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NAME: FCONVERT_UNIT (function) PURPOSE: Wrapper for CONVERT_UNIT. Passes all of the input data to CONVERT_UNIT and returns the result to the calling program. CATEGORY: Math & Units CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = FCONVERT_UNIT( DATA, UNIT, TOPARAM [, Keywords ] ) INPUTS: DATA -> A data vector, array, or a single value that shall be converted to a new unit. UNIT -> A string variable containing the (current) unit of DATA. This will be replaced by the new unit afterwards. If omitted, you must give the FROM_UNIT keyword to indicate the current unit of DATA. TOPARAM -> The unit to convert DATA to. This is equivalent to the keyword TO_UNIT and overwrites it.; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: RESULT -> returns 1 if conversion was successful, 0 otherwise This keyword is mostly for consistency witholder routines. It is more convenient to test !ERROR_STATE.CODE for being 0. _EXTRA=e -> Passes extra keywords to CONVERT_UNIT. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =============================== CONVERT_UNIT REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 26 Aug 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Added std documentation header
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/math_units/
NAME: FILE_EXIST PURPOSE: FILE_EXIST checks to see whether a specified file can be found on disk, or if it does not exist. CATEGORY: File & I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = FILE_EXIST( FILE [,OPTIONS]) INPUTS: FILE (str) --> the name of the file to be checked KEYWORD PARAMETERS: PATH -> a path string (e.g. the IDL system variable !PATH) or a list (string array) of directory names to be searched for FILE. Under Unix, a trailing '/' is attached to each entry; under Windows, a trailing '\'; under MacOS, a trailing ':'. VMS isn't supported. FULL_PATH -> returns the path of FILE if found. This is not a true systemwide path but rather a combination of a PATH element (which may be relative) and FILE. DIRNAMES -> This keyword is now replaced by PATH, and should not be used any more. OUTPUTS: RESULT -> =1 if the file is found or =0 otherwise SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ================================================ ADD_SEPARATOR (function) MFINDFILE (function) REQUIREMENTS: Requires routines from the TOOLS package. NOTES: (1) The PATH entries are expanded prior to use, so it is possible to specify e.g. '~mgs/' (2) FILE_EXIST will always return the first file it finds that matches your specification. EXAMPLES: (1) IF ( FILE_EXIST( '' ) ) THEN PRINT, 'Found it!' ; Search for (2) DIRS = [ '../', '~/DATA/' ] OK = FILE_EXIST( 'test.dat', path=dirs, full=path ) IF ( OK ) THEN OPENR, U1, PATH ... ; Search for a file given a list of directories. ; If file is found, then open it for reading. MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 26 Sep 1997: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 28 Sep 1997: - added expand_path() in order to digest ~-pathnames - initializes FULL_PATH with a zero string mgs, 06 Nov 1997: - replaced DIRNAMES by PATH and added string seperation if PATH is a path string with multiple entries mgs, 05 Feb 1998: - bug fix: use expand_path also if only filename is given bmy, 13 Mar 2001: TOOLS VERSION 1.47 - now supports Windows, MacOS, and Unix - cosmetic change, updated comments bmy, 17 Jan 2002: TOOLS VERSION 1.50 - now call STRBREAK wrapper routine from the TOOLS subdirectory for backwards compatiblity for string-splitting; bmy, 03 Oct 2003: TOOLS VERSION 1.53 - minor bug fix: FILE must be placed w/in the call to EXPAND_PATH for IDL 6.0+ - deleted obsolete code from Jan 2002 bmy, 28 May 2004: TOOLS VERSION 2.02 - now call MFINDFILE instead of FINDFILE, since MFINDFILE will call the new FILE_SEARCH program for IDL 5.5+ bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Now use ADD_SEPARATOR - Updated comments
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/file_io/
NAME: FIND_CELLS_BY_COUNTRY PURPOSE: Returns an index array which can be used to determine which CTM grid boxes lie within a given country. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = FIND_CELLS_BY_COUNTRY( COUNTRYID, GRIDINFO [, Keywords] ) INPUTS: COUNTRYID -> Name of the country you are interested in, OR the country ID number ID from "countries.table". GRIDINFO -> Structure from CTM_GRID which defines the output CTM model grid in which you wish to find a given country. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /MAXIMIZE -> Set this switch to search for all grid boxes that contain any portion of the specified country. The default is to determine the specified country by the center of the grid box. /INDEX -> Set this switch to return RESULT as an 1-D index vector (i.e. similar to output from the WHERE command). OUTPUTS: RESULT -> Integer index array for OUTGRID. Grid boxes where RESULT[I,J] = 1 designate the desired country. If the /INDEX flag is set then RESULT will be an 1-D index vector (i.e. similar to output from the WHERE command). SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: ============================ GET_COUNTRY_NUMBER (function) External Subroutines Required: =========================================== CHKSTRU (function) CTM_GRID (function) CTM_TYPE (function) DATATYPE (function) STRBREAK (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: (1) Requires the following input files: (a) countries.table (b) countries.generic.025x025.gif (2) The search algorithm is brute-force (i.e. FOR loops over lat & lon). Maybe in a later version we can optimize this w/ IDL array notation. MODIFICATION HISTORY: tmf & bmy, 01 Jul 2006: GAMAP VERSION 2.05 - Initial version bmy & phs, 27 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Use FILE_WHICH to find countries.table - Use FILE_WHICH to find countries.gif
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: FIND_TRACER_INDEX PURPOSE: Given the diagnostic category and tracer name, returns the tracer number as specified in the "tracerinfo.dat" file. CATEGORY: GAMAP Utilities, GAMAP Data Manipulation CALLING SEQUENCE: RESULT = FIND_TRACER_INDEX( DIAGN, NAME ) INPUTS: DIAGN -> Diagnostic category name as specified in the "diaginfo.dat" file (e.g. "IJ-AVG-$", "GMAO-2D", etc.). NAME -> Tracer name as specified in the "tracerinfo.dat" file (e.g. NOx, Ox, CO, PS, TAUCLI, etc.) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: RESULT -> Tracer number corresponding to NAME and DIAGN. SUBROUTINES: External subroutines required: ------------------------------ CTM_DIAGINFO CTM_TRACERINFO REQUIREMENTS: Requires routines from the GAMAP package. NOTES: Here, "tracer" is used in the wider sense. It can be can be any quantity saved out from a CTM diagnostic output, as long as it is specified by "diaginfo.dat" and "tracerinfo.dat". EXAMPLE: PRINT, FIND_TRACER_INDEX( 'GMAO-2D', 'PS' ) IDL prints 5931 ; Returns the tracer index number for the "PS" ; quantity in the "GMAO-2D" diagnostic category. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 06 Aug 2010: VERSION 1.00
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/gamap_util/
NAME: FIND_UNIT PURPOSE: Return classification and conversion information for physical units. You pass a unit name, and you will get a standard form of that name as well as a factor and an offset that convert the unit to SI standard. To convert one unit to another, use FIND_UNIT twice (see example below). CATEGORY: Math & Units CALLING SEQUENCE: FIND_UNIT,NAME,STDNAME,FACTOR,OFFSET,CATEGORY [,keywords] INPUTS: NAME -> A string containing the name to search for KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /GET_SI -> Return the name of the SI unit of the category of the given unit. Factor and offset will always be 1.0 and 0.0, CATEGORY will contain the category number. /NO_STANDARD -> Do not return the standard name of a unit. The standard spelling is identified as the first occurrence of a given unit with the same conversion factor and offset in the same category and normally replaces the input name. /TEST -> Check standard unit strings for consistency This keyword is only useful when you add extra units. OUTPUTS: STDNAME -> The unit name as saved in the stdunits array (e.g. 'KG' is returned as 'kg') FACTOR -> A conversion factor to SI OFFSET -> A conversion offset CATEGORY -> The class to which the unit belongs: -1 : unit not found 0 : distance 1 : area 2 : volume 3 : time 4 : frequency 5 : speed 6 : accelaration 7 : temperature 8 : weight 9 : pressure 10 : force 11 : energy 12 : power 13 : mixing ratio 14 : currency 15 : voltage SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: FIND_UNIT,'kM/H',stdname,factor,offset,category print,stdname,factor,offset,category ; prints km/h 0.277780 0.00000 5 ; conversion from Fahrenheit to Celsius temp = [ 0., 32., 80., 100. ] FIND_UNIT,'F',fromname,fromfac,fromoff,fromcat FIND_UNIT,'C',toname,tofac,tooff,tocat if (fromcat ne tocat) then print,'bullsh...' ctemp = ((fromfac*temp+fromoff) - tooff) / tofac print,ctemp ; prints -17.7778 0.000152588 26.6670 37.7782 ; find name of corresponding SI unit FIND_UNIT,'mph',stdname,/get_si print,stdname ; prints m/s ; find standard form of any unit FIND_UNIT,'miles/hour',stdname print,stdname ; prints mph MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 26 Aug 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/math_units/
NAME: FIX_MANUAL_HTML PURPOSE: Removes text from the GAMAP manual pages that is automatically inserted by IDL's MK_HTML_HELP routine, and replaces them with better HTML code. CATEGORY: Documentation CALLING SEQUENCE: FIX_MANUAL_HTML INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ====================================================== EXTRACT_FILENAME (function) EXTRACT_PATH (function) MFINDFILE (function) OPEN_FILE REPLACE_TOKEN (function) REQUIREMENTS: Requires routines from the GAMAP package NOTES: Also see routines GAMAP2_HTML and IDL2HTML. EXAMPLE: GAMAP2_HTML, /ALL, OUTDIR='manual/html/all' GAMAP2_HTML, /BY_CATEGORY, OUTDIR='manual/html/by_category' GAMAP2_HTML, /BY_ALPHABET, OUTDIR='manual/html/by_alphabet' FIX_MANUAL_HTML ; Creates GAMAP manual pages (HTML format) and then ; removes unwanted text that is automatically added ; by IDL's MK_HTML_HELP routine. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 23 Apr 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 bmy, 06 Aug 2010: GAMAP VERSION 2.14 - Stop w/ error if "gamap_manual_replace.html" file cannot be found
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/doc/
NAME: FORMAT_INP PURPOSE: Display one line of S-type input file for CHEM1D model formatted so that each line contains name, unit, value and scaling factor of 1 species (may help to find errors). CATEGORY: Atmospheric Sciences CALLING SEQUENCE: FORMAT_INP, FILENAME [ , Keywords ] INPUTS: FILENAME -> name of the input file KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTFILE -> filename for ASCII file with formatted output (default: FILENAME+'.formatted') SKP1, SKP2, DELIM -> parameters for READDATA routine: number of lines to skip before variable names and delimiter for variable names (defaults: 1, 3, and ' ') LINE -> data line to be displayed (default=1) SIMPLE -> assume no unit and scale factor line, and print dummies instead. Will be automatically set if SKP2 is less than 2. OUTPUTS: Screen output and output to file OUTFILE SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: =============================== READDATA REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: FORMAT_inp, 'test.inp', LINE=3 will display the third line of a chem1d input file test.inp in a format similar to: NAME UNIT VALUE SCALE O3_COLUMN DU 227.330 2.687e+16 DECLINATION deg -1.634 1.000e+00 PSMB mb 238.434 1.000e+00 ... MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 18 Dec 1997: VERSION 1.00 mgs, 11 Jun 1998: - added SIMPLE and SKP2 keyword mgs, 30 Oct 1998: - bug fix with units and scale - improved formatting for large numbers (allows display of chem1d output files) bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Updated comments
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/atm_sci/
NAME: FORMSTRLEN (function) PURPOSE: Return the (approximated) length of a string that contains Hershey formatting characters. If the string does not contain any formatting characters, the result equals that of STRLEN, otherwise it will be shorter. Hershey characters ('!'+1 char) are ignored, characters in super or subscript mode are counted as of width 0.6 CATEGORY: Strings, Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: LEN = FORMSTRLEN( S ) INPUTS: S -> A string that may contain Hershey formatting characters. As with STRLEN, S may be a string array. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: A float(!) value that gives the "true" length of the string SUBROUTINES: None REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLES: PRINT, FORMSTRLEN('C2H6') 4 PRINT, FORMSTRLEN('C!L2!NH!L6!N') 3.2 MODIFICATION HISTORY: mgs, 27 Oct 1998: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 - Updated comments
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/strings/
NAME: FREQ_DIST PURPOSE: Creates frequency distribution and percentile plots for GEOS-CHEM tracers from benchmark simulations. CATEGORY: Benchmarking CALLING SEQUENCE: FREQ_DIST, FILES, TAUS, TRACERS, VERSIONS [, Keywords ] INPUTS: FILES -> A 2-element vector containing the names of files from the "old" and "new" GEOS-Chem model versions that are to be compared. TAUS -> A 2-element vector contaning TAU values (hours GMT from /1/1985) corresponding to the "old" and "new" GEOS-Chem model versions. TRACERS -> The list of transported tracers (i.e. diagnostic category "IJ-AVG-$"). VERSIONS -> A 2-element vector containing the version numbers for the "old" and "new" GEOS-Chem model versions. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /DO_FULLCHEM -> Set this switch to plot the chemically produced OH and aerosol optical depths in addition to the advected tracers. /PS -> Set this switch to generate PostScript output. OUTFILENAME -> If /PS is set, will write PostScript output to a file whose name is specified by this keyword. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ========================================== OPEN_DEVICE CLOSE_DEVICE MULTIPANEL EXTRACT_FILENAME (function) CTM_GET_DATA REQUIREMENTS: References routines from both GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: (2) Assumes the version # is located at the end of FILENEW. (3) Assumes the following diagnostics are archived in FILENEW: (a) ND43 ("CHEM-L=$"): Fullchem benchmark (b) ND45 ("IJ-AVG-$"): Radon and Fullchem benchmarks EXAMPLE: FILES = [ 'ctm.bpch.v7-04-10', 'ctm.bpch.v7-04-11' ] TAUS = [ NYMD2TAU( 20010701 ), NYMD2TAU( 20010701 ) ] VERSIONS = [ 'v7-04-10', 'v7-04-11' ] FREQ_DIST, FILES, LEVELS, TAUS, VERSIONS, $ /DO_FULLCHEM, /PS, OUTFILENAME='' ; Creates a frequency-ratio plot from the data ; files for GEOS-Chem versions v7-04-10 and v7-04-11 MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 12 Aug 2002: VERSION 1.01 - adapted from Isabelle Bey's "" bmy, 21 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.02 - increased from 24 to 31 tracers bmy, 28 Apr 2004: VERSION 1.03 - increased from 31 to 35 tracers bmy, 03 May 2004: VERSION 1.04 - increased from 35 to 39 tracers bmy, 21 May 2004: VERSION 1.05 - increased from 39 to 41 tracers bmy, 02 Nov 2004: VERISION 1.06 - bug fix: now print out top title on each page (when it is the first panel) bmy, 06 May 2005: VERSION 1.07 - Now use -9.99e30 to flag strat boxes bmy, 08 Jul 2005: VERSION 1.08 - Increased from 41 to 43 tracers bmy, 09 Nov 2007: VERSION 1.09 - Modified argument list and some internal variable names. - Removed Radon keyword bmy, 25 May 2011: VERSION 1.10 - Added /DO_FULLCHEM keyword bmy, 17 Apr 2012: GAMAP VERSION 2.16 - Omit modelname error check
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/benchmark/
NAME: FULLCHEM_BUDGET PURPOSE: Computes the budgets of Ox and CO from the GEOS-CHEM model. for full chemistry benchmark simulations. CATEGORY: Benchmarking CALLING SEQUENCE: FULLCHEM_BUDGET [, Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TAU0 -> Time index of the data to plot. Units are hours since 0 GMT on 1/1/1985. Default is 144600D (July 1, 2001). FILENEW -> Name of a binary punch file containing model output from a "New" version of the GEOS-CHEM. If omitted, a dialog box will prompt the user to supply a file name. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the file where budget information will be written to. Default is "(VERSION).budget.fullchem", where VERSION is the version number contained w/in FILENEW. INITIALFILE -> Name of a binary file containing the mass of Ox [in kg] at the start of a GEOS-CHEM model run. FINALFILE -> Name of a binary file containing the mass of Ox [in kg] at the end of a GEOS-CHEM model run. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required: ==================================== OPEN_FILE CTM_BOXSIZE (function) CTM_GET_DATA TAU2YYMMDD (function) UNDEFINE GETMODELANDGRIDINFO REQUIREMENTS: References routines from both GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: (1) Assumes the version # is located at the end of FILENEW. (2) Assumes the following GEOS-CHEM diagnostics have been archived in the input files: (a) ND24 ("EW-FLX-$") (f) ND65 ("PORL-L=$") (b) ND25 ("NS-FLX-$") (g) ND66 ("DAO-3D-$") (c) ND26 ("UP-FLX-$") (h) ND68 ("BXHGHT-$") (d) ND44 ("DRYD-FLX") (i) ("TCMASS-$") (e) ND45 ("CHEM-L=$") (j) ("TR-PAUSE") EXAMPLE: FULLCHEM_BUDGET, TAU0=144600D, FILENEW='ctm.bpch.v5-01' INITIALFILE='fullchem.mass.initial.v5-01', $ FINALFILE='', $ OUTFILENAME='v5-01.budget.fullchem' MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 15 Aug 2002: VERSION 1.01 - adapted from Isabelle Bey's "" bmy, 14 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.02 - In GEOS-CHEM v5-03+, ND44 saves out tracers using the CTM tracer number bmy, 30 Oct 2003: VERSION 1.03 - now call PTR_FREE to free the heap memory so that we don't run out of memory - now compute mean mass-weighted OH instead of methyl chloroform lifetime ccc & bmy, 11 Aug 2010: VERSION 1.04 - Updated computation of Ox budget bmy, 10 Jan 2011: VERSION 1.05 - Updated 200hPa level for MERRA bmy, 08 Jun 2011: - Also print out MCF lifetime bmy, 11 May 2012: GAMAP VERSION 2.16 - Modified for GEOS-5.7.2 met mps, 06 Jan 2014: - Fix bug in calculation of WetYear so that wetdep from convective updrafts is not double counted (P. Kasibhatla) mps, 04 Mar 2016: - Modified for MERRA2 met
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/benchmark/
NAME: FULLCHEM_EMISSIONS PURPOSE: Prints totals of GEOS-CHEM emission species for two different model versions. Also prints the difference in emission totals between the two model versions. CATEGORY: Benchmarking CALLING SEQUENCE: FULLCHEM_EMISSIONS [ , Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILENEW -> Name of a binary punch file containing model output from a "New" version of the GEOS-Chem FILEOLD -> Name of a binary punch file containing model output from a "Old" version of the GEOS-Chem. VERSION_NEW -> String that specifies the GEOS-Chem version number pertaining to FILENEW. If not specified, then FULLCHEM_EMISSIONS will look for this at the end of the filename FILENEW. VERSION_OLD -> String that specifies the GEOS-Chem version number pertaining to FILEOLD If not specified, then FULLCHEM_EMISSIONS will look for this at the end of the filename FILEOLD. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the text file where emission totals and differences will be sent. Default is "emissions.txt". OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: Internal Subroutines: ================================== GetVersionInfo (function) WriteHeader WriteTracers External Subroutines Required: ================================== CTM_SUM_EMISSIONS UNDEFINE STRPAD (function) REQUIREMENTS: References routines from both GAMAP and TOOLS packages. NOTES: (1) Assumes the version number is located at the end of both FILENEW and FILEOLD (2) Assumes that both FILENEW and FILEOLD contain the following GEOS-CHEM diagnostic categories: (a) ND06: DUSTSRCE (b) ND07: BC-ANTH, BC-BIOB, BC-BIOF, PL-BC=$, OC-ANTH, OC-BIOB, OC-BIOF, PL-OC=$ (c) ND08: SALTSRCE (d) ND11: ACETSRCE (e) ND13: DMS-BIOG, SO2-AC-$, SO2-AN-$, SO2-EV-$, SO2-NV-$, SO4-AN-$, NH3-ANTH, NH3-BIOB, NH3-BIOG, NH3-NATU, SO2-SHIP (f) ND28: BIOBSRCE (g) ND29: CO--SRCE (h) ND32: NO-AC-$, NO-AN-$, NO-BIOB, NO-FERT, NO-LI-$, NO-SOIL (i) ND34: BIOFSRCE (j) ND36: ANTHSRCE (k) ND46 BIOGSRCE EXAMPLE: FULLCHEM_EMISSIONS, FILENEW='ctm.bpch.v10-01e', $ FILEOLD='ctm.bpch.v10-01d', $ OUTFILENAME='emissions.txt' ; Prints emissions & differences between ; versions v10-01d and v10-01e MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 18 Jun 2001: VERSION 1.00 bmy, 20 Jun 2001: VERSION 1.01 - now omit ALD2 (#11) from ANTHROPOGENIC bmy, 20 Sep 2001: VERSION 1.02 - now print ND11 acetone sources, sinks bmy, 15 Aug 2002: VERSION 1.03 - renamed to FULLCHEM_EMISSIONS - renamed FILE_NEW to FILENEW and FILE_OLD to FILEOLD bmy, 17 Jan 2003: VERSION 1.04 - also sum up sulfate emission categories bmy, 27 Mar 2003: VERSION 1.05 - adjust FORMAT string for branch versions - now also print out NH3-NATU source bmy, 09 Apr 2004: VERSION 1.06 - Now print out emissions of BC/OC tracers - Now print out hydrophilic BC/OC which came from hydrophobic BC/OC bmy, 28 Apr 2004: VERSION 1.07 - Now print out dust emissions bmy, 03 May 2004: VERSION 1.08 - Now print out seasalt emissions bmy, 21 May 2004: VERSION 1.09 - Now print out ship exhaust SO2 emissions bmy, 08 Jul 2005: VERSION 1.10 - Updated for 43 tracers bmy, 10 Jan 2011: VERSION 1.11 - Now make numeric fields 13 chars wide to allow for wider title headers bmy, 16 Dec 2011: GAMAP VERSION 2.16 - Remove ACET from dryleaf and ACET from grass; these are obsolete GEIA quantities mps, 23 Jan 2014: - Now report NH3 emissions in Tg N bmy, 18 Aug 2014: GAMAP VERSION 2.18 - Now display Anthro + Biofuels together which facilitates use w/ HEMCO emissions bmy, 18 Aug 2014: - Now pass VERSION_NEW and VERSION_OLD as keywords. If these are not specified, then FULLCHEM_EMISSIONS will obtain these from the filenames FILENEW and FILEOLD. ewl, 18 Mar 2015: - Replace SO2-BF-$ and SO4-BF-$ with SO2-BIOF and SO4-BIOF in anthro+biofuel section.
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/benchmark/
NAME: FUTURE2BPCH PURPOSE: Converts future emission growth factor files from the obsolete binary format to binary punch format (so that they can be read by GAMAP). CATEGORY: File & I/O, BPCH Format CALLING SEQUENCE: FUTURE2BPCH, [ Keywords ] INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INFILENAME -> Name of the input file containing fossil fuel scale factors. If omitted, SCALEFOSS2BPCH will prompt the user for a filename via a dialog box. OUTFILENAME -> Name of the binary punch file containing fossil fuel scale factors. Default is to add a ".bpch" extension to INFILENAME. OUTPUTS: None SUBROUTINES: External Subroutines Required ================================================== CTM_TYPE (function) CTM_GRID (function) NYMD2TAU (function) CTM_MAKE_DATAINFO (function) CTM_WRITEBPCH EXTRACT_FILENAME (function) REQUIREMENTS: None NOTES: None EXAMPLE: FUTURE2BPCH, INFILENAME='scalefoss.liq.2x25.1998', $ OUTFILENAME='scalefoss.liq.2x25.1998.bpch' ; Converts scalefoss files to BPCH format. MODIFICATION HISTORY: bmy, 25 Jan 2006: VERSION 1.00 bmy & phs, 13 Jul 2007: GAMAP VERSION 2.10 bmy, 02 Apr 2008: GAMAP VERSION 2.12 - Now read bpch as big-endian
(See /n/home09/ryantosca/IDL/gamap2/file_io/