GEOS–Chem v9–02 Online User's Guide

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5. GEOS–Chem run directories

5.1 Overview

This section describes the contents of the GEOS–Chem run directory. Compiling GEOS–Chem creates an executable file. You will place this executable into the run directory so that you can start a new GEOS–Chem simulation.

The run directory also contains the various input files with which you select the proper options for your GEOS–Chem simulation. We recommend that you create a unique run directory for each of your GEOS–Chem simulations. Otherwise you risk having important output overwritten by subsequent model runs.

We have made available for download (via Git) several sample run directories, grouped by simulation, met field type, and horizontal resolution. Please see Chapter 2.3 for instructions on how to download each individual run directory. You can download one or more run directories to get started.

Here we present a list of GEOS–Chem's input files. You can modify these to customize your simulation. Detailed descriptions of each file then follow in the subsequent sections.

GEOS–Chem user input files

File containing all GEOS–Chem user options. In this file, you may specify the following options:

  • Start & end time of the simulation
  • Names of the input & output files
  • Which diagnostics to save to disk
  • Which processes (e.g. chemistry, transport, dry deposition, etc.) to turn on, etc.
Planeflight.dat Specifies flight tracks for which you want to save out specific tracers, chemical species, or met field quantities.
GEOS–Chem chemistry mechanism files
chemga.dat File containing some aerosol parameters for SMVGEAR II or KPP.

File that defines the GEOS–Chem NOx-Ox-hydrocarbon-aerosol chemical mechanism. This file contains the list of chemical species and reactions used by the chemical solver (SMVGEAR II or KPP).

At present, you may pick from a few different chemistry mechanisms:

  1. standard: 66 advected tracers, our default simulation.
  2. SOA: 93 advected tracers, with secondary organic aerosols
  3. SOA with semivolatile POA: 100 advected tracers, with secondary organic aerosols with semivolatile primary organic aerosols
  4. dicarbonyls: 107 advected tracers, with dicarbonyl chemistry (NOTE: this simulation is in need of updating)

Setup file for SMVGEAR II, containing convergence criteria and other parameters.

GEOS–Chem photolysis mechanism files

Contains cross-section and quantum yields (at 400nm) for FAST–JX photolysis species.

jv_spec_aod.dat Contains aerosol optical properties at an arbitrary wavelength (currently 550nm). This allows you to request photolysis diagnostics at a different wavelength than 400nm. You may update this file accordingly.

Links "GEOS–Chem species" to "FAST–JX" species. FAST–JX photolysis species are defined in the data file jv_spec.dat, GEOS–Chem species in globchem.dat.

NOTE: For now, GEOS–Chem v9–02 still uses the older FAST–J photolysis code, but we now feed it the updated cross-section inputs from the more recent FAST–JX code.

5.2 GEOS–Chem user input files

You must modify these files to customize your GEOS–Chem simulation. These files contain definitions of tracers, starting and ending times, diagnostics, and other relevant quantities. You should make it a habit of thoroughly checking these files before submitting a long GEOS–Chem run.

5.2.1 The input.geos file

GEOS–Chem combines all the input options and switches into a single input file, input.geos. All user-defined input switches and settings which customize GEOS–Chem output options are now defined within this file.

An input.geos file ships with each of the GEOS–Chem run directories. We invite you to download the run directory for the simulation(s) that you are interested in and view the corresponding input.geos file.

We have also provided input.geos files for certain offline simulations (for which we do not typically archive run directories). To view, click on one of the following links.

  1. Tagged Ox simulation
  2. Tagged CO simulation
  3. Offline sulfate/carbon/dust/seasalt aerosol simulation
  4. H2 and HD simulation

Note that the input.geos file is grouped into menus. Each menu controls the options for a particular aspect of a GEOS–Chem simulation. Here is a list of menus and the options which they control. You can click on the name of a menu for more information.

Simulation Menus

Simulation Menu

Specifies the start & stop times of the run, the restart file names, and the directory path information.

Tracer Menu

Specifies information about each tracer, including name, molecular weight, and, for family tracers, individual constituent species.

Operations Menus

Transport Menu

Specifies options for TPCORE transport.

Convection Menu

Specifies options for cloud convection and PBL mixing.

Emissions Menu

Specifies options for anthropogenic, biomass, biofuel, and biogenic emissions.

Future Menu

Specifies options for future emissions scenarios.

NOTE: This is currently only implemented for use with the GCAP met fields.

Aerosol Menu

Specifies options for emissions and chemistry of sulfate, carbon, secondary organic, dust, and sea salt aerosols.

Deposition Menu

Specifies options for both dry deposition and wet deposition.

Chemistry Menu

Specifies options for chemistry.

CO2 Menu Specifies options for the CO2 simulation.
Mercury Menu

Specifies options for the mercury simulation, with or without the Global Terrestrial Mercury Model.

CH4 Menu
Specifies options for the methane simulation.
POPs Menu
Specifies options for the persistent organic pollutants (POPs) simulation.
Diagnostic Menus

Output Menu

Specifies dates on which diagnostic output will be saved to the binary punch file.

GAMAP Menu Specifies the path names for the GAMAP diaginfo.dat and tracerinfo.dat files, both of which are now written by GEOS–Chem.

Diagnostic Menu

Specifies which binary punch file diagnostics to turn on, and which tracers to save to disk.

Planeflight Menu

Specifies the names of the files for the ND40 plane flight diagnostic.

ND48 Menu

Specifies options for the ND48 station timeseries diagnostic.

ND49 Menu

Specifies options for the ND49 instantaneous timeseries diagnostic.

ND50 Menu

Specifies options for the ND50 24-hour average timeseries diagnostic.

ND51 Menu

Specifies options for the ND51 "satellite" timeseries diagnostic.

ND51b Menu Specifies options for the ND51b "satellite" timeseries diagnostic.
ND63 Menu Specifies options for the ND63 ship timeseries diagnostic.

Prod & Loss Menu

Specifies options for the ND65 (chemical prod & loss) and ND20 (save PO3, LO3 to disk for tagged Ox simulation) diagnostics.

Other Menus

Archived OH Menu

Specifies the directory path for offline OH data files.

O3 P/L Menu

Specifies the directory path for PO3 and LO3 rate files (for tagged Ox simulation)

Nested Grid Menu

Specifies options for the nested grid simulations

Unix Cmds Menu

Specifies Unix commands which are used for unzipping data on the fly.

The menus must occur in this order:

  1. Simulation Menu
  2. Tracer Menu
  3. Then any of the Operations Menus
  4. Then any of the Diagnostic Menus
  5. Other Menus can go anywhere; by convention we will list them at the end of the file.

For each of the menus in input.geos, we shall describe the options and switches that you must set in order to perform a NOx–Ox–Hydrocarbon–aerosol simulation (a.k.a. "full chemistry simulation"). Menus that are optional shall be noted as such. The SIMULATION MENU

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% SIMULATION MENU %%% :
02: Start YYYYMMDD, HHMMSS  : 20050701 000000
03: End   YYYYMMDD, HHMMSS  : 20050801 000000
04: Run directory           : ./
05: Input restart file      : restart.4x5.geos5.YYYYMMDDhh
06: Make new restart file?  : T
07: Output restart file(s)  : restart.4x5.geos5.YYYYMMDDhh
08: Root data directory     : /as/data/geos/GEOS_4x5/
09:  => GCAP       subdir   : AGRID/YYYY/MM/
10:  => GEOS-4     subdir   : GEOS_4_v4/YYYY/MM/
11:  => GEOS-5     subdir   : GEOS_5/YYYY/MM/
12:  => GEOS-FP    subdir   : GEOS_FP/YYYY/MM/
13:  => MERRA      subdir   : MERRA/YYYY/MM/
14: Dir w/ 1x1 emissions etc: /as/data/geos/GEOS_1x1/
15: Temporary directory     : ./
16: Unzip met fields?       : F
17: Wait for met fields?    : F
18: Use variable tropopause?: T
19: Global offsets I0, J0   : 0 0
Line Description

Header line


Specify the starting date and time of the GEOS–Chem simulation. The date must be in YYYYMMDD format (4-digit year, month, and day). The time must be in hhmmss format (hour, minute, and seconds). Note that since the GEOS–Chem dynamic timestep (see Transport Menu) is usually 10, 15, or 30 minutes, you can always set the seconds to zero.


Specify the ending date (YYYYMMDD format) and time (hhmmss format) of the GEOS–Chem simulation.


Specify the name of the GEOS–Chem run directory (e.g. where the executable file and input files reside).


Specify the name of the restart file, which contains the initial concentrations of the transported tracers specified in the Tracer Menu. You can change the name of the restart file to match the file that you have. If you just specify the file name, GEOS–Chem will look for the restart file in the run directory. You may also specify an entire directory path. Also, you may include the following tokens in the file name:

  • YYYY: Replaced by 4-digit year (e.g. 2008)
  • MM: Replaced by 2-digit month (01-12)
  • DD: Replaced by 2-digit day (01-31)
  • hh: Replaced by 2-digit hour (0-23)
  • mm: Replaced by 2-digit minutes (0-59)
  • ss: Replaced by 2-digit seconds (0-59)

NOTE: Since the typical GEOS–Chem simulations start and end at the top of the hour, a restart file name such as restart.YYYYMMDDhh should suffice for most applications.


If you want to create new restart files then set this to T. A new restart file will be saved at the same time when diagnostics are saved to the binary punch file. See Output Menu for more information.


Specify the name or file path for the output restart file(s). As described above, GEOS–Chem will replace the YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss tokens in the file name with the appropriate date or time values.


Specify DATA_DIR (stored in Input_Opt%DATA_DIR). DATA_DIR is the root-level data directory path. The various shared data inputs (e.g. emissions, offline OH, offline dust & aerosol concentrations, etc). are stored in subdirectories of DATA_DIR. Also, the met fields are stored in subdirectories of DATA_DIR.


Specify the directory path where GCAP met fields are stored. You may include the YYYY and MM tokens as described above. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%GCAP_DIR.


Specify the directory path where GEOS–4 met fields are stored. You may include the YYYY and MM tokens as described above. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%GEOS_4_DIR.


Specify the directory path where GEOS–5 met fields are stored. You may include the YYYY and MM tokens as described above. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%GEOS_5_DIR.


Specify the directory path where GEOS–FP met fields are stored. You may include the YYYY and MM tokens as described above. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%GEOS_FP_DIR.

13 Specify the directory path where MERRA met fields are stored. You may include the YYYY and MM tokens as described above. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%MERRA_DIR.

Specify DATA_DIR_1x1 (stored in Input_Opt%DATA_DIR_1x1). DATA_DIR_1x1 is the root-level data directory path where emission files on the GMAO 1° x 1°, generic 1° x 1°, and native grids are stored. As of v9–01–03, GEOS–Chem has the ability to regrid emissions (etc.) files on-the-fly from these 1° x 1° and native grids to the current model grid using the MAP A2A regridding algorithm.


Specify TEMP_DIR (stored in Input_Opt%TEMP_DIR). TEMP_DIR is the path of a temporary directory into which met field files will be unzipped.

NOTE: You only need to specify this if you are unzipping met fields on the fly. This was usually done with GEOS–3 met fields, which are now obsolete.


Specify LUNZIP (stored in Input_Opt%LUNZIP). LUNZIP determines whether GEOS–Chem will unzip met field files on the fly. If you have stored your met fields in gzipped format in order to save space, then you must set LUNZIP to T. If you have stored your met fields as unzipped, then set LUNZIP to F.

NOTE: You only need to specify this if you are unzipping met fields on the fly. This was usually done with GEOS–3 met fields, which are now obsolete.


Specify LWAIT (stored in Input_Opt%LWAIT). If you are unzipping met field files on the fly (i.e. if LUNZIP is set to T), then you may also specify if you want GEOS–Chem to wait until the met field files are completely unzipped before proceeding. It may be necessary to set LWAIT to T if you are using a simulation such as Radon or Tagged Ox where the chemistry takes less time than it does to unzip the met fields.

NOTE: You only need to specify this if you are unzipping met fields on the fly. This was usually done with GEOS–3 met fields, which are now obsolete.

18 Specify if you want to use the variable tropopause option (stored in Input_Opt%LVARTROP). This should always be set to T if you are using GEOS–4, GEOS–5, or GEOS–FP met fields.

Specify the global offsets I0 and J0 (stored in Input_Opt%IO, Input_Opt%JO). For a global run, I0 and J0 must both be set to zero. However, for nested grid runs, we must set I0 and J0 to the appropriate offsets. The TRACER MENU

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.
See Appendix 1 for the list of tracers for the different "full-chemistry" options.

01: %%% TRACER MENU %%%     :
02: Type of simulation      : 3
03: Number of Tracers       : 66
04: Tracer Entries -------> : TR#   Name  g/mole   Tracer Members; () = emitted
05: Tracer #1               :   1   NO      46.0   (NO)
06: Tracer #2               :   2   O3      48.0   (O3)
07: Tracer #3               :   3   PAN    121.0
08: Tracer #4               :   4   CO      28.0   (CO)
09: Tracer #5               :   5   ALK4    12.0   (4C)
10: Tracer #6               :   6   ISOP    12.0   (5C)
11: Tracer #7               :   7   HNO3    63.0   (HNO3)
12: Tracer #8               :   8   H2O2    34.0
13: Tracer #9               :   9   ACET    12.0   (3C)
14: Tracer #10              :  10   MEK     12.0   (4C)
15: Tracer #11              :  11   ALD2    12.0   (2C)
16: Tracer #12              :  12   RCHO    58.0
17: Tracer #13              :  13   MVK     70.0
18: Tracer #14              :  14   MACR    70.0
19: Tracer #15              :  15   PMN    147.0
20: Tracer #16              :  16   PPN    135.0
21: Tracer #17              :  17   R4N2   119.0
22: Tracer #18              :  18   PRPE    12.0   (3C)
23: Tracer #19              :  19   C3H8    12.0   (3C)
24: Tracer #20              :  20   CH2O    30.0   (CH2O)
25: Tracer #21              :  21   C2H6    12.0   (2C)
26: Tracer #22              :  22   N2O5   105.0
27: Tracer #23              :  23   HNO4    79.0
28: Tracer #24              :  24   MP      48.0
29: Tracer #25              :  25   DMS     62.0
30: Tracer #26              :  26   SO2     64.0
31: Tracer #27              :  27   SO4     96.0
32: Tracer #28              :  28   SO4s    96.0
33: Tracer #29              :  29   MSA     96.0
34: Tracer #30              :  30   NH3     17.0
35: Tracer #31              :  31   NH4     18.0
36: Tracer #32              :  32   NIT     62.0
37: Tracer #33              :  33   NITs    62.0
38: Tracer #34              :  34   BCPI    12.0
39: Tracer #35              :  35   OCPI    12.0
40: Tracer #36              :  36   BCPO    12.0
41: Tracer #37              :  37   OCPO    12.0
42: Tracer #38              :  38   DST1    29.0
43: Tracer #39              :  39   DST2    29.0
44: Tracer #40              :  40   DST3    29.0
45: Tracer #41              :  41   DST4    29.0
46: Tracer #42              :  42   SALA    31.4
47: Tracer #43              :  43   SALC    31.4
48: Tracer #44              :  44   Br2    160.0   (Br2)
49: Tracer #45              :  45   Br      80.0
50: Tracer #46              :  46   BrO     96.0
51: Tracer #47              :  47   HOBr    97.0
52: Tracer #48              :  48   HBr     81.0
53: Tracer #49              :  49   BrNO2  126.0
54: Tracer #50              :  50   BrNO3  142.0
55: Tracer #51              :  51   CHBr3  253.0   (CHBr3)
56: Tracer #52              :  52   CH2Br2 174.0   (CH2Br2)
57: Tracer #53              :  53   CH3Br   95.0
58: Tracer #54              :  54   MPN     93.0
59: Tracer #55              :  55   ISOPN  147.0   ISOPND ISOPNB
60: Tracer #56              :  56   MOBA   114.0
61: Tracer #57              :  57   PROPNN 109.0   PROPNN
62: Tracer #58              :  58   HAC     74.0 
63: Tracer #59              :  59   GLYC    60.0 
64: Tracer #60              :  60   MMN    149.0   MVKN MACRN
65: Tracer #61              :  61   RIP    118.0
66: Tracer #62              :  62   IEPOX  118.0
67: Tracer #63              :  63   MAP     76.0
68: Tracer #64              :  64   NO2     46.0
69: Tracer #65              :  65   NO3     62.0
70: Tracer #66              :  66   HNO2    47.0
Line Description
1 Header line

Specify the type of GEOS–Chem simulation that you wish to perform. The choices are:

  1. Rn–Pb–Be simulation
  2. CH3I simulation (NOTE: this simulation is in need of updating)
  3. NOx–Ox–Hydrocarbon–aerosol simulation w/ SMVGEAR or KPP solver (a.k.a. "full chemistry")
  4. HCN simulation
  5. ### unused ###
  6. Tagged Ox simulation
  7. Tagged CO simulation
  8. C2H6 simulation
  9. CH4 simulation
  10. Offline aerosol simulation (sulfate, carbon, secondary organics, dust, and sea salt aerosols)
  11. Mercury simulation (with or without the Global Terrestrial Mercury Model option)
  12. CO2 simulation
  13. H2 and HD simulation (NOTE: this is simulation is in need of updating)
  14. POPs simulation

NOTE: In this example, the TRACER MENU is set up for a NOx–Ox–Hydrocarbon–aerosol (or "full chemistry") simulation.


Specify N_TRACERS (stored in Input_Opt%N_TRACERS). N_TRACERS is the number of tracers that will be included in the GEOS–Chem simulation.

NOTE: If you are performing a "full-chemistry" simulation:

  1. with standard chemistry, then set N_TRACERS to 66 (as shown in the example above).
  2. with secondary organic aerosols (SOA), then set N_TRACERS to 93.
  3. with dicarbonyl chemistry, then set N_TRACERS to 107. (NOTE: this simulation is in need of updating)
4 Header line

Entry for the NO tracer. You must list the following information:

  • Tracer number
  • Tracer name (up to 14 characters)
  • Molecular weight in g/mole

For most types of simulations this is all you need to list. However, for the NOx–Ox–Hydrocarbon–aerosol simulation (a.k.a. "full chemistry") simulation, you must also list the following information, which will be passed to the SMVGEAR chemistry solver routines:

  • If this is a family tracer, then you must specify the names of the individual species which constitute this tracer. NO is not a family tracer (i.e. it has no constituent species other than itself).

  • You must also denote species which have emission reactions in the SMVGEAR chemical mechanism by placing parentheses around the species name. In this case, NO is an emitted species in the SMVGEAR chemical mechanism, so you must denote this by (NO).

  • A number in front of an individual species name denotes the coefficient by which that species is to be multiplied. NO has a coefficient of one, and thus the number may be omitted.


Entry for the O3 tracer. As with NO, you must list the tracer number, name, and molecular weight. O3 has an emission reaction defined in the SMVGEAR chemical mechanism, so you need to list (O3) in parenthesis after the molecular weight in g/mole.


Entry for the PAN tracer: As with NO, you must list the tracer number, name, and molecular weight. However, PAN is not a family tracer and it does not have an emission reaction defined in the SMVGEAR chemical mechanism, so this is all the information you need to give.


Entry for the CO tracer: As with NO you must list the tracer number, name, and molecular weight. CO has an emission reaction defined in the SMVGEAR chemical mechanism, so you need to list (CO) in parentheses after the molecular weight in g/mole.


Entry for the ALK4 (C4 lumped alkanes) tracer: As with NO you must list the tracer number, name, and molecular weight.

In GEOS–Chem, several of the hydrocarbon tracers are not carried in molecules of tracer, but in equivalent atoms of carbon. ALK4 is one of these types of hydrocarbon tracers. You can therefore denote this by placing (4C) after the molecular weight in g/mole. The 4C denotes that ALK4 consists of 4 carbon atoms, and the parentheses denote that ALK4 has an emission reaction in the SMVGEAR chemistry mechanism.


Entry for the ISOP (isoprene) tracer. This is a hydrocarbon tracer which consists of 5 carbon atoms and has an emission reaction defined in the SMVGEAR chemical mechanism.


Entries for HNO3 and H2O2 tracers


Entries for hydrocarbon tracers: ACET (3 carbons), MEK (4 carbons), ALD2 (2 carbons)


Entries for RCHO, MVK, MACR, PMN, PPN, R4N2.


Entries for they hydrocarbon tracers PRPE (C3 lumped alkenes—3 carbons) and C3H8 (3 carbons).


Entry for CH2O (formaldehyde). This has an emission reaction defined in the SMVGEAR chemistry mechanism so we must list its name in parentheses after the molecular weight.


Entry for hydrocarbon tracer C2H6 (2 carbons).


Entries for the GEOS–Chem aerosol tracers.


Entries for the GEOS–Chem sea salt tracers.

NOTE: The molecular weight of 31.4 g/mole is consistent with actual average composition of sea salt, and international guidelines from the IAPWS. You may use the molecular weight of any individual constituent of interest.


Entries for the GEOS–Chem bromine tracers.

  • Br2, CHBr3, and CH2Br2 have emissions reactions defined in the SMVGEAR chemistry mechanism, so we must list these names in parentheses after the molecular weight.


Entry for the MPN tracer.


Entries for the GEOS–Chem isoprene tracers.

  • ISOPN is a family tracer (which consists of ISOPND + ISOPNB). Therefore, you must list the constituent species as shown above.

  • MMN is a family tracer (which consists of MVKN + MACRN). Therefore, you must list the constituent species as shown above.


Entries for NO2, NO3, HNO2. The TRANSPORT MENU

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% TRANSPORT MENU %%%  :
02: Turn on Transport       : T
03:  => Fill Negative Values: T
04:  => IORD, JORD, KORD    : 3 3 7
05: Transport Timestep [min]: 30
Line Description

Header line


Specify LTRAN (stored in Input_Opt%LTRAN). Set LTRAN to T to turn on TPCORE transport, or set to F to turn off TPCORE transport.


Specify LFILL (located in source code file Input_Opt%LFILL). Setting LFILL to T will cause TPCORE to fill negative values with zeroes.


Specify the IORD, JORD, KORD transport options for TPCORE (stored in Input_Opt%TPCORE_IORD, Input_Opt%TPCORE_JORD, Input_Opt%TPCORE_KORD). These settings determine how TPCORE performs transport in the E/W, N/S, and vertical directions. Recommended values are 3, 3, 7.


Specify the transport timestep (TS_DYN, stored in Input_Opt%TS_DYN) in minutes. Recommended values: 30 min (4° x 5°), 15 min (2° x 2.5°) and 10 min (1° x 1° or higher resolution). The transport timestep should be the smallest timestep used. The CONVECTION MENU

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% CONVECTION MENU %%% :
02: Turn on Cloud Conv?     : T
03: Turn on PBL Mixing?     : T
04:  => Use non-local PBL?  : T
05: Convect Timestep (min)  : 30
Line Description

Header line


Specify LCONV (stored in Input_Opt%LCONV). Set LCONV to T to turn on cloud convection.


Specify LTURB (stored in Input_Opt%LTURB). Set LTURB to T to turn on PBL mixing.


Specify LNLPBL (stored in Input_Opt%LNLPBL). The options are as follows:

NOTE: If LTURB (Line 3) is set to F, then neither PBL mixing option will be executed, regardless of the setting of LNLPBL.


Specify the convection timestep (TS_CONV, stored in Input_Opt%TS_CONV) in minutes. The convection timestep should equal the the transport timestep (i.e. TS_CONV = TS_DYN). This is required for the central chemistry timestep algorithm. The EMISSIONS MENU

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %% EMISSIONS MENU %%%  :
02: Turn on emissions?      : T
03: Emiss timestep (min)    : 60 
04: Include anthro emiss?   : T
05:  => Scale to (1985-2005): -1
06:  => Use EMEP emissions? : T
07:  => Use BRAVO emissions?: T
08:  => Use EDGAR emissions?: T
09:  => Use STREETS emiss?  : T
10:  => Use CAC emissions?  : T
11:  => Use NEI2005 emiss?  : T
12:  => Use RETRO emiss?    : T
13:  => Use AEIC emiss?     : T
14: Use RCP emiss (anth+bf)?: F
15:     => RCP scenario?    : RCP60
16:     => RCP year?        : 2000
17: Use EPA/NEI99 (anth+bf)?: F
18:     w/ ICARTT modif.?   : F
19:     w/ VISTAS NOx emis? : F
20: Include biofuel emiss?  : T
21: Include biogenic emiss? : T
22:  => Use MEGAN inventory?: T
23:  => Use PCEEA model?    : F
24:  => Use MEGAN for MONO? : T
25:  => Isoprene scaling    : 1
26: Include biomass emiss?  : T
27:  => Seasonal biomass?   : T
28:  => Scaled to TOMSAI?   : F
29:  => Use GFED2 biomass?  :---
30:     => monthly GFED2?   : F
31:     => 8-day GFED2?     : F 
32:     => 3-hr GFED2?      : F
33:     => synoptic GFED2?  : F
34:  => Use GFED3 biomass?  :---
35:     => monthly GFED3?   : T 
36:     => daily GFED3?     : F 
37:     => 3-hr GFED3?      : F
38: Individual NOx sources  :---
39:  => Use RCP aircraft NOx: F
40:  => Use lightning NOx?  : T
41:     => Spat-seas constr?: T
42:  => Use soil NOx        : T
43:     => soilNOx rst file?: restart.soilnox.YYYYMMDDhh
44:  => Use fertilizer NOx  : T
45: NOx scaling             : 1
46: Use ship SO2 emissions? :---
47:  => global EDGAR ?      : T
48:  => global ICOADS ?     : T
49:  => global RCP ?        : F
50:  => EMEP over EUROPE ?  : T
51:  => ship SO2 Corbett ?  : F
52:  => ship SO2 Arctas ?   : T
53: Use COOKE BC/OC (N. Am.): F   
54: Use historical emiss?   : F
55:  => What decade?        : 2000
56: Bromine switches        :---
57:  => Use Warwick VSLS?   : T
68:  => Use seasalt Br2?    : T
69:  => 1ppt MBL BRO Sim.?  : F
60:  => Bromine scaling     : 1
Line Description

Header line


Specify LEMIS (stored in Input_Opt%LEMIS). Set LEMIS to T to turn on emissions in a GEOS–Chem simulation. Set LEMIS to F to turn off all emissions in a GEOS–Chem simulation.


Specify the emission timestep (TS_EMIS, stored in Input_Opt%TS_EMIS) in minutes. The emissions timestep should be the same as the chemistry time step (i.e. TS_EMIS = TS_CHEM). This is required for the central chemistry timestep algorithm.


Specify LANTHRO (stored in Input_Opt%LANTHRO). Set LANTHRO to T to include anthropogenic emission, or to F to shut off all anthropogenic emission.


Specify FSCALYR (stored in Input_Opt%FSCALYR), the emission year for anthropogenic emissions. For each selected inventory (see below), if a dataset exists for that year, it is used. If not, the closest available year is used, and -for NOx, CO, and SOx only- emissions are scaled to the emission year. Scale factors are available for 1985-2010. Before 1985, 1985 is used and after 2010, 2010 is used. It is recommended to set this input to -1 to let GEOS–Chem automatically scale data to the year simulated.


Specify LEMEP (stored in Input_Opt%LEMEP). Set LEMEP to T to include EMEP European anthropogenic emissions, or to F otherwise.


Specify LBRAVO (stored in Input_Opt%LBRAVO). Set LBRAVO to T to include BRAVO anthropogenic emissions over Mexico, or to F otherwise.


Specify LEDGAR (located in source code file Input_Opt%LEDGAR). Set LEDGAR to T to include EDGAR anthropogenic emissions, or to F otherwise.


Specify LSTREETS (located in source code file Input_Opt%LSTREETS). Set LSTREETS to T to include David Streets SE Asian anthropogenic emissions, or to F otherwise.

10 Specify LCAC (stored in Input_Opt%LCAC). Set LCAC to T to include CAC anthropogenic emissions over Canada, or to F otherwise.

Specify LNEI05 (located in source code file Input_Opt%LNEI05). Set LNEI05 to T to overwrite anthropogenic emissions over the continental USA with those from the EPA/NEI05 inventory, or F to keep the default emissions over the continental USA.

NOTE: We recommend using the newer EPA/NEI05 emissions rather than the EPA/NEI99 emissions.

Specify LRETRO (stored in Input_Opt%LRETRO). Set LRETRO to T to include RETRO anthropogenic VOC emissions, or to F otherwise.
Specify LAEIC (stored in Input_Opt%LAEIC). Set LAEIC to T to include AEIC aircraft emissions, or to F otherwise.
Specify LRCP (stored in Input_Opt%LRCP). Set LRCP to T to include emissions from RCP future scenarios, or to F otherwise.
Specify RCPNAME (stored in rcp_mod.F). Options are RCP26, RCP45, RCP60, or RCP85.
Specify RCPYEAR (stored in rcp_mod.F). Emission scenarios are available in 10-year increments for 2000–2100.

Specify LNEI99 (stored in Input_Opt%LNEI99). Set LNEI99 to T to overwrite anthropogenic and biofuel emissions over the continental USA with those from the EPA/NEI99 inventory, or F to keep the default emissions over the continental USA.

NOTE: If LNEI99 and LNEI05 are both set to T, then LNEI05 is used.

18 Specify LICARTT (stored in Input_Opt%LICARTT). Set LICARTT to T to use the ICARTT fix for EPA/NEI99 emissions.
19 Specify LVISTAS (stored in Input_Opt%LVISTAS). Set LVISTAS to T to include VISTAS anthropogenic NOx emissions.

Specify LBIOFUEL (stored in Input_Opt%LBIOFUEL). Set LBIOFUEL to T to include biofuel emissions, or to F to shut off all biofuel emission.


Specify LBIOGENIC (stored in Input_Opt%LBIOGENIC). Set LBIOGENIC to T to include biogenic emissions (e.g. ISOPRENE, MONOTERPENES), or to F to shut off all biogenic emission.


Specify LMEGAN (stored in Input_Opt%LMEGAN). Set LMEGAN to T to use biogenic emissions from the MEGAN inventory for Isoprene and other VOC's.

NOTE: The GEIA biogenic emissions are now deprecated. They were removed in GEOS–Chem v9–01–03.


Specify LPECCA (stored in Input_Opt%LPECCA).

If you turn off the PCEEA model (by setting the line => Use PCEEA model? : F), then MEGAN will use the existing canopy model, but with updated leaf-age and temperature algorithms. This option is closest to the previous implementation of MEGAN in GEOS–Chem v8–02–03 and prior versions.

If you turn on the PCEEA model (by setting the line => Use PCEEA model? : T), then MEGAN will follow the approach of Guenther et al, 2006. It will not use a canopy model, but will take into account the light dependency of monoterpene emissions.

24 Specify LMONO (stored in Input_Opt%LMONO). Set LMONO to T to use biogenic emissions from the MEGAN inventory for Monoterpenes and Methyl Butenol, or to F to use the default GEIA biogenic emissions.

Set ISOP_SCALING (stored in Input_Opt%ISOP_SCALING). Set ISOP_SCALING to any REAL value to scale overall isoprene emissions. If you do not want to scale isoprene emissions, then leave ISOP_SCALING set to 1.


Specify LBIOMASS (stored in Input_Mod%LBIOMASS). Set LBIOMASS to T to include biomass burning emissions, or to F to shut off all biomass burning emissions.


Specify LBBSEA (stored in Input_Opt%LBBSEA). Set LBBSEA to T if you wish to use seasonal (aka climatological) biomass burning emissions. Set LBBSEA to F if you wish to use biomass burning emissions for specific years (in order to establish interannual variability).

NOTE: This option is mostly obsolete. We recommend using the GFED3 biomass emissions.


Specify LTOMSAI (stored in Input_Mod%LTOMSAI). Set LTOMSAI to T if you wish to scale biomass burning to TOMS Aerosol Index data.

NOTE: This option is mostly obsolete. We recommend using the GFED3 biomass emissions.

29 Header line

Specify LGFED2BB (stored in Input_Opt%LGFED2BB). Set LGFED2BB to T if you wish to use the monthly-mean GFED2 biomass emissions, or to F otherwise.

NOTE: We recommend using the newer GFED3 biomass emissions rather than the GFED2 emissions.

31 Specify L8DAYBB (stored in Input_Opt%L8DAYBB). Set L8DAYBB to T if you wish to use the weekly-mean GFED2 biomass emissions, or to F otherwise.
32 Specify L3HRBB (stored in Input_Opt%L3HRBB). Set L3HRBB to T if you wish to use the 3-hourly-mean GFED2 biomass emissions, or to F otherwise.
33 Specify LSYNOPB (stored in Input_Opt%LSYNOPB). Set LSYNOPB to T if you wish to use the 3-hourly synoptic GFED2 biomass emissions, or to F otherwise.
34 Header line

Specify LGFED3BB (stored in Input_Opt%LGFED3BB). Set LGFED3BB to T if you wish to use the monthly-mean GFED3 biomass emissions, or to F otherwise.

NOTE: For most applications, the monthly-mean GFED3 data should suffice.


Specify LDAYBB3 (stored in Input_Opt%LDAYBB). Set LDAYBB3 to T if you wish to use the daily-mean GFED3 biomass emissions, or to F otherwise.

NOTE: To use daily GFED3, you must also set LGFED3BB to T.


Specify L3HRBB3 (stored in Input_Opt%L3HRBB3). Set L3HRBB3 to T if you wish to use the 3-hourly-mean GFED3 biomass emissions, or to F otherwise.

NOTE: To use 3-hourly GFED3, you must also set LGFED3BB and LDAYBB3 to T.


Header line


Specify LRCPAIR (stored in Input_Opt%LRCPAIR). Set LRCPAIR to T to include aircraft emissions from the RCP future emission scenarios, or to F to shut off RCP aircraft NOx emissions.

NOTE: This option requires that the LAEIC option be turned off.


Specify LLIGHTNOX (located in source code file Input_Opt%LLIGHTNOX). Set LLIGHTNOX to T to include lightning NOx emissions, or to F to shut off all lightning NOx emissions.


Specify LOTDSCALE (stored in Input_Opt%LOTDSCALE) to apply the OTD/LIS redistribution. This will place a spatial and seasonal constraint on lightning emissions.

NOTE: All of the other lightning redistribution options are now obsolete and have been removed.


Specify LSOILNOX (stored in Input_Opt%LSOILNOX). Set LSOILNOX to T to include soil NOx emissions, or to F to shut off soil NOx emissions other than fertilizer NOx emissions.

Specify the name of the soil NOx restart file, which contains initial soil NOx concentrations. If you just specify the filename, GEOS–Chem will look for the soil NOx restart file in the run directory. You may also sepcify an entire directory path. Also, you may include the following tokens in the file name:

  • YYYY: Replaced by 4-digit year (e.g. 2008)
  • MM: Replaced by 2-digit month (01-12)
  • DD: Replaced by 2-digit day (01-31)
  • hh: Replaced by 2-digit hour (0-23)
  • mm: Replaced by 2-digit minutes (0-59)
  • ss: Replaced by 2-digit seconds (0-59)

NOTE: Since the typical GEOS–Chem simulations start and end at the top of the hour, a soil NOx restart file name such as restart.soilnox.YYYYMMDDhh should suffice for most applications.

Set LFERTILIZERNOX (stored in Input_Opt%LFERTILIZERNOX). Set LFERTILIZERNOX to T to include fertilizer NOx emissions, or to F to shut off fertilizer NOx emissions.
Set NOx_SCALING (stored in emissions_mod.F). Set NOx_SCALING to any REAL value to scale overall NOx emissions.
46 Header line
Specify LEDGARSHIP (stored in Input_Opt%LEDGARSHIP). Set LEDGARSHIP to T to use EDGAR ship emissions, or to F otherwise.

Specify LICOADSSHIP (stored in Input_Opt%LICOADSSHIP). Set LICOADSSHIP to T to use ICOADS ship emissions, or to F otherwise.

NOTE: If LEDGARSHIP and LICOADSSHIP are both set to T, then LICOADSSHIP will be used.


Specify LRCPSHIP (stored in Input_Opt%LRCPSHIP). Set LRCPSHIP to T to use ship emissions from the RCP future emission scenarios, or to F otherwise.

NOTE: This option requires that both LEDGARSHIP and LICOADSSHIP be turned off.


Specify LEMEPSHIP (stored in Input_Opt%LEMEPSHIP). Set LEMEPSHIP to T to use EMEP ship emissions for Europe, or to F otherwise.

NOTE: This option requires that LEMEP be turned on.


Specify LSHIPSO2 (stored in Input_Opt%LSHIPSO2). Set LSHIPSO2 to T to include SO2 emissions from ship exhaust, or to F to shut off SO2 emissions from ship exhaust.


Specify LARCSHIP (stored in Input_Opt%LARCSHIP). Set LARCSHIP to T to include ARCTAS SO2 and CO2 ship emissions, or to F otherwise.

Specify LCOOKE (stored in Input_Opt%LCOOKE). Set LCOOKE to T to use Cooke anthropogenic and biofuel emissions for BC/OC over North America.
Specify LHIST (stored in Input_Opt%LHIST). Set LHIST to T to use historical emissions inventories of SO2, NOx, BC, and POA, or to F otherwise.
Specify HISTYR (stored in Input_Opt%HISTYR), the emission year for historical emissions of SO2, NOx, BC, and POA (located in source code file input_mod.F).
Header line

Specify LWARWICK_VSLS (stored in Input_Opt%LWARWICK_VSLS). Set LWARWICK_VSLS to T to use surface CHBr3 emissions from Warwick et al. (2006), scenario 3 (400 Gg CHBr3/year).


Specify LSSABr2 (stored in Input_Opt%LSSABr2). Set LSSABr2 to T to use sea salt Br2 emissions. Following Yang et al. (2005), sea-salt debromination is treated as emission of Br2.


Specify LFIX_PBL_BrO (stored in Input_Opt%LFIX_PBL_BrO). Set LFIX_PBL_BrO to T to set Bro concentrations in the PBL equal to 1 ppt during the day.


Set Br_SCALING (stored in bromocarb_mod.F). Set Br_SCALING to any REAL value to scale overall bromine emissions. If you do not want to scale bromine emissions, then leave Br_SCALING set to 1. To turn off bromine emissions, set Br_SCALING to 0. The FUTURE MENU

NOTE: At present, this menu controls options that only affect simulations with GCAP met fields.

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% FUTURE MENU %%%     :
02: Use future emissions?   : F
03: Which IPCC future year? : 2050
04: Which IPCC scenario?    : A1
Line Description

Header line


Specify LFUTURE (stored in Input_Opt%LFUTURE). Set LFUTURE to T to scale present-day emissions to one of the IPCC future scenarios, or F otherwise.


Specify FUTURE_YEAR (stored in Input_Opt%FUTURE_YEAR), which is the year to which the current emissions will be scaled. Current options are 2030 and 2050.


Specify FUTURE_SCEN (stored in Input_Opt%FUTURE_SCEN), which is the IPCC scenario to be used. Current options are: A1, B1. The AEROSOL MENU

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% AEROSOL MENU %%%    :
05: Online 2dy ORG AEROSOLS : F
06:  => Semivolatile POA?   : F
07:  => NAP emiss (TgC/yr)  : 1.0
08:  => POA emission scale  : 1.27
09: Online DUST    AEROSOLS : T
10:  => Use DEAD emissions? : T
12:  => SALA radius bin [um]: 0.01 0.5
13:  => SALC radius bin [um]: 0.5  8.0
14: Online dicarb. chem.    : F
Line Description

Header line


Specify LSULF (stored in Input_Opt%LSULF). Set LSULF to T to turn on emissions and chemistry for sulfate aerosols (DMS, SO2, SO4, MSA, NH3, NH4, NIT).


Specify LCRYST (stored in Input_Opt%LCRYST). Set LCRYST to T to turn on emissions and chemistry for crystalline sulfur and aqueous aerosols (AS, AHS, LET, SO4aq, NH4aq).

NOTE: This feature has not been implemented in GEOS–Chem v9–01–03. For the time being, set LCRYST to F.


Specify LCARB (stored in Input_Opt%LCARB). Set LCARB to T to turn on emissions and chemistry for carbonaceous aerosols (BCPI, BCPO, OCPI, OCPO).


Specify LSOA (stored in Input_Opt%LSOA). Set LSOA to T to turn on emissions and chemistry for secondary organic aerosols. Turning on the secondary organic aerosols will add 27 tracers to the simulation.


Specify LSVPOA (stored in Input_Opt%LSVPOA). Set LSVPOA to T to use the semivolatile POA option.


Specify scale factor for the napthalene-like IVOC emissions (stored in Input_Opt%NAPEMISS). The recommended setting for NAPEMISS scaling is 1.0.


Specify scale factor for the POA emissions (stored in Input_Opt%POAEMISSSCALE). The recommended setting for POAEMISSSCALE is 1.27.


Specify LDUST (stored in Input_Opt%LDUST). Set LDUST to T to turn on emissions and chemistry for mineral dust aerosol tracers (DST1, DST2, DST3, DST4).


Specify LDEAD (stored in Input_Opt%LDEAD). Set LDEAD to T to use the dust source function from the DEAD model (cf. C. Zender). Set LDEAD to F to use the dust source function from the GOCART (cf. Paul Ginoux).


Specify LSSALT (stored in Input_Opt%LSSALT). Set LSSALT to T to turn on emissions and chemistry for sea salt aerosols (SALA, SALC).


Specify the edges which denote accumulation mode sea salt tracer in microns (stored in variable Input_Opt%SALA_REDGE_um). Recommended setting: 0.01 to 0.5 microns.


Specify the edges which denote coarse mode sea salt tracer in microns (stored in Input_Opt%SALC_REDGE_um). Recommended setting: 0.5 to 8 microns.

14 Specify LDICARB (stored in Input_Opt%LDICARB). Set LDICARB to T if you are using the dicarbonyl chemistry simulations (108 tracers), to F otherwise.


  1. You may define the limits of the accumulation and coarse mode sea salt aerosol radius bins (in variables SALA_REDGE_um and SALC_REDGE_um) as you wish. However, the recommended values of 0.01–0.5 and 0.5–8 microns, respectively, were chosen in order to conform to the cross-sections and other optical settings as defined in the FAST–J input file jv_spec.dat. Therefore, unless you use the recommended values, you will not be able to archive aerosol optical depths for these aerosol types with the ND21, ND48, ND49, ND50, and ND51 diagnostics. The DEPOSITION MENU

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% DEPOSITION MENU %%% :
02: Turn on Dry Deposition? : T
03: Turn on Wet Deposition? : T
Line Description

Header line


Specify LDRYD (stored in Input_Opt%LDRYD). Set LDRYD to T to turn on dry deposition, or F to turn off dry deposition.


Specify LWETD (stored in Input_Opt%LWETD). Set LWETD to T to turn on wet deposition, or F to turn off wet deposition. The CHEMISTRY MENU

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% CHEMISTRY MENU %%%  :
02: Turn on Chemistry?      : T
03: Use linear. strat. chem?: T
04:  => Use Linoz for O3?   : T
05: Chemistry Timestep [min]: 60
06: Read and save CSPEC_FULL: T
07:  => CSPEC rst filename? : restart.cspec.YYYYMMDDhh
08: Use solver coded by KPP : F
09: Gamma HO2               : 0.2
Line Description

Header line


Specify LCHEM (stored in Input_Opt%LCHEM). Set LCHEM to T to turn on chemistry, or F to turn off chemistry.


Specify LSCHEM (stored in Input_Opt%LSCHEM). Set LSCHEM to T to turn on stratospheric chemistry, or F to turn off stratospheric chemistry.


Specify LLINOZ (stored in Input_Opt%LLINOZ). Set LLINOZ to T to use Linoz for O3 chemistry in the stratosphere, otherwise Synoz will be used.


Specify the chemistry timestep (TS_CHEM, stored in Input_Opt%TS_CHEM) in minutes. We suggest using a chemistry timestep double the transport time step (this is known as Strang operator splitting). Typical chemistry timesteps are 60 min (4° x 5°), 30 min (2° x 2.5°), or 20 min (1° x 1° or higher resolution). In all cases, the chemistry timestep should be a multiple of the transport timestep (i.e. TS_CHEM = X * TS_DYN, where X is an integer). See this wiki page for more information.


Specify LSVCSPEC (stored in Input_Opt%LSVCSPEC). Set LSVCSPEC to T to save concentrations (stored in the CSPEC_FULL array) of all species listed in the globchem.dat file to a CSPEC restart file, or to F otherwise. The CSPEC restart file is saved in addition to the standard restart file, which saves only concentrations of transported tracers. If LSVCSPEC is F or if GEOS-Chem can't find a CSPEC restart file at the beginning of a simulation, then the chemical species will be set to the default concentrations specified in globchem.dat.

If the option Make new restart file is set to F in the Simulation Menu, then no CSPEC restart file will be saved regardless of the value of LSVCSPEC.

NOTE: If you are going to be running a very long GEOS–Chem simulation, and must split the job into several stages (i.e. in order to stay within the computational time limts of your system), then you should set LSVCSPEC to T. This will make sure that the chemical species concentrations are preserved when the next run stage starts. Otherwise, GEOS-Chem will use the default species concentrations specified in globchem.dat.

Specify the name of the CSPEC restart file, which contains initial species concentrations. If you just specify the filename, GEOS–Chem will look for the CSPEC restart file in the run directory. You may also sepcify an entire directory path. Also, you may include the following tokens in the file name:

  • YYYY: Replaced by 4-digit year (e.g. 2008)
  • MM: Replaced by 2-digit month (01-12)
  • DD: Replaced by 2-digit day (01-31)
  • hh: Replaced by 2-digit hour (0-23)
  • mm: Replaced by 2-digit minutes (0-59)
  • ss: Replaced by 2-digit seconds (0-59)

NOTE: Since the typical GEOS–Chem simulations start and end at the top of the hour, a CSPEC restart file name such as restart.cspec.YYYYMMDDhh should suffice for most applications.

8 Specify LKPP (stored in Input_Opt%LKPP). Set LKPP to T to use a chemistry solver coded by the KPP pre-processor. If set to F, the chemistry solver SMVGEAR II is used.
9 Specify GAMMA HO2 (stored in Input_Opt%GAMMA_HO2). The recommended setting is 0.2 The CO2 MENU

This menu only controls options for the CO2 and tagged CO2 simulations. This is an optional menu and may be omitted from input.geos if you are not concerned with these simulations.

For more information, please see:

  1. GEOS–Chem wiki: CO2 simulation page
  2. A more detailed account of all settings can be found in:

    Nassar, R., D.B.A. Jones, P. Suntharalingam, J.M. Chen, R.J. Andres, K.J. Wecht, R.M. Yantosca, S.S. Kulawik, K.W. Bowman, J.R. Worden, T. Machida, and H. Matsueda, Modeling CO2 with improved emission inventories and CO2 production from the oxidation of other carbon species, Geoscientific Model Development, 3, 689-716, 2010.

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% CO2 SIM MENU %%%    :
02: Fossil Fuel Emissions   :---
03:   Generic FF emissions  : F
04:   Annual FF emissions   : F
05:   Monthly FF emissions  : T
06: 3-D Chemical Oxid Source: F
07: Biomass Burn emissions  :---
08:   Seasonal only biomass : F
09:   GFED2 monthly biomass : F
10:   GFED2 8-day biomass   : T
11:   GFED3 monthly biomass : F
12:   GFED3 daily biomass   : F
13: Biofuel emissions       : T
14: Terrestrial Exchange    :---
15:   CASA daily avg NEP    : F
16:   CASA diurnal cycle NEP: T
17:   Net Ter Ex original   : F
18:   Net Ter Ex climatology: T
19: Ocean Exchange          :---
20:   Takahashi 1997        : F
21:   Takahashi 2009 annual : F
22:   Takahashi 2009 monthly: T
23: Ship & Plane Emissions  :---
24:   EDGAR ship emissions  : F
25:   ICOADS ship emissions : T
26:   Aviation emissions    : T
27: Tagged CO2 runs         :---
28:   Save Fossil CO2 Bkgrd : F
29:   Tag Bios/Ocean CO2 reg: F
30:   Tag Land FF CO2 reg   : F
31:   Tag Global Ship CO2   : F
32:   Tag Global Plane CO2  : F 
Line Description

Header line


Fossil Fuel sub-header line (select only one option in this section).


Annually averaged fossil fuel emissions for 1995 from CDIAC [Andres et al., 1996]. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LGENFF.


Year-specific annually averaged fossil fuel emissions from CDIAC [Andres et al., 1996], with 2007-2009 scaled based on [Boden et al., 2009; LeQuere, 2009]. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LANNFF.


Month and year-specific monthly averaged fossil fuel emissions from CDIAC [Andres et al., 1996], with 2007-2009 scaled based on [Boden et al., 2009; LeQuere, 2009]. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LMONFF.


3-D CO2 chemical source from oxidation of CO, CH4 and NMHCs based on Suntharalingam et al. [2005], with appropriate surface emission corrections. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LCHEMCO2.


Biomass Burning sub-header line (select only one option in this section).


Seasonally approximated biomass burning emissions from Duncan et al. [2003]. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LSEASBB.


Global Fire Emission Database (GFED) version 2 – monthly (1997-2008). This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LGFED2BB.

NOTE: The choice of GFED emissions in the CO2 MENU must be consistent with the choice in the EMISSIONS MENU.


Global Fire Emission Database (GFED) version 2 – 8-day (2001-2007). This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%L8DAYBB.

NOTE: The choice of GFED emissions in the CO2 MENU must be consistent with the choice in the EMISSIONS MENU.

11 Global Fire Emission Database (GFED) version 3 – monthly (1997-2010). This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LGFED3BB.

NOTE: The choice of GFED emissions in the CO2 MENU must be consistent with the choice in the EMISSIONS MENU.

12 Global Fire Emission Database (GFED) version 3 – daily (2003-2010). This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LDAYBB3.

NOTE: The choice of GFED emissions in the CO2 MENU must be consistent with the choice in the EMISSIONS MENU.


Biofuel Emissions – Yevich and Logan [2003]. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LBIOFUEL.


Terrestrial Exchange sub-header line (select one balanced biosphere option and one Net Terrestrial Exchange option).


CASA model daily average Net Ecosystem Production (balanced – no net annual flux) [Potter et al., 1993; Olsen and Randerson, 2004]. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LBIODAILY.


CASA model 3-hourly Net Ecosystem Production (balanced – no net annual flux) [Potter et al., 1993; Olsen and Randerson, 2004]. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LBIODIURNAL.


Net Terrestrial Exchange (original) of -1.01 PgC/yr. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LBIONETORIG.


Net Terrestrial Exchange (climatology) of -5.29 PgC/yr [Baker et al., 2006] adjusted for biomass/biofuel burning. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LBIONETCLIM.


Ocean Exchange sub-header line (select only one option in this section).


Annual ocean flux climatology of non-El Niño years from Takahashi et al. [1997]. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LOCN1997.


Annual ocean flux climatology of non-El Niño years from Takahashi et al. [2009]. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LOCN2009ANN.


Monthly ocean flux climatology of non-El Niño years from Takahashi et al. [2009]. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LOCN2009MON.


Ship and Plane sub-header (select no more than one ship option and one aviation option).


International ship CO2 emissions (annually-averaged) with simplified distribution from EDGAR scaled to scaled to annual values for 1985-2006 [Endresen et al. 2007]. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LSHIPEDG.


International ship CO2 emissions based on the International Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) with monthly variability [Corbett & Koehler, 2003, 2004; Wang et al., 2008] scaled to annual values for 1985-2006 [Endresen et al. 2007]. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LSHIPICO.


Aviation emission 3-D distribution from fuel burn (GEOS–Chem sulfate aerosol simulation) scaled to annual CO2 values for 1985-2002 [Sausen & Schumann, 2000; Kim et al., 2005; 2007; Wilkerson et al., 2010] and estimates for 2002-2009. An associated surface correction automatically removes domestic aviation emissions from the main fossil fuel source in continental size regions. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LPLANE.


Tagged CO2 sub-header line (select all that apply).


Save CO2 background. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LFFBKGRD.


Tag biosphere regions (28), ocean regions (11) and the Rest of the World (ROW) as specified in the Regions_land.dat and Regions_ocean.dat files. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LBIOSPHTAG.

NOTE: Tagged tracers should be customized by each user and the present configuration will not work for resolutions other than 2x2.5.


Tag fossil fuel regions (28) as specified in the Regions_land.dat file and ROW. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LFOSSILTAG.

NOTE: Tagged tracers should be customized by each user and the present configuration will not work for resolutions other than 2x2.5.


Tag global ship emissions as a single tracer. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LSHIPTAG.

NOTE: Tagged tracers should be customized by each user and the present configuration will not work for resolutions other than 2x2.5.


Tag global aviation emissions as a single tracer. This is stored in the variable Input_Opt%LPLANETAG.

NOTE: Tagged tracers should be customized by each user and the present configuration will not work for resolutions other than 2x2.5. The MERCURY MENU

This menu only controls options for the mercury simulation (with or without the Global Terrestrial Mercury Model). This is an optional menu and may be omitted from input.geos if you are not concerned with this simulation.

For more information, please see:

  1. GEOS–Chem wiki: Mercury simulation
  2. GEOS–Chem wiki: Global Terrestrial Mercury Model
  3. Global Terrestrial Mercury Model User's Manual (which describes the contents of the GTMM run directory)

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% MERCURY MENU %%%    : 
02: Use anthro Hg emiss for : 2006
03: Use future emissions?   : PRESENT
04: Error check tag/tot Hg? : F
05: Use dynamic ocean Hg?   : T
06: Preindustrial sim?      : F
07: Ocean Hg restart file   : ocean.totHg.YYYYMMDDhh
08: Use GTMM soil model?    : F
09: GTMM Hg restart file    : GTM.totHg.YYYYMMDDhh
Line Description

Header line


Specify ANTHRO_Hg_YEAR (stored in Input_Opt%ANTHRO_Hg_YEAR), which is the baseline year of the anthropogenic mercury emissions that are used in the tagged mercury simulation. Current options are either 2006 or 2050.


Specify Hg_SCENARIO (stored in Input_Opt%Hg_SCENARIO). Future emissions are based on the four IPCC SRES scenarios. Current options are PRESENT, A1B, A2, B1, or B2.


Specify USE_CHECKS (stored in Input_Opt%USE_CHECKS). Set USE_CHECKS to T to stop with an error message if the sum of tagged tracers does not equal the total tracer, or F otherwise. This is useful for debugging.


Specify LDYNOCEAN (stored in Input_Opt%LDYNOCEAN). Set LDYNOCEAN to T to use the online ocean mercury model (in source code file ocean_mercury_mod.F) or F to read ocean mercury concentrations from monthly mean files on disk.


Specify LPREINDHG (stored in Input_Opt%LPREINDHG). Set to T if you want to run a preindustrial simulation (turn off anthropogenic emissions), to F otherwise.


If you have set LDYNOCEAN to T (i.e. you are using the online ocean mercury model), then you can specify the name of the ocean mercury restart file. This file saves the concentrations of oceanic mercury tracers for continuing the run at a later stage.


specify LGTMM (stored in Input_Opt%LGTMM). Set to T if you want to run GTMM online in GEOS–Chem. Note, that to use GTMM online, you need to first run GTMM offline up to equilibrium and to compile GEOS–Chem with GTMM enabled. For more information, please refer to this document.


If you are using the GTMM online, then you can specify the name of the GTMM mercury restart file. This file saves the monthly depositions of mercury tracers for continuing the run at a later stage.


  1. In order for GTMM to work properly, the Mercury Menu should come before the Diagnostic Menu. The POPs MENU

NOTE: This menu controls options for the POPs specialty simulation only. This is an optional menu and may be omitted from input.geos if you are not concerned with this simulation.

For more information, please see:

  1. GEOS–Chem wiki: POPs simulation

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% POPS MENU %%%       :
02: POP type [PHE,PYR,BAP]  : PHE
03: Chemistry proceesing on?: T
04: POPs emiss file         : PHE_EM_1x1.bpch
05: POP_XMW                 : 178d-3
06: POP_KOA                 : 4.37d7
07: POP_KBC                 : 1d10
08: POP_K_POPG_OH           : 2.70d-11
09: POP_K_POPG_O3A          : 5d-4
10: POP_K_POPG_O3B          : 2.15d15
11: POP_HSTAR               : 2.35d1
12: POP_DEL_H               : -74d3
13: POP_DEL_Hw              : -5.65d3

Header line


Specify POP_TYPE (stored in Input_Opt%POP_TYPE). Current options are PHE (phenanthrene), PYR (pyrene), or BAP (benzo[a]pyrene).


Specify CHEM_PROCESS (stored in Input_Opt%CHEM_PROCESS). Set CHEM_PROCESS to T to use POPs chemistry.


Specify the name of the POPs emission file. Current options are PHE_EM_1x1.bpch, PYR_EM_1x1.bpch, or BaP_EM_1x1.bpch.


Specify molecular weight of POP_TYPE in kg/mol (stored in Input_Opt%POP_XMW).


Specify the POP octanol-water partition coefficient (stored in Input_Opt%POP_KOA).


Specify the POP black carbon-air partition coefficient (stored in Input_Opt%POP_KBC).


Specify the POP reaction rate constant for reaction of gas phase POP with hydroxyl radical in cm3/molec/s (stored in Input_Opt%POP_K_POPG_OH).


Specify the POP reaction rate constant for reaction of particle phase POP with ozone in s-1 (stored in Input_Opt%POP_K_POPP_O3A).


Specify the POP reaction rate constant for reaction of particle phase POP with ozone in molec/cm3 (stored in Input_Opt%POP_K_POPP_O3B).


Specify the Henry's Law constant for POP_TYPE (stored in Input_Opt%POP_HSTAR).


Specify the enthalpy of air-water exchange in J/mol (stored in Input_Opt%POP_DEL_H).


Specify the enthalpy of phase transfer from gas phase to particle phase (stored in Input_Opt%POP_DEL_Hw). The CH4 MENU (a.k.a. methane menu)

NOTE: This menu controls options for the tagged CH4 simulation only. This is an optional menu and may be omitted from input.geos if you are not concerned with this simulation.

For more information, please see:

  1. GEOS–Chem wiki: CH4 simulation

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% CH4 MENU %%%        :
02: Compute CH4 budget?     : F
03: Use Gas & Oil emis?     : T
04: Use Coal Mine emis?     : T
05: Use Livestock emis?     : T
06: Use Waste emis?         : T
07: Use Biofuel emis?       : T
08: Use Rice emis?          : T
09: Use Ot. Anthro emis?    : T
10: Use Biomass emis?       : T
11: Use Wetlands emis?      : T
12: Use Soil Absorption?    : T
13: Use Ot. Natural emis?   : T

Header line


Specify LCH4BUD (stored in Input_Opt%LCH4BUD). Set LCH4BUD to T to calculate a monthly budget for CH4. The CH4 budget is not working well, we recommend setting LCH4BUD to F.


Specify LGAO (stored in Input_Opt%LGAO). Set LGAO to F to turn off CH4 emissions from gas and oil.


Specify LCOL (stored in Input_Opt%LCOL). Set LCOL to F to turn off CH4 emissions from coal.


Specify LLIV (stored in Input_Opt%LLIV). Set LLIV to F to turn off CH4 emissions from livestock.


Specify LWAST (stored in Input_Opt%LWAST). Set LWAST to F to turn off CH4 emissions from waste.


Specify LBFCH4 (stored in Input_Opt%LBFCH4). Set LBFCH4 to F to turn off CH4 emissions from biofuels.


Specify LRICE (stored in Input_Opt%LRICE). Set LRICE to F to turn off CH4 emissions from rice fields.


Specify LOTANT (stored in Input_Opt%LOTANT). Set LOTANT to F to turn off other CH4 anthropogenic emissions.


Specify LBMCH4 (stored in Input_Opt%LBMCH4). Set LBMCH4 to F to turn off CH4 emissions from biomass burning.


Specify LWETL (stored in Input_Opt%LWETL). Set LWETL to F to turn off CH4 emissions from wetlands


Specify LSOABS (stored in Input_Opt%LSOABS). Set LSOABS to F to turn off CH4 absorption by soils.


Specify LOTNAT (stored in Input_Opt%LOTNAT). Set LOTNAT to F to turn off other CH4 natural emissions. The OUTPUT MENU

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% OUTPUT MENU %%%     : 123456789.123456789.123456789.1--1=ZERO+2=BPCH
02: Schedule output for JAN : 3000000000000000000000000000000
03: Schedule output for FEB : 30000000000000000000000000000
04: Schedule output for MAR : 3000000000000000000000000000000
05: Schedule output for APR : 300000000000000000000000000000
06: Schedule output for MAY : 3000000000000000000000000000000
07: Schedule output for JUN : 300000000000000000000000000000
08: Schedule output for JUL : 3000000000000000000000000000000
09: Schedule output for AUG : 3000000000000000000000000000000
10: Schedule output for SEP : 300000000000000000000000000000
11: Schedule output for OCT : 3000000000000000000000000000000
12: Schedule output for NOV : 300000000000000000000000000000
13: Schedule output for DEC : 3000000000000000000000000000000
Line Description

Header line


Schedule diagnostic output for JANUARY. Place a 3 in the column corresponding to the day of the month (1–31) on which you want diagnostic output saved to the binary punch file.

In the example above, the columns which indicate January 1st and February 1st both have a 3 listed there. This will cause GEOS–Chem to archive diagnostic data for the entire month of January and then save it to disk at 0 GMT on February 1st. (GEOS–Chem is smart enough not to write anything to disk at 0 GMT on January 1st, since this is the starting time of the simulation.)


Schedule diagnostic output for FEBRUARY.


Schedule diagnostic output for MARCH.


Schedule diagnostic output for APRIL.


Schedule diagnostic output for MAY.


Schedule diagnostic output for JUNE.


Schedule diagnostic output for JULY.


Schedule diagnostic output for AUGUST.


Schedule diagnostic output for SEPTEMBER.


Schedule diagnostic output for OCTOBER.


Schedule diagnostic output for NOVEMBER.


Schedule diagnostic output for DECEMBER. The GAMAP MENU

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% GAMAP MENU %%%      :
02: diaginfo.dat path       : diaginfo.dat
03: tracerinfo.dat path     : tracerinfo.dat
Line Description

Header line


Path name of the diaginfo.dat file for GAMAP. GEOS–Chem will create this file, which will be customized to the particular simulation that is being done.

This may be either a relative path name (i.e. diaginfo.dat) or an absolute path name (i.e. /home/bmy/T/run.v9-01-03/diaginfo.dat).


Path name of the tracerinfo.dat file for GAMAP. GEOS–Chem will create this file, which will be customized to the particular simulation that is being done.

This may be either a relative path name (i.e. tracerinfo.dat) or an absolute path name (i.e. /home/bmy/T/run.v9-01-03/tracerinfo.dat). The DIAGNOSTIC MENU

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

For more information about GEOS–Chem diagnostics, please see Appendix 5.

01: %% DIAGNOSTIC MENU %%% : 
02: Binary punch file name  : ctm.bpch
03: Diagnostic Entries ---> :  L   Tracers to print out for each diagnostic
04: ND01: Rn/Pb/Be source   :  0   all        
05: ND02: Rn/Pb/Be decay    :  0   all             
06: ND03: Hg emissions, P/L :  0   all                
07: ND04: CO2 Sources       :  0   all                
08: ND05: Sulfate prod/loss :  0   all               
09: ND06: Dust aer source   :  0   all                
10: ND07: Carbon aer source :  0   all                
11: ND08: Seasalt aer source:  0   all                
12: ND09: -                 :  0   all                
13: ND10: -                 :  0   all                
14: ND11: Acetone sources   :  0   all                 
15: ND12: BL fraction       :  0   all              
16: ND13: Sulfur sources    :  0   all                
17: ND14: Cld conv mass flx :  0   all                
18: ND15: BL mix mass flx   :  0   all                
19: ND16: LS/Conv prec frac :  0   all               
20: ND17: Rainout fraction  :  0   all            
21: ND18: Washout fraction  :  0   all            
22: ND19: CH4 loss          :  0   all            
23: ND21: Optical depths    :  0   all            
24: ND22: J-Values          :  0   64 7 8 20 99            
25:       => JV time range  :      11 13
26: ND24: E/W transpt flx   :  0   all
27: ND25: N/S transpt flx   :  0   all
28: ND26: U/D transpt flx   :  0   all
29: ND27: Strat NOx,Ox,HNO3 :  0   1 2 7
30: ND28: Biomass emissions :  0   1 4 5 9 10 11 18 19 20 21 26 30 34 35
31: ND29: CO sources        :  0   all
32: ND30: Land Map          :  0   all
33: ND31: Surface pressure  :  0   all
34: ND32: NOx sources       :  0   all
35: ND33: Column tracer     :  0   all
36: ND34: Biofuel emissions :  0   1 4 5 9 10 11 18 19 20 21
37: ND35: Tracers at 500 mb :  0   all
38: ND36: Anthro emissions  :  0   1 2 4 5 7 9 10 11 18 19 20 21
39: ND37: Updraft scav frac :  0   all
40: ND38: Cld Conv scav loss:  0   all
41: ND39: Wetdep scav loss  :  0   all
42: ND41: Afternoon PBL ht  :  0   all
43: ND42: SOA concentrations:  0   all
44: ND43: Chem OH,NO,HO2,NO2: 47   all
45:   ==> OH/HO2 time range :       0 24   
46: ND44: Drydep flx/vel    :  0   2 3 7 8 9 11 13 14 15 16 17 20 22 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 47 48 50 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
47: ND45: Tracer Conc's     : 47   all 
48:   ==> ND45 Time range   :       0 24
49: ND46: Biogenic emissions:  0   all
50: ND47: 24-h avg trc conc :  0   all
51: ND52: GAMMA HO2         :  0   all
52: ND53: POPs Emissions    :  0   all
53: ND54: Time in t'sphere  :  0   all
54: ND55: Tropopause height :  0   all
55: ND56: Lightning flashes :  0   all
56: ND57: Potential T       :  0   all
57: ND58: CH4 Emissions     :  0   all
58: ND59: -                 :  0   all
59: ND60: Wetland Frac      :  0   all
60: ND61: -                 :  0   all
61: ND62: Inst column maps  :  0   all
62: ND64: -                 :  0   all
63: ND66: DAO 3-D fields    :  0   all
64: ND67: DAO 2-D fields    :  0   all
65: ND68: Airmass/Boxheight :  0   all
66: ND69: Surface area      :  0   all
67: ND70: Debug output      :  0   all
Line Description

Header line.


Specify the name of the binary punch file. You may use date & time tokens YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss and GEOS–Chem will replace these with the appropriate values.


Header line.


ND01 (Rn–Pb–Be source) diagnostic settings. You must list the following information:

  • Number of levels to save:
    • Entering 0 will turn off this diagnostic.
    • Entering 1 will archive data for level 1 (the surface level).
    • Entering 20 will archive data from level from 1 (surface) up to and including level 20.
    • Entering 30 will archive data from level from 1 (surface) up to and including level 30, etc.

      Note that the code is smart enough to prevent you from saving out more vertical levels than there are present for a given diagnostic.

  • Tracer numbers to save. If you want to save all tracers for a given diagnostic, just type the word all. If you want to save specific tracer numbers then list them individually (separated by spaces).

You must list this information (number of levels and tracer numbers) for all other diagnostics in this menu. It is recommended to save out all tracers for a given diagnostic, unless you need to save disk space.


ND02 (Rn–Pb–Be decay) diagnostic settings.


ND03 (Mercury emissions, production & loss) diagnostic settings.


ND04 (CO2 prod/loss) diagnostic settings.


ND05 (sulfate prod & loss) diagnostic settings.


ND06 (mineral dust emissions) diagnostic settings.


ND07 (carbonaceous aerosol emissions) diagnostic settings.


ND08 (sea salt aerosol emissions) diagnostic settings.

12 Free diagnostic (reserved for future use).

ND10 (sources, production and loss of H2 and HD) diagnostic settings.


ND11 (sea salt aerosol emissions) diagnostic settings.


ND12 (fraction of each layer in the PBL fraction) diagnostic settings.


ND13 (sulfate aerosol emissions) diagnostic settings.


ND14 (mass flux from cloud convection) diagnostic settings.


ND15 (mass flux from PBL mixing) diagnostic settings.


ND16 (fraction of grid box undergoing large scale & convective precip) diagnostic settings.


ND17 (fraction of soluble tracer lost to rainout) diagnostic settings.


ND18 (fraction of soluble tracer lost to washout) diagnostic settings.


ND19 (CH4 loss) diagnostic settings. For CH4 simulation only.


ND21 (optical depths of cloud, dust, and aerosols) diagnsotic settings.


ND22 (J-value photolysis rates) diagnostic settings.


Specify the averaging period (in local time) for the ND22 diagnostic. In the example above, J-value data from grid boxes where it is between 11:00 and 13:00 local time will be averaged and then saved to disk.


ND24 (E/W transport mass fluxes) diagnostic settings.


ND25 (N/S transport mass fluxes) diagnostic settings.


ND26 (vertical transport mass fluxes) diagnostic settings.


ND27 (flux of tracer from the stratosphere) diagnostic settings.


ND28 (biomass burning emissions) diagnostic settings. NOTE: the only tracers that have biomass burning emissions defined are:

# Tracer (standard simulation) # Tracer (dicarbonyl simulaton) # Tagged Simulations
1 NO (Nitric oxide)   All of the standard simulation tracers PLUS: 1-N CO2 (Carbon monoxide)
4 CO (Carbon monoxide) 57 GLYX (Glyoxal) 1-N CH4 (methane)
5 ALK4 (Lumped >= C4 Alkanes) 58 MGLY (Methylglyoxal)    
9 ACET (Acetone) 59 BENZ (Benzene)    
10 MEK (Methyl Ethyl Ketone) 60 TOLU (Toluene)    
11 ALD2 (Acetaldehyde) 61 XYLE (Xylene)    
18 PRPE (Lumped >= C3 Alkenes) 65 C2H4 (Ethene)    
19 C3H8 (Propane) 66 C2H2 (Acetylene)    
20 CH2O (Formaldehyde) 68 GLYC (Glycoaldehyde)    
21 C2H6 (Ethane) 69 HAC (Hydroxyacetone)    
26 SO2 (Sulfur Dioxide)        
30 NH3 (Ammonia)        
34 BCPI (Black Carbon)        
35 OCPI (Organic Carbon)        

ND29 (sources of CO) diagnostic settings.


ND30 (surface map) diagnostic settings.


ND31 (surface pressure) diagnostic settings.


ND32 (sources of NOx) diagnostic settings.


ND33 (column tracer) diagnostic settings. NOTE: This is more or less obsolete.


ND34 (biofuel emissions) diagnostic settings. NOTE: the only tracers that have biofuel emissions defined are:

# Tracer (standard simulation) # Tracer (dicarbonyl simulaton)
1 NO (Nitric oxide)   All of the standard simulation tracers PLUS:
4 CO (Carbon monoxide) 57 GLYX (Glyoxal)
5 ALK4 (Lumped >= C4 Alkanes) 58 MGLY (Methylglyoxal)
9 ACET (Acetone) 59 BENZ (Benzene)
10 MEK (Methyl Ethyl Ketone) 60 TOLU (Toluene)
11 ALD2 (Acetaldehyde) 61 XYLE (Xylene)
18 PRPE (Lumped >= C3 Alkenes) 65 C2H4 (Ethene)
19 C3H8 (Propane) 66 C2H2 (Acetylene)
20 CH2O (Formaldehyde) 68 GLYC (Glycoaldehyde)
21 C2H6 (Ethane) 69 HAC (Hydroxyacetone)

ND35 (500 hPa tracers) diagnostic settings. NOTE: This is more or less obsolete now.


ND36 (anthropogenic emissions) diagnostic settings. NOTE: the only tracers that have anthropogenic emissions defined are:

# Tracer (standard simulation)
1 NO (Nitric oxide)
2 O3 (Ozone)
4 CO (Carbon monoxide)
5 ALK4 (Lumped >= C4 Alkanes)
7 HNO3 (Nitric Acid)
9 ACET (Acetone)
10 MEK (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)
11 ALD2 (Acetaldehyde)
18 PRPE (Lumped >= C3 Alkenes)
19 C3H8 (Propane)
20 CH2O (Formaldehyde)
21 C2H6 (Ethane)

ND37 (fraction of soluble tracer scavenged in updrafts in cloud convection) diagnostic settings.


ND38 (rainout loss of soluble tracer in convective updrafts) diagnostic settings.


ND39 (washout loss of soluble tracer in convective updrafts) diagnostic settings.


ND41 (afternoon PBL height) diagnostic settings.


ND42 (secondary organic aerosol concentration) diagnostic settings.


ND43 (chemically produced quantities) diagnostic settings.


Specify the averaging period (in local time) for OH and HO2 in the ND43 diagnostic. It is recommended to average OH and HO2 from 00:00 to 24:00 hours local time (i.e. all day long). This is shown in the example above.


ND44 (dry deposition fluxes & velocities) diagnostic settings.


ND45 (tracer concentrations) diagnostic settings.


Specify the averaging period (in local time) for tracers in the ND45 diagnostic. It is recommended to average tracers from 00:00 to 24:00 hours local time (i.e. all day long). This is shown in the example above.


ND46 (biogenic emissions) diagnostic settings.


ND47 (24-hour tracer concentrations) diagnostic settings.

51 ND52 (gamma(HO2) for the HO2 uptake by aerosols).

ND53 (POPs emissions) diagnostic settings. For POPs simulation only.

53 ND54 diagnostic -- computes the time that a given grid box spends in the troposphere.

ND55 (tropopause height) diagnostic settings.


ND56 (lightning flashes) diagnostic settings.

56 ND57 (Potential temperature) diagnostic settings.
57 ND58 (CH4 Emissions) diagnostic settings. For CH4 simulation only.
58 Free diagnostic (reserved for future use).
59 ND60 (Wetland Frac) diagnotic settings. For CH4 simulation only.
60 Free diagnostic (reserved for future use).

ND62 (instantaneous column maps) diagnostic settings.


Free diagnostic (reserved for future use).


ND66 (3-D met fields) diagnostic settings.


ND67 (2-D met fields) diagnostic settings.


ND68 (boxheight & air mass) diagnostic settings.


ND69 (grid box surface area) diagnostic settings.


ND70 (turn on debug output) diagnostic settings. The PLANEFLIGHT MENU

We have IDL codes that can create a Planeflight.dat file from the DC8 and P3B navigation files from ARCTAS, ICARTT, and other aircraft missions. Click here for more information.

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

02: Turn on plane flt diag? : F
03: Flight track info file  : Planeflight.dat.YYYYMMDD
04: Output file name        : plane.log.YYYYMMDD
Line Description

Header line


Set this to T to turn on the plane flight following diagnostic (a.k.a. ND40 diagnostic). Set this switch to F to turn off the plane flight diagnostic.


Specify the name of the input file (usually called Planeflight.dat.YYYYMMDD) for the plane flight diagnostic. This file is described below. You may use date & time tokens YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss as part of the filename and GEOS–Chem will replace these with the appropriate values.

If the plane flight diagnostic is turned on, then GEOS–Chem will look for a new Planeflight.dat.YYYYMMDD file for each YYYYMMDD date. Then it will save out various quantities along the flight track(s) define within the Planeflight.dat.YYYYMMDD file.


Specify the name of the output file (usually called plane.log) for the plane flight diagnostic. You may use date & time tokens YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss as part of the filename and GEOS–Chem will replace these with the appropriate values. The ND48 MENU

Note: this diagnostic is somewhat obsolete. We recommend using ND49 to save the region where your stations are, then post-process the output to get the quantities at the stations position.

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% ND48 MENU %%%       :
02: Turn on ND48 stations   : T
03: Station Timeseries file : stations.YYYYMMDD
04: Frequency [min]         : 60
05: Number of stations      : 3
06: Station #1 (I,J,Lmax,N) : 23 34 1 1
07: Station #2 (I,J,Lmax,N) : 23 34 1 97
08: Station #3 (I,J,Lmax,N) : 23 34 1 98
Line Description

Header line


Set this to T to turn on the ND48 station timeseries diagnostic. This allows you to save timeseries data of various quantities at specific grid boxes. Set this to F to turn off the ND48 station timeseries diagnostic.


Specify the name of the file which will contain output from the ND48 station timeseries diagnostic. This file will be in binary punch format and can be read by GAMAP. You may use date & time tokens YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss as part of the filename and GEOS–Chem will replace these with the appropriate values.


Specify the frequency in minutes at which data will be archived by the ND48 station timeseries diagnostic. Recommended values: 60 minutes or 120 minutes.


Specify the number of ND48 stations at which timeseries data will be saved to disk.


For each ND48 station, you must provide the following information (separated by spaces):

  • Longitude index
  • Latitude index
  • Number of levels to save
    • If you type 1, it will just save the surface level.
    • If you type 10, then it will save all levels from level 1 (surface) to level 10.
  • ND48 diagnostic quantity number
# ND48 diagnostic quantity Units
1–N_TRACERS GEOS–Chem advected tracers [v/v]
76 OH concentration [molec/cm3]
77 NO2 concentration [v/v]
78 PBL heights [m]
79 PBL heights [levels]
80 Air density [molec/cm3]
81 Cloud fractions [unitless]
82 Column optical depths [unitless]
83 Cloud top heights [hPa]
84 Sulfate aerosol optical depth [unitless]
85 Black carbon aerosol optical depth [unitless]
86 Organic carbon aerosol optical depth [unitless]
87 Accumulation mode seasalt optical depth [unitless]
88 Coarse mode seasalt optical depth [unitless]
89 Total dust optical depth [unitless]
90 Total seasalt tracer concentration [unitless]
91 Pure O3 (not Ox) concentration [v/v]
92 NO concentration [v/v]
93 NOy concentration [v/v]
94 Grid box height [m]
95 Relative humidity [%]
96 Sea level pressure [hPa]
97 Zonal wind (a.k.a. U-wind) [m/s]
98 Meridional wind (a.k.a. V-wind) [m/s]
99 Pressure at level edges (PEDGE-$) [hPa]
100 Temperature [K]
115–121 Size-resolved dust optical depth (i.e. the 7 FAST-J dust bins) [unitless] The ND49 MENU

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% ND49 MENU %%%       :
02: Turn on ND49 diagnostic : T
03: Inst 3-D timeser. file  : tsYYYYMMDD.bpch
04: Tracers to include      : 94
05: Frequency [min]         : 120
06: IMIN, IMAX of region    : 70 30
07: JMIN, JMAX of region    : 23 46
08: LMIN, LMAX of region    : 1 20
Line Description

Header line


Set this to T to turn on the ND49 instantaneous 3D timeseries diagnostic. This allows you to archive instantaneous timeseries data for various quantities from a 3D region of the globe.


Specify the name of the file which will contain output from the ND49 station timeseries diagnostic. This file will be in binary punch format and can be read by GAMAP. You may use date & time tokens YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss as part of the filename and GEOS–Chem will replace these with the appropriate values.


Specify the ND49 diagnostic quantities to save to disk. Separate each number with a space.

# ND49 diagnostic quantity Units
1–N_TRACERS GEOS–Chem advected tracers [v/v]
76 OH concentration [molec/cm3]
77 NO2 concentration [v/v]
78 PBL heights [m]
79 PBL heights [levels]
80 Air density [molec/cm3]
81 Cloud fractions [unitless]
82 Column optical depths [unitless]
83 Cloud top heights [hPa]
84 Sulfate aerosol optical depth [unitless]
85 Black carbon aerosol optical depth [unitless]
86 Organic carbon aerosol optical depth [unitless]
87 Accumulation mode seasalt optical depth [unitless]
88 Coarse mode seasalt optical depth [unitless]
89 Total dust optical depth [unitless]
90 Total seasalt tracer concentration [unitless]
91 Pure O3 (not Ox) concentration [v/v]
92 NO concentration [v/v]
93 NOy concentration [v/v]
94 Grid box height [m]
95 Relative humidity [%]
96 Sea level pressure [hPa]
97 Zonal wind (a.k.a. U-wind) [m/s]
98 Meridional wind (a.k.a. V-wind) [m/s]
99 Pressure at level edges (PEDGE-$) [hPa]
100 Temperature [K]
101 PAR direct [W/m2]
102 PAR diffuse [W/m2]
103 Daily LAI [cm2/cm2]
104 Temperature at 2m [K]
105 Isoprene emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
106 Total Monoterpene emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
107 Methyl Butenol emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
108 Alpha-Pinene emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
109 Beta-Pinene emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
110 Limonene emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
111 Sabinene emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
112 Myrcene emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
113 3-Carene emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
114 Ocimene emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
115 Farnesene emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
116–122 Size-resolved dust optical depth (i.e. the 7 FAST-J dust bins) [unitless]

Specify the frequency (in minutes) at which ND49 will save data for a 3D region of the globe data to disk. Recommended value: 180 min (3 hours). You may save data at a higher temporal resolution (e.g. every 60 min) but this will create HUGE data files!


Specify IMIN and IMAX, the indices which determine the longitude extent of the 3D region of the globe. Note that these are indices and not actual longitude values. To specify all 360 degrees of longitude, type the following:

Also, note you can wrap around the date line. In the example shown above, IMIN=70 and IMAX=30. This will create a 3D region (assuming 4x5 grid) which starts at 165° E longitude and extends across the date line to 35° W longitude.


Specify JMIN and JMAX, the indices which determine the latitude extent of the 3D region of the globe. Note that these are indices and not actual latitude values. To specify all 180 degrees of latitude, type the following:


Specify LMIN and LMAX, the indices which determine the vertical extent of the 3D region of the globe. The ND50 MENU

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% ND50 MENU %%%       :
02: Turn on ND50 diagnostic : T
03: 24-hr avg timeser. file : ts_24h_avg.YYYYMMDD.bpch
04: Output as HDF5?         : F
05: Tracers to include      : 94
06: IMIN, IMAX of region    : 1 72
07: JMIN, JMAX of region    : 1 46
08: LMIN, LMAX of region    : 1 20
Line Description

Header line


Set this to T to turn on the ND50 24-hour 3D timeseries diagnostic. This allows you save to archive 24-hour averaged data from a 3D region of the globe.


Specify the name of the file which will contain output from the ND49 station timeseries diagnostic. This file will be in binary punch format and can be read by GAMAP. You may use date & time tokens YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss as part of the filename and GEOS–Chem will replace these with the appropriate values.


To output the ND50 diagnostic quantities in HDF5 format.

Note: HDF5 must be installed on your system for using this option.
(The GEOS–Chem support team does not provide help for the installation of this library)


Specify the ND50 diagnostic quantities to save to disk. Separate each number with a space.

# ND50 diagnostic quantity Units
1–N_TRACERS GEOS–Chem advected tracers [v/v]
76 OH concentration [molec/cm3]
77 NO2 concentration [v/v]
78 PBL heights [m]
79 PBL heights [levels]
80 Air density [molec/cm3]
81 Cloud fractions [unitless]
82 Column optical depths [unitless]
83 Cloud top heights [hPa]
84 Sulfate aerosol optical depth [unitless]
85 Black carbon aerosol optical depth [unitless]
86 Organic carbon aerosol optical depth [unitless]
87 Accumulation mode seasalt optical depth [unitless]
88 Coarse mode seasalt optical depth [unitless]
89 Total dust optical depth [unitless]
90 Total seasalt tracer concentration [unitless]
91 Pure O3 (not Ox) concentration [v/v]
92 NO concentration [v/v]
93 NOy concentration [v/v]
94 Grid box height [m]
95 Relative humidity [%]
96 Sea level pressure [hPa]
97 Zonal wind (a.k.a. U-wind) [m/s]
98 Meridional wind (a.k.a. V-wind) [m/s]
99 Pressure at level edges (PEDGE-$) [hPa]
100 Temperature [K]
116–122 Size-resolved dust optical depth (i.e. the 7 FAST-J dust bins) [unitless]

Specify IMIN and IMAX, the indices which determine the longitude extent of the 3D region of the globe. Note that these are indices and not actual longitude values. To specify all 360 degrees of longitude, type the following:

Also, note you can wrap around the date line. In the example shown above, IMIN=70 and IMAX=30. This will create a 3D region (assuming 4x5 grid) which starts at 165° E longitude and extends across the date line to 35° W longitude.


Specify JMIN and JMAX, the indices which determine the latitude extent of the 3D region of the globe. Note that these are indices and not actual latitude values. To specify all 180 degrees of latitude, type the following:


Specify LMIN and LMAX, the indices which determine the vertical extent of the 3D region of the globe. The ND51 MENU

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% ND51 MENU %%%       :
02: Turn on ND51 diagnostic : T
03: LT avg timeseries file  : ts_satellite.YYYYMMDD.bpch
04: Output as HDF5?         : F
05: Tracers to include      : 94
06: GMT Hour for disk write : 0
07: Avg Period [LT hours]   : 10 12
08: IMIN, IMAX of region    :  1 72
09: JMIN, JMAX of region    : 23 46
10: LMIN, LMAX of region    :  1  1
Line Description

Header line


Set this to T to turn on the ND51 "satellite" 3D timeseries diagnostic. ND51 allows you to archive 3D data blocks for various quantities which have been time-averaged between 2 local times. This is useful for comparing model data to sun-synchronous satellites such as GOME or MOPITT which have morning overpass times.


Specify the name of the file which will contain output from the ND51 station timeseries diagnostic. This file will be in binary punch format and can be read by GAMAP. You may use date & time tokens YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss as part of the filename and GEOS–Chem will replace these with the appropriate values.


To output the ND50 diagnostic quantities in HDF format.

Note: HDF5 must be installed on your system for using this option.
(The GEOS–Chem support team does not provide help for the installation of this library)


Specify the ND51 diagnostic quantities to save to disk. Separate each number with a space.

# ND51 diagnostic quantity Units
1–N_TRACERS GEOS–Chem advected tracers [v/v]
76 OH concentration [molec/cm3]
77 NO2 concentration [v/v]
78 PBL heights [m]
79 PBL heights [levels]
80 Air density [molec/cm3]
81 Cloud fractions [unitless]
82 Column optical depths [unitless]
83 Cloud top heights [hPa]
84 Sulfate aerosol optical depth [unitless]
85 Black carbon aerosol optical depth [unitless]
86 Organic carbon aerosol optical depth [unitless]
87 Accumulation mode seasalt optical depth [unitless]
88 Coarse mode seasalt optical depth [unitless]
89 Total dust optical depth [unitless]
90 Total seasalt tracer concentration [unitless]
91 Pure O3 (not Ox) concentration [v/v]
92 NO concentration [v/v]
93 NOy concentration [v/v]
94 Grid box height [m]
95 Relative humidity [%]
96 Sea level pressure [hPa]
97 Zonal wind (a.k.a. U-wind) [m/s]
98 Meridional wind (a.k.a. V-wind) [m/s]
99 Pressure at level edges (PEDGE-$) [hPa]
100 Temperature [K]
101 PAR direct [W/m2]
102 PAR diffuse [W/m2]
103 Daily LAI [cm2/cm2]
104 Temperature at 2m [K]
105 Isoprene emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
106 Total Monoterpene emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
107 Methyl Butenol emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
108 Alpha-Pinene emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
109 Beta-Pinene emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
110 Limonene emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
111 Sabinene emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
112 Myrcene emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
113 3-Carene emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
114 Ocimene emissions [atoms C/cm2/s]
116–121 Size-resolved dust optical depth (i.e. the 7 FAST-J dust bins) [unitless]


Specify the time of day (in GMT hours) at which the ND51 timeseries file will be written to disk. Recommended value: 0 GMT each day.


Specify the ND51 time averaging window (in local time hours). Only data from grid boxes where the local time falls within this window will be included in the diagnostic averaging process. Recommended values: 10:00 to 12:00 LT. This will cover both GOME and MOPITT overpasses.


Specify IMIN and IMAX, the indices which determine the longitude extent of the 3D region of the globe. Note that these are indices and not actual longitude values. To specify all 360 degrees of longitude, type the following:

Also, note you can wrap around the date line. In the example shown above, IMIN=70 and IMAX=30. This will create a 3D region (assuming 4x5 grid) which starts at 165° E longitude and extends across the date line to 35° W longitude.


Specify JMIN and JMAX, the indices which determine the latitude extent of the 3D region of the globe. Note that these are indices and not actual latitude values. To specify all 180 degrees of latitude, type the following:


Specify LMIN and LMAX, the indices which determine the vertical extent of the 3D region of the globe. The ND51b MENU

ND51b allows you to output quantities along a second satellite path. ND51b setup is identical to ND51 setup. The ND63 MENU

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% ND63 MENU %%%       :
02: Turn on ND63 diagnostic : T
03: LT avg timeseries file  : paranox_ts.YYYYMMDD.bpch
04: Tracers to include      : 1
05: Frequency [min]         : 120
06: IMIN, IMAX of region    : 70 30
07: JMIN, JMAX of region    : 23 46
Line Description

Header line


Set this to T to turn on the ND63 ship timeseries diagnostic.


Specify the name of the file which will contain output from the ND63 timeseries diagnostic. This file will be in binary punch format and can be read by GAMAP. You may use date & time tokens YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss as part of the filename and GEOS–Chem will replace these with the appropriate values.


Specify the ND63 diagnostic quantities to save to disk.

# ND63 diagnostic quantity Units
1 Fraction of NOx remaining [unitless]
2 Integrated Ozone Production Efficiency, or OPE [unitless]
3 Fraction of NOx * ship emissions [kg/box/timestep]
4 Integrated OPE * ( 1 - fraction of NOx) * ship emissions [kg/box/timestep]
5 Ship emissions [kg/box/timestep]


Specify the frequency (in minutes) at which the ND63 timeseries file will be written to disk.


Specify IMIN and IMAX, the indices which determine the longitude extent of the 3D region of the globe. Note that these are indices and not actual longitude values. To specify all 360 degrees of longitude, type the following:

Also, note you can wrap around the date line. In the example shown above, IMIN=70 and IMAX=30. This will create a 3D region (assuming 4x5 grid) which starts at 165° E longitude and extends across the date line to 35° W longitude.


Specify JMIN and JMAX, the indices which determine the latitude extent of the 3D region of the globe. Note that these are indices and not actual latitude values. To specify all 180 degrees of latitude, type the following: The PROD & LOSS MENU

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% PROD & LOSS MENU %%%:
02: Turn on P/L (ND65) diag?: T
03: # of levels for ND65    : 47
04: Save O3 P/L (ND20)?     : F
05: Number of P/L families  : 7
06: 1st  chemical family    : POX: O3 NO2 2NO3 PAN PMN PPN HNO4 3N2O5 HNO3 BrO HOBr BrNO2 2BrNO3 MPN
07: 2nd  chemical family    : LOX: O3 NO2 2NO3 PAN PMN PPN HNO4 3N2O5 HNO3 BrO HOBr BrNO2 2BrNO3 MPN
08: 3rd  chemical family    : PCO: CO
09: 4th  chemical family    : LCO: CO
10: 5th  chemical family    : PBrOx: Br BrO
11: 6th  chemical family    : PBry: 2Br2 Br BrO HOBr HBr BrNO2 BrNO3
12: 7th  chemical family    : LBry: 2Br2 Br BrO HOBr HBr BrNO2 BrNO3
Line Description

Header line


Set this switch to T if you wish to save out chemical production for family tracers (a.k.a. the ND65 diagnostic), or F otherwise.

NOTE: The chemical family production & loss diagnostic must be turned off when using the KPP chemical solver.

3 Specify the number of levels to save for the chemical family production & loss diagnostic.
  • If you type 1, it will just save the surface level.
  • If you type 20, then it will save all levels from level 1 (surface) to level 20, etc.

If you are performing a full-chemistry simulation, then you may only archive production and loss data within the troposphere. This is because SMVGEAR does not do chemistry in the stratosphere. For other types of simulations (e.g. tagged Ox, tagged CO), you may archive production and loss data from all levels.


Set this switch to T if you wish to archive P(Ox) and L(Ox) rates from a full chemistry simulation into binary punch format, so that these rates can be used to drive a future tagged Ox simulation (a.k.a. ND20 diagnostic).


Specify the number of production and loss families to archive. You must list each family below.


Entry for the POx chemical production family (assuming we are performing a full-chemistry simulation). The family name comes first and must be followed by a colon. Then you must list the individual species which constitute the POx family. A number in front of a species name is the coefficient by which that species will be multiplied. (You do not have to list the coefficient if it is 1.) Since the family name POx begins with a P, it is interpreted to be a chemical production family.


Entry for the LOx chemical production family (assuming we are performing a full-chemistry simulation). You may proceed as described above. Since the family name LOx begins with an L, it is interpreted to be a chemical loss family.


Entry for the PCO chemical production family.


Entry for the LCO chemical production family.


Entry for the PBrOx chemical production family.


Entry for the PBry chemical production family.


Entry for the LBry chemical production family. The ARCHIVED OH MENU

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% ARCHIVED OH MENU %%%:
02: Dir w/ archived OH files: /as/data/geos/GEOS_MEAN/OHmerge/v5-07-08/
Line Description

Header line


Specify OH_DIR (stored in Input_Opt%OH_DIR). OH_DIR is directory path where the offline monthly-mean OH files are stored. The O3 P/L MENU

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01:%%% O3 P/L MENU %%%      :
02: Dir w/ O3 P/L rate files: /as/data/geos/GEOS_MEAN/O3_PROD_LOSS/2003.v6-01-05/
Line Description

Header line


Specify O3_PL_DIR (stored in Input_Opt%O3_PL_DIR). O3_PL_DIR is directory path where the P(Ox) and L(Ox) rates are stored, or where they will be created. These rates, which have been archived from a full-chemistry simulation, are required to drive a tagged Ox simulation. The NESTED GRID MENU

NOTE: This menu controls options for the various GEOS–Chem nested grid simulations. This is an optional menu and may be omitted from input.geos if you are not concerned with these simulations.

For more information, please see:

  1. GEOS–Chem wiki: Nested-grid simulations
  2. GEOS–Chem wiki: Setting up nested-grid simulations
  3. GEOS–Chem wiki: Available met data for nested-grid simulations

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% NESTED GRID MENU %%%:  
02: Save TPCORE BC's        : F
03: Input BCs at 2x2.5?     : T
04: Over North America?     : F
05: TPCORE NA BC directory  : BC_2x25_NA/
06: Over Europe?            : F
07: TPCORE EU BC directory  : BC_2x25_EU/
08: Over China?             : F
09: TPCORE CH BC directory  : BC_2x25_CH/
10: Over SE Asia region?    : F
11: TPCORE SE BC directory  : BC_2x25_SE/
12: Over Custom Region?     : F
13: TPCORE BC directory     : BC_2x25/
14: BC timestep [min]       : 180
15: LL box of BC region     :   9  26
16: UR box of BC region     :  29  41
17: 1x1 offsets I0_W, J0_W  :   3   3
Line Description

Header line


Specify LWINDO (stored in Input_Opt%LWINDO). Set LWINDO to T if you wish to save out boundary conditions from a GEOS–Chem simulation, or F otherwise. Before you run at the nested-grid resolution, you must first save out boundary conditions from a global GEOS–Chem simulation (usually 2° x 2.5°).


Specify LWINDO2x25 (stored in Input_Opt%LWINDO2x25):

  • If you are using boundary conditions saved from a 2° x 2.5° GEOS–Chem simulation, then set Set LWINDO2x25 to T.
  • If you are using boundary conditions saved from a 4° x 5° GEOS–Chem simulation, then set Set LWINDO2x25 to F.
4 Specify LWINDO_NA (stored in Input_Opt%LWINDO_NA). Set LWINDO_NA to T if you wish to perform a GEOS–Chem nested grid simulation over the 0.5° x 0.666 ° or 0.25° x 0.3125° North American domain.

Specify TPBC_DIR_NA (stored in Input_Opt%TPBC_DIR_NA). TPBC_DIR_NA is the directory path where you have stored the boundary conditions for your North American nested-grid simulation.

6 Specify LWINDO_EU stored in Input_Opt%LWINDO_EU). Set LWINDO_EU to T if you wish to perform a GEOS–Chem nested grid simulation over the 0.5° x 0.666 ° or 0.25° x 0.3125° European domain.

Specify TPBC_DIR_EU (stored in Input_Opt%TPBC_DIR_EU). TPBC_DIR_EU is the directory path where you have stored the boundary conditions for your European nested-grid simulation.

8 Specify LWINDO_CH (stored in Input_Opt%LWINDO_CH). Set LWINDO_CH to T if you wish to perform a GEOS–Chem nested grid simulation over the 0.5° x 0.666 ° or 0.25° x 0.3125° China/SE Asia domain.

Specify TPBC_DIR_CH (stored in Input_Opt%TPBC_DIR_CH). TPBC_DIR_CH is the directory path where you have stored the boundary conditions for your China/SE Asia nested-grid simulation.

10 Specify LWINDO_SE (stored in Input_Opt%LWINDO_SE). Set LWINDO_SE to T if you wish to perform a GEOS–Chem nested grid simulation over the 0.25° x 0.3125° SE Asia region.

Specify TPBC_DIR_SE (stored in Input_Opt%TPBC_DIR_SE). TPBC_DIR_SE is the directory path where you have stored the boundary conditions for your SE Asia nested-grid simulation.

12 Specify LWINDO_CU (stored in Input_Opt%LWINDO_CU). Set LWINDO_CU to T if you wish to perform a GEOS–Chem nested grid simulation a domain that you have customized yourself.

Specify TPBC_DIR_CU (stored in Input_Opt%TPBC_DIR_CU). TPBC_DIR_CU is the directory path where you have stored the boundary conditions for your custom-domain nested-grid simulation.


Specify the frequency in minutes at which the 2° x 2.5° or 4° x 5° boundary conditions will be saved to disk. Recommended value: 180 min (3 hours).


Specify I1_BC and J1_BC (stored in tpcore_bc_mod.F). I1_BC and J1_BC are the longitude and latitude indices of the grid box at the LOWER LEFT CORNER of the region in which 4° x 5° boundary conditions are being saved. In the example listed above, I1_BC=51 and J1_BC=21 denotes the grid box (70°E, 10°S).


Specify I2_BC and J2_BC (stored in tpcore_bc_mod.F). I2_BC and J2_BC are the longitude and latitude indices of the grid box at the UPPER RIGHT CORNER of the 4° x 5° window region in which boundary conditions are being saved. In the example listed above, I2_BC=67 and J2_BC=37 denotes the grid box (150°E, 54°N).


Specify I0_W and J0_W (located in source code file tpcore_bc_mod.F). I0_W and J0_W are the 1° x 1° nested grid longitude and latitude offsets (in # of boxes) of the which are used to define an inner window reion in which transport is actually done. The region in which transport is done in the 1° x 1° window is smaller than the actual size of them 1° x 1° nested grid met fields in order to account for the boundary conditions. Please see the comments to the source code file tpcore_bc_mod.F for more information. Recommended values: I0_W=3 and J0_W=3. The UNIX CMDS MENU

Line numbers are not part of the input.geos file, but have been included for reference.

01: %%% UNIX CMDS MENU %%%  :
02: Background symbol       : &
03: Redirect symbol         :  >
04: Unix remove command     : rm -f
05: Unix pathname separator : /
06: Unix wildcard character : *
07: Unix unzip command      : gzip -dc
08: Zip file suffix         : .gz
Line Description

Header line


Specify BACKGROUND (stored in Input_Opt%BACKGROUND). Set BACKGROUND to the symbol which is used to place Unix jobs in the background. Recommended value: "&".


Specify REDIRECT (stored in Input_Opt%REDIRECT). Set REDIRECT to the symbol which is used to redirect output from one file to another. Recommended value: "  >". (NOTE: leave a space before the greater than sign.)


Specify REMOVE_CMD (stored in Input_Opt%REMOVE_CMD). Set REMOVE_CMD to the string which defines the Unix remove file command. Recommended value: "rm -f".


Specify SEPARATOR (stored in Input_Opt%SEPARATOR). Set SEPARATOR to the symbol which is used as the directory path separator. Recommended value: "/".


Specify STAR (stored in Input_Opt%STAR). Set STAR to the symbol which is used as the Unix wild card character. Recommended value: "*".


Specify UNZIP_CMD (stored in Input_Opt%UNZIP_CMD). Set UNZIP_CMD to the string which defines the file unzipping command. Recommended value: "gzip -dc".


Specify ZIP_SUFFIX (stored in Input_Opt%ZIP_SUFFIX). Set ZIP_SUFFIX to the file extension string which is used to denote compressed files. Recommended value: ".gz".

5.2.2 The Planeflight.dat.YYYYMMDD file

We have IDL codes that can create a Planeflight.dat file from the DC8 and P3B navigation files from ARCTAS, ICARTT, and other aircraft missions. Click here for more information.

Sometimes it is necessary to compare GEOS–Chem output against aircraft observations. The plane flight following diagnostic (a.k.a. ND40 diagnostic) allows you to save out GEOS–Chem diagnostic quantities for grid boxes corresponding to aircraft flight tracks. This prevents you from having to save out huge 3-D punch files with lots of species.

The Planeflight.dat.YYYYMMDD files allow you to specify the diagnostic quantities (tracers, reaction rates, met fields, or chemical species) that you want to print out for a specific longitude, latitude, altitude, and time. A sample Planeflight.dat.YYYYMMDD file is given below. Of course if you have lots of flight track data points, your file will be much longer.

In GEOS–Chem v7–03–06 and higher versions, the plane flight following diagnostic has been modified to be consistent with the method of saving out plane flight data used in the ICARTT mission. If the plane flight following diagnostic is switched on, then it will look for a new Planeflight.dat.YYYYMMDD file each day. If a Planeflight.dat.YYYYMMDD file is found for a given day, then GEOS–Chem will save out diagnostic quantities along the flight track(s) specified within the file.

01: Planeflight.dat
02: Bob Yantosca
03: 26 Apr 2004
04: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
05: 9 < -- # of variables to be output (list them below, one per line)
06: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
07: TRA_004
08: O3
09: REA_O1D
10: REA_001
11: REA_299
17: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
18: Now give the times and locations of the flight
19: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21: 1 P3B04 01-01-2003 00:00 42.00 290.00 500.00
22: 2 DC801 01-01-2003 00:00 42.00 290.00 500.00
23: 3 P3B04 01-01-2003 01:00 41.00 290.00 500.00
24: 4 DC801 01-01-2003 01:00 42.00 289.00 500.00
25: 5 P3B04 01-01-2003 02:00 40.00 290.00 500.00
26: 99999 END 0- 0- 0 0 :0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Line Description

Header lines with comments


Number of diagnostic quantities to print out.


Separator line


Here we list the diagnostic quantities that we want to print out at each flight track location. (For clarity, only a few flight track locations are listed, but in reality, you can list thousands of locations.)

Name Planeflight diagnostic quantity
TRA_nnn Advected tracer (where nnn is the tracer number from input.geos)
REA_nnn Chemistry reaction # (where nnn is the reaction number printed out in globchem.dat and smv2.log)
O3, OH, NO, etc. Chemical species (use the same names as in the globchem.dat mechanism file)
GMAO_TEMP Temperature from the met fields
GMAO_ABSH Absolute humidity derived from the met fields
GMAO_SURF Aerosol surface area
GMAO_PSFC Surface pressure
GMAO_UWND Zonal winds
GMAO_VWND Meridional winds
GMAO_IIEV GEOS-Chem grid box index, longitude
GMAO_JJEV GEOS-Chem grid box index, latitude
GMAO_LLEV GEOS-Chem grid box index, altitude

SEAICEnn fields (i.e. the fraction of each grid box that has nn% to nn+10% of sea ice coverage)

NOTE: You can only use this option for MERRA and GEOS-5.7.x met fields.


Sulfate optical depth—column from surface up to location of aircraft

AODB_BLKC Black carbon optical depth—column from surface up to location of aircraft
AODB_ORGC Organic carbon optical depth—column from surface up to location of aircraft
AODB_ORGC Organic carbon optical depth—column from surface up to location of aircraft
AODB_ORGC Organic carbon optical depth—column from surface up to location of aircraft
AODB_SALC Coarse mode sea salt optical depth—column from surface up to location of aircraft
AODC_SULF Sulfate optical depth—tropospheric column
AODC_BLKC Black carbon optical depth—tropospheric column
AODC_ORGC Organic carbon optical depth—tropospheric column
AODC_SALA Accumulation mode sea salt optical depth—tropospheric column
AODC_SALC Coarse mode sea salt optical depth—tropospheric column

As shown above, you may specify multiple flight tracks in a Planeflight.dat file. The only restriction is that flight track locations must be listed in increasing order of GMT.


Separator Lines


Comment line which shows you where to line up each column field of the flight track points.


Here we list quantities which define each flight track point. Make sure that each field lines up with the guides in the line above.

Guide Quantity
Point Flight track data point number (used internally for reference)
Type A short string that denotes the aircraft type and flight number.
Date List the day, month, and year (GMT date) for each flight track point.
HH:MM List the hour and minute (GMT time) for each flight track point.
Lat List the latitude (-90 to 90 degrees) for each flight track point.
Lon List the longitude (-180 to 180 degrees) for each flight track point.
Press List the pressure in hPa for each flight track point.

GEOS–Chem will loop through each of the flight track points listed in Planeflight.dat and print out each of the diagnostic quantities. GEOS–Chem will pick the nearest model box to each flight track point for comparison. In the future we may introduce a more intelligent interpolation scheme.

Note that it is OK to list flight track points from more than one aircraft in the same Planeflight.dat.YYYYMMDD file (as is shown above). However, all flight track points must be listed in increasing order of GMT time or else they will not be interpreted correctly by GEOS–Chem.


Ending line

5.3. GEOS–Chem chemistry mechanism files

In this section are included GEOS–Chem input files which only need to be modified every once and a while. These include files which describe the chemistry and photolysis mechanisms. You should only have to modify these files if you wish to change the chemical mechanism or photolysis mechanism.

5.3.1 The mglob.dat file

The mglob.dat file contains convergence criteria and other parameters for SMVGEAR II (and hence is only needed for the full-chemistry simulations). A copy of mglob.dat ships with each of the GEOS–Chem run directories for full-chemistry simulations (e.g. standard, SOA, dicarbonyls).

The three most important parameters in this file are:

NREAD   : Number of reactants and products per chemical reaction in globchem.dat file
ERRMAXU : Relative error convergence criterion for SMVGEAR II urban domain
YLOWU   : Absolute error convergence criterion for SMVGEAR II urban domain

NREAD should be 20 if using the standard or SOA chemistry options.

Recommended values: ERRMAXU = 1.0E-01; YLOWU = 1.0E+06

You should not normally have to modify this file, unless the chemistry does not converge at a particular location.

5.3.2 The globchem.dat file

This globchem.dat defines the chemistry mechanism that SMVGEAR II will use. If you feel that something should be changed in this file, please consult first with Daniel Jacob and the GEOS–Chem Oxidants and Chemistry Working Group.

A copy of globchem.dat ships with each of the GEOS–Chem run directories for full-chemistry simulations (e.g. standard, SOA, dicarbonyls).


  1. The chemistry mechanisms for SOA simulation and dicarbonyls simulation are based on the standard mechanism, with the appropriate modifications.
  2. The globchem.dat files that ships with the dicarbonyl simulation run directories are in need of updating for the chemistry mechanism in GEOS–Chem v9–02.

5.3.3 The chemga.dat file

The chemga.dat file defines some aerosol properties for the full-chemistry run with the SMVGEAR solver. This file is read in by SMVGEAR routine chemset.F. You should not modify these without first consulting with Daniel Jacob.

A copy of chemga.dat ships with each of the GEOS–Chem run directories for full-chemistry simulations (e.g. standard, SOA, dicarbonyls).

5.4. GEOS–Chem photolysis mechanism files

In this section are included GEOS–Chem input files which only need to be modified every once and a while. These include files which describe the chemistry and photolysis mechanisms. You should only have to modify these files if you wish to change the chemical mechanism or photolysis mechanism.

NOTE: GEOS–Chem v9–01–03 uses the older FAST–J photolysis code. However, we have updated FAST–J so that it uses the same photolysis species as the newer FAST–JX code.

5.4.1 The ratj.d file

The ratj.d file lists the species names and branching ratios for FAST–JX photolysis species. Unless you are changing the chemistry mechanism, you should not have to change this file. The photolysis reactions listed in ratj.d should correspond to those listed in globchem.dat. If they do not, then FAST–JX will stop execution with an indexing error message.

A copy of ratj.d ships with each of the GEOS–Chem run directories for full-chemistry simulations (e.g. standard, SOA, dicarbonyls).


  1. The pound sign (#) is treated as a comment character. If you want to place comments at the top of the file, make sure the first column begins with a #. Also, everything below the 9999 will not be read in. You can use this space for comments as well.
  2. If you are trying to run a CH3I simulation, then you should use this version of ratj.d, which includes information for methyl iodide. This file will open in a new browser window.

5.4.2 The jv_atms.dat file

The jv_atms.dat file contains climatology for O3 and temperature, as used with the FAST–J photolysis code. You should not modify this file unless you wish to change some parameters for the photolysis.


5.4.3 The jv_spec.dat file

The jv_spec.dat file contains cross-sections and quantum yields for FAST–JX photolysis species. You should not have to modify this file unless you wish to change some parameters for the photolysis.

A copy of jv_spec.dat ships with each of the GEOS–Chem run directories for full-chemistry simulations (e.g. standard, SOA, dicarbonyls).

For more information on the format of jv_spec.dat, see HERE. This file will open in a new browser window.

5.4.4 The jv_spec_aod.dat file

The jv_spec_aod.dat file contains the optical properties for aerosols at a single wavelength to be used in the online calculation of the aerosol optical depth diagnostics. The default properties are provided at 550 nm. These properties have been calculated using the same size and optical properties as the jv_spec.dat file used for the FAST–J photolysis calculations.

The user can exchange this set of properties with those at another wavelength. We recommend that the wavelength used be included in the first line of the header for traceability (this line is output to the GEOS–Chem log file during run time).

A complete set of optical properties from 250-2000 nm for aerosols is available at:

cd pub/geos-chem/data/aerosol_optics/hi_spectral_res
mget *

A copy of jv_spec_aod.dat (with optical properties for 550 nm) ships with each of the GEOS–Chem run directories for full-chemistry simulations (e.g. standard, SOA, dicarbonyls).

5.5 Output Files

Here follows a list of the files that GEOS–Chem will create in the user's run directory. Some files include a YYYYMMDD date string as part of the file name.

5.5.1 Files created by GEOS–Chem

File Description

Output file (binary punch format) from the ND63 ship timeseries.

A new file (timestamped with YYYYMMDD) will be created for each new day.


Output file (binary punch format) from the ND48 station timeseries diagnostic.

A new file (timestamped with YYYYMMDD) will be created for each new day.

NOTE: You can use the GAMAP routine GC_COMBINE_ND48 to work with this file. Click here for more information. This diagnostic is somewhat obsolete. We recommend using ND49 to save a region of the world and post-process the output to get the output at the stations positions.


Output file (binary punch format) from the ND49 instantaneous timeseries diagnostic.

A new file (timestamped with YYYYMMDD) will be created for each new day.

NOTE: You can use the GAMAP routine GC_COMBINE_ND49 to work with this file. Click here for more information.


Output file (binary punch format) from the ND50 24-hr average timeseries diagnostic.

A new file (timestamped with YYYYMMDD) will be created for each new day.

NOTE: You can use the GAMAP routine GC_COMBINE_ND49 to work with this file. Click here for more information.


Output file (binary punch format) from the ND51 local-time-averaged timeseries, also known as satellite timeseries).

A new file (timestamped with YYYYMMDD) will be created for each new day.

NOTE: You can use the GAMAP routine GC_COMBINE_ND49 to work with this file. Click here for more information.


Restart file (binary punch format) for gas-phase and aerosol tracers for year/month/date YYYYMMDD.

This file saves instantaneous concentrations of all transported tracers (listed in the Tracer Menu) on all levels for continuation of the run at a later stage.

NOTE: You may use the GAMAP routines REGRIDV_RESTART and REGRIDH_RESTART to vertically and horizontally regrid restart files from one grid to another.


Restart file (binary punch format) for all chemical species for year/month/day/hour YYYYMMDDhh.

This file saves instantaneous concentrations of all chemical species (listed in globchem.dat) on all levels for continuation of the run at a later stage.

NOTE: If you are going to be running a very long GEOS–Chem simulation, and must split the job into several stages (i.e. in order to stay within the computational time limts of your system), then you should set LSVCSPEC to T. This will make sure that the chemical species concentrations are preserved when the next run stage starts. Otherwise, GEOS-Chem will use the default species concentrations specified in globchem.dat.


Restart file (binary punch format) containing soil NOx information for year/month/day/hour YYYYMMDDhh.

This file saves the following information for continuation of the run at a later stage:

  • DRYPERIOD: Time since soil moisture increased by 0.01. Unit is hours.
  • PFACTOR: If soil pulsing, pulse factor from previous timestep (unitless).
  • GWET_PR: Soil moisture from previous timestep (unitless).
  • N_RESERVOIR: Contribution of wet and dry deposition to fertilizer N since previous last timestep. Unit is ng N/m2.

Restart file (binary punch format) for APROD and GPROD quantities for year/month/date YYYYMMDD.

This file saves the various quantities stored in the APROD and GPROD arrays in GEOS–Chem source code file carbon_mod.F for continuation of the run at a later stage.

NOTE: In GEOS–Chem v9-02 and later versions, the soaprod restart file no longer exists. The APROD and GPROD quantities were removed in the updated SOA simulation since different volatility species are not lumped together.


Restart file (binary punch format) for the online mercury model for year/month/date YYYYMMDD.

This file saves the concentrations of tagged mercury tracers in the ocean (from GEOS–Chem source code file ocean_mercury_mod.F) for continuation of the run at a later stage.

NOTE: You may use the GAMAP routines REGRIDV_RESTART and REGRIDH_RESTART to vertically and horizontally regrid restart files from one grid to another.


File (binary punch format) containing time-averaged diagnostic output from GEOS–Chem. Most of the GEOS–Chem diagnostics will place their output in this file.

A single file containing multiple data blocks will be created.


File (text format) that lists diagnostic categories contained in the ctm.bpch file. This file facilitates reading and plotting of the data with the GAMAP package.

For more information, please see the GAMAP Online User's Guide, Chapter 7.2.


File (text format) that lists the tracer numbers for each diagnostic category contained in the ctm.bpch file. This file facilitates reading and plotting of the data with the GAMAP package.

For more information, please see the GAMAP Online User's Guide, Chapter 7.3.


File (text format) containing echo-back of input from SMVGEAR II. Check this file to see if SMVGEAR read the globchem.dat file properly.

This file will also contain information about reactions and species used by the ND65 prod-loss diagnostic. (This file is only produced when SMVGEAR is used, i.e. for full NOx-Ox-hydrocarbon chemistry only.)


File (text format) containing output from the ND40 planeflight diagnostic, scheduled via the Planeflight.dat file (see above).

NOTE: You can use GAMAP routines CTM_READ_PLANEFLlGHT and PLANE_PLOT to read and plot output from this file.

5.5.2 Sending GEOS–Chem output to a log file

The standard practice is to redirect GEOS–Chem output to a file named log, geos.log or something similar. This log file will contain the standard output from the model run, as well as any warnings or error messages. This log file can be checked periodically to indicate the run status. See Chapter 6: Running GEOS–Chem.

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