GEOS-Chem Working Groups

The objective of the GEOS-Chem Working Groups (WGs) is to:

  1. Foster communication between Working Group members for collaboration and sharing of information
  2. Facilitate identification of model development priorities
  3. Provide GEOS-Chem users a vehicle for pushing model development priorities.

Working Group chairs engage with the GEOS-Chem community to identify and promote model developments. This process is guided by a document on Guiding Principles for Updates to the GEOS-Chem Model.

All GEOS-Chem users are invited to join the Working Group(s) that corresponds to their own particular area(s) of research. For more information, please contact the relevant Working Group Chair. You effectively join a Working Group by signing up for the relevant Working Group email List.

The currrent GEOS-Chem Working Groups are:

Working Group Chair(s) Email List

Becky Alexander
Jeff Pierce
Will Porter
Fangqun Yu

geos-chem-aerosols [at]
Carbon Cycle Kevin Bowman
Dylan Jones
geos-chem-carbon [at]
Chemistry Barron Henderson
Lu Hu
Jessica Haskins
Kelvin Bates
geos-chem-oxidants [at]
Chemistry-Climate Hong Liao
Lee Murray
geos-chem-chemistry-climate [at]
Emissions Lyatt Jaeglé
Jintai Lin
Eloise Marais
geos-chem-emissions [at]
Hg and POPs Jenny Fisher
(on leave until July 2024)
Hannah Horowitz
Yanxu Zhang
geos-chem-hg-pop [at]
Inverse Modeling and
Data Assimilation
Daven Henze
Jun Wang
geos-chem-adjoint [at]
Software Engineering Lizzie Lundgren
Melissa Sulprizio
Bob Yantosca
geos-chem-software-eng [at]
Stratosphere Sebastian Eastham
Dylan Jones
Pamela Wales
geos-chem-stratosphere [at]
Surface-Atmosphere Exchange

Jeff Geddes
Chris Holmes
Amos Tai

geos-chem-sfc-atmos-exchange [at]
Transport Emma Knowland
Andrew Schuh
Katherine Travis
geos-chem-transport [at]

Please also see the GEOS-Chem Steering Committee web page.