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NAME: CTM_EXTRACT (function) PURPOSE: Extracts a block of data from a 3-D CTM data cube. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_EXTRACT, DATA, MODELINFO, GRIDINFO [,Keywords] INPUTS: DATA -> The data cube from which to extract a region. DATA must be 3-dimensional (e.g. lon-lat-alt, or lon-lat-tracer, etc). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MODELINFO -> The MODELINFO structure returned from function CTM_TYPE. GRIDINFO -> The GRIDINFO structure returned from function CTM_GRID. AVERAGE -> Bit flag indicating the dimensions over which to average the data: 1 : longitudinal 2 : latitudinal 4 : vertical These values can be combined. E.g., to average over longitude and latitude use 3. A bit set in AVERAGE superseeds the corresponding bit in TOTAL (see below). TOTAL -> Bit flag indicating the dimensions over which to sum the data: 1 : longitudinal 2 : latitudinal 4 : vertical These values can be combined. E.g., to integrate over longitude and latitude use 3. A bit set in AVERAGE superseeds the corresponding bit in TOTAL (see above). /INDEX -> If set, will interpret LAT, LEV, and LON as index arrays. If not set, will interpret LAT, LEV, and LON as ranges (i.e. two-element vectors containing min and max values). LAT -> An index array of latitudes *OR* a two-element vector specifying the min and max latitudes to be included in the extracted data block. Default is [ -90, 90 ]. LEV -> An index array of sigma levels *OR* a two-element vector specifying the min and max sigma levels to be included in the extracted data block. Default is [ 1, GRIDINFO.LMX ]. LON -> An index array of longitudes *OR* a two-element vector specifying the min and max longitudes to be included in the extracted data block. Default is [ -180, 180 ]. ALTRANGE -> A vector specifying the min and max altitude values (or a scalar specifying a single altitude) to be included in the extracted data block. PRANGE -> A vector specifying the min and max pressure levels (or a scalar specifying a single pressure level) to be included in the extracted data block. WE -> Returns to the calling program the index array of longitudes for the extracted data region, ordered from west to east. SN -> Returns to the calling program the index array of latitudes for the extracted data region, ordered from South to North. UP -> Returns to the calling program the index array of vertical levels for the extracted data region, ordered from surface to top. DIM -> A named variable will return the new dimension information of the data block after averaging or totaling. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords for CTM_INDEX. OUTPUTS: X, Y, Z -> Arrays of latitude, longitude, or altitude values corresponding to the the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dimensions of the DATA array, respectively. SUBROUTINES: CTM_INDEX DEFAULT_RANGE (function) REQUIREMENTS: Uses GAMAP package subroutines. NOTES: (1) CTM_EXTRACT returns the extracted data region as the function value. (2) Assumes a 3-D data cube as input, of dimensions (lon, lat, alt), or for some diagnostics (lon, lat, "tracer" number). (3) In the calling program, CTM_TYPE and CTM_GRID must be called to compute the MODELINFO and GRIDINFO structures, which can then be passed to CTM_EXTRACT. (4) If any of the LAT, LON, LEV, ALTRANGE, PRANGE keywords are explicity specified, then CTM_EXTRACT will return to the calling program their original, unmodified values. If any of these are not explicitly specified , then CTM_EXTRACT will return to the calling program default values. EXAMPLE: (1) MODELINFO = CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS4', RES=4 ) GRIDINFO = CTM_GRID( MODELINFO ) DATAREGION = CTM_EXTRACT( DATACUBE, $ MODELINFO=MODELINFO, $ GRIDINFO=GRIDINFO $ LON=[-180,0], LAT=[-30,30], $ LEV=[1,10] ) ; Extracts from a GEOS-4 4x5 data cube a region ; delimited by longitude = [-180, 0], ; latitude = [-30, 30], for levels 1 to 10. (2) LON = INDGEN( 36 ) LAT = INDGEN( 16 ) + 15 LEV = INDGEN( 10 ) MODELINFO = CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS4' ) GRIDINFO = CTM_GRID( MODELINFO ) DATAREGION = CTM_EXTRACT( DATACUBE, $ MODELINFO=MODELINFO, $ GRIDINFO=GRIDINFO, $ /INDEX, LON=LON, $ LAT=LAT, LEV=LEV ) ; Extracts same data region as in Example (1) but ; here passes explicit index arrays instead of ranges. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 16 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 17 Sep 1998: - now extracts data from data cube one dimension at a time to avoid errors bmy, 18 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.01 - INDEX, SN, WE, UP keywords added - LATRANGE, LONRANGE, LEVRANGE renamed to LAT, LON, LEV (since they may now contain arrays and not just ranges). mgs, 21 Sep 1998: - some more error checking - removed MinData and MaxData bmy and mgs, 22 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.02 - added AVERAGE and TOTAL keywords bmy, 24 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.03 - Now returns original values of LAT, LON, LEV, ALTRANGE, and PRANGE if those keywords are specified. Otherwise returns defaults. MGS, 29 SEP 1998: - Introduced new DEFAULT_RANGE function. bmy, 06 Oct 1998: - fixed bug: now S = size( NEWDATA ) bmy, 08 Oct 1998: VERSION 1.04 - MODELINFO and GRIDINFO are now keywords - added X, Y, and Z as parameters bmy, 11 Feb 1999: - updated comments bmy, 19 Feb 1999: VERSION 1.05 - added FIRST keyword so that the values of THISDATAINFO.FIRST can be passed from the calling routine. - now call ADJ_INDEX to adjust the WE, SN, and UP index arrays for data blocks that are less than global size. - added DEBUG keyword mgs, 16 Mar 1999: - cosmetic changes mgs, 02 Apr 1999: - bug fixes that prevented use with 2D fields (e.g. EPTOMS data) mgs, 21 May 1999: - now catches error in multitracer diagnostics when user requests a level beyond LMX. qli, 26 May 1999: - "max(newlev) ge" corrected to "gt" bmy, 15 Sep 1999: VERSION 1.43 - removed bugs that caused data blocks to always have MODELINFO.NTROP vertical layers bmy, 04 Dec 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.47 - add code for future bug fix bmy, 24 Apr 2001: - bug fix: now can handle longitudes greater than 180 degrees bmy, 06 Jun 2001: - bug fix: Test if LON exists before assigning it to NEWLON. bmy, 30 Jul 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - bug fix: now extract proper latitude range for data blocks smaller than global size bmy, 26 Jun 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.51 - Default value of FIRST is now [1,1,1], since this has to be in Fortran notation. - also do error checking on FIRST near the beginning of the program. bmy, 15 Nov 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.52 - now can handle total/average for MOPITT grid bmy, 23 Aug 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.03 - now can handle single-point data blocks bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 bmy, 19 Nov 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.11 - Updated comments bmy, 10 Dec 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Now pad ALTRANGE and PRANGE to 2 elements if they are passed w/ one element bmy, 13 Aug 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - Bug fix: now compute DEF_X_RANGE from the grid edges for computing NEWLON. Now also works for nested grids. phs & bmy, 13 Oct 2009: - Bug fix: now account for ranges that straddle the date line when computing DEF_X_RANGE ccc, 21 Oct 2009: - Bug fix when PRange is passed. bmy, 20 Mar 2017: GAMAP VERSION 2.19 - Now make sure that WE, SN, UP are converted from Fortran to IDL notation properly when /INDEX is specified.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_GET_DATA PURPOSE: Retrieve specific data records from CTM output files. Opening files, parsing header information, and loading of data are handled transparently and can be controlled by various keywords. The routine returns a subset of the global DATAINFO structure that matches the requested category and (optional) tracer and time step(s). This routine should be called *whenever* you want to access data and you are not sure that it has been loaded previously. It provides the general user-interface for GAMAP (the Global Atmospheric Model output Analysis Package). For the future, a widget interface to this routine is planned. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_GET_DATA, DATAINFO [,DIAGN] [,keywords] INPUTS: DIAGN -> A diagnostic number or category name (see (CTM_DIAGINFO). A value of 0 (or an empty string) prompts processing of all available diagnostics. DIAGN can also be an array of diagnostic numbers or category names. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILENAME -> (optional) If FILENAME is a fully qualified file path the specified file is opened without user interaction. If filename is empty or contains wildchards (*,?), a pickfile dialog will be displayed. If FILENAME is a named variable it will contain the full file path upon return so that a subsequent call to CTM_GET_DATA with the same FILENAME argument will not prompt another file selection dialog. If the FILENAME keyword is present, CTM_GET_DATA will restrict it's scope to records from the selected is file (even if FILENAME contains an empty string, it will restrict the scope of the search!). If the file is found in the global FILEINFO structure or the USE_FILEINFO structure (i.e. it has been opened previously), then it will not be parsed again; instead the data records are returned from memory. The data itself is loaded transparently via CTM_RETRIEVE_DATA. ILUN -> An optional value or array of logical unit numbers. If given, the search is restricted to data from the specified files. Default is to use all files (unless the FILENAME keyword is present). If an undefined variable is passed into ILUN, information about all accessible files in the global FILEINFO structure (or USE_FILEINFO) is returned. TRACER -> A tracer ID number or a list of those. If given, the search is restricted to those tracers. Default is to use all tracers. If an undefined variable is passed into TRACER, and one specific diagnostics is requested with DIAGN, information about all accessible tracers in the global DATAINFO structure or USE_DATAINFO structure or the DATAINFO structure associated with a specific file is returned. TAU0 -> A time value or list of values to restrict the search. Default handling as with ILUN or TRACER. TAU0 superseeds /FIRST, /LAST or TAURANGE. TAURANGE -> A 2-element vector containing the first and last tau0 value to look for. /FIRST, /LAST -> extract first or last time step that is stored for the selected diagnostics, ilun, and tracer. Only one can be be active at a time. /LAST superseeds /FIRST. INDEX -> A named variable that will contain the indices of the records in USE_DATAINFO that match the selection criteria. You can test INDEX[0] ge 0 in order to see if CTM_GET_DATA has been successful although it is now recommended to test for n_elements(DATAINFO) eq 0. The INDEX keyword is useful if you want to change the information contained in the selected DATAINFO structures globally. USE_FILEINFO -> (optional) If provided, CTM_GET_DATA will restrict its search to only the files that are contained in USE_FILEINFO which must be a FILEINFO structure array. Default is to use the global information (see If an undefined named variable is provided in USE_FILEINFO, it will either contain the global FILEINFO structure array or the FILEINFO record of the specified file. USE_FILEINFO must contain entries for all logical unit numbers that are used in USE_DATAINFO. USE_DATAINFO -> (optional) Restrict search to records contained in USE_DATAINFO which must be a DATAINFO structure array. If an undefined named variable is provided in USE_DATAINFO, it will either contain the global DATAINFO structure array or all DATAINFO records of the specified file. See also USE_FILEINFO. /INTERNAL_USE -> Set this keyword if you want to prevent a call to CTM_OPEN_FILE, but instead abort in case of undefined (global) FILEINFO or DATAINFO structures. OUTPUTS: DATAINFO -> An array of DATAINFO records that match the selected criteria. You can then simply loop over 0..n_elements(DATAINFO)-1 to access all data records and extract the data as *(DATAINFO[i].data). DATAINFO will be undefined if no records are found!! Always test for IF (n_elements(DATAINFO) eq 0) ... ! NOTE: Alternatively you can return the INDEX to the selected data records in the global (or USE_) datainfo structure array with the INDEX keyword. This may in some cases eliminate the need to make a local copy of the selected DATAINFO records. SUBROUTINES: pro reopen_all_files,fileinfo (needed in order to get free unit numbers) pro make_compound_datainfo,DataInfo,category,ilun,tracer,tau0,tau1 (make compound structure for multilevel or multitracer diagnostics) pro update_tracer_datainfo,datainfo,traceroffset (enter tracer information into global datainfo structure) REQUIREMENTS: Several ctm_* routines are used Also uses UNDEFINE (by D. Fanning) NOTES: Please test rigorously. In case of read errors, try using CTM_OPEN_FILE with the /PRINT keyword. If your model output (ASCII punch file) does not contain the dimensional information about each data block, it may cause problems for diagnostics that do not contain 72x46 elements. It's defintively a good idea to implement this little change *NOW* ! Outline of this procedure: - get all data records that match selection criteria - create "compound" datainfo structures for multilevel and multitracer diagnostics (those hold 3D data blocks) - read data for all selected compound structures unless only status information requested EXAMPLE: See CTM_EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 20 Aug 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 21 Sep 1998: - changed gamap.cmn to mgs, 22 Sep 1998: - changed to accomodate usage of tracer information mgs, 22 Oct 1998: - old FILEINFO and DATAINFO parameters now keywords USE_..., new DATAINFO parameter returns selected subset of records. - print statements replaced with message - DEBUG messages improved - catch cancelled file open dialog mgs, 26 Oct 1998: - datainfo now undefined at start - allows for multiple categories - ilun, tracer, tau0 keyword variables renamed as sel_... in order to preserve them mgs, 04 Nov 1998: - sel_tracer now expanded to include offsets mgs, 10 Nov 1998: VERSION 3.0 - major update! Program structure much more straightforward! mgs, 12 Nov 1998: - bug fixes for simple diagnostics (line 732) and finding offset tracers (in update_...) replaced tracer by (tracer mod 100) in 3 places mgs, 19 Nov 1998: - bug fix with scale factor. Didn't get globally updated because it was linked to unit. Need a more generic global update procedure ! mgs, 03 Dec 1998: - yet another bug fix in reopen files: needed to test for negative ilun before fstat bmy, 21 Jan 1999: - added outer parentheses to the FORMAT descriptor (255(I4,1x)) to avoid errors mgs, 17 Feb 1999: - bug fix for simple diagnostics: needed to add dummy value to compound array. mgs, 16 Mar 1999: - catch error in tracerinfo.dat (more than one tracer with same number) - error in update_tracer... should have been fixed. Some more debug output added for testing. mgs, 23 mar 1999: - set vertical dimension to -1 for new compound datainfo records mgs, 24 May 1999: - updated filetype info mgs, 02 Jun 1999: - added retall statement after error message bmy, 23 Nov 1999: - added /SMALLCHEM keyword for CTM_TRACERINFO bmy, 27 Sep 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.49 - Set F77=1 for filetype 4 (DAO met fields) - Now reference function LITTLE_ENDIAN - Swap endian in OPEN_FILE if reading data on a little-endian machine (e.g. PC) bmy, 19 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - now test valid diagnostics using DIAGSTRU[*].CATEGORY and not DIAGSTRU[*].INDEX - removed /SMALLCHEM keyword, it's obsolete - Now recognizes binary files as having FILETYPE values between 100 and 200 - Removed /SMALLCHEM flag, it's obsolete - Now uses diagnostic spacing from CTM_DIAGINFO and pass this to UPDATE_TRACER_DIAGINFO bmy, 11 Feb 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.01a - Internal routine MAKE_COMPOUND_DATAINFO now passes SPACING from CTM_DIAGINFO to routine CTM_DOSELECT_DATA bmy, 27 Oct 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.03 - added QUIET keyword to suppress printing information about retrieved tracers bmy, 06 Feb 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.04 - Bug fix: use DIALOG_PICKFILE to get file name before calling CTM_OPEN_FILE. This is necessary because the tests for certain file types requires the file name to be known ahead of time. bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - now passes _EXTRA keyword to CTM_OPEN_FILE. This allows to read nested met (GMAO) files by using /NA or /CHINA bmy & phs, 20 Nov 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.11 - If FILENAME is not defined, then the value of the filename selected via dialog box will be passed back to the calling program. KNOWN BUGS OR WEAKNESSES: - handling of USE_DATAINFO and USE_FILEINFO is not carried through all lower level subroutines, i.e. they may be replaced by *pGlobal... in some occasions. Since USE_... should always be a subset of *pGlobal..., no serious errors are expected from this weakness. - known bug in update_tracer_datainfo, see comment in routine.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_GET_DATABLOCK PURPOSE: Extracts a data block from a CTM punch file. (Wrapper program for CTM_GET_DATA and CTM_EXTRACT.) CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: SUCCESS = CTM_GET_DATABLOCK(DATA [,DIAGN] [,Keywords]) INPUTS: DIAGN -> A diagnostic number or category name (see (CTM_DIAGINFO). This must uniquely identify a specific data type. DIAGN is passed to CTM_GET_DATA KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords that are passed to CTM_GET_DATA: ========================================= FILENAME -> Name of the file to open. FILENAME is passed to CTM_GET_DATA. CTM_GET_DATA will return the full path name, which is then returned to the calling program. USE_FILEINFO -> (optional) If provided, CTM_GET_DATA will restrict its search to only the files that are contained in USE_FILEINFO which must be a FILEINFO structure array. Default is to use the global information (see If an undefined named variable is provided in USE_FILEINFO, it will either contain the global FILEINFO structure array or the FILEINFO record of the specified file. USE_FILEINFO and USE_DATAINFO must be consistent, and should either both be used or omitted. However, it is possible to provide the global FILEINFO structure (or nothing) with a local subset of DATAINFO. USE_DATAINFO -> (optional) Restrict search to records contained in USE_DATAINFO which must be a DATAINFO structure array. If an undefined named variable is provided in USE_DATAINFO, it will either contain the global DATAINFO structure array or all DATAINFO records of the specified file. See also USE_FILEINFO. Keywords that are passed to CTM_EXTRACT: ======================================== AVERAGE -> Bit flag to average over certain dimensions (see CTM_EXTRACT) TOTAL -> Bit flag to sum over certain dimensions (see CTM_EXTRACT) /INDEX -> If set, will interpret LAT, LEV, and LON as index arrays. If not set, will interpret LAT, LEV, and LON as ranges (i.e. two-element vectors containing min and max values). LAT -> An index array of latitudes *OR* a two-element vector specifying the min and max latitudes to be included in the extracted data block. Default is [ -90, 90 ]. LEV -> An index array of sigma levels *OR* a two-element vector specifying the min and max sigma levels to be included in the extracted data block. Default is [ 1, GRIDINFO.LMX ]. LON -> An index array of longitudes *OR* a two-element vector specifying the min and max longitudes to be included in the extracted data block. Default is [ -180, 180 ]. ALTRANGE -> A vector specifying the min and max altitude values to be included in the extracted data block. PRANGE -> A vector specifying the min and max pressure levels to be included in the extracted data block. Other keywords: =============== XMID, YMID, ZMID -> Arrays of values (e.g. latitude, longitude, or altitude) for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dimensions of the DATA array, respectively. NOTE: These are *NOT* index arrays. THISDATAINFO -> Returns the DATAINFO structure for the selected data block. MODELINFO -> Returns to the calling program the model information structure created by CTM_TYPE. GRIDINFO -> Returns to the calling program the grid information structure created by CTM_GRID. WE -> Returns to the calling program the index array of longitudes for the extracted data region, ordered from west to east. SN -> Returns to the calling program the index array of latitudes for the extracted data region, ordered from South to North UP -> Returns to the calling program the index array of vertical levels for the extracted data region, ordered from surface to top. PSURF -> Surface pressure to be used for the conversion from sigma layers to pressure and altitude. For defaults see function CTM_TYPE. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up any extra keywords for CTM_GET_DATA and CTM_EXTRACT. OUTPUTS: SUCCESS -> Returns 1 if successful or 0 otherwise. DATA -> A 2D or 3D data array SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================== CTM_GET_DATA CTM_GRID (function) CTM_EXTRACT (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK returns the extracted data block as the function value. (2) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK is meant to be called whenever you need to extract data from a punch file. If the punch file needs to be opened, CTM_GET_DATABLOCK will do that automatically (via CTM_GET_DATA). EXAMPLE: FILENAME = '~/amalthea/CTM4/run/ctm.pch' LAT = [ -90, 90 ] LON = [ -180, 180 ] LEV = 1 SUCCESS = CTM_GET_DATABLOCK( DATA, 'IJ-AVG-$', $ XIND=XMID, YIND=YMID, ZIND=ZMID, $ THISDATAINFO=THISDATAINFO, $ TRACER=1, FILENAME=FILENAME, $ GRIDINFO=GRIDINFO, MODELINFO=MODELINFO, $ LEV=LEV, LAT=LAT, $ LON=LON, WE=WE, $ SN=SN, UP=UP ) IF ( NOT SUCCESS ) THEN RETURN, 0 ; gets a data block for the IJ-AVG-$ (ND45) diagnostic, ; for the first tracer, at the first timestep, with the ; given latitude, longitude, and sigma level ranges. ; Returns FILEINFO, DATAINFO, THISDATAINFO, WE, SN, UP, ; XMID, YMID, and ZMID to the calling program. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 16 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 17 Sep 1998: - added FILENAME keyword, so that the file name can be passed back to the calling program. bmy, 18 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.01 - now compatible with CTM_EXTRACT v. 1.01 - INDEX, SN, WE, UP keywords added - LATRANGE, LONRANGE, LEVRANGE renamed to LAT, LON, LEV (since they may now contain arrays and not just ranges). mgs, 21 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.02 - more error checking - added PSurf keywords - frees gridinfo pointer before re-assignment - removed MinData and MaxData bmy, 22 Sep 1998: - Now pass AVERAGE and TOTAL keywords to CTM_EXTRACT mgs, 22 Sep 1998: - added THISDATAINFO keyword bmy, 24 Sep 1998: - added FORWARD_FUNCTION for CTM_GRID and CTM_EXTRACT bmy, 08 Oct 1998: VERSION 1.03 - FILEINFO and DATAINFO are now keywords - now returns X, Y, and Z as parameters bmy, 03 Nov 1998: VERSION 1.04 - compatible with new CTM_GET_DATA routine - now pass FILEINFO and DATAINFO structures via USE_FILEINFO and USE_DATAINFO keywords mgs, 10 Nov 1998: - once more adapted to changes in CTM_GET_DATA - now extracts locally used FILEINFO structure bmy, 11 Feb 1999: VERSION 1.05 - updated comments bmy, 19 Feb 1999: - Renamed XIND, YIND, ZIND to XMID, YMID, and ZMID, since these are not index arrays, but the actual longitude, latitude, or altitude values for each dimension of the DATA array. - added DEBUG keyword - eliminate obsolete XARR, YARR, ZARR keywords - added NOPRINT keyword to suppress call to CTM_PRINT_DATAINFO mgs, 02 Apr 1999: - replace gridinfo in fileinfo only if new surface pressure is requested. Necessary for 2D fields (e.g. EPTOMS) - deactivated SMALLCHEM flag - added error checking for FILEINFO bmy, 28 Apr 1999: - return THISFILEINFO as a keyword mgs, 30 Jun 1999: - Specification of PSURF finally works. bmy, 13 Dec 1999: - now use CHKSTRU instead of N_ELEMENTS to diagnose undefined GRIDINFO structure bmy, 04 Dec 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.47 - eliminated obsolete code from 12/31/99 bmy, 03 Jun 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - bug fix: also create GRIDINFO structure for grids with no vertical layers bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_LOCATEDIFF PURPOSE: Locates data blocks which differ in two binary punch files or GMAO met field files. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_LOCATEDIFF, FILE1, FILE2 [, Keywords ] INPUTS: FILE1 -> Name of the first file to be tested. FILE1 may be a binary punch file, and ASCII file, or a GMAO met field file. FILE2 -> Name of the second file to be tested. FILE2 may be a binary punch file, and ASCII file, or a GMAO met field file. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DIAGN -> A diagnostic category name to restrict the selection of data records. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the output file which will contain the location of differences found between data blocks in FILE1 and FILE2. If OUTFILENAME is not specified, then CTM_LOCATEDIFF will print this information to the screen. /HEADERS_ONLY -> Set this switch to just print the category names and tracer numbers where differences occur instead of printing all of the data points. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up any extra keywords for CTM_GET_DATA. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External subroutines required: ============================== CTM_GET_DATA UNDEFINE CTM_DIAGINFO REQUIREMENTS: References routines from both GAMAP and TOOLS directories. NOTES: (1) Both FILE1 and FILE2 must contain the same diagnostic categories, listed in the same order. EXAMPLE: CTM_LOCATEDIFF, 'ctm.bpch.old', '' ; Locates data blocks which differ between ctm.bpch.old ; and You can investigate these further ; with routines CTM_PRINTDIFF and CTM_PLOTDIFF. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 24 Feb 2003: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 19 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - Now get spacing between diagnostic offsets from CTM_DIAGINFO bmy, 27 Feb 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.02 - Rewritten to also print out locations in FORTRAN notation where differences occur - added DIAGN keyword to specify category name - added OUTFILENAME to specify output file bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 bmy, 01 May 2013: GAMAP VERSION 2.17 - Corrected error in EXAMPLE section above
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) PURPOSE: Create a datainfo and fileinfo structure from an "external" data set so that it can be used seamlessly within the GAMAP package. The dataset can have up to four dimensions (however, only the first 3 are currently supported). The new datainfo and fileinfo structures will be added to the global structure arrays. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO( DATA, DATAINFO, FILEINFO [,Keywords] ) INPUTS: DATA -> A 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D data array. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DIAGN -> A diagnostics name (category) or number that describes the data type. If not given, the user will be prompted. If DIAGN is a number that is not recognized as valid diagnostics by CTM_DIAGINFO, the number will be stored as string value. If DIAGN is a string, it does not have to be a valid diagnostics category. DIM -> A 4 element vector with the DATA dimensions as LON, LAT, LEVEL, TIME. If not given, the dimensions of DATA will be entered sequentially. Use this keyword to properly identify e.g. a zonal mean data set as DIM = [ 0, 46, 20, 0 ] (for the GEOS-1). The order and magnitude of the dimensions in DIM must agree with the dimensions of the DATA array (e.g. if DATA(72,46) then DIM=[46,72,0,0] is not allowed). FILENAME-> Name of the file which is specified by the FILEINFO structure. If FILENAME is not specified, then the default FILENAME = "derived data". FILETYPE -> A numeric code to identify the file type. If not specified then the default FILETYPE = -1. FIRSTBOX -> A 3 element vector containing IFIRST, JFIRST, and LFIRST, which are the starting indices for the LON, LAT, and LEVEL dimensions. FORMAT -> A format string (for ASCII data) or descriptive string (for binary or self-describing data) that is saved to the DATAINFO structure. Default is ''. GRIDINFO -> A gridinfo structure describing the grid set-up of the data set (see CTM_GRID). If not given, CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO attempts to use the MODELINFO structure to construct GRIDINFO. ILUN -> The file unit number that will be used to identify FILEINFO and DATAINFO. If not passed, then ILUN will be negative to denote derived data, and will increment negatively for each data block, starting at -1. MODELINFO -> A modelinfo structure containing information about the model that generated the data (see CTM_TYPE). If not given, the user is prompted for a selection. /NO_GLOBAL -> If passed, will prevent the DATAINFO and FILEINFO structures from being appended to the global GAMAP common blocks. Useful for saving memory. /NO_VERTICAL (passed via _EXTRA) -> set this keyword if you only want to create a 2D gridfinfo structure. TAU0, TAU1 -> Beginning and end of time interval that is spanned by DATA (as TAU value). Default is -1 for both. TOPTITLE -> A user defined string that may describe the data set in more detail. TRACER -> A tracer number or name that identifies the chemical species or physical quantity contained in DATA. If TRACER is an invalid name, it will be set to -1, and the string value of TRACER will be used as TRCNAME (see below). If not given, the user will be prompted. TRCNAME -> A tracer name. Default is to use the name associated with that tracer number in CTM_TRACERINFO. SCALE -> A value that is entered in the SCALE field in DATAINFO. Default is 1.0. UNIT -> A unit string. Default is empty. OUTPUTS: DATAINFO, FILEINFO -> The datainfo and fileinfo structures generated from the "external" data array. These are automatically appended to the global DATAINFO and FILEINFO structures, unless the /NO_GLOBAL keyword is set. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ========================================= CREATE3DHSTRU, CREATE3DFSTRU, TAU2YYMMDD REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: In the current version, no error checking is made whether the DATA dimensions agree with the grid information. This is the users responsibility. EXAMPLES: (1) DATA = DIST(72,46) RESULT = CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO( DATA, DATAINFO, FILEINFO ) ; Create a 2D array and make a DATAINFO structure. ; The user will be prompted for model type, ; diagnostics and tracer. (2) RESULT = CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO( DATA, DATAINFO, FILEINFO, $ MODEL=CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS1' ), DIAGN='IJ-AVG-$', $ TRACER=2, TAU0=NYMD2TAU(940901L), TAU1=NYMD2TAU(940930), $ UNIT='PPBV', DIM=[0,46,20,0], $ TOPTITLE='Zonal mean difference in Ox CLDS/no CLDS') ; Add a zonal mean difference data set (already in DATA) (3) HELP, DATAINFO, /STRU ** Structure H3DSTRU, 13 tags, length=72: ILUN LONG -15 FILEPOS LONG 0 CATEGORY STRING 'ZONE-AVG' TRACER INT 2 TRACERNAME STRING 'Ox' TAU0 DOUBLE 84720.000 TAU1 DOUBLE 85416.000 SCALE FLOAT 1.00000 UNIT STRING 'ppbv' FORMAT STRING '' STATUS INT 1 DIM INT Array[4] OFFSET INT Array[3] DATA POINTER; Display DATAINFO structure MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 09 Oct 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 19 Nov 1998: - bug fix. ILUN now always negative! - unit now "required" parameter, i.e. interactively asked for bmy, 11 Feb 1999: VERSION 1.01 - added OFFSET keyword so that I0, J0, and L0 offsets can be stored in DATAINFO - DATAINFO.TAU0 and DATAINFO.TAU1 are now stored as double precision - updated comments mgs, 16 Mar 1999: - cosmetic changes - OFFSET changed into FIRSTBOX mgs, 30 Mar 1999: - added _EXTRA keyword for ctm_grid (use for /NO_VERTICAL) bmy, 29 Jun 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - bug fix: now pass CTM_TRACERINFO the tracer number plus diagnostic offset bmy, 06 Mar 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 - now take TRACER mod 100L before adding the diagnostic offset to it in call to CTM_TRACERINFO bmy, 26 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - added /NO_GLOBAL keyword - rewrote for clarity; updated comments - Now get diagnostic spacing from CTM_DIAGINFO - added ILUN, FILENAME, FILETYPE keywords bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 phs, 30 May 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Minor fix to restrict FIRSTBOX to 3 elements
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_MASS_CHECK PURPOSE: Plots the time evolution of % difference of tracer mass and air mass from a CTM simulation. Used to assess mass conservation in CTM transport codes. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_MASS_CHECK [, Keywords ] INPUTS: FILENAME -> Name of the CTM output file containing air mass and tracer concentrations. FILENAME can be either an ASCII punch file or a BINARY punch file. If omitted, the user will be prompted to supply FILENAME via a dialog box. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TRACER -> Number of the tracer that you wish to check for mass conservation. /PS -> Set this switch to create PostScript plot output. OUTFILENAME -> If /PS is set, OUTFILENAME will be the name of the PostScript plot output file. Default is "". _EXTRA=e -> Catches extra keywords for routines OPEN_DEVICE and CLOSE_DEVICE. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =============================== CLOSE_DEVICE CTM_GET_DATA MULTIPANEL OPEN_DEVICE UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: References routines from both GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: (1) Assumes that the tracer concentration has been saved under the IJ-AVG-$ diagnostic category. Also assumes that the airmass has been saved under the BXHGHT-$ diagnostic category. EXAMPLE: CTM_MASS_CHECK, 'ctm.bpch.geos4', TRACER=4 ; Plots the evolution of % difference of both ; tracer and air mass for CO from a GEOS-4 simulation. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bdf & bmy, 26 Jun 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.03 bmy, 06 Mar 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.06 - make FILENAME an input rather than a keyword argument. - now pass _EXTRA=e to the PLOT command - Added WINPARAM keyword bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_NOYBUDGET PURPOSE: Computes the NOy budget within a given 3-D region. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_NOYBUDGET [, BATCHFILE [, Keywords ] ] INPUTS: BATCHFILE (optional) -> Name of the batch file which contains inputs that defines the 3-D region and NOy constituents. If BATCHFILE is omitted, then the user will be prompted to supply a file name via a dialog box. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: LOGFILENAME (optional) -> Name of the log file where output will be sent. Default is "noy_budget.log". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: -------------------------------------------------------------- ErrorNOy (function) TruncateAndWrapForNOy (function) GetNoxEmissionsForNOy (function) GetHNO3WetDepForNOy (function) GetDryDepositionForNOy (function) GetNetExportForNOy (function) GetNetChemicalProductionForNOy (function) ReadBatchFileForNOy (procedure) External Subroutines: -------------------------------------------------------------- CTM_Get_Datablock (function) CTM_BoxSize (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) CTM_NOYBUDGET was developed for use with the GEOS-CTM, there might be some adaptation required for use with other models. (2) Only 5 "families" are considered: Dry Deposition, NOx, PAN, HNO3, R4N2. (3) Wrapping around the date line seems to work but you should always double-check. EXAMPLE: CTM_NOYBUDGET, 'box1.dat', LogFileName='box1.log' ; Computes NOy budgets for the region specified in ; the file "box1.dat" and sends output to the ; "box1.log" log file. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 28 Jan 2000: VERSION 1.00 - adapted original code from Isabelle Bey bmy, 25 May 2000: VERSION 1.45 - now allow the user to specify diagnostic category names in the batch file - added internal function "TruncateAndWrapForNOy" to wrap arrays around the date line - added internal procedure "ErrorNOy" to do error checking for CTM_GET_DATABLOCK - now can create budgets for more than one diagnostic interval - now allow user not to compute chemical production data for given families acs, 26 May 2000: - bug fixes: now do not stop the run if data blocks are not found bmy, 01 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.46 - use abs( Total( X ) ) > 0 when testing if transport fluxes are all nonzero bmy, 24 Jan 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.47 - now no longer require all types of emissions to be nonzero in order to sum them - now no longer require both HNO3 LS and convective wetdep to be zero in order to sum them bmy, 17 Jan 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 - now call STRBREAK wrapper routine from the TOOLS subdirectory for backwards compatiblity for string-splitting bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_OXBUDGET PURPOSE: Computes the Ox budget within a given 3-D region. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_OXBUDGET [, BATCHFILE [, Keywords ] ] INPUTS: BATCHFILE (optional) -> Name of the batch file which contains inputs that defines the 3-D region and NOy constituents. If BATCHFILE is omitted, then the user will be prompted to supply a file name via a dialog box. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: LOGFILENAME (optional) -> Name of the log file where output will be sent. Default is "ox_budget.log". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: -------------------------------------------------------------- ErrorOx (function) TruncateAndWrapForOx (function) GetHNO3WetDepForOx (function) GetDryDepositionForOx (function) GetNetChemicalProductionForOx (function) GetNetExportForOx (function) ReadBatchFileForOx (procedure) External Subroutines Required: -------------------------------------------------------------- CTM_Get_Datablock (function) CTM_BoxSize (function) REQUIREMENTS: NOTES: (1) CTM_OXBUDGET was developed for use with the GEOS-CTM, there might be some adaptation required for use with other models. (2) Only 2 "families" are considered: Dry Deposition and Ox. (3) Wrapping around the date line seems to work but you should always double-check. (4) Currently, the box of consideration must be less than global size in order to m EXAMPLE: CTM_OXBUDGET, 'box1.ox', LogFileName='box1.log' ; Computes Ox budgets for the region specified in ; the file "box1.ox" and sends output to the ; "box1.log" log file. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 28 Jan 2000: VERSION 1.00 - adapted original code from Isabelle Bey bmy, 25 May 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.45 - now allow the user to specify diagnostic category names in the batch file - added internal function "TruncateAndWrapForOx" to wrap arrays around the date line - added internal procedure "ErrorOx" to do error checking for CTM_GET_DATABLOCK - now can create budgets for more than one diagnostic interval - now allow user not to compute chemical production data for given families acs, 26 May 2000: - bug fixes: now do not stop the run if data blocks are not found. bmy, 01 Aug 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.46 - use abs( Total( X ) ) > 0 when testing if transport fluxes are all nonzero bmy, 13 Dec 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.49 - Now do not require all transport fluxes to be nonzero in order to compute budgets - now truncate data blocks correctly for E/W and N/S transport fluxes - Now compute the total number of seconds over the entire diagnostic interval - Now divide fluxes by the number of diagnostic time intervals in order to get average fluxes bmy, 17 Jan 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 - now call STRBREAK wrapper routine from the TOOLS subdirectory for backwards compatiblity for string-splitting; bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 bmy, 23 Mar 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 phs, 20 Aug 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - now 3D region can be as small as one box.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_PRINTDIFF PURPOSE: Prints the sum of the differences between two CTM output files. This is a quick way of ensuring that two model versions are producing identical results. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_PRINTDIFF, DIAGN [, Keywords ] INPUTS: DIAGN -> A diagnostic number or category to restrict the record selection (default is: "IJ-AVG-$"). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILE1 -> Name of the first CTM output file (the "old" file). If FILE1 is not given, or if it contains wildcard characters (e.g. "*"), then the user will be prompted to supply a file name via a pickfile dialog box. FILE2 -> Name of the second CTM output file (the "new" file). If FILE2 is not given, or if it contains wildcard characters (e.g. "*"), then the user will be prompted to supply a file name via a pickfile dialog box. TRACER -> Number of the tracer for which differences will be plotted. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up other keywords for CTM_GET_DATABLOCK. OUTPUTS: Prints the quantity: DIFF[L] = TOTAL( DATA2[*,*,L] - DATA1[*,*,L] ) for each level L. If DIFF[L] = 0 for all levels L, then FILE1 and FILE2 contain identical data. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================== CTM_CLEANUP CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) If DATA1 corresponds to the "old" data, and DATA2 corresponds to the "new" data, then CTM_DIFF will compute the following: Abs. Diff = ( new - old ) (2) CTM_PRINTDIFF calls CTM_CLEANUP each time to remove previously read datablock info from the GAMAP common block. EXAMPLE: FILE1 = 'ctm.bpch.v4-30' ; the "old" file FILE2 = 'ctm.bpch.v4-31' ; the "new" file CTM_PRINTDIFF, 'IJ-AVG-$', $ FILE1=FILE1, FILE2=FILE2, TRACER=1 IDL prints: Level: 26 Difference: -2.3841858e-07 Level: 25 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 24 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 23 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 22 Difference: -1.4901161e-08 Level: 21 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 20 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 19 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 18 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 17 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 16 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 15 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 14 Difference: -7.4505806e-09 Level: 13 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 12 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 11 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 10 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 9 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 8 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 7 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 6 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 5 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 4 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 3 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 2 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 1 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 ; Prints the sum of differences at each level ; betweeen two GEOS-STRAT binary punch files ; for NOx (tracer=1). MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 04 Apr 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 bmy, 22 Apr 2002: - now takes diff of DATA2 - DATA1, in order to be consistent with CTM_PLOTDIFF. bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_PRINT_DATAINFO PURPOSE: Create and print a formatted list of DATAINFO records. This procedure can be used for direct printing, but it can also return a string array of the formatted output e.g. for use in a widget list. CATEGORY: GAMAP Internals, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_PRINT_DATAINFO,DATAINFO [,keywords] INPUTS: DATAINFO -> One or more DATAINFO records, e.g. the result from CTM_GET_DATA. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FIELDS -> (*** not yet implemented ***) A list of fields (structure tag names) to be printed. Default is CATEGORY, ILUN, TRACERNAME, TRACERNUMBER, UNIT, TAU0, STATUS, DIMENSIONS FIELDS can also include tags from the (global) FILEINFO structure (e.g. FILENAME). OUTPUT -> A named variable that will contain a string array with the formatted output including the title line but without the seperating lines. The title is not included if keyword /NOTITLE is set. /NOPRINT -> Don't print, only return formatted strings /NOTITLE -> Do not generate title line (will neither be printed nor included in OUTPUT. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External subroutines required: ------------------------------ GAMAP_CMN (include file) TAU2YYMMDD (function) REQUIREMENTS: References routines from both GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: For GISS, FSU family of models, TAU0 = 0 occurs on date 1/1/1980. For GEOS family of models, TAU0 = 0 occurs on date 1/1/1985. Therefore, the model family must be obtained from the global FILEINFO structure in order to display the YYMMDD corresponding to TAU0. EXAMPLE: CTM_GET_DATA,DataInfo,File='',tracer=2 CTM_PRINT_DATAINFO,DataInfo ; *or* CTM_PRINT_DATAINFO,DataInfo,Output=r,/NOPRINT MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 10 Nov 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 11 Feb 1999: VERSION 1.01 - adjust format for double-precision TAU0 mgs, 16 Mar 1999: - added tracer number and removed STATUS - made cosmetic changes mgs, 23 Mar 1999: - print dimension as NA if not yet available bmy, 27 Apr 1999: - widen tracer number field to 6 chars mgs, 22 Jun 1999: - widen unit field to 12 chars and add DATE field bmy, 27 Jul 1999: VERSION 1.42 - GISS/FSU YYMMDD values are now correct - cosmetic changes bmy, 10 Aug 1999: - change I6 format for date to I6.6 so that leading zeroes are printed bmy, 03 Jan 2000: VERSION 1.44 - change I6.6 format to I8.8 and print the date in YYYYMMDD format for Y2K compliance - declare TAU2YYMMDD as external with the FORWARD_FUNCTION command bmy, 14 Feb 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.47 - decrease tracer name from 10 to 7 chars - Now use 10-digit date string YYYYMMDDHH bmy, 02 Jul 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - now assume that GENERIC grids use GEOS time epoch for NYMD2TAU bmy, 21 Oct 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.52 - now assume MOPITT grid uses GEOS epoch - deleted obsolete code bmy, 03 May 2005: GAMAP VERSION 2.04 - wrap tracer number into 5 digits - GCAP uses the same TAU values as GEOS models bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 bmy 24 Jan 2014: GAMAP VERSION 2.17 - Adjust output format string to allow for a few extra spaces in UNIT and TRACER #.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/internals/
NAME: CTM_READ_PLANEFLIGHT PURPOSE: Reads GEOS-CHEM plane flight diagnostic (ND40) data. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = CTM_READ_PLANEFLIGHT( FILENAME ) INPUTS: FILENAME -> Name of the file containing data from the GEOS-CHEM plane following diagnostic ND40. If FILENAME is omitted, then a dialog box will prompt the user to supply a file name. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: RESULT -> Array of structures containing data from read from the input file. Each different plane type will have a structure in RESULT containing the following tags: NPOINTS : Number of points read from the file NVARS : Number of variables read from the file PLATFORM : Name of plane type (e.g. DC8, P3B, FALCON) DATE : Array w/ YYYYMMDD at each flight point [GMT date] TIME : Array w HHMM at each flight point [GMT time] LAT : Array w/ latitude at each flight point [degrees ] LON : Array w/ longitude at each flight point [degrees ] PRESS : Array w/ pressure at each flight point [hPa ] VARNAMES : Array w/ names of each variable DATA : Array w/ data for each variable SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ========================================== OPEN_FILE STRBREAK (function) UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: We read the data into arrays first, and then save the arrays into an IDL structure. If you read the data into an array of structures, this executes much more slowly. Also arrays of structures seem to suck up an inordinate amount of memory. EXAMPLES: PLANEINFO = CTM_READ_PLANEFLIGHT( 'plane.log.20040601' ) ; Reads data from file into the PLANEINFO structure DC8 = WHERE( PLANEINFO[*].PLATFORM eq 'DC801' ) ; Look for DC8 data PRINT, PLANEINFO[DC8].LAT[*] PRINT, PLANEINFO[DC8].LON[*] ; Prints latitudes and longitudes of DC8 to the screen IND = WHERE( PLANEINFO[DC8].VARNAMES eq 'TRA_004' ) CO = PLANEINFO[DC8].DATA[ *, IND ] ; Extracts CO (tracer #4 in a GEOS-CHEM fullchem ; simulation) to an array IND = WHERE( PLANEINFO[DC8].VARNAMES eq 'GMAO_UWND' ) UWND = PLANEINFO[DC8].DATA[ *, IND ] ; Extracts U-wind information to an array MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 23 Mar 2005: GAMAP VERSION 2.03 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_SELECT_DATA (function) PURPOSE: Provide a user-friendly function to extract data from a DATAINFO structure. The function returns an index to the given DATAINFO structure which points to all recored that fulfill the specified conditions. CATEGORY: GAMAP Internals, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: index = CTM_SELECT_DATA(DIAGN[,DATAINFO,keywords]) INPUTS: DIAGN -> A diagnostic number or category name. Only one diagnostic can be extracted at the same time. Complete information about the requested diagnostic is returned via the DIAGSTRU keyword. (see also CTM_DIAGINFO) DATAINFO -> An [optional] subset of the global DataInfo structure. As default, CTM_SELECT_DATA operates on the global DATAINFO structure (see scanning all files that have been opened. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ILUN -> A logical unit value or an array of logical unit values. Only recored from these files will be returned. Default is to use all files. A link between logical unit numbers and filenames can be made through the (global) FileInfo structure (see TRACER -> A tracer number or an array of tracer numbers to restrict the selection of data records. Default is to return information about all tracers. Tracer numbers less than 100 are automatically expanded to include the offset of certain diagnostics (see CTM_DIAGINFO and CTM_DOSELECT_DATA). TAU -> A time value (tau0 !) or an array of time values to restrict the selection of data records. Default is to return information about all time steps. (see also example) LEVELRANGE -> A 1 or 2 element vector with a level index or a range of level indices for multilevel diagnostics (e.g. 'IJ-AVG$'). As default, information is returned about full 3D data blocks only. See also EXPAND keyword. /EXPAND -> If set, multilevel diagnostic fields are expanded to return the individual layers in addition to the complete 3D cube. DATA -> A named variable that will contain an array with pointers to the indexed data blocks. Note that some may be NIL pointers if the STATUS value is 0 or 2. COUNT -> A named variable that will return the number of data blocks found with the given selection criteria DIAGSTRU -> A named variable that will contain complete information about the requested diagnostics (see CTM_DIAGINFO) STATUS -> Restricts the data selection to Data that has not been read (STATUS = 0) Data that has been read (STATUS = 1, default) All data blocks (STATUS = 2) If STATUS is 1, all pointers returned in DATA are valid. OUTPUTS: The function returns an (long) integer array that contains index values to all the data blocks that match the selection criteria. If no data is found, -1 is returned. SUBROUTINES: REQUIREMENTS: Uses CTM_DOSELECT_DATA, EXPAND_CATEGORY,, GAMAP_INIT, CTM_DIAGINFO NOTES: This function acts for the most part as a convenient user interface to CTM_DOSELECT_DATA which performs the actual selection process and contains only minimal error checking. For programming purposes, use CTM_DOSELECT_DATA when possible. EXAMPLE: ; open a CTM punch file CTM_OPEN_FILE ; Read diagnostic number 45 for all tracers and time steps CTM_READ_DATA,45 ; Select data for tracer 1 and diagnostics 45 index = CTM_SELECT_DATA(45,tracer=1,data=pdata) ; De-reference the data pointer for the first record ; (usually the first timestep) if (index[0] ge 0) then data = (*pdata)[0] ; find data for a specific time range DataInfo = (*pGlobalDataInfo)[index] taus = where(DataInfo.tau0 ge 77666L AND DataInfo.tau1 le 78888L) taus = DataInfo.tau0[taus] index = CTM_SELECT_DATA(45,DataInfo,tracer=1,tau=taus,data=pdata) MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 19 Aug 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 21 Sep 1998: - changed gamap.cmn to mgs, 07 Oct 1998: - removed obsolete FILEINFO parameter - changed NO_EXPAND to EXPAND bmy, 19 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - Now get spacing between diagnostic offsets from CTM_DIAGINFO and pass to CTM_DOSELECT_DATA - Now use the /NO_DELETE keyword in the call to routine EXPAND_CATEGORY bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/internals/
NAME: CTM_SUM PURPOSE: Calculate the sum of several CTM output data blocks and store them in a new datainfo structure as "derived data". The user can select data blocks by diagnostics, tracer, tau0, or logical unit of the source file. With the AVERAGE keyword averages will be computed instead of totals. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_SUM [, DIAGN ] [, Keywords ] INPUTS: DIAGN -> The diagnostic category name. Default is 'IJ-AVG-$' KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TRACER -> Tracer number(s) to look for. TAU0 -> beginning of time step to look for. You can specify a date using function nymd2tau(YYMMDD,HHMMSS) ILUN -> If you want to restrict summation to datablocks from one particular file, set the ILUN keyword to the respective logical unit number. ILUN and FILENAME are mutually exclusive. If you select FILENAME then ILUN will be ignored. FILENAME -> Instead of ILUN you may pass the name of a CTM data file containing data blocks to be summed. FILENAME and ILUN are mutually exclusive. If you select FILENAME then ILUN will be ignored. NEWTRACER -> Tracer number for the new tracer. Default is to use the same number as the tracer in the first selected data block. NEWTAU0 -> A new pair of values for the time stamp. Default is to use the minimum tau0 and maximum tau1 from the selected data blocks. If only one value is passed (tau0), then tau1 will be set to tau0+1. /AVERAGE -> set this keyword to compute a (simple) average instead of the total. OUTPUTS: This routne produces no output but stores a new datainfo and fileinfo structure into the global arrays. SUBROUTINES: uses gamap_cmn, ctm_get_data, ctm_grid, and ctm_make_datainfo REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: All data blocks must originate from compatible models. No test can be made whether an identical addition had been performed earlier. Hence, it is a good idea to test the existence of the "target" record before in order to avoid duplicates. EXAMPLE: (1) CTM_GET_DATA, DATAINFO, 'IJ-AVG-$', $ TRACER=1, TAU0=NYMD2TAU( 940301L ) IF (N_ELEMENTS(DATAINFO) EQ 0) THEN $ CTM_SUM, 'IJ-AVG-$', TRACER=[1,2,3,4,5], $ TAU0=NYMD2TAU(940301L), NEWTRACER=1 ; Add individual CH3I tracers for 03/01/1994 and ; store them as total CH3I concentration. ; But first: test! (2) CTM_SUM,'IJ-AVG-$',$ TRACER=2, FILENAME='ctm.bpch.ox', /AVERAGE ; Compute annual averages from monthly means for Ox MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 18 May 1999: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Added FILENAME keyword as an alternative to ILUN - Updated comments, cosmetic changes phs, 18 Aug 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - Added experimental keyword DIMAVER to average along any dimension of the datablocks.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_SUM_EMISSIONS PURPOSE: Computes totals of emissions in Tg [or Tg C] for the following diagnostics: ND28, ND29, ND32, ND36, ND46, ND13, etc. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_SUM_EMISSIONS, DIAGN [, Keywords ] INPUTS: DIAGN -> A diagnostic category name to restrict the record selection (default is "ANTHSRCE"). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILENAME -> Punch file (ASCII or Binary) from which to read CTM emissions data. If omitted, the user will be prompted to select a file via a dialog box. FORMAT -> To overwrite the default format to output the sum. TRACER -> The tracer number (or a 1-D array of tracer numbers) to compute emission totals for. /CUM_ONLY -> If this switch is set, SUM_EMISSIONS will only print out cumuluative totals (and skip individual totals for each data block). RESULT -> An array of structures (tag names: NAME, SUM, UNIT) that returns, the name of each tracer, its cumulative total, and its unit to the calling program. /NO_SECONDS -> Set this switch if the data to be summed is independent of seconds (e.g. molec/cm2). CTM_SUM_EMISSIONS will not multiply the data by the number of seconds in the interval when converting to Tg. /KG -> Set this switch if the data to be summed is in kg instead of molec/cm2 or molec/cm2/s. CTM_SUM_EMISSIONS will not multiply the data by the surface area of each grid box when converting to Tg. /TO_Mg -> Set this switch if you wish to display emissions totals in Mg instead of Tg. /TO_Gg -> Set this switch if you wish to display emissions totals in Gg instead of Tg. /SHORT -> Use a shorter output format to print totals. Default is to print out w/ the long output format. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up any extra keywords for CTM_GET_DATA or CTM_TRACERINFO. OUTPUTS: Prints totals in Tg or Tg C for each tracer to the screen SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: ================================================== CSE_GetUnit (function) CSE_GetAreaCm2 (function) CSE_GetInfo External Subroutines Required: ================================================== CTM_DIAGINFO CTM_TRACERINFO CTM_GETDATA CTM_BOXSIZE (function) CTM_GRID (function) GAMAP_CMN TAU2YYMMDD (function) UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) Most of the time there will be 1 data block per month, and the cumulative total will be a yearly total. (2) For NOx, a molecular weight of 14e-3 kg/mole will report results in Tg N. A molecular weight of 46e-3 will report results in Tg NOx. This can be changed in the file "tracerinfo.dat". (3) Should now be compatible with any model type and grid resolution. As of 6/19/01, has only been tested using GEOS-CHEM diagnostic output. EXAMPLE: CTM_SUM_EMISSIONS, 'ANTHSRCE', $ FILENAME='ctm.bpch', TRACER=1, $ MODELNAME='GEOS1', RESOLUTION=4 ; Will print emission totals for tracer #1 (NOx) ; for the ANTHSRCE (ND36) diagnostic, using data ; in file "ctm.bpch". The data is from a GEOS-1 ; simulation on a 4x5 grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 26 Apr 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.47 bmy, 08 Jun 2001: - now uses correct tracer name, unit, and molecular weight for CO--SRCE bmy, 19 Jun 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - added internal function CSE_GETUNIT to return the proper unit string ("Tg N", "Tg C", or "Tg"). - added internal function CSE_GETAREACM2 which gets the proper surface area for each data block - removed MODELNAME, RESOLUTION keywords bmy, 03 Jul 2001: - now can sum emissions from GENERIC grids bmy, 16 Aug 2001: - added /NO_SECONDS and /KG keywords bmy, 26 Sep 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.49 - set XNUMOL = 1d-3 if /KG is set; this will convert from g/cm2 to Tg correctly bmy, 21 Nov 2001: - added internal routine CSE_GETINFO - now call CTM_EXTRACT to restrict the totaling to any arbitrary lat/lon rectangle bmy, 10 Jan 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 - Bug fix: Don't call CTM_EXTRACT if /KG is, set, since AREACM2 will be 1 in that case bmy, 31 Jan 2002: - change output format from f10.4 to f12.4 bmy, 10 Jun 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.51 - added "kludge" for biomass burning files if /NO_SECONDS is set; will use proper mol wts & units for ACET, C3H8, C2H6 bmy, 14 Jan 2003: GAMAP VERSION 1.52 - added another quick fix to get the unit strings correct for sulfate and nitrogen tracers for ND13 bmy, 19 Sep 2003: GAMAP VERSION 1.53 - now call PTR_FREE to free the pointer memory bmy, 19 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - now get the spacing between diagnostic offsets from CTM_DIAGINFO bmy, 26 Mar 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.02 - added FORMAT keyword bmy, 03 Dec 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.03 - now pass /QUIET to CTM_GET DATA which reduces a lot of printing to the screen bmy, 15 Mar 2005: - Added /TO_Gg and TO_Mg keywords, which will print totals in either Gg or Mg instead of the default unit of Tg - Now pass _EXTRA=e to CTM_GET_DATA so that we can restrict to a given time bmy, 07 Apr 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Added /SHORT keyword bmy, 29 Sep 2006: - Bug fix: now test for molec wt in kg/mole in internal function CSE_GETUNIT bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 phs, 20 Mar 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - updated to work with nested grid mps, 23 Jan 2014: - Added case for NO to CSE_GetUnit for output from GEOS-Chem v9-02 and higher versions - Now report NO emissions in Tg N - Now print unit 'Tg C' for BC/OC tracers
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_TRACERINFO PURPOSE: Return information about one or all tracers for a given GEOS-Chem, GISS, or other CTM diagnostic. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_TRACERINFO, TRACERN, TRACERSTRU [, Keywords ] INPUTS: TRACERN -> Tracer number or name for which to extract the information. If TRACERN is numeric, it is interpreted as an index to the FULLCHEM or SMALLCHEM tracernumber in the global model. If it is a string, it will be compared to NAME then FULLNAME. TRACERN may contain more than one element. To retrieve information about all tracers, use the /ALL_TRACERS keyword. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /ALL_TRACERS -> Retrieve information about all tracers FILENAME --> Name of the tracerinfo file (default tracerinfo.dat) The file will be searched in the current directory first, then in the directory where is located. If not found in either location, a standard data block is retrieved from this file. /FORCE_READING -> Overwrite the contents of the common block FULLNAME -> Returns the (long) name of the requested tracer(s) INDEX -> Returns the CTM index of the requested tracer(s) MOLC -> Returns the carbon number of the requested tracer(s) (For hydrocarbons, this is the # moles C/mole tracer) MOLWT -> Returns the molecular weight (kg/mole) of the requested tracer(s) NAME -> Returns the (short) name of the requested tracer(s) SCALE -> Standard scale factor for tracer UNIT -> Returns the standard unit of the requested tracer(s) (i.e. unit as supplied by CTM with standard scale factor applied (e.g. ppbv instead of V/V)) IS_EDGED -> Returns whether the given tracer is defined on level edges (IS_EDGED=1) or level centers (IS_EDGED=0). OUTPUTS: TRACERSTRU -> returns a structure or structure array with the following tags: NAME : short name for tracer as used in the model FULLNAME : long name for tracer (may be used in titles) MWT : molec. weight as kg N or kg C INDEX : tracer number MOLC : carbon number for NMHC SCALE : standard scale factor UNIT : standard unit for tracer with scale factor applied IS_EDGED : Is tracer defined on level edges? SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================ FILE_EXIST (function) ROUTINE_NAME (function) OPEN_FILE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: At first call, the tracer information structure array is either read from file or retrieved from the DATA block at the end of this program. Thereafter, the information is stored in a common block where it is accessible in subsequent calls. The newer tags MOLC, SCALE and UNIT are optional and defaulted to 1.0, 1.0, and 'UNDEFINED', resp. EXAMPLE: CTM_TRACERINFO, 2, RES PRINT, RES.NAME, RES.MWT, RES.INDEX ; prints Ox 0.0480000 2 CTM_TRACERINFO,'OX',RES PRINT, RES.NAME, RES.MWT, RES.INDEX ; prints identical results CTM_TRACERINFO,[1,3,5],NAME=NAME,MOLWT=MWT,MOLC=MOLC,/FORCE_READING PRINT, NAME, MWT, MOLC ; reads tracerinfo.dat file and prints ; NOx PAN ALK4 ; 0.0140000 0.121000 0.0120000 ; 1.00000 1.00000 4.00000 MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 22 Apr 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 24 Apr 1998: - added NAME keyword bmy, 07 May 1998: - added MOLC structure field to store carbon number for NMHC mgs, 07 May 1998: VERSION 2.00 - substantially revised mgs, 08 May 1998: - added SCALE and UNIT tags, made them optional mgs, 28 May 1998: - bug fix with on_ioerror mgs, 09 Oct 1998: - bug fix for tracern=0, changed CALLING SEQ. entry mgs, 12 Nov 1998: - unit string now defaulted to 'UNDEFINED' bmy, 03 Jan 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.47 - skip tracer lines beginning with '#' character bmy, 17 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - Removed FULLI, SMALLI, they're obsolete - now use INDEX for tracer number - Now use new file format for "tracerinfo.dat" which allows for 8-digit offset numbers - No longer read defaults from internal datablock - Updated comments bmy, 06 Apr 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.02 - added /VERBOSE keyword bmy, 09 Mar 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Use "./tracerinfo.dat" as default in order to facilitate reading in IDL 5.5- bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Add IS_EDGED tag to TRACERINFO structure to denote whether the tracer is defined on level centers or level edges - Implement temporary fix: call GET_IS_EDGED to determine if a tracer is defined on level edges. There is probably a better way to do this, work on that later. - Now use FILE_WHICH to locate the "tracerinfo.dat" file. phs, 30 Jun 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - bug fix to account for FILENAME phs, 22 Sep 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - added test on found/not found tracers
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: EXAMPLES_MANIP_4D PURPOSE: Shows how to manipulate TS data saved as 4D array with GC_COMBINE_ND49 or GC_COMBINE_ND48. The routine loops over all available 4D data blocks and print information for each of them. CATEGORY: GAMAP Data Manipulation, GAMAP Examples, Time Series CALLING SEQUENCE EXAMPLES_MANIP_4D, File [ , Keywords ] INPUTS: FILE -> The name of the file created by GC_COMBINE_ND48/9. OUTPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: #### ONLY THE LAST DATA SET IF MORE THAN ONE IS AVAILABLE #### DATA -> Output keyword. Set to a variable name that will contain the data set on exist. LON -> Output keyword. Set to a variable name that will contain the vector of LONGITUDES on exit. LAT -> Output keyword. Set to a variable name that will contain the vector of LATITUDES on exit. TIME -> Output keyword. Set to a variable name that will contain the vector of TIME STEP on exit. Format is YYYYMMDD if daily max is asked for (see DMAX keyword), TAU value else. LOCALTIME -> to get the output TIME in LOCALTIME. If there is more than one longitude in the data block, TIME becomes an array : one vector for each longitude. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MAVG -> The window size (boxcar) of the moving average, if you want to apply one. DMAX -> Return daily maximum of the TS. VERBOSE -> to print some basic information about the data set. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords for routines OUTPUTS: With optional keyword. SUBROUTINES: REQUIREMENTS: References many routines from GAMAP package. Requires GAMAP v2.10 for handling 4D dataset. NOTES: EXAMPLES: file = dialog_pickfile() EXAMPLES_MANIP_4D, file, /v, data=ts, lat=lat, lon=lon, time=time PLOT, time-time[0], ts[0,0,0,*], title='Time series at lon='+ $ strtrim(lon[0],2)+' / lat='+strtrim(lat[0],2) MODIFICATION HISTORY: phs, 6 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Initial version
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/examples/
NAME: FIND_TRACER_INDEX PURPOSE: Given the diagnostic category and tracer name, returns the tracer number as specified in the "tracerinfo.dat" file. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = FIND_TRACER_INDEX( DIAGN, NAME ) INPUTS: DIAGN -> Diagnostic category name as specified in the "diaginfo.dat" file (e.g. "IJ-AVG-$", "GMAO-2D", etc.). NAME -> Tracer name as specified in the "tracerinfo.dat" file (e.g. NOx, Ox, CO, PS, TAUCLI, etc.) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: RESULT -> Tracer number corresponding to NAME and DIAGN. SUBROUTINES: External subroutines required: ------------------------------ CTM_DIAGINFO CTM_TRACERINFO REQUIREMENTS: Requires routines from the GAMAP package. NOTES: Here, "tracer" is used in the wider sense. It can be can be any quantity saved out from a CTM diagnostic output, as long as it is specified by "diaginfo.dat" and "tracerinfo.dat". EXAMPLE: PRINT, FIND_TRACER_INDEX( 'GMAO-2D', 'PS' ) IDL prints 5931 ; Returns the tracer index number for the "PS" ; quantity in the "GMAO-2D" diagnostic category. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 06 Aug 2010: VERSION 1.00
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: GC_COMBINE_ND48 PURPOSE: Combine timeseries data from the Geos-CHEM ND48 diagnostics contained in one or more binary punch files. The goal is to combine, for one station, all the data blocks (there is one per time step) into one single 4-D data block (we want the time to be the 4th dimension). This is basically to take advantage of support for 4D dataset in GAMAP v2-10. GEOS-Chem ND48 (as in v7-04-12) outputs one file for all stations and all time steps. GC_COMBINE_ND48 will write one file but each timeseries will be in one data block instead of as many as the number of timesteps. This will make reading the timeseries with CTM_GET_DATA a lot faster. Two basic signal processing before saving the data can be applied: moving average and/or daily maximum. LIMITATION: daily maximum will not make sense if series do not cover full days. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation, Time Series CALLING SEQUENCE: GC_COMBINE_ND48 [, Keywords ] OPTIONAL INPUTS: By defaults all stations are processed. And one output file is created that contains all the stations timeseries. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ;============ For I/O files/directory ===================== INFILE -> one or more station file(s) from ND48 diagnostic. If more than one file is processed, it is assumed that, once sorted in alphabetical order, they are in chronological order (this is automatically the case, if you insert YYYYMMDD into ND48 filenames in input.geos). INDIR -> Directory where to look for "stations" files. Can be either input or output keyword: Input: when defined, ALL files satisfying the MASK keyword in the directory will be selected. Ouput: set to a variable name that will contains the DIR of the selected files. It is ignored (both input and output roles) if INFILE is provided. If neither INFILE nor INDIR is set, then a dialog window that allows multiple files selection (keep CTRL or SHIFT key down) will pop-up. MASK -> Pattern Mask to find files in INDIR. Default is "stations*". OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file that will contain the new timeseries. Default is 'combined'+INFILE[0], in the same directory as stations file. If the full path is not included, the file is created in the working directory. The routine prevents from overwriting any input file. ;================= Data Selection ====================== STATIONNB -> Station(s) number. Can be one or more elements (up to the number of stations in ND48). Use to select a subset of the stations instead of all of them. TIME -> vector for selecting time span. The data covering [min(TIME),max(TIME)] are selected. If only one element, then the closest-in-time data is selected. If min and/or max of TIME is outside the range of available time steps, the first or last available time step is used. Note 1: this is also an output keyword. Then, if passed by reference, TIME becomes the time vector in output. See example (6). Note 2: if using DMAX or DAVG, then TIME should be long integer (YYYYMMDD), if not it should be Tau format. ;================= Signal Processing ====================== MAVG -> to apply a running average filter to the series. MAVG value will define the boxcar size and must be GE 3. Even numbers are increased by +1. The IDL SMOOTH routine is called and accept _extra keywords (NAN, EDGE_TRUNCATE, and MISSING). DMAX -> to select the daily maxima of the time series. If both MAVG and Dmax are set, the moving average is performed first and you get the daily max of the moving average. (Local time is not accounted for: days start and end at 0 UT everywhere). DAVG -> to select the daily average of the time series. If both MAVG and DAVG are set, the moving average is performed first and you get the daily average of the moving average. (Local time is not accounted for: days start and end at 0 UT everywhere). ;================= Output keywords ======================== All the following keywords will apply to only ONE station. The last one is used if none or more than one is requested. DATA -> set to a variable name that will hold the selected timeseries data on exit. This is a 4D array (1,1,lev,time) even though only one station is selected. LON -> set to a variable name that will hold the longitude of the data set on exit. LAT -> set to a variable name that will hold the latitude of the data set on exit. LEV -> set to a variable name that will hold the vector of levels for the data set on exit. TIME -> set to a variable name that will hold the time vector for the station on exit. Given as Tau values, unless DMAX or DAVG is set, then as YYYYMMDD. LOCALTIME -> if set, the TIME vector is in local time instead of UT. Has no effect if /DMAX or /DAVG. ;================= Others ======================== NOSAVE -> set to not save output into a BPCH file. Useful if you just want to check results with output keywords. VERBOSE -> Set to print informational message about the time series. particularly useful to double check area/location selected with subset keywords. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords for SMOOTH and DIALOG_PICKFILE. OUTPUTS: See output keywords above. SUBROUTINES: REQUIREMENTS: References many routines from GAMAP package. Requires GAMAP v2.10 for handling 4D dataset. NOTES: If memory issues show up, try to save one timeseries (i.e., one station at a time). EXAMPLES: ;; (1) Read multiple timeseries files selected w/ a pop-up window (use SHIFT key for muliple selections). Save with the default filename in the default directory: GC_COMBINE_ND48 ;; (2) Like example (1), but saves only the daily max of the ;; 9-hours average timeseries: GC_COMBINE_ND48, /dmax, mavg=8 ;; (3) read ALL stations files from directory '~/path/' ;; without a pop-up window (no interactivity, good for batch ;; processing). Default MASk and outfile name are used. GC_COMBINE_ND48, indir='~/path/' ;; (4) Like example (3) but select only the first available ;; station, and save the result in a specified file: GC_COMBINE_ND48, Station=1, indir='~/path/', outfile='~/path/series1.bpch' ;; (5) read files from directory '~/path/', and select 3rd station. ;; Do not save combined timeseries. Get outputs in variables ;; data, lon, lat and time. GC_COMBINE_ND48, indir='~/path/', station=3, data=data, lon=lon, lat=lat, time=time Help, reform(data) PLOT, time, data[0,0,0,*], title='Lon= strtrim(lon,2)+'- Lat='+strtrim(lat,2) ;; (6) Like (5), but limit the time to 23rd-28th of July ;; 2001. Not the use of two commands to get the output ;; time vector. time = [nymd2tau(20010723L,20010728l)] GC_COMBINE_ND48, indir='~/path/', station=3, data=data, lon=lon, lat=lat, time=time HELP, time MODIFICATION HISTORY: phs, 31 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Initial version phs, 11 Oct 2007: - few bugs fix - added output keywords phs, 15 Oct 2007: - added LOCALTIME keyword phs, 18 Oct 2007: - do not save if output file is one of the input file. phs, 26 Oct 2007: - TIME can be use to select the time span of the series. Added DAVG keyword. phs, 30 Oct 2007: - couple of minor fixes. phs, 11 Aug 2009: - major fix: bug fix when same tracer in several stations bmy, 12 Mar 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.14 - Typo at line 429 fixed
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/timeseries/
NAME: GC_COMBINE_ND49 PURPOSE: Combine timeseries data from several bpch files into 4D data. Typically used with Geos-CHEM ND49 timeseries output and met fields in bpch files (a3, a6, i6). For met fields, see example (9) and (10). Each ND49 and Met Fields file has data for one day. But, files with time series that do no cover a day per file, can also be processed. See example (11), but keep in mind that the daily max or average options are then **** MEANINGLESS ****, and should not be used. WHAT IS DONE: (1) We combine all the data blocks for one tracer (there is one per time step) into one single 4-D data block (with time in 4th dimension). This takes advantage of support for 4D dataset introduced in GAMAP v2-10. (2) The combined series can be saved into a binary punch file. You end up with one file per tracer that covers many days of output, instead of one file per day for all tracers. The space saving can be more than 60%. (3) A subarea (even a single location) can be extracted. But for multiple but not contiguous locations, call the routine as many time as needed. (4) Shorter timeseries can be selected/saved, by specifying Tau range, or day (as YYYYMMDD long integer) range if daily max or average is selected. (5) Two basic signal processing before saving the data can be performed: moving average and/or daily maximum/minimum/average. ## LIMITATION ## : full days considered for ND49, ie, GEOS-Chem runs should start and end at midnight (YYYYMMDD 000000 in input.geos) CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation, Time Series CALLING SEQUENCE: GC_COMBINE_ND49 [, TRACER ][, CATEGORY ][, Keywords ] INPUTS: TRACER -> The tracer number. Default is 1. CATEGORY -> The category name (default is "IJ-AVG-$") for which to read data. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ;============ For I/O files/directory ===================== FILELIST -> list of files to process. Usually used as output keyword to get the list of files selected with INDIR and MASK or through a dialog window. Can be used as input. Then INDIR and MASK are ignored. INDIR -> Directory where to look for MASK files. If provided, ALL files satisfying the MASK keyword in the directory will be selected. If not provided, a dialog window that allows multiple files selection (keep SHIFT key down) will pop-up. See EXAMPLES below for tips. If set to an undefined variable name, it will hold the directory of the selected files (output keyword). NOTE: If more than one file is processed, it is assumed that, once sorted in alphabetical order, they are in chronological order (this is the case with GEOS-Chem default naming of ND49 output files: they contain YYYYMMDD). MASK -> Pattern Mask to find files in INDIR. Default is "ts*.bpch". OUTDIR -> Output directory where to save the file with the new timeseries data set will be. Default is INDIR. If the user has not write permission in INDIR, writintg is cancelled. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file that will contain the timeseries. Default is 'combts_%TRACERNAME%.bpch', for COMB ined T ime S eries. The routine prevents from overwriting any input file. ;============ To extract subset of data =================== LON -> A one or two-elements vector specifying the longitude of one location or one area. If LON is outside the ND49 area, the program print a warning, and uses border value. LAT -> same as LON, but for Latitudes LEV -> same as LON, but for Levels. Refers to the model grid. ; - - you can also select indices into the requested 3D cube: LLEV -> A one or two-element vector specifying the min and max of available levels to be included in the file. Default is ALL available levels. Default FORTRAN indexing is used: LLEV #1 is the first level ***requested*** in ND49. See LEV above otherwise. ILON, JLAT -> same as LLEV but for Longitude and Latitude indices. Starting at 1 at the first ***requested*** grid box in ND49. TIME -> vector for selecting time span. The data covering [min(TIME),max(TIME)] are selected. If only one element, then the closest-in-time data are selected. TIME must be given as Tau (double) or YYYYMMDD (long) if /DMAX or /DAVG. If both DMAX (or DAVG) and LOCALTIME are set, TIME is ignored. ** TIP ** if you select a short time span, it may be useful to limit the number of files to process by redefining MASK or using FILELIST. That will speed up the process. ;================= Signal Processing ====================== MAVG -> to apply a running average filter to the series. MAVG value will define the boxcar size and must be GE 3. Even numbers are increased by +1. The IDL SMOOTH routine is called and accept _extra keywords (NaN, Edge_truncate, missing). DMAX -> to select the daily maxima of the time series. If both MAVG and Dmax are set, the moving average is performed first and you get the daily max of the moving average. DAVG -> to select the daily average of the time series. If both MAVG and DAVG are set, the moving average is performed first and you get the daily average of the moving average. LOCALTIME -> to get DAVG or DMAX computed over local days instead of UT days. See details below. ;================= Output keywords ======================== DATA -> set to a variable name that will hold the selected timeseries data on exit. This is a 4D array (nLon, nLat, nLevel, ntime) even if only one location is selected. OUTLON -> set to a variable name that will hold the vector of longitudes of the data set on exit. OUTLAT -> set to a variable name that will hold the vector of latitudes of the data set on exit. OUTLEV -> set to a variable name that will hold the vector of Levels of the data set on exit. OUTALT -> set to a variable name that will hold the vector of altitudes for the data set on exit. OUTTIME -> set to a variable name that will hold the time vector corresponding to the data set on exit. Format is Tau, or YYYYMMDD if /DMAX. LOCALTIME -> if set, OUTTIME becomes a Nb_OutLon X Nb_TimeStep array, with each vector OUTTIME[i,*] holding the time vector in local time instead of UT. That vector will apply to all j and k for DATA[i,j,k,*]. Specific case of... both DMAX (or DAVG) and LOCALTIME being set. The daily max (average) is obtained after shifting the timeseries, so they start at 00 LT everywhere (or the first available time step just before 00 LT). The first max (average) value is for the first complete local day of the series. The OUTTIME array is then a [numbers of complete days, 2] array that gives the local YYYYMMDD for both positive and negative longitudes. See also note about TAU0/TAU1 below. Note that the time step of the series must be small enough for the DMAX/DAVG w/r/t Local Time to be reliable. ;================= Others ======================== NOSAVE -> set to not save output into a BPCH file. Useful if you just want to check results with output keywords. VERBOSE -> Set to print informational message about the time series. Particularly useful to double check the area/location selected with subset keywords. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords for SMOOTH and DIALOG_PICKFILE. OUTPUTS: See output keywords above. SUBROUTINES: REQUIREMENTS: References many routines from GAMAP package. Requires GAMAP v2.10 for saving 4D dataset into binary punch file. NOTES: ######## ND49 and Met Fields only. For ND48, see ######## ######## GC_COMBINE_ND48 (not as well maintained) ######## Written with batch processing in mind. It is recommended to save all ND49 outputs into one dedicated directory, and to use keywords (INDIR, OUTDIR, OUTFILE..) and save the new combined timeseries in a new directory. About TAU0 and TAU1 : in the DataInfo structure, they are set to the beginning and end of the timeseries. For daily data, we compute them by setting HH:MM:SS to 00:00:00. If LocalTime is set, UT is still used for TAU0 and TAU1, so we can use only one value. If both LocalTime and DMAX are set, tau0 and tau1 give the first and last (local) days for longitudes less than 0 (west). For East longitudes, you need to add one day to these to get the correct date. EXAMPLES: ;; In the following examples, it is assumed that tracer 1 ;; has been saved with ND49 ;; (1) Read multiple timeseries files selected w/ a pop-up window (use SHIFT key for muliple selections). Saved series at ALL available locations into default directory and filename: GC_COMBINE_ND49 exactly the same as: GC_COMBINE_ND49, 1, 'IJ-AVG-$' ;; (2) Like example (1), but saves only the daily max of the ;; 9-hours average timeseries: GC_COMBINE_ND49, 1, 'IJ-AVG-$', /dmax, mavg=8 ;; (3) Like example (1), but do not save the timeseries. Get ;; the timeseries in the variable TS in output: GC_COMBINE_ND49, 1, 'IJ-AVG-$', /nosave, data=TS ;; (4) read **ALL** MASK-files from directory '~/path/' ;; without a pop-up window (no interactivity, good for batch ;; processing): GC_COMBINE_ND49, 1, 'IJ-AVG-$', indir='~/path/', outfile='series1.dat' ;; (5) Like example (4), but with selection of ONE station: GC_COMBINE_ND49, 1, 'IJ-AVG-$', indir='~/path/', outfile='station1.bpch',$ lon=-65., lat=45., lev=1 ;; (6) Like example (5), but with shorter time series (from ;; 2001/7/20 20:00 to 2001/7/23 2:00): GC_COMBINE_ND49, 1, 'IJ-AVG-$', indir='~/path/', outfile='station1.bpch',$ lon=-65., lat=45., lev=1, $ Time=[nymd2tau(20010720l,200000l),nymd2tau(20010723l,20000l)] ;; (7) Like example (6), but select Daily Max and for few ;; days only (from 23rd to 28th of July 2001): GC_COMBINE_ND49, 1, 'IJ-AVG-$', indir='~/path/', outfile='station1.bpch',$ lon=-65., lat=45., lev=1, /DMax, Time=[20010723L,20010728L] ;; (8) read **ALL** MASK-files from a directory selected with ;; a pop-up window: GC_COMBINE_ND49, 1, 'IJ-AVG-$', indir=dialog_pickfile(/dir) ;; (9) read CLOUD FRACTION from GEOS-4 met fields. Interactive way. GC_COMBINE_ND49, nosave=1, data=ts, $ mask='/as/data/master/ctm/GEOS_4x5.d/GEOS_4_v4/1985/02/*a6*', $ 7, 'GMAO-2d', outtime=time ;; (10) read CLOUD FRACTION from GEOS-4 met fields. All data from February 1985 automatically: GC_COMBINE_ND49, nosave=1, data=ts, $ indir='/as/data/master/ctm/GEOS_4x5.d/GEOS_4_v4/1985/02/', $ mask='*a6*', $ 7, 'GMAO-2d', outtime=time ;; (11) Read 3 series of 2004 GFED2 emissions (3hr, 8-day and monthly): ; -- get data from MASK and DIRECTORY dir3hr = '/as/data/geos/GEOS_1x1/GFED2_3hr_200901/2004/' dirMon = '/as/data/geos/GEOS_1x1/GFED2_200601/2004/' dir8day = '/as/data/geos/GEOS_1x1/GFED2_8day_200712/2004/' mask3hr = 'GFED2.3hr.C_20040*.generic.1x1' maskMon = 'GFED2_C_2004*.generic.1x1' mask8day = 'GFED2_8day_C_2004*.generic.1x1' gc_combine_nd49, 99, 'GFED2-BB', /nosave, data=d3hr, $ mask=mask3hr, indir=dir3hr, outTime=tau3hr, /verb gc_combine_nd49, 99, 'GFED2-BB', /nosave, data=d8day, $ mask=mask8day, indir=dir8day, outTime=tau8day, /verb gc_combine_nd49, 99, 'GFED2-BB', /nosave, data=dMon, $ mask=maskMon, indir=dirMon, outTime=tauMon, /verb ;-- Julian Time for each data set (the half time step is added to ; get the time series centered on their period, since we plot ; histograms, with psym=10) temp = tau2yymmdd( tau3hr + 1.5 ) Jul3hr = JulDay(temp.month,, temp.year, temp.hour, temp.minute) temp = tau2yymmdd( tau8day + (4.*24.) ) Jul8day = JulDay(temp.month,, temp.year, temp.hour, temp.minute) temp = tau2yymmdd(tauMon + 15.*24.) JulMon = JulDay(temp.month,, temp.year, temp.hour, temp.minute) ; -- convert from [g C/m2/time-period] to [Tg C/time-period] GridInfo = CTM_GRID( CTM_TYPE( 'generic', res=[1., 1.] ) ) Surface = CTM_BOXSIZE( GridInfo, /cm2 ) dim = size(surface, /dimensions) d3hr = d3hr * rebin( Surface, dim[0], dim[1], 1, (size(d3hr))[4] ) d8day = d8day * rebin( Surface, dim[0], dim[1], 1, (size(d8day))[4] ) dMon = dMon * rebin( Surface, dim[0], dim[1], 1, (size(dMon))[4] ) d3hr = d3hr * 1e-9 d8day = d8day * 1e-9 dMon = dMon * 1e-9 ; -- Sum data over space, and convert to [ Tg C/s ] sum3hr = total( total( total(d3hr, 1), 1), 1) / (3. * 3600.) sum8day = total( total( total(d8day, 1), 1), 1) / (8. *24. * 3600.) ; -- Plot time series dummy = label_date( date_format=['%D', '%M'] ) plot, Jul3hr, sum3hr, /ynozero, color=!, $ title='Total GFED2 emissions in 2004 (Tg C/sec)', $ /xstyle, $ xtickformat=['label_date', 'label_date', 'label_date'], $ xtickunit=['day', 'month'], $ position=[0.1, 0.15, 0.9, 0.9], $ psym=10 oplot, Jul8day, sum8day, thick=2., color=!, psym=10 MODIFICATION HISTORY: phs, 6 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Initial version phs, 25 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - added Moving Average and Daily Max as signal processing available before saving/passing data. - added Lon and Lat keywords to select one location or a smaller area. - added output keywords. phs, 4 Oct 2007: - Bug fix for OUTTIME keyword phs, 12 Oct 2007: - Added OUTLEV output keyword, and LEV input keyword. - INDIR can be used as output keyword. phs, 15 Oct 2007: - added LOCALTIME keyword phs, 18 Oct 2007: - do not save if output file is one of the input file. phs, 26 Oct 2007: - bug fix for LON and LAT - added TIME keyword to limit timeseries in time. phs, 28 Oct 2007: - DMAX accounts for LOCALTIME if set. - Bug fix for OutTime when /DMax. phs, 04 Apr 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - added DAVG keyword - now cleanup the /no_global pointers - added the FILELIST keyword phs, 17 Jul 2008: - Added comments phs, 15 Aug 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - Bug fix for OutTime when /DMax or /DMean and input are from at least two different months mb & phs, 02 Dec 2008: - DIM is forced to 32-bit integer (LONG) phs, 08 Jan 2009: - Now can process files that cover time periods different from one day. bmy, 14 Apr 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.14 - Add _EXTRA=e to CTM_GET_DATA so as to pass down any flags for nested grids
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/timeseries/
NAME: GET_IS_EDGED (function) PURPOSE: Determine if a GEOS-5 data field is defined on the vertical grid box edges or centers. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = GET_IS_EDGED( NAME ) INPUTS: NAME -> Name of the tracer or met field to be tested. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: RESULT -> Returns 1 if the tracer or met field specified by NAME is defined on grid box vertical edges, or 0 otherwise. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) This is currently a KLUDGE. Figure out a more robust way of determining if fields are defined on level edges or level centers later on. (bmy, 7/16/07) (2) Add more names to the CASE statement as necessary. EXAMPLES: (1) PRINT, GET_IS_EDGED( 'PEDGE' ) 1 ; The GEOS-5 PEDGE field is defined on the vertical ; grid edges, so GET_IS_EDGED returns 1. (2) PRINT, GET_IS_EDGED( 'UWND' ) 0 ; The GEOS-5 UWND field is defined on the vertical ; grid centers, so GET_IS_EDGED returns 0. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/internals/
NAME: READ_EPTOMS PURPOSE: Read Earth Probe TOMS data as retrieved from and store them as datainfo records so that they can be displayed with GAMAP. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_EPTOMS [,DATA] [,keywords] INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILENAME -> filename of TOMS data DATAINFO -> A named variable will return the newly created daatinfo structure. MODELINFO, GRIDINFO -> named variables will return the "model" and grid information for the EP-TOMS data. The grid is a 2-dimensional "generic" grid. OUTPUTS: DATA -> contains 2D array with EP-TOMS data (for use without GAMAP). SUBROUTINES: uses open_file, ctm_type, ctm_grid, ctm_make_datainfo REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: For tropical ozone in March, I used the following options in the call to GAMAP: myct,27,ncol=32,bot=20,range=[0.15,0.8] c_lev = [150,200,220,230,240,250,260,270,280, $ 290,300,310,320,330,340,350,375,400] gamap,/nofile,c_lev=c_lev,c_col=[0,17,2*indgen(21)+18], $ /cbar,mlinethick=2,ncolors=32,bottom=18, $ cbmin=220,cbmax=400,div=10 [,frame0=4] (the frame0 keyword is used to save GIF files) EXAMPLE: read_eptoms,file='/data/pem-tb/satellite/eptoms/*.ept' gamap [... options] MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 02 Apr 1999: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: READ_MLD PURPOSE: Read Ocean mixed layer depth data as retrieved from and store them as datainfo records so that they can be displayed with GAMAP. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_MLD [,DATA] [,keywords] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILENAME -> filename of MLD data DATAINFO -> A named variable will return the newly created daatinfo structure. MODELINFO, GRIDINFO -> named variables will return the "model" and grid information for the EP-TOMS data. The grid is a 2-dimensional "generic" grid. OUTPUTS: DATA -> contains 2D array with mixed layer depth data (for use without GAMAP). SUBROUTINES: uses open_file, ctm_type, ctm_grid, ctm_make_datainfo REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: In the call to GAMAP you must use the /NOFILE option. EXAMPLE: READ_MLD, FILE='~/download/mixed_layer_depth/mld*' GAMAP, /NOFILE, ... MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 30 Jun 1999: VERSION 1.00 (derived from read_eptoms) bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: TSDIAG PURPOSE: Reads and plots CTM time series (station) data. The data are returned in a structure together with longitude, latitude, altitude, and time information. TSDIAG tries to construct a time vector from the TAU information stored in the file. This may not always work (e.. it is assumed that time steps are 1 hour). While reading, TSDIAG displays a '.' for each new station encountered, and a '+' if a station is continued. If you want more detailed output, set the /VERBOSE flag. %%% NOTE: May need updating %%% CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation, GAMAP Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: TSDIAG [,RESULT] [,keywords] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILENAME -> Path of the input file containing CTM Data data. SCALE -> A global scale factor that will be applied to all data. Default is 1. Note that concentration data is stored as v/v, hence for ppt you should set SCALE=1.E-12. /VERBOSE -> display detailed information on what is being read. /PLOT -> set this flag to produce quick-and-dirty plots of the time-series data. OUTPUTS: RESULT -> A structure containing LON, LAT, ALT and Data data together with TRACER and a "global" TIME array. SUBROUTINES: OPEN_DEVICE CLOSE_DEVICE CTM_TRACERINFO FILE_EXIST (function) STRSCINOT (function) REQUIREMENTS: NOTES: Lines with the Data data (Header = 'TB' or 'DV') will be read from disk. Statistics are ignored for now. EXAMPLE: ; read time series data from file and return result structure ; in variable TSDATA tsdiag, TSDATA, FILENAME='ctm.ts' MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 06 May 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 07 May 1998: VERSION 1.01 - added PPBC and INTERVAL keywords - now calls FILE_EXIST to make sure the input file exists bmy, 27 May 1998 - now uses CTM_DIAGINFO to return the proper tracer offset bmy, 28 May 1998 - now uses SCALE, UNIT, and MOLC information as returned by CTM_TRACERINFO. - now uses EXP_STR to compute a power-of-ten string for the plot title bmy, 29 May 1998 - now calls CLEANPLOT to initialize all system variables bmy, 02 Jun 1998 - now uses STRSCI and STRCHEM string formatting functions mgs, 11 Jun 1998: - couple of bug fixes mgs, 15 Jun 1998: - default tick interval now 48 h mgs, 22 Jun 1998: - added Data and CSTEPS keywords mgs, 20 Nov 1998: - now uses convert_unit hsu, 22 Mar 1999: - increased MAXSTEPS and changed input format mgs, 04 May 1999: - added MS as a tracer offset (100*MS) mgs, 05 May 1999: - ... and a little bug fix mgs, 19 May 1999: - updated comments - default SCALE factor now 1 instead of 1.E-12 - CLEANPLOT no longer called mgs, 24 May 1999: - added VERBOSE keyword - fixed at least two bugs - improved output. Now need to say /VERBOSE in order to get details. mgs, 25 May 1999: - new format had MS and N swapped. bmy, 27 Jul 1999: GAMAP VERSION 1.42 - updated comments bmy, 30 Jan 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 - Now use STRBREAK to split each line into elements of data - Also no longer restrict data to be > 0 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/