScl, E_TV for TVImage, etc.)
        bmy, 22 Sep 1998:  VERSION 1.10
                           - now uses _EXTRA=e facility to pass extra
                             keywords to BYTSCL, TVIMAGE, PLOT, and
                           - add PLOTTITLE (for PLOT) and UNIT (for
                             COLORBAR) keywords to prevent keyword
                             name duplication in _EXTRA=e.
        mgs, 11 Nov 1998:  - added CBar keyword
        bmy, 16 Nov 1998:  VERSION 2.00
                           - now can produce line-contour and filled-
                             contour plots as well as image plots
                           - now calls REBIN to rebin the byte-scaled
                             image array to higher resolution for
                             PostScript output.
                           - added the following keywords: /LOG,
                             /SAMPLE, /CONTOUR, /FCONTOUR, C_ANNOTATION,
                             C_LEVELS, C_LABELS, /NOLABELS, /NOLINES, 
        bmy, 17 Nov 1998:  - For image plots, now only display plot axes
                             AFTER the image plot has been made.  This
                             reduces the "apparent" wait time for the 
                           - renamed keywords to XA_TITLE, XA_RANGE, 
                             XA_TICKNAME, etc to avoid keyword name
                             duplication in the _EXTRA=e facility.
        mgs, 17 Nov 1998:  - added CBFormat keyword
        bmy, 18 Nov 1998:  - also added floating point format for 
                             CBFORMAT when abs(max(Data)) < 10
        mgs, 19 Nov 1998:  - CBFormat no whandled in
        bmy, 27 Jan 1999:  - added defaults for XRANGE and YRANGE
        bmy, 08 Jan 1999:  - If /LOG is set, make sure that we don't
                             take the log of zero and incur a math error
                           - add call to function INV_INDEX  
        mgs, 18 Mar 1999:  - cleaned up
                           - now uses loglevels and has smarter default 
                             contour levels
        mgs, 22 Mar 1999:  - added multi-panel ability through use of
                             the new MULTIPANEL routine. This alters the
                             meaning of MPosition and CB_Position: they now
                             refer to positions in the current plot panel!
        mgs, 23 Mar 1999:  - fixed a few minor things
                           - charsize is now adjusted according to number
                             of panels on page
        bmy, 25 Mar 1999:  - now use updated GET_DEFAULTFORMAT
                           - if NPANELS >=2 then place the plot title
                             higher above the window, to allow for 
                             carriage-returned lines
                           - updated comments
        bmy, 27 Apr 1999:  - commented out !x.charsize=csfac and
                             !y.charsize=csfac lines...these messed
                             up the plot window sizes
                           - updated comments
        bmy, 28 Apr 1999:  - added CBMin and CBMax keywords for 
                             tighter colorbar control
        mgs, 19 May 1999: - title shifted a little higher if it has
                            more than 1 line.
        mgs, 21 May 1999: - variable name for TITLE now MTITLE as in
        mgs, 27 May 1999: - changed default behaviour for filled contours:
                            now plots "discrete" colorbar and no lines.
                            Keyword NoLines changed to C_Lines.
        bmy, 10 Jun 1999: - CBUnit defaults to '
        mgs, 06 Jul 1999: - adjusted charsize for multipanel plots
        bmy, 07 Jul 1999: - Save C_COLORS in a temp variable.  Also
                            define C_COLORS so that grayscales won't
                            appear in Postscript plots
                          - multi-panel plots are now well-separated
                            from each other (for PostScript output)
        bmy, 08 Jul 1999: - more minor fixes
        bmy, 18 Nov 1999: - increase default left margin by a little
        bmy, 31 Mar 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.45
                          - made CSFAC a keyword
        bmy, 23 Jul 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48
                          - now call MYCT_DEFAULTS to specify default
                            values for BLACK, BOTTOM, NCOLORS, etc
                            if these keywords are not passed explicitly.
        bmy, 07 Jul 2001: - removed obsolete code from 1998 and 1999
        bmy, 31 Oct 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.49
                          - add /NOADVANCE keyword to prevent advancing
                            to the next page (in case you want to overplot)
        bmy, 28 Sep 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.51
                          - now gets MYCT default parameters from the
                            !MYCT system variable
        bmy, 15 Nov 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.52
                          - Added MIN_VALID keyword to skip missing
                            data values for pixel plots
        bmy, 18 Dec 2003: - For pixel plots, now linearly interpolate
                            when creating NDATA instead of using a
                            cubic spline.  This is more accurate.
                          - Prevent NDATA from being extrapolated wildly
                            due to the slope at the surface and top level
                            of the plot.  
        bmy, 06 Jan 2003: - Now interpolate NDATA correctly when pressure
                            or altitude is on the Y-axis.
                          - Removed obsolete keywords XA_TITLE, YA_TITLE,
                          - XA_RANGE, YA_RANGE, XA_TICKNAME, YA_TICKNAME
                          - Now define default YRANGE = [ ZBOT, ZTOP ]
                            to make Y-axis labels correct for both pressure
                            and altitude on the Y-axis.
                          - Removed ZBOT, ZTOP from the keyword list; 
                            these are now internal variables. 
                          - updated comments
        bmy, 02 Mar 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.02
                          - added MARGIN keyword a la TVMAP
                          - added OMARGIN keyword
        bmy, 28 May 2004: - Now returns the modified value of
                            C_COLORS to the calling program
                          - added CBTICKLEN keyword to specify the
                            color bar tick length
        bmy, 30 Nov 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.03
                          - added WINDOWPOSITION keyword  
        bmy, 12 Jul 2005: GAMAP VERSION 2.04
                          - added /ISOTROPIC keyword
                          - added /NOZINTERP keyword to prevent interpolation
                            to a fine grid of 100 pts in the vertical dim.
  bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
  bmy & phs, 26 Nov 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.11
                          - Minor fix for margins w/ for new TVIMAGE
                          - Also reset !P.MULTI=0 when using TVIMAGE
                            so that it will use the internally computed
                            position vector.  Reset after TVIMAGE call.
                          - Make sure to label last colorbar division
                            for contour plots
                          - Vertical colorbar options and MIN_VALID, 
                            MAX_VALID keywords are the same as TVMAP
                          - Extra space is now added to the default
                            MARGIN values for vertical colorbar
                            and multiple plots per page.
                          - Adjust default CBPOSITION values such
                            that the colorbar will be placed either
                            0.05 below or 0.02 to the right of the plot
        phs, 04 Apr 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12
                          - now produces a better coarse pixel plot
                            for altitude vs latitude or longitude
                            plots, even though the initial box size
                            is not exactly reproduced. 
 cdh, eml, phs, 24 Sep 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13
                          - fixes for LOG10 plots
                          - new improved interpolation scheme in Z
                          - C_LEVELS works with /SAMPLE
                          - added checks on NAN when looking at
                            min/max, added NAN_COLOR to specify a
                            color for NaN
                          - added BOTOUTOFRANGE to set color of data
                            below Min_Valid
                          - check if !MYCT is defined
 xyue & bmy, 24 Jan 2011: GAMAP VERSION 2.15
                          - Replace /ERASE keyword with /NOERASE
                            to facilitate manual positioning of
                            plots.  Pass /NOERASE to MULTIPANEL.
                            This is now consistent w/ TVMAP.

(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/