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NAME: WRITEDATA PURPOSE: write a 2 dimensional data array and header information to a file CATEGORY: File & I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITEDATA,FILENAME,DATA [,HEADER,UNITS,CFACT,MCODE] [,keywords] INPUTS: FILENAME --> the name of the output file. If the output file exists, the user will be prompted for a new name unless keyword NO_WARN is set. DATA --> The data array to be written. HEADER --> An optional string array containing variable names. These will be composed to a string using the DELIM delimiter. Note that the HEADER information can also be passed in the pre-formatted COMMENTS keyword parameter. UNITS, CFACT, MCODE --> string arrays that will be added to the file header concatenated with blank delimiters. These parameters are optional and merely there to facilitate creating chem1d model input files. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TITLE --> A title string that will be the first header line. It is also possible to pass a string array here, although for more complicate file headers it is recommended to pre-format the file header and pass it in the COMMENTS keyword. DELIM --> A delimiter character for the HEADER (variable name) items. Default is a blank ' '. COMMENTS --> A string array containing all the lines of the file header. Note that COMMENTS overrules the input of HEADER, UNITS, CFACT, and MCODE as well as TITLE. /NO_WARN --> Suppress warning message and user prompt for a new filename if the file already exists. OUTPUTS: A file containing a file header and the data array written line by line. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: DATA = findgen(3,10) HEADER = ['A','B','C'] writedata,'test.out',DATA,HEADER,TITLE='test file',DELIM=';' This will create a file like: test file A;B;C 0.00000 1.00000 2.00000 3.00000 4.00000 5.00000 ... MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 25 Nov 1997: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 05 Apr 1999: - now uses formatted write statement (looks like a bug in IDL for windows: sometimes no space is printed between numbers if you simply print,data) bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/file_io/
NAME: WRITE_BDT0001 PURPOSE: Write a binary data file with size information and variable names and units CATEGORY: File & I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_BDT0001,filename,data,vardesc[,keywords] INPUTS: FILENAME -> Name of the file to write or a file mask which will be used in the PICKFILE dialog. If the filemask is a named variable, it will return the actual filename. DATA -> a 2D data array with dimensions LINES,VARIABLES VARDESC -> A variable descriptor structure array (see GTE_VARDESC). This array must contain one structure for each variable and the structure must have the tags NAME and UNIT. Alternatively, you can use the NAMES and UNITS keywords to pass string arrays. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NAMES -> A string array containing variable names. This will only be used if no VARDESC structure array is given. UNITS -> A string array with physical units for each variable. (see NAMES) COMMENTS -> A string (or string array) with comment lines. Only the first 80 characters of each line will be stored. SELECTION -> An index array to select only a subset of variables from the data set. Indices are truncated to lie in the range 0..n_elements(names), which can lead to multiple output of the same variable! _EXTRA keywords are passed on to OPEN_FILE Flags to determine the data type: Default is to store the data in its current type. Use the TYPE keyword to convert it to any other (numeric) type or use one of the following keywords. The type information is saved in the file, so READ_BDT0001 can automatically read the data regardless of the format. /BYTE -> convert data to byte format /INT -> convert data to (2 byte) integer format /LONG -> convert data to (4 byte) integer format /FLOAT -> convert data to (4 byte) real format /DOUBLE -> convert data to (8 byte) double prec. real format /COMPLEX -> convert data to (8 byte) complex /DCOMPLEX -> convert data to (16 byte) double complex OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: Uses OPEN_FILE, STR2BYTE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: Format specification: file_ID : 80 byte character string NVARS, NLINES, NCOMMENTS, TYPE : 4 byte integer (long) NAMES : NVARS*40 byte character string UNITS : NVARS*40 byte character string COMMENTS : NCOMMENTS records with 80 characters each DATA : 8 byte float (double) array NLINES*NVARS EXAMPLE: WRITE_BDT0001,'~/tmp/*.bdt',data,vardesc MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 24 Aug 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 28 Aug 1998: - changed specs to allow comments bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 bmy, 02 Apr 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Now write data as big-endian
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/file_io/
NAME: WRITE_BIN PURPOSE: Save a 2-D data array into a binary file together with its size info. Use to read it.; CATEGORY: File & I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_BIN, data, filename, _EXTRA=e INPUTS: DATA -> Array to save to binary file format. FILENAME -> Name of the output binary file. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: _EXTRA=e -> Passes extra keywords to OPEN_FILE OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =============================== OPEN_FILE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: Use READ_BIN to read the data file. EXAMPLES: (1) WRITE_BIN, DIST(20,20), 'myfile.bin' ; Writes a data array to a binary file. (2) WRITE_BIN, DIST(20,20), 'myfile.bin', /SWAP_ENDIAN ; Writes a data array to a binary file ; converts to BIG-ENDIAN (i.e. use this if ; you are running IDL on a PC.) MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 bmy, 02 Apr 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Now write data as big-endian
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/file_io/