Overview | Functioning of the GCSC | GCSC Meeting Minutes and Reports
The charge of the GEOS-Chem Steering Committee (GCSC) is to:
- Develop long-term strategies for the model and for the functioning of the user community
- Prioritize and enable model development in consultation with the GEOS-Chem Working Groups (WGs)
- Review model benchmarks and monitor the integrity and traceability of the model.
GEOS-Chem Steering Committee membership is rotating and international. Members are personally invested in GEOS-Chem through their research. Current members are:
Person | Institution | Title |
Becky Alexander | University of Washington (USA) | Co-Chair: Aerosols Working Group |
Kelvin Bates | NOAA (USA) | Co-Chair: Chemistry Working Group |
Kevin Bowman | Jet Propulsion Laboratory (USA) | Co-Chair: Carbon Cycle Working Group |
Sebastian Eastham | Imperial College London (UK) |
GCHP Model Scientist & Co-Chair: Stratospheric Working Group |
Louisa Emmons | National Center for Atmospheric Research (USA) | CESM Liaison |
Jenny Fisher | University of Wollongong (Australia) |
Co-Chair: Hg and POPs Working Group (on leave of absence until July 2024) |
Tzung-May Fu | Southern University of Science and Technology (China) | WRF-GC Model Scientist |
Jeff Geddes | Boston University (USA) | Co-Chair: Surface-Atmosphere Exchange Working Group |
Jessica Haskins | University of Utah (USA) | Co-Chair: Chemistry Working Group |
Barron Henderson | Environmental Protection Agency (USA) | Co-Chair: Chemistry Working Group |
Daven Henze | University of Colorado (USA) |
Adjoint Model Scientist & Co-Chair: Inverse Modeling and Data Assimilation Working Group |
Chris Holmes | Florida State University (USA) | Co-Chair: Surface-Atmosphere Exchange Working Group |
Hannah Horowitz | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA) | Co-Chair: Hg and POPs Working Group |
Lu Hu | University of Montana (USA) | Co-Chair: Chemistry Working Group |
Daniel Jacob | Harvard University (USA) | Co-Model Scientist |
Lyatt Jaeglé | University of Washington (USA) | Co-Chair: Emissions Working Group |
Dylan Jones | University of Toronto (Canada) |
Co-Chair: Carbon Cycle Working Group & Co-Chair: Stratospheric Working Group |
Hong Liao | Nanjing University for Information Science & Technology (China) |
Co-Chair: Chemistry-Climate Working Group |
Jintai Lin | Peking University (China) | Co-Chair: Emissions Working Group |
Lizzie Lundgren | Harvard University (USA) |
Model Engineer & Co-Chair: Software Engineering Working Group |
Eloise Marais | University College London (UK) |
Co-Model Scientist & Co-Chair: Emissions Working Group |
Randall Martin | Washington University (USA) | Model Scientist |
Lee Murray | University of Rochester (USA) |
GISS-GC Model Scientist & Co-Chair: Chemistry-Climate Working Group |
Jeffrey Pierce | Colorado State University (USA) | Co-Chair: Aerosols Working Group |
Will Porter | University of California, Riverside (USA) | Co-Chair: Aerosols Working Group |
Zhen Qu | NC State University (USA) | Co-Chair: Inverse Modeling and Data Assimilation Working Group |
Andrew Schuh | Colorado State University (USA) | Co-Chair: Transport Working Group |
Viral Shah | NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (USA) | GMAO Liaison |
Melissa Sulprizio | Harvard University (USA) |
Model Engineer & Co-Chair: Software Engineering Working Group |
Amos Tai | The Chinese University of Hong Kong (China) | Co-Chair: Surface-Atmosphere Exchange Working Group |
Katherine Travis | NASA LaRC (USA) | Co-Chair: Transport Working Group |
Pamela Wales | NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (USA) | Co-Chair: Stratospheric Working Group |
Jun Wang | University of Iowa (USA) | Co-Chair: Inverse Modeling and Data Assimilation Working Group |
Bob Yantosca | Harvard University (USA) |
Model Engineer & Co-Chair: Software Engineering Working Group |
Fangqun Yu | State University of New York at Albany (USA) | Co-Chair: Aerosols Working Group |
Lin Zhang | Peking University (China) | Nested Model Scientist |
Yanxu Zhang | Nanjing University (China) | Co-Chair: Hg and POPs Working Group |
Please also see the GEOS-Chem Working Groups page.
Functioning of the GEOS-Chem Steering Committee
The Functioning of the GEOS-Chem Steering Committee document describes:
- The role of the GEOS-Chem Steering Committee
- The structure of the GEOS-Chem Steering Committee
- The responsibilities of individual GEOS-Chem Steering Committee members
- The requirements to serve on the GEOS-Chem Steering Committee
- The process by which GEOS-Chem Steering Committee members are appointed