Dear New User of GEOS-Chem:
Welcome to the GEOS-Chem community! We hope that you find GEOS-Chem a useful tool for your work and we look forward to working with you. GEOS-Chem is a grass-roots model that relies on contributions and good practice from its users. We ask that you browse through the GEOS-Chem web pages to familiarize yourself with the model and its user community. We also ask that you consider the following "good practice" protocol:
- Subscribe to GEOS-Chem working groups and stay informed through the model newsletters
- Offer credit to recent developers in publications, and provide proper citation to older model developments
- Contribute bug reports and fixes on GitHub
- Upgrade regularly to the latest standard version of the model
- Help out as you can in response to user requests
- Contribute mature new developments to the standard model
You will be asked to provide registration information the first time that you download GEOS-Chem or GCHP (please see the relevant user manual for download instructions). During the registration process you will be asked to provide a short description about your research and a link to your research group for inclusion the GEOS-Chem Users page. We also ask that you take a moment and subscribe to the GEOS-Chem email lists that are most relevant to your research.