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NAME: COMPARE_FLIGHT PURPOSE: Compare observations from aircraft campaigns to high time-resolution CTM output (bpch files). This routine reads aircraft data in binary (bdt) format and produces an unlabeld plot and returns all the data you might ask for. If an aircraft mission extends beyond midnight GMT, the program will ask for a second model file which should be from the following day. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: COMPARE_FLIGHT, keywords INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DATAFILE -> Name of the aircraft data file or file mask MODELFILE -> Name of the (first) model output file or file mask TRACER -> tracer number in model output (default=71) PSURF -> surface pressure for model grid (default=1013, because most aircraft data was sampled over oceans) FLIGHTDATA -> returns the observational data array as read with gte_readbin. Can also be used to pass flight data if you set the USE_DATA flag. FLIGHTVARS -> returns the variable names of the observational data. Must accompany FLIGHTDATA if you use USE_DATA. SPECIES -> the name of the observed species to plot (default CH3I). MODELDATA -> returns a time series of model data along the flight track and a couple of min/max values: MODELDATA[*,0] = model value in corresponding grid box [*,1] = min of neighbouring grid boxes at same level [*,2] = max ... [*,3] = min of neighbouring grid boxes at level below [*,4] = max ... [*,5] = min of neighbouring grid boxes at level above [*,6] = max ... Note that the min/max arrays may contain values from the same grid boxes at the edges (i.e. there is no level below the first one, hence 3,4 will be identical to 1,2). TIME -> returns the time vector of the observations and modeldata /USE_DATA -> set this flag if you provide the aircraft data in the FLIGHTDATA array and the variable names in FLIGHTVARS. The data must contain variables named 'LON', 'LAT', 'ALTP' and SPECIES (for SPECIES see above). You must also provide a TIME vector which specifies UTC seconds. OUTPUTS: The extracted data is returned in MODELDATA, several other keywords return things read or computed in the process. SUBROUTINES: EXTRACT__FLIGHT : actual workhorse that does the extraction REQUIREMENTS: chkstru, ctm_get_data (GAMAP), gte_readbin (GTE) NOTES: Some hardwiring of default directories. EXAMPLE: simply COMPARE_FLIGHT,tracer=1 if all you want is a plot CONVERT_FLIGHT,tracer=1,modeldata=md,time=time plot,time,md[*,0],color=1 MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 21 Apr 1999: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_BOXSIZE (function) PURPOSE: Computes the size of CTM grid boxes. CATEGORY GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Models & Grids CALLING SEQUENCE: result = CTM_BOXSIZE( GRIDINFO [,RADIUS [,KEYWORDS] ] ) INPUTS: GRIDINFO -> the structure returned by function CTM_GRID, which contains the following necessary fields: IMX (int ) -> Maximum I (longitude) dimension JMX (int ) -> Maximum J (latitude ) dimension YMID (fltarr) -> Array of latitude centers RADIUS -> The radius of the earth in km. This may be passed as an input parameter, or can be specified via the GEOS_RADIUS, GISS_RADIUS, or FSU_RADIUS keywords. As default, the GEOS value of 6375.0 km is used. OUTPUT: CTM_BOXSIZE returns a 2-D (or 1D) array of CTM surface areas, or a 3-D array for CTM grid box volumes. The default unit is square kilometers or cubic kilometers. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /CM2 -> Return ctm surface areas in square centimeters. [default: km^2]. /M2 -> Return ctm_surface areas in square meters. [default: km^2]. /CM3 -> Return grid box volumes in cubic centimeters. [default: km^3]. /M3 -> Return grid box volumes in cubic meters. [default: km^3]. /VOLUME -> Will cause CTM_BOXSIZE to return grid box volumes instead of grid box surface areas. GEOS_RADIUS -> selects GEOS value for earth radius (6375.0 km) [default] GISS_RADIUS -> selects GISS value for earth radius (6371.4 km) FSU_RADIUS -> selects FSU value for earth radius (6371.4 km) IJ, IL, JL -> determine which area shall be computed [default: IJ] NOTE: IL computes area of southern boundary XLEN, YLEN, ZLEN -> Returns length of linear segments (lat, lon, alt) to calling program. If /CM2 or /CM3 is specified, then XLEN, YLEN, ZLEN will be in centimeters. If /M2 or /M3 are specified, then XLEN, YLEN, ZLEN will be in meters. (Default unit is km). NO_2D -> return 1D vector instead of 2D array LATIND -> for IL and JL: return result for given latitude index [default is equator]. This implies NO_2D. The index must be provided as FORTRAN index (e.g. 1..72). SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =============================== CHKSTRU (function) USAGE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLES: ; (1) Compute surface grid box areas for GISS II model in ; standard resolution (4x5): Areakm2 = CTM_BOXSIZE( CTM_GRID( CTM_TYPE( 'GISS_II' ), /GISS ) ; (2) Compute ctm surface areas in cm2 for GEOS 4x5 grid, return ; a vector with 1 value per latitude : ModelInfo = CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS1', res=4 ) GridInfo = CTM_GRID( ModelInfo ) AreaCm2 = CTM_BOXSIZE( GridInfo, /GEOS, /cm, /NO_2D ) ; (3) Compute ctm grid box volumes in cm3 for GEOS 4x5 grid, ; and return a 3-D array ModelInfo = CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS1', res=4 ) GridInfo = CTM_GRID( ModelInfo ) VolumeCm3 = CTM_BOXSIZE( GridInfo, /GEOS, /Volume, /cm3 ) MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 27 Mar 1998: VERSION 1.00 (algorithm from mgs) mgs, 27 Mar 1998: - added NO_2D keyword mgs, 07 May 1998: VERSION 1.10 - added IJ, IL, JL, LATIND, XLEN, YLEN, and ZLEN keywords - corrected polar box sizes (now uses gridinfo information) mgs, 08 May 1998: - corrected latindex, now uses FORTRAN convention mgs, 24 May 1998: - changed IL so it computes area of southern boundary mgs, 17 Nov 1998: - changed keywords GISS and GEOS to .._RADIUS bmy, 27 Jul 1999: VERSION 1.42 - updated comments bmy, 27 Jan 2000: VERSION 1.45 - added /CM and /M keywords, deprecated /CM2 and /M2 keywords. - now return a 3-D array for grid box volumes - updated comments bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - now call USAGE to display doc header if wrong # of arguments are passed. - Deleted internal routine USE_CTM_BOXSIZE
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_CLEANUP PURPOSE: Free memory blocked by excessive use of the GAMAP package. With the /DATA_ONLY option, only the data blocks themselves are freed, all header information remains accessible. This speeds up any further analysis. Also calls HEAP_GC to do garbage collection on unused heap variables. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_CLEANUP [, /DATA_ONLY, /NO_GC, /NO_FILE_CLOSE ] INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /DATA_ONLY -> Only free heap variables that point to the actual data records. Leave all 'info' intact. Default is to remove everything includign the global DATAINFO and FILEINFO structure arrays. NOTE: Setting this switch will not perform garbage collection via routine HEAP_GC. /NO_GC -> Set this switch to suppress garbage collection of heap variables with HEAP_GC. /NO_FILE_CLOSE -> Set this switch to suppress closing of all open files. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: CTM_CLEANUP MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 05 Oct 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 08 Oct 1998: - fixed DATA_ONLY part so that status is reset to zero and derived data records are removed bmy, 21 Nov 2000: - Updated comments bmy, 04 Oct 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.03 - added /NO_GC keyword - now call HEAP_GC to do garbage collection of heap variables & pointers bmy, 23 Mar 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.06 - Now add /NO_FILE_CLOSE keyword so as not to close open files bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - close only files opened with GAMAP bmy, 16 May 2011: GAMAP VERSION 2.16 - Now make all loop indices long integers
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_COLUMN_DU PURPOSE: Calculates columns in Dobson Units for a given tracer. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = CTM_COLUMN_DU( DiagN, [ Keywords ] ) INPUTS: DIAGN -> Diagnostic category name (or number) containing the tracer data for which columns will be computed. The default is 'IJ-AVG-$' (i.e. v/v mixing ratios). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILENAME -> (OPTIONAL) File containing CTM data for which to compute columns. If omitted, then the user will be prompted to select a file via a dialog box. TAU0 -> Starting TAU value of the desired data block (will be passed to CTM_GET_DATABLOCK). If omitted, then CTM_COLUMN_DU will read data for the first time in the data file. TRACER -> Number of tracer for which to compute columns. PFILENAME -> Name of the file containing surface pressure data (this is necessary in order to compute column sums). If PFILENAME is omitted, then CTM_COLUMN_DU will look for surface pressure data in FILENAME. PTAU0 -> TAU0 value by which surface pressure data in PFILENAME is indexed. If PTAU0 is omitted, then CTM_COLUMN_DU will use TAU0. PTRACER -> Tracer number for the surface pressure data. Default is 1. (For some GISS-CTM punch files, surface pressure is saved as tracer #0). TROPFILENAME -> Name of the file containing the annual mean tropopause data for the GEOS-Chem model. If TROPFILENAME is supplied, then columns will be computed from the surface up to the annual mean tropopause height. Otherwise, columns will be computed for the full vertical extent of the data. /DOUBLE -> If set, will return column sums as double precision. Otherwise, will return column sums as single precision. MODELINFO -> Returns to the calling program the MODELINFO structure (i.e. output from CTM_TYPE) corresponding to the data. GRIDINFO -> Returns to the calling program the GRIDINFO structure (i.e. output from CTM_GRID) corresponding to the data. XMID -> Returns to the calling program the longitude centers in degrees for the extracted data block. YMID -> Returns to the calling program the latitude centers in degrees for the extracted data block. ZMID -> Returns to the calling program the altitude centers in # of levels for the extracted data block. /DU -> If set, will return column sums in Dobsun units. Otherwise, will return column sums in molec/cm2. (jaf, 8/19/08) _EXTRA=e -> Picks up any extra keywords. OUTPUTS: RESULT -> a 2-D array containing the columns for TRACER in Dobson Units (DU). 1 DU = 2.69e16 molec/cm2. SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: ============================================================= CCD_GetAirMass (function) CCD_Consistency_Check (function) External Subroutines Required: ============================================================= CHKSTRU (function) CTM_BOXSIZE (function) CTM_EXTRACT (function) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) EXTRACT_FILENAME (function) REQUIREMENTS: References routines in both GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: (1) An internal consistency check is now done to make sure the tracer data block is of the same model and resolution as the surface pressure and annual mean tropopause data blocks. EXAMPLE: Result = CTM_COLUMN_DU( 'IJ-AVG-$', $ FileName='ctm.bpch' $ Tracer=20, $ Tau0=80304.0, $ /DU ) ; Returns O3 columns in DU from the file "ctm.bpch", ; for March 1994 (TAU0 = 80304 for GEOS date 3/1/1994). MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 26 Jul 1999: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 20 Apr 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.45 - renamed from "rvm_o3col" - removed hardwiring, added comments - added internal subroutine "CCD_Consistency_Check - now can sum up to the annual mean tropopause for GEOS model data blocks bmy, 30 Jul 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - bug fix: make sure to extract the same lat/lon region for PS, tropopause heights as we do for tracers - added XMID, YMID, ZMID keywords to return XMID, YMID, ZMID arrays from CTM_GET_DATABLOCK to the calling program bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Rewritten for hybrid grids, and to compute DU for a data block of less than global size jaf & phs, 18 Aug 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - added capability to read surface pressure in GEOS, which stores surface pressure as a 3-D array called PEDGE-$ - added DU keyword so that default unit is molec/cm2, and renamed "DU" output to "Column"
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_CONVERT_UNIT PURPOSE: Wrapper program for CONVERT_UNIT.PRO CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_CONVERT_UNIT, Data [,Keywords] INPUTS: DATA -> The data array (or value) on which to perform the unit conversion. DATA will be converted. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: CNUM -> For hydrocarbons, CNUM is the following ratio: ( moles C / moles hydrocarbon ). CNUM is needed to convert from ppbC to ppbv. Keyword Parameters Passed to CONVERT_UNIT: ========================================== FROM_UNIT -> An individual unit to search and replace. If not given, any unit will be converted to TO_UNIT, as long as the current unit belongs to the same category. TO_UNIT -> An individual unit to convert to. If not given, all units that are converted (see FROM_UNIT) will be replaced by the standard SI unit of their category. For the individual unit and categories see FIND_UNIT _EXTRA=e -> Picks up any extra keywords for CTM_CONVERT_UNIT. OUTPUTS: RESULT -> Returns 1 if conversion was successful, 0 otherwise. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =============================== CONVERT_UNIT CONVERT_MOLCM2_KG (function) CONVERT_KG_MOLCM2 (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: Will first convert ppbC to ppbv EXAMPLE: CTM_CONVERT_UNIT, Data, From='ppbC', To='ppbv', $ CNum=5, Result=Result ; converts Isoprene (5 mole C / 1 mole ISOP ) from ; parts per billion of Carbon (ppbC) to parts per ; parts per billion by volume of ISOP (ppbv). ; RESULT = 1 if unit conversion was successful. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 29 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 07 Oct 1998: VERSION 1.01 - Added unit conversion for mol/cm2 -> kg etc.. mgs, 11 Nov 1998: - bug fix if seconds not passed bmy, 21 Jun 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.51 - now recognize string "molec/cm2/s" - updated comments, cosmetic changes bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_DATAINFO (function) PURPOSE: Return information about available categories, tracers or time steps in either a given or the global datainfo structure array. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = CTM_DATAINFO( [DIAGN] [,DATAINFO] [,keywords] ) INPUTS: DIAGN -> A diagnostic number or category name for which information shall be returned on available tracers or time steps. If not given, CTM_DATAINFO returns information about all available diagnostics instead. DATAINFO -> An optional subset of the global DataInfo structure array. If given, the search will be restricted to the data records contained in DATAINFO. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /TRACER -> If set, CTM_DATAINFO returns all tracer numbers that are available with the given diagnostics. This keyword has no effect if no DIAGN is given. /TAU0 -> Returns information about all available time steps for a given diagnostics. This keyword has no effect if either DIAGN is not given or /TRACER is set. /TAU1 -> Same as TAU0, but for the end of the time step. If none of these keywords is set, CTM_DATAINFO returns the index values for the DATAINFO structure array that match the requested diagnostics. STATUS -> restrict search to: 0=unread data, 1=read data. Default is 2=no restriction /EXPAND -> For multilevel diagnostics, CTM_DATAINFO normally returns only the template (with the '$' character). Use this keyword to get all individual levels as well. OUTPUTS: Depending on the keywords and the DIAGN parameter, an array with diagmostics numbers, index values, tracer numbers, or time steps is returned. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ==================================== CTM_SELECT_DATA, CTM_DIAGINFO REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: ; Must read in some data first CTM_GET_DATA, 'IJ-AVG-$', TRACER=1, FILE='' ; print all tracers that are available for diag IJ-AVG-$ PRINT, CTM_DATAINFO( 'IJ-AVG-$', /TRACER ) ; print all time step endings for diagnostics IJ-AVG-$ PRINT, CTM_DATAINFO( 'IJ-AVG-$', /TAU0 ) ; print all diagnostics that are available in the file ; (or in all files previously read) PRINT, CTM_DATAINFO() ; print all record indices for diagnostics IJ-AVG_$ PRINT, CTM_DATAINFO( 'IJ-AVG-$' ) MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 07 Oct 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_DIAGINFO PURPOSE: Return information about one or all of the diagnostic used by GEOS-CHEM, GISS, or other CTM's. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_DIAGINFO, DIAGN, DIAGSTRU [ , Keywords ] INPUTS: DIAGN -> Diagnostic category name for which to extract the information. To retrieve information about all CTM diagnostic categories use the /ALL_DIAGS keyword. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /ALL_DIAGS -> Retrieves information about all diagnostics. CATEGORY -> Returns to the calling program the punch file category name of the requested diagnostic(s) FILENAME -> Name of the diaginfo file (default diaginfo.dat) The file will be searched in the current directory first, then in the directory where CTM_DIAGINFO.PRO is located. If not found in either location, a standard data block is retrieved from this file. /FORCE_READING -> Read from the diaginfo file (specified in FILENAME) and overwrite the contents of the common block. MAXTRACER -> Returns to the calling program the maximum number of tracers stored in the requested diagnostic(s). NOTE: This is now only necessary for backwards compatibility with the GISS-II ASCII punch files. OFFSET -> Returns to the calling program the offset constant that is used to locate tracers in the "tracerinfo.dat" file. OFFSET is needed to locate the proper index from the "tracerinfo.dat" file. SPACING -> Returns to the calling program the interval between diagnostic offsets. OUTPUTS: DIAGSTRU -> returns a structure or structure array with the following tags: Category : Category name for this diagnostic Offset : Offset factor used in "tracerinfo.dat" file Spacing : Spacing between diagnostic offsets MaxTracer : Max # of tracers stored in this diagnostic SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: ============================================= CD_Is_MaxTracer (function) External Subroutines Required: ============================================= FILE_EXIST (function) OPEN_FILE ROUTINE_NAME (funciton) STRBREAK (function) REQUIREMENTS: Requires routines from the TOOLS package. NOTES: (1) At first call, the tracer information structure array is read from a file. Thereafter, the information is stored in a common block where it is accessible in subsequent calls. EXAMPLES: (1) CTM_DIAGINFO, 'BIOGSRCE', R PRINT, R.CATEGORY, ':', R.MAXTRACER, ':',R.OFFSET IDL prints "BIOGSRCE: 0: 4700" ; Returns a structure containing tags CATEGORY, ; MAXTRACER, OFFSET for the "BIOGSRCE" diagnostic. ; as listed in the file "diaginfo.dat". (2) CTM_DIAGINFO, /ALL, CATEGORY=CATEGORY PRINT, CATEGORY IDL prints "IJ-AVG-$ IJ-24H-$ IJ-INS-$ INST-MAP ..." ; Return information about all category names ; listed in the file "diaginfo.dat". MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 19 May 1998: VERSION 1.00 - developed from CTM_TRACERINFO.PRO v. 2.0 by Martin Schultz (08 May 1998) see comments to CTM_TRACERINFO.PRO for modification history of that subroutine bmy, 20 May 1998: - removed SCALE and UNIT structure tags & keywords - added OFFSET structure tag & keyword bmy, 27 May 1998: - changed "tracers" to "diagnostics" in print statement. mgs, 13 Aug 1998: - now returns only first diagnostics for a given number. This permits to keep old and new diagnostics in one file and use the old diagnostics by name. - introduced extra search one level above current dir. mgs, 17 Aug 1998: - changed defaults vor void return - diaginfo.dat: MAXTRACER meaning changed! bmy, 17 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - Removed INDEX and TYPE, they're obsolete - Now use new file format for "diaginfo.dat" which allows for 8-digit offset numbers - Added internal function CD_IS_MAXTRACER - No longer read defaults from internal datablock - Added SPACING keyword - Updated comments bmy, 09 Mar 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Use "./diaginfo.dat" as default in order to facilitate reading in IDL 5.5- bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Now use the FILE_WHICH routine to locate the "diaginfo.dat" file phs, 17 Jul 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Bug fix: only use FILE_WHICH if the FILENAME keyword isn't passed.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_DIFF PURPOSE: Computes absolute or relative differences between two CTM data blocks, and creates a new entry in the global DATAINFO structure. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_DIFF, DIAGN, [, Keywords ] INPUTS: DIAGN -> A diagnostic number or category name (see (CTM_DIAGINFO). A value of 0 (or an empty string) prompts processing of all available diagnostics. DIAGN can also be an array of diagnostic numbers or category names. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILE -> File name or list of file names containing the data blocks to be differenced. ILUN -> Logical unit number, or list of logical unit numbers of the files that contain the data blocks to be differenced. TAU0 -> A time value or list of values to restrict the search. Default handling as with ILUN or TRACER. TAU0 superseeds /FIRST, /LAST or TAURANGE. TRACER -> Tracer ID number, or list of tracer ID numbers. CTM_DIFF will difference the data blocks for diagnostic DIAGN and tracer TRACER. /PERCENT -> If set, will compute the percent difference between two data blocks as 100 * ( DATA2 - DATA1 ) / DATA1. Default is to compute the absolute difference DATA2 - DATA1. NEWTRACER -> Returns to the calling program the tracer values for the data blocks, as read in from disk. NEWTAU -> Returns to the calling program the TAU0 values for the data blocks, as read in from disk. RANGE -> Returns the min & max difference values to the calling program. /MASK -> If set, the absolute % difference is return, with data below either thresholds (see pc_thr and diff_thr) set to a negative value, -99 .They are "masked", and can be set to a specific color in a plot (see ctm_plotdiff usage of the same keyword) or set to NaN for future analysis. PC_THR, DIFF_THR : the %-Diff and Diff THResholds to mask data if /MASK is set. Default values are 1% and 1e4. OUTPUTS: CTM_DIFF will append an entry to the global DATAINFO array of structures pertaining to the difference between the data blocks. OUTPUT KEYWORD: OUTLUN -> set this keyword to a variable name that will hold the LUN associated with the newly computed difference data. SUCCESS -> 0 by default, becomes 1 if MASK is set and all data are below the thresholds that define the MASK. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Requrired: ========================================================= CTM_GET_DATA CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) CTM_GRID (function) GAMAP_CMN (include file) INV_INDEX (function) YESNO (function) CTM_DIAGINFO REQUIREMENTS: References routines from GAMAP and TOOLS packages. Also, currently will only look at data blocks with the same tracer, since differencing two different tracers is not always that productive. NOTES: (1) If DATA1 corresponds to the "old" data, and DATA2 corresponds to the "new" data, then CTM_DIFF will compute the following: Abs. Diff = ( new - old ) % Diff = ( new - old ) / old (2) The DATAINFO entries created by CTM_DIFF can be read into GAMAP with the /NOFILE option. The ILUN values of these data blocks will be negative, indicating derived data. (3) The call to CTM_REGRID probably does not work yet. Will get around to fixing that later... EXAMPLE: (1) Call CTM_DIFF to compute an absolute difference between two data blocks from two different punch files, at the same TAU0 value, for OH (DIAGN='CHEM-L=$', TRACER=1). FILE = [ 'ctm.bpch.v4-30', 'ctm.bpch.v4-31' ] CTM_DIFF, 'CHEM-L=$', FILE=FILE, TRACER=1 (2) Call CTM_DIFF to compute a relative difference between two data blocks from the same punch file, at two different TAU0 values, for tracer 1 (Radon). ILUN = 20 TAU0 = [ 74472L, 74640L ] CTM_DIFF, 'IJ-AVG-$', ILUN=ILUN, TAU0=TAU0, $ TRACER=1, /Percent MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 23 Apr 1999: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 18 May 1999: - some bug fixes in error checks. - regridding still not tested !! mgs, 10 Jun 1999: - bug fix for percent diference (indexing) bmy, 15 Sep 1999: GAMAP VERSION 1.43 - now use the GRIDINFO structure from the global FILEINFO structure, if it exists. - bug fix in call to CTM_GET_DATABLOCK - updated comments bmy, 14 Jan 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.44 - now allow comparision of two different tracer numbers (e.g. for comparing two simulations w/ different tracer indices) - added error checking for size of the FILE, ILUN, TAU0, TRACER keywords - deleted obsolete code bmy, 26 Jan 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.45 - now allow TAU0, FILE, ILUN, TRACER to have 0 elements w/o generating an error message bmy, 15 Nov 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.49 - Now make sure that NEWTRACER is not a multiple of 100, so that the tracer # will be saved correctly to the global DATAINFO structure bmy, 22 Apr 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 - updated comments bmy, 19 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - Now get spacing between diagnostic offsets from CTM_DIAGINFO bmy, 29 Jan 2004: - Added LEV keyword so that you can select just a single level - If we are just comparing a single level, then do not test altitude dimensions of the two data blocks. bmy, 16 Feb 2005: GAMAP VERSION 2.03 - now pass _EXTRA=e to CTM_GET_DATA phs, 24 Oct 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - replace CTM_REGRID with CTM_REGRIDH - pass _EXTRA=e to CTM_REGRIDH bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - added RANGE keyword for sending min/max difference values to the calling program phs, 25 Sep 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - OUTLUN kwrd returns LUN associated with computed difference - /MASK is available to deals with absolute %-age data and masked data below PC_THR and/or DIFF_THR
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_EXAMPLES PURPOSE: Quick and dirty demonstration of various CTM_* routines CATEGORY: GAMAP Examples, GAMAP Utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_EXAMPLES INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /PNG -> Set this switch to create PNG files from screen shots of examples generated by this program. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =============================================== OPEN_DEVICE MULTIPANEL CTM_GET_DATA GETMODELANDGRIDINFO TVMAP PAUSE CTM_PLOT SCREEN2PNG NYMD2TAU (function) CTM_OVERLAY REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: Updated with the most recent GAMAP routines. EXAMPLE: CTM_EXAMPLES, /PNG ; Show example plots and create screenshot output ; as PNG files. MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 20 Aug 1998: INITIAL VERSION mgs, 22 Oct 1998: - adapted for new use of CTM_GET_DATA some more comments mgs, 26 Oct 1998: - attached a few more comments about extended use of ctm_get_data at end mgs, 18 Nov 1998: - added call to CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO bmy, 06 Oct 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Updated examples w/ newest GAMAP routines - Added examples w/ CTM_OVERLAY and FIND_CELLS_BY_COUNTRY bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - now uses FILE_WHICH to find ctm.bpch.examples
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/examples/
NAME: CTM_EXTRACT (function) PURPOSE: Extracts a block of data from a 3-D CTM data cube. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_EXTRACT, DATA, MODELINFO, GRIDINFO [,Keywords] INPUTS: DATA -> The data cube from which to extract a region. DATA must be 3-dimensional (e.g. lon-lat-alt, or lon-lat-tracer, etc). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MODELINFO -> The MODELINFO structure returned from function CTM_TYPE. GRIDINFO -> The GRIDINFO structure returned from function CTM_GRID. AVERAGE -> Bit flag indicating the dimensions over which to average the data: 1 : longitudinal 2 : latitudinal 4 : vertical These values can be combined. E.g., to average over longitude and latitude use 3. A bit set in AVERAGE superseeds the corresponding bit in TOTAL (see below). TOTAL -> Bit flag indicating the dimensions over which to sum the data: 1 : longitudinal 2 : latitudinal 4 : vertical These values can be combined. E.g., to integrate over longitude and latitude use 3. A bit set in AVERAGE superseeds the corresponding bit in TOTAL (see above). /INDEX -> If set, will interpret LAT, LEV, and LON as index arrays. If not set, will interpret LAT, LEV, and LON as ranges (i.e. two-element vectors containing min and max values). LAT -> An index array of latitudes *OR* a two-element vector specifying the min and max latitudes to be included in the extracted data block. Default is [ -90, 90 ]. LEV -> An index array of sigma levels *OR* a two-element vector specifying the min and max sigma levels to be included in the extracted data block. Default is [ 1, GRIDINFO.LMX ]. LON -> An index array of longitudes *OR* a two-element vector specifying the min and max longitudes to be included in the extracted data block. Default is [ -180, 180 ]. ALTRANGE -> A vector specifying the min and max altitude values (or a scalar specifying a single altitude) to be included in the extracted data block. PRANGE -> A vector specifying the min and max pressure levels (or a scalar specifying a single pressure level) to be included in the extracted data block. WE -> Returns to the calling program the index array of longitudes for the extracted data region, ordered from west to east. SN -> Returns to the calling program the index array of latitudes for the extracted data region, ordered from South to North. UP -> Returns to the calling program the index array of vertical levels for the extracted data region, ordered from surface to top. DIM -> A named variable will return the new dimension information of the data block after averaging or totaling. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords for CTM_INDEX. OUTPUTS: X, Y, Z -> Arrays of latitude, longitude, or altitude values corresponding to the the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dimensions of the DATA array, respectively. SUBROUTINES: CTM_INDEX DEFAULT_RANGE (function) REQUIREMENTS: Uses GAMAP package subroutines. NOTES: (1) CTM_EXTRACT returns the extracted data region as the function value. (2) Assumes a 3-D data cube as input, of dimensions (lon, lat, alt), or for some diagnostics (lon, lat, "tracer" number). (3) In the calling program, CTM_TYPE and CTM_GRID must be called to compute the MODELINFO and GRIDINFO structures, which can then be passed to CTM_EXTRACT. (4) If any of the LAT, LON, LEV, ALTRANGE, PRANGE keywords are explicity specified, then CTM_EXTRACT will return to the calling program their original, unmodified values. If any of these are not explicitly specified , then CTM_EXTRACT will return to the calling program default values. EXAMPLE: (1) MODELINFO = CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS4', RES=4 ) GRIDINFO = CTM_GRID( MODELINFO ) DATAREGION = CTM_EXTRACT( DATACUBE, $ MODELINFO=MODELINFO, $ GRIDINFO=GRIDINFO $ LON=[-180,0], LAT=[-30,30], $ LEV=[1,10] ) ; Extracts from a GEOS-4 4x5 data cube a region ; delimited by longitude = [-180, 0], ; latitude = [-30, 30], for levels 1 to 10. (2) LON = INDGEN( 36 ) LAT = INDGEN( 16 ) + 15 LEV = INDGEN( 10 ) MODELINFO = CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS4' ) GRIDINFO = CTM_GRID( MODELINFO ) DATAREGION = CTM_EXTRACT( DATACUBE, $ MODELINFO=MODELINFO, $ GRIDINFO=GRIDINFO, $ /INDEX, LON=LON, $ LAT=LAT, LEV=LEV ) ; Extracts same data region as in Example (1) but ; here passes explicit index arrays instead of ranges. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 16 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 17 Sep 1998: - now extracts data from data cube one dimension at a time to avoid errors bmy, 18 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.01 - INDEX, SN, WE, UP keywords added - LATRANGE, LONRANGE, LEVRANGE renamed to LAT, LON, LEV (since they may now contain arrays and not just ranges). mgs, 21 Sep 1998: - some more error checking - removed MinData and MaxData bmy and mgs, 22 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.02 - added AVERAGE and TOTAL keywords bmy, 24 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.03 - Now returns original values of LAT, LON, LEV, ALTRANGE, and PRANGE if those keywords are specified. Otherwise returns defaults. MGS, 29 SEP 1998: - Introduced new DEFAULT_RANGE function. bmy, 06 Oct 1998: - fixed bug: now S = size( NEWDATA ) bmy, 08 Oct 1998: VERSION 1.04 - MODELINFO and GRIDINFO are now keywords - added X, Y, and Z as parameters bmy, 11 Feb 1999: - updated comments bmy, 19 Feb 1999: VERSION 1.05 - added FIRST keyword so that the values of THISDATAINFO.FIRST can be passed from the calling routine. - now call ADJ_INDEX to adjust the WE, SN, and UP index arrays for data blocks that are less than global size. - added DEBUG keyword mgs, 16 Mar 1999: - cosmetic changes mgs, 02 Apr 1999: - bug fixes that prevented use with 2D fields (e.g. EPTOMS data) mgs, 21 May 1999: - now catches error in multitracer diagnostics when user requests a level beyond LMX. qli, 26 May 1999: - "max(newlev) ge" corrected to "gt" bmy, 15 Sep 1999: VERSION 1.43 - removed bugs that caused data blocks to always have MODELINFO.NTROP vertical layers bmy, 04 Dec 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.47 - add code for future bug fix bmy, 24 Apr 2001: - bug fix: now can handle longitudes greater than 180 degrees bmy, 06 Jun 2001: - bug fix: Test if LON exists before assigning it to NEWLON. bmy, 30 Jul 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - bug fix: now extract proper latitude range for data blocks smaller than global size bmy, 26 Jun 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.51 - Default value of FIRST is now [1,1,1], since this has to be in Fortran notation. - also do error checking on FIRST near the beginning of the program. bmy, 15 Nov 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.52 - now can handle total/average for MOPITT grid bmy, 23 Aug 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.03 - now can handle single-point data blocks bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 bmy, 19 Nov 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.11 - Updated comments bmy, 10 Dec 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Now pad ALTRANGE and PRANGE to 2 elements if they are passed w/ one element bmy, 13 Aug 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - Bug fix: now compute DEF_X_RANGE from the grid edges for computing NEWLON. Now also works for nested grids. phs & bmy, 13 Oct 2009: - Bug fix: now account for ranges that straddle the date line when computing DEF_X_RANGE ccc, 21 Oct 2009: - Bug fix when PRange is passed. bmy, 20 Mar 2017: GAMAP VERSION 2.19 - Now make sure that WE, SN, UP are converted from Fortran to IDL notation properly when /INDEX is specified.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_GET_DATA PURPOSE: Retrieve specific data records from CTM output files. Opening files, parsing header information, and loading of data are handled transparently and can be controlled by various keywords. The routine returns a subset of the global DATAINFO structure that matches the requested category and (optional) tracer and time step(s). This routine should be called *whenever* you want to access data and you are not sure that it has been loaded previously. It provides the general user-interface for GAMAP (the Global Atmospheric Model output Analysis Package). For the future, a widget interface to this routine is planned. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_GET_DATA, DATAINFO [,DIAGN] [,keywords] INPUTS: DIAGN -> A diagnostic number or category name (see (CTM_DIAGINFO). A value of 0 (or an empty string) prompts processing of all available diagnostics. DIAGN can also be an array of diagnostic numbers or category names. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILENAME -> (optional) If FILENAME is a fully qualified file path the specified file is opened without user interaction. If filename is empty or contains wildchards (*,?), a pickfile dialog will be displayed. If FILENAME is a named variable it will contain the full file path upon return so that a subsequent call to CTM_GET_DATA with the same FILENAME argument will not prompt another file selection dialog. If the FILENAME keyword is present, CTM_GET_DATA will restrict it's scope to records from the selected is file (even if FILENAME contains an empty string, it will restrict the scope of the search!). If the file is found in the global FILEINFO structure or the USE_FILEINFO structure (i.e. it has been opened previously), then it will not be parsed again; instead the data records are returned from memory. The data itself is loaded transparently via CTM_RETRIEVE_DATA. ILUN -> An optional value or array of logical unit numbers. If given, the search is restricted to data from the specified files. Default is to use all files (unless the FILENAME keyword is present). If an undefined variable is passed into ILUN, information about all accessible files in the global FILEINFO structure (or USE_FILEINFO) is returned. TRACER -> A tracer ID number or a list of those. If given, the search is restricted to those tracers. Default is to use all tracers. If an undefined variable is passed into TRACER, and one specific diagnostics is requested with DIAGN, information about all accessible tracers in the global DATAINFO structure or USE_DATAINFO structure or the DATAINFO structure associated with a specific file is returned. TAU0 -> A time value or list of values to restrict the search. Default handling as with ILUN or TRACER. TAU0 superseeds /FIRST, /LAST or TAURANGE. TAURANGE -> A 2-element vector containing the first and last tau0 value to look for. /FIRST, /LAST -> extract first or last time step that is stored for the selected diagnostics, ilun, and tracer. Only one can be be active at a time. /LAST superseeds /FIRST. INDEX -> A named variable that will contain the indices of the records in USE_DATAINFO that match the selection criteria. You can test INDEX[0] ge 0 in order to see if CTM_GET_DATA has been successful although it is now recommended to test for n_elements(DATAINFO) eq 0. The INDEX keyword is useful if you want to change the information contained in the selected DATAINFO structures globally. USE_FILEINFO -> (optional) If provided, CTM_GET_DATA will restrict its search to only the files that are contained in USE_FILEINFO which must be a FILEINFO structure array. Default is to use the global information (see If an undefined named variable is provided in USE_FILEINFO, it will either contain the global FILEINFO structure array or the FILEINFO record of the specified file. USE_FILEINFO must contain entries for all logical unit numbers that are used in USE_DATAINFO. USE_DATAINFO -> (optional) Restrict search to records contained in USE_DATAINFO which must be a DATAINFO structure array. If an undefined named variable is provided in USE_DATAINFO, it will either contain the global DATAINFO structure array or all DATAINFO records of the specified file. See also USE_FILEINFO. /INTERNAL_USE -> Set this keyword if you want to prevent a call to CTM_OPEN_FILE, but instead abort in case of undefined (global) FILEINFO or DATAINFO structures. OUTPUTS: DATAINFO -> An array of DATAINFO records that match the selected criteria. You can then simply loop over 0..n_elements(DATAINFO)-1 to access all data records and extract the data as *(DATAINFO[i].data). DATAINFO will be undefined if no records are found!! Always test for IF (n_elements(DATAINFO) eq 0) ... ! NOTE: Alternatively you can return the INDEX to the selected data records in the global (or USE_) datainfo structure array with the INDEX keyword. This may in some cases eliminate the need to make a local copy of the selected DATAINFO records. SUBROUTINES: pro reopen_all_files,fileinfo (needed in order to get free unit numbers) pro make_compound_datainfo,DataInfo,category,ilun,tracer,tau0,tau1 (make compound structure for multilevel or multitracer diagnostics) pro update_tracer_datainfo,datainfo,traceroffset (enter tracer information into global datainfo structure) REQUIREMENTS: Several ctm_* routines are used Also uses UNDEFINE (by D. Fanning) NOTES: Please test rigorously. In case of read errors, try using CTM_OPEN_FILE with the /PRINT keyword. If your model output (ASCII punch file) does not contain the dimensional information about each data block, it may cause problems for diagnostics that do not contain 72x46 elements. It's defintively a good idea to implement this little change *NOW* ! Outline of this procedure: - get all data records that match selection criteria - create "compound" datainfo structures for multilevel and multitracer diagnostics (those hold 3D data blocks) - read data for all selected compound structures unless only status information requested EXAMPLE: See CTM_EXAMPLES MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 20 Aug 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 21 Sep 1998: - changed gamap.cmn to mgs, 22 Sep 1998: - changed to accomodate usage of tracer information mgs, 22 Oct 1998: - old FILEINFO and DATAINFO parameters now keywords USE_..., new DATAINFO parameter returns selected subset of records. - print statements replaced with message - DEBUG messages improved - catch cancelled file open dialog mgs, 26 Oct 1998: - datainfo now undefined at start - allows for multiple categories - ilun, tracer, tau0 keyword variables renamed as sel_... in order to preserve them mgs, 04 Nov 1998: - sel_tracer now expanded to include offsets mgs, 10 Nov 1998: VERSION 3.0 - major update! Program structure much more straightforward! mgs, 12 Nov 1998: - bug fixes for simple diagnostics (line 732) and finding offset tracers (in update_...) replaced tracer by (tracer mod 100) in 3 places mgs, 19 Nov 1998: - bug fix with scale factor. Didn't get globally updated because it was linked to unit. Need a more generic global update procedure ! mgs, 03 Dec 1998: - yet another bug fix in reopen files: needed to test for negative ilun before fstat bmy, 21 Jan 1999: - added outer parentheses to the FORMAT descriptor (255(I4,1x)) to avoid errors mgs, 17 Feb 1999: - bug fix for simple diagnostics: needed to add dummy value to compound array. mgs, 16 Mar 1999: - catch error in tracerinfo.dat (more than one tracer with same number) - error in update_tracer... should have been fixed. Some more debug output added for testing. mgs, 23 mar 1999: - set vertical dimension to -1 for new compound datainfo records mgs, 24 May 1999: - updated filetype info mgs, 02 Jun 1999: - added retall statement after error message bmy, 23 Nov 1999: - added /SMALLCHEM keyword for CTM_TRACERINFO bmy, 27 Sep 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.49 - Set F77=1 for filetype 4 (DAO met fields) - Now reference function LITTLE_ENDIAN - Swap endian in OPEN_FILE if reading data on a little-endian machine (e.g. PC) bmy, 19 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - now test valid diagnostics using DIAGSTRU[*].CATEGORY and not DIAGSTRU[*].INDEX - removed /SMALLCHEM keyword, it's obsolete - Now recognizes binary files as having FILETYPE values between 100 and 200 - Removed /SMALLCHEM flag, it's obsolete - Now uses diagnostic spacing from CTM_DIAGINFO and pass this to UPDATE_TRACER_DIAGINFO bmy, 11 Feb 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.01a - Internal routine MAKE_COMPOUND_DATAINFO now passes SPACING from CTM_DIAGINFO to routine CTM_DOSELECT_DATA bmy, 27 Oct 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.03 - added QUIET keyword to suppress printing information about retrieved tracers bmy, 06 Feb 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.04 - Bug fix: use DIALOG_PICKFILE to get file name before calling CTM_OPEN_FILE. This is necessary because the tests for certain file types requires the file name to be known ahead of time. bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - now passes _EXTRA keyword to CTM_OPEN_FILE. This allows to read nested met (GMAO) files by using /NA or /CHINA bmy & phs, 20 Nov 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.11 - If FILENAME is not defined, then the value of the filename selected via dialog box will be passed back to the calling program. KNOWN BUGS OR WEAKNESSES: - handling of USE_DATAINFO and USE_FILEINFO is not carried through all lower level subroutines, i.e. they may be replaced by *pGlobal... in some occasions. Since USE_... should always be a subset of *pGlobal..., no serious errors are expected from this weakness. - known bug in update_tracer_datainfo, see comment in routine.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_GET_DATABLOCK PURPOSE: Extracts a data block from a CTM punch file. (Wrapper program for CTM_GET_DATA and CTM_EXTRACT.) CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: SUCCESS = CTM_GET_DATABLOCK(DATA [,DIAGN] [,Keywords]) INPUTS: DIAGN -> A diagnostic number or category name (see (CTM_DIAGINFO). This must uniquely identify a specific data type. DIAGN is passed to CTM_GET_DATA KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords that are passed to CTM_GET_DATA: ========================================= FILENAME -> Name of the file to open. FILENAME is passed to CTM_GET_DATA. CTM_GET_DATA will return the full path name, which is then returned to the calling program. USE_FILEINFO -> (optional) If provided, CTM_GET_DATA will restrict its search to only the files that are contained in USE_FILEINFO which must be a FILEINFO structure array. Default is to use the global information (see If an undefined named variable is provided in USE_FILEINFO, it will either contain the global FILEINFO structure array or the FILEINFO record of the specified file. USE_FILEINFO and USE_DATAINFO must be consistent, and should either both be used or omitted. However, it is possible to provide the global FILEINFO structure (or nothing) with a local subset of DATAINFO. USE_DATAINFO -> (optional) Restrict search to records contained in USE_DATAINFO which must be a DATAINFO structure array. If an undefined named variable is provided in USE_DATAINFO, it will either contain the global DATAINFO structure array or all DATAINFO records of the specified file. See also USE_FILEINFO. Keywords that are passed to CTM_EXTRACT: ======================================== AVERAGE -> Bit flag to average over certain dimensions (see CTM_EXTRACT) TOTAL -> Bit flag to sum over certain dimensions (see CTM_EXTRACT) /INDEX -> If set, will interpret LAT, LEV, and LON as index arrays. If not set, will interpret LAT, LEV, and LON as ranges (i.e. two-element vectors containing min and max values). LAT -> An index array of latitudes *OR* a two-element vector specifying the min and max latitudes to be included in the extracted data block. Default is [ -90, 90 ]. LEV -> An index array of sigma levels *OR* a two-element vector specifying the min and max sigma levels to be included in the extracted data block. Default is [ 1, GRIDINFO.LMX ]. LON -> An index array of longitudes *OR* a two-element vector specifying the min and max longitudes to be included in the extracted data block. Default is [ -180, 180 ]. ALTRANGE -> A vector specifying the min and max altitude values to be included in the extracted data block. PRANGE -> A vector specifying the min and max pressure levels to be included in the extracted data block. Other keywords: =============== XMID, YMID, ZMID -> Arrays of values (e.g. latitude, longitude, or altitude) for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dimensions of the DATA array, respectively. NOTE: These are *NOT* index arrays. THISDATAINFO -> Returns the DATAINFO structure for the selected data block. MODELINFO -> Returns to the calling program the model information structure created by CTM_TYPE. GRIDINFO -> Returns to the calling program the grid information structure created by CTM_GRID. WE -> Returns to the calling program the index array of longitudes for the extracted data region, ordered from west to east. SN -> Returns to the calling program the index array of latitudes for the extracted data region, ordered from South to North UP -> Returns to the calling program the index array of vertical levels for the extracted data region, ordered from surface to top. PSURF -> Surface pressure to be used for the conversion from sigma layers to pressure and altitude. For defaults see function CTM_TYPE. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up any extra keywords for CTM_GET_DATA and CTM_EXTRACT. OUTPUTS: SUCCESS -> Returns 1 if successful or 0 otherwise. DATA -> A 2D or 3D data array SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================== CTM_GET_DATA CTM_GRID (function) CTM_EXTRACT (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK returns the extracted data block as the function value. (2) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK is meant to be called whenever you need to extract data from a punch file. If the punch file needs to be opened, CTM_GET_DATABLOCK will do that automatically (via CTM_GET_DATA). EXAMPLE: FILENAME = '~/amalthea/CTM4/run/ctm.pch' LAT = [ -90, 90 ] LON = [ -180, 180 ] LEV = 1 SUCCESS = CTM_GET_DATABLOCK( DATA, 'IJ-AVG-$', $ XIND=XMID, YIND=YMID, ZIND=ZMID, $ THISDATAINFO=THISDATAINFO, $ TRACER=1, FILENAME=FILENAME, $ GRIDINFO=GRIDINFO, MODELINFO=MODELINFO, $ LEV=LEV, LAT=LAT, $ LON=LON, WE=WE, $ SN=SN, UP=UP ) IF ( NOT SUCCESS ) THEN RETURN, 0 ; gets a data block for the IJ-AVG-$ (ND45) diagnostic, ; for the first tracer, at the first timestep, with the ; given latitude, longitude, and sigma level ranges. ; Returns FILEINFO, DATAINFO, THISDATAINFO, WE, SN, UP, ; XMID, YMID, and ZMID to the calling program. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 16 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 17 Sep 1998: - added FILENAME keyword, so that the file name can be passed back to the calling program. bmy, 18 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.01 - now compatible with CTM_EXTRACT v. 1.01 - INDEX, SN, WE, UP keywords added - LATRANGE, LONRANGE, LEVRANGE renamed to LAT, LON, LEV (since they may now contain arrays and not just ranges). mgs, 21 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.02 - more error checking - added PSurf keywords - frees gridinfo pointer before re-assignment - removed MinData and MaxData bmy, 22 Sep 1998: - Now pass AVERAGE and TOTAL keywords to CTM_EXTRACT mgs, 22 Sep 1998: - added THISDATAINFO keyword bmy, 24 Sep 1998: - added FORWARD_FUNCTION for CTM_GRID and CTM_EXTRACT bmy, 08 Oct 1998: VERSION 1.03 - FILEINFO and DATAINFO are now keywords - now returns X, Y, and Z as parameters bmy, 03 Nov 1998: VERSION 1.04 - compatible with new CTM_GET_DATA routine - now pass FILEINFO and DATAINFO structures via USE_FILEINFO and USE_DATAINFO keywords mgs, 10 Nov 1998: - once more adapted to changes in CTM_GET_DATA - now extracts locally used FILEINFO structure bmy, 11 Feb 1999: VERSION 1.05 - updated comments bmy, 19 Feb 1999: - Renamed XIND, YIND, ZIND to XMID, YMID, and ZMID, since these are not index arrays, but the actual longitude, latitude, or altitude values for each dimension of the DATA array. - added DEBUG keyword - eliminate obsolete XARR, YARR, ZARR keywords - added NOPRINT keyword to suppress call to CTM_PRINT_DATAINFO mgs, 02 Apr 1999: - replace gridinfo in fileinfo only if new surface pressure is requested. Necessary for 2D fields (e.g. EPTOMS) - deactivated SMALLCHEM flag - added error checking for FILEINFO bmy, 28 Apr 1999: - return THISFILEINFO as a keyword mgs, 30 Jun 1999: - Specification of PSURF finally works. bmy, 13 Dec 1999: - now use CHKSTRU instead of N_ELEMENTS to diagnose undefined GRIDINFO structure bmy, 04 Dec 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.47 - eliminated obsolete code from 12/31/99 bmy, 03 Jun 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - bug fix: also create GRIDINFO structure for grids with no vertical layers bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_GRID (function) PURPOSE: Set-up of the model grid for various models. While the horizontal grid information can be computed from a few basic parameters, the vertical structure is hardwired for each model seperately. Currently, the following models are supported: GEOS1, GEOS_STRAT, GEOS-3, GEOS-4, GEOS-5, GEOS-57, MERRA, GISS_II, GISS_II_PRIME, FSU, FVCCM, and MATCH. CATEGORY GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Models & Grids, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = CTM_GRID( MTYPE [, Keywords ] ) INPUTS: MTYPE --> a MODELINFO structure as returned from function CTM_TYPE. This structure must contain the following tags: resolution (a 2 element vector with DI, DJ), halfpolar, center180, name, nlayers, ptop, psurf, hybrid.) OUTPUT: RESULT -> A structure, scalor, or vector variable depending on the output keywords below. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: PSURF -> specify surface pressure in mb. Overrides value passed in through modelinfo structure. The following keywords define output options. If none of these is set, a structure is returned that contains all parameters. IMX (int ) -> Maximum I (longitude) dimension [alt: NLON] JMX (int ) -> Maximum J (latitude ) dimension [alt: NLAT] DI (flt ) -> Delta-I interval between grid box edges DJ (flt ) -> Delta-J interval between grid box edges YEDGE (fltarr) -> Array of latitude edges YMID (fltarr) -> Array of latitude centers XEDGE (fltarr) -> Array of longitude edges XMID (fltarr) -> Array of longitude centers LMX (int) -> Maximum altitude level (layers) [alt: NLAYERS] SIGMID (fltarr) -> Array of sigma center values SIGEDGE (fltarr) -> Array of sigma edges ETAMID (fltarr) -> Array of ETA center values ETAEDGE (fltarr) -> Array of ETA edge values PMID (fltarr) -> Array of approx. pressure values for sigma ctrs PEDGE (fltarr) -> ditto for sigma edges ZMID (fltarr) -> Array of approx. mean altitudes for sigma ctrs ZEDGE (fltarr) -> ditto. for sigma edges AP (fltarr) -> Hybrid-grid "A" parameters BP (fltarr) -> Hybrid-grid "B" parameters /NO_VERTICAL --> do not return vertical grid info in structure In this case the MTYPE structure only needs to contain resolution, halfpolar and center180. This keyword is ignored if a specific (vertical) output option is requested. DELTAZ_m --> For multi-level 'GENERIC' grids, DELTAZ_m specifies the height of each grid level in meters. DELTAZ_m does not apply to any of the GEOS, GISS, etc. grid families. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =============================== GETSIGMA (function) GETETA (function) USSA_ALT (function) USSA_PRESS (function) ZMID (function) REQUIREMENTS: Best if used with function CTM_TYPE. Also requires functions GETSIGMA and GETETA for definition of vertical layers. NOTES: This routine is not very efficient in that it always computes all the available information. But since it will not be called too often and does not handle large amounts of data, we won't worry about computational efficiency here. EXAMPLE: MTYPE = CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS1' ) MGRID = CTM_GRID( MTYPE ) ; This will define the following structure (help,mgrid,/stru) ** Structure <10323808>, 17 tags, length=1624, refs=1: IMX INT 72 JMX INT 46 DI FLOAT 5.00000 DJ FLOAT 4.00000 XEDGE FLOAT Array[73] (-177.500, -172.500, ...) YEDGE FLOAT Array[47] (-90, -88, -84, ...) XMID FLOAT Array[72] (-180.0, -175.0, ...) YMID FLOAT Array[46] (-89, -86, -82, ...) LMX INT 20 SIGMID FLOAT Array[20] (0.993936, 0.971301, ...) SIGEDGE FLOAT Array[21] (1.00000, 0.987871, ...) ETAMID FLOAT Array[20] (all zeroes) ETAEDGE FLOAT Array[21] (all zeroes) PMID FLOAT Array[20] (980.082, 957.990, ...) PEDGE FLOAT Array[21] (986.000, 974.162, ...) ZEDGE FLOAT Array[21] ZMID FLOAT Array[20] AP ; Or, with the use of output keywords: PRINT, CTM_GRID( CTM_TYPE( 'GISS_II' ), /PMID ) ; IDL will print 986.000 935.897 855.733 721.458 551.109 390.781 255.503 150.287 70.1236 10.0000 ; A more awkward example (see yourself): HELP, CTM_GRID( { RESOLUTION : [3.6,3.0], $ HALFPOLAR : 0, $ CENTER180 : 0 }, /NO_VERT), /STRU MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 19 Aug 1997: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 24 Sep 1997: VERSION 1.01 mgs, 26 Feb 1998: Version 2.00 - rewritten as a function mgs, 27 Feb 1998: - added vertical information mgs, 02 Mar 1998: - better defined interface with CTM_MODEL_TYPE bmy, 07 Apr 1998: - Renamed mgs, 24 Apr 1998: - changed structure to named structure mgs, 04 May 1998: - changed back because of conflicting sizes mgs, 07 May 1998: - Renamed to CTM_GRID - x coordinates now start with -182.5 for center180 grids bmy, 19 Jun 1998: - now uses USSA_ALT to compute altitudes from pressure coordinates - fixed some comments - added FORWARD_FUNCTION statement mgs, 30 Jun 1999: - added PSURF keyword bmy, 27 Jul 1999: GAMAP VERSION 1.42 - now can compute pressure levels and edges for hybrid sigma-pressure grids - a few cosmetic changes bmy, 03 Jan 2000: - more cosmetic changes bmy, 20 Apr 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.45 - now returns correct YMID values for FSU grid bmy, 15 Sep 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.46 - fixed bug for computing YMID for grids w/o halfpolar boxes. This also fixes the previous problem w/ the FSU grid. bmy, 03 Jul 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - If MTYPE.NLAYERS = 0, then create a return structure w/o vertical level info bmy, 06 Nov 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.49 - added ETAMID, ETAEDGE keywords - added ETAMID, ETAEDGE tags to return structure - now calls GETETA to return ETA coordinates for hybrid models (such as GEOS-4/fvDAS) - updated comments bmy, 18 Oct 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.52 - deleted obsolete commented-out code bmy, 04 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - Use STRPOS to test for GEOS4 or GEOS4_30L model names - Now treat GISS_II_PRIME 23-layer model as a hybrid grid instead of using the obsolete "fake" formulation. bmy, 28 Jun 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - bug fix for multi-level GENERIC grids bmy & phs, 16 Aug 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - now compute mXEDGE, mXMID, mYEDGE, mYMID as double precision, and cast back to float, so that we get correct values for high-res grids like 0.5 x 0.666, - cosmetic changes - Special handling for GEOS-5 - Now use USAGE, ROUTINE_NAME() instead of function USE_CTM_GRID to display options - Now return IMX, JMX as type LONG bmy, 03 Aug 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - Added DELTAZ_m to specify grid size in meters for multi-level GENERIC grids bmy, 06 Aug 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.14 - Added MERRA (identical to GEOS-5 grid, but retains MERRA name for clarity.) bmy, 28 Nov 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.15 - Now use modified GETETA routine to compute the pressure and ETA coords consistently. - Now save hybrid-grid parameters Ap and Bp to the GRIDINFO structure. bmy, 02 Feb 2012: GAMAP VERSION 2.16 - Add GEOS57 and GEOS57_47L grids, for GEOS-5.7.x met data. (These are identical to the GEOS-5 and MERRA grids, but we will denote them separately). bmy, 13 Aug 2015: GAMAP VERSION 2.19 - Add MERRA2 and MERRA2_47L grids
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_INDEX PURPOSE: Return index of CTM grid boxes for given coordinates (or vice versa) and allow user to interactively select a grid box CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Models & Grids CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_INDEX,[,i,j] [,keywords] INPUTS: MINFO --> Model type strucure as returned by CTM_TYPE.PRO or GINFO --> Model grid structure as returned by CTM_GRID.PRO If neither is given, the user will be prompted for a model type and the grid will be computed. I, J --> index pair for which lon, lat coordinates shall be found if keyword /GET_COORDINATES is set. Also used to return index values for given lon, lat pairs (this is the default operation). NOTE: I and J will be in "FORTRAN" notation (e.g. the starting from 1 and not zero). To index IDL arrays, be sure to use I-1 and J-1. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: CENTER --> a two element vector with (LAT, LON) coordinates for which the gridbox index shall be returned. Also used to return center coordinates for a given index pair if keyword /GET_COORDINATES is set. EDGE --> a four element vector in the MAP_SET LIMIT format (LAT0, LON0, LAT1, LON1). If keyword GET_COORDINATES is not set and no CENTER coordinates are given, I and J will return two element vectors with I(0) corresponding to LON0 and I(1) corresponding to LON1 etc. In this case, it may be useful to retrieve WE_INDEX and SN_INDEX for indexing of CTM data arrays (note that these indices follow the IDL convention, i.e. starting from 0. To convert them into "true" CTM indices, add 1). If CENTER coordinates are provided or /GET_COORDINATES is set then EDGE returns the grid box edges for the given or calculated index pair. WE_INDEX --> integer array for indexing of CTM data arrays. This keyword is only used when EDGE is a valid 4 element vector, keyword GET_COORDINATES is not set and no coordinates are passed in the CENTER keyword. This array is always arranged in west-east order (e.g. for EDGE=[0.,175.,0.,-175.] it will return [70, 71, 0] (GEOS1 grid)). SN_INDEX --> like WE_INDEX but for latitude indexing. Note that latitude values in EDGE must be arranged in ascending order. /GET_COORDINATES --> return coordinates to given index rather than an index pair for given coordinates /NON_INTERACTIVE --> default action is interactive box picking per mouse (only need to supply MINFO in this case, but index and coordinates of last click will be returned in I, J, CENTER and EDGES repectively). Set this keyword if you want to convert values to and fro without drawing a map etc. XSIZE, YSIZE --> window size (default 900x600) MAPCENTER --> center coordinates for map projection [p0lat, polon ] COUNTRIES -> draw country boundaries _EXTRA --> keywords are passed to MAP_SET (e.g. LIMIT=[lat0,lon0,lat1,lon1]) Careful if you display data! WINDOW -> window number to plot into. Normally a new window is opened with the /free option. Use a specific window number to overlay the map onto existing data plotted with tvimage (see example). DATA -> a data array with dimensions matching your model grid (no error checking on this!) If DATA contains data, the value at the selected grid box, and a statistic for neighbouring grid boxes will be displayed together with the corrdinates. OUTPUTS: Index of grid box in I, J, coordinates in named variables supplied with CENTER and EDGE keywords SUBROUTINES: REQUIREMENTS: needs CTM_TYPE for input of MINFO parameter and CTM_DEFINE_GRID NOTES: This routine makes substantial use of recursive calls. Be careful when changing. EXAMPLES: (1) CTM_INDEX, CTM_TYPE('GEOS1') ; Display world map and have fun. (2) CTM_INDEX, CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS1',RESOLUTION=2 ), $ I, J, LIMIT=[ 0.,-180., 90., -30. ] ; Display map of North America and select grid ; boxes for GEOS 2x2.5 grid. ; Indices of last point are returned in I and J. (3) CTM_INDEX, CTM_TYPE('GISS_II_PRIME'),$ I, J, CENTER=[ 42., -72.], /NON_INTERACTIVE print,I,J ; returns grid box index for Harvard Forest in ; GISS CTM II' (21,33) without displaying a map (4) CTM_INDEX, CTM_TYPE('GISS_II'), $ I, J, EDGE=[-25.,170.,0.,-100.], $ WE_INDEX=WE, SN_INDEX=SN, /NON_INTERACTIVE ; returns [ 69, 70, 71, 0, 1, ... , 15 ] in WE and ; [ 15, 16, ..., 21 ] in SN. I is [ 70, 16 ], and J ; is [ 16, 22 ]. Note that I, J refer to CTM (= FORTRAN) ; indices, whereas WS and SN are IDL array indices. (5) IM = BYTSCL( DATA,MAX=MAX(DATA)) MINFO = CTM_TYPE( 'GENERIC', RES=[360./XDIM,180./YDIM] ) GINFO = CTM_GRID(MINFO) TVIMAGE, IM, POSITION=P, /KEEP_ASPECT CTM_INDEX, GINFO, I, J, WINDOW=0, DATA=DATA ; Overlay interactive map onto data displayed with ; TVIMAGE. You should create a generic MODELINFO ; structure in this case. NOTE: replace xdim, ydim ; with the dimensions of your data array! ; This example also demonstrates the use of ginfo vs. minfo. MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 04 May 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 07 May 1998: - added MAPCENTER and _EXTRA keywords, fixed bug with lon index - actually substantially rewritten mgs, 08 May 1998: VERSION 1.10 - CENTER and EDGE keywords now MAP_SET compatible - added WE_INDEX and SN_INDEX keywords - improved documentation - bug fix for display of polar grid boxes mgs, 09 Jun 1998: - added COUNTRIES keyword mgs, 15 Jun 1998: - bug fix for WE mgs, 07 Oct 1998: - added interactive selection of model mgs, 22 Feb 1999: - added DATA, SHELLS and WINDOW keywords mgs, 23 Feb 1999: - can now use either minfo or ginfo as parameter bmy, 24 Jan 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.47 - commented out annoying & useless warning msg - updated comments bmy, 12 Mar 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.02 - updated comments bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - now pass DEFAULTMODEL from @GAMAP_CMN common block to SELECT_MODEL
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_LABEL (function) PURPOSE: Returns strings for several CTM quantities. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = CTM_LABEL( DATAINFO, MODELINFO [, Keywords ] ) INPUTS: DATAINFO -> Structure returned from CTM_GET_DATA, which contains information about one data block MODELINFO -> Structure returned from CTM_TYPE, which contains information about the particular model KEYWORD PARAMETERS: AVERAGE -> Bit flag indicating the dimensions over which to average the data: 1 : longitudinal 2 : latitudinal 4 : vertical These values can be combined. E.g., to average over longitude and latitude use 3. A bit set in AVERAGE supersedes the corresponding bit in TOTAL (see below). LAT -> Scalar value or array of latitudes used in the plot. LON -> Scalar value or array of longitudes used in the plot. LEV -> Scalar value or array of latitudes used in the plot. ALT -> Scalar value or array of altitudes used in the plot. PRS -> Scalar value or array of pressures used in the plot. TOTAL -> Bit flag indicating the dimensions over which to sum the data: 1 : longitudinal 2 : latitudinal 4 : vertical These values can be combined. E.g., to integrate over longitude and latitude use 3. A bit set in AVERAGE supersedes the corresponding bit in TOTAL (see above). FORMAT -> Specifies format for converting numeric values into string values, for selected fields (such as LAT and LON). Default is I14 (strings are trimmed). /NO_SPECIAL -> If set, will not place any special superscript or subscript characters into the strings returned in LABELSTRU. OUTPUTS: LABELSTRU -> Structure containing the following label fields: LAT: String for latitude(s) LON: String for longitude(s) LEV: String for vertical level(s) ALT: String for altitude level(s) PRS: String for pressure level(s) LATLON: String that has format "(Lat,Lon)" TRACERNAME: String for the tracer name SCALE: String for the tracer's scale factor UNIT: String for the tracer's unit TAU0: String representation of TAU0 TAU1: String representation of TAU1 YMD0: String representation of (YY)YYMMDD corresponding to TAU0 YMD1: String representation of (YY)YYMMDD corresponding to TAU1 HMS0: String representation of HHMMSS corresponding to TAU0 HMS1: String representation of HHMMSS corresponding to TAU1 YEAR0: String for the starting year (e.g. 1994) YEAR1: String for the ending year MONTH0: String for the starting month name (e.g. "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", etc..) MONTH1: String for the ending month name DAY0: String for the starting day number (1-31) DAY1: String for the ending day number (1-31) DATE: String for the date (see below) MODEL: String for the model name FAMILY String for the model's family RES: String for the resolution of the model SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================================== CHKSTRU (function) STRCHEM (function) STRSCI (function) TAU2YYMMDD (function) REQUIREMENTS: DATAINFO and MODELINFO must be passed to CTM_LABEL. These structures are computed by the GAMAP package subroutines. NOTES: DATAINFO is created e.g. by CTM_GET_DATA (or CTM_GET_DATABLOCK) MODELINFO is created by CTM_TYPE EXAMPLE: CTM_LABEL, DataInfo, ModelInfo, LabelStru, Lat=10, Lon=48 print, LabelStru.LAT 'Lat=10!UN!N' MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 23 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 24 Sep 1998: - now ensure that RES is a scalar string - place TAU2YYMMDD in FORWARD_FUNCTION call bmy, 28 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.01 - formats for LatStr, LonStr, LevStr changed to be more consistent. mgs, 29 Sep 1998: - changed a few comments and fixed bug in MinLon/MaxLon bmy, 03 Nov 1998: - changed NAME to TRACERNAME for the sake of consistency bmy, 12 Nov 1998: - added LABELSTRU structure tags: YEAR0, YEAR1, MONTH0, MONTH1, DAY0, DAY1, and DATE - now reports lats as S/N instead of -/+ and reports lons as W/E instead of -/+ bmy, 17 Nov 1998: - now use function N_UNIQ to test for the number of unique elements in LAT, LON, LEV, ALT, PRS - Added FORMAT keyword to specify format for LAT and LON strings - updated comments bmy, 15 Jan 1999: - added NO_SPECIAL keyword bmy, 17 Feb 1999: - Now add GMT to date string for timeseries animation plots (interval < 1 day) - make sure that HMS0STR and HMS1STR have string lengths of 6 characters bmy, 18 Feb 1999: - fix default DATE string for February mgs, 16 Mar 1999: - cosmetic changes - removed SUBTRACT_ONE keyword and improved choice of date format bmy, 13 Jul 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - Use updated version of STRREPL.PRO from mgs bmy, 07 Nov 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.49 - now use 8-digit YYYYMMDD format for date variables YMD0, YMD1 bmy, 02 Oct 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.53 - now write GEOS3 instead of GEOS3_30L bmy, 05 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - now write GEOS4 instead of GEOS3_30L - now use the proper time epoch for each model family in call to TAU2YYMMDD - updated comments bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_LOCATEDIFF PURPOSE: Locates data blocks which differ in two binary punch files or GMAO met field files. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_LOCATEDIFF, FILE1, FILE2 [, Keywords ] INPUTS: FILE1 -> Name of the first file to be tested. FILE1 may be a binary punch file, and ASCII file, or a GMAO met field file. FILE2 -> Name of the second file to be tested. FILE2 may be a binary punch file, and ASCII file, or a GMAO met field file. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DIAGN -> A diagnostic category name to restrict the selection of data records. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the output file which will contain the location of differences found between data blocks in FILE1 and FILE2. If OUTFILENAME is not specified, then CTM_LOCATEDIFF will print this information to the screen. /HEADERS_ONLY -> Set this switch to just print the category names and tracer numbers where differences occur instead of printing all of the data points. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up any extra keywords for CTM_GET_DATA. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External subroutines required: ============================== CTM_GET_DATA UNDEFINE CTM_DIAGINFO REQUIREMENTS: References routines from both GAMAP and TOOLS directories. NOTES: (1) Both FILE1 and FILE2 must contain the same diagnostic categories, listed in the same order. EXAMPLE: CTM_LOCATEDIFF, 'ctm.bpch.old', '' ; Locates data blocks which differ between ctm.bpch.old ; and You can investigate these further ; with routines CTM_PRINTDIFF and CTM_PLOTDIFF. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 24 Feb 2003: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 19 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - Now get spacing between diagnostic offsets from CTM_DIAGINFO bmy, 27 Feb 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.02 - Rewritten to also print out locations in FORTRAN notation where differences occur - added DIAGN keyword to specify category name - added OUTFILENAME to specify output file bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 bmy, 01 May 2013: GAMAP VERSION 2.17 - Corrected error in EXAMPLE section above
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) PURPOSE: Create a datainfo and fileinfo structure from an "external" data set so that it can be used seamlessly within the GAMAP package. The dataset can have up to four dimensions (however, only the first 3 are currently supported). The new datainfo and fileinfo structures will be added to the global structure arrays. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO( DATA, DATAINFO, FILEINFO [,Keywords] ) INPUTS: DATA -> A 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D data array. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DIAGN -> A diagnostics name (category) or number that describes the data type. If not given, the user will be prompted. If DIAGN is a number that is not recognized as valid diagnostics by CTM_DIAGINFO, the number will be stored as string value. If DIAGN is a string, it does not have to be a valid diagnostics category. DIM -> A 4 element vector with the DATA dimensions as LON, LAT, LEVEL, TIME. If not given, the dimensions of DATA will be entered sequentially. Use this keyword to properly identify e.g. a zonal mean data set as DIM = [ 0, 46, 20, 0 ] (for the GEOS-1). The order and magnitude of the dimensions in DIM must agree with the dimensions of the DATA array (e.g. if DATA(72,46) then DIM=[46,72,0,0] is not allowed). FILENAME-> Name of the file which is specified by the FILEINFO structure. If FILENAME is not specified, then the default FILENAME = "derived data". FILETYPE -> A numeric code to identify the file type. If not specified then the default FILETYPE = -1. FIRSTBOX -> A 3 element vector containing IFIRST, JFIRST, and LFIRST, which are the starting indices for the LON, LAT, and LEVEL dimensions. FORMAT -> A format string (for ASCII data) or descriptive string (for binary or self-describing data) that is saved to the DATAINFO structure. Default is ''. GRIDINFO -> A gridinfo structure describing the grid set-up of the data set (see CTM_GRID). If not given, CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO attempts to use the MODELINFO structure to construct GRIDINFO. ILUN -> The file unit number that will be used to identify FILEINFO and DATAINFO. If not passed, then ILUN will be negative to denote derived data, and will increment negatively for each data block, starting at -1. MODELINFO -> A modelinfo structure containing information about the model that generated the data (see CTM_TYPE). If not given, the user is prompted for a selection. /NO_GLOBAL -> If passed, will prevent the DATAINFO and FILEINFO structures from being appended to the global GAMAP common blocks. Useful for saving memory. /NO_VERTICAL (passed via _EXTRA) -> set this keyword if you only want to create a 2D gridfinfo structure. TAU0, TAU1 -> Beginning and end of time interval that is spanned by DATA (as TAU value). Default is -1 for both. TOPTITLE -> A user defined string that may describe the data set in more detail. TRACER -> A tracer number or name that identifies the chemical species or physical quantity contained in DATA. If TRACER is an invalid name, it will be set to -1, and the string value of TRACER will be used as TRCNAME (see below). If not given, the user will be prompted. TRCNAME -> A tracer name. Default is to use the name associated with that tracer number in CTM_TRACERINFO. SCALE -> A value that is entered in the SCALE field in DATAINFO. Default is 1.0. UNIT -> A unit string. Default is empty. OUTPUTS: DATAINFO, FILEINFO -> The datainfo and fileinfo structures generated from the "external" data array. These are automatically appended to the global DATAINFO and FILEINFO structures, unless the /NO_GLOBAL keyword is set. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ========================================= CREATE3DHSTRU, CREATE3DFSTRU, TAU2YYMMDD REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: In the current version, no error checking is made whether the DATA dimensions agree with the grid information. This is the users responsibility. EXAMPLES: (1) DATA = DIST(72,46) RESULT = CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO( DATA, DATAINFO, FILEINFO ) ; Create a 2D array and make a DATAINFO structure. ; The user will be prompted for model type, ; diagnostics and tracer. (2) RESULT = CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO( DATA, DATAINFO, FILEINFO, $ MODEL=CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS1' ), DIAGN='IJ-AVG-$', $ TRACER=2, TAU0=NYMD2TAU(940901L), TAU1=NYMD2TAU(940930), $ UNIT='PPBV', DIM=[0,46,20,0], $ TOPTITLE='Zonal mean difference in Ox CLDS/no CLDS') ; Add a zonal mean difference data set (already in DATA) (3) HELP, DATAINFO, /STRU ** Structure H3DSTRU, 13 tags, length=72: ILUN LONG -15 FILEPOS LONG 0 CATEGORY STRING 'ZONE-AVG' TRACER INT 2 TRACERNAME STRING 'Ox' TAU0 DOUBLE 84720.000 TAU1 DOUBLE 85416.000 SCALE FLOAT 1.00000 UNIT STRING 'ppbv' FORMAT STRING '' STATUS INT 1 DIM INT Array[4] OFFSET INT Array[3] DATA POINTER; Display DATAINFO structure MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 09 Oct 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 19 Nov 1998: - bug fix. ILUN now always negative! - unit now "required" parameter, i.e. interactively asked for bmy, 11 Feb 1999: VERSION 1.01 - added OFFSET keyword so that I0, J0, and L0 offsets can be stored in DATAINFO - DATAINFO.TAU0 and DATAINFO.TAU1 are now stored as double precision - updated comments mgs, 16 Mar 1999: - cosmetic changes - OFFSET changed into FIRSTBOX mgs, 30 Mar 1999: - added _EXTRA keyword for ctm_grid (use for /NO_VERTICAL) bmy, 29 Jun 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - bug fix: now pass CTM_TRACERINFO the tracer number plus diagnostic offset bmy, 06 Mar 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 - now take TRACER mod 100L before adding the diagnostic offset to it in call to CTM_TRACERINFO bmy, 26 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - added /NO_GLOBAL keyword - rewrote for clarity; updated comments - Now get diagnostic spacing from CTM_DIAGINFO - added ILUN, FILENAME, FILETYPE keywords bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 phs, 30 May 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Minor fix to restrict FIRSTBOX to 3 elements
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_MAPGRID PURPOSE: Plots CTM grid boxes superposed atop a world map. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Models & Grids CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_MAPGRID, GRIDINFO [, Keywords ] INPUTS: GRIDINFO -> Output structure returned from CTM_GRID containing information about the particular grid being used. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: COLOR -> Color index for the map outline, continents, and title. Default is BLACK (assuming MYCT color table). G_COLOR -> Color index for the grid lines. Default is BLACK (assuming MYCT color table). LIMIT -> Vector containing [ LatMin, LonMin, LatMax, LonMax ]. These define the latitude and longitude ranges for the map projection. If LIMIT is not supplied, CTM_MAPGRID will construct LIMIT from the information supplied in GRIDINFO. /PS -> If set, will send output to a PostScript file. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up any extra keywords for OPEN_DEVICE, MAP_SET, MAP_CONTINENTS, PLOTS, and CLOSE_DEVICE. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ========================================= CHKSTRU (function) CONVERT_LON OPEN_DEVICE CLOSE_DEVICE MYCT_DEFAULTS (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLES: (1) GRIDINFO = CTM_GRID( CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS1', RES=2 ) ) CTM_MAPGRID, GRIDINFO, LIMIT=[ -90, 130, 90, -130 ], /ISOTROPIC ; Plots a world map (pacific region, spanning ; the date line) for the GEOS-1 2 x 2.5 grid (2) CTM_MAPGRID, GRIDINFO, LIMIT=[ -90, -182.5, 90, 177.5 ], /ISOTROPIC ; For the same grid as above, plots the entire world ; centered on 0 degrees lat and 0 degrees longitude. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 03 Nov 1999: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 24 Mar 2000: VERSION 1.45 - now prints map labels - added /NOBORDER to MAP_SET call bmy, 27 May 2003: GAMAP VERSION 1.53 - now plots continent lines after grid lines bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_MASS_CHECK PURPOSE: Plots the time evolution of % difference of tracer mass and air mass from a CTM simulation. Used to assess mass conservation in CTM transport codes. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_MASS_CHECK [, Keywords ] INPUTS: FILENAME -> Name of the CTM output file containing air mass and tracer concentrations. FILENAME can be either an ASCII punch file or a BINARY punch file. If omitted, the user will be prompted to supply FILENAME via a dialog box. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TRACER -> Number of the tracer that you wish to check for mass conservation. /PS -> Set this switch to create PostScript plot output. OUTFILENAME -> If /PS is set, OUTFILENAME will be the name of the PostScript plot output file. Default is "". _EXTRA=e -> Catches extra keywords for routines OPEN_DEVICE and CLOSE_DEVICE. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =============================== CLOSE_DEVICE CTM_GET_DATA MULTIPANEL OPEN_DEVICE UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: References routines from both GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: (1) Assumes that the tracer concentration has been saved under the IJ-AVG-$ diagnostic category. Also assumes that the airmass has been saved under the BXHGHT-$ diagnostic category. EXAMPLE: CTM_MASS_CHECK, 'ctm.bpch.geos4', TRACER=4 ; Plots the evolution of % difference of both ; tracer and air mass for CO from a GEOS-4 simulation. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bdf & bmy, 26 Jun 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.03 bmy, 06 Mar 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.06 - make FILENAME an input rather than a keyword argument. - now pass _EXTRA=e to the PLOT command - Added WINPARAM keyword bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_NAMEXT PURPOSE: Returns the proper filename extension for CTM model names. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Models & Grids CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = CTM_NAMEXT( MODELINFO ) INPUTS: MODELINFO -> a MODELINFO structure (output from function CTM_TYPE) desribing the desired CTM model. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: RESULT -> Returns a string containing the model name (e.g. 'geos3', 'geos4', 'geos5', 'gcap', 'giss2p', 'generic', etc.). SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================== CHKSTRU (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) Add more model names as is necessary. EXAMPLE: MODELINFO = CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS_STRAT', RESOLUTION=4 ) PRINT, CTM_NAMEXT( MODELINFO ) geoss ; Returns filename extension for the GEOS-STRAT model MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 30 Jun 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.46 bmy, 02 Jul 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - added GENERIC as a return option bmy, 02 Oct 2003: GAMAP VERSION 1.53 - now add GEOS3_30L to the CASE statement bmy, 16 Oct 2003: - now add GEOS4 to the CASE statement bmy, 12 Feb 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.01a - added GEOS4_30L to the CASE statement bmy, 05 Aug 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.02 - added GCAP to the CASE statement bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - added GEOS5, GEOS5_47L to the CASE statement bmy, 04 Jan 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.15 - added MERRA, MERRA_47L to the CASE statement bmy, 09 Feb 2012: GAMAP VERSION 2.16 - added GEOS57, GEOS57_47L to the CASE statement mps, 06 Nov 2013: - added GEOSFP, GEOSFP_47L to the CASE statement mps, 28 Oct 2015: - added MERRA2, MERRA2_47L to the CASE statement
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_NOYBUDGET PURPOSE: Computes the NOy budget within a given 3-D region. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_NOYBUDGET [, BATCHFILE [, Keywords ] ] INPUTS: BATCHFILE (optional) -> Name of the batch file which contains inputs that defines the 3-D region and NOy constituents. If BATCHFILE is omitted, then the user will be prompted to supply a file name via a dialog box. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: LOGFILENAME (optional) -> Name of the log file where output will be sent. Default is "noy_budget.log". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: -------------------------------------------------------------- ErrorNOy (function) TruncateAndWrapForNOy (function) GetNoxEmissionsForNOy (function) GetHNO3WetDepForNOy (function) GetDryDepositionForNOy (function) GetNetExportForNOy (function) GetNetChemicalProductionForNOy (function) ReadBatchFileForNOy (procedure) External Subroutines: -------------------------------------------------------------- CTM_Get_Datablock (function) CTM_BoxSize (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) CTM_NOYBUDGET was developed for use with the GEOS-CTM, there might be some adaptation required for use with other models. (2) Only 5 "families" are considered: Dry Deposition, NOx, PAN, HNO3, R4N2. (3) Wrapping around the date line seems to work but you should always double-check. EXAMPLE: CTM_NOYBUDGET, 'box1.dat', LogFileName='box1.log' ; Computes NOy budgets for the region specified in ; the file "box1.dat" and sends output to the ; "box1.log" log file. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 28 Jan 2000: VERSION 1.00 - adapted original code from Isabelle Bey bmy, 25 May 2000: VERSION 1.45 - now allow the user to specify diagnostic category names in the batch file - added internal function "TruncateAndWrapForNOy" to wrap arrays around the date line - added internal procedure "ErrorNOy" to do error checking for CTM_GET_DATABLOCK - now can create budgets for more than one diagnostic interval - now allow user not to compute chemical production data for given families acs, 26 May 2000: - bug fixes: now do not stop the run if data blocks are not found bmy, 01 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.46 - use abs( Total( X ) ) > 0 when testing if transport fluxes are all nonzero bmy, 24 Jan 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.47 - now no longer require all types of emissions to be nonzero in order to sum them - now no longer require both HNO3 LS and convective wetdep to be zero in order to sum them bmy, 17 Jan 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 - now call STRBREAK wrapper routine from the TOOLS subdirectory for backwards compatiblity for string-splitting bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_OVERLAY PURPOSE: Calls TVMAP to plot a pixel or contour map and then overplots either an aircraft flight track or individual station data atop it. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_OVERLAY, DATA, XMID, YMID, $ TRACKD, TRACKX, TRACKY [, Keywords ] INPUTS: DATA -> Data array (e.g. from CTM_GET_DATA or CTM_GET_DATABLOCK) from which a pixel plot or contour plot will be generated. XMID -> Vector of longitudes corresponding to DATA. YMID -> Vector of latitudes corresponding to DATA TRACKD -> Vector of data values corresponding to the aircraft flight track or station data points. TRACKX -> Vector of longitudes corresponding to the aircraft flight track or station data points. Should be in the range [-180,180]. TRACKY -> Vector of longitudes corresponding to the aircraft flight track or station data points. Should be in the range [-90,90]. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: C_COLORS -> Vector to specify the color levels for filled contour plots. If not passed, then C_COLORS will return to the calling program the default color level values generated internally by TVMAP. C_LEVELS -> Vector containing contour levels for filled contour plots. Used in conjunction with /FCONTOUR. COLOR -> Color of the map outline. Passed to TVMAP. /FCONTOUR -> Set this switch to generate a filled-contour plot instead of a pixel plot. /LOG -> Set this switch to use a logarithmic color table. MINDATA -> Minimum value of DATA. If omitted, then MINDATA will be automatically set to the minimum value of DATA. MAXDATA -> Minimum value of DATA. If omitted, then MINDATA will be automatically set to the minimum value of DATA. /OVERPLOT -> Set this keyword to overplot a flight track atop a map previously drawn by TVMAP. T_COLOR -> (1) If plotting aircraft flight track data, then T_COLOR will be used to define the color of the line. (2) If plotting symbol data, then T_COLOR will be used to describe the color of the border around the symbol. To suppress printing a border around the symbol, use any negative value for T_COLOR (e.g. T_COLOR = -1). T_LINESTYLE -> IDL linestyle for the aircraft flight track. Takes same values as the LINESTYLE graphic keyword (see help pages). T_SYMBOL -> Argument to the SYM keyword, which will be used to define the individual data points if you are plotting station data. Recommended value: 1 (filled circle). T_THICK -> Thickness of the aircraft flight track, in pixels. _EXTRA=e -> Passes extra keywords to TVMAP and OPLOT. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: ========================================== SCALETRACK (function) External Subroutines Required: ========================================= MULTIPANEL MYCT_DEFAULTS (function) TVMAP RECTANGLE SYM (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: You can pass all of the same keywords to CTM_OVERLAY_FLIGHT as you do to TVMAP. EXAMPLE: (1) Plot flight tracks atop a pixel or contour map -------------------------------------------------- ; Read the data -- in this case, CO concentrations SUCCESS = CTM_Get_DataBlock( Data, 'IJ-AVG-$', $ File='ctm.bpch.1995', $ Tra=4, $ /First, $ Lon=[-180, 180], $ Lat=[-88, 88], $ Lev=1, $ XMid=XXmid, Ymid=YYMid ) ; Make a "fake" aircraft track ; Here we'll use MAP_2POINTS to create a "fake" flight ; track of constant longitude (30 deg E meridian) nPts = 101 a = MAP_2POINTS( 30, -90, 30, 90, NPATH=NPTS ) TrackX = A[0,*] TrackY = A[1,*] TrackD = FltArr( nPts ) ; Plot a pixel map w/ countries, continents, grid lines, ; and overlay a red, dashed-line flight track atop it. CTM_OverLay, Data, XXMid, YYMid, TrackD, TrackX, TrackY, $ /Sample, /Countries, /Coasts, /CBar, $ Div=4, Min_Val=1e-20, /Isotropic, /Grid, $ Title='Pixel map overlaid /w contour map', $ T_Color=!MYCT.RED, T_Thick=2, T_LineStyle=2 ; Make a second "fake" aircraft track ; (of course, if you have a real flight track, use it...) TrackX = Replicate( 72, 100 ) TrackY = Findgen( 100 ) - 50 TrackD = Fltarr( 100 ) ; Call CTM_OVERLAY again with /OVERPLOT to ; overplot the second flight track CTM_OverLay, Data, XXMid, YYMid, TrackD, TrackX, TrackY, $ T_Color=!MYCT.BLUE, T_Thick=2, T_LineStyle=2, /OVERPLOT (2) Draw Boxes for Tagged Tracer regions ---------------------------------------- ; Define (X,Y) coordinates of first tagged tracer region TrackX = [ 0, 60, 60, 0, 0 ] TrackY = [ 0, 0, 30, 30, 0 ] TrackD = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ; Call CTM_OVERLAY with all TVMAP keywords to ; plot the map and to initialize the map dataspace CTM_OverLay, Data, XXMid, YYMid, TrackD, TrackX, TrackY, $ /Sample, /Countries, /Coasts, /CBar, $ Div=4, Min_Val=1e-20, /Isotropic, /Grid, $ Title='Test pixel map w/ overlay boxes', $ T_Thick=3, T_Color=!MYCT.BLACK, T_LineStyle=0 ; Define second tagged tracer region TrackX = [ 0, 120, 120, 0, 0 ] TrackY = [ 0, 0, -30, -30, 0 ] ; Call CTM_OVERLAY with /OVERPLOT to overplot ; atop the previously defined map CTM_OverLay, Data, XXMid, YYMid, TrackX, TrackY, $ /OVERPLOT, T_Thick=3, T_Color=!MYCT.RED, T_LineStyle=0 (3) Plot individual station data points ---------------------------------------- ; Define "fake" station data for demo ; (along the equator between 60W and 60E) Ind = Where( XMid ge -60 AND XMid le 60, N ) TrackD = Findgen(N) + 20 TrackY = Fltarr(N) + 0 TrackX = Xmid[Ind] ; Call CTM_OVERLAY with all TVMAP keywords to ; plot the map and to initialize the map dataspace CTM_OverLay, Data, XXMid, YYMid, TrackD, TrackX, TrackY, $ /Sample, /Countries, /Coasts, /CBar, $ Div=4, Min_Val=1e-20, /Isotropic, /Grid, $ T_Symbol=1, SymSize=2, $ Title='Test pixel map w/ station data', MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 05 Oct 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Modified from CTM_OVERLAY_FLIGHT and renamed to CTM_OVERLAY bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 dbm & bmy, 06 Nov 2007: - Modified to allow filled contour plots cdh & bmy, 18 Feb 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - Now pass LOG=LOG to TVMAP call to ensure that TVMAP gets the /LOG keyword OK bmy & cph, 14 Jan 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.14 - Remove the call to the PLOT command after TVMAP. This does set up the approropriate coordinates for map projections other than /CYLINDRICAL. - Now use PLOTS to plot symbols or lines rather than OPLOT. - Updated comments cdh, 24 Feb 2010: - Added /NOADVANCE keyword bmy, 06 Aug 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.14 - Now set default values for C_COLORS for filled contour plots if not specified bf & bmy, 18 Oct 2010: - Bug fix submitted by Bonne Ford to allow more than one overlay on the same plot bmy, 10 Feb 2016: GAMAP VERSION 2.19 - If plotting symbols, suppress symbol borders if T_COLOR is negative (e.g. T_COLOR=-1). - Now require adding /NOADVANCE before each successive call to CTM_OVERLAY with /OVERPLOT
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_OVERLAY_WIND PURPOSE: Calls TVMAP to plot a pixel or contour map and then overplots wind data atop it. %%%% NOTE: Still in BETA testing! %%%% CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_OVERLAY, DATA, XMID, YMID, U, V, [, Keywords ] INPUTS: DATA -> Data array (e.g. from CTM_GET_DATA or CTM_GET_DATABLOCK) from which a pixel plot or contour plot will be generated. XMID -> Vector of longitudes corresponding to DATA. YMID -> Vector of latitudes corresponding to DATA U -> Array of U-wind values V -> Array of V-wind values KEYWORD PARAMETERS: COLOR -> Color of the map outline. Passed to TVMAP. /LOG -> Set this switch to use a logarithmic color table. MINDATA -> Minimum value of DATA. If omitted, then MINDATA will be automatically set to the minimum value of DATA. MAXDATA -> Minimum value of DATA. If omitted, then MINDATA will be automatically set to the minimum value of DATA. /OVERPLOT -> Set this keyword to overplot the wind atop a map previously drawn by TVMAP. _EXTRA=e -> Passes extra keywords to TVMAP and VELOCITY_FIELD. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: ========================================== SCALETRACK (function) External Subroutines Required ========================================= MULTIPANEL MYCT_DEFAULTS (function) TVMAP RECTANGLE SYM (function) REQUIREMENTS: Uses routines from both GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: You can pass all of the same keywords to CTM_OVERLAY_FLIGHT as you do to TVMAP. EXAMPLE: (1) Plot flight tracks atop a pixel or contour map -------------------------------------------------- ; Read the data -- in this case, CO concentrations SUCCESS = CTM_Get_DataBlock( Data, 'IJ-AVG-$', $ File='ctm.bpch.1995', $ Tra=4, $ /First, $ Lon=[-180, 180], $ Lat=[-88, 88], $ Lev=1, $ XMid=XXmid, Ymid=YYMid ) ; Make a "fake" wind [TO DOCUMENT] MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 phs, 20 Mar 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - cleanup, updated for new TVMAP - now pass Map Position to velocity_field
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_OXBUDGET PURPOSE: Computes the Ox budget within a given 3-D region. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_OXBUDGET [, BATCHFILE [, Keywords ] ] INPUTS: BATCHFILE (optional) -> Name of the batch file which contains inputs that defines the 3-D region and NOy constituents. If BATCHFILE is omitted, then the user will be prompted to supply a file name via a dialog box. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: LOGFILENAME (optional) -> Name of the log file where output will be sent. Default is "ox_budget.log". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: -------------------------------------------------------------- ErrorOx (function) TruncateAndWrapForOx (function) GetHNO3WetDepForOx (function) GetDryDepositionForOx (function) GetNetChemicalProductionForOx (function) GetNetExportForOx (function) ReadBatchFileForOx (procedure) External Subroutines Required: -------------------------------------------------------------- CTM_Get_Datablock (function) CTM_BoxSize (function) REQUIREMENTS: NOTES: (1) CTM_OXBUDGET was developed for use with the GEOS-CTM, there might be some adaptation required for use with other models. (2) Only 2 "families" are considered: Dry Deposition and Ox. (3) Wrapping around the date line seems to work but you should always double-check. (4) Currently, the box of consideration must be less than global size in order to m EXAMPLE: CTM_OXBUDGET, 'box1.ox', LogFileName='box1.log' ; Computes Ox budgets for the region specified in ; the file "box1.ox" and sends output to the ; "box1.log" log file. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 28 Jan 2000: VERSION 1.00 - adapted original code from Isabelle Bey bmy, 25 May 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.45 - now allow the user to specify diagnostic category names in the batch file - added internal function "TruncateAndWrapForOx" to wrap arrays around the date line - added internal procedure "ErrorOx" to do error checking for CTM_GET_DATABLOCK - now can create budgets for more than one diagnostic interval - now allow user not to compute chemical production data for given families acs, 26 May 2000: - bug fixes: now do not stop the run if data blocks are not found. bmy, 01 Aug 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.46 - use abs( Total( X ) ) > 0 when testing if transport fluxes are all nonzero bmy, 13 Dec 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.49 - Now do not require all transport fluxes to be nonzero in order to compute budgets - now truncate data blocks correctly for E/W and N/S transport fluxes - Now compute the total number of seconds over the entire diagnostic interval - Now divide fluxes by the number of diagnostic time intervals in order to get average fluxes bmy, 17 Jan 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 - now call STRBREAK wrapper routine from the TOOLS subdirectory for backwards compatiblity for string-splitting; bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 bmy, 23 Mar 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 phs, 20 Aug 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - now 3D region can be as small as one box.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_PLOT PURPOSE: General plotting tool for CTM data that is stored in the GAMAP datainfo and fileinfo structures. CTM_PLOT can handle everything from 0-D to 3-D and has many different plot options, especially for 2-D plots for which it was originally designed. E.g. full map support. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_PLOT, [ Diagn [ [ ,Keywords ] ] INPUTS: DIAGN -> The diagnostic number (e.g. ND22, ND45, etc or category name (e.g. "JV-MAP", "IJ-AVG") for which to read data from the punch file. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keyword parameters passed to CTM_GET_DATABLOCK: =============================================== FILENAME -> Name of the punch file to read data from. FILENAME is passed to CTM_GET_DATABLOCK. You can also use a file mask, in which case FILENAME will return the full filename if it is a named variable. If an empty filename is provided, the default search mask from gamap.defaults (see gamap.cmn) will be used. If no filename is given, ctm_plot will try to find the records from data already loaded. TRACER -> Number of tracer to read from the punch file. TAU0, /FIRST, /LAST -> time step to be plotted LON -> If /INDEX is set, LON denotes the CTM longitude index of the box to plot. Otherwise, LON denotes the actual longitude value of that box. (that is at box CENTER, phs 4/2/08) LAT -> If /INDEX is set, LAT denotes the CTM latitude index of the box to plot. Otherwise, LAT denotes the actual latitude value of that box. (that is at box CENTER, phs 4/2/08) LEV -> An index array of sigma levels *OR* a two-element vector specifying the min and max sigma levels to be included in the plot. Default is [ 1, GRIDINFO.LMX ]. ALTRANGE -> A vector specifying the min and max altitude values to be included in the extracted data block. PRANGE -> A vector specifying the min and max pressure levels to be included in the extracted data block. /INDEX -> If set, will interpret LAT, LEV, and LON as CTM indices. If not set, will interpret LAT, LEV, and LON as the actual values of latitude, level, and longitude. NOTE: If /INDEX is set, then GAMAP cannot create plots for longitude ranges that span the date line!!! AVERAGE -> If = 0, will not average the data = 1, will average data longitudinally = 2, will average data latitudinally = 4, will average data vertically These are cumulative (e.g. AVERAGE=3 will average over both lat and lon, and AVERAGE=7 will average over lat, lon, and vertical levels to produce 1 data point). TOTAL -> If = 0, will not total data = 1, will total data longitudinally = 2, will total data latitudinally = 4, will total data vertically These are cumulative (e.g. TOTAL=3 will total over both lat and lon, and TOTAL=7 will total over lat, lon, and vertical levels to produce 1 data point). USE_FILEINFO -> (optional) If provided, CTM_GET_DATABLOCK will restrict its search to only the files that are contained in USE_FILEINFO which must be a FILEINFO structure array. Default is to use the global information (see If an undefined named variable is provided in USE_FILEINFO, it will either contain the global FILEINFO structure array or the FILEINFO record of the specified file. USE_FILEINFO and USE_DATAINFO must be consistent, and should either both be used or omitted. However, it is possible to provide the global FILEINFO structure (or nothing) with a local subset of DATAINFO. USE_DATAINFO -> (optional) Restrict search to records contained in USE_DATAINFO which must be a DATAINFO structure array. If an undefined named variable is provided in USE_DATAINFO, it will either contain the global DATAINFO structure array or all DATAINFO records of the specified file. See also USE_FILEINFO. Keywords passed to CTM_CONVERT_UNIT: ==================================== UNIT -> Name of the unit that the DATA array will be converted to. If not specified, then no unit conversion will be done. Keywords passed to TVMAP or TVPLOT: =================================== NOERASE -> Do not erase previous plot. POSITION -> A four-element array of normalized coordinates that specifies the location of map on the plot. POSITION has the same form as the POSITION keyword on a plot. Default is [0.1, 0.05, 0.9, 0.08]. (Passed to TVMAP). NCOLORS -> This is the maximum color index that will be used. BOTTOM -> The lowest color index of the colors to be loaded used in the color map and color bar. /NOCBAR -> If set, will not plot the colorbar below the map in the position specified by CBPOSITION. Default is to plot a colorbar. CBCOLOR -> Color index of the colorbar outline and characters. Defaults to BLACK (from CBPOSITION -> A four-element array of normalized coordinates that specifies the location of the colorbar. BARPOSITION has the same form as the POSITION keyword on a plot. Default is [0.1, 0.05, 0.9, 0.08]. CBUNIT -> Passes the Unit string to COLORBAR, which will be plotted to the right of the color bar. NOTE: For black & white contour plots, the string specified by CBUNIT will be plotted below the X-axis. CBFORMAT -> format to use in call to colorbar. Default is I12 if abs(max(data)) < 1e4, else e12.2 (strings get trimmed) COLOR -> Color index of the map outline and title characters. Defaults to BLACK (from Also used as plot color for 1-D (line) plots. MPARAM -> A 3 element vector containing values for [ P0Lat, P0Lon, Rot ]. Default is [ 0, 0, 0 ]. POSITION -> A four-element array of normalized coordinates that specifies the location of the map. POSITION has the same form as the POSITION keyword on a plot. Default is [0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9]. TITLE -> The title string that is to be placed atop the map window. /NOCONTINENTS -> If set, will suppress adding continent lines to the map. Default is to call MAP_CONTINENTS to plot continent outlines or filled boundaries. CCOLOR -> The color index of the continent outline or fill region. Default is BLACK (from CFILL -> Value passed to FILL_CONTINENTS keyword of MAP_CONTINENTS. If CFILL=1 then will fill continents with a solid color (as specified in CCOLOR above). If CFILL=2 then will fill continents with hatching. /NOGRID -> If set, will suppress printing of grid lines. Default is to call MAP_GRID to overlay grid lines. GCOLOR -> The color index of the grid lines. Default is BLACK (from /NOGLABELS -> Will suppres printing of labels for each grid line in TVMAP.PRO. Default is to print grid labels for each grid line. /NOISOTROPIC -> Will suppress plotting of an isotropic map (i.e. one with the same X and Y scale). Default is to print an isotropic map. /CONTOUR -> Will produce a line-contour map instead of the default color-pixel image map. /FCONTOUR -> Will produce a filled contour map instead of the default color-pixel image map. If you find that one or more color bands are not filled properly, try the /CELL_FILL keyword. This is a known IDL precularity. C_LEVELS -> Vector containing the contour levels. If not specified, TVMAP will use quasi-logarithmic levels. C_COLORS -> Index array of color levels for each line (or each fill section) of the contour map. If not specified, TVMAP will select default colors from the colortable. C_ANNOTATION -> Vector containing the contour labels. Default is to use string representations of C_LEVELS. C_FORMAT -> Format string used in converting C_LEVELS to the default C_ANNOTATION values. Default is '(f8.1)'. C_LABELS -> Specifies which contour levels should be labeled. By default, every other contour level is labeled. C_LABELS allows you to override this default and explicitly specify the levels to label. This parameter is a vector, converted to integer type if necessary. If the LEVELS keyword is specified, the elements of C_LABELS correspond directly to the levels specified, otherwise, they correspond to the default levels chosen by the CONTOUR procedure. Setting an element of the vector to zero causes that contour label to not be labeled. A nonzero value forces labeling. NOTE: If C_LABELS is given as a scalar, then it will be expanded to a vector with all elements having the same value. /C_LINES -> Will overplot a filled-contour map with contour lines and labels instead of plotting a colorbar. This was the old default behaviour but has been changed with the advent of "discrete" colorbars. The old NOLINES keyword is kept for compatibility reasons but doesn't do anything. /NOLABELS -> Will suppress printing contour labels on both line-contour and filled-contour maps. OVERLAYCOLOR -> Color of the solid lines that will be overlaid atop a filled contour map. Default is BLACK. /OVERPLOT -> Add an additional line plot to an existing one. You should specify LINE=n and/or COLOR=n to distinguish between curves in this case. You can manually add a legend with after the plot(s) are produced. Note that the title string will contain information on your first selection only. Use an explicit TITLE for best results. /SAMPLE -> Will cause REBIN (in TVMAP) to use nearest- neighbor sampling rather than bilinear interpolation. /LOG -> Will create a color-pixel plot with logarithmic scaling. /LOG has no effect on line-contour or filled-contour plots, since the default contour levels are quasi-logarithmic. /POLAR -> Create a polar plot. Note that the longitude range must be -180..180 and the latitude range must extend to one pole but not straddle the equator. Keywords passed to ISOPLETH_MAP: ================================ ISOPLETH -> Value for which a 3-D isosurface will be computed. ISOPLETH_MAP assigns a default value of 35.0. Other Keywords: =============== USTR -> Unit string to be plotted to the right of the colorbar. If not specified, then CTM_PLOT will construct a unit string based on the value of TRACERINFO.UNIT. NOTE: USTR is a synonym for the keyword CBUNIT, which specifies the color bar unit string. THISDATAINFO -> Returns to the calling program the THISDATAINFO structure obtained by CTM_GET_DATABLOCK. LABELSTRU -> Returns to the calling program the structure of label information obtained by CTM_LABEL. YRANGE -> range of y values for color scaling (default: scale each plot seperately with data min and max) X_FORMAT, Y_FORMAT (optional) -> Specifies the format string (e.g. '(f10.3)', '(e14.2)' ) for the X and Y axes, when making line plots. If omitted, CTM_PLOT will call GET_DEFAULTFORMAT to compute default format strings. RESULT -> A named variable will contain the data subset that was plotted together with the X and/or Y coordinates in a structure. For 1D plots, either X or Y are -1. 3D visualization returns a structure including the Z coordinate. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords for CTM_GET_DATABLOCK, CTM_LABEL, TVMAP, and TVPLOT. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =========================================================== CTM_DRAW_CUBE CONVERT_LON CTM_TRACERINFO CTM_CONVERT_UNIT TVMAP TVPLOT CHKSTRU (function) MYCT_DEFAULTS (function) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) CTM_LABEL (function) REPLACE_TOKEN (function) CTM_BOXSIZE (function) GET_DEFAULTFORMAT (function) GAMAP_CMN (include file) REQUIREMENTS: Also assumes colortable has been loaded with "". NOTES: (1) Some keywords are saved in local variables with slightly different names (e.g. MCONTOUR for /CONTOUR) to prevent confusion with routine names and/or keywords that are picked up by the _EXTRA=e facility. (2) Not every possible combination of keywords has been thoroghly tested. *PLEASE* report reproducible errors to!! (3) As of 11/17/98, CTM_PLOT can only produce X-Y plots with either PRESSURE or ALTITUDE along the left Y-Axis. The right Y-Axis is left disabled (but will fix that later on...) (4) Now define X-axis labels for longitude. The labels are defined correctly for data blocks that span the date line. EXAMPLE: (0) CTM_PLOT ; To plot an ozone surface map (default) of a ; user-selected file (1) FileName = '~/terra/CTM4/run_code/ctm.pch.sep1' CTM_PLOT, 22, 1, FileName=FileName, Lev=[1,14], $ Total=4, /NoErase ; Plots vertically-summed map for tracer 1 of ND22 ; (J-Values map). Will erase screen before plotting map. (2) CTM_PLOT, 'JV-MAP-$', 1, FileName=FileName, Lev=[1,14], $ Total=4, /NoErase ; Same as above, but uses category name instead of ; diagnostic number. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 21 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 22 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.01 - added AVERAGE and TOTAL keywords bmy, 22 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.10 - Modified for use with new versions of CTM_GET_DATABLOCK, CTM_EXTRACT, CTM_LABEL, REPLACE_TOKEN, and TVMAP bmy, 25 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.11 - modified for TVMAP v. 2.0 bmy, 28 Sep 1998: VERSION 2.00 - modified for TVMAP v. 2.01 - renamed LONSHIFT to LSHIFT bmy, 29 Sep 1998: - added ALTRANGE and PRANGE keywords (which had been previously omitted) bmy, 30 Sep 1998: VERSION 2.01 - added call to CTM_CONVERT_UNIT - added LABELSTRU keyword bmy, 07 Oct 1998 VERSION 2.02 - now works with TVMAP 3.0 - added /CONTOUR, /FCONTOUR, and /COLORBAR keywords - removed I/O error handling (that is already done in CTM_GET_DATABLOCK) bmy, 08 Oct 1998: VERSION 2.03 - now works with CTM_GET_DATABLOCK v. 1.03 and CTM_EXTRACT v. 1.04 - added DATA and THISDATAINFO keywords so that an external data block can be passed. - another bug fix for UNITSTR bmy, 03 Nov 1998: VERSION 2.04 - works with new CTM_GET_DATA, CTM_GET_DATABLOCK and CTM_LABEL routines - Now pass the FILEINFO and DATAINFO structures via USE_FILEINFO and USE_DATAINFO keywords - removed DATA keyword - changed %NAME% token to %TRACERNAME% - Now can pass an explicit unit string via the USTR keyword mgs, 10 Nov 1998: - adapted for use with new CTM_GET_DATABLOCK - changed keyword Erase to NoErase - defaults set to produce an OX surface map from IJ-AVG-$ diagnostics - allow for vertical cross section plots (interface to TVPLOT) : ** still needs work! ** - changed CBAR to NOCBAR bmy, 12 Nov 1998: - TRACER is now a keyword instead of an argument - Changed keyword CONTINENTS to NOCONTINENTS and GRID to NOGRID - added NOISOTROPIC, SAMPLE and keywords bmy, 13 Nov 1998: - VERSION 3.00 - ***** RENAMED to CTM_PLOT ***** - updated documentation header - renamed C_LABELS to C_ANNOTATION to prevent keyword name confusion - added NOLINES, NOLABELS, C_LABELS, and OVERLAYCOLOR keywords for tvmap - now gets default colors from DEFAULT_COLORS.PRO - Error checking for LIMIT keyword (OK for now...fix this later on...) bmy, 16 Nov 1998: - Now use %DATE% instead of %YMD1% for all default plot titles - now enhanced for TVPLOT v. 2.0 - now only convert units for a tracer if the default unit is different from the desired unit!! bmy, 17 Nov 1998: - added /PRESSURE keyword to plot pressure instead of altitude on the left Y-axis mgs, 17 Nov 1998: - messed around quite a bit, because of (unfortunate) changes in default_range !@#$!@ - added CBFormat keyword bmy, 23 Nov 1998: - eliminated %SCALE% token from UNITSTR, to be consistent with the latest upgrade to COLORBAR.PRO. - now pass SECONDS to CTM_CONVERT_UNIT bmy, 13 Jan 1999: - add support for line plots. Also, if the DATA array is averaged down to a single point, will print the value of that point and exit. - use NEWXTITLE and NEWYTITLE as token-replaced strings for XTITLE and YTITLE bmy, 15 Jan 1999: - add support for 3-D visualization plots - added unit string for contour plots - now place CTM_LABEL call after the case statement for PLOTTYPE, so that we can suppress printing of special characters in plot titles. bmy, 19 Jan 1999: - improve 0-D output - fixed [XY]Titles for line plots - "unitless" is now a unit string option - now use new default color names from DEFAULT_COLORS.PRO bmy, 20 Jan 1999: - Updated comments mgs, 22 Jan 1999: - couple bug fixes, some code cleaning - added OverPlot keyword to allow multiple line plots bmy, 19 Feb 1999: - now pass DEBUG (from GAMAP_CMN) to CTM_GET_DATABLOCK via DEBUG keyword - Rename XIND, YIND, ZIND keywords to XMID, YMID, ZMID, in call to CTM_GET_DATABLOCK bmy, 23 Feb 1999: - Add XTICKNAME, XTICKS, XTICKV in call to TVPLOT...fix for map regions smaller than the globe - bug fix.../NOGRID was listed as GRID!!! - added keyword /NOGLABELS, which suppresses grid line labels in MAP_SET - updated comments bmy, 26 Feb 1999: - now calls MAP_LABELS to get latitude labels for X, XZ, Y, YZ plot types. - updated comments bmy, 04 Mar 1999: - now pass DEBUG keyword to TVMAP - now use GRIDINFO.XEDGE, GRIDINFO.YEDGE to compute the LIMIT keyword for MAP_SET mgs, 18 Mar 1999: - minor cleaning mgs, 23 Mar 1999: - added ILun to keyword list to prevent retrieval of two otherwise identical records from two different files bmy, 25 Mar 1999: - now line plots use MULTIPANEL - if NPANELS >=2 then place the plot title higher above the window, to allow for carriage-returned lines for X, Y, Z, XY, XZ, YZ plots mgs, 25 Mar 1999: - no unit conversion if not necessary - small fix to allow for 2D fields (e.g. EPTOMS) bmy, 14 Apr 1999: - now prints unit string at lower right of XZ or YZ plots, if the colorbar is not plotted bmy, 26 Apr 1999: - rename YRANGE to YYRANGE internally, so as to avoid confusion with YRANGE plot keywords mgs, 19 May 1999: - removed a few too explicit keyword settings for 1D plots and fixed OverPlot option. Now stores !X, !Y, and !P from last 1D plot in a local common block. mgs, 21 May 1999: - restore !X, !Y, and !P at the end of each 1-D plot to allow overplotting of data. mgs, 25 May 1999: - needed to mess around with lonrange to get it right. mgs & bmy, 26 May 1999: - added POLAR keyword bmy, 27 May 1999: - bug fix: CBUnit keyword wasn't honored - neither was NoIsotropic mgs, 27 May 1999: - changed default behaviour for filled contours: now plots no lines and colorbar. Keyword NoLines changed to C_Lines. mgs, 28 May 1999: - added RESULT keyword to return data as plotted - bug fix with wrapping round data: shouldn't be done for vertical cross sections. mgs, 02 Jun 1999: - small bug fix for 0D results. mgs, bmy 03 Jun 1999: - removed "Unit:" from output bmy, 07 Jul 1999: - added PLOTCSFAC scale factor for multipanel plots - small fixes for line plots bmy, 02 Nov 1999: GAMAP VERSION 1.44 - return if THISDATAINFO contains information for more than one data block bmy, 24 Nov 1999: - now pass _EXTRA=e to CTM_TRACERINFO so that /SMALLCHEM will be passed bmy, 13 Dec 1999: - if GRIDINFO is undefined after returning from CTM_GET_DATABLOCK, rebuild it w/ CTM_TYPE bmy, 03 Feb 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.45 - NOTE: /INDEX does not work with lon range shifting anymore. Will fix later. - also make sure LON, LAT have two elements - added X_FORMAT, Y_FORMAT keywords for line plots - updated comments bmy, 06 Apr 2000: - bug fix: restrict X or Y axis range for line plots using the value passed from YYRANGE. - cosmetic changes, updated comments bmy, 23 Jan 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.47 - now call "" to plot a 3-D isosurface. 3-D visualization via routine "" is obsolete. - added ISOPLETH keyword as pass-thru to ISOPLETH_MAP bmy, 23 Jul 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - replaced call to DEFAULT_COLORS with call to MYCT_DEFAULTS() to specify MYCT color table information - deleted obsolete code from 1998 and 1999 bmy, 09 Aug 2001: - bug fix: remove reference to BLACK from the old "" bmy, 24 May 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 - Now use SI unit hPa instead of mb in axis titles - delete obsolete, commented-out code bmy, 28 Sep 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.51 - now get default NCOLORS, BOTTOM, BLACK values from !MYCT system variable instead of from the MYCT_DEFAULTS function bmy, 16 Apr 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.02 - Also need to convert the units of YYRANGE accordingly so that /AUTORANGE will work bmy, 16 Jun 2004: - Bug fix: if we do unit conversion, do not let the converted value of YRANGE get passed back to the main program bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Modified for GEOS-5 fields that are defined on level edges phs, 19 Mar 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Bug fix for working with new map_labels phs, 02 Apr 2008: - Bug fix for XZ and YZ pixel plots
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_PLOTDIFF PURPOSE: Prints a lat-lon map of 2 CTM fields, their absolute difference, and their percent difference. This is a quick way of ensuring that two model versions are producing identical results. The page will contain the following plot panels: Panel #1 Panel #2 Data Block D1 Data Block D2 Panel #3 Panel #4 Abs Diff (D2 - D1) % Diff (D2 - D1) CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_PLOTDIFF, DIAGN, FILE1, FILE2 [, Keywords ] INPUTS: DIAGN -> A diagnostic number or category to restrict the record selection (default is: "IJ-AVG-$"). FILE1 -> Name of the first CTM output file. If FILE1 is not given, or if it contains wildcard characters (e.g. "*"), then the user will be prompted to supply a file name via a pickfile dialog box. FILE2 -> Name of the second CTM output file. If FILE2 is not given, or if it contains wildcard characters (e.g. "*"), then the user will be prompted to supply a file name via a pickfile dialog box. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: LON -> A 2-element vector specifying the longitude range that will be used to make the plot. Default is [-180,180]. LAT -> A 2-element vector specifying the latitude range that will be used to make the plot. Default is [-88,88]. LEV -> A scalar or 2-element vector which specifies the level(s) that will be used to make the plot. Default is [ 1, 1 ]. /PS -> Set this switch to print to a PostScript file. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the PostScript file if the /PS option is set. Default is "". TRACER -> Tracer number(s) for which differences will be plotted. TAU0 -> TAU value(s) (hours since 0 GMT 1 Jan 1985) at the start of the diagnostic data block to plot. DIVISIONS -> Specifies the number of colorbar divisions for the quantity plot (Panels #1 and #2). Default is 5. NOTE: The optimal # of divisions is !MYCT.NCOLORS/2 +1. DATARANGE -> Allows you to manually specify the min and max values of the data that will appear on the plot (Panels # 1 and #2). The default is to automatically compute the overall min and max of both data blocks. MIN_VALID -> Specifies the minimum valid data for the plot. Data lower than MIN_VALID will be rendered with color !MYCT.WHITE. For example, MIN_VALID is useful for plotting emissions which only occur on land. DIFFDIV -> Specifies the number of colorbar divisions for the difference plots (Panels #3 and #4). Default is 8. NOTE: The optimal # of divisions is !MYCT.NCOLORS/2 +1. DIFFNCOLORS -> Sets the # of colors used to create the difference plots (Panels #3 and #4). Default is 13. DIFFRANGE -> Allows you to manually specify the min and max values that will appear on the absolute difference plot (Panel #3). Default is to use the dynamic range of the absolute difference data (symmetric around zero). /NODEVICE -> set to not call open_device, so you can do it from outside /NOMULTIPANEL -> set to not call multipanel, so you can do it from outside PCRANGE -> Allows you to manually specify the min and max values that will appear on the percentage difference plot (Panel #4). Default is to use the dynamic range of the percentage difference data (symmetric around zero). PCDIV -> number of ticks in the %-Diff colorbar PCNCOLORS -> number of colors for the %-Diff plot T1, T2, DIFFTITLE -> allows you to overwrite the default title for the 1st, 2nd and DIff plots. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords for CTM_DIFF, OPEN_DEVICE, and MYCT Keywords for the MASK feature: ------------------------------ /MASK -> set to mask with a green color boxes where %-diff and/or diff are below some threshold. The absolute value of the % is plot. PC_THR, DIFF_THR : the %-Diff and Diff THResholds to mask data in the 4th plot if /MASK is set. Boxes with %-Diff or/and Diff below the THResholds are masked. Default values are 1% and 1e4. /ZAP -> set to skip all plots if /MASK is set and all boxes are masked. OUTPUTS: none SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ======================================================= CHKSTRU (function) CLOSE_DEVICE CTM_CLEANUP COLORBAR_NDIV (function) CTM_DIFF CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) IS_DEFINED (function) EXTRACT_FILENAME (function) MULTIPANEL OPEN_DEVICE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) CTM_PLOTDIFF calls CTM_CLEANUP each time to remove previously read datablock info from the GAMAP common block. (2) The default TAU0 value is 0, and is not suitable if your run has no output for 0 GMT 1 Jan 1985! You may have to gather tau0 before running and crashing CTM_PLOTDIFF. EXAMPLE: FILE1 = 'ctm.bpch.v4-30' FILE2 = 'ctm.bpch.v4-31' CTM_PLOTDIFF, 'IJ-AVG-$', FILE1, FILE2, TRACER=1 ; Creates 4-panel plot w/ old data, new data, ; new - old (abs diff), and new - old (% diff). MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 17 Apr 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 bmy, 17 Jul 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.51 - added TAU0 keyword bmy, 16 Dec 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.52 - now can handle 2 different tracer numbers - now can handle 2 different TAU0 values bmy, 29 Jan 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - Now pass LEV keyword to CTM_DIFF - Now plot both DATA1 and DATA2 on the same scale for easier comparison bmy, 16 Feb 2005: GAMAP VERSION 2.03 - Now use /QUIET and /NOPRINT keywords in CTM_GET_DATA and CTM_GET_DATABLOCK to suppress screen output phs, 24 Oct 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Now use YRANGE if it is passed. - Also use DIFFRANGE (for range of the abs difference plot) if it is passed. - Now use PCRANGE (for range of the %age difference plot) if it is passed. bmy, 15 Nov 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.06 - Now use blue-white-red color table for abs diff and % diff plots bmy & phs, 04 Oct 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Added DIVISIONS keyword (default=5) - Now make the default DIFFRANGE and PCRANGE symmetric around zero - Added DIFFDIV, DIFFNCOLORS keywords - Also restore original !MYCT structure - restore initial Color Table and !MyCt, and return, when crashes. - Now skip plotting % difference if DATA1 is zero everywhere - Add error trapping with CATCH bmy, 16 Jan 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - add _EXTRA=e to calls to CTM_PLOT, in order to pass extra variables to that routine phs, 31 Jan 2008: - Add NODEVICE keyword, so device (like PS file) can be open outside this routine, allowing for multiple pages in a PS file for example. - Clipping of percentage difference range is indicated with triangle. phs, 25 Feb 2008: - Improved error catcher bmy, 05 Nov 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - Renamed YRANGE keyword to DATARANGE in order to avoid confusion with nested grids phs, 22 Sep 2009: - more flexible call to MYCT for diff plots, so it can be overwriten from caller - Can select number of colors and divisions for %-diff plot - Can overwrite titles - Can set Multipanel from outside in caller - Can MASK data according to both Diff and %-Diff values, in the 4th plot bmy, 29 Jan 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.14 - Minor fix in IF statement to prevent code from dying after call to CTM_DIFF.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_PLOTDIFF4 PURPOSE: Prints a lat-lon map of 2 CTM fields, their absolute difference, and their percent difference. This is a quick way of ensuring that two model versions are producing identical results. The page will contain the following plot panels: Panel #1 Panel #2 Data Block D1 Data Block D2 Panel #3 Panel #4 Abs Diff (D2 - D1) % Diff (D2 - D1) / D1 CTM_PLOTDIFF4 is a lighter version of CTM_PLOTDIFF, and does not use CTM_DIFF as an intermediary routine. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_PLOTDIFF4, DIAGN, FILE2, FILE2 [, Keywords ] INPUTS: DIAGN -> A diagnostic number or category to restrict the record selection (default is: "IJ-AVG-$"). FILE1 -> Name of the first CTM output file. If FILE1 is not given, or if it contains wildcard characters (e.g. "*"), then the user will be prompted to supply a file name via a pickfile dialog box. FILE2 -> Name of the second CTM output file. If FILE2 is not given, or if it contains wildcard characters (e.g. "*"), then the user will be prompted to supply a file name via a pickfile dialog box. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: LON -> A 2-element vector specifying the longitude range that will be used to make the plot. Default is [-180,180]. LAT -> A 2-element vector specifying the latitude range that will be used to make the plot. Default is [-88,88]. LEV -> A scalar or 2-element vector which specifies the level(s) that will be used to make the plot. Default is [ 1, 1 ]. /PS -> Set this switch to print to a PostScript file. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the PostScript file if the /PS option is set. Default is "". TRACER -> A scalar or 2-element vector which specifies the tracer number(s) for each data block. TAU0 -> A scalar or 2-element vector which specifies the TAU value(s) (hours since 0 GMT 1 Jan 1985) by which each data block is timestamped. DIVISIONS -> Specifies the number of colorbar divisions for the quantity plot (Panels #1 and #2). Default is 5. NOTE: The optimal # of divisions is !MYCT.NCOLORS/2 +1. DATARANGE -> Allows you to manually specify the min and max values of the data that will appear on the plot (Panels # 1 and #2). The default is to automatically compute the overall min and max of both data blocks. MIN_VALID -> Specifies the minimum valid data for the plot. Data lower than MIN_VALID will be rendered with color !MYCT.WHITE. For example, MIN_VALID is useful for plotting emissions which only occur on land. DIFFDIV -> Specifies the number of colorbar divisions for the difference plots (Panels #3 and #4). Default is 8. NOTE: The optimal # of divisions is !MYCT.NCOLORS/2 +1. DIFFNCOLORS -> Sets the # of colors used to create the difference plots (Panels #3 and #4). Default is 13. DIFFRANGE -> Allows you to manually specify the min and max values that will appear on the absolute difference plot (Panel #3). Default is to use the dynamic range of the absolute difference data (symmetric around zero). /NODEVICE -> set to not call open_device, so you can do it from outside /NOMULTIPANEL -> set to not call multipanel, so you can do it from outside PCRANGE -> Allows you to manually specify the min and max values that will appear on the percentage difference plot (Panel #4). Default is to use the dynamic range of the percentage difference data (symmetric around zero). PCDIV -> number of ticks in the %-Diff colorbar PCNCOLORS -> number of colors for the %-Diff plot TITLE_1 -> Allows you to override the default plot title for the first data block (1st plot panel). TITLE_1 -> Allows you to override the default plot title for the 2nd data block (2nd plot panel). DIFFTITLE -> Allows you to override the default plot title for the absolute difference plot (3rd plot panel). PCTITLE -> Allows you to override the default plot title for the percent difference plot (4th plot panel). _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords for CTM_DIFF, OPEN_DEVICE, and MYCT Keywords for the MASK feature: ------------------------------ /MASK -> set to mask with a green color boxes where %-diff and/or diff are below some threshold. The absolute value of the % is plot. PC_THR, DIFF_THR : the %-Diff and Diff THResholds to mask data in the 4th plot (percent difference) if /MASK is set. Boxes with %-Diff or/and Diff below the THResholds are masked. Default values are 1% and 1e4. /ZAP -> set to skip all plots if /MASK is set and all boxes are masked.; OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ========================================================== CHKSTRU (function) CLOSE_DEVICE COLORBAR_NDIV (function) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) EXTRACT_FILENAME (function) MULTIPANEL MYCT OPEN_DEVICE TVMAP UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: Requires routines from the GAMAP package. NOTES: (1) When plotting a subset of the globe, CTM_PLOTDIFF4 properly sets the colorbar ranges for the abs diff and percent diff plots. This was an issue in the older CTM_PLOTDIFF. (2) Longitude and latitude ranges specified by LON and LAT will be applied to both data blocks. EXAMPLE: CTM_PLOTDIFF4, 'IJ-AVG-$', $ 'v8-03-02.bpch', 'v9-01-01.bpch, $ TRACER=6, LEVEL=1, $ LON=[-90,-30], LAT=[30,15] ; Creates a 4-panel difference plot for ISOPRENE ; (IJ-AVG-$, tracer #6) at the surface for the Amazon ; basin region from data in 2 different model versions. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 16 May 2011: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 13 Jan 2014: GAMAP VERSION 2.17 - Bug fix: For 2-D data blocks that lack the GRIDINFO.ZMID tag name, display the altitude of the data as 0.0 km.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_PLOTRATIO PURPOSE: Plots the ratio of two CTM data fields. This is one way to see if two model versions produce identical results. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_PLOTRATIO, DIAGN [, Keywords ] INPUTS: DIAGN -> A diagnostic number or category to restrict the record selection. Default is "IJ-AVG-$". KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILE1 -> Name of the first CTM output file (containing the "old" data). If FILE1 is not given, or if it contains wildcard characters (e.g. "*"), then the user will be prompted to supply a file name via a pickfile dialog box. FILE2 -> Name of the second CTM output file. If FILE2 is not given, or if it contains wildcard characters (e.g. "*"), then the user will be prompted to supply a file name via a pickfile dialog box. LON -> A 2-element vector specifying the longitude range that will be used to make the plot. Default is [-180,180]. LAT -> A 2-element vector specifying the latitude range that will be used to make the plot. Default is [-88,88]. LEV -> Vertical level for which to plot data. Default is 1. TITLE -> Title string for the plot. If not specified, a generic title string will be generated. TRACER -> Number of the tracer for which differences will be plotted. Default is 1. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords for CTM_DIFF. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ========================================== CTM_CLEANUP CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) CTM_DIFF EXTRACT_FILENAME (function) OPEN_DEVICE CLOSE_DEVICE MULTIPANEL REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) The ratio plotted will be DATA2 / DATA1, where DATA2 is contained in FILE2, and DATA1 is contained in FILE1. (2) For places where DATA1 = 0, DATA2 will also be set to 0. This avoids division by zero errors. (3) CTM_PLOTRATIO calls CTM_CLEANUP each time to remove previously read datablock info from the GAMAP common block. EXAMPLE: FILE1 = 'ctm.bpch.v4-30' FILE2 = 'ctm.bpch.v4-31' CTM_PLOTRATIO, 'IJ-AVG-$', $ FILE1=FILE1, FILE2=FILE2, TRACER=1, LEV=1 ; Plots the ratio of NOx data at the surface: ; ctm.bpch.v4-31 / ctm.bpch.v4-30 MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 24 Apr 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_PLOT_TIMESERIES PURPOSE: Plots station timeseries data (e.g. from the GEOS-CHEM ND48 diagnostic) contained in binary punch file format. %%%% MAY NEED UPDATING %%%%% CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_PLOT_TIMESERIES, CATEGORY [ , Keywords ] INPUTS: CATEGORY -> The diagnostic number (e.g. ND22, ND45, etc or category name (e.g. "JV-MAP-$", "IJ-AVG-$") for which to read data from the punch file. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: BOTTOM -> The lowest color index of the colors to be loaded used in the color map and color bar. The default is to use the value in system variable !MYCT.BOTTOM. COLOR -> Color of the plot window and/or data. The default is to use the system variable !MYCT.BLACK. LABELSTRU -> Returns to the calling program the structure of label information obtained by CTM_LABEL. LEV -> An index array of sigma levels *OR* a two-element vector specifying the min and max sigma levels to be included in the plot. Default is [ 1, GRIDINFO.LMX ]. OVERPLOT -> Plot data atop the previous plot window, instead of erasing the screen and plotting in a new window. RESULT -> A named variable will contain the data subset that was plotted together with the X and/or Y coordinates in a structure. TITLE -> Top title string for the plot. If not passed, then a default title string will be printed. UNIT -> Name of the unit that the DATA array will be converted to. If not specified, then no unit conversion will be done. XTITLE -> X-Axis title string for the plot. If not passed, then a default title string will be printed. YTITLE -> Y-Axis title string for the plot. If not passed, then a default title string will be printed. YRANGE -> range of y values for color scaling (default: scale each plot seperately with data min and max) _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords for routines called by CTM_PLOT_TIMESERIES. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =========================================================== CTM_GET_DATA CTM_INDEX (function) CTM_LABEL (function) GETMODELANDGRIDINFO (function) UNDEFINE REPLACE_TOKEN (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 16 Apr 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.03 - Initial version bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_PRINTDIFF PURPOSE: Prints the sum of the differences between two CTM output files. This is a quick way of ensuring that two model versions are producing identical results. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_PRINTDIFF, DIAGN [, Keywords ] INPUTS: DIAGN -> A diagnostic number or category to restrict the record selection (default is: "IJ-AVG-$"). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILE1 -> Name of the first CTM output file (the "old" file). If FILE1 is not given, or if it contains wildcard characters (e.g. "*"), then the user will be prompted to supply a file name via a pickfile dialog box. FILE2 -> Name of the second CTM output file (the "new" file). If FILE2 is not given, or if it contains wildcard characters (e.g. "*"), then the user will be prompted to supply a file name via a pickfile dialog box. TRACER -> Number of the tracer for which differences will be plotted. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up other keywords for CTM_GET_DATABLOCK. OUTPUTS: Prints the quantity: DIFF[L] = TOTAL( DATA2[*,*,L] - DATA1[*,*,L] ) for each level L. If DIFF[L] = 0 for all levels L, then FILE1 and FILE2 contain identical data. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================== CTM_CLEANUP CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) If DATA1 corresponds to the "old" data, and DATA2 corresponds to the "new" data, then CTM_DIFF will compute the following: Abs. Diff = ( new - old ) (2) CTM_PRINTDIFF calls CTM_CLEANUP each time to remove previously read datablock info from the GAMAP common block. EXAMPLE: FILE1 = 'ctm.bpch.v4-30' ; the "old" file FILE2 = 'ctm.bpch.v4-31' ; the "new" file CTM_PRINTDIFF, 'IJ-AVG-$', $ FILE1=FILE1, FILE2=FILE2, TRACER=1 IDL prints: Level: 26 Difference: -2.3841858e-07 Level: 25 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 24 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 23 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 22 Difference: -1.4901161e-08 Level: 21 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 20 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 19 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 18 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 17 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 16 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 15 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 14 Difference: -7.4505806e-09 Level: 13 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 12 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 11 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 10 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 9 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 8 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 7 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 6 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 5 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 4 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 3 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 2 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 Level: 1 Difference: 0.0000000e+00 ; Prints the sum of differences at each level ; betweeen two GEOS-STRAT binary punch files ; for NOx (tracer=1). MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 04 Apr 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 bmy, 22 Apr 2002: - now takes diff of DATA2 - DATA1, in order to be consistent with CTM_PLOTDIFF. bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_READ_PLANEFLIGHT PURPOSE: Reads GEOS-CHEM plane flight diagnostic (ND40) data. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = CTM_READ_PLANEFLIGHT( FILENAME ) INPUTS: FILENAME -> Name of the file containing data from the GEOS-CHEM plane following diagnostic ND40. If FILENAME is omitted, then a dialog box will prompt the user to supply a file name. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: RESULT -> Array of structures containing data from read from the input file. Each different plane type will have a structure in RESULT containing the following tags: NPOINTS : Number of points read from the file NVARS : Number of variables read from the file PLATFORM : Name of plane type (e.g. DC8, P3B, FALCON) DATE : Array w/ YYYYMMDD at each flight point [GMT date] TIME : Array w HHMM at each flight point [GMT time] LAT : Array w/ latitude at each flight point [degrees ] LON : Array w/ longitude at each flight point [degrees ] PRESS : Array w/ pressure at each flight point [hPa ] VARNAMES : Array w/ names of each variable DATA : Array w/ data for each variable SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ========================================== OPEN_FILE STRBREAK (function) UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: We read the data into arrays first, and then save the arrays into an IDL structure. If you read the data into an array of structures, this executes much more slowly. Also arrays of structures seem to suck up an inordinate amount of memory. EXAMPLES: PLANEINFO = CTM_READ_PLANEFLIGHT( 'plane.log.20040601' ) ; Reads data from file into the PLANEINFO structure DC8 = WHERE( PLANEINFO[*].PLATFORM eq 'DC801' ) ; Look for DC8 data PRINT, PLANEINFO[DC8].LAT[*] PRINT, PLANEINFO[DC8].LON[*] ; Prints latitudes and longitudes of DC8 to the screen IND = WHERE( PLANEINFO[DC8].VARNAMES eq 'TRA_004' ) CO = PLANEINFO[DC8].DATA[ *, IND ] ; Extracts CO (tracer #4 in a GEOS-CHEM fullchem ; simulation) to an array IND = WHERE( PLANEINFO[DC8].VARNAMES eq 'GMAO_UWND' ) UWND = PLANEINFO[DC8].DATA[ *, IND ] ; Extracts U-wind information to an array MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 23 Mar 2005: GAMAP VERSION 2.03 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_RESEXT PURPOSE: Returns the proper filename extension for CTM resolution. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Models & Grids CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = CTM_RESEXT( MODELINFO ) INPUTS: MODELINFO -> a MODELINFO structure (output from function CTM_TYPE) desribing the desired CTM model. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: Returns a string containing the model resolution. (e.g. '05x05', '1x1', '2x25', '4x5', '8x10' etc.) SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================== CHKSTRU (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) Add more grid resolutions as is necessary. EXAMPLE: MODELINFO = CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS4' ) PRINT, CTM_NAMEXT( MODELINFO ) 4x5 ; Returns filename extension for the ; 4x5 GEOS-4 model grid MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 30 Jun 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.46 bmy, 08 Aug 2000: - Added string for 0.5 x 0.5 bmy, 08 Feb 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.04 - Added strings for 1.0 x 1.25 and 0.5 x 0.625 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - added string for 0.5 x 0.667 bmy, 09 Feb 2012: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Added string for 0.25 x 0.3125
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_RESTART_O3 PURPOSE: Merges single-tracer Ox data into a full-chemistry CTM restart file. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_RESTART_O3 [, BATCHFILE [, Keywords ] ] INPUTS: BATCHFILE (optional) -> Name of the input file containing the names of the full chemistry restart file, the single tracer O3 file, the annual mean tropopause file, and the output file. If BATCHFILE is omitted, then the user will be prompted to make a selection via a dialog box. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /STRAT_ONLY -> Set this keyword to only merge the stratospheric Ox into the full chemistry restart file. Stratospheric levels are determined by reading in the annual mean tropopause file (as specified in BATCHFILE). Default is to merge all levels into the full chemistry restart file. OUTPUTS: Will write merged data to an output file whose name is specified in BATCHFILE. SUBROUTINES: External subroutines required: ------------------------------------------------------ CTM_GRID (function) CTM_GET_DATABLOCK (function) CTM_GET_DATA OPEN_FILE STR2BYTE (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: CTM_RESTART_O3 is currently only applicable to the GEOS-CTM, since this is the only model that can run single tracer Ox. A Sample BATCHFILE is given below. There must be 3 header lines before the first file name: CTM_RESTART_O3.DAT -- defines filenames to read in for merging single tracer Ox data into a full chem restart file ============================================================================= Full Chem File : /r/amalthea/N/scratch/bmy/run_3.2/gctm.trc.941001 Ox Run File : /r/amalthea/N/scratch/bmy/run_o3_3.2/gctm.trc.941001 T-Pause File : /r/amalthea/Li/data/ctm/GEOS_4x5/ann_mean_trop.geos1.4x5 Output File : /scratch/bmy/ ============================================================================= EXAMPLE: CTM_RESTART_O3, 'filenames.dat', /STRAT_ONLY ; Will merge stratospheric single tracer Ox into the ; full chemistry restart file. Input and output file ; names are given in "filenames.dat". MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 17 Feb 2000: VERSION 1.45 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_SUM PURPOSE: Calculate the sum of several CTM output data blocks and store them in a new datainfo structure as "derived data". The user can select data blocks by diagnostics, tracer, tau0, or logical unit of the source file. With the AVERAGE keyword averages will be computed instead of totals. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_SUM [, DIAGN ] [, Keywords ] INPUTS: DIAGN -> The diagnostic category name. Default is 'IJ-AVG-$' KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TRACER -> Tracer number(s) to look for. TAU0 -> beginning of time step to look for. You can specify a date using function nymd2tau(YYMMDD,HHMMSS) ILUN -> If you want to restrict summation to datablocks from one particular file, set the ILUN keyword to the respective logical unit number. ILUN and FILENAME are mutually exclusive. If you select FILENAME then ILUN will be ignored. FILENAME -> Instead of ILUN you may pass the name of a CTM data file containing data blocks to be summed. FILENAME and ILUN are mutually exclusive. If you select FILENAME then ILUN will be ignored. NEWTRACER -> Tracer number for the new tracer. Default is to use the same number as the tracer in the first selected data block. NEWTAU0 -> A new pair of values for the time stamp. Default is to use the minimum tau0 and maximum tau1 from the selected data blocks. If only one value is passed (tau0), then tau1 will be set to tau0+1. /AVERAGE -> set this keyword to compute a (simple) average instead of the total. OUTPUTS: This routne produces no output but stores a new datainfo and fileinfo structure into the global arrays. SUBROUTINES: uses gamap_cmn, ctm_get_data, ctm_grid, and ctm_make_datainfo REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: All data blocks must originate from compatible models. No test can be made whether an identical addition had been performed earlier. Hence, it is a good idea to test the existence of the "target" record before in order to avoid duplicates. EXAMPLE: (1) CTM_GET_DATA, DATAINFO, 'IJ-AVG-$', $ TRACER=1, TAU0=NYMD2TAU( 940301L ) IF (N_ELEMENTS(DATAINFO) EQ 0) THEN $ CTM_SUM, 'IJ-AVG-$', TRACER=[1,2,3,4,5], $ TAU0=NYMD2TAU(940301L), NEWTRACER=1 ; Add individual CH3I tracers for 03/01/1994 and ; store them as total CH3I concentration. ; But first: test! (2) CTM_SUM,'IJ-AVG-$',$ TRACER=2, FILENAME='ctm.bpch.ox', /AVERAGE ; Compute annual averages from monthly means for Ox MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 18 May 1999: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Added FILENAME keyword as an alternative to ILUN - Updated comments, cosmetic changes phs, 18 Aug 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - Added experimental keyword DIMAVER to average along any dimension of the datablocks.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_SUM_EMISSIONS PURPOSE: Computes totals of emissions in Tg [or Tg C] for the following diagnostics: ND28, ND29, ND32, ND36, ND46, ND13, etc. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_SUM_EMISSIONS, DIAGN [, Keywords ] INPUTS: DIAGN -> A diagnostic category name to restrict the record selection (default is "ANTHSRCE"). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILENAME -> Punch file (ASCII or Binary) from which to read CTM emissions data. If omitted, the user will be prompted to select a file via a dialog box. FORMAT -> To overwrite the default format to output the sum. TRACER -> The tracer number (or a 1-D array of tracer numbers) to compute emission totals for. /CUM_ONLY -> If this switch is set, SUM_EMISSIONS will only print out cumuluative totals (and skip individual totals for each data block). RESULT -> An array of structures (tag names: NAME, SUM, UNIT) that returns, the name of each tracer, its cumulative total, and its unit to the calling program. /NO_SECONDS -> Set this switch if the data to be summed is independent of seconds (e.g. molec/cm2). CTM_SUM_EMISSIONS will not multiply the data by the number of seconds in the interval when converting to Tg. /KG -> Set this switch if the data to be summed is in kg instead of molec/cm2 or molec/cm2/s. CTM_SUM_EMISSIONS will not multiply the data by the surface area of each grid box when converting to Tg. /TO_Mg -> Set this switch if you wish to display emissions totals in Mg instead of Tg. /TO_Gg -> Set this switch if you wish to display emissions totals in Gg instead of Tg. /SHORT -> Use a shorter output format to print totals. Default is to print out w/ the long output format. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up any extra keywords for CTM_GET_DATA or CTM_TRACERINFO. OUTPUTS: Prints totals in Tg or Tg C for each tracer to the screen SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: ================================================== CSE_GetUnit (function) CSE_GetAreaCm2 (function) CSE_GetInfo External Subroutines Required: ================================================== CTM_DIAGINFO CTM_TRACERINFO CTM_GETDATA CTM_BOXSIZE (function) CTM_GRID (function) GAMAP_CMN TAU2YYMMDD (function) UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) Most of the time there will be 1 data block per month, and the cumulative total will be a yearly total. (2) For NOx, a molecular weight of 14e-3 kg/mole will report results in Tg N. A molecular weight of 46e-3 will report results in Tg NOx. This can be changed in the file "tracerinfo.dat". (3) Should now be compatible with any model type and grid resolution. As of 6/19/01, has only been tested using GEOS-CHEM diagnostic output. EXAMPLE: CTM_SUM_EMISSIONS, 'ANTHSRCE', $ FILENAME='ctm.bpch', TRACER=1, $ MODELNAME='GEOS1', RESOLUTION=4 ; Will print emission totals for tracer #1 (NOx) ; for the ANTHSRCE (ND36) diagnostic, using data ; in file "ctm.bpch". The data is from a GEOS-1 ; simulation on a 4x5 grid. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 26 Apr 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.47 bmy, 08 Jun 2001: - now uses correct tracer name, unit, and molecular weight for CO--SRCE bmy, 19 Jun 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - added internal function CSE_GETUNIT to return the proper unit string ("Tg N", "Tg C", or "Tg"). - added internal function CSE_GETAREACM2 which gets the proper surface area for each data block - removed MODELNAME, RESOLUTION keywords bmy, 03 Jul 2001: - now can sum emissions from GENERIC grids bmy, 16 Aug 2001: - added /NO_SECONDS and /KG keywords bmy, 26 Sep 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.49 - set XNUMOL = 1d-3 if /KG is set; this will convert from g/cm2 to Tg correctly bmy, 21 Nov 2001: - added internal routine CSE_GETINFO - now call CTM_EXTRACT to restrict the totaling to any arbitrary lat/lon rectangle bmy, 10 Jan 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 - Bug fix: Don't call CTM_EXTRACT if /KG is, set, since AREACM2 will be 1 in that case bmy, 31 Jan 2002: - change output format from f10.4 to f12.4 bmy, 10 Jun 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.51 - added "kludge" for biomass burning files if /NO_SECONDS is set; will use proper mol wts & units for ACET, C3H8, C2H6 bmy, 14 Jan 2003: GAMAP VERSION 1.52 - added another quick fix to get the unit strings correct for sulfate and nitrogen tracers for ND13 bmy, 19 Sep 2003: GAMAP VERSION 1.53 - now call PTR_FREE to free the pointer memory bmy, 19 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - now get the spacing between diagnostic offsets from CTM_DIAGINFO bmy, 26 Mar 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.02 - added FORMAT keyword bmy, 03 Dec 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.03 - now pass /QUIET to CTM_GET DATA which reduces a lot of printing to the screen bmy, 15 Mar 2005: - Added /TO_Gg and TO_Mg keywords, which will print totals in either Gg or Mg instead of the default unit of Tg - Now pass _EXTRA=e to CTM_GET_DATA so that we can restrict to a given time bmy, 07 Apr 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Added /SHORT keyword bmy, 29 Sep 2006: - Bug fix: now test for molec wt in kg/mole in internal function CSE_GETUNIT bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 phs, 20 Mar 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - updated to work with nested grid mps, 23 Jan 2014: - Added case for NO to CSE_GetUnit for output from GEOS-Chem v9-02 and higher versions - Now report NO emissions in Tg N - Now print unit 'Tg C' for BC/OC tracers
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_TRACERINFO PURPOSE: Return information about one or all tracers for a given GEOS-Chem, GISS, or other CTM diagnostic. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_TRACERINFO, TRACERN, TRACERSTRU [, Keywords ] INPUTS: TRACERN -> Tracer number or name for which to extract the information. If TRACERN is numeric, it is interpreted as an index to the FULLCHEM or SMALLCHEM tracernumber in the global model. If it is a string, it will be compared to NAME then FULLNAME. TRACERN may contain more than one element. To retrieve information about all tracers, use the /ALL_TRACERS keyword. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /ALL_TRACERS -> Retrieve information about all tracers FILENAME --> Name of the tracerinfo file (default tracerinfo.dat) The file will be searched in the current directory first, then in the directory where is located. If not found in either location, a standard data block is retrieved from this file. /FORCE_READING -> Overwrite the contents of the common block FULLNAME -> Returns the (long) name of the requested tracer(s) INDEX -> Returns the CTM index of the requested tracer(s) MOLC -> Returns the carbon number of the requested tracer(s) (For hydrocarbons, this is the # moles C/mole tracer) MOLWT -> Returns the molecular weight (kg/mole) of the requested tracer(s) NAME -> Returns the (short) name of the requested tracer(s) SCALE -> Standard scale factor for tracer UNIT -> Returns the standard unit of the requested tracer(s) (i.e. unit as supplied by CTM with standard scale factor applied (e.g. ppbv instead of V/V)) IS_EDGED -> Returns whether the given tracer is defined on level edges (IS_EDGED=1) or level centers (IS_EDGED=0). OUTPUTS: TRACERSTRU -> returns a structure or structure array with the following tags: NAME : short name for tracer as used in the model FULLNAME : long name for tracer (may be used in titles) MWT : molec. weight as kg N or kg C INDEX : tracer number MOLC : carbon number for NMHC SCALE : standard scale factor UNIT : standard unit for tracer with scale factor applied IS_EDGED : Is tracer defined on level edges? SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================ FILE_EXIST (function) ROUTINE_NAME (function) OPEN_FILE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: At first call, the tracer information structure array is either read from file or retrieved from the DATA block at the end of this program. Thereafter, the information is stored in a common block where it is accessible in subsequent calls. The newer tags MOLC, SCALE and UNIT are optional and defaulted to 1.0, 1.0, and 'UNDEFINED', resp. EXAMPLE: CTM_TRACERINFO, 2, RES PRINT, RES.NAME, RES.MWT, RES.INDEX ; prints Ox 0.0480000 2 CTM_TRACERINFO,'OX',RES PRINT, RES.NAME, RES.MWT, RES.INDEX ; prints identical results CTM_TRACERINFO,[1,3,5],NAME=NAME,MOLWT=MWT,MOLC=MOLC,/FORCE_READING PRINT, NAME, MWT, MOLC ; reads tracerinfo.dat file and prints ; NOx PAN ALK4 ; 0.0140000 0.121000 0.0120000 ; 1.00000 1.00000 4.00000 MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 22 Apr 1998: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 24 Apr 1998: - added NAME keyword bmy, 07 May 1998: - added MOLC structure field to store carbon number for NMHC mgs, 07 May 1998: VERSION 2.00 - substantially revised mgs, 08 May 1998: - added SCALE and UNIT tags, made them optional mgs, 28 May 1998: - bug fix with on_ioerror mgs, 09 Oct 1998: - bug fix for tracern=0, changed CALLING SEQ. entry mgs, 12 Nov 1998: - unit string now defaulted to 'UNDEFINED' bmy, 03 Jan 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.47 - skip tracer lines beginning with '#' character bmy, 17 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - Removed FULLI, SMALLI, they're obsolete - now use INDEX for tracer number - Now use new file format for "tracerinfo.dat" which allows for 8-digit offset numbers - No longer read defaults from internal datablock - Updated comments bmy, 06 Apr 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.02 - added /VERBOSE keyword bmy, 09 Mar 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Use "./tracerinfo.dat" as default in order to facilitate reading in IDL 5.5- bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Add IS_EDGED tag to TRACERINFO structure to denote whether the tracer is defined on level centers or level edges - Implement temporary fix: call GET_IS_EDGED to determine if a tracer is defined on level edges. There is probably a better way to do this, work on that later. - Now use FILE_WHICH to locate the "tracerinfo.dat" file. phs, 30 Jun 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - bug fix to account for FILENAME phs, 22 Sep 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - added test on found/not found tracers
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_TYPE (function) PURPOSE: return basic parameters for various 3D models used in the Harvard tropospheric modeling group. This information should be sufficient for CTM_GRID to compute grid box edge and center vectors. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Models & Grids, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: MTYPE = CTM_TYPE( NAME [,FAMILY] [,KEYWORDS] ) INPUTS: NAME -> a string containing the name of the model (GISS_II, GISS_II_PRIME (or II_PRIME), GEOS1, GEOS_STRAT, FSU, MOPITT, or GENERIC (=DUMMY) ) FAMILY -> model family (optional, will otherwise be extracted from NAME). Possible values: GISS or GEOS or FSU or '' KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NLAYERS -> number of vertical model layers. This number must correspond to the number of layers in the model output files and is used in conjunction with PTOP to convert sigma levels into pressure altitudes. [defaults: GEOS1=20, GEOS_STRAT=26, GISS=FSU=9 ] NTROP -> number of layers in the troposphere [defaults: GEOS1=14, GISS=7, FSU=12] PTOP -> pressure at model top [default 10 mbar except for GEOS_STRAT=0.1 mbar] PSURF -> average surface pressure (needed for conversion of sigma levels to altitudes) [default 984 mbar] RESOLUTION -> either a 2 element vector with [ DI, DJ ] or a scalar (DJxDI: 8=8x10, 4=4x5, 2=2x2.5, 1=1x1, 0.5=0.5x0.5) [default for all models is 4x5] HALFPOLAR = (1 | 0) -> indicates that polar boxes span (half | same) latitude as all other boxes (DJ=const.) [default: 1] HYBRID = (1 | 0) -> indicates that the model is a (sigma-pressure hybrid | pure sigma level ) model. [default: 0] /PRINT -> prints model parameters on the screen OUTPUTS: MTYPE -> A structure with the following tag names will be returned: NAME, FAMILY, NLAYERS, PTOP, PSURF, RESOLUTION, HALFPOLAR, CENTER180, FULLCHEM. If input parameters are not correct, the function returns -1. SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: ===================== YES_NO_VAL (function) CHECK_RESOLUTION REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: If you update this routine by adding additional models, make sure to update "" and "" as well. EXAMPLES: (1) MTYPE = CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS1', RESOLUTION=2 ) ; defines model parameters for the GEOS1 model ; at 2 x 2.5 degree resolution. (2) MTYPE = CTM_TYPE( 'GISS_II' ) MGRID = CTM_GRID( MTYPE ) ; Use CTM_TYPE in conjunction with CTM_GRID to return ; the grid structure for the standard GISS_II model. MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 02 Mar 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 07 Apr 1998: - Renamed to CTM_TYPE to keep consistent with other CTM subroutines. mgs, 24 Apr 1998: - made structure named mgs, 19 May 1998: - added NTROP tag and keyword bmy, 19 Jun 1998: - now computes FSU model parameters - GEOS_STRAT and GEOS-1 troposphere tops are now computed separately - added small bug fix for fullchem from mgs mgs, 14 Aug 1998: - added DUMMY name mgs, 15 Aug 1998: - added GEOS-1 as variant of GEOS1 bmy, 21 Dec 1998: - changed NLAYERS for GEOS STRAT mgs, 22 Dec 1998: - small bug fix for GEOS family NTROP mgs, 22 Feb 1999: - added GENERIC (same as DUMMY) and allow keyword settings for this name bmy, 23 Feb 1999: - Implemented FSU grid information mgs, 16 Mar 1999: VERSION 1.21 - cosmetic changes - changed function name yesno into yesno_val to avoid conflicts. - removed online tag because it's never used bmy, 26 Jul 1999: VERSION 1.42 - added HYBRID keyword and tag name - cosmetic changes bmy, 15 Sep 1999: VERSION 1.43 - fixed bug for NTROP in GISS-II-PRIME, 9L bmy, 15 Oct 1999: VERSION 1.44 - now reset model names "GEOS-STRAT" and "GEOS-2" to "GEOS_STRAT" and "GEOS2" bmy, 03 Jan 2000: - added GEOS-2 model parameters - changed NTROP to 16 for GEOS1 - changed NTROP to 22 for GEOS_STRAT bmy, 16 May 2000: VERSION 1.45 - reset NTROP to 19 for GEOS-STRAT - now use GEOS-2 47 layer grid bmy, 01 Aug 2000: VERSION 1.46 - added GEOS-3 48-layer grid - added internal function CHECKRESOLUTION - cosmetic changes, updated comments bmy, 26 Jun 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - fixed NTROP for GEOS-3 met fields - for generic grids, return "GENERIC" in uppercase as model name and family name bmy, 09 Oct 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.49 - now accepts modelname "GEOS3_30L", and returns a structure for 30-layer GEOS-3 grid bmy, 06 Nov 2001: - now recognizes "GEOS-4" as a modelname - changed default PSURF from 986 mb to 984 mb clh & bmy, 18 Oct 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.52: - Now supports 7-layer MOPITT grid bmy, 12 Dec 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - Now supports "GEOS4_30L" grid - Set NTROP=18 for GEOS-4 grid - Now set CENTER180=1 for GISS_II_PRIME - Now supports 52-layer NCAR-MATCH model - Cleaned up code and straightened out logic - Removed SMALLCHEM, HELP keywords bmy, 18 Feb 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.01a - The actual NTROP from the GEOS-4 annual mean tropopause is 17, not 18 bmy, 17 Jun 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.02a - added GCAP model type for the 23L hybrid GCAP grid (which is the same grid as the winds for the GISS-II-PRIME) bmy, 01 Jun 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Bug fix: GISS-II model needs CENTER180=0 bmy & phs, 16 Aug 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Modified for 47 layer GEOS-5 grid - Now return NLAYERS, NTROP, HALFPOLAR, CENTER180, FULLCHEM, HYBRID as type long bmy, 06 Aug 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.14 - Added MERRA (identical to GEOS-5 grid, but retains MERRA name for clarity.) bmy, 28 Nov 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.15 - Make the default PSURF value 1013.25 hPa, (i.e. 1 atm) instead of 984hPa. bmy, 02 Feb 2012: GAMAP VERSION 2.16 - Add GEOS57 and GEOS57_47L grids, for GEOS-5.7.x met data. (These are identical to the GEOS-5 and MERRA grids, but we will denote them separately). - Added shorthand for 0.25 x 0.3125 resolution
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_WRITEBPCH PURPOSE: Save GAMAP datainfo records to disk (in binary punch file format). CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, BPCH Format CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_WRITEBPCH, DATAINFO, [, Keywords ] INPUTS: DATAINFO -> a datainfo record or an array of datainfo records FILEINFO -> a fileinfo record or an array of fileinfo records KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILENAME -> Filename of output file. Should end in '.bpch'. SCALE -> An optional scaling factor. This factor will be applied to _all_ data record upon saving. The globally stored records are not affected. NEWUNIT -> With this keyword you can change the unit _name_ for the saved data. This will _not_ perform a unit conversion! For a true unit conversion you must also use the SCALE keyword. NEWUNIT will be applied to _all_ records! /APPEND -> If set, then will append to an existing binary punch file rather than writing to a new file. OUTPUTS: A binary punch file with the selected data records will be created. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ==================================================== CHKSTRU (function) CTM_DIAGINFO CTM_GET_DATA (function) DATATYPE (function) OPEN_FILE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: This routine forces reading of all selected data records via CTM_GET_DATA. This may take a while for huge ASCII punch files. EXAMPLE: gamap [,options] ; call gamap to read records from a file @gamap_cmn ; get global datainfo structure d = *pglobalDataInfo ind = where(d.tracer eq 2) ; select all Ox records ctm_writebpch,d[ind],filename='oxconc.bpch' MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 20 May 1999: VERSION 1.00 - stores binary files version 1 mgs, 24 May 1999: VERSION 2.00 - stores binary files version 2 bmy, 26 Jul 1999: VERSION 2.01 - now call function DATATYPE - make sure only floating point data gets written to binary punch file v. 2.0 bmy, 19 Jan 2000: - updated commetns bmy, 07 Jun 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.45 - Save TRACER mod 100L to the punch file - updated comments bmy, 02 Mar 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.47 - added FILEINFO as an argument; will use PGLOBALFILEINFO structure if not passed - removed obsolete comments bmy, 13 Mar 2001: - now supports Windows, MacOS, and Unix/Linux bmy, 07 Jun 2001: - removed obsolete code from 7/26/99 mje & bmy, 17 Dec 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.49 - added /APPEND keyword in order to append to an existing binary punch file - updated comments bmy, 15 Oct 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.52 - added LEVELSAVE keyword to define certain levels which to save to disk - Updated comments, cosmetic changes bmy, 19 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - now get diagnostic spacing from CTM_DIAGINFO and write TRACER mod SPACING to the BPCH file. bmy, 27 May 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.02 - Bug fix: Don't call CTM_GET_DATA to initialize data pointers if this has been done already - removed LEVELSAVE keyword bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Now save 4D datablock if the tag of FILEINFO[0].FILETYPE = 106;
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: CTM_WRITENC PURPOSE: Save GAMAP datainfo records to disk (in netCDF format) CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, Scientific Data Formats CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_WRITENC, DATAINFO, FILENAME=FILENAME INPUTS: DATAINFO -> a datainfo record or an array of datainfo records KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILENAME -> Filename of output file. Should end in '.bpch'. SCALE -> An optional scaling factor. This factor will be applied to _all_ data record upon saving. The globally stored records are not affected. NEWUNIT -> With this keyword you can change the unit _name_ for the saved data. This will _not_ perform a unit conversion! For a true unit conversion you must also use the SCALE keyword. NEWUNIT will be applied to _all_ records! OUTPUTS: A binary punch file with the selected data records will be created. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ==================================== CTM_GET_DATA OPEN_FILE DATATYPE REQUIREMENTS: Must have a version of IDL w/ the netCDF library installed. NOTES: This routine forces reading of all selected data records via ctm_get_data. This may take a while for huge ASCII punch files. EXAMPLE: gamap [,options] ; call gamap to read records from a file @gamap_cmn ; get global datainfo structure d = *pglobalDataInfo ind = where(d.tracer eq 2) ; select all Ox records ctm_writebpch,d[ind],filename='oxconc.bpch' MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 20 May 1999: GAMAP VERSION 1.47 - adapted from "" bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: EXAMPLE_ANIM_TS PURPOSE: Illustrates how to use XINTERANIMATE with GAMAP timeseries routine GC_COMBINE_ND49. CATEGORY: GAMAP Examples, GAMAP Utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: EXAMPLE_ANIM_TS [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================ GC_COMBINE_ND49 MULTIPANEL MYCT PROGRAM_DIR (function) TAU2YYMMDD (function) TVMAP REQUIREMENTS: Requires routines from the GAMAP package. NOTES: None EXAMPLE: EXAMPLE_ANIM_TS ; Creates sample animation from timeseries data. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.11
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/examples/
NAME: EXAMPLE_ND48_ND49 PURPOSE: Creates several example plots to illustrate the use of GAMAP timeseries routines GC_COMBINE_ND48 and GC_COMBINE_ND49. CATEGORY: GAMAP Examples, GAMAP Utilities, Time Series CALLING SEQUENCE: EXAMPLE_ND48_ND49 [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /PNG -> Set this switch to save screen output Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ========================================= GC_COMBINE_ND48 GC_COMBINE_ND49 MULTIPANEL PROGRAM_DIR (function) SCREEN2PNG REQUIREMENTS: Requires routines from the GAMAP package. NOTES: None EXAMPLE: EXAMPLE_ND48_ND49, /PNG ; Create example plots and save to PNG file. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.11
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/examples/
NAME: EXAMPLE_OVERPLOT PURPOSE: Example program for overlay of data with model results. This program is meant to provide a demonstration example rather than a ready-to-use program, so please copy it and adapt it to your needs. For a try, just call EXAMPLE_OVERPLOT with no options. Before you rewrite this code, try some of the keyword options to get a feel how it works. CATEGORY: GAMAP Examples, GAMAP Utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: EXAMPLE_OVERPLOT [,DATA [,ALTITUDE]] [,keywords] INPUTS: DATA -> A vector with your vertical profile data. If nothing is supplied, a dummy ozone profile is generated. ALTITUDE -> Altitude vector correspondign to your data. If not supplied, a vector will be created ranging from 0-12 km. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords to select certain model results: DIAGN -> Name (or number) of a diagnostic. Default is 'IJ-AVG-$' TRACER -> A tracer number (default is 2 = 'Ox') TAU0 -> A time step value. You can specify a date using the NYMD2TAU function. Keywords to select the geographical domain: LONRANGE, LATRANGE -> 2-element vectors specifying the minimum and maximum longitude and latitude for the model results to be considered. Not that LONRANGE[1] < LONRANGE[0] is possible, denoting a region across the Pacific. Keywords to change the appearance of the plot: TITLE -> Give your plot a title. Default is 'EXAMPLE PLOT' with longitude and latitude rang and date. If you are sure that you select only one data record each time, you can leave it up to CTM_PLOT to construct a title (simply remove the TITLE keyword in the call to CTM_PLOT). Note that you can take advantage of various "variables" with the '%NAME%' notation (see GAMAP documentation for details). _EXTRA -> Look at the documentation of CTM_PLOT and add your favorite keywords to the call to EXAMPLE_OVERPLOT. You are likely to use XRANGE or XSTYLE. OUTPUTS: just a plot ;-) SUBROUTINES: none REQUIREMENTS: uses ctm_get_dat and ctm_plot as well as everything that is needed by these to. NOTES: EXAMPLE: EXAMPLE_OVERPLOT data = your_fancy_reading_routine(filename) EXAMPLE_OVERPLOT,data,tau0=nymd2tau(940601L) MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 21 May 1999: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/examples/
NAME: EXAMPLE_POLAR PURPOSE: Quick and dirty examples of polar plots made with CTM_PLOT. CATEGORY: GAMAP Examples, GAMAP Utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: EXAMPLE_POLAR INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /PS -> Set this switch to write output to a PostScript file. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================= MYCT CTM_PLOT MULTIPANEL REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: none EXAMPLE: EXAMPLE_POLAR, /PS ; Create polar plots and save to PostScript file. MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 20 Aug 1998: INITIAL VERSION bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - now uses FILE_WHICH to find ctm.bpch.examples - rewritten for clarity bmy, 14 Mar 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Bug fix: save output from FILE_WHICH to FILE (instead of FILENAME)
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/examples/
NAME: EXAMPLE_TVMAP PURPOSE: Generates several example plots using CTM_PLOT and TVMAP. CATEGORY: GAMAP Examples, GAMAP Utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: EXAMPLE_TVMAP [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /PNG -> Set this switch to save screen output Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ==================================== CTM_PLOT MULTIPANEL MYCT NYMD2TAU (function) SCREEN2PNG TVMAP REQUIREMENTS: Requires routines from the GAMAP package. NOTES: None EXAMPLE: EXAMPLE_TVMAP, /SAMPLE ; Create example plots with pixel plots for all plots. EXAMPLE_TVMAP, /PNG ; Create example plots and save to a PNG file. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.11
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/examples/
NAME: FIND_CELLS_BY_COUNTRY PURPOSE: Returns an index array which can be used to determine which CTM grid boxes lie within a given country. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = FIND_CELLS_BY_COUNTRY( COUNTRYID, GRIDINFO [, Keywords] ) INPUTS: COUNTRYID -> Name of the country you are interested in, OR the country ID number ID from "countries.table". GRIDINFO -> Structure from CTM_GRID which defines the output CTM model grid in which you wish to find a given country. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /MAXIMIZE -> Set this switch to search for all grid boxes that contain any portion of the specified country. The default is to determine the specified country by the center of the grid box. /INDEX -> Set this switch to return RESULT as an 1-D index vector (i.e. similar to output from the WHERE command). OUTPUTS: RESULT -> Integer index array for OUTGRID. Grid boxes where RESULT[I,J] = 1 designate the desired country. If the /INDEX flag is set then RESULT will be an 1-D index vector (i.e. similar to output from the WHERE command). SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: ============================ GET_COUNTRY_NUMBER (function) External Subroutines Required: =========================================== CHKSTRU (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) DATATYPE (function) STRBREAK (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) Requires the following input files: (a) countries.table (b) countries.generic.025x025.gif (2) The search algorithm is brute-force (i.e. FOR loops over lat & lon). Maybe in a later version we can optimize this w/ IDL array notation. MODIFICATION HISTORY: tmf & bmy, 01 Jul 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Initial version bmy & phs, 27 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Use FILE_WHICH to find countries.table - Use FILE_WHICH to find countries.gif
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: FIND_TRACER_INDEX PURPOSE: Given the diagnostic category and tracer name, returns the tracer number as specified in the "tracerinfo.dat" file. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = FIND_TRACER_INDEX( DIAGN, NAME ) INPUTS: DIAGN -> Diagnostic category name as specified in the "diaginfo.dat" file (e.g. "IJ-AVG-$", "GMAO-2D", etc.). NAME -> Tracer name as specified in the "tracerinfo.dat" file (e.g. NOx, Ox, CO, PS, TAUCLI, etc.) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: RESULT -> Tracer number corresponding to NAME and DIAGN. SUBROUTINES: External subroutines required: ------------------------------ CTM_DIAGINFO CTM_TRACERINFO REQUIREMENTS: Requires routines from the GAMAP package. NOTES: Here, "tracer" is used in the wider sense. It can be can be any quantity saved out from a CTM diagnostic output, as long as it is specified by "diaginfo.dat" and "tracerinfo.dat". EXAMPLE: PRINT, FIND_TRACER_INDEX( 'GMAO-2D', 'PS' ) IDL prints 5931 ; Returns the tracer index number for the "PS" ; quantity in the "GMAO-2D" diagnostic category. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 06 Aug 2010: VERSION 1.00
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: GAMAP PURPOSE: Menu-driven user interface for creating plots with the GAMAP package subroutines. The actual data retrieval and plotting is done with This routine mainly collects all user requests and passes them on to CTM_PLOT. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: GAMAP, [ DiagN [, Keywords ] ] INPUTS: DIAGN -> A diagnostic number or category to restrict the record selection (default is: use all). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: General keywords: ----------------------------------------------------------------- FILENAME -> CTM output file name. Default is to display a pickfile dialog and let the user select. You can have wildcards ('*', '?') in your filename which restricts the file selection. /NOFILE -> Don't query for filename but display all records that have already been loaded. This can save you a couple of mouse clicks when you want to create several plots with data from one file, and it also useful when you want to plot data from 'external' files that were converted with ctm_make_datainfo. If a filename is given or no data were loaded, the file selection dialog will appear anyhow. /RESETDEFAULTS -> If set, will reset all GAMAP values to their defaults. /HELP -> Displays a help page. RESULT -> Returns a structure with the data subset as plotted and the respective X and Y coordinates. Returns only one data record though. TOPTITLE -> Add a specific title centered on top of each page of output. Keywords to restrict the number of records displayed for selection: ----------------------------------------------------------------- TRACER -> A tracer number to restrict record selection TAU0 -> Time value (at beginning of record) DATE -> 6 digit date (e.g. 940101) at the beginning of the output record (this gets translated into a TAU0 value via the function nymd2tau). You can specify more than one date at a time using a vector (e.g. [940101, 940301]). For the GISS model(s), you also have to specify /GISS_Date in order to get correct tau values. The time is assumed to be 00 GMT. For other times use the TAU0 keyword as TAU0=nymd2tau(dates,times). /GISS_Date -> set this flag if you are using the DATE keyword with GISS model output. Keywords defining output options (these override defaults in gamap.defaults) ----------------------------------------------------------------- /PS -> If set, will directly send output to the '' file. If not set, GAMAP will prompt the user whether to create the '' file. OUTFILENAME -> Name of file to send PostScript output to. /NOTIMESTAMP -> Do not include a user ID and time stamp on the postscript plot. Unnecessary if the TIMESTAMP value in gamap.defaults is set to 0. XSIZE, YSIZE, XOFFSET, YOFFSET -> GAMAP will pass these keywords to routine OPEN_DEVICE, for setting the size and margins of PostScript output. /DO_BMP -> If set, GAMAP will save animation frames as BMP files. If not set, GAMAP will prompt the user whether to save animation frames to BMP files. DO_BMP overrides the default setting in "gamap.defaults". BMPFILENAME -> Name of BMP file to save animation frames to. If the token %N% is used in BMPFILENAME, then GAMAP will replace %N% with the actual frame number. If BMPFILENAME is not set, or if DO_BMP is set to *QUERY in "gamap.defaults", GAMAP will prompt user to supply BMPFILENAME. /DO_GIF -> If set, GAMAP will save animation frames as GIF files. If not set, GAMAP will prompt the user whether to save animation frames to GIF files. DO_GIF overrides the default setting in "gamap.defaults". GIFFILENAME -> Name of GIF file to save animation frames to. If the token %N% is used in GIFFILENAME, then GAMAP will replace %N% with the actual frame number. If GIFFILENAME is not set, or if DO_GIF is set to *QUERY in "gamap.defaults", GAMAP will prompt user to supply GIFFILENAME. /DO_JPEG -> If set, GAMAP will save animation frames as BMP files. If not set, GAMAP will prompt the user whether to save animation frames to JPEG files. DO_JPEG overrides the default setting in "gamap.defaults". JPEGFILENAME -> Name of JPEG file to save animation frames to. If the token %N% is used in JPEGFILENAME, then GAMAP will replace %N% with the actual frame number. If JPEGFILENAME is not set, or if DO_JPEG is set to *QUERY in "gamap.defaults", GAMAP will prompt user to supply JPEGFILENAME. /DO_PNG -> If set, GAMAP will save animation frames as PNG files. If not set, GAMAP will prompt the user whether to save animation frames to PNG files. DO_PNG overrides the default setting in "gamap.defaults". PNGFILENAME -> Name of PNG file to save animation frames to. If the token %N% is used in PNGFILENAME, then GAMAP will replace %N% with the actual frame number. If PNGFILENAME is not set, or if DO_PNG is set to *QUERY in "gamap.defaults", GAMAP will prompt user to supply PNGFILENAME. /DO_TIFF -> If set, GAMAP will save animation frames as TIFF files. If not set, GAMAP will prompt the user whether to save animation frames to TIFF files. DO_TIFF overrides the default setting in "gamap.defaults". TIFFFILENAME -> Name of TIFF file to save animation frames to. If the token %N% is used in TIFFFILENAME, then GAMAP will replace %N% with the actual frame number. If TIFFFILENAME is not set, or if DO_PNG is set to *QUERY in "gamap.defaults", GAMAP will prompt user to supply TIFFFILENAME. /POLAR -> Set this keyword for polar pots. This forces latitude ranges to extend to one pole and longitude ranges to span the globe. Polar plots only work for global (at least longitudinally) data sets. Currently, polar plots are supported only for contour plots. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords for CTM_PLOT, etc... OUTPUTS: SUBROUTINES: Internal subroutines: ------------------------------------------------------ GAMAP_CheckDataBlockConsistency (function) GAMAP_FindNearestCenters (function) GAMAP_GetDataBlockRanges (function) GAMAP_GetDefaultRanges GAMAP_AutoYRange (function) GAMAP_PrintDimInfo GAMAP_QueryAnimationOptions GAMAP_QueryAverageOrTotal GAMAP_QueryPostScriptOptions GAMAP_SelectDataBlocks (function) GAMAP_SelectPlotType GAMAP_QueryIsoPleth GAMAP_StoreGridInfo GAMAP_UserRangeEntry (function) GAMAP_GetFrameFileName (function) Also uses external subroutines: ------------------------------------------------------ CHOICE (function) CLOSE_DEVICE CTM_PLOT OPEN_DEVICE STRREPL (function) STRWHERE (function) DEFAULT_RANGE (function) CHKSTRU (function) REPLACE_TOKEN (function) CTM_GRID (function) MAKE_SELECTION(function) TVREAD (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) GAMAP can read ASCII punch files with GEOS or GISS, model II diagnostics, binary punch files (as defined in Jan 1999), and GEOS-CTM binary restart files. Binary punch files are processed much faster and allow "windowing" of output. (2) For pixel plots, GAMAP can only plot cylindrical maps with rectangular projections. Arbitrary map projections should be possible with any type of contour plot. For polar plots, use the /POLAR keyword. Other projections have not been tested and may lead to unexpected results. (3) GAMAP forces map ranges to coincide with the grid box edges, so that the map and pixel plot will be aligned. Each "pixel" size corresponds to one full grid box. For grids with half-polar boxes, it is therefore recommended not to plot the polar latitudes, since those boxes will show up as full-size boxes and shift the rest of the plot accordingly. (4) When the user selects multiple data blocks, GAMAP will produce a multi-panel plot if !p.multi indicates more than one panel on the screen (use the MULTIPANEL procedure to turn it on). If you plot only one panel per screen, GAMAP will automatically start XInterAnimate to present your own movie to you. Be aware that XInterAnimate is limited by your system resources. With default window sizes, we can usually display at least 30 frames. ADDENDUM: 3-D isopleth maps will not be animated. (bmy, 1/22/01) (5) Animation frames can also be written to GIF or MPEG files. Defaults can be set in "gamap.defaults", or specified via the command line. You can also save individual GAMAP plots as GIF files. If you want to animate them later (e.g. using ULead's GIF-Animator), make sure to specify the RANGE keyword to get identical color schemes (or use contours). (6) The GAMAP authors wish to point out that it is still relatively expensive to produce color plots on the printer. We encourage you to try out contour plots and make a test print on a black and white printer before you make a color print. (7) The 3-D isopleth maps do not quite work with MULTIPANEL, since they are produced with screen capture in the Z-Buffer. Hence Hence, the X window device has to be re-initialized each time, which negates the MULTIPANEL utility. PostScript plots of 3-D isopleth maps will print one plot per page. We can live with this for the time being. Isopleth maps can also be written to GIF files. (8) Now uses D. Fanning's TVREAD function to perform better device-independent screen capture. (cf. EXAMPLES: (1) GAMAP ; operates fully interactively MULTIPANEL,nplots=6 ; turn on multi-panel environment GAMAP ; same as above, but produce multi-panel plots with ; 6 plots per page (2) GAMAP, 'IJ-AVG-$', tra=4 ; Will create a CO (tracer=4) plot for the ND45 diagnostic. ; GAMAP will display dialog pickfile box and will scan the ; file for all records with ND45 and tracer 4. Those will be ; displayed and the user can then select a record to be plotted. (3) GAMAP, [ 'IJ-AVG-$', 'BIOBSRCE' ], tra=[2,4], $ date=[19940601, 19940801], $ FileName='~bmy/terra/CTM4/ctm.pch',/ps ; In this example the file is fully specified, hence no file ; selection dialog will be displayed. GAMAP scans the file ; for all records of 'IJ-AVG-$' and 'BIOBSRCE' and tracers ; 2 (OX) and 4 (NOX) and it seelcts only those records that ; begin on the first of JUNE or AUGUST 1994. Because the ps ; flag is set, the output will be directed to the postscript ; file '' without first being displayed on the screen. MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 12 Nov 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 16 Nov 1998: - added defaults for LAT, LEV, LON, PTYPE - now prompts for PS - now prompts user for /PS output bmy, 17 Nov 1998: - now call DEFAULT_RANGE to ensure that that LAT, LON, LEVEL have two elements, even if there is only one unique value. - now uses N_UNIQ.PRO to test for the number of unique elements in LON, LAT, and LEVEL. mgs, 17 Nov 1998: - finishing touches for first release. - added NOFILE keyword - added plot type b/w contours mgs, 18 Nov 1998: - added timestamp as default when closing postscript files bmy, 08 Jan 1999: - Will also prompt for totaling (if averaging is not selected) bmy, 13 Jan 1999: - now prompt user for OUTFILENAME bmy, 15 Jan 1999: VERSION 1.02 - add support for 3-D data slices - clean up user interface so that the user menu of plotting options is only invoked when plotting a 2-D map. bmy, 19 Jan 1999: - added binary flag masking - added defaults for averaging and selection - improved echoback of information to user bmy, 20 Jan 1999: - prompts user again if data block selection or averaging selection is out of range - fixed bug: now default data block selection is saved. - Reset PS to 0 and OUTFILENAME to '' if we are plotting a 0-D or 3-D data block - updated comments mgs, 21 Jan 1999: - dimensional information now in subroutine - improved binary masking - added several Quit options - Postscript options now controlled from gamap.defaults - removed NoTimeStamp keyword (now set in gamap.defaults) bmy, 12 Feb 1999: VERSION 1.03 - now works with data blocks that are sub-regions of the globe - added functions GAMAP_GetDataBlockRanges GAMAP_SelectDataBlock, and GAMAP_QueryAverageOrTotal - updated comments bmy, 17 Feb 1999: VERSION 1.20 - Replace DATAINFO.OFFSET by DATAINFO.FIRST, which contains the I, J, L indices of the first grid box - Animation facility added - added functions GAMAP_GetModelInfo, GAMAP_CheckDataBlockConsistency, GAMAP_SelectPlotType, and GAMAP_QueryPostScriptOptions. - Also renamed function GAMAP_SelectDataBlock to GAMAP_SelectDataBlocks, since one can now select multiple data blocks bmy, 18 Feb 1999: - added /RESETDEFAULTS keyword - removed /ANIMATE keyword bmy, 19 Feb 1999: - added NOAUTOYRANGE keyword - added function GAMAP_AutoYRange - added GIFFILENAME keyword - added GIF_SAV to common block SAVEVALUES - call REPLACE_TOKEN to replace token text in DEFAULTGIFFILENAME bmy, 22 Feb 1999: - added more animation options - added DO_GIF, DO_MPEG, DO_ANIMATE, and MPEGFILENAME keywords - added GAMAP_QueryAnimationOptions routine bmy, 23 Feb 1999: - small bug fixes bmy, 04 Mar 1999: - added internal routines GAMAP_FindNearestEdges and GAMAP_GetDefaultRanges - now force lat/lon ranges to coincide with grid box edges - warn user if lat range contains half-polar boxes, since TVIMAGE will treat them as whole boxes and the map overlay will be inaccurate! bmy, 05 Mar 1999: - Clean up FILEINFO/DATAINFO matching process - renamed/reorganized internal functions\ bmy, 20 Mar 1999: - bug fix for default ranges (may need more fixing later on) mgs, 22 Mar 1999: - added ALREADY_PS flag for multi-panel use - animation now only if !p.multi does not have more than 1 panel to display mgs, 23 Mar 1999: - improved comments and examples - removed unnecessary function MatchFileInfo... (easier with make_selection) - changed all "string booleans" to booleans - Do_Animation now an entirely local variable mgs, 25 Mar 1999: - few minor bug fixes - improved handling of default ranges - detect out of range in record selection - now allows for 2D field plots bmy, 17 May 1999: - now resolve DEFAULT_RANGE explicitly and call DEFRANGE_STR2NUM separately - few minor fixes in GAMAP_UserRangeEntry for data blocks that straddle the date line. mgs, 19 May 1999: - some more cleaning - implemented SAVE option after data record selection - user selection for longitudes greatly improved - some adjustments in FindNearestEdges, notably for range 0..360. Unfortunately, the 0 meridian gridline will be omitted in such plots. If we wanted to include it we would need to carry an extra GLOBAL flag because lower and upper edges (grid box indices) are identical. mgs, 20 May 1999: - added option to save record seelction to file. mgs, 24 May 1999: - yet more work had to be done to make lon/lat selection as user would expect it to work. - renamed FindNearestEdges to ..Centers mgs, 25 May 1999: - still more fiddling. Yuck! RELEASE OF GAMAP VERSION 1.40 bmy, 26 May 1999: - Added polar plot capabilities - fixed reset of plot ranges when latitude is +-90 mgs, 27 May 1999: - already_ps flag now also prevents user query. - default lat range for global fields now back to -88..88 only for "reset" conditions. Otherwise -90..90 is recognized and remembered. mgs, 28 May 1999: - added RESULT keyword. - added TOPTITLE keyword. bmy, 28 May 1999: - restrict plot type menu for polar plots bmy & mgs, 02 Jun 1999: - add /NOERASE to MULTIPANEL call when testing for last plot on page - updated some comments mgs, 30 Jun 1999: - make sure to return only one lat/lon box if user enters single value (even on edges). bmy, 07 Jul 1999: - small bug fixes bmy, 15 Sep 1999: GAMAP VERSION 1.43 - changes for 23L GISS-II-PRIME model - minor bug fixes bmy, 25 Oct 1999: GAMAP VERSION 1.44 - added /MULTIPLE keyword -- option to write to a GIF file w/ multiple frames bmy, 23 Nov 1999: - /SMALLCHEM now works correctly! bmy, 26 Apr 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.45 - now make sure tracer numbers are mod 100L when saving data blocks to disk bmy, 19 Jun 2000: - now create NS string array by concatenating smaller arrays of < 1024 elements bmy, 20 Jun 2000: - bug fix -- set NS[0] blank for string output bmy, 03 Oct 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.46 bmy, 22 Jan 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.47 - removed obsolete code - now produce a 3-D isopleth map instead of calling the volume slicer routine - added ISOPLETH keyword - added internal subroutine GAMAP_QueryIsopleth - allow PostScript output for 3-D maps, and suppress animation for 3-D maps. bmy, 13 Mar 2001: - remove a couple more instances of the obsolete STR_SEP routine. Replaced with STRSPLIT( /EXTRACT ). bmy, 28 Jun 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - bug fix in GAMAP_StoreDataInfo: for GENERIC grids with NLAYERS=0, be sure to call CTM_GRID with the /NO_VERTICAL flag. bmy, 29 Aug 2001: - added XSIZE, YSIZE, XOFFSET, YOFFSET keywords to pass to OPEN_DEVICE mje & bmy, 17 Dec 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.49 - add _EXTRA=e in call to CTM_WRITEBPCH, so that we can pass the /APPEND keyword bmy, 17 Jan 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 - now call STRBREAK wrapper routine from the TOOLS subdirectory for backwards compatiblity for string-splitting - use FORWARD_FUNCTION to declare STRBREAK bmy, 24 Jan 2002: - deleted obsolete code bmy, 06 Dec 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.52 - removed /DO_MPEG and MPEGFILENAME keywords - now use D. Fanning's TVREAD for better device-independent screen capture - removed /MULTIPLE keyword for GIF output - added /DO_PNG, /DO_BMP, /DO_JPEG, /DO_TIFF keywords - added internal function GAMAP_GetFrameFileName bmy, 13 Nov 2003: GAMAP VERSION 2.01 - comment out XINTERANIMATE options bmy, 27 Aug 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.03 - now call CTM_PLOT_TIMESERIES to plot data from bpch files containing GEOS-CHEM station timeseries output (e.g. ND48 diagnostic) bmy, 27 Oct 2004: - now pass /QUIET keyword to GAMAP_AUTOYRANGE, CTM_PLOT_TIMESERIES, and CTM_PLOT - hardwire QUIET=1 in to suppress extra printing bmy, 28 Jun 2005: GAMAP VERSION 2.04 - Strip white spaces in FILENAME, if present bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 bmy & phs, 20 Nov 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.11 - If any 4D data blocks are encountered, then only use the first 3 dimensions phs, 22 Sep 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - Added /NoDialog to all call to TVRead bmy, 26 Feb 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.14 - Now allow polar maps to use pixel plots bmy, 11 Feb 2011: GAMAP VERSION 2.15 - Updated welcome screen
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: GC_COMBINE_ND48 PURPOSE: Combine timeseries data from the Geos-CHEM ND48 diagnostics contained in one or more binary punch files. The goal is to combine, for one station, all the data blocks (there is one per time step) into one single 4-D data block (we want the time to be the 4th dimension). This is basically to take advantage of support for 4D dataset in GAMAP v2-10. GEOS-Chem ND48 (as in v7-04-12) outputs one file for all stations and all time steps. GC_COMBINE_ND48 will write one file but each timeseries will be in one data block instead of as many as the number of timesteps. This will make reading the timeseries with CTM_GET_DATA a lot faster. Two basic signal processing before saving the data can be applied: moving average and/or daily maximum. LIMITATION: daily maximum will not make sense if series do not cover full days. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation, Time Series CALLING SEQUENCE: GC_COMBINE_ND48 [, Keywords ] OPTIONAL INPUTS: By defaults all stations are processed. And one output file is created that contains all the stations timeseries. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ;============ For I/O files/directory ===================== INFILE -> one or more station file(s) from ND48 diagnostic. If more than one file is processed, it is assumed that, once sorted in alphabetical order, they are in chronological order (this is automatically the case, if you insert YYYYMMDD into ND48 filenames in input.geos). INDIR -> Directory where to look for "stations" files. Can be either input or output keyword: Input: when defined, ALL files satisfying the MASK keyword in the directory will be selected. Ouput: set to a variable name that will contains the DIR of the selected files. It is ignored (both input and output roles) if INFILE is provided. If neither INFILE nor INDIR is set, then a dialog window that allows multiple files selection (keep CTRL or SHIFT key down) will pop-up. MASK -> Pattern Mask to find files in INDIR. Default is "stations*". OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file that will contain the new timeseries. Default is 'combined'+INFILE[0], in the same directory as stations file. If the full path is not included, the file is created in the working directory. The routine prevents from overwriting any input file. ;================= Data Selection ====================== STATIONNB -> Station(s) number. Can be one or more elements (up to the number of stations in ND48). Use to select a subset of the stations instead of all of them. TIME -> vector for selecting time span. The data covering [min(TIME),max(TIME)] are selected. If only one element, then the closest-in-time data is selected. If min and/or max of TIME is outside the range of available time steps, the first or last available time step is used. Note 1: this is also an output keyword. Then, if passed by reference, TIME becomes the time vector in output. See example (6). Note 2: if using DMAX or DAVG, then TIME should be long integer (YYYYMMDD), if not it should be Tau format. ;================= Signal Processing ====================== MAVG -> to apply a running average filter to the series. MAVG value will define the boxcar size and must be GE 3. Even numbers are increased by +1. The IDL SMOOTH routine is called and accept _extra keywords (NAN, EDGE_TRUNCATE, and MISSING). DMAX -> to select the daily maxima of the time series. If both MAVG and Dmax are set, the moving average is performed first and you get the daily max of the moving average. (Local time is not accounted for: days start and end at 0 UT everywhere). DAVG -> to select the daily average of the time series. If both MAVG and DAVG are set, the moving average is performed first and you get the daily average of the moving average. (Local time is not accounted for: days start and end at 0 UT everywhere). ;================= Output keywords ======================== All the following keywords will apply to only ONE station. The last one is used if none or more than one is requested. DATA -> set to a variable name that will hold the selected timeseries data on exit. This is a 4D array (1,1,lev,time) even though only one station is selected. LON -> set to a variable name that will hold the longitude of the data set on exit. LAT -> set to a variable name that will hold the latitude of the data set on exit. LEV -> set to a variable name that will hold the vector of levels for the data set on exit. TIME -> set to a variable name that will hold the time vector for the station on exit. Given as Tau values, unless DMAX or DAVG is set, then as YYYYMMDD. LOCALTIME -> if set, the TIME vector is in local time instead of UT. Has no effect if /DMAX or /DAVG. ;================= Others ======================== NOSAVE -> set to not save output into a BPCH file. Useful if you just want to check results with output keywords. VERBOSE -> Set to print informational message about the time series. particularly useful to double check area/location selected with subset keywords. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords for SMOOTH and DIALOG_PICKFILE. OUTPUTS: See output keywords above. SUBROUTINES: REQUIREMENTS: References many routines from GAMAP package. Requires GAMAP v2.10 for handling 4D dataset. NOTES: If memory issues show up, try to save one timeseries (i.e., one station at a time). EXAMPLES: ;; (1) Read multiple timeseries files selected w/ a pop-up window (use SHIFT key for muliple selections). Save with the default filename in the default directory: GC_COMBINE_ND48 ;; (2) Like example (1), but saves only the daily max of the ;; 9-hours average timeseries: GC_COMBINE_ND48, /dmax, mavg=8 ;; (3) read ALL stations files from directory '~/path/' ;; without a pop-up window (no interactivity, good for batch ;; processing). Default MASk and outfile name are used. GC_COMBINE_ND48, indir='~/path/' ;; (4) Like example (3) but select only the first available ;; station, and save the result in a specified file: GC_COMBINE_ND48, Station=1, indir='~/path/', outfile='~/path/series1.bpch' ;; (5) read files from directory '~/path/', and select 3rd station. ;; Do not save combined timeseries. Get outputs in variables ;; data, lon, lat and time. GC_COMBINE_ND48, indir='~/path/', station=3, data=data, lon=lon, lat=lat, time=time Help, reform(data) PLOT, time, data[0,0,0,*], title='Lon= strtrim(lon,2)+'- Lat='+strtrim(lat,2) ;; (6) Like (5), but limit the time to 23rd-28th of July ;; 2001. Not the use of two commands to get the output ;; time vector. time = [nymd2tau(20010723L,20010728l)] GC_COMBINE_ND48, indir='~/path/', station=3, data=data, lon=lon, lat=lat, time=time HELP, time MODIFICATION HISTORY: phs, 31 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Initial version phs, 11 Oct 2007: - few bugs fix - added output keywords phs, 15 Oct 2007: - added LOCALTIME keyword phs, 18 Oct 2007: - do not save if output file is one of the input file. phs, 26 Oct 2007: - TIME can be use to select the time span of the series. Added DAVG keyword. phs, 30 Oct 2007: - couple of minor fixes. phs, 11 Aug 2009: - major fix: bug fix when same tracer in several stations bmy, 12 Mar 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.14 - Typo at line 429 fixed
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/timeseries/
NAME: GC_COMBINE_ND49 PURPOSE: Combine timeseries data from several bpch files into 4D data. Typically used with Geos-CHEM ND49 timeseries output and met fields in bpch files (a3, a6, i6). For met fields, see example (9) and (10). Each ND49 and Met Fields file has data for one day. But, files with time series that do no cover a day per file, can also be processed. See example (11), but keep in mind that the daily max or average options are then **** MEANINGLESS ****, and should not be used. WHAT IS DONE: (1) We combine all the data blocks for one tracer (there is one per time step) into one single 4-D data block (with time in 4th dimension). This takes advantage of support for 4D dataset introduced in GAMAP v2-10. (2) The combined series can be saved into a binary punch file. You end up with one file per tracer that covers many days of output, instead of one file per day for all tracers. The space saving can be more than 60%. (3) A subarea (even a single location) can be extracted. But for multiple but not contiguous locations, call the routine as many time as needed. (4) Shorter timeseries can be selected/saved, by specifying Tau range, or day (as YYYYMMDD long integer) range if daily max or average is selected. (5) Two basic signal processing before saving the data can be performed: moving average and/or daily maximum/minimum/average. ## LIMITATION ## : full days considered for ND49, ie, GEOS-Chem runs should start and end at midnight (YYYYMMDD 000000 in input.geos) CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation, Time Series CALLING SEQUENCE: GC_COMBINE_ND49 [, TRACER ][, CATEGORY ][, Keywords ] INPUTS: TRACER -> The tracer number. Default is 1. CATEGORY -> The category name (default is "IJ-AVG-$") for which to read data. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ;============ For I/O files/directory ===================== FILELIST -> list of files to process. Usually used as output keyword to get the list of files selected with INDIR and MASK or through a dialog window. Can be used as input. Then INDIR and MASK are ignored. INDIR -> Directory where to look for MASK files. If provided, ALL files satisfying the MASK keyword in the directory will be selected. If not provided, a dialog window that allows multiple files selection (keep SHIFT key down) will pop-up. See EXAMPLES below for tips. If set to an undefined variable name, it will hold the directory of the selected files (output keyword). NOTE: If more than one file is processed, it is assumed that, once sorted in alphabetical order, they are in chronological order (this is the case with GEOS-Chem default naming of ND49 output files: they contain YYYYMMDD). MASK -> Pattern Mask to find files in INDIR. Default is "ts*.bpch". OUTDIR -> Output directory where to save the file with the new timeseries data set will be. Default is INDIR. If the user has not write permission in INDIR, writintg is cancelled. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file that will contain the timeseries. Default is 'combts_%TRACERNAME%.bpch', for COMB ined T ime S eries. The routine prevents from overwriting any input file. ;============ To extract subset of data =================== LON -> A one or two-elements vector specifying the longitude of one location or one area. If LON is outside the ND49 area, the program print a warning, and uses border value. LAT -> same as LON, but for Latitudes LEV -> same as LON, but for Levels. Refers to the model grid. ; - - you can also select indices into the requested 3D cube: LLEV -> A one or two-element vector specifying the min and max of available levels to be included in the file. Default is ALL available levels. Default FORTRAN indexing is used: LLEV #1 is the first level ***requested*** in ND49. See LEV above otherwise. ILON, JLAT -> same as LLEV but for Longitude and Latitude indices. Starting at 1 at the first ***requested*** grid box in ND49. TIME -> vector for selecting time span. The data covering [min(TIME),max(TIME)] are selected. If only one element, then the closest-in-time data are selected. TIME must be given as Tau (double) or YYYYMMDD (long) if /DMAX or /DAVG. If both DMAX (or DAVG) and LOCALTIME are set, TIME is ignored. ** TIP ** if you select a short time span, it may be useful to limit the number of files to process by redefining MASK or using FILELIST. That will speed up the process. ;================= Signal Processing ====================== MAVG -> to apply a running average filter to the series. MAVG value will define the boxcar size and must be GE 3. Even numbers are increased by +1. The IDL SMOOTH routine is called and accept _extra keywords (NaN, Edge_truncate, missing). DMAX -> to select the daily maxima of the time series. If both MAVG and Dmax are set, the moving average is performed first and you get the daily max of the moving average. DAVG -> to select the daily average of the time series. If both MAVG and DAVG are set, the moving average is performed first and you get the daily average of the moving average. LOCALTIME -> to get DAVG or DMAX computed over local days instead of UT days. See details below. ;================= Output keywords ======================== DATA -> set to a variable name that will hold the selected timeseries data on exit. This is a 4D array (nLon, nLat, nLevel, ntime) even if only one location is selected. OUTLON -> set to a variable name that will hold the vector of longitudes of the data set on exit. OUTLAT -> set to a variable name that will hold the vector of latitudes of the data set on exit. OUTLEV -> set to a variable name that will hold the vector of Levels of the data set on exit. OUTALT -> set to a variable name that will hold the vector of altitudes for the data set on exit. OUTTIME -> set to a variable name that will hold the time vector corresponding to the data set on exit. Format is Tau, or YYYYMMDD if /DMAX. LOCALTIME -> if set, OUTTIME becomes a Nb_OutLon X Nb_TimeStep array, with each vector OUTTIME[i,*] holding the time vector in local time instead of UT. That vector will apply to all j and k for DATA[i,j,k,*]. Specific case of... both DMAX (or DAVG) and LOCALTIME being set. The daily max (average) is obtained after shifting the timeseries, so they start at 00 LT everywhere (or the first available time step just before 00 LT). The first max (average) value is for the first complete local day of the series. The OUTTIME array is then a [numbers of complete days, 2] array that gives the local YYYYMMDD for both positive and negative longitudes. See also note about TAU0/TAU1 below. Note that the time step of the series must be small enough for the DMAX/DAVG w/r/t Local Time to be reliable. ;================= Others ======================== NOSAVE -> set to not save output into a BPCH file. Useful if you just want to check results with output keywords. VERBOSE -> Set to print informational message about the time series. Particularly useful to double check the area/location selected with subset keywords. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords for SMOOTH and DIALOG_PICKFILE. OUTPUTS: See output keywords above. SUBROUTINES: REQUIREMENTS: References many routines from GAMAP package. Requires GAMAP v2.10 for saving 4D dataset into binary punch file. NOTES: ######## ND49 and Met Fields only. For ND48, see ######## ######## GC_COMBINE_ND48 (not as well maintained) ######## Written with batch processing in mind. It is recommended to save all ND49 outputs into one dedicated directory, and to use keywords (INDIR, OUTDIR, OUTFILE..) and save the new combined timeseries in a new directory. About TAU0 and TAU1 : in the DataInfo structure, they are set to the beginning and end of the timeseries. For daily data, we compute them by setting HH:MM:SS to 00:00:00. If LocalTime is set, UT is still used for TAU0 and TAU1, so we can use only one value. If both LocalTime and DMAX are set, tau0 and tau1 give the first and last (local) days for longitudes less than 0 (west). For East longitudes, you need to add one day to these to get the correct date. EXAMPLES: ;; In the following examples, it is assumed that tracer 1 ;; has been saved with ND49 ;; (1) Read multiple timeseries files selected w/ a pop-up window (use SHIFT key for muliple selections). Saved series at ALL available locations into default directory and filename: GC_COMBINE_ND49 exactly the same as: GC_COMBINE_ND49, 1, 'IJ-AVG-$' ;; (2) Like example (1), but saves only the daily max of the ;; 9-hours average timeseries: GC_COMBINE_ND49, 1, 'IJ-AVG-$', /dmax, mavg=8 ;; (3) Like example (1), but do not save the timeseries. Get ;; the timeseries in the variable TS in output: GC_COMBINE_ND49, 1, 'IJ-AVG-$', /nosave, data=TS ;; (4) read **ALL** MASK-files from directory '~/path/' ;; without a pop-up window (no interactivity, good for batch ;; processing): GC_COMBINE_ND49, 1, 'IJ-AVG-$', indir='~/path/', outfile='series1.dat' ;; (5) Like example (4), but with selection of ONE station: GC_COMBINE_ND49, 1, 'IJ-AVG-$', indir='~/path/', outfile='station1.bpch',$ lon=-65., lat=45., lev=1 ;; (6) Like example (5), but with shorter time series (from ;; 2001/7/20 20:00 to 2001/7/23 2:00): GC_COMBINE_ND49, 1, 'IJ-AVG-$', indir='~/path/', outfile='station1.bpch',$ lon=-65., lat=45., lev=1, $ Time=[nymd2tau(20010720l,200000l),nymd2tau(20010723l,20000l)] ;; (7) Like example (6), but select Daily Max and for few ;; days only (from 23rd to 28th of July 2001): GC_COMBINE_ND49, 1, 'IJ-AVG-$', indir='~/path/', outfile='station1.bpch',$ lon=-65., lat=45., lev=1, /DMax, Time=[20010723L,20010728L] ;; (8) read **ALL** MASK-files from a directory selected with ;; a pop-up window: GC_COMBINE_ND49, 1, 'IJ-AVG-$', indir=dialog_pickfile(/dir) ;; (9) read CLOUD FRACTION from GEOS-4 met fields. Interactive way. GC_COMBINE_ND49, nosave=1, data=ts, $ mask='/as/data/master/ctm/GEOS_4x5.d/GEOS_4_v4/1985/02/*a6*', $ 7, 'GMAO-2d', outtime=time ;; (10) read CLOUD FRACTION from GEOS-4 met fields. All data from February 1985 automatically: GC_COMBINE_ND49, nosave=1, data=ts, $ indir='/as/data/master/ctm/GEOS_4x5.d/GEOS_4_v4/1985/02/', $ mask='*a6*', $ 7, 'GMAO-2d', outtime=time ;; (11) Read 3 series of 2004 GFED2 emissions (3hr, 8-day and monthly): ; -- get data from MASK and DIRECTORY dir3hr = '/as/data/geos/GEOS_1x1/GFED2_3hr_200901/2004/' dirMon = '/as/data/geos/GEOS_1x1/GFED2_200601/2004/' dir8day = '/as/data/geos/GEOS_1x1/GFED2_8day_200712/2004/' mask3hr = 'GFED2.3hr.C_20040*.generic.1x1' maskMon = 'GFED2_C_2004*.generic.1x1' mask8day = 'GFED2_8day_C_2004*.generic.1x1' gc_combine_nd49, 99, 'GFED2-BB', /nosave, data=d3hr, $ mask=mask3hr, indir=dir3hr, outTime=tau3hr, /verb gc_combine_nd49, 99, 'GFED2-BB', /nosave, data=d8day, $ mask=mask8day, indir=dir8day, outTime=tau8day, /verb gc_combine_nd49, 99, 'GFED2-BB', /nosave, data=dMon, $ mask=maskMon, indir=dirMon, outTime=tauMon, /verb ;-- Julian Time for each data set (the half time step is added to ; get the time series centered on their period, since we plot ; histograms, with psym=10) temp = tau2yymmdd( tau3hr + 1.5 ) Jul3hr = JulDay(temp.month,, temp.year, temp.hour, temp.minute) temp = tau2yymmdd( tau8day + (4.*24.) ) Jul8day = JulDay(temp.month,, temp.year, temp.hour, temp.minute) temp = tau2yymmdd(tauMon + 15.*24.) JulMon = JulDay(temp.month,, temp.year, temp.hour, temp.minute) ; -- convert from [g C/m2/time-period] to [Tg C/time-period] GridInfo = CTM_GRID( CTM_TYPE( 'generic', res=[1., 1.] ) ) Surface = CTM_BOXSIZE( GridInfo, /cm2 ) dim = size(surface, /dimensions) d3hr = d3hr * rebin( Surface, dim[0], dim[1], 1, (size(d3hr))[4] ) d8day = d8day * rebin( Surface, dim[0], dim[1], 1, (size(d8day))[4] ) dMon = dMon * rebin( Surface, dim[0], dim[1], 1, (size(dMon))[4] ) d3hr = d3hr * 1e-9 d8day = d8day * 1e-9 dMon = dMon * 1e-9 ; -- Sum data over space, and convert to [ Tg C/s ] sum3hr = total( total( total(d3hr, 1), 1), 1) / (3. * 3600.) sum8day = total( total( total(d8day, 1), 1), 1) / (8. *24. * 3600.) ; -- Plot time series dummy = label_date( date_format=['%D', '%M'] ) plot, Jul3hr, sum3hr, /ynozero, color=!, $ title='Total GFED2 emissions in 2004 (Tg C/sec)', $ /xstyle, $ xtickformat=['label_date', 'label_date', 'label_date'], $ xtickunit=['day', 'month'], $ position=[0.1, 0.15, 0.9, 0.9], $ psym=10 oplot, Jul8day, sum8day, thick=2., color=!, psym=10 MODIFICATION HISTORY: phs, 6 Jun 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Initial version phs, 25 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - added Moving Average and Daily Max as signal processing available before saving/passing data. - added Lon and Lat keywords to select one location or a smaller area. - added output keywords. phs, 4 Oct 2007: - Bug fix for OUTTIME keyword phs, 12 Oct 2007: - Added OUTLEV output keyword, and LEV input keyword. - INDIR can be used as output keyword. phs, 15 Oct 2007: - added LOCALTIME keyword phs, 18 Oct 2007: - do not save if output file is one of the input file. phs, 26 Oct 2007: - bug fix for LON and LAT - added TIME keyword to limit timeseries in time. phs, 28 Oct 2007: - DMAX accounts for LOCALTIME if set. - Bug fix for OutTime when /DMax. phs, 04 Apr 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - added DAVG keyword - now cleanup the /no_global pointers - added the FILELIST keyword phs, 17 Jul 2008: - Added comments phs, 15 Aug 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - Bug fix for OutTime when /DMax or /DMean and input are from at least two different months mb & phs, 02 Dec 2008: - DIM is forced to 32-bit integer (LONG) phs, 08 Jan 2009: - Now can process files that cover time periods different from one day. bmy, 14 Apr 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.14 - Add _EXTRA=e to CTM_GET_DATA so as to pass down any flags for nested grids
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/timeseries/
NAME: GETMODELANDGRIDINFO PURPOSE: Given a DATAINFO structure, returns the corresponding MODELINFO and GRIDINFO structures. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Models & Grids, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: CTM_GETMODELANDGRIDINFO, THISDATAINFO, MODELINFO, GRIDINFO INPUTS: THISDATAINFO -> A single of DATAINFO structure which contains the following fields: ** Structure H3DSTRU, 13 tags, length=72: ILUN LONG FILEPOS LONG CATEGORY STRING TRACER INT TRACERNAME STRING TAU0 DOUBLE TAU1 DOUBLE SCALE FLOAT UNIT STRING FORMAT STRING STATUS INT DIM INT OFFSET INT DATA POINTER KEYWORD PARAMETERS: LON -> set to a variable that will hold the longitude centers of the data set. Grid Offsets of data that do not cover the globe are accounted for. LAT -> same as LON, but for Latitude centers. LEVEL -> same as LON, but holds levels indices, starting at 1. OUTPUTS: MODELINFO -> Returns to the calling program the model information structure (see "") which corresponds to THISDATAINFO. GRIDINFO -> Returns to the calling program the grid information structure (see "") which corresponds to THISDATAINFO. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ============================== GAMAP_CMN (include file) CTM_GRID (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: ; Read data from "myfile.bpch" ; DATAINFO is an array of structures CTM_GET_DATA, DATAINFO, FILE='myfile.bpch' ; Loop over all data blocks in the file FOR D = 0L, N_ELEMENTS( DATAINFO )-1L DO BEGIN ; Pick the DATAINFO structure for the Dth data block THISDATAINFO = DATAINFO[D].DATA ; Get MODELINFO and GRIDINFO structures for the Dth data block GETMODELANDGRIDINFO, THISDATAINFO, MODELINFO, GRIDINFO ... ENDFOR MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 24 Apr 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 bmy, 28 Jun 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Bug fix for multi-level GENERIC grids bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 phs, 13 May 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Added LON and LAT keyword to return data (not global grid) longitude and latitude centers. phs, 8 Oct 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - Added LEVEL keyword to return levels.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: GET_IS_EDGED (function) PURPOSE: Determine if a GEOS-5 data field is defined on the vertical grid box edges or centers. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = GET_IS_EDGED( NAME ) INPUTS: NAME -> Name of the tracer or met field to be tested. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: RESULT -> Returns 1 if the tracer or met field specified by NAME is defined on grid box vertical edges, or 0 otherwise. SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) This is currently a KLUDGE. Figure out a more robust way of determining if fields are defined on level edges or level centers later on. (bmy, 7/16/07) (2) Add more names to the CASE statement as necessary. EXAMPLES: (1) PRINT, GET_IS_EDGED( 'PEDGE' ) 1 ; The GEOS-5 PEDGE field is defined on the vertical ; grid edges, so GET_IS_EDGED returns 1. (2) PRINT, GET_IS_EDGED( 'UWND' ) 0 ; The GEOS-5 UWND field is defined on the vertical ; grid centers, so GET_IS_EDGED returns 0. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/internals/
NAME: ISOPLETH_MAP PURPOSE: Plots a 3-D (longitude, latitude, altitude) isopleth of a data concentration field atop a world map. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: ISOPLETH_3D INPUTS: DATA -> The data array to be plotted. DATA must be 3-dimensional. XMID, YMID, ZMID -> XMID is the array of longitude grid box centers. YMID is the array of latitude grid box centers. ZMID is the array of altitude grid box centers. ISOPLETH_MAP will be able to label the X, Y, and Z axes based on the values of XMID, YMID, ZMID. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ISOPLETH -> Value of data for which to show an iso-contour surface. Default is 35.0 [ppbv]. /LOW -> Set this keyword to display the low side of the iso-contour surface (i.e., the contour surfaces enclose high data values). If this keyword is omitted or is 0, the high side of the contour surface is displayed and the contour encloses low data values. If this parameter is incorrectly specified, errors in shading will result. TITLE1 -> First line of the title that is to be placed atop the plot window. TITLE is passed explicitly to avoid keyword name duplication in the _EXTRA=e facility. A default title string of "Volume Rendering" will be used if TITLE is not passed explicitly. TITLE2 -> Second line of the title string for the top of the plot window. This line should be used for specifying the value and units of the isosurface. A default string such as: "ISOSURFACE = 20.000 [ppbv]" will be created if TITLE2 is not passed explicitly. Also, if TITLE2 is not passed explicitly, the format descriptor string passed via the FORMAT keyword will be used to determine the number of decimal places USTR -> String to specify the units of the isocontour surface (e.g. '[ppbv]', '[kg/s]', etc). Default is a null string, ''. FORMAT -> Format descriptor string used in generating a default value of TITLE2. Default is '(f14.3)'. MPARAM -> A 3 element vector containing values for [ P0Lat, P0Lon, Rot ], for the MAP_SET command. Default is [ 0, 0, 0 ]. Elements not specified are automatically set to zero. LIMIT -> A four-element vector which specifies the latitude and longitude extent of the map. The elements of LIMIT are arranged thus: [ LatMin, LonMin, LatMax, LonMax ]. Default is to set LIMIT = [ -90, -180, 90, 180 ] (i.e. to include the entire globe). P0Lon will be computed to fit into the LIMIT range unless it is explicitely requested in MParam. MCOLOR -> Color index of the map outline and title characters. Default is 1 (MYCT black). ACOLOR -> Color index of the 3-D axes which surround the map plot. Defaults is 1 (MYCT black). [XYZ]MARGIN -> A 2-element array specifying the margin on the left (bottom) and right (top) sides of the plot window, in units of character size. Defaults are XMARGIN=[ 5, 3 ], YMARGIN=[ 3, 3], ZMARGIN=[ 3, 3 ]. These are used to put some "white space" into the plot window for aesthetic purposes. WINPARAM -> An integer vector with up to 5 elements: WINPARAM(0) = window number (if negative, a window will be opened with the /FREE option. WINPARAM(1) = X dimension of window in pixels (width) WINPARAM(2) = Y dimension of window in pixels (height) OUTPUTS: A picture will be displayed in the X-window device. SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================ OPEN_DEVICE CLOSE_DEVICE MULTIPANEL MAP_LABELS TVIMAGE REQUIREMENTS: References routines from both GAMAP and TOOLS packages NOTES: (1) Does not quite work for multi-panel plots, due to the screen capturing done in the Z-buffer. (2) Verified that the map and data coincide (bmy, 1/19/01) EXAMPLE: ISOPLETH_MAP, DATA, XMID, YMID, ZMID, $ ISOPLETH=40, MPARAM=[0, 180, 0], MCOLOR=1, ACOLOR=1 ; Will display a 35 [ppbv] isopleth with black ; map labels, lines, and axes. MPARAM is set to ; accept longitude values (XMID) in the range of ; 0 - 360. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 23 Jan 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.47 - based on example code by David Fanning bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 phs, 17 Jul 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Now set N_COLORS to !D.TBLE_SIZE phs, 17 Jul 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - Bug fix: !D.TBLE_SIZE should be !D.TABLE_SIZE phs, 14 Oct 2009: - added AZ (so it is used for surface and not map_set) and ZVALUE keywords - added _EXTRA keyword to open_device for PS - more control over TITLE2 phs, 29 Oct 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.14 - now draws the fram even if there is no iso-surface
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: PLANE_PLOT PURPOSE: Plots data from the GEOS-CHEM plane following diagnostic atop a world map. Multiple flights can be plotted. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: PLANE_PLOT, VAR, FLTID [, Keywords ] INPUTS: VAR -> Variable name for which to plot data. VAR should match the variable names in the GEOS-CHEM input file "Planeflight.dat" (e.g. TRA_001, GMAO_TEMP, REA_O1D, etc.) FLTID -> Flight ID(s) for which to plot data. These should match the flight ID's in the GEOS-CHEM input file "Planeflight.dat" (e.g. P3B01, DC801, etc.) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILENAME -> Name of the file containing GEOS-CHEM plane following diagnostic output. If FILENAME is omitted, then a dialog box will prompt the user to supply a file name. LIMIT -> A 4-element vector with [MINLAT,MINLON,MAXLAT,MAXLON], which will specify the bottom left and top right corners of the map plot in degrees. Default is to plot the entire Northern Hemisphere [0,-180,90,180]. MPARAM -> A 3 element vector which specifies the LAT0, LON0, and ROT values to be passed to MAP_SET. Default is [0,0,0]. SYMBOL -> Number of the symbol used to plot each data point. SYMBOL corresponds to the types of symbols defined with the routine "" in the TOOLS package. Default is 1 (filled circle). SYMSIZE -> Size of the plot symbol. Default is 1.5 _EXTRA=e -> Passes extra keywords to MAP_SET, MAP_GRID, and MAP_CONTINENTS. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================= COLORBAR CTM_READ_PLANEFLIGHT (function) UNDEFINE REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLES: PLANE_PLOT, 'O3', 'P3B04', $ LIMIT=[20,-120,50,-60], $ FILENAME='plane.log' ; Plots GEOS-CHEM O3 data (stored in "plane.log) from ; the model grid boxes corresponding to flight P3BO4 ; over the USA. PLANE_PLOT, 'O3', ['P3B04','DC801'], $ LIMIT=[20,-120,50,-60], $ FILENAME='plane.log' ; Plots GEOS-CHEM O3 data (stored in "plane.log) from ; the model grid boxes corresponding to flights P3BO4 ; and DC801 over the USA. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 23 Apr 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.03 bmy, 13 Mar 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Slight modifications for new version of bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: PLOTSIGMA PURPOSE: PLOTSIGMA plots the sigma level extent of various CTM's (including GISS-II, GISS-II', GEOS-1, GEOS-STRAT, GEOS-2, and FSU) side by side for comparison. Useful for making viewgraphs. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Models & Grids CALLING SEQUENCE: PLOTSIGMA, MODELNAME [, keywords ] INPUTS: MODELNAME -> A string (or array of strings) containing the names of the models to be plotted. Default is [ 'GEOS1' ]. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /PLEFT -> Will cause pressure to be plotted (with regular spacing) along the left Y-axis. Default is to plot altitude (with regular spacing) along the left Y-axis). /PS -> Causes output to be sent to the PostScript Device. SURFP -> The surface pressure in mb used to convert sigma levels into absolute pressures. Default is 1010. YRANGE -> Specifies the plotting range [Ymin, Ymax] along the left Y-axis. Default is [ 0, 32 ] km. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External subroutines required: -------------------------------------------- CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) USSA_PRESS (function) USSA_ALT (function) MYCT_DEFAULTS (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: PLOTSIGMA, /PLEFT, $ ['GISS_II', 'GEOS1', 'GEOS_STRAT', 'FSU' ], $ YRANGE=[1010, 150], SURFP=1010.0 ; plots sigma levels for GISS-II, GEOS-1, GEOS-STRAT, ; and FSU models, with pressure on the left Y-axis, ; assuming a surface pressure of 1010 mb, for the range ; of 1010 mb to 150 mb. PLOTSIGMA, $ ['GISS_II', 'GEOS1', 'GEOS_STRAT', 'FSU' ], $ YRANGE=[0, 16], SURFP=1010.0 ; Same as above, but plots with altitude on left Y-axis, ; and for the range 0 km - 16 km. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 15 Aug 1997: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 30 Oct 1997: VERSION 1.01 bmy, 15 Jun 1998: VERSION 1.10 - now uses CTM_TYPE, CTM_GRID bmy, 17 Jun 1998: GAMAP VERSION 1.20 bmy, 19 Jun 1998: - add array for color indices - also supports FSU model bmy, 03 Jan 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.44 - eliminate call to MYCT and keywords - cosmetic changes bmy, 06 Sep 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.46 - added text string for GEOS-3 bmy, 26 Jun 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - now pass _EXTRA=e to PLOT command - added extra error checking bmy, 23 Jul 2001: - now use MYCT_DEFAULTS() to set up MYCT color information bmy, 28 Sep 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.51 - now gets color information from the !MYCT system variable bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Modified for GEOS-4 and GEOS-5
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: READ_EPTOMS PURPOSE: Read Earth Probe TOMS data as retrieved from and store them as datainfo records so that they can be displayed with GAMAP. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_EPTOMS [,DATA] [,keywords] INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILENAME -> filename of TOMS data DATAINFO -> A named variable will return the newly created daatinfo structure. MODELINFO, GRIDINFO -> named variables will return the "model" and grid information for the EP-TOMS data. The grid is a 2-dimensional "generic" grid. OUTPUTS: DATA -> contains 2D array with EP-TOMS data (for use without GAMAP). SUBROUTINES: uses open_file, ctm_type, ctm_grid, ctm_make_datainfo REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: For tropical ozone in March, I used the following options in the call to GAMAP: myct,27,ncol=32,bot=20,range=[0.15,0.8] c_lev = [150,200,220,230,240,250,260,270,280, $ 290,300,310,320,330,340,350,375,400] gamap,/nofile,c_lev=c_lev,c_col=[0,17,2*indgen(21)+18], $ /cbar,mlinethick=2,ncolors=32,bottom=18, $ cbmin=220,cbmax=400,div=10 [,frame0=4] (the frame0 keyword is used to save GIF files) EXAMPLE: read_eptoms,file='/data/pem-tb/satellite/eptoms/*.ept' gamap [... options] MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 02 Apr 1999: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: READ_MLD PURPOSE: Read Ocean mixed layer depth data as retrieved from and store them as datainfo records so that they can be displayed with GAMAP. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: READ_MLD [,DATA] [,keywords] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILENAME -> filename of MLD data DATAINFO -> A named variable will return the newly created daatinfo structure. MODELINFO, GRIDINFO -> named variables will return the "model" and grid information for the EP-TOMS data. The grid is a 2-dimensional "generic" grid. OUTPUTS: DATA -> contains 2D array with mixed layer depth data (for use without GAMAP). SUBROUTINES: uses open_file, ctm_type, ctm_grid, ctm_make_datainfo REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: In the call to GAMAP you must use the /NOFILE option. EXAMPLE: READ_MLD, FILE='~/download/mixed_layer_depth/mld*' GAMAP, /NOFILE, ... MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 30 Jun 1999: VERSION 1.00 (derived from read_eptoms) bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: TEST_MET PURPOSE: Prints out the name, time, and min/max of data of GMAO or GISS/GCAP met data files which are used as input to GEOS-Chem. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: TEST_MET, MODELINFO [, Keywords ] INPUTS: MODELINFO -> Structure from CTM_TYPE which defines the model name, resolution, and other parameters. NOTE: If the met field files contain an IDENT string then TEST_MET will ignore the MODELINFO structure passed and instead will parse the IDENT string to obtain the model name and resolution. (NOTE: GEOS-4, GEOS-5, and GCAP met fields contain an identification string which is read in to determine the proper model name. For these met fields you won't need to supply MODELINFO.) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILENAME -> Name of the binary met field file to examine. If FILENAME is not passed, then the user will be prompted to supply a file name via a dialog box query. /VERBOSE -> If set, then will echo extra information to the screen. XINDEX -> A 2-element vector containing the minimum and maximum longitude indices (in FORTRAN notation) which define the nested model grid. YINDEX -> A 2-element vector containing the minimum and maximum longitude indices (in FORTRAN notation) which define the nested model grid. XRANGE -> A 2-element vector containing the minimum and maximum box center longitudes which define the nested model grid. Default is [-180,180]. YRANGE -> A 2-element vector containing the minimum and maximum box center latitudes which define the nested model grid. Default is [-90,90]. PLOTLEVEL -> If specified, then TEST_MET will plot a lon-lat map of the given vertical level of the data. Useful for debugging purposes. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords for OPEN_FILE. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================ OPEN_FILE CTM_GRID (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: TEST_MET, CTM_TYPE( 'GEOS3', res=2 ), FILE='20010115.i6.2x25' ; Prints out information from the 2 x 2.5 ; GEOS-3 I-6 met field file for 2001/01/15. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 24 May 2005: GAMAP VERSION 2.04 - now renamed from "" - added fields for GISS/GCAP model - now looks for an IDENT string bmy, 12 Dec 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.06 - Modifications for GEOS-5 met fields - Added XINDEX, YINDEX keywords bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Added extra GEOS-5 fields bmy, 21 Feb 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Now be sure to swap the endian when opening the file on little-endian machines bmy, 06 Aug 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.14 - Added modifications for MERRA data bmy, 17 Aug 2010: - Added SEAICE** fields for MERRA
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: TSDIAG PURPOSE: Reads and plots CTM time series (station) data. The data are returned in a structure together with longitude, latitude, altitude, and time information. TSDIAG tries to construct a time vector from the TAU information stored in the file. This may not always work (e.. it is assumed that time steps are 1 hour). While reading, TSDIAG displays a '.' for each new station encountered, and a '+' if a station is continued. If you want more detailed output, set the /VERBOSE flag. %%% NOTE: May need updating %%% CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation, GAMAP Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: TSDIAG [,RESULT] [,keywords] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILENAME -> Path of the input file containing CTM Data data. SCALE -> A global scale factor that will be applied to all data. Default is 1. Note that concentration data is stored as v/v, hence for ppt you should set SCALE=1.E-12. /VERBOSE -> display detailed information on what is being read. /PLOT -> set this flag to produce quick-and-dirty plots of the time-series data. OUTPUTS: RESULT -> A structure containing LON, LAT, ALT and Data data together with TRACER and a "global" TIME array. SUBROUTINES: OPEN_DEVICE CLOSE_DEVICE CTM_TRACERINFO FILE_EXIST (function) STRSCINOT (function) REQUIREMENTS: NOTES: Lines with the Data data (Header = 'TB' or 'DV') will be read from disk. Statistics are ignored for now. EXAMPLE: ; read time series data from file and return result structure ; in variable TSDATA tsdiag, TSDATA, FILENAME='ctm.ts' MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 06 May 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 07 May 1998: VERSION 1.01 - added PPBC and INTERVAL keywords - now calls FILE_EXIST to make sure the input file exists bmy, 27 May 1998 - now uses CTM_DIAGINFO to return the proper tracer offset bmy, 28 May 1998 - now uses SCALE, UNIT, and MOLC information as returned by CTM_TRACERINFO. - now uses EXP_STR to compute a power-of-ten string for the plot title bmy, 29 May 1998 - now calls CLEANPLOT to initialize all system variables bmy, 02 Jun 1998 - now uses STRSCI and STRCHEM string formatting functions mgs, 11 Jun 1998: - couple of bug fixes mgs, 15 Jun 1998: - default tick interval now 48 h mgs, 22 Jun 1998: - added Data and CSTEPS keywords mgs, 20 Nov 1998: - now uses convert_unit hsu, 22 Mar 1999: - increased MAXSTEPS and changed input format mgs, 04 May 1999: - added MS as a tracer offset (100*MS) mgs, 05 May 1999: - ... and a little bug fix mgs, 19 May 1999: - updated comments - default SCALE factor now 1 instead of 1.E-12 - CLEANPLOT no longer called mgs, 24 May 1999: - added VERBOSE keyword - fixed at least two bugs - improved output. Now need to say /VERBOSE in order to get details. mgs, 25 May 1999: - new format had MS and N swapped. bmy, 27 Jul 1999: GAMAP VERSION 1.42 - updated comments bmy, 30 Jan 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 - Now use STRBREAK to split each line into elements of data - Also no longer restrict data to be > 0 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: TSPLOT PURPOSE: Create a plot of station data time series using the data structure as returned from TSDIAG.PRO. This routine is a simple outline for how to use this structure and not meant to produce publisheable plots. Tip: use MULTIPANEL.PRO to save paper. %%% THIS MAY NOW BE OBSOLETE %%% CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: TSPLOT, TSSTRU, INDEX, SCALE=SCALE INPUTS: TSSTRU -> The data structure as returned from TSDIAG.PRO INDEX -> A vector with station indices that are to be plotted. If no index is given, the program will loop through all records. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: SCALE -> A scaling factor to be applied to the dat abefore plotting. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: ; read station data TSDIAG,TSSTRU,FILE='ctm.ts' ; set page for 16 panels MULTIPANEL, 16 ; plot data from all stations as pptv TSPLOT, TSSTRU, SCALE=1.e12 ; turn multipanel off MULTIPANEL, /OFF MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 30 Jun 1999: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: TVMAP PURPOSE: TVMAP produces one of the following plots: (1) A color-pixel image, overlaid with a world map (2) A line-contour plot, overlaid with a world map (3) A filled-contour plot, overlaid with a world map CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: TVMAP, Data, [ Xarr, YArr [ [, keywords ] ] INPUTS: DATA -> 2-D array of values to be plotted as a color map. The first dimension is longitude, the second is latitude. XARR, YARR -> If plotting a line-contour map or filled-contour map, then XARR is the array of X-axis values, and YARR is the array of Y-Axis values that are needed to construct the the contours. XARR and YARR are not needed to produce a color-pixel image map; however, if XARR and YARR are passed, TVMAP will be able to label the longitude and latitude lines accordingly and set the proper default limits. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: BLACK -> The color index corresponding to black. Default is !MYCT.BLACK. /CONUS -> a Lambert's azimuthal equal area projection for CONtiguous U.S., w/ specific LIMIT and P0lat, P0lon, Rot. MAX_VALID -> maximum valid data value for color-pixel plots Data above MAX_VALID will be shown in white, unless TOPOUTOFRANGE is set to another color index. MIN_VALID -> minimum valid data value for color-pixel plots. (or minimum contour level for contour plots). Data below MIN_VALID will be shown in white, unless BOTOUTOFRANGE is set to another color index. TOPOUTOFRANGE ( BOTOUTOFRANGE ) -> color index to indicate data above MAX_VALID (below MIN_VALID). Default is white. The color is also shown with a box (or TRiangle) near the colorbar (if any). If negative, the box is not shown with the colorbar. /NOERASE -> This keyword prevents erasing the screen (or page) when setting a multi-panel environment or after a page was filled. /NOERASE is automatically turned ON when the /OFF keyword is given. NOTE: On the PostScript device, when the page is filled, it automatically places the next plot on the next page. You can use the /NOERASE keyword to suppress this behavior, especially if you are manually placing plots on the page. CSFAC -> Character size for the map labels and X, Y titles. Default settings for CSFAC vary according to the number of plots per page and type of plot device. TCSFAC -> Character size for the top title. Default settings for TCSFAC vary according to the number of plots per page and type of plot device. /NOADVANCE -> Set this switch to prevent TVMAP from advancing to the next plot panel on the page. This is useful if you desire to overplot something atop the pixel map or contour map. /POLYFILL -> to use IDL POLYFILL routine instead of MAP_IMAGE to do the pixel plot (see /SAMPLE). Use this keyword with default cylindrical projection only. Use it also if you think that MAP_IMAGE does not neatly reproduces the boxes. /RECTANGLE -> to plot a rectangle around the map. Default is to have one for non-polar projection, and none for polar projection. Set to 0 or 1 to override default. NOTE: setting the /HORIZON keyword will disable this option. /SAMPLE -> to do "pixel plot" (ie grid boxes are colored) instead of contour. /HORIZON -> Set this switch to call IDL routine MAP_HORIZON to draw a horizon line around the boundaries of the map. Use this feature if the map projection you are using is elliptical or interrupted. NOTE: /HORIZON will override override the /RECTANGLE keyword setting. WINDOWPOSITION -> Returns the position of the plot window in normal coordinates to the calling program. This can be used by a subsequent call to PLOT if you want to overplot symbols atop the contour or pixel plot created by TVMAP. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords (not listed below, unless noted) for BYTSCL, COLORBAR, TVIMAGE, MAP_SET, MAP_GRID, MAP_CONTINENTS, MAP_LABELS and CONTOUR. Keywords passed to both BYTSCL and COLORBAR: ============================================ MAXDATA -> Maximum value of the DATA array to use in the byte scaling. Default is max( DATA ). MINDATA -> Minimum value of the DATA array to use in the byte scaling. Default is min( DATA ). BOTTOM -> The lowest color index of the colors to be used for byte-scaling the color map and colorbar. Default is 20 (or !D.N_COLORS-1 if 20 is too large). NCOLORS -> This is the maximum color index that will be used. Default is 120 (or !D.N_COLORS-BOTTOM, if 120 is too large). /LOG -> Will create a color-pixel plot with logarithmic scaling. /LOG has no effect on line-contour or filled-contour plots, since the default contour levels are quasi-logarithmic. Additional keywords passed to COLORBAR: ======================================= /CBAR -> If set, will plot a horizontal colorbar below the map in the position specified by CBPOSITION. Default is to NOT plot a colorbar. CBCOLOR -> Color index of the colorbar outline and characters. Defaults to BLACK (see above). CBPOSITION -> A four-element array of normalized coordinates that specifies the location of the colorbar. CBPOSITION has the same form as the POSITION keyword on a plot. Default is [0.1, 0.05, 0.9, 0.08]. CBUNIT -> Passes the Unit string to COLORBAR, which will be plotted to the right of the color bar. CBFORMAT -> format to use in call to colorbar. Default is I12 if abs(max(data)) < 1e4, else e12.2 (strings get trimmed) CBMIN, CBMAX -> Explicitly sets the min and max values of the colorbar range. If not set, TVMAP will set CBMIN = min( DATA ) and CBMAX = max( DATA ). CBTICKLEN -> Specifies the color bar tick length as a fraction of the colorbar height (for horizontal colorbars) or width (for vertical colorbars). CBVERTICAL -> If set, will plot a vertical bar on the right side of the map. CBSCALE -> If set, then the printed tick labels are scaled by powers of 10 to minimize overlap. DIVISIONS -> Number of labels for the colorbar. Default is 4. /TRIANGLE -> to replace box that indicate Out Of Range data with a triangle. TOPLEVELVALUE -> to define the last annotation of the colorbar when using the C_LEVELS keyword Keywords passed to MAP_SET: =========================== COLOR -> Color index of the map outline and title characters. Defaults to BLACK (see above). MPARAM -> A 3 element vector containing values for [ P0Lat, P0Lon, Rot ]. Default is [ 0, 0, 0 ]. Elements not specified are automatically set to zero. /ISOTROPIC -> If set, will produce a map with the same scale in the X and Y directions. Default is not to plot an isotropic-scale map. Note, however, that if TVMAP is called from CTM_PLOT, the default is to plot a map that keeps the aspect ratio (which is about the same as isotropic). LIMIT -> A four-element vector which specifies the latitude and longitude extent of the map. The elements of LIMIT are arranged thus: [ LatMin, LonMin, LatMax, LonMax ]. Default is to set LIMIT = [ -90, -180, 90, 180 ] (i.e. to include the entire globe). P0Lon will be computed to fit into the LIMIT range unless it is explicitely requested in MParam. POLAR -> Plot a polar stereographic projection. If set and equal 1 then the plot goes from the pole to a latitude defined by either the extend of the data or by the user through the LIMIT keyword. If set and equal to 2, then the full hemisphere is plot, regardless of the data or LIMIT settings. Note that setting the /STEREOGRAPHIC keyword wouldn't work. POSITION -> A four-element array of normalized coordinates that specifies the location of the map. POSITION has the same form as the POSITION keyword on a plot. Default is [0.0, 0.15, 1.0, 1.0] with Horizontal Color Bar, and [0., 0., 0.82, 1.0] with Vertical CBar. MARGIN -> specify a margin around the plot in normalized coordinates. This keyword does not change any IDL system variables and will thus only become "visible" if you use the POSITION returned by MULTIPANEL in subsequent plot commands. MARGIN can either be one value which will be applied to all four margins, or a 2-element vector which results in equal values for the left and right and equal values for the bottom and top margins, or a 4-element vector with [left,bottom,right,top]. The default MARGIN setting is [ 0.05, 0.04, 0.03, 0.07 ]. OMARGIN -> specify a page margin around all panels in normalized coordinates. Works like MARGIN. SCALEMAPSET -> To pass the SCALE keyword to MAP_SET. TITLE -> The title string that is to be placed atop the plot window. TITLE is passed explicitly to avoid keyword name duplication in the _EXTRA=e facility. Keywords passed to MAP_LABELS: ================================== LATS, LONS -> Array of latitudes (longitudes) used to construct the map labels. If LATS has one element, the LATS vector is build with LATS+n*DLAT, with as n as needed to cover the map range. If it has more than one element, it is not modified and it is the final grid. DLAT, DLON -> Latitude (longitude) interval between grid lines. Passed with _extra. Keywords passed to MAP_CONTINENTS: ================================== /CONTINENTS -> If set, will call MAP_CONTINENTS to plot continent outlines or filled boundaries. Default is 0. /COUNTRIES -> If set, will call MAP_CONTINENTS to draw the political boundaries of countries as of 1993. /COASTS -> If set, will call MAP_CONTINENTS to draw the coast lines of continental regions. CCOLOR -> The color index of the continent outline or fill region. Default is BLACK (see above). CFILL -> Value passed to FILL_CONTINENTS keyword of MAP_CONTINENTS. If CFILL=1 then will fill continents with a solid color (as specified in CCOLOR above). If CFILL=2 then will fill continents with hatching. /USA -> Set this switch to turn on US State boundaries. Keywords passed to MAP_GRID: ============================ /BOX_AXES -> If set, then MAP_GRID will print alternating light & dark regions with the lon & lat labels around the border of the plot. This is passed directly to MAP_GRID. NOTE: BOX_AXES is the default for the CONUS option. /GRID -> If set, will call MAP_GRID to plot grid lines and labels. Labels can be turned off with /NOGLABELS. Default is _not_ to plot grid lines. GCOLOR -> The color index of the grid lines. Default is BLACK (see above). /NOGXLABELS -> If set, TVMAP will suppress printing longitude labels for each grid line. /NOGYLABELS -> If set, TVMAP will suppress printing latitude labels for each grid line. Keywords passed to CONTOUR: =========================== /CONTOUR -> Will produce a line-contour map instead of the default color-pixel image map. /FCONTOUR -> Will produce a filled-contour map instead of the default color-pixel image map. C_LEVELS -> Vector containing the contour levels. If not specified, will use preset default levels. C_ANNOTATION -> Vector containing the contour labels. Default is to use string representations of C_LEVELS. C_FORMAT -> Format string used in converting C_LEVELS to the default C_ANNOTATION values. Default is '(f8.1)'. C_COLORS -> Index array of color levels for contour lines or fill regions. If not specified then will use uniformly spaced default color levels. If C_COLORS is set to a scalar value, then all contour lines will have the same color value. C_LABELS -> Specifies which contour levels should be labeled. By default, every other contour level is labeled. C_LABELS allows you to override this default and explicitly specify the levels to label. This parameter is a vector, converted to integer type if necessary. If the LEVELS keyword is specified, the elements of C_LABELS correspond directly to the levels specified, otherwise, they correspond to the default levels chosen by the CONTOUR procedure. Setting an element of the vector to zero causes that contour label to not be labeled. A nonzero value forces labeling. /C_LINES -> Will overplot a filled-contour map with contour lines and labels instead of plotting a colorbar. This was the old default behaviour but has been changed with the advent of "discrete" colorbars. The old NOLINES keyword is kept for compatibility reasons but doesn't do anything. /NOLABELS -> Will suppress printing contour labels on both line-contour and filled-contour maps. OVERLAYCOLOR -> Color of the solid lines that will be overlaid atop a filled contour map. Default is BLACK. Keywords passed to MAP_IMAGE (prior: to REBIN): ============================================== /SAMPLE -> Used to rebin the byte-scaled image array to a larger size. If /SAMPLE is set, then MAP_IMAGE will use nearest-neighbor sampling rather than bilinear interpolation. Keyword passed to TVIMAGE: =============================================== SCALEMAPIMAGE -> Sets the number of pixels per graphic coordinate in PostScript and other devices with scalable pixels. Larger values produce better resolution output, but much larger file sizes. The default value is 0.04. Use a larger number for higher resolution if your image does not exactly fit on the map projection. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External subroutines required: ------------------------------ COLORBAR ( by Martin Schultz & David Fanning ) TVIMAGE ( by David Fanning ) RECTANGLE ( by Martin Schultz ) CONVERT_LON ( by Martin Schultz ) INV_INDEX ( function, by Martin Schultz ) MAP_LABELS ( by Martin Schultz & Bob Yantosca ) LOGLEVELS ( by Martin Schultz ) GET_DEFAULTFORMAT ( by Martin Schultz ) MYCT_DEFAULTS ( by Bob Yantosca ) REQUIREMENTS: Assumes that a MYCT colortable has been loaded. NOTES: (1) The _EXTRA facility now picks up keywords for multiple routines (this is a new feature in IDL v. 5.0+!!) (2) Some keywords are saved in local variables with slightly different names (e.g. MCONTOUR for /CONTOUR) to prevent confusion with routine names and/or keywords that are picked up by the _EXTRA=e facility. (4) For contour plots, contour labels will be specified using the C_ANNOTATION keyword. The downside is that by using C_ANNOTATION, this disables the C_LABELS keyword and so one cannot specify which contour lines will get labels. The solution would be to expand the C_LABELS vector so that it has the same number of elements as C_ANNOTATION, and then to individually zero the corresponding elements of C_ANNOTATION before making the contour plot. Don't have enough time for this now, but maybe can deal with this at a later time... (5) Now references the !MYCT system variable. This should be defined at the start of your IDL session when "" is called from "". LIMITATIONS: (1) The case of plot over the dateline is working fine only if LIMIT[3] is negative and LIMIT[1] is positive. Other cases are not specifically handled and results may not be reliable. (2) Since we are using MAP_IMAGE, pixel plots do start and end at longitude and latitude centers of the grid by default, like contour plots. More map coverage is done in three cases: (2a) Data sets that cover the globe will fill the map with coarse pixel plots. (2b) Data sets that cover the globe will fill the map only in the longitude direction with smooth pixel and contour plot. Plots start and stop at the first and last latitudes centers. (2c) Data sets that do not cover the globe will start and end at grid edges with coarse pixels, only if the limit of the map is less than half grid size away from the the first/last latitude and longitude centers. This limitation is due to the method used to pad the data outside the domain delimited by X/Y arrays. (3) MAP_IMAGE assumes that an evenly spaced data set is passed. If X or Y array is not evenly spaced, pixels plots are flawed and not reliable. Contour plots are ok. EXAMPLE: (1) MAXDATA = MAX( DATA, MIN=MINDATA ) TVMAP, DATA, XMID, YMID, $ MAXDATA=MAXDATA, MINDATA=MINDATA, CBUNIT='v/v', $ /CBAR, DIVISIONS=4, FORMAT='(F6.2)', $ /CONTINENTS, /GRID, /ISOTROPIC /SAMPLE, TITLE='O3 at 10 km' (2) MAXDATA = MAX( DATA, MIN=MINDATA ) TVMAP, DATA, XMID, YMID, $ MAXDATA=MAXDATA, MINDATA=MINDATA, CBUNIT='v/v', $ /CBAR, DIVISIONS=4, FORMAT='(F6.2)', $ /CONTINENTS, /GRID, /ISOTROPIC TITLE='O3 at 10 km' ; Plots a 2-D "smooth" pixel map. (3) MAXDATA = MAX( DATA, MIN=MINDATA ) TVMAP, DATA, XMID, YMID, $ MAXDATA=MAXDATA, MINDATA=MINDATA, CBUNIT='v/v', $ /CBAR, DIVISIONS=4, FORMAT='(F6.2)', $ /CONTINENTS, /GRID, /ISOTROPIC $ /FCONTOUR, TITLE='O3 at 10 km', $ C_LEVELS=[10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100] ; Plots a 2-D filled contour map. (4) MAXDATA = MAX( DATA, MIN=MINDATA ) TVMAP, DATA, XMID, YMID, $ MAXDATA=MAXDATA, MINDATA=MINDATA, CBUNIT='v/v', $ /CBAR, DIVISIONS=4, FORMAT='(F6.2)', $ /CONTINENTS, /GRID, /ISOTROPIC $ /FCONTOUR, TITLE='O3 at 10 km', $ C_LEVELS=[10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100], $ /NOGXLABELS, /NOGYLABELS, /BOX_AXES ; Same as Example (3), but prints prints box-style ; axes via the /BOX_AXES feature of MAP_GRID. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 13 Apr 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 11 Jun 1998: - now returns if there is nothing to plot mgs, 15 Jun 1998: - bug fix: n_elements instead of keyword_set bmy, 22 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.10 - Now use _EXTRA=e to pass keywords to BYTSCL, TVIMAGE, MAP_SET, and COLORBAR - added MAPTITLE and UNIT keywords to avoid keyword name duplication in _EXTRA=e. bmy, 25 Sep 1998: VERSION 2.00 - now calls MAP_CONTINENTS and MAP_GRID - keywords renamed for consistency - reduced default size for CBPOSITION bmy, 28 Sep 1998: VERSION 2.01 - MPOSITION renamed to POSITION, MCOLOR to COLOR, MTITLE to TITLE for consistency - LONSHIFT renamed to LSHIFT to avoid problems with ambiguous keyword names bmy, 07 Sep 1998: VERSION 3.00 - now can plot contour map or color-pixel map (added CONTOUR and FCONTOUR keywords, and XARR and YARR parameters) - The colorbar is now optional, and is turned on via the /COLORBAR switch. bmy, 12 Nov 1998: VERSION 3.01 - added ISOTROPIC, SAMPLE, KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO, C_LABELS, and C_FORMAT keywords - now isotropic-scale color-image plots and isotropic-scale contour plots are handled correctly - Use mgs-style default levels & colors for contour and filled-contour maps. bmy, 13 Nov 1998: - updated comments - renamed C_LEVELS to C_ANNOTATION to prevent keyword name confusion - added NOLINES, NOLABELS, C_LABELS, and OVERLAYCOLOR keywords - contour lines and labels can be suppressed correctly - added mgs fix so that PostScript pixel-maps appear smoother - a border is now plotted around the map window, without inserting any of that annoying "cushion" space. - added LOG keyword for logarithmic contours and/or pixel colors - use KEYWORD_SET more often mgs, 17 Nov 1998: - re-arranged calls to map_set and tvimage in order to maximize size - output of title now seperate from map_set - added CBFormat keyword mgs, 19 Nov 1998: - CBFormat now handled in mgs, 20 Nov 1998: - bug fix for map_set for contour plots mgs, 03 Dec 1998: - filled continents now added before contours - CFILL keyword checked for consistency bmy, 08 Feb 1999: - If /LOG is set, make sure that we don't take the log of zero and incur a math error - add call to function INV_INDEX bmy, 23 Feb 1999: - added /GLABELS keyword to turn on/off printing of labels for each grid line on the map - added call to CONVERT_LON for longitudes that straddle the date line bmy, 26 Feb 1999: - added LIMIT as an explicit keyword - now uses MAP_LABELS to construct grid labels - updated comments bmy, 04 Mar 1999: - added DEBUG keyword for debug output mgs, 17 Mar 1999: - some cleaning: - LSHIFT, DLON, and GLABELS made obsolete - new keyword NOGLABELS - P0Lon now computed from LIMIT information. - Updated call to map_labels - For contour plots: XArr, YArr no longer mandatory (although they should be provided) - much smarter default contour levels mgs, 22 Mar 1999: - added multi-panel ability through use of the new MULTIPANEL routine. This alters the meaning of MPosition and CB_Position: they now refer to positions in the current plot panel! mgs, 23 Mar 1999: - fixed a few minor things - charsize is now adjusted according to number of panels on page bmy, 25 Mar 1999: - If CBAR=0, then print unit string below plot (formerly was done in CTM_PLOT) - now use updated GET_DEFAULTFORMAT - updated comments - if NPANELS >=2 then place the plot title higher above the window, to allow for carriage-returned lines mgs, 23 Apr 1999: - added CBMin and CBMax keywords for tighter colorbar control mgs, 19 May 1999: - title shifted a little higher if it has more than 1 line. bmy & mgs, 26 May 1999: - added POLAR keyword and respective support. bmy, 27 May 1999: - bug fix for isotropic contour plots mgs, 27 May 1999: - added support for discrete colorbars and changed default behaviour for filled contour plots: now plots a colorbar and no lines. bmy, 03 Jun 1999: - For polar plots, if the latitude range spans more than 60 degrees, only plot labels for [ 30, 60, 90 ] degrees. mgs, 03 Jun 1999: - CFill now also allowed for filled contours or pixel plots (data will be overplotted) bmy, 09 Jun 1999: - Set CBUnit to '' if nothing passed bmy, 21 Jun 1999: - Added MIN_VALID keyword. bmy, 06 Jul 1999: - bug fix for min_valid: ge replaces gt. bmy, 07 Jul 1999: - Save C_COLORS in a temp variable. Also define C_COLORS so that grayscales won't appear in Postscript plots - multi-panel plots are now well-separated from each other (for PostScript output) bmy, 08 Jul 1999: - more minor fixes bmy, 18 Nov 1999: - increase default left margin by a little bmy, 31 Mar 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.45 - make CSFAC and TITLECSFAC into keywords bmy, 10 May 2000: - make sure XARR and YARR (if passed) are 1D vectors - now use XARR, YARR to set default limits - rearranged keyword settings code for clarity - added more debug output (when /DEBUG is set) bmy, 26 May 2000: - updated comments bmy, 13 Jun 2000: - added /COUNTRIES and /COASTS keywords. Setting /COUNTRIES, /COASTS, or /CONTINENTS will now invoke routine MAP_CONTINENTS bmy, 30 Jan 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.47 - if NOGLABELS=0 and GRID=0, will print out grid labels w/o printing out grid lines - added MARGIN keyword for MULTIPANEL - also allow coarse plots with /SAMPLE when using the Z-buffer device bmy, 07 Jun 2001: - removed some obsolete code & comments bmy, 02 Jul 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - added /NOGXLABELS and /NOGYLABELS keywords to suppress printing either lon or lat grid labels, if so desired. bmy, 13 Jul 2001: - bug fix: remove _EXTRA=e from MAP_SET call when making pixel plots. This prevents extra grid lines from being drawn on the map. bmy, 23 Jul 2001: - now call MYCT_DEFAULTS to specify default values for BLACK, BOTTOM, NCOLORS, etc if these keywords are not passed explicitly. bmy, 31 Oct 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.49 - add /NOADVANCE keyword to prevent advancing to the next page (in case you want to overplot) bmy, 08 May 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.50 - If the data array has more than 100,000 elements, then assign it a dithering factor of 1, so that we don't run out of memory when trying to plot it bmy, 20 Jun 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.51 - added WINDOWPOSITION keyword to return the position vector of the plot window region to the calling program bmy, 28 Sep 2002: - now gets MYCT default parameters from the !MYCT system variable bmy, 10 Oct 2002: - bug fix: MCOLOR=!MYCT.BLACK setting has now been restored (was left commented out) bmy, 14 Nov 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.52 - If GLABELS=0, then this also sets GXLABELS=0 and GYLABELS=0. - Removed obsolete keywords - Removed reference to MYCT_DEFAULTS. bmy, 02 Mar 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.02 - added OMARGIN keyword so that we can put an outer margin around all plot panels bmy, 28 May 2004: - Now returns the modified value of C_COLORS to the calling program - added CBTICKLEN keyword to specify the color bar tick length bmy, 23 Aug 2005: GAMAP VERSION 2.04 - added MAX_VALID keyword - now adjust MINDATA to MIN_VALID and MAXDATA to MAX_VALID internally - Now pass _EXTRA=e to XYOUTS tmf & bmy, 04 Oct 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Replace /ERASE keyword with /NOERASE to facilitate manual positioning of plots. Pass /NOERASE to MULTIPANEL. bmy & phs, 18 Sep 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Don't reset data below MIN_VALID to MIN_VALID for contour plots - fix MAX_VALID for contour plots. - fix CBar behavior when C_LEVELS is passed cdh/phs/bmy 26 Nov 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.11 - do not modify input DATA & X/YARR - add support for VERTICAL COLORBAR - add support for CONUS projection - now all map projections are supported for all 4 types of plots. - now data Latitudes and Longitudes (X/Yarr) are taken into account in Pixel plot: no more need to clip the data before plotting, TVMAP will do it, like it already does for Contour plots. - added Full Hemisphere Polar plot option, regardless of DATA range and LIMIT keyword - added RECTANGLE keyword to overwrite default behavior - map plotting coordinate system active at exit, allowing for easy oplot - default LIMIT for small data set corrected - various fixes for across-the-dateline plots - remove obsolete KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO keyword - add /HORIZON keyword to call MAP_HORIZON - updated comments phs, 19 Dec 2007: - new default map limit in case of non-global smooth pixel and contour plots. - plots start and end at box edges in few new cases. - replace /CENTER with /MINUS_ONE in call to CONGRID phs, 12 Feb 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Fixes for MIN_VALID and MAX_VALID - The test for the LIMIT keyword is now to check "if ( n_elements(limit) ne 4 )". This allows you to disable the LIMIT keyword by also setting LIMIT=0. phs, 28 Feb 2008: - Couple of small padding improvements - added SCALEMAPSET and SCALEMAPIMAGE to pass their respective SCALE keyword to MAP_SET and MAP_IMAGE. - LONS and LATS keyword added, so the grid can be specified. Work with DLAT and DLON, the grid spacings that can be passed to MAP_LABELS thru the _extra keyword. cdh & phs, 21 Mar 2008: - added minimum support for LIMIT input as 8-elements vector phs, 17 Apr 2008: - Added the TopOutOfRange and BotOutOfRange keywords, so default color (white) for Out-Of -Range data can be overwritten. phs, 6 May 2008: - Added the GXLABELS and GYLABELS keywords to specify which grid line to label. phs, 19 Jun 2008: - Set default SCALE value for MapImage (ScaleMapImage keyword) to 0.04 if PS device. phs, 25 Mar 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - Added NAN_COLOR to specify color to use for NaN and Infinite data cdh, eml, phs, 19 Sep 2009: - Now C_LEVELS works with pixel plots and any projection. - Added LATS, LONS (to specify the grid), and TOPLEVELVALUE (to specify the last level in the colorbar when using C_LEVELS) keywords - fixed limit of CONUS projection phs, 29 Oct 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.14 - added the polyfill keyword
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: TVPLOT PURPOSE: TVPLOT produces one of the following plots: (1) A color-pixel image, overlaid atop X-Y plot axes (2) A line-contour plot, overlaid atop X-Y plot axes (3) A filled-contour plot, overlaid atop X-Y plot axes CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: TVPLOT, Data, Xarr, Yarr, [, keywords ] INPUTS: DATA -> 2-D array of values to be plotted. XARR -> array of X-axis (horizontal axis) values needed to construct the plot. The number of elements in XARR must equal the number of elements of the first dimension of DATA. ZARR -> ZARR is the array of Z-axis (vertical axis) values needed to construct the plot. The number of elements in ZARR must equal the number of elements of the second dimension of DATA. If ZARR[0] > ZARR[N_Elements(ZARR)-1] then TVPLOT will assume pressure is to be plotted on the Y-axis. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: BLACK -> The color index corresponding to black. Default is !MYCT.BLACK (from !MYCT system variable.) /NOERASE -> This keyword prevents erasing the screen (or page) when setting a multi-panel environment or after a page was filled. /NOERASE is automatically turned ON when the /OFF keyword is given. NOTE: On the PostScript device, when the page is filled, it automatically places the next plot on the next page. You can use the /NOERASE keyword to suppress this behavior, especially if you are manually placing plots on the page. CSFAC -> Character size for the map labels and plot titles. Default settings for CSFAC vary according to the number of plots per page and type of plot device. /NOADVANCE -> Set this switch to prevent TVMAP from advancing to the next plot panel on the page. This is useful if you desire to overplot something atop the pixel plot or contour plot. MARGIN -> specify a margin around the plot in normalized coordinates. This keyword does not change any IDL system variables and will thus only become "visible" if you use the POSITION returned by MULTIPANEL in subsequent plot commands. MARGIN can either be one value which will be applied to all four margins, or a 2-element vector which results in equal values for the left and right and equal values for the bottom and top margins, or a 4-element vector with [left,bottom,right,top]. The default MARGIN setting is [ 0.05, 0.04, 0.00, 0.02 ]. -> adds 0.02 to the left margin for Y-axis title -> adds 0.03 to the bottom margin for X-axis title -> adds 0.03 to the right margin for vertical color bar -> adds 0.02 to the top margin for more than 2 plots/page OMARGIN -> specify a page margin around all panels in normalized coordinates. Works like MARGIN. WINDOWPOSITION -> Returns the position of the plot window in normal coordinates to the calling program. This can be used by a subsequent call to PLOT if you want to overplot symbols atop the contour or pixel plot created by TVPLOT. _EXTRA=e -> Picks up extra keywords (not listed below) for BYTSCL, COLORBAR, TVIMAGE, MAP_SET, MAP_GRID, MAP_CONTINENTS, and CONTOUR. Keywords for both BYTSCL and COLORBAR: ====================================== MAXDATA -> Maximum value of the DATA array to use in the byte scaling. Default is max( DATA ). MINDATA -> Minimum value of the DATA array to use in the byte scaling. Default is min( DATA ). BOTTOM -> The lowest color index of the colors to be used for byte-scaling the color map and colorbar. Default is !MYCT.BOTTOM (from the !MYCT system variable). NCOLORS -> This is the maximum color index that will be used. Default is !MYCT.NCOLOR (from the !MYCT system variable). /LOG -> Will create a color-pixel plot with logarithmic scaling. /LOG has no effect on line-contour or filled-contour plots, since the default contour levels are logarithmic. Additional keywords for COLORBAR: ================================= /CBAR -> If set, will plot the colorbar below the map in the position specified by CBPOSITION. Default is to NOT plot a colorbar. CBCOLOR -> Color index of the colorbar outline and characters. Defaults to BLACK (see above). CBPOSITION -> A four-element array of normalized coordinates that specifies the location of the colorbar. CBPOSITION has the same form as the POSITION keyword on a plot. Default is [0.1, 0.05, 0.9, 0.08]. CBUNIT -> Passes the Unit string to COLORBAR, which will be plotted to the right of the color bar. CBFORMAT -> format to use in call to colorbar. Default is I12 if abs(max(data)) < 1e4, else e12.2 (strings get trimmed) CBMIN, CBMAX -> Explicitly sets the min and max values of the colorbar range. If not set, TVPLOT will set CBMIN = min( DATA ) and CBMAX = max( DATA ). CBTICKLEN -> Specifies the color bar tick length as a fraction of the colorbar height (for horizontal colorbars) or width (for vertical colorbars). CBSCALE -> If set, then the printed tick labels are scaled by powers of 10 to minimize overlap. DIVISIONS -> Number of labels for the colorbar. Default is 4. /CBVERTICAL -> Will draw a vertical colorbar instead of a horizontal one. Default is to draw a horizontal colorbar. Keywords for INTERPOLATION: =========================== /SAMPLE -> Used to get COARSE pixel plot. REBIN is called, and uses the nearest-neighbor sampling. Note that REBIN is used even if SAMPLE is not set, when device is PostScript. It uses the bilinear interpolation then. /NOZINTERP -> set to switch off the vertical interpolation. This can be used only if the ZARR is evenly spaced. Keywords for PLOT: =================== BOTOUTOFRANGE -> Color index for data below MIN_VALID. Default is white, or last color in color table if !MYCT is not defined. If set to negative, the color is used in the plot only, and not in the colorbar. POSITION -> A four-element array of normalized coordinates that specifies the location of the map. POSITION has the same form as the POSITION keyword on a plot. Default is [0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9]. TITLE -> The title string that is to be placed atop the plot window. TITLE is passed explicitly to avoid keyword name duplication in the _EXTRA=e facility. COLOR -> Color index for the plot window outline and titles. Default is BLACK. XSTYLE, YSTYLE -> Style settings for the X and Y axes. See the "Graphics Keywords" settings man page for more info. XSTYLE and YSTYLE are passed as explicit keywords to avoid keyword name confusion in the _EXTRA=e facility. XRANGE, YRANGE -> Two-element vectors for the X-axis and Y-axis plot ranges, of the form [Xmin,Xmax] and [YMin,Ymax]. XRANGE and YRANGE are passed as explicit keywords to avoid keyword name confusion in the _EXTRA=e facility. XTITLE, YTITLE -> Titles for the X and Y axes. XTITLE and YTITLE are passed as explicit keywords to avoid keyword name confusion in the _EXTRA=e facility. NOXLABEL, NOYLABEL -> Suppress printing tick labels for X and Y axes. Keywords for CONTOUR: ===================== /CONTOUR -> Will produce a line-contour map instead of the default color-pixel image map. /FCONTOUR -> Will produce a filled-contour map instead of the default color-pixel image map. C_LEVELS -> Vector containing the contour levels. If not specified, will use preset default levels (see below). C_ANNOTATION -> Vector containing the contour labels. Default is to use string representations of C_LEVELS. C_FORMAT -> Format string used in converting C_LEVELS to the default C_ANNOTATION values. Default is '(f8.1)'. C_COLORS -> Index array of color levels for contour lines or fill regions. If not specified then will use uniformly spaced default color levels. If C_COLORS is set to a scalar value, then all contour lines will have the same color value. C_LABELS -> Specifies which contour levels should be labeled. By default, every other contour level is labeled. C_LABELS allows you to override this default and explicitly specify the levels to label. This parameter is a vector, converted to integer type if necessary. If the LEVELS keyword is specified, the elements of C_LABELS correspond directly to the levels specified, otherwise, they correspond to the default levels chosen by the CONTOUR procedure. Setting an element of the vector to zero causes that contour label to not be labeled. A nonzero value forces labeling. /C_LINES -> Will overplot a filled-contour map with contour lines and labels instead of plotting a colorbar. This was the old default behaviour but has been changed with the advent of "discrete" colorbars. The old NOLINES keyword is kept for compatibility reasons but doesn't do anything. /NOLABELS -> Will suppress printing contour labels on both line-contour and filled-contour maps. OVERLAYCOLOR -> Color of the solid lines that will be overlaid atop a filled contour map. Default is BLACK. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================== COLORBAR GET_DEFAULTFORMAT (function) INV_INDEX (function) LOGLEVELS (function) TVIMAGE REQUIREMENTS: Assumes that a MYCT colortable has been loaded. NOTES: (1) The _EXTRA facility picks extra keywords for BYTSCL, TVIMAGE, PLOT and COLORBAR, etc... This is a new feature in IDL v. 5.0+!! (2) For contour plots, contour labels will be specified using the C_ANNOTATION keyword. The downside is that by using C_ANNOTATION, this disables the C_LABELS keyword and so one cannot specify which contour lines will get labels. The solution would be to expand the C_LABELS vector so that it has the same number of elements as C_ANNOTATION, and then to individually zero the corresponding elements of C_ANNOTATION before making the contour plot. Don't have enough time for this now, but maybe can deal with this at a later time... EXAMPLE: POSITION = [0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9 ] ; position for map CBPOSITION = [0.1, 0.05, 0.9, 0.08] ; position for colorbar TVPLOT, DATA, XARR, YARR, $ MAXDATA=MAXDATA, MINDATA=MINDATA, $ POSITION=POSITION, CBPOSITION=CBPOSITION, $ /ERASE, TITLE='Avg O3', $ XTITLE='Longitude', YTITLE='Altitude', $ DIVISIONS=4, FORMAT='(F6.2)' MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 27 Apr 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 04 Jun 1998: - now can plot separate X or Y axes if [XY]STYLE = 4 or 8 mgs, 15 Jun 1998: - bug fix n_elements instead of keyword_set - now does spline interpolation in the vertical in order to get correct altitudes bmy, 21 Sep 1998: - Rename EXTRA1, EXTRA2, etc, to names that have more meaning (e.g. E_BYT for BytScl, E_TV for TVImage, etc.) bmy, 22 Sep 1998: VERSION 1.10 - now uses _EXTRA=e facility to pass extra keywords to BYTSCL, TVIMAGE, PLOT, and COLORBAR. - add PLOTTITLE (for PLOT) and UNIT (for COLORBAR) keywords to prevent keyword name duplication in _EXTRA=e. mgs, 11 Nov 1998: - added CBar keyword bmy, 16 Nov 1998: VERSION 2.00 - now can produce line-contour and filled- contour plots as well as image plots - now calls REBIN to rebin the byte-scaled image array to higher resolution for PostScript output. - added the following keywords: /LOG, /SAMPLE, /CONTOUR, /FCONTOUR, C_ANNOTATION, C_LEVELS, C_LABELS, /NOLABELS, /NOLINES, bmy, 17 Nov 1998: - For image plots, now only display plot axes AFTER the image plot has been made. This reduces the "apparent" wait time for the user. - renamed keywords to XA_TITLE, XA_RANGE, XA_TICKNAME, etc to avoid keyword name duplication in the _EXTRA=e facility. mgs, 17 Nov 1998: - added CBFormat keyword bmy, 18 Nov 1998: - also added floating point format for CBFORMAT when abs(max(Data)) < 10 mgs, 19 Nov 1998: - CBFormat no whandled in bmy, 27 Jan 1999: - added defaults for XRANGE and YRANGE bmy, 08 Jan 1999: - If /LOG is set, make sure that we don't take the log of zero and incur a math error - add call to function INV_INDEX mgs, 18 Mar 1999: - cleaned up - now uses loglevels and has smarter default contour levels mgs, 22 Mar 1999: - added multi-panel ability through use of the new MULTIPANEL routine. This alters the meaning of MPosition and CB_Position: they now refer to positions in the current plot panel! mgs, 23 Mar 1999: - fixed a few minor things - charsize is now adjusted according to number of panels on page bmy, 25 Mar 1999: - now use updated GET_DEFAULTFORMAT - if NPANELS >=2 then place the plot title higher above the window, to allow for carriage-returned lines - updated comments bmy, 27 Apr 1999: - commented out !x.charsize=csfac and !y.charsize=csfac lines...these messed up the plot window sizes - updated comments bmy, 28 Apr 1999: - added CBMin and CBMax keywords for tighter colorbar control mgs, 19 May 1999: - title shifted a little higher if it has more than 1 line. mgs, 21 May 1999: - variable name for TITLE now MTITLE as in TVMAP. mgs, 27 May 1999: - changed default behaviour for filled contours: now plots "discrete" colorbar and no lines. Keyword NoLines changed to C_Lines. bmy, 10 Jun 1999: - CBUnit defaults to ' mgs, 06 Jul 1999: - adjusted charsize for multipanel plots bmy, 07 Jul 1999: - Save C_COLORS in a temp variable. Also define C_COLORS so that grayscales won't appear in Postscript plots - multi-panel plots are now well-separated from each other (for PostScript output) bmy, 08 Jul 1999: - more minor fixes bmy, 18 Nov 1999: - increase default left margin by a little bmy, 31 Mar 2000: GAMAP VERSION 1.45 - made CSFAC a keyword bmy, 23 Jul 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.48 - now call MYCT_DEFAULTS to specify default values for BLACK, BOTTOM, NCOLORS, etc if these keywords are not passed explicitly. bmy, 07 Jul 2001: - removed obsolete code from 1998 and 1999 bmy, 31 Oct 2001: GAMAP VERSION 1.49 - add /NOADVANCE keyword to prevent advancing to the next page (in case you want to overplot) bmy, 28 Sep 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.51 - now gets MYCT default parameters from the !MYCT system variable bmy, 15 Nov 2002: GAMAP VERSION 1.52 - Added MIN_VALID keyword to skip missing data values for pixel plots bmy, 18 Dec 2003: - For pixel plots, now linearly interpolate when creating NDATA instead of using a cubic spline. This is more accurate. - Prevent NDATA from being extrapolated wildly due to the slope at the surface and top level of the plot. bmy, 06 Jan 2003: - Now interpolate NDATA correctly when pressure or altitude is on the Y-axis. - Removed obsolete keywords XA_TITLE, YA_TITLE, - XA_RANGE, YA_RANGE, XA_TICKNAME, YA_TICKNAME - Now define default YRANGE = [ ZBOT, ZTOP ] to make Y-axis labels correct for both pressure and altitude on the Y-axis. - Removed ZBOT, ZTOP from the keyword list; these are now internal variables. - updated comments bmy, 02 Mar 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.02 - added MARGIN keyword a la TVMAP - added OMARGIN keyword bmy, 28 May 2004: - Now returns the modified value of C_COLORS to the calling program - added CBTICKLEN keyword to specify the color bar tick length bmy, 30 Nov 2004: GAMAP VERSION 2.03 - added WINDOWPOSITION keyword bmy, 12 Jul 2005: GAMAP VERSION 2.04 - added /ISOTROPIC keyword - added /NOZINTERP keyword to prevent interpolation to a fine grid of 100 pts in the vertical dim. bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 bmy & phs, 26 Nov 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.11 - Minor fix for margins w/ for new TVIMAGE - Also reset !P.MULTI=0 when using TVIMAGE so that it will use the internally computed position vector. Reset after TVIMAGE call. - Make sure to label last colorbar division for contour plots - Vertical colorbar options and MIN_VALID, MAX_VALID keywords are the same as TVMAP - Extra space is now added to the default MARGIN values for vertical colorbar and multiple plots per page. - Adjust default CBPOSITION values such that the colorbar will be placed either 0.05 below or 0.02 to the right of the plot phs, 04 Apr 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - now produces a better coarse pixel plot for altitude vs latitude or longitude plots, even though the initial box size is not exactly reproduced. cdh, eml, phs, 24 Sep 2009: GAMAP VERSION 2.13 - fixes for LOG10 plots - new improved interpolation scheme in Z direction - C_LEVELS works with /SAMPLE - added checks on NAN when looking at min/max, added NAN_COLOR to specify a color for NaN - added BOTOUTOFRANGE to set color of data below Min_Valid - check if !MYCT is defined xyue & bmy, 24 Jan 2011: GAMAP VERSION 2.15 - Replace /ERASE keyword with /NOERASE to facilitate manual positioning of plots. Pass /NOERASE to MULTIPANEL. This is now consistent w/ TVMAP.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/