GAMAP v2–19 User Guide

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1. Introduction to GAMAP

1.1 Overview

GAMAP, the Global Atmospheric Model (output) Analysis Package, is a collection of programs which facilitates analysis of CTM (Chemical Transport Model) data. The distribution file contains several source code directories, each of which contains source code routines that have been grouped by functionality.

GAMAP is written in IDL (Interactive Data Language by Exelis Visual Information Solutons, formerly ITT Visualization) and requires IDL version 5.5 or higher. The package provides an easy-to-use text-based interactive interface to fulfill most basic plotting needs for CTM output, including map plots, vertical cross sections, zonal means, etc. Since GAMAP v1–30, animation and multi-panel plots have been supported. But, as the name suggests, GAMAP is more than a simple analysis program: the package provides a collection of high level routines that allows you to analyze atmospheric model output as well.

GAMAP v2–19 read data from the following file formats:

GAMAP v2–19 also contains routines which can be used to convert 2D, 3D, or 4D data arrays from other sources into a GAMAP datainfo record so that it can be displayed with the GAMAP plotting routines.

With GAMAP routines CTM_DIFF and CTM_SUM, it is possible to plot differences between or averages of individual data records. Another GAMAP routine, CTM_SUM_EMISSIONS, allows you to compute emission totals in Tg, Gg, or Mg.

NOTE: GAMAP was developed at Harvard University. Its authors are partly funded by government money. Therefore, it is probably OK to offer GAMAP as freeware to users outside of Harvard. However, we urge you to keep the copyright notice with each file and clearly mark changes that you make to any subroutine. We would be extremely happy to hear of any improvements you make (and of errors you find and correct). Please understand that we can give only minimal support beyond this document to external users.

1.2 Summary of new features in GAMAP

Here is a summary of the most important changes in GAMAP since v1–50. For a more detailed list of revisions and documentation, please see Chapter 5: GAMAP Reference.

GAMAP v2–19 (16 Dec 2016)

GAMAP v2–18 (01 May 2015)

GAMAP v2–17 (24 Jan 2014)

GAMAP v2–15 (11 Feb 2011; Patch 08 Jun 2011)

GAMAP v2–14 (09 Aug 2010)

GAMAP v2–13 (15 Oct 2009)

GAMAP v2–12 (17 Jul 2008)

GAMAP v2–11 (03 Dec 2007)

GAMAP v2–10 (31 Jul 2007)

GAMAP v2–05 (16 Oct 2006)

GAMAP v2–04 (08 Feb 2006)

GAMAP v2–03 (11 Apr 2005)

GAMAP v2–02 (04 Jun 2004)

GAMAP v2–01 (01 Feb 2004)

GAMAP v1–53 (24 Oct 2003)

GAMAP v1–52 (08 Feb 2003)

GAMAP v1–51 (01 Oct 2002)

GAMAP v1–50 (24 May 2002)

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